Tv entertainment format

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Lars Bouwman | 2187911 | TV-­entertainment plus | CO4acf


The reason why I chose this AC is because I watch a lot of films and series and wanted to learn more about this industry. It’s clear that there have been changed a lot in the time I grew up. The first things I remember of the television landscape are the cartoons at Cartoon Network. These childhood experiences were great and made my days back then. I liked they way they entertained me and the way it formed my childhood. The simplistic way of entertainment in a cartoon got me for hours. I remember the days at the couch of my grandfather. Always with Tom and Jerry or Cow and Chicken. By the time I became to old for cartoons I saw some new movements in the television industry. Internet was a new thing in my life. It became more important than cartoons and the internet took over. When I wanted to be entertained, I didn’t look at the television anymore. Luckily this was a short period of time. Nowadays there are a lot of series and interesting documentaries on television. With the interactive television features it’s easier to use the television than a few years ago. With the apps as Netflix, Youtube, HBO and other streaming channels you can watch anything you want.

Analysis of the current TV landscape

There are a lot of technical developments at the TV-­‐landscape nowadays. The television is the most important thing in our living room. We watch an average of 195 minutes a day at our television. The senior citizens are increasing this average because they are watching television more often. It increased with 10% in relation of six years ago. Teenagers and the people between the age of 20-­‐49 watch less television than previous years. The last target group are used to watch more television but at another way. Online television like Netflix, RTL XL and Uitzending Gemist are important to this target group. These programs often been seen at a Smart-­‐TV. The role of technology in this is not to be underestimated. The consumer is taking over control. They want to see what they want at any time they want. The digitalization of is an important development at the current TV-­‐landscape. Everything is in reach and with one click at the internet you can watch whole movies, TV-­‐ programs or TV-­‐series. You can watch it at your laptop, smartphone or tablet. The TV is old fashioned and could be thrown with the trash. So these developments mean that the programme proposition needs to change. So the new business landscape is taking shape. Companies are finding it increasingly difficult to make money and executives must do their jobs not only differently but also better. That requires an understanding of the broader changes to our operating environment. Companies involved in the TV value chain need to be aware of these trends and look at the disruptors that are already affecting their business models today (Frankwatching, 2014). In the near future, technology won’t be a barrier to the way we make content available, watch TV and advertise. Examples of companies taking these trends on board are: • Netflix: uses the cloud, technology standardization, smart compression and mobile networks to offer streaming content on demand on a subscription basis. • Amazon: utilizes predictive analytics to enhance the recommendation engine for their VOD pay-­‐per-­‐view proposition. • Aereo: used cloud and connectivity to provide near-­‐live TV from the cloud (on 25 June 2014, the US Supreme Court ruled that Aereo’s proposition was an illegal public performance, forcing Aereo to suspend their business). • YouTube: collects data and performs personal data analytics on how users engage with ads, it continues to improve the user experience and advertiser ROI. • InAIR: uses augmented reality by combining your TV screen and layering in additional content from the Web and social media to simulate 2D or 3D dimensional user experience. To create a truly social TV experience, inAIR can identify what you are watching on TV and automatically gather relevant internet and social content, placing these layers of Web information in front of your TV screen in real time. Apple Apple CEO Tim Cook did some perilous pronouncements. The current TV’s are out of date. Apple saw his media player Apple TV only as a hobby. Apple presented their iPhone 6 and Smart Watch but Apple TV is still a hobby project. Besides that Tim Cook is very interested in all of the developments around the TV-­‐landscapes. But there needs to be a

revolution first, then Tim Cook will create a new generation of the Apple TV. Nevertheless, the current media player of Apple TV has sold more than twenty million copies.

Mature industries and organizations, including those within Media and Telecoms, focus too often on managing the business of today. They do not spend enough time focusing on the business of the future. TV will not remain unaffected by emerging technologies, and companies should respond to the changing ecosystem. Technological developments support the entrance of new players, new offerings, changing consumer behavior and new business models. Partnerships between telecommunication companies and streaming content aggregators, new apps from broadcasters, and improving online advertising measurements by SKO are all examples of companies adjusting to new and ongoing trends. Companies can benefit from these changes and create a competitive advantage by instigating new partnerships and embracing these trends.

Market inventory Show Fear Factor

Genre Game show

Release the hounds

Horror game show

Weet ik veel?!

Game show

The Phone

Reality game show

Fort Boyard Game show

Love at First Dating show Kiss Daten in het Dating show donker

Ik heb het nog nooit gedaan Are you the one?

Dating show

The pain game Take me Out

Game show

Dating game show

Dating show

The Dating show Undateables

What It’s all about physical and mental challenges. You need to achieve these challenges to win a prize. 3 participants need to find keys of secret chests with money. In this quest they will be tested physically and mentally. The participants can keep the money if they can escape the area and the hounds. It’s a game show with 50 students and 3 Dutch VIP’s. There are 50 questions and the best VIP and the best student will work together at the final round to get as many money as they can. There are 2 secret phones. When random strangers pick the phones they participate the game. They get challenges and can win 25.000€ 2 groups of Dutch VIP’s need to achieve several physical and mental challenges to win. These challenges are in Fort Boyard. Two people who never met need to kiss with each other. They can chose to go on a date with each other. 3 single men and 3 single women life with each other with one associated room. It’s a dark room. They can talk, feel and kiss but can’t see eachother. People who are virgin get the chance to meet other singles. 10 single men and 10 single women share a villa. They all have a perfect match. They have 5 chances to test couples. If they can find their perfect matches they win 1 million dollars. Participants need to do several painful and dirty challenges to win money. 20 single women can chose if they want to date a guy. There are 3 rounds and every round the women can dislike or like the guy. People who are physically or mentally ill and can’t date anyone because they aren’t confident. So they get the chance to date some single and get a dating coach

Format Analysis Love at first kiss

Structure of the serie Love at first kiss is a dating show. It’s all about the first kiss. 2 complete strangers meet each other in a room and before they talk or chat with each other they have to kiss. After the kiss they need to go to a room and can decide if they want a speed date. If both chose to go on a speed date, they have 1 minute to introduce themselves or chat with each other. After this they can chose to go on a real date or leave. Every episode there are ten singles. Some singles will date and others will leave after the first kiss. The only structures in the series are the 3 rounds of dating levels. Every episode there are ten singles that can kiss and date each other. Line-­‐up of the program I watched The episode contained ten singles. The singles are straight or gay and they have to kiss someone that they haven’t seen before. Two gay guys kissed, two gay girls kissed and six straight humans kissed. After the kisses they can talk with each other in a speed date. But some didn’t show up. The gay guys and two straight couples did the speed date. After the speed date they can choose to go on a real date. The gay guys did the real date and kissed again. And one straight couple chose to go on the real date. Analysis of emotions It was hilarious at several moments. The producers of the serie picked some weird types that had to kiss. I couldn’t watch all the moments because I was embarrassed about how some kisses looked like. Format structures • The first couples have to kiss • Interview about the experience of one of the kissers • One of the first kissers is waiting for the other one to show up to do a speed date • The next couples have to kiss • Interview about the experience of one of the kissers • One of the first couples do the speed date • The second couples can go on a speed date and are waiting for the others to show up • Some of them show up and they also do the speed date • Now the last couples have to kiss • Interview about the experience of one of the kissers • The last couples can do the speed date and are waiting for the others to show up • The one who did the speed date can choose to go on a real date • Two couples who did the speed date are going on a real date • Interview with one of the individuals about their future of the ‘relationship’

Weet ik veel?!

Structure of the serie ‘Weet ik veel?!’ is a game show with 50 students and 3 Dutch VIP’s. There are 50 questions and each right answer can give you 2 points. These questions are random and have no theme. The best student and the best VIP will play the final together. They can win money with answering the right question. The VIP can win money for a charity he has chosen and the student can win money for his college loan. Line-­‐up of the program I watched Annemarie van Gaal, Peter Heerschop and Sophie Hildebrand were the Dutch VIP guests. Peter and an estate student did the final and they won €19.000. 25% of the money was for the student. Analysis of emotions There were a lot of funny but also interesting questions. Some questions were easy to know but still 50% of the students didn’t know and vice versa. So it was a fun show with a lot of hilarious questions. Format structures • A small introduction about the 3 Dutch VIP’s • Second screen explanation by Jamai • Start with the first 10 questions • Small interview with Annemarie with fun quotes • Short recap about the results • Second 10 questions • Small interview with Peter with fun quotes • Third 10 questions • Short recap about the results • Small interview with Sophie • Fourth 10 questions • Recap of the results with funny facts • Fifth 10 questions • Results of the test and the winners • Peter and a student play the final • Peter and the student win the final money

