DEBORAH LILITH HATSWELL is a phenomenonist,
writer, podcaster, Investigator and the founding member of the Being Believed Research and Investigations group. Deborah is the UK’s leading expert on the British Bigfoot and Dogman phenomenon and she has taken or researched over 3000 personal witness reports from all across the globe. Deborah is based in Lancashire and has formed a team of volunteer investigators researching the many witness reports that are reported each week to BBR.
Deborah is a witness herself to an impossible creature that she saw in 1982: “It took 30 years for me to find an official body that would take myself and my experience seriously. During those years, I found thousands of people in a similar position. Their experiences were with Reptilian or Cryptid
THE MAGIC OF THE CALLANISH STONES - A TRANSCENDENTAL EXPERIENCE Hutton-le-Hole is a small popular The Callanish Standing Stones on the Isle of Lewis are one of Scotland’s well-known stone circles, the stones were erected at the site around 5,000 years ago and there is some evidence that earlier structures existed at the site previously. Recent research has confirmed that the stones were deliberately constructed to align with the orbits of the sun and the moon. The stones are known as ‘the False men’ and legend has it that the stones were Giants that were turned into stone by St Kieran because they would not convert to Christianity. The old legend tells how a white fairy cow came to save starving islanders by giving milk at Callanish. The beast, with red ears, emerged from the sea as a desperate woman waded into the water with the intention of drowning herself. It spoke with a soft, tuneful voice telling her to return home, fetch her milk-pail and tell her neighbour to come with their own pails to the stones of Callanish.” A pailful of milk was provided every night to all the women until one visitor, seeking two pails, brought an end to the giving. The woman turned out to be a witch. She returned with one pail but had fitted a sieve to the bottom of the bucket. After milking the cow dry, it was never to be seen at Callanish. One of the regular readers to my blog contacted me via email and shared his very moving experience when he walked amongst the Stone Giants at Callanish. Witness Jake Kay: “Hi Deb I am really enjoying your new articles 158
Creatures, Alien Beings and Shadow People, Invisible Entities and all manner of Dimensional Entities. Many of the witnesses are abductees who have had a lifetime of interaction. Some families have had to deal with phenomena for generations. There are cattle mutilations and missing people all across the UK.” Deborah set up BBR to help those people find somewhere they could report their experiences to and encourages them to investigate the cases and theories for themselves. Now it is time to bring all of the so-called ‘alternative subjects’ under the same roof and let’s share our knowledge bases in the hopes of answering some of the still unanswered questions...
and podcasts encompassing all of the strange things that happen to us humans. The high strangeness of it brings to mind an experience I had in the summer of 1973, when I was 17. I was on holiday with my family on the Isle of Lewis and I visited the standing stones at Callanish. It was probably mid-morning on a summer’s day, fairly bright weather but with a strong wind. As I walked among the stones, lost in wonder, I touched one of them and I suddenly felt as if I were out of time. Only later, my family said they had called me to return to the car but I hadn’t heard them. That night, I had a marvellous astral projection in which I consciously rose out of my bed in a hotel in Stornoway and rose through the ceiling of my room and straight into a starry night. The sky was dark and millions of stars simmered and I was elated to rise into their midst where I suddenly dissolved into a kind of mist which dispersed into the ether. It was a transcendental experience; so peaceful and free of mental activity. I seem to remember descending through the roof of the hotel as the sun was rising, dropping smoothly back through the ceiling into my bed. I had a wonderful peaceful sleep and I awoke refreshed. Somehow, I felt renewed spirituality and at one with the universe. That knowing of identity with the universe has intensified as I’ve grown older. Even now, the experience is vivid in my recollection - as if the astral body continues to experience it. The whole episode feels like a blessing by the universe of which all beings are an undifferentiated part. After Callanish, I became fascinated by astral travel and tried to learn as much as I could about it. Somewhere I came across a method for inducing it: after getting into bed and when about to fall asleep you visualize that you are