Lapset issue9

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Kseniya Lytvynenko





Anna Savonina




Olga Shylenko








Olga Shylenko Natalie Podolskaya

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Andrew Maryushchenko ON COVER: Polina Gan’kevich


Dear readers, The issue that you are looking through right now is dedicated to a very important and thrilling topic – NATURE. We’ve decided to talk to you about the wealth of the world around us and the goods that this world brings to every human being. Each photo story on the pages of Lapset is our special gratitude to the things that give us comfort, health and pleasure. It’s important to tell your kids about things like that, because the little hands of the new generations hold the future of our suffering planet.

So let’s remind ourselves about those blessings that fill each day of our life and sometimes stay unnoticed. Let us confess our love to the blue sea, dense forests and endless fields. Let’s think about those amazing animals that inhabit our world – from the small harmless lambs, whose wool warm us up in the cold season, to the free and proud wild birds. And let’s imagine the world without this beauty. We hope that our new issue helps you to appreciate nature a little bit more and inspire you to do good.

With love, Lapset Magazine team

Wind If people only knew, how many winds live on the Earth, they would dream to meet each one of them. Someone would definitely try to differentiate them by sound, smell or touch, but it’s almost impossible to do. One wind will be strong and defiant: he’ll break into the town and sweep away everything on his way; he’ll make goose bumps on our skin and disappear without apologies. Another one has a cool breath, but when he makes a visit in the middle of the hot summer, he brings relief. And the third one will be warm, even a bit stuffy. He will be a signal of the approaching storm. And there’s one special wind that out native Ukraine dreams about. This wind of change.

Photo Dasha Tenditna (Ukraine, Kiev) Video Joseph Grace (Milk & Honey Family Videography) Kids Polina & Karolina

(«Fabrica Detskogo Schastia»)

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Wind Ветер


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SYNEVYR Less than a year ago I could not even imagine that I can fall in love with mountains. Till this may, when we’ve decided to make a short trip to Carpathian Mountains. Our destination was a Synevyr lake – the biggest highland lake of Carpathians. And now I probably should make a wide and large declaration of love to these places, but I won’t. I hope that my photographs speak for themselves. The only thing that makes me sad is that I can’t attach a freshness of the forest air and the never-ending sound of the streams.

Photo & Author Polina Ilchenko (Ukraine, Kiev)

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Sheeps Synevyr


It was so easy to wake up at 4 AM and get over the darkness to greet the dawn on the lake. And it was really worth it! There is no dream as sweet as the break of the day. Smoke on the water, the morning dew everywhere, and the birds singing in this solitary place.

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Synevyr Sakura


A plaid, a bottle of wine, warm clothes and comfortable shoes was exactly what we needed. Nothing more. Every time I look through these pictures, I want to make a deep breath of that amazing air again.

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Synevyr Sheeps


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Synevyr Зоопарк


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Tips & Passwords: How to get there: take a train to the Volovets station, and then take a taxi (300 grn.) or a bus to the Synevyrska Glade village (or the hotel you’ve booked). Where to live: we stayed in the “Arnika” hotel. It is situated not in the village, but already at the foot of the mountain, very close to the lake. The log buildings of the hotel are pretty comfortable. We have no complaints, but no admiration either. Hot water, wi-fi and clean rooms. There are plenty of other variants with a wide range of prices.

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Where to eat: numerous kolybas are located at the highway from the village to the city. In most taverns prices are even lower. There is also a kolyba right next to the lake, but the food is bad there.


I must say that vacations like that are not for gastronomic delights. You can try some local cuisine in kolybas (banosh, bograch, turosh, tokan and other national dishes), but it is very specific, and I can’t say that I really liked it. The food is greasy, quite heavy, cracklings-brynzaporridge-white mushrooms. Maybe you should just now places, where the same dishes are tasty, but we were not so lucky.

We also brought some wine with us, and it was a really good idea. Tasty food: tandoor cooked dishes, grilled trout. Syrniki in “Arnika” are pretty good. Many different types of nalivka (berry liqueur). Other important moments: the only working phone operator is Kyivstar. There are no shops (except gifts and souvenirs) or drugstores. Water in the springs is clean and very tasty. Other must-see places close to the Synevyr lake: don’t forget to stop at the Synevyr pass – there is a very beautiful view! The first photo was made there. Close to the village (Synevyrska Glade) is a Brown bears rehabilitation center. In general, the entire highway from the lake to the village is beautiful. Along the lake there are few hiking trails with markings: you have to follow the pointers through the woods and mountains. And I’ll repeat: I highly recommend to gather your strength and climb the Ozernaya Mountain (at least to the beginning of the spruce forest, but not to the top).

