Bahrain streets set to be beautified By John A. Davies It was heartening to learn recently that the Kingdom of Bahrain intends to enhance its commitment to the environment by ensuring that streets, particularly in new residential areas, are planted with trees. The Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning is also implementing a programme of general beautification, focusing on the planting of shade trees and evergreens suitable for the local climate.
Trees and other plants with their various shapes, different shades of green, leaf forms and textures, and most importantly their floral displays represent the paint for the picture of any landscape scheme, all of which combine to create a visual feast and provide the human spirit with sustenance – food for the soul! Also, we have a symbiotic relationship with trees in so far as we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, while trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen; like us each tree is unique and beautiful. Moreover, trees provide shade – a critical factor in the Middle East; also, trees are an essential source of medicine and in addition to nourishing the human psyche, trees feed the body - the date palm being a prime example.
Date palm laden with fruit Road Side Planting in Bahrain