Lapset Magazine. Issue 2. ENG

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Kid’s lifestyle magazine

Issue 2


Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ‘2013 1

Issue was created by

Kseniya Litvinenko

Anastasiya Cherkis

editor in chief /o.lytvynenko

Anna Mikhailova

photographer /anastasia.cerkis


Sergey Voronov Anna Savonina designer

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technical director

About magazine Lapset – it is a digital magazine for parents and their children from 0 till 14 years old about modern kid’s way of life which we tell with the help of wonderful stories from the best family and children’s photographers. Interesting fairytales, journeys, recipes and master classes are looking for you!

And everyone can be a hero of our stories. For this you just should to follow for our news on our web-site and social networks. Concerning advertisement and cooperation you may address to Kseniya Litvinenko – +38 050 738 32 32 Thank to readers for visited our journal. Will be grateful to hear your comments and propositions about our journal.

Our partners

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Anton Krychfalushii

Yana Pikul

Eugenia Kovalyova

Sevastiyan Semitotzkii

Varvara Mishenina

Denis Cherkis Polina Tenditna

Artem Aloyan Alisa Mitzevytch 6 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

Anna Aloyan


Anna Zlenko


Anna Kartashova

Nikita Kalenskii

Elisey Ptushko

Veronika Grin

CarolinaOleksandra Luchkina

Stefan Verkashinskii

Vanya Mykhaylov

Yaroslava Cherkis

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Kai and Gerda This winter we were lucky to visit and stay for a while with Santa in endless winter space of Lapland and visit Snow Queen’s palace.

We came back with big inspiration and made a great photo project based on fairy tale “Snow Queen” together with Anastasya Cherkis and «Fabrika detskogo schastya». D E E R S , H U S K Y, R O B B E R , P R I N C E , Kai, Gerda and Princess in modern format. But love, emotions and story, of course, invariable. Models: «Fabrika detskogo schastya» participants

Photo Anastasiya Cherkis

Decoration Serejkin Dom /SerejkinDom

Make-up and hairstyles Galina Lozinskaya 8 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

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Warm Events

Window to the sky Since this issue we’ll tell you about warm, sincere and interesting events in our journal, and also will meet you whis charismatic people. We have been very lucky to visit Christmas event named «Warm fair» in December 2012. We saw a great number of handicrafts made with soul, beautiful things, delicious food, interesting entertainments, cool concerts, movies and other wonderful things. This festival was organized by lifestyle-project «Prosto-v-meste». In this issue you can find small photo report from this event and interview with very inspiring person – Olena Kravets, who, in spite of her great workload on “Studio Kvartal 95”, find time to organize such events together with her friends.

Olena is telling about fair, about her daughter Masha, about next event “3 days in garden”. So, friends, let’s feel inspired!

Interview was held by Ksenia Litvinenko.

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First of all, I’d like to thank you for such holiday! My family and I visited it and festivity was just great! We really felt atmosphere of New Year and Christmas! My first question is about location – who chose this location, who was an initiator and why “Mysteskyi Arsenal”? In fact, it was dictated by circumstances. We’ve been thinking for the long time what place will be convenient for pastime of parents and children and, as we thought, it must be such place where you can get warm. Street, gingerbreads, hot mulled wine – it’s good. But, nevertheless, you should feel warm and comfortable to plunge in atmosphere of Christmas! So, we’ve analyzed everything, monitored all locations in Kiev and decided that “Mysteskyi Arsenal” is the best place which is satisfies all our requirements. It’s a culture center of our city, “place of power” as I call it. All events which are held there – exhibitions, book’s arsenal, art-shows – all they are breathing with air of creation and inspiration. It seemed to us that it would be great to hold our fair there! About participants – in what way do you choose them? Do you have some sort of parameters? And does everyone who wants to take part can do it? Скажем так, мы избирательно походим I can tell that we chose participants very selective. That is we understand that where are a lot of talented people in Kiev and in other cities and that not all these people have possibility to rent offices or to make a show-room. But, thank God, we have internet, we have social networks and these people are known by some other people. We wanted to meet residents of Kiev with work of all these people and give a chance people who have a “window to the sky” in their hearts to show themselves. We think that they are looking to this word 22 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

in another way and perceive reality different. They see it very beautiful, kind, different – just very warm. And we’d like that they became good known, that they get new clients and they would understand that all they do – not in vain! Concerning namely quality of work – we are adamant! We are against massproduced goods, we are welcome everything unique, everything made with soul. Concerning your expectations – are you satisfied with result? Do participants satisfy you with quality of their production and service? I can say that we are satisfied on 90%. We have some work to do. Everybody tried as they could and anyway thank to everybody! Such fair was held for the first time in Kiev. And we want that fairies, festivals and other events of company “Prosto-v-meste” have especial atmosphere. Our purpose is to make everything possible to bring brightness, fullness and taste in day-to-day life. Did your daughter visit festivity? What impressions does she have? My daughter was in the first day of exploration. She came with her grandmother and just looked around. And in second day she took part in master-classes, bought something, ate. She invited her friends and they had fun together. Has she accidentally had a wish to become a designer after festivity? She wanted to make decorations for Kid’s Market very much! We had a small kid’s market where children sold their handicrafts. And she even drew some hares which are stick up from snowdrift and told that we can draw the contour of these hares on a wall. Well, such impulse of creation she had, such surge of inspiration:)

Даша Малахова

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Does she interest in such type of creation? Yes, she interested in it “in line of duty”, because she had different tasks from school, in manual trainings, plus we have baby-sitter and she is a wizard with her hands! She can do everything! It’s easier to list things she can’t do! And what is she can’t do – I don’t know! That’s why Masha is very close to decorative and applied arts. Can’t tell that she is just delight and melt because of desire to sculpt something. She likes to draw. But in way to sit near the fireplace and embroider – no, it’s not our history :) Tell us, please, about event which will be hold in Botanic Garden. What will it be? On what audience it’s targeted? What urban resident can see? It will be week-end devoted to green way of life. Green in all meanings – native, natural and peculiar for human. And spring, as it seems to me, the most proper time for this, because we feel life, ourselves and rest of people in another way in spring. We would be happy if in these 3 days residents of Kiev can make a pause in endless flow of life. We want they have time to stay together with their family and friends, and, maybe even alone, just twine a wreath, just paint a fence, like Tom Sawyer, just plant a camomiles, just laugh, just swing in the hammock and eat some incredibly tasty and useful in a fresh air. This is, you know, just like go to the picnic. I’m sure that energy of grass, leaves, flowers have ability to return our strengths. This is some kind of meditation. Elena, do you have your own garden? Do you like to look after it? I don’t have garden, but I have a lot of house plants and person who helps me to look after them. My flowers and I we are talking, we are conversing. I took a skeptical view of it first. And then, when my flowers start to 24 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

show their character… I’m not joking now and I’m absolutely sober  They really show their character: one doesn’t want to grow up near other one, they want to have their own place; another need company. And I should be stricter with some of them, and kinder with another. I know from my own experience that flowers are living creatures; they are, just like we are, breathing and taking in energy and vibration from people. Are your make a design and interior of your house by yourself? Well, it would be overstatement to tell “I make a design”. But it’s very near my spirit and this theme is very interesting for me. And I can say that I follow it, but I’m quite interested in it. In what way will you show eco-theme in festivity «3 days in a garden»? I don’t want to betray all secrets yet and can tell only that we are planning to carry out few master-classes where we’ll teach to give a new life to old things. And what is your attitude to organic and eco products? Yes, we all would like to be sure what we buy qualitative products, eat qualitative food and drink good water. I want to believe that my family eats maximal healthy food, but I’m not obsessed with it. I buy dairy products only in store and don’t buy just milked milk. Food and attitude to product’s growth have been different when I was a child, I suppose. It wasn’t such mass and exploitative treatment of crop’s growth that’s why, I guess, everything was a little bit healthy. But, I think that we don’t have to be obsessed with it. Yes, food it’s very important. But if you are cooking home, if you aren’t a fan of fast food, if you care what eat your child and your family, you will treat consciously to choice of foodstuffs.

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Tell us, please, about your plans concerning events. “Warm fair” and “3 days in the garden” are approximately identical with concept. Will any parties, festival, creative events be hold? Fair this is a festival of masters, we had creative events, including of Alisa Grebenshikova’s performance. In what follows – let’s not make plans too early. You know, we make what we want by ourselves, we feel lack of this. I think that this is honest approach to the matter. We understand that we want to meet more often somewhere. Just to have possibility to relax, to make something by your own hands, just to laugh, just to be happy. That’s why we called “Prosto-v-meste” – lifestyleproject. This is such style of life. We all have problems, disorders, we are not always lucky. But we have relatives, kids, families where we feel comfortable. They accept you such as you are, here you don’t have to prove anything and you don’t have to be successful. And we’d like that people find something life-asserting in a moments when they are together. We want that people go out and understand how it’s

important to look around. May be I’m talking a little bit in bookish style, but it’s important that we don’t have any unreal missions. Actually the taste of life is in the simple things, in details, in trifles. Not in money, success or number of attributes of wealth. Not in this. Taste of life – this is things we will be remember at the end, how much we loved someone and how much we was loved, that’s all. That’s why I’d like that people find some time for this. Thank you very much for such inspiring, warm and so real, in complete meaning of this word, answers! And, please, few words and wishes to our readers :) Well… Your small readers I wish to dream as often as possible. To find some time to look at starts time to time. To make wishes, lie on a grass, walk on it barefooted. In order they could know, could understand what they like the most in their life and stride to this wish in spite of everything. And to parents I wish just to remember their childhood. I think it’s very useful for us and for our children. Team “Prosto-v-meste”

