Jurassic World storytelling campagne

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introduction We present you our transmedia story telling plan. In this plan we created a story that fit the campaign of Jurassic World. Jurassic World is the new film of the Jurassic Park sequel. With this pre-story we want to get the audience to the Jurassic World film. By using several platforms and media we created an experience at full level. The users will be dive into the Jurassic World experience with interactive elements.

Index 4. OVERVIEW 5. BUSINESS & MARKETING Goals Succesindicators User need Target audience Marketing


Tagline Story Substory Backstory Synopsis Plotpoints Characters User Centric Scenarios


Multiplatform from Channels Rules of engagement Service build overview Key events


Overview SHORT INTRODUCTION Jurassic Park is an American media franchise that consists of: novels, films, comics and videogames. They all revolve around the disastrous attempt to create a theme park of cloned dinosaurs. Most people that know Jurassic Park will know it from its movie sequel, but Jurassic Park actually started as a novel called Jurassic Park written by Michael Crichton. In 1990 Universal Studios bought the rights of the novel and in 1993 the film adaption of this book, also called Jurassic Park was released in cinemas. Directed by Steven Spielberg and followed by an extensive marketing campaign that costed 65 million dollar. Jurassic Park grossed over 900 million worldwide in its original theatrical run. And the movie won more than 20 awards. The foundation for a sequel was set. And followed 4 years after the first movie was released. Jurassic Park The Lost World was released in 1997 and Jurassic Park 3 followed in 2001. Although both movies were a great success at the box office, they received mixed reviews from critics. During the making of Jurassic Park 3, Spielberg already devised a story idea for a fourth film in 2001. But due to troubles with the screenplay, and the Writers Guild of America strike the film was delayed for several years. The fourth movie called Jurassic World and is set for release in June 2015.

Business & Marketing GOALS The ultimate goal is to create the most realistic real life experience for the fans and visitors of the new Jurassic World movie as possible. There are goals of several parties like the creative team, users and economic goals Economic: Sell out in the first 3 weeks started from the premiere to cover all the expenses that were used for the marketing. User: They need to be entertained and blasted away by the whole experience. Creative team: The film experience needs to be a complete story at all possible media.

SUCCES INDICATORS With the trans media story campaign Egg we want to create a experience that motivates users/followers to go and see the Jurassic World movie that is released in August. Because we are creating a short online story that eventually taps in to the story that is told in the movie we hope to trigger the already existing fans of the Jurassic franchise to follow our campaign. But we also hope to reach a new possible audience that are not particular Jurassic fans. Due to the fact that our campaign is easy to follow for everyone that is not familiar with the Jurassic franchise, and the fact that it’s rated for every age we can reach a broad audience. But what will make our campaign a success? What are the indicators? • • • •

The use of various (social)media to target various media users. A storyline that is easy to follow for everyone. Comical element in our story that keeps it light, and fun to follow Plot points in our story create interaction with the users.

USER NEED We need to understand the user’s need. The first step in any user centred design process is the understanding of the user’s needs. We will determine user goals, purposes and objectives. What do users want to accomplish using the product? In this case the users of the product are the audience of the new movie and the whole experience around it. The users of the product want to be drowned into the experience. It’s a long time ago when the last movie was produced so the target audience are very excited to see this new film. The users want to be entertained by the whole ‘Jurassic experience’. What are their overall goals? The main goal of the users is to be entertained. They waited a long time and want to see a good film. Maybe they even want to visit this world physically and want to be a real visitor of the theme park. What do users need from the product to accomplish these goals? Jurassic World needs to create a real time adventure. The audience want to dive into the experience and the story needs to be complete. The users have to be able to access this virtual world and they need to be a part of the experience. The product has to have an interactive part.

Who is the target audience and who will use the service of Jurassic World? And how will we attract them to use the service? Target audience Because of the industry Jurassic World will fire their marketing at the ones who daily watch movies or will go to the cinema once a week. The audience likes a good story and need to like fictional stories. The Jurassic films already have a lot of fans because of the success of the first film. But as with many films, there are people who hate it and there are people who love it because of the fictional storyline of the film. Some people only love non-fiction, just romantic films or only horror movies. We created several persons who represent the target audience.


