English Edition AFTERINTERNATIONALMARKET aftermarketinternational.com Vol. 21 No. 2 2022 > ASIA AFRICA MIDDLE EAST EUROPE AUSTRALIA DÉ VUELTALA Para Ver La EdiciónInglésen OVERFLIP To See TheEditionSpanish

English Edition AFTERINTERNATIONALMARKET aftermarketinternational.com Vol. 21 No. 2 2022 > ASIA AFRICA MIDDLE EAST EUROPE AUSTRALIA DÉ VUELTALA Para Ver La EdiciónInglésen Chassis Troubleshooting WheelGuide Speed Sensors IndustryToday News New TradeProductsShows OVERFLIP To See TheEditionSpanish

AFTERMARKET INTERNATIONAL or the auto aftermarket in general…it’s just that my company, JABS Media LLC no longer owns it. I have been retained as Publisher so will continue to be involved with the magazine, the website, the tradeshow…in short, everything.
We have announced AutoAmericas www.autoamericas.show/en/ , which was originally scheduled for 2021 but was delayed by Covid for two years. AutoAmericas will be a tradeshow for the Latin American market, to be held in March, 2023. But what makes it unique is it’s going to be in Miami. We will work to bring our readership and other Latin American buyers to the US for this twoday event, March. 24-25. Over the years I had been asked about us putting on an event like this but I never pursued, mainly because I didn’t have the expertise to do so. But Latin Press specializes in this.
Max Jaramillo is the president of Latin Press Inc. We met in Jan. 2020 at an event for a different industry, but decided to collaborate for the auto aftermarket.
Now, having said the above it doesn’t mean I am going away from
I am happy to say we never had a losing year with AFTERMARKET INTERNATIONAL and am confident that trend will continue with Latin Press Inc. Many people along the way helped me on this journey…staff, readers, advertisers and those who would make a suggestion now and then now and then. Way to many to mention, but let me take this opportunity to thank them one and all.Best always, Brad Glazer, Publisher Aftermarket International “Nothing lasts forever” Truer words have never been spoken.
aftermarketinternational.com Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 I 3 AFTERMARKETINTERNATIONALOUT FRONT Es una publicación periódica propiedad de Latin Press, Inc. Producida y distribuida para Latin Press, Inc. por Latin Press Colombia y Latin Press USA GENERAL MANAGEMENT Max Jaramillo / Manuela Jaramillo EDITOR IN-CHIEF Duván Chaverra dchaverra@aftermarketinternational.com EDITOR Federico Duarte fduarte@aftermarketinternational.com PROJECT MANAGER Andrés Caballero acaballero@aftermarketinternational.com PUBLISHER Brad Glazer bglazer@aftermarketinternational.com ACCOUNT MANAGERS MÉXICO Verónica Marín COLOMBIAvmarin@aftermarketinternational.com Fabio Giraldo fgiraldo@aftermarketinternational.com DATABASE MANAGER Maria Eugenia Rave mrave@aftermarketinternational.com PRODUCTION MANAGER Fabio Franco ffranco@aftermarketinternational.com LAYOUT AND DESIGN Jhonnatan Martínez jmartinez@aftermarketinternational.com FRONT PAGE Nastasic - Canva OFFICE PHONES: Latin Press USA Miami, USATel +1 [305] 285 3133 Latin Press México Ciudad de México Tel +52 [55] 4170 8330 Latin Press Colombia Bogotá, Colombia Tel +57 [601] 381 9215 São Paulo, Brasil Tel +55 [11] 3042 2103 CONTRIBUTORS IN THIS EDITION: • Ron Henningsen • Jim Wilder • Taylor Wolff The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles in this journal do not commit the publishing house. It’s been my pleasure and privilege to be the owner of AFTERMARKET INTERNATIONAL since 2007. During that time we made the transition from all print to mostly digital (we still have hard copy distribution at tradeshows such as Automechanika Frankfurt and AAPEX). We built a database of readership with contact information, including email addresses, in more than 100 countries around the globe. Being the owner of AI has allowed me to travel widely. It got me to places I might otherwise not have been…Austria, Belgium, Costa Rica, Dubai, Mexico City. Panama, The Czech Republic and The Netherlands. But with this issue I formally announce what was communicated earlier this year to our advertisers. Specifically, I have sold the brand to Latin Press Inc., out of Miami.Why Latin Press? They have ideas to help AI grow bigger and faster, and the resources to do so. For example. they are building our social media presence. They have started a weekly e newsletter, which first went out in April and has had very strong open rates. Perhaps most important, they want to put AI into the tradeshow business.