Are you the one? Structure of the serie 10 single men and 10 single women share a villa. There are 10 perfect matches. They all need to find their perfect match. To find their perfect match they have to achieve several challenges. If they win these challenges they can chose with which women they want to date. The others who didn’t win the challenges can choose to send this couple to the ‘truth booth’. The ‘truth booth’ will tell them if they are a perfect match or not. They can send couples 5 times to the ‘truth booth’. If they find all of the perfect matches they win 1 million dollar. Line-­‐up of the program I watched Adam, Dre, Scali, Chris, Dillan, Ethan, Joey, John, Tyan and Wesley are the single men and Amber, Ashleigh, Brittany, Coleysia, Jacy, Jessica, Kayla, Paige, Shanley and Simone are the single women. Dillan and Coleysia went to the truthbooth and are a perfect match. Chris and Shanley think they are a perfect match but when they go to the truth booth they aren’t. So everyone is yelling and fighting with each other. Analysis of emotions For me it’s all entertainment. I like the program because they argue and fight a lot and I think that’s the best entertainment you can have. So I laughed a lot because some say they do it for the love and not for the money. But at the same time they have sex with everyone. Storyline At the beginning there are 10 single men and 10 single women. They have ten weeks to find their perfect match. They can send a couple to the truth booth 5 times. The truth booth will confirm a perfect match. Every week there are ten beams of light. These beams of light represent the perfect matches. If all ten beams light up they win 10 million dollars to split among them. Format structures • Introduction of the episode with a recap from the last episode • Couples are in the make • Chris and Shanley have to visit the truth booth but aren’t a perfect match • A lot of drama and emotions • Short interview with Chris and Shanley individually • Again, a lot of drama and emotions • Cliffhanger, Wes and Kayla are kissing. But Ryan thinks he and Kayla are a match


Structure of the serie The undateables is about singles that are mentally or physically disabled and have issue with finding love. Matchmakers and dating coaches will help these people to find their love. Line-­‐up of the program I watched In the episode I watch we followed Kevin, Renske and Marianne. Kevin is in a wheelchair because his muscles are disabled. Kevin is homosexual and want to find a nice guy. Renske has the syndrome of down. Last week she met Dyllan and they dated. She’s in love and in this episode they meet for the third time. Marian is 31 years old and her last kiss was 12 years ago. She has the syndrome of apertures. Her skull grows faster than the rest of her head. She is going to start to find some potential dates with her dating coach. Analysis of emotions Sometimes it is very confronting because these people look different than other people. So for them it’s difficult to find someone. They are less confident than others. But it also feels good because some of them find their love. Renske and Dyllan are in love and it funny how happy they are with the things they do. Format structures • Introduction of the episode and recap of the last episode • Renske is meeting Dyllan for the third time. • Interview with Renske and Dyllan individually about their feelings • Kevin is dating a guy who isn’t disabled. They go to a circus • Interview with Kevin about his feelings • The coaches of Marianne try to find a nice date. It’s her first date • Interview with Marianne about their feelings of the first date • Marianne is dating a guy • Interview with Marianne about their experiences • Short introduction of next week

Levenslang met dwang

Structure of the serie The serie is about people who are living with an OCD. They have certain routines in life that have to be the same. If something chance they will become mad. There are 8 participants with OCD with 4 therapists. They will go to Thailand to help each other in a shared house. Line-­‐up of the program I watched The episode I’ve watched was the fifth episode. They are on the half of their therapy. There are a lot of mixed emotions because their OCD is working against them. They want to help themselves but it’s very hard. Like Marieke doesn’t want to be with people. At home she never see people but in Thailand she is daily with people. The colour yellow obsesses Carla. It’s a bad colour so every day she has to think of a positive colour. All of the 8 OCD patients have to do some assignments that help with their disease. Analysis of emotions I didn’t know that these people with OCD had those extreme routines. Some were ridiculous in my opinion but these people are really scared to leave their routines. Storyline At the beginning of the serie there are 8 people with OCD. They need to leave their daily routines and need to change their bad habits. At the end of the serie they are cured or a lot better than before. Format structure • Introduction and things that happened last episode • Interview with some participants about their therapies and feelings • Some assignments per person • Interviews with participants about the strange assignments of others. • Lesson they learned and evaluation of the episode

Trend analyses

YouTube 98% of the people between 18-­‐34 use YouTube daily. Big brands see that and try to see the value of video (Lazauskas, 2015). Especially YouTube as a marketing channel. Videos will be a hot item as marketing tool but first they need to train their employees or cooperate with successful video content creators. Mobile Not the desktop or laptop will lead to the best marketing in 2015 but the mobile platforms will arrange that (Hall v, 2014). Mobile phone, tablet or phablet, these platforms will help the consumer to do everything from the coach with one click. Techmedia Technology and media are growing towards each other (Csathy, 2015). Only a simple type of content isn’t enough anymore. Tech-­‐companies witch a good department of technology takes all of the media-­‐companies to use their content to reach the consumer. Age of information The way we live is completely changed because we have access to anything we can. When internet introduced himself, developments were everywhere. It affected a big percentage of society (Green, 2015). Interactive TV vs. traditional TV Interactive TV takes over (Csathy,2015). Not only Netflix but also HBO and CBS are taking all of the ‘traditional TV’-­‐costumers. With their standalone-­‐over-­‐the-­‐top service they provide their consumer their own little box. With this box you can watch their services and the traditional cable TV will be forgotten. Storytelling Storytelling is one of the strongest tools of marketing (Frankwatching, 2015). If your story fit you company and you are willing to tell it, you will get a lot of new costumers. You have to let them believe what you believe and try to get them involved with you story. Control of information The audience want to be in control of all of the available information, and that is a lot. Interactive TV gives them the opportunity to watch what they want, when they want (Frankwatching, 2015). Everything is in reach of one click and the consumer is lazier than ever. All of these trends are in a way similar to each other. All of them were created by technological developments.

