Men Making a Difference
s we embark on Father's Day A June 19, 2022, Latino Lubbock Magazine is proud to show-
case recipients of the 5th Annual “Adelante Awards" recognition program, presented by Los Hermanos Familia, which showcased several amazing Hispanic men and youth in the Lubbock community. The 2022 recipients include: ART & CULTURE Rick Martinez is a leader in the Lubbock Mariachi community and shares his knowledge and musical expertise in many ways that joyfully bring this regional Mexican tradition to families and patrons throughout Texas and New Mexico with Mariachi Los Galleros. He represented Lubbock’s mariachi culture with Mariachi Amistad by competing at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s Mariachi Shoot Out. And he showcased Lubbock’s music diversity with Mariachi Amistad at Fourth on Broadway and the Buddy Holly Summer Showcase Series. BUSINESS/ ENTREPRENEUR Noe Valles, an attorney, and partner at Glasheen, Valles, & Inderman, LLP has helped clients who have gone through the worst tragedies get the compensation they deserve. He is an actively participating partner at Glasheen, Valles, & Inderman and is involved in catastrophic/ major cases. He has been practicing for over 20 years and continues to partner with local community events in town to ensure he gives back to the Hispanic community including Joel’s Easter Egg Hunt and Bike Giveaway.
CIVIC/ VOLU N TEER Kenneth Castillo currently serves as the Primary Prevention Coordinator at the Voice of Hope. He is working to prevent first-time perpetration of sexual violence by engaging young Hispanic and Black Indigenous People of Color where they are at within the Lubbock Community. While he interacts with the youth, he has organic conversations about healthy relationships, and healthy community and gives the youth a connection to a caring adult. Kenneth knows by meeting the youth where they are and not in the school setting gives him the advantage to reach youth in a casual setting. Kenneth understands All youth is one caring adult away from being a success story.
CH U RCH Jose Gilbert Salainas Jr. though retired, works countless hours to give back to his church. He has helped make improvements to his church, like a bell tower that was broken for years. He is an advocate for the church and continues to collect items and monetary donations to help the church with their fundraisers, such as their Jamaica. As a member of the Knights of Columbus, he has also helped and led a Basketball Free contest that involves local kids in the community. As a Grand Knight and Faithful Navigator for the Knights of Columbus, Gilbert Salinas continues to serve where he can in his church community. HIGHER EDUCATION Dr. Sam Ayers is currently a professor at Lubbock Christian University. An educator, an author, a volunteer, historian, photographer, illustrator, cartoonist, grant writer, and a leader in his field and in his commu-
nity. He has served as the principal at the elementary and high school level, received his b a c h e l o r ’s and master’s degree from Trinity University, and received his doctorate in Education at Texas Tech University. During his time at Estacado High School, he also had several educators recognized as outstanding educators at the local, regional, and state-level in their teaching fields.
EDUCATION Senon Cruz is the Coordinator of Biling ual and ESL at Frenship ISD. As the Coordinator of Bilingual and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs for Frenship ISD for the past six years, Senon’s dedication to our District, students, parents, staff, and community is reflected in his servant heart and desire to fulfill Frenship’s vision of “Seek Perfection…Capture Excellence” in everything he does. You will often find Senon visiting classrooms, interacting with students, and taking the time out of his busy day to ensure teachers and students feel loved and seen. He has been instrumental in establishing a bilingual pathway for all dual-language students in Frenship to support staff, students, and families every step of the way while removing obstacles and making this program a priority. Sol Deleon is currently the Assistant Principal at Lubbock High School. In the 23 years of Mr. Deleon's educational t r aje c t or y, he has been
an accomplished Spanish teacher, Health teacher, Coach, and lastly an Administrator in the West Texas area. He has spent his entire educational career working in Title 1 (low-socioeconomic) campuses serving predominately Latino populations. Mr. Deleon also works closely and in tandem with Communities in Schools and the Lubbock Police Department to help our impoverished students and those who face adversity during their learning so that they have the best support system and tools in place to keep these students matriculated in our campus. Gregorio Cavazos is currently the Mariachi Director at Lubbock High & Cavazos M i d d l e School. In addition, he has been a mariachi educator and performer in Texas for the past 22 years. He has studied with master mariachi musician and educator Jesus "Chuy" Guzman and has also provided adjudication services for Region 6 and the North Region of the Texas Association of Mariachi Educators. Gregorio has been associated with various mariachi groups such as Mariachi Los Gavilanes, Mariachi Piedras Negras, Mariachi Fuego, Mariachi Relampago and the Texas Tech University Mariachi Los Matadores. In addition, he has successfully prepared his mariachi groups for state competitions and community performances to showcase the mariachi programs. M I L I T A R Y / VETERAN Lupe Carrillo is a hero among us. He has served in every war since Vietnam up to Iraq. He is an active member of the Knights of Columbus and helped with tonight’s Color Guard. He serves as Commander of the
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Color Guard for the Diocese of Lubbock. Lupe was a member of the Catholic War Veterans. He is a member and volunteer of Los Hermanos Familia since its inception. M E D I CAL Ray Covarrubio, currently the Lead Immunization Nurse at the City of Lubbock has served as the Lead Nurse in the City of Lubbock's MASS vaccination clinic that took place at the Lubbock Civic Center. His time and efforts, contributed to the city of Lubbock becoming the third-best ranked city in the United States for delivering the most vaccines per capita, based on data from Georgetown, Stanford, and Harvard University. He served on planning committed to ensuring Hispanic communities were among those getting vaccinated and helped provide bilingual materials in the public transport system. He was an advocate and worked to educate the community in his efforts to help the community get vaccinated. PROF ES SIONAL Cristian Garcia is the Vice President at Saint Francis Ministries and has worked in child welfare for almost two decades, serving the most vulnerable children and families in our community. Being a first-generation American, as well as the first in his family to graduate college, Cristian has become a role model and example for the Hispanic community. Bachelor of Political Science from Texas Tech University; Master of Science from Lubbock Christian University. His field of work has impacted the community through his innovative ideology of keeping children connected to their heritage and home with their families. (Special thanks to Georgina Salas Barrera.)