The aftermarket industry is an example of this. Each piece that comprises the assembly of a car is part of a production and marketing chain that goes beyond borders, and whose price dynamics is linked to different geopolitical facts, and even public health events, such as the current pandemic.
4 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom
Everything has a second story
Federico Duarte Editor
At AFTERMARKET INTERNATIONAL we want to be a vehicle to publicize each of these developments and to be a source of information and technical guidance so that the history of this industry does not stop and is strengthened over time. This is shown by some of the most outstanding articles published in the magazine in the period 2017-2021. From now on we will have more than one new story to tell.
Comments from the Editor
At the same time, the semiconductor crisis, which has affected nations like Japan and South Korea so much, has been diminished in North America thanks, among others, to the Treaty between the United States, Canada and Mexico (T-MEC).
The pandemic reduced the production rate of new cars in countries like Colombia, which caused used vehicles to appreciate in value. In this way, nearly 600 aftermarket manufacturers in the country benefited.
The year Brad took over as owner of AFTERMARKET INTERNATIONAL, I was just beginning my journalistic career at a local newspaper in my hometown Medellin, Colombia. One of my common purposes in this job has been to broaden the view of the reality that is circumscribed to this extensive planet, in which commercial relations keep us connected beyond all geographical distance.
Meanwhile, on the other side of America, the Argentine auto parts industry has had restrictions for the payment of imports due to internal provisions of the Central Bank, which has led to the refusal of suppliers to supply it, and therefore the possible brake on production.
This year Mexico has reached fourth place as a world producer of auto parts, displacing Germany in this position. However, Automechanika Frankfurt shows that we are facing a vibrant industry that during this 2022 has met again to examine common challenges (including the lack of qualified personnel, the energy crisis and climate change) and present innovative solutions that motivate networking.
On another scale, countries like Mexico have faced how COVID-19 has caused a change in supply chains and, given the competitive cost advantage over countries like China, it currently stands out as the leader in Latin America in the nearshoring trend. Asian auto companies have moved their operations there to supply the US market.

aftermarketinternational.com Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 I 5 Departments 3/Out Front 4/Editor’s Note 18/New products Elka Suspension, DOLZ, Winjetinc, Klaxcar, Ac- Hydraulic, Smp Corp, AutoGP 20/Industry News 24/Trade Shows Find information, contacts, links to industry associations, free literature from businesses that advertise in the publication, events, and downloadable issue archives dating to 2007 at aftermarketinternational.com For contactadvertising,BradGlazer at 216-233-6943 or bsgrep@aol.com or info@aftermarketinternational.com IN THIS ISSUE/ ONLINE DIGITAL EDITION VOL. 21 No. 2 August 2022 12 Features 6/Common Chassis-Repair Tips & Tricks 6 12/Today’s Wheel Speed Sensors 14/Rotor Transfer Layer and Transfer-Layer Problems ADVERTISER'S INDEX Advertiser Page Arnott Air Suspension Products Cover 1 Arnott Air Suspension Products Cover 2 Arnott Air Suspension Products Cover 4 Automechanika Frankfurt 11 / E Newsletter Advertiser Page Autoaméricas Cover 3 Automann USA, Inc. 2 Salon Equip 'Auto 21 The Parts House 15 WorldWide Trading E Newsletter

Take a couple of pieces of tape and a marker with you. When you are going straight down the road put a mark on the tape on the column and the tape on the steering wheel, referencing where the steering wheel is. This should agree with what you find on the alignment rack. If it doesn’t, there’s an issue somewhere in the
ou show up in the morning, put your uniform on, open your toolbox and you go to work. Boom, boom, boom. At the end of the day, you lock everything up and you go home. Do you ever stop and consider what you’ve done all day? Think about how you did your job and what could have been learned or developed as a new skill or technique to make your job easier for yourself and to make you more effective and efficient? This article is designed to do just that, to give you some food for thought, for thinking outside the box, so to speak. The photos are not telling you what you have to do. They are not telling you that any of the work shown is mandatory, but the information presented may get you to think about trying it sometime, that it might have been helpful in a previous job. And it it’s a good idea to share these ideas with your fellow technicians during your lunch break or weekly meeting. The typical front-wheeldrive sedan and the mundane work that has become almost automatic for many people is not what we are talking about in this issue. We’re talking about why things are the way they are and what happens when things don’t go right. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy the information presented.
3 Draw a line down the center of this strut in relation to the threaded area where the upper strut-mounting nut goes. You’ll see that there is a bend to the strut rod. The vehicle in the first photo did not return from a right-hand turn because this strut was bent and a tremendous amount of side force was being put on the strut bearing assembly. This took some time examining the vehicle and a lot of work had been done trying to solve this problem. The fact is that if there is a lack of steering-wheel returnability, you should take the time to find out why and not automatically assume that it is just an alignment angle-related situation. This repair job, per customer’s approval, included the installation of complete front strut assemblies, along with a fourwheel alignment.
system.Many shops today have gotten out of the habit of road-testing vehicles, especially for anything but a specific handling complaint. Take the vehicle for a ride, as shown, to see how it handles and how it acts. You might find a situation in which the vehicle doesn’t return easily from a right-hand turn, that when compared to returