L A N X 28
MARCH 2014
CURIOSITIES 1) Thr first Model United Nations has beEn held in Harvard University in 1927. 2) There are about 400 Model United Nations Conferences worldwide. THIS SPECIAL EDITION IS DESIGNED AND PRINTED BY THE OFFICIAL SCHOOL JOURNAL
WELCOME TO OUR MUN Dear Principal, dear teachers, dear Foscarini students, dear visiting students and teachers, dear parents, dear friends, I dare say that today is the day. Because today our beloved project for which we have beEn working hard for many months wilL weigh anchor. The event you waiting for so long ( I confesS the S.G. has beEn a litTle nervous lately, but don' t telL anybody) is finalLy about to begin. Oh no, it's literalLy here, right now. So, open the doOrs, welcome everybody, make yourselves comfortable: the FOSCAMUN 2014 is ready. Delegates from alL over the world: it' s now time to work, I'm sorRy. The fun in Venice (a nice city, isn't it?) is over, but we promise you you'lL have a goOd time here as welL. Italian delegates, I heard you have spent a lot of time researching, now put that into goOd use and amaze us. I'd have liked to thank everybody and say how I feEl, but that won't be posSible, so I'lL just stay seated and enjoy this perfect show thinking of how this project was able to make us a big team (despite the difFiculties we couldn't avoid, but I guesS that's normal). I realLy apPreciated the new perspective the MUN gave me. Let's just enjoy the fruit of our endeavours... A gleEful satisfaction! WelL, let's seE. Just name a few: to teachers who coOperated and made this posSible, thank you; to the people who worked for this but won't be seEn, thank you, sometimes the esSential is hidDen to the eye; to the people who dedicated their time to this, thank you: everything wilL be useful and precious to us. WelL, in conclusion I wish you alL a merRy FOSCAMUN as a great chance to learn new things and meEt new interesting people. Oh, I almost forgot: to the people who made this “newspaper� made of ink and paper and not just of thoughts, thank you. I realLy believe in what we are alL doing... So come on people, let's go... Enjoy FOSCAMUN 2014. Thanks for being here
Valentina Guido Chief Editor
FOSCAMUN DAILY Director Vicedirector
Benedetta Favaro Lisa La Marra
Chef Editor Editor Editor
Valentina Giudo Beatrice Campisi Julia Vio
You are actually the first teacher who went to Mexico City to discover this new project...what did it feel like? What happened there? When the principle and I first went to Mexico, we had the great opportunity to observe a BIMUN simulation at the Colegio Carol Baur. We became really interested in that project. We were also fascinated by the students being so serious and involved in what they were doing. They had to represent a given country and then express its ideas and positions regarding many different issues in a sort of a role-play. Afterwards we kept up our contacts and the students and staff of Colegio Carol Baur taught us how to work towards creating our own Model United Nations. First, they came to Venice to have a simulation and then we went to Mexico with Mrs. Antonelli and a group of our students to participate to a real model. Our students had to collect as much information as they could before participating in the MUN, and it was a totally new experience for them. The principle then decided to prepare for an official model here in our school too. We have all worked so hard for this and I am so happy with what the students have done and continue to do. I think this is such a great opportunity for them and such a stimulating educational experience. So, are you completely satisfied with their work and the way they reacted? Yes, this is the first time we have been involved in such a project and I guess that having some difficulties was just a normal thing when you are putting on such a complex event for the first time. For sure, there are some aspects we can improve for a probable next FOSCAMUN. I really appreciate the passion and responsibility they have all put in their work, even though we had some hiccups. How does it feel to have finally reached the destination? Well, I feel thrilled, I am really excited, perhaps a little nervous too, afraid that something could go wrong before we reach the end of the MUN. I think we all want it to be perfect. Yet, I feel confident too, because I know how much we have worked. It is good to go through these situations, but let' s wait until the end of it to make any comment. Anything you want to tell the students? Yes, first of all, we are so happy to be hosting the foreign delegations, since our delegations have been both to the USA and Mexico: and the exchange was a truly pleasant experience. I also believe that this kind of project should become a fundamental part of students' school life. I teach Sciences in class, but I think that it's thanks to activities such as MUN that they really grow up and understand what real life and being part of the World really feels like.
An interview by Valentina Guido
FOSCAMUN ANTHEM I will leave my mark Like an airplane in the sky Being the one, the one who takes part The one who stands up, and fights for his chance They might say we are too young to understand And things are simply what they are Let them talk and let them shout while the change has just begun Chorus I am you, you are me, even if we are so far Two eyes, two arms,two legs one heart A smile and so much to share I have a dream, someone said once A dream about tolerance and love Join me in this trip to a new world When the last will be first Give me your respect, I'll give you mine Those walls are falling even harder now Holding hands was never so right Hear the sound of the spread of our wings Chorus I am you, you are me, even if we are so far Two eyes, two arms ,two legs one heart A smile and so much to share
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