Name: Marco audience and who will use the service of Jurassic World? And how Who is the target Gender: Male will we attract them to use the service? Age: 24 Career: Communication student Target audience Hobbies: Watching films, hanging outwill with sport. Because of the industry Jurassic World firefriends, their marketing at the ones who daily Status: Girlfriend watch movies or will go to the cinema once a week. The audience likes a good story and need to like fictional stories. The Jurassic films already have a lot of fans Name: Ard of the first film. But as with many films, there are people because of the success Gender: who hate it Male and there are people who love it because of the fictional storyline of the Age: 34 film. Some people only love non-fiction, just romantic films or only horror movies. Career: ICT Programmer We created several persons who represent the target audience. Hobbies: Crafting, cinema, swimming Status: Name: Marco Married Gender: Age: Name: Career: Hobbies: Gender Status:

Male 24 Lisa Communication student Watching Femalefilms, hanging out with friends, sport. Girlfriend

Hobbies: Status:

Crafting, cinema, swimming Married

Age: Career: Name: Gender: Hobbies: Age: Status: Career:

26 Law student Ard Male Hanging out with friends, fitness, loves spare time 34 Single ICT Programmer

Name: Richard Gender: Male Name: Lisa Gender Female Age: 38 Age: 26 Career: Palaeontologist Career: Law student Hobbies: with friends,soccer. fitness, loves spare time Hobbies: Hanging History,outvacation, Status: Single Status: Married Name: Richard Gender: M ale Name: George Age: 38 Gender: Male Career: Palaeontologist Hobbies: History, Age: 30 vacation, soccer. Status: Married

Career: History teacher Hobbies: Name: George Travel, culture, fitness Gender: Male Status: Single Age: 30 Career: History teacher Hobbies: Travel, fitness These people areculture, random picked Status: Single

persons of the target audience. All of them love the Jurassic park sequel and can’t wait to see Jurassic World. These people are random picked persons of the target audience. All of them love the Jurassic park sequel and can’t wait to see World.20 and 40 years old and mostly male gender. They need to have They areJurassic between

some to40do their hobbies so they CEO’s or some dependent They arespare betweentime 20 and years old and mostly male gender.aren’t They need to have spare timeentrepreneur to do their hobbies so they CEO’s dependent have to work the time.blockbusters They are fascinated who have toaren’t work allorthe time. entrepreneur They are who fascinated by allhistory, orbytheir history, blockbusters or their friends and often go to the cinema or watch films. friends and often go to the cinema or watch films. The target audience are especially the people who watched the whole sequel and loved them from the first time.

The target audience are especially the people who watched the whole sequel and loved them from the first time.

MARKETING The marketing of the new movie is insanely good. The 12th of June this movie will be released in the Netherlands and to position this new movie they created an interactive story for the audience. At the website of Jurassic World you can visit Jurassic World. You can see the park trough webcams and guide yourself through the theme park by map. You can plan your visit and there are a lot of practical facts at the site like a count down of the opening of the park, park capacity meter, attraction wait times and what’s happening now. You can find everything you want to know about Jurassic World. You can even apply for a job at the investor, Masrani. This fictional story creates an experience within the audience and is a major success indicator for the new film. With our trans media story we want to tell the story that happened previous to Jurassic World. So we set up a marketing campaign that creates interaction with the users/followers of our story, in order to get them to watch the movie. Using the indicators we mentioned earlier we believe we can reach and, and create a bond with abroad audience.

treatment TAGLINE When Best friends Frank, Brian and Larry buy a collectors item egg from the Jurassic World franchise, they are soon to find out that nature isn’t supposed to be suppressed.

STORY Frank, Brian and Larry are 3 students living in San Diego. They are 3 smart, but somewhat socially unskilled guys. There main interest lies in playing videogames, and solving progressive math questions. They are also big fans of movie trilogies, such as Star Wars and Jurassic Park. For the release of the last movie called Jurassic World they bought a collectors item Dinosaur egg. This egg gets a prominent place in the house where Frank, Brian and Larry are living. But on Tuesday night they hear a stumbling and squeaking sound coming from the ground floor. The collectors item egg, which they thought was fake, turned out to be real. A small dinosaur was sitting in the middle of a broken egg shell. Frank Brian and Larry are flabbergasted. There they were at 3 at night, with a real dinosaur in their kitchen. The three guys promise a pact: too raise the dinosaur in secret, and protect him from other human beings who probably want to use the dinosaur for financial greed. Or send it back to Jurassic World were he belongs. They call the Dinosaur Barney. Barney is raised by Frank, Brian and Larry’s believes and view at life. Due to this, Barney is raised a vegetarian. Brian who’s studying palaeontology, and has a strong believing vegetarian and animal loving girlfriend called Cindy, suggested this for the safety for themselves. He believes that so long Barney never eats meat, he wouldn’t propose a threat to them. Once he had tasted meat his true nature would come to play. And that should be prevented. 3 months go by and Frank Brian Larry and Barney couldn’t be more happy. Everybody is doing well, and their bond with Barney is evolving. But on a Sunday afternoon the neighbour is standing on the front porch. She is missing her dog, he was playing in the garden she said, but she hasn’t seen him for over an hour. When she went out to take a look she discovered that Fluffy has disappeared, and there was a mysterious footprint in her garden.