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Synevyr Sakura


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Forest dwellers T h e re i s alw ays som e thing ma g ic a l in t he w il d l if e. The tall trees in a dense forest give not only clean air, but also give a sense of involvement to a real fairy tale. It seems that the green curtain hides a mythical dweller or a mighty spirit. You only have to make a picnic on a sunny glade and he’ll come out from the shadow to meet his guests. It may be a goblin with a thick beard full of emerald leaves and bright flower buds. Or a proud centaur, who had never seen people before. He’ll bring fresh wild berries in his hands, sit with you and tell you fairy stories about Queen Nature. Stories that you will never forget.

Photo Anna Stakhova (Ukraine, Kiev) Video Joseph Grace (Milk & Honey Family Videography) Workshop Yummy Ideas Tofi Floral Florisina Floran Kids Timofey, Adel, Liza (“Fabrika Detskogo Schastya”)

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Forest dwellers


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Forest dwellers Sakura


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Forest dwellers Sheeps


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Forest dwellers Зоопарк


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Forest dwellers


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Forest dwellers


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Forest dwellers Sakura Sheeps


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Fruits & Vegetables Nature has everything that human needs for health and longevity, but we don’t always know how to use these benefits. And how great it is that fruits and vegetables are useful and pleasant at the same time! It makes it so easy and enjoyable to take care of yourself. Exotic oranges, bananas, pineapple and kiwi are great for winter, and summer delights us with Ukrainian apricots and young apples. Mixed vegetable salad instead of dinner gives lightness and fresh juices treats with vitamins. Bowl of berries creates a wonderful mood and odorous herbs in a bowl of soup give strength to the immune system. And all this delicacies have one special secret: we must eat at least five different fruits and vegetables every day to never get sick.

Photo Dasha Grebenchuk (Ukraine, Kiev) Location Studio Colors Clothes With Lu, Chu Chu (Lappi shop) Kids Fabrika Detskogo Schastya:

Alisa, Vanya, Sofiya- Nikol’, Nika

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Fruits & Vegetables


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Fruits & Vegetables Ocean


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Fruits & Vegetables


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Fruits & Vegetables Ocean


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Fruits & Vegetables


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Fruits & Vegetables


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Fruits & Vegetables


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Broccoli To appreciate the world around and wisely use the goods that Mother Nature gives to us is a real science. And the sooner we teach our children to do that, the more benefits they will gain for their health. The desire to praise the organic and natural way of life was an inspiration for “Broccoli” studio to create an unusual decorations for children’s parties. Imagine a crunchy carrot and green cabbage blossoms. Experienced moms know that it’s not that easy to make children eat them, though they are much healthier than any colorful candy. To play with simple vegetables in decor of small and big parties is an extraordinary and unique decision! You can order all this stuff (polygraphs, floristic and decorations) straight in the “Broccoli” studio. It is so nice that all this beauty has a great sense – to make children love healthy food, their organic and natural goods.

Floral, Decor, Polygraphy Broccoli (Ukraine, Kiev)

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Broccoli Зоопарк


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Broccoli Зоопарк


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DIMA MONATIK They say that a talented person is talented in everything. To understand the sense of these words you have to meet Dima Monatik – an artist, who has some many different sides that you don’t actually know what to admire in the first place. An amazing voice, remarkable plastics, skills of a composer and a poet – it’s all about him! And it’s not all! For a real star Monatik is very simple, modest and open. From the first minutes of acquaintance you are totally into him, and kids love him like he is an old friend from next door

Photo Dasha Tenditna (Ukraine, Kiev) Video Joseph Grace (Milk & Honey Family Videography) Locations Bonjour Photostudio Journalists Yana, Sophie, Polina, Arina («Fabrica Detskogo Schastia»)

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Дима Монатик


Yana Pikul’, 10 years: You have a very unusual surname. Does it help you in your work? Have you ever thought about a pseudonym?

Thank you for noticing my surname :) And I’m also grateful to my ancestors for it. If I had another surname, I would probably take “Monatik” as a pseudonym. But everything was already done for me (laughs).

What is the difference between XXI century choreography and the one of XX century? Are there any changes in approach to learning?

I think that in choreography, music or fashion everything is circling. Every generation just adds its own peculiarities. You can’t build your future without knowing your past. Your choreography is very unusual. What is the process of creating? How it begins? You hear a song, right? And what’s next?

