Steel supports sustainability Sustainability efforts comprise numerous aspects, with opportunities for improvements big and small in many nooks and especially crannies, which all add up. Steel belts for baking ovens are able to provide some of the most visible efficiency results in this regard. Berndorf Band Group and IPCO
Baking ovens can account for as much as 45% of a bakery’s overall energy consumption; of this, as much of 25% is used to heat the conveyor belt, which is why maximum efficiency is not only recommended but necessary, as it can have a major impact on overall energy costs. Moreover, “Solid steel belts are inherently lighter than mesh belts – perforated belts even more so – and this translates into significant advantages in terms of energy efficiency,” Marko Leber (Global Product manager, Food – IPCO) highlighted this for us, pointing out two main reasons: a lighter belt means less steel to reheat with up to 30% less energy required. Lower weight also means less power is needed to ‘drive’ the belt through the oven. Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important for the industry. “The new oven technologies coupled with our highquality steel belts enable such efficient energy recovery,” explains Thorleif Brokke, director sales, Berndorf Band Group. To maximize efficiency, the Austrian company recommends periodic inspections of the steel belt and belt system to keep everything clean and replacing parts that wear such as scrapers, brushes, supporting elements, etc. “Furthermore, preventive cleaning is always advisable, to avoid heavy pollution of the belt and to save costs and time,” Brokke suggests.
show how that’s done.
And that’s not all; as a conveying medium that’s completely flat and smooth, a steel belt has the major advantage of having no gaps, recesses, or crevices in which carbon deposits could collect. This makes them inherently quicker and easier to clean than mesh belts. “As well as minimizing the risk of harmful acrylamide build-up, the ‘cleanability’ of a flat belt means less water consumption, reduced use of chemicals/detergents, and – depending on the cleaning method – less energy expended on heat,” Leber explains. Time is money Berndorf Band Group are also noticing a trend among baking oven manufacturers towards wider and longer baking ovens, for high-capacity production. Besides, “The ovens are manufactured to facilitate maintenance of the internal parts of the machine. This also has a positive influence on the lifespan of our steel belts, as these modifications also facilitate the maintenance of the steel belts,” adds the specialist from Berndorf Band Group. Steel-grade oven belts are guaranteed to preserve their properties over years of operation; the special heat treatment process to which the steel belt is subjected gives it optimum tensile strength and perfect surface quality. Brokke says: “The premium-quality belts of Berndorf Band Group retain their flatness and shape even with fluctuating operating temperatures and a high number of load cycles.” Heat must be evenly distributed across the entire width of the belt; in addition, even belt allocation ensures a smooth production process. “As a result, the belt does not change its properties
www.bakingbiscuit.com 02/2021