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Bolkin’s fairytales

Photo and Decorations Victoria Bolkina and Sergiy Bolkin (creative association “ViYaiSey”) /

Model Eugenia Kovalyova

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Active Life

Bowling Games Today bowling is very good known and f a vori t e sp ort .

In cold season


because it’s so great to spend your time with your close friends and family. Interesting to know Photo Yana Semitotzkaya

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Active Life

History of bowling counts 7000 years. His modern look bowling has got at the end of XIX century. 36 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

Equipment for pin’s automatic setting and ball’s return – pinsetter, was invented at the end of the 30-th years in USA by Gottfried Schmidt.

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Active Life

The youngest player to win the title in one of the rounds of the Association of Professional Bowlers was Norm Duke, who 20 days after the victory was only 19 years. 38 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

It’s recommended to join bowling in age of 8-9 years old, because it’s quite difficult for child to lift heavy ball. And in general it’s better for children to start with light balls. Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ‘2013 39

WANTED Boy age 10-13 years old for taking part in British musical “Bugsy Malone” in a role of gangsters: Sam’s gang: Louis Snake Eyes Angelo Ritzy Dan’s gang: Bronx Charlie Laughing Boy Yonkers Benny Lee Shoulders Doodle Requirements: an ear for music, artistry. You may make an appointment for audition by phone:

+38 095 555 60 65

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Cards for soul When you choose a holiday presents for your beloved, first idea you have is valentines to St. Valentine’s Day and cards for the most

womanly holiday the 8-th of March. We prepared little set of very sincere cards.

Your beloved won’t stay insensible to all these birds, flowers, Cupids which will excite a warm smile. We are grateful Mimimi cards for cheerful mood and given photos. /mimimicards 42 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

Dove in


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Sweet 44 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013


Arrows of

Amour Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ‘2013 45


Beautiful 46 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013


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Knot of 48 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013


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Serejkin Dom When Anastasiya Malzeva was a little girl, she liked very much to look all over her grandmother’s jewelry. Nastya was charmed with sparkling of FILIGREES and PRECIOUS STONES. She looked at jewelry and invented stories with journey through time and different worlds. Саме цьому Анастасія почала створювати jewelry in year 2008. She loves her job and you will find peace of her love in every small thing she made.

Decoration SerejkinDom /SerejkinDom

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PRESPRING 2013 This summer favourite of m a j o r i t y k id ’s b r an d s is lemon yellow. CKS isn’t exception. L e t ’s t o g e t h e r e n j oy funny look book with collection prespring 2013.

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Be My Valentine Our thanks to «Krendel» restaurant for given location for shooting

Models: «Fabrika detskogo schastya» participants

Photo Aleksandr Butenko

Post-processing Anna Savonina

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Stylish Dishes

Chocolate Tart It’s very important to pamper yourself and your kids with tasty dishes,

especially such sweet days as to St. Valentine’s Day and the 8-th of March.

Simxa Studio and on-line project “Photokitchen”

offered us to enjoy tasty tart. This dish has French roots and t h i s i s a p i e f r o m ve r y s p e c i a l s h o r t p a s t r y.

Mostly tarts are made with

apples, paspberries or cherries. But we have very special recipe with chocolate.

Bon appétit! :)

Photo Eugenia Drach Food and Style Olga Drach (Simxa)





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Pastry (recipe of short pastry) Flour - 3 glasses Butter – 250 gr. Sugar – ¾ of glass 2 eggs (you may change it to 3 yolks) Salt (at the tip of the knife) Soda – ¼ of teaspoon (mix vinegar and baking soda)

For filling: Cream (20% fat content) – 200 ml. 2 bricks of chocolate

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Stylish Dishes

It’s better to knead a pastry and put it on a fridge till morning. Roll out the cooled pastry and put it on form which is covered by parchment. Prick the pastry in order it doesn’t expand. Or you can cover pastry with one more layer of parchment and fill it up with rice, peas or put special filler for baking on it. Warm up your oven, put your form inside and bake during 15 minutes with temperature 180 C. Take off the filler and continue to bake until your pastry will turn brown. 80 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

Cool crust in form. Make a filling until your crust is getting cold. Warm up a cream, take off them from fire and add 2 bricks of chocolate. When chocolate will melt and mix will become homogeneous, fill up your form with chocolate mix.