Almost every boy played football in his childhood. Do you like football? What is your favorite team?

Football is not my thing, though I respect this kind of sport and always root for the Ukrainian national team.

Do you already have some ideas for new projects and concerts? Where can we see you in the nearest future?

I have a lot of ideas. I just hope I’ll also have enough time and facilities to do everything I’ve planned. My profession is unpredictable, so I can’t say anything in advance, but if you are really interested, just follow me in social network and check my personal website

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It’s a huge compliment for me that you’ve noticed my original style.

When I’m working on something, the music itself chooses the direction. I just pass it through myself, try to remember every move and combine them in one combination. Detail and small accents are very important to me.


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Dima Motatik


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Dima Monatik7th Sky


Sofi Osadchaya, 5 years: Have you studied vocals? Or are you studying now?

Sofi, to be honest, I never took any professional classes, but I was always in love with music and repeated everything that I heard on music channels. My neighbors probably loved it :) I was watching TV all the time. Numerous rehearsals had a result. It was inevitable, because I had the best teachers: Michael Jackson, Tic Tac Toe, N Sync and other vocal gurus.

What is your goal for the next year?

My main goal is to bring my music to my audience. Do you have a personal idol (a singer), whose level you want to reach?

I never wanted to be number two. Today I just try to be better than I was a day before. We’ll see what my personal level is. I truly believe in elevation.

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Dima Monatik


Polina Gan’kevich, 6 years, and Alina Kosinskaya, 5 years: Do you like to read?

I adore reading, but unfortunately nowadays reading for me is a luxury. I can actually read only in vacations, when I have a lot of free time. Also I listen to audio books, when I’m on the city streets. Use your leisure for your own good. What did you wanted to be in childhood?

I was dreaming to become an artist since I was a kid. And that’s what I’m working on each single day – I try to develop an artist and a composer in me. Do you want to make a duet with someone?

I believe in destiny, so I think that I have a chance to sing with the people, who were actually meant for me. Do you have a pet?

Yes, I’m a happy owner of the incredibly charismatic pug Kiki. It’s impossible not to love him! If you seen him, you’d understand.

Do you have a lot of friends? And the best one?

Thanks God, I have a lot of friends that were time by time and different situations. Friendship is very important, so try to be a good mate for someone and believe that you’ll get a reward. You have such a beautiful job – you sing, dance and compose poems. But are there any difficulties? And how you deal with them?

I totally agree with you. I think that my job is the most interesting and complicated at the same time. To go on a stage and make a good three-minute performance, sometimes you have to work for more than six months. And you can’t full your audience. That’s why it’s so important to find your vocation and do what you love. And you will never be afraid of any difficulties!!!

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Dear girls, I’m infinitely grateful for wonderful times spend together, for a photo shoot and an interview!!! You are incredible!!!


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Dima Monatik


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Dima Monatik


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Sunshine in the hair We often confess our love to the immense sea, majestic mountains and primeval forest, but it’s so rare when we talk about our feelings to the field – this amazing space, where you feel freedom more than anywhere. During the centuries the most beautiful love poems were born here, in the tall grass. How many young poets and poetesses were lying on the soft earth and looking on the pure roof of heaven. There were trying to count the running clouds. They enjoyed the taste of a freshly picked straw and listened to the birds. And they felt the true union with the nature. Ukrainian field is special. There is a strong sense of freedom and the air is full of bright history and love for the Ukrainian culture. Once you get in here, you’ll fall in love forever.

Photo Anastasiya Cherkis (Ukraine, Kiev)


Organization, Decor Fabrika Detskogo Schastya MUAH Galyna Lozynska Kids: students of musical-theater studio Broadway Kids Karina, Daniil, Katya, Eva, Polina

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Sinshine in the hair


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Sinshine in the hair Ocean


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Sinshine in the hair Sheeps


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Sinshine in the hair


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Солнце вin Ocean Sinshine волосах the hair


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Photo Katerina Chelombit’ko

Field The unique smell of a freshly cut grass is familiar to those of you, who have spent at least one warm summer in their grandmother’s village. The flavor of the hay, its pleasant crunch and subtle straw prints on the cheek, when you fall asleep on the soft ground, teach us to truly appreciate nature. And how amazing are the rituals associated with these dry stalks! In Ukrainian tradition hay is a symbol of Christmas and its unique holiday magic. It was covering a festive table under the Christmas pudding and bread, and on Ivan Kupala fest it was used to make scarecrows and majestic ceremonial fires. But even if you don’t know the traditions, somewhere deep down inside you always dream about the field. Perhaps because love to freedom and motherland are felt there like nowhere else.

Photo Sergey & Eugenia Bondarev (Ukraine, Kiev) Kids Polina & Eva

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lambs For centuries people learned to coexist with nature and to adapt nature to their needs. And it’s amazing. In search of the best we have always turned to our roots: the flora and fauna. And one day we’ve learned to shear the sheep and discovered one of the best mat e rial s o n E art h – w o o l . We don’t usually think about the origin of our favorite coat or a cozy home plaid that warm us in the middle of the winter. And of course we don’t think about those beautiful animals that bring this warmth to our lives. Wool has a special place in Ukrainian culture. Hutsuls have a special word «gunja» that means «the jacket made from sheep’s hair» or, for example, «lezhnik» – a warm fur blanket. Cute lambs g ive u s t hei r b est , a nd w e l ea rn t o b e g ra t ef u l f or t h a t fo r a g es.

Photo Sasha Dudkina (Russia, Moscow) Kids Grigoriy, Stas, Julia Location Finland

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Lambs Зоопарк


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Lambs Зоопарк


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birds Where do the marvelous birds live? Which cities, countries, and continents they inhabit? And why do we love to watch them with our eyes wide open, when they spread their wings and soar? Birds are majestic creatures. They have so much inner freedom and pride that we, people, sometimes want to join the flock and learn to fly. If you could turn into a bird, who do you want to become: a wise raven, an elegant swallow, a bright parrot or a cute tit? Or maybe you’d want to remain a human and watch them from the side, without ever knowing how the earth looks like from the sky?

Photo Olesya Malikova (Russia, Moscow) Model Anastasiya Grinjuk Accessories Svetlana Malikova

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Birds Sakura


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Woodland Tale How many wonderful stories about the forest people have already been written and discussed, but we still catch our breath when we listen to a brand new one. Tales are different: on the paper, on photographs, drawings and even in music. This tale comes to life in the amazing toys. Small forest dwellers made by talented craftsmen turn into the real masterpieces of fabric and thread. Each of these fantastic teddy-bears, leverets and foxes has the unique soul. They are able to love a person who gives them home. Some people say that happiness cannot be bought with money, but in case of these touching little animals, money will not be wasted.

Toys Woodland Tale (Ukraine, Odessa)

/Stitched.WoodlandTale Made by Kate Gurskaya Shop Lappi Shop /lappishop

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Woodland Tale


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Wooden Sakura Sea Woodland notebooks Letters Tale


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Wooden Sheeps Sea Woodland notebooks Letters Tale


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Wooden Sea Woodland notebooks Letters Tale


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Woodland Tale


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Head in the clouds For centuries a human being was rushing higher and higher into the sky. The mankind was always attracted by the endless expanse and the unknown world that was so far away from the planet Earth. And the sky was a miracle of nature, which we never fully understood. Since childhood, we admire the white clouds and the mighty sun, bright stars and the mysterious moon. We wanted to meet a Little Prince, who flew across the universe in search of a true friend. And we wanted to talk to him about the planets that he visited, and the miracles that he had seen. Sky has so many secrets, but it is rarely open to the simple people. We invent balloons and airships, airplanes and spaceships, but we still don’t know all the answers. But isn’t it wonderful? After all, we always have something to dream about before we go to sleep, while we look into the starry sky from our warm bed.

Photo Anastasiya Cherkis (Ukraine, Kiev)

/anastasia.cerkis Accessories Heart & Soul

Kids Sasha, Anya, Sofia and Special Guest Yana Klochkova

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Head in the clouds


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Head in the clouds


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Head in the clouds


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Head in the clouds


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Anastasiya Cherkis photography

Wooden Letters Nowadays it’s impossible to surprise people with the dimensional letters – they are already fond of this trend. Wooden letters were one of the first brands that brought it to Ukraine. You could buy something from the assortment or make a special order. “It’s been already two years and our production has expanded. Now we make not only letters. And we still invest a lot of love in everything we do!” – says Irina Tereh about her company. And we invite you to enjoy their wooden wares!

Wooden Letters (Ukraine, Kiev)

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Wooden Letters


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Wooden Letters Sakura


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Wooden Letters Sheeps


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Wooden Letters


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White pine We have forgotten how to admire the trees. We have forgotten to notice them, to look closely, and to actually see them as something more than the usual part of the yard or park. It’s always difficult to remember the favor, when it is invisible. The creators of the natural products shop «White pine» not only remember to stay thankful, but also remind others about the value of the trees. They do it with their amazing products. Walnut, alder, birch, pine, beech – these are the best materials for kitchen accessories with a soul. It’s so pleasant to eat jam and honey with these charming spoons. And a wooden bowl keeps the salad fresh and useful. Everything that is done by nature brings health and beauty to a human. The secret is that these products have the organic heart that comes from the depths of the Earth.

Belaya Hvoya (Ukraine, Kiev)

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White pine


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White pine


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White pine Sakura


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White pine Sheeps


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White pine


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OCEAN They say that a man, who once saw the ocean, will never forget it. But why are we so fascinated by its great waters? Is it a sense of eternity and vastness that we feel each time the dark blue wave comes to the shore? Or, perhaps, it’s the understanding of how little and fragile you are in the face of such a powerful element? Or is it the effect of those mysteries that lie at the bottom of the ocean depths? When you look at the horizon, you start thinking about the wrecks, the disappeared artwork and all the great treasures: gold coins, jewelry and royal regalia. A tiny man, who barely touches the cool water, is a custodian of all the mysteries of the universe. And this sense of belonging to a great secret makes him think about the ocean over and over again and miss these waters with all his heart

Photo CG photography / Christine Brickett (USA) Nature Photo Tina Cote Hairpieces The Crafty European Kids Anna, Rhys, Izabella, Cailey, Jocelyn

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Ocean Sheeps


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Sea notebooks Would you believe if someone told you that you can take a piece of the sea and carry it in your pocket? That you can go back to the city, far from the big water, walk around the busy streets and still feel the waves with your fingertips? No one would believe that, but now we know that these magic notebooks do exist. The creators of the «sea on paper» live in sunny Odessa – a city that makes the whole Ukraine fall in love. They put in their little masterpieces the unique smell of the waves, the taste of the salt water, and even the special mood of the sunny coast. Now all the sea lovers can get their favorite element on a nice piece of paper, and become closer to the place, where their heart is.

Sea Notebooks (Ukraine, Odessa)

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Sea notebooks


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Wooden Sakura Sea notebooks Letters


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Wooden Sheeps Sea notebooks Letters


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Wooden Sea notebooks Letters


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Seasons of the Year Works of the Czech artist Alphonse Mucha inspired us to imagine the metamorphosis that nature faces in different seasons. Juicy summer is rich on bright colors and tastes. It seems you only see the picture, and already feel so many flavors: from the blossoming buds to ripe berries and fruits. Autumn is always gorgeous. Its golden robes are the inspiration for writers and composers. There are so many shades of yellow: canary, mustard, and saffron. Winter only seems cold. In fact, the most severe frost awakens true feelings: love, tenderness and compassion. Houses become cozy and warm, and humans learn to really appreciate and cherish each other. A nd the arrival of spr in g t u rn s t h e wo rl d u p s id e dow n. The life has a new beginning. All the feelings that slept under the snow for many months finally wake up, and each new day brings us closer to a hot summer

Photo Masha Konishevskaya (Ukraine, Kiev)

Makeup Inna Stecik Hair Inna Pahtusova Floral Florisina Floran Kids Yana Pikul, Dasha Stecura, Polina Peeva,Kristina Dvoreckaya (ÂŤFabrica Detskogo SchastiaÂť Agency) Location Bonjour Studio

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Сезоны года Seasons of the year


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Seasons of the year


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Seasons of the year


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Flowers Melody T h e m o s t p h o t o g e n i c n a t u r e c r e a t i o n i s f l o we r s . Their beauty is in its simplicity: a thin stem, smooth leaves, and a beautiful bud with delicate petals as a crown. It seems that it’s easy to draw a flower, but it’s surprising how many interpretations the different artists make. Yulia Socheeva has an amazing sensual vision of colors – soft, slightly fantastic, as if it was created between a fantasy and reality. Her blurred pictures are so gentle and romantic. If only we could put these watercolor flowers into the water, smell them, touch them…

Illustrations Julia Socheieva (Ukraine, Kiev)

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Flowers melody


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Flowers melody


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Flowers melody


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Flowers melody


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Torr Blomst Is it possible to tame nature? Catch it in your hands and turn into a thing that will properly serve the people? When you see this amazing jewelry, you know that nature goes straight to the hands of someone who use it to create beauty. Flower petals and dry leaves look so unusual in neat earrings and pendants, and touching feathers dropped by birds look like magical amulet that protects her mistress from harm. Everything created by nature looks so beautiful on humans, because human is a huge part of nature himself. In contrast to jewelry, where every detail is man-made, grass and petals carry immense power and energy. They not only highlight the beauty of their mistress, but create an invisible protection that comes from the depths of the Earth.