It isn’t a hard puzzle to solve for Frank Brian and Larry. Barney has eaten the dog of the neighbours. But they couldn’t just say that. That would mean that their secret of raising a real dinosaur was out in the open. And that they had to let Barney go. So they lied and said that they had no clue about the whereabouts of Fluffy. It was time for an intervention. Frank Brian and Larry disciplined Barney and made it very clear that eating meat was out of the question. They had to be very cautious from now on. The neighbour had created a Facebook page requesting any useful tips about the whereabouts of her dog. Brian’s girlfriend Cindy who was outrageous about the event suggested that this was no longer a safe and responsible situation, and that they should come clean. Barney had to leave. But Brian’s Frank’s an Larry’s bond with Barney was to strong and they couldn’t let Barney go. Cindy threatened to leave Brian if Barney should stay. Despite this Barney stayed en Cindy left after a fight with Brian. As Brian and Larry are arriving home late at night after a World of Warcraft tournament they make a horrible discovery. The hallway is covered with blood tracks leading to the kitchen. When entering the kitchen they see Barney chewing on large chunk of meat with raffled pieces of clothes on it. They realise that Barney has eaten Frank. And they freak out.. They run upstairs and lock themselves in Brian bedroom for protection. Brian soon realises that their friendship with Barney is over. He has tasted meat for the second time.. He will be satisfied for a few days now, but he soon shall crave more meat. Nobody is safe anymore. They have to act. They call the police to take Barney away, as the police arrives in the morning and cage Barney in he totally freaks out.. Brian and Larry are crying and screaming to Barney when the police takes him away.

SUBSTORY The explanation behind the Trans media Story: Cindy is pissed of about the recent developments, the fact that Brian chooses Barney over her, and caused the break up with Brian. Is too much for her ego. As a payback she want’s to expose the existence of Barney but she is too afraid to do this publicly under her own name. She knows when Brian finds out that she betrayed him then they will never get back together again. So she decides to anonymously post clues on the Facebook page of the missing dog. Hoping that soon people in the neighbourhood discover the truth about the dog’s disappearance. And that will mean the break up between Barney and the guys.

BACKSTORY After the horrible accidents at Isla Nubar several years ago, Jurassic Park became a forgotten world. Dinosaurs were free to life and no human ever came back, until this year. The man behind the big company Masrani bought the island and invested a lot of money to create a new world, Jurassic World. He filled this world with attractions with new dinosaurs. Jurassic World is the safest theme park in the world. Masrani created a whole new experience with merchandise, new dino’s, interactive attractions and food and drinks. The visitors love it and Jurassic World is a popular theme park. At the InGen lab of genetic manipulations they combine dinosaur DNA to create new dinosaurs and clone them. It needs concentration and precision of the workers. One day when they suddenly find out that one egg is a fake egg from the merchandise store; they know that there have been some mistakes. Somebody changed a real dino egg with a fake toy egg. Frank, Brian and Larry are students of the university of San Diego. They are became 3 friends when they met each other at a World of Warcraft tournament. They are different in age but they have same preferences. They like movies, gaming and especially together. When some day Brian founds out that there will be a new movie of the Jurassic sequel, he is totally overwhelmed and very enthusiastic. He buys stuff from the Jurassic merchandise store and want to be part of the community. They also buy a fake dino egg from the merchandise store.

SYNOPSIS When the tree friends Frank, Brian and Larry buy a Jurassic World collectors item egg, they have no idea that it is in fact a real dinosaur egg. When in the middle of the night a dinosaur is born within their kitchen, they decide to keep the dinosaur in secret and call him Barney. But after the disappearance of the neighbours dog the net is slowly closing around the secret of the tree best friends. Someone very close in their environment is giving clues on the internet about the existence of Barney. Their secret is about to come out.