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Interesting Places

Family restaurant

Baby Bar Since this issue you have opportunity to see interesting and favorite places o f yo u n g re side nts of Kyiv. And, of course, we start from good known “Baby Bar”.

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Interesting Places

Want to tell about very warm and cozy atmosphere, about comfortable conditions for having rest with children, baby-sitter and play area.

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Interesting Places

Feature interior restaurant - lots of toys and fun things like nursery.

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On the menu you will find interesting dishes for children. The restaurant can accommodate families with children up to 7 years.

Restaurant “Baby Bar” is waiting for you from 11:00 to 22:00 to addresses: 4, Lvivska sq., Kyiv Phone numbers: 537 22 23, 095 791 58 98 Corp. 6, 6, Geroyiv Stalingradu av., Kyiv Phone numbers: 223 34 56, 095 586 31 39 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ‘2013 87


GREAT BRITAIN is not only English tea,

red buses and call-boxes,

Tower bridge and Stonehenge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Is also

first in the world the underground MOTHERLAND OF ROCK MUSIC, John Tolkien and Lewis Carroll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Photo Every Moment Photo Group


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На фото Іван Михайлов і Кароліна-Олександра Лучкіна

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Lavender T E A PA R T Y Today we are cooking

tasty cupcakes. We need: for the pastry: Flower – 200 gr. Sugar – 185 gr. Butter – 100 gr. Milk – 150 ml. 2 eggs Vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon Baking powder – ½ of spoon Some salt and few spoons of Lavender flowers.

for cream: Sugar – 260 gr. Egg white – 3 pieces Lavender flowers

Illustration Anna Savonina 98 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

Mix together flower, baking powder and salt. Add lavender flowers.

Butter and sugar whisk together in a bowl during 10 minutes. Continue to whisk and add eggs one by one and then add vanilla extract. Add mixed earlier flower, baking powder and salt and pour milk into this mix. Continue to whisk. Fill up your forms on 2/3. Bake during 20 minutes with temperature 175 C. Egg white whisk together with sugar on water bath during 5-7 minutes.

Take off from fire and continue to whisk about 5 minutes. You may add purple coloring agent.

Décor every cupcake with cream.

Wish you tasty tea party!

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It’s five o’clock Yellow

is the sun, spring, warmth, joy and flowers.


is always novelty, emotionality and delicacy. Our photo story became just like this! Look and wait for spring! Photo Ananstasiya Cherkis Fashion-partner: «Freken Snork’s corner» shop Decorations «Workshop mental holidays «Bon-Bon» Make-up and hairstyles Galina Lozinskaya 100 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

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British holidays I never had to choose –

will I come to my trip

with or without my child.

Only together! Especially when we are talking a b o ut E n g la n d – cou n t r y which can awake your

interest and fascinate you!

Photo and Author Dasha Tenditna

/dasha.tenditna 114 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

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And, if in Italy all roads lead to Rome, in England they, of course, will lead you to London! I’ve been in capital of foggy Albion more than once and I wish very much that Polina fall in love with London with all her heart :) 116 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

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We were walking along London’s streets, absorbed the atmosphere of a city, went through well known places and got lost in unknown streets...

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Spend all days in toy-shop Hamleys, lay on a grass in Hyde Park and hugged with celebrities at Madame Tussauds (I hugged with Johnny Depp, Polina hugged with Shrek). 120 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

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Мандрівки We enjoyed of sweets, stroked the skates in London’s aquarium, were afraid of heights when we rode on London Eye and fed birds on Thames bank.

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I can endlessly talk about England and, of course, one trip isn’t enough to appreciate all her beauty, but you definitely have time to feel spirit of freedom which this beautiful country gives you! Share your journey with your child and, I’m sure, you kid will tell you more than once “Mammy, I want to go there again so much!” Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ‘2013 125

Looking for us at Facebook /lapsetmag Pinterest /lapsetmag Instagram /lapsetmag Vkontakte /lapsetmag We are in internet – You may order printed version of our magazine by phone numbers: +38 050 738 32 32 +38 067 538 32 32 Requests about subscription for a magazine you may sent to e-mail: - 126 Lapset Magazine. Issue 2 ’2013

Thank you for watching :) See you in next issue!

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