Torr Blomst Botanical (Ukraine, Odessa)

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Torr Blomst


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Torr Blomst


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Torr Blomst


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Torr Blomst


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Sculpture In the previous issue we introduced you a new heading of a talented artist Evgeniya Pavlenko. And in the new lesson from Evgeniya you can read about the wonderful world of sculpture. In fact it has so many great forms and variations! If you don’t know what Glyptic is, can’t name the examples of monumental sculpture and tell something interesting from the history of modeling clay, then this article is for you!

Open Art Studio Author & Educator Eugenia Pavlenko


SCULPTURE (from Latin “sculpture” or “sculpo” – to cut, to hew) is a type of visual art. The artworks have a three-dimensional shape and are tangible.

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Types of sculpture One of the sculpture types that you can see from any angle is a sculpture inthe-round. The go-round itself is the essential condition of the perception. To see the whole three-dimensional shape of the sculpture, imagine the general solution or view all the figures


The Discobolus of Myron (450 BC, National Roman Museum)

of the sculptural group, the spectator has to make tour around the pedestal. The relief (фр. relief) – (from French “relief”) is a type of sculpture, where all the figures are placed on a background plane or raise above it. The relief images are connected with a plane and do not reproduce the full volume. Relief was born in ancient Egypt, Assyria, and was developed in ancient Rome, medieval Europe, in the Renaissance, and is relevant in our time.

Venus de Milo (130 BC, Paris, Louvre Museum)

Donatello St. George (1415-1417, Florence, National Museum)

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The other form of relief is a bas-relief – a low relief, where the figures raise above the plane no more than for a half of their total volume. For example, bas-relief “La Marseillaise” by François Rude

(1832, Paris, Arc de Triomphe). The high relief is a relief, where the figures raise above the plane more than for a half of their total volume. Regarding the purpose and size of the sculpture we can distinguish

Lorenzo Ghiberti, the doors to the Florence Baptistery (1404-1424)

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the following types: small plastic arts, small-scale sculptures, easel


sculptures, monumental and decorative sculpture, and monumental sculpture.

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Regarding the purpose and size of the sculpture we can distinguish the following types: small plastic arts, small-scale sculptures, easel sculptures, monumental and decorative sculpture, and monumental sculpture. A small plastic art, small-scale sculptures is the common type of sculpture. The first one was born at the dawn of the human society. It is found at the excavation of the most ancient settlements: goods made from the baked clay, wood, bone and stone carving. A small plastic art includes sculptures in-the-round and reliefs: decorative medallions, medals, Glyptic.

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Glyptic (from Greek “glyptike”, from “glypho” – “I cut”) is the art of carving on precious and semiprecious stones, on glass and ivory. Carved stones (gems) served as amulets,


stamps, jewelry. Small plastic includes antique terracotta figurines, bronze figurines, Japanese netsuke, porcelain figurines, and folk toys. Small-scale sculptures are figurines of a certain genre, not higher than 1.5 m. They are made for interiors and designed for the intimacy of perception. Easel sculpture is a type of the sculpture that has an independent significance. This is a statue made for circular view; close to the real dimensions of human a body, autonomous, not requiring a connection to a specific interior. It includes different types of the sculptural composition (head, bust, figure, group), various genres (portrait, narrative, symbolic or allegorical composition, animal genre).

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Monumental sculpture is an ancient form of culture. Located in the urban and natural environment it organizes the architectural ensemble, organically enters the natural landscape, decorates the squares, architectural complexes, and creates spatial compositions that can include the architectural installations. Monumental sculpture designed to be seen from a large distance, made of durable materials (granite, bronze, copper, and steel) and is installed on large granite spaces. An example of the monumental sculpture is The Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, 161-180, Rome, The Capitoline Hill.