PLOTPOINTS 1. Neighbours dog is missing. A mysterious footprint is found in the backyard. In order to find the missing dog, a Facebook Community is raised. And everywhere in the neighbourhood are posters of the missing dog. 2. Snapchat foto intercepted. The picture shows a guy who just bought a dinosaur egg at the local toy store. The foto was posted as a funny comment within the Facebook community. 3. Another picture is found and posted on the Facebook community. This time it shows three guys with the dinosaur egg that is placed in their kitchen. One of the guys is the same guy as on the last picture posted. Rumours start to spread. 4. You-tube film found where the birth of a real dinosaur is captured. This You-tube film was on a secret blog. The blog had existed for a while. Showing the life of a dinosaur born and raised by tree friends. 5. The blog is instantly followed by many people who initially followed the missing dog’s community. 6. 3 days of media silence on the blog. 7. Big News! Frank (the creator of the blog, and the buyer of the dinosaur egg) is eaten by Barney. 8. National/International media coverage off Barney returning to Isla Nublar (Jurassic World)

CHARACTERIZATION AND ATTITUDE In our story we created some characters that fit our story. The story is about 3 roommates and their dinosaur, which they raised. These are the characters: Frank: Frank is a quite guy with a chaotic brain. He has a certain goal in life and he will do anything to achieve this goal. He likes to play computer games and you can say that he’s a nerd. - 25 years old - Shy/introvert - Not very social - Likes to watch movies with Brian and Larry - Certain life goals - Studies astrology - Computer games - Vegetarian - WoW-Player Brian: Brian is the one who come up with the idea to buy the dinosaur egg. He is a big fan of the Jurassic sequel and is part of the community. His friends think he is a bit crazy but because of his extreme sense of humour he is a likeable guy. - 27 years old - Extrovert - Studies palaeontology - Very chaotic - Likes dinosaurs - Loves to drink beer with Larry - Very clever - Likes to travel - Vegetarian - WoW-player Larry: Larry is the best friend of Brian. They grew up with each other and always laugh with each other. Larry is a musician and plays in an orchestra as flutist. He loves music and especially the soundtracks of the biggest movies. - 24 years old - Funny - Musician - Studies conservatorium - Loves special beers from around the world - Loves cooking - Vegetarian - A real planner with discipline - WoW-player

Barney ‘Dinosaur’: Barney is the dinosaur that is raised by Frank, Brian and Larry. They are the godfathers of Barney. Barney’s egg is genetic manipulated so he will be a grown up dinosaur in a month. Because the three friends are all vegetarian, Barney is raised as vegetarian. Barney is a curious dinosaur and his roots lay at the T-Rex family line, so he should be a carnivore. - Just born - Curious - Dinosaur - Vegetarian - Family of the T-Rex - Genetic Manipulated - Very likeable and friendly Cindy: Cindy is the girlfriend of Brian and a real vegan. She a bit of a jealous type of girl and always keeps an eye at Brian. She has a lot of pets and loves to be with them. - 25 years old - Animal lover - Veterinarian - Vegan/extreme vegetarian - Jealous - Has a lot of animals - Really good looking - Big ego

USER-CENTRIC SCENARIOS User centric Persona 1 Maggie Spencer. Maggie Spencer lives across the street where Brian Larry and Frank live. She is a single mom who is living on welfare. She spends her days cleaning the house and taking care of her baby boy called Spencer jr. There is nothing that passes Maggie when it comes to the latest gossip from the block were she lives. So when a dog disappears just a few doors down she instantly is on top of the news. Like a modern adult requires she is active on Facebook, and other social media. She actively promotes and shares the page, in the hope that more and more people get wind of the disappearance. As you can see according to the storyline order Maggie takes part in step 1 of the story. She is one of the people that is active on the Facebook community that is raised in order to find the missing dog. User centric Persona 2 Peter Webb. Peter is a middle aged single guy. Peter is a bit of loner. Around the neighbourhood peter is known as a bit crazy, and creepy guy. So when the dog disappears Peter is viewed by a lot of people in the neighbourhood as a possible suspect. He mainly stay’s inside his house and barely has any contact with any of the people living in his neighbourhood. Spending his days behind his laptop he keeps up with the daily news and events. When Peter Google’s his neighbourhood latest news he finds a Facebook page where the disappearance of a neighbourhood dog is the central point of attention. In the comments on the page he see’s that due to various photo’s and comments that many people are following the latest developments on the dog’s disappearance. He get’s intrigued and starts following the page. According to the storyline peter gets involved just after plot point 3 has taken place. He saw the comments and photo’s on the Facebook page and starts following the page.