Own format Format elements • There are five main singles different in gender and preferences • There is an audience of fifty singles different in gender and preferences • There is a second screen app for all the singles in Holland • Each main single in the show need to be found by their perfect match • This perfect match could be in the live audience or with the second screen app • The main singles need to achieve four challenges (physical, mental, social and final) • The first episode the main singles need to do the first challenge. • All the singles need to like or dislike a main single when they are doing the challenges • After the first episode the main singles end up with a group of potential singles • The next episode they will do the second challenge and so forth • At the final episode there will be less singles than the previous episodes • The main singles will meet their potential matches and need to choose ten potential matches. • These ten matches need to do a challenge and the main singles can dislike the singles. • At the end the main singles will find their perfect match • Chantal Janzen is the host of the show Manipulation The producers will select the most likable singles that want to participate the show. In the first episode there will be a lot of singles. So by selecting the best and most likable singles the producers manipulate the show. Title All of the single people Storyline Five singles are the main characters in the show. They have several preferences like homosexual, straight, bisexual and other preferences. They have to achieve four challenges. Each episode they have to achieve one challenge. The live audience and second screen participants can dislike or like a single. Only singles can participate. At the end of the first episode they end up with a group of potential singles. At the end of every episode there will be less potential singles. At the final of the show the main singles can choose their perfect match.

Emotions This format simply needs to entertain the audience. I think it will get a lot of mixed emotions. People will fall in love, people will laugh, people will shame, people will cry and people will courage out. And because of the special preferences of the main singles there will be a lot of substitute sense of shame. Online/offline The show will be shown live on television with an audience but you don’t have to watch it to follow. You can download the app and follow the show with your app. You can upload selfies and vote on your favourite single. USP Because of the use of several platforms, this TV show will be very popular. The audience can participate (active) or just watch (passive). In this show there will be a lot of humour and shameless actions. The 5 singles in the show aren’t typical singles but with special preferences like homosexual, bisexual and more. Target audience Every single in Holland can participate. Host Chantal Janzen Set design The set will change every episode. Like the first episode they have to to a running track. So it will look like a playing area in the middle with the audience around them. It will be recorded at the media park in Hilversum. The image below will show what it looks like. But in the middle there will be different things like a running track or things for the mental and social tests.

Episodes First episode • Introduction of the show and the main singles, live audience and second screen. • First round of selection: You, as a single, can choose your potential single. You can like or dislike. • The main singles will do a physical challenge. They need to run through a difficult running track. • Now you can like or dislike the main singles again. But once you choose a potential single you can’t go back. So you can only dislike your favourite single in the next episodes • Results of how many singles participate and how many singles choose a main single. • What’s next week… Second episode • Recap last week and introduction of episode. • The main singles will do a mental test. • The participating singles can dislike their single they choose in the first episode • Short interview with live participants at home by Skype. • Results of how many singles disliked their main single. • Short interviews with the main singles. • What’s next week… Third episode • Recap last week and introduction of episode. • The main singles will do a social test. • The participating singles can dislike their single they choose in the first episode • Short interview with live audience. • Results of how many singles disliked their main single. • Short interviews with the main singles. • What’s next week… Fourth episode • Recap last week and introduction of episode. • The main singles will do the final test. • The participating singles can dislike their single they choose in the first episode • Results of how many singles disliked their main single. • Short interview with some singles who disliked their main single. • Short interview with the main singles. • What’s next week…

Fifth episode • Recap last week and introduction of episode. • The main singles will meet their potential matches. • Some main singles have more potential matches but they all have to choose ten potential matches. • These ten potential singles need to do a challenge • Now the main singles can dislike their potential singles • Short interview with the singles that want to date their main single. • The main singles have to choose their perfect match • They will go on a date • End with outro

Bibliography Steenks, P. (2015). 11 online trends en ontwikkelingen voor 2015 die je gemist hebt. Seen on:­‐online-­‐trends-­‐en-­‐ontwikkelingen-­‐voor-­‐2015-­‐ die-­‐je-­‐gemist-­‐hebt Csathy, P. (2015). The future of digital media in 2015. Seen on:­‐future-­‐of-­‐digital-­‐media-­‐in-­‐2015/ Hall v, E. (2015). 15 e-­‐commerce trends 2015. Seen on:­‐ commerce-­‐trends-­‐2015/ Lazauskas, J. (2015). 5 smart marketing predictions for 2015 that all CMOs should know about. Seen on:­‐predictions-­‐for-­‐2015/ Marciano, D. (2011). media on the move. Seen on:

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