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The main object of the sculpture is a human being, human body, a movement (portrait, bust, torso, statue, and a sculptural group). The inner world, character, psychological state is transmitted through its


appearance. The most popular genre in sculpture is a portrait. There were various forms of the portrait in history: masks of mummies, Greek germanium (a pillar with a portrait head), and Roman bust. A portrait was divided by a purpose: a grand and an intimate one. A fragment genre gets a special place in the sculpture – the individual parts of the human body. The historical genre is closely connected to the reflection of the specific historical events and a story about its participants. This genre often realizes itself in monumental forms. Animal genre has developed in sculpture even before the portrait. But the real development starts after the crash of the anthropocentric conception of the world and the understanding the phenomena of a single material world.

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Work with modeling clay A modeling clay, or, to be clear, the composition similar to a clay was first mentioned in XVI century by Giorgio Vasari in his “Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects”. Clay is the second most popular material in sculpture.

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To facilitate work with modeling clay you have to heat it in the hot water or put it on the hot heating appliances. Plastic properties of the clay allow working with large masses. But such a long heat makes a negative impact on plasticizers. After the reheating the components responsible for softness gradually fade. Each time the clay becomes harder and harder, and then fragile and impossible to work with. Our students love sculpture, that’s why it’s one of our first lessons, and the material is modeling clay.


The beginning of the lesson: history of Arts (we study the detailed development of sculpture until today). Theme of the lesson: free (impressed by the material students create their own sketches) Lesson plan: - Learn the main periods in the history of sculpture - Learn how to distinguish main types of sculpture - Learn to turn your ideas into sculpture Materials: modeling clay, a board, a stack of wood, metal stack (for details), warm water or heat appliance (optional) - Making the sketches (quest) - Workplace preparation - Getting Started the modeling of our sketch.

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CHILDREN’S READING ROOM Welcome! A text and a voice of Podolskiye! Mother Natalie and her son Daniil. Every morning on our way to the kindergarten we explore the flowers, leaves, trees, bugs and even the anthills; and if we’re lucky enough, we look for the little worms after the rain, and take them from the driveway back to the grass. It’s important to love and appreciate nature from the childhood. I tell Danya about the culture of vegetarianism, and now he even talks about it in the kindergarten. He knows why people mustn’t eat cows and chickens. Today we read books about nature.

Author Natalie Podolskaya (Ukraine, Kiev)

/natalie.podolskaya PR Agency PODOLSKAYA /PR.PODOLSKAYA

Forest Newspaper. Novels and short stories. Russian fairy tales about the nature Vitaly Bianki Me and Danya, we truly think that this is the best Russian author, who had a simple, light and very interesting style of telling kids about animals, birds, seasons of the year and the whole nature itself. Our favorite fairy tale that became a cartoon is “How the little ant was hurrying home”.

Foxes bread. The pantry of the sun Mikhail Prishvin All the stories of this author have the same main idea – respect for nature is a necessity. He writes about the damage of a thoughtless exploitation and the nature’s ability to ennoble the human soul and to shape the attitude to the world around.

All about… Animal stories Ernest Thompson Seton Bright and amusing, funny and sad, touching and kind, full of adventure – these are the novels and short stories of the Canadian writer, artist and a forest expert Ernest Thompson Seton. They teach to cherish the nature and animals, condemn hunting as a result of a strong desire to kill, teach animal habits and rights, cultivate love and even educate! To make a young reader understand “what is right and what is wrong”, a lot of animals have human features. Ernest Thompson Seton was one of the founders of the Scout Movement in the United States, and he actively promoted the idea of living in harmony with a wild nature.

The Beetle Book. Interesting facts about animals. About tales, ears and noses Steve Jenkins We call this type of books “a book for an eye”. They have very bright and naturalistic illustrations that you can explore for hours. And in this book you can also play in riddles. In 2004 Steve got The Randolph Caldecott Medal for this book. This is an award for the most distinguished American picture book for children. The information is in the form of entertaining facts, so it’s also interesting for adults ;)

That’s why we don’t eat animals Ruby Roth “That’s why we don’t eat animals” is the first children’s book that gives a sincere and compassionate look at the emotional life of the animals and their plight on the factory farms. The book tells you how eating animals affects the environment, rainforests and endangered species, and about the steps that a child can do to know more about the vegetarianism and a vegan lifestyle. Ruby Roth is an artist and an illustrator from Los Angeles, California. She is a vegan from 2003, and she discovered the children’s interest in vegetarianism and a vegan lifestyle, when she was teaching art in the extended day groups.