Design MULTIPLATFROM FORM, CHANNELS AND RULES OF ENGAGEMENT The users will be confronted with several platforms. At each platform we use there will be specific content to lead the users to a certain goal. The main platforms are Facebook, offline posters and a blog. Within these platforms we share content of Snapchat and YouTube. All of the content should be visuals because that will attract the users. The users need to be leaded by the content at the platforms. Posters The posters need to be visualized as a ‘missing pet’ poster. Just simple designed like an old lady could design it. Only with a photo, a small text of the name of the dog and further information like phone number and the Facebook community. These posters will be shown in the whole city and need to get the people to the Facebook community. This will be de beginning of the whole quest of the dog. Facebook community When people start to follow the community of the guest of the dog they will be leaded by some pictures. An anonymous person who probably knows where the dog is and were they have to look will post some pictures. In the first week when the users start to visit the community this anonymous person will post a Snapchat picture of some boys who bought a Dino egg. This will create some chaos and surprised faces. The users will start to wonder why this picture will lead them to the dog. After a few days the same person will post another picture of a guy who’s nursing a big egg. The users will link this to the first photo and start to ask themselves questions. Is this egg real? What is the link with this egg and the dog? Why is this anonymous person posting these pictures? But a few days later the same person posts a video of the egg with a real dinosaur. They really don’t know what this mean but they are certainly linking this to the first 2 pictures. The video of the newborn dinosaur will lead them to a blog. The link of the blog is with this video. The Facebook community is starting to follow the blog. Blog The people will discover that the dinosaur has eaten the dog. The blog started a few months earlier and all of the puzzle pieces will come into place. Now the users are reading the blog but a few days later the blog doesn’t have new posts and it seems like the blogger stopped to blog. The users are to curious about what happened but they really don’t know, till the main news will appear. The dinosaur was real, he ate the dog, he was dangerous and they transported to Isla Nublar. Interactive and passive The whole campaign is an interactive campaign. The users need to follow the campaign actively and need to do certain things to be a part of the campaign. They need to go to the Facebook community and then need to follow the blog.




YOUTUBE VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9Gxutn1osI&feature=youtu.be

Angry co-worker of Jurassic World addles a fake Dino Egg with a real manipulated Dino Egg. BLOG


Barney is full grown and starts to feel like a carnivore.

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Barney eats Frank. The Blog stops.

They boys are scared of Barney because Barney becomes crazy.

Posts anonymously content of the dino at the FB community page

Barney eats the dog of the neighbour.

Blog dissapears

After a week they found a YouTube video of the budding of the Dino Egg. And they see that there is a Blog of the life of the Dino. . igr

They follow the Blog

Short after the Snapchat pic they found a pic of the Dino Egg being nursed.

The community found a Snapchat pic of 3 friendswho bought a Dino Egg.

Misterious Missing Dog Quest Some people start a FB community

Girlfriend of Brian recieves a Snapchat pic of a Dino

They found out that it’s a real egg. The Egg buds and Frank starts a secret Blog about the Dino

The boys are nursing Barney

3 Jurassic Park fans buy a Dino Egg from the merchandise store of Jurassic World.

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KEY EVENTS - Posters in San Diego. These posters will trigger people to join a community. At the poster will be a lost dog that has strangely disappeared. The poster will give a link to the Facebook community that is raised to find the dog. - Facebook community. At this community page someone anonymously will post several pictures and a video of Easter Eggs. First this person will post a picture of 3 guys who bought a Dino Egg, than a picture of the same guys who are taking care of the Egg and than a YouTube video of the budding of the Egg. This YouTube video will link the community to a live blog about the life of the Dino. - The blog. This blog started about a month earlier than the dog disappeared. So the people of the blog start to abide this blog. The guys who bought the Dino Egg update this blog every day. After a few weeks the blog stops with no reason. It will lead to the revealing part of the story: Jurassic World. - Jurassic World. The secret of the story is that it was a Dinosaur who eats the dog.

REVIEW LARS I liked the Advanced Course. I’ve learned a lot and I think I can use this in future moments. The classes could be clearer, sometimes it was a bit unclear what to do. Like the topics we had to use were overlapping. But overall I liked it a lot. The cooperation with Bram went very well. We worked on the plan at the beginning so we could do it in a relax kind of way. At the end we just needed to put everything together.

BRAM Overall I must say that I really enjoyed and liked the Storytelling course. It was a fun and learn full experience. And I think I can use certain elements of this course in the future whether it will be a creative career, or something else. I would defiantly recommend the course to other students. The decision to team up with Lars was a great decision. From the start we had the same vision and ideas about the project. And since we both took our responsibilities regarding the project we had a great, fun, and foremost un-stressful time working on our story.

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