Herb the Vegetarian Dragon Hardcover

Jules Bass, Debbie Harter

An emotional story, written by Jules Bass, raises interesting questions about the tolerance to other people’s lives and willingness to change. Dragons from the Hogard forest love to raid the Dark Castle and steal young princesses for a lunch. That’s what they all do, except one. The dragon Herb is not like others, he is different… He is happy to take care of a vegetable garden, he is a vegetarian. That’s why it’s so sad that he’ll be the one to get caught during the big dragon hunting. Will he be fed to the royal alligators?

“20 Ways to Draw a Tree” series Eloise Renouf: 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and 44 Other Nifty Things from Nature: A Sketchbook for Artists, Designers, and Doodlers Julia Kuo: 20 Ways to Draw a Cat and 44 Other Awesome Animals: A Sketchbook for Artists, Designers, and Doodlers Lisa Congdon: 20 Ways to Draw a Tulip and 44 Other Fabulous Flowers: A Sketchbook for Artists, Designers, and Doodlers A very important and fascinating knowledge for the naturalist is the drawing skills. Even if you can’t draw at all, these books help you and your kids to create some wonderful sketches. It contains 900 inspirational pictures of the natural wonders – from the seashells and daisies to snowflakes and feathers. A book also has a lot of blank pages for your own masterpieces.


Bernadette Gervais, Francesco Pittau One more “book for an eye” for the little ones. There is no text at all, but there are a lot of illustrations of a good quality, special windows, spreads, puzzles and games. The book about mammals has a large format, almost 40 cm in spread, and all the pages are made from a thick cardboard. It’s very easy for children to handle, comfortable to turn the page and to push all the interactive windows.

“Zanimalki”. Summer. Exciting activities for children and parents Zina Suvorova and Philip Surov When modern kids, who got used to spend their free time with different gadgets, go out to the nature, they usually don’t know what to do. We recommend you this amazing book – a great compilation of the creative tasks and cognitive games. How to make a kite and twist huge nest? How to make a pond in the jar and grow a butterfly from a caterpillar? How to write a secret message with marine flags? Walk more, observe plants and animals, feel the summer scents, notice the unusual things, do something with your own hands, fantasize – and this summer will be fantastic!

GESHEFT Urban Cultures Festival “Gesheft Garage Sale” is an extremely vivid and atmospheric event. Its goal is to gather the most talented and creative people in one place and at one time. The young and promising fashion designers, illustrators and decorators come here to have fun. And “Gesheft” is doing great! On May 4th the team of the Lapset Kids Project took part in the festival for the first time. Despite the fact that smiling and comfortable Odessa just woke up after the tragic events, the sale was very soulful. Citizens of Odessa are awesome people; they love life and yearn to surround themselves with kindness and light. That’s why “Gesheft Garage Sale” was a breath of the fresh air. Guests could admire the beautiful clothes, accessories, toys, taste delicious food and communicate with each other. For those who could not attend the “Gesheft” personally, we have prepared this wonderful photo story!

Photo Anastasiya Cherkis (Ukraine, Kiev)


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Солнце в волосах Ocean Gesheft


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Gesheft Ocean


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THREE DAYS IN THE GARDEN “Three Days in the Garden” is a kind of festival that one shouldn’t miss. It is the event for the most active and interesting people, who love the open communication with others and always enjoy a good holiday with the benefit for them and for the nature. The last open-air project was held in the blooming Botanical Garden, and it was entirely devoted to the green way of life in the big city. It was a place to talk about eco-trends and the importance of kindness that can be done by our own hands. In the area of master classes we discovered the buzzword “recycling” and secrets of creating a real garden in your own backyard or even on the windowsill. The design-market was full of eco-bags, notebooks, lamps, cosmetics and wonderful home products made of wood, clay and flax. Food Market pleased with the exclusive natural products: homemade yogurt, cheeses, organic sweets, the first vegetables, berries and herbal teas. And for those who like to cook, there was a simple culinary school under the blue sky. Looking through the pictures now, we look forward to the next “Three Days in the Garden” and almost feel that positive atmosphere and see a lot of bright people!

Photo Dasha Grebenchuk (Ukraine, Kiev)

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Three days in the garden


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Three days in the garden


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Three days in the garden


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Three days in the garden


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Three days in the garden


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Three days in the garden


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Nature Mobile How often do you pay attention to the interesting leaves, flowers or fruits during the walk? And do you want to know more about them? This application is for real botanists. For those, who love leaflets, flowerets and other plants. You just need to add a photo of the plant on the white background.

Leafsnap: An Electronic Field Guide


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Sasha Dudkina Photography



Anna Stakhova Photography

Bondarev Photography

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Thanks for watching :) See you at the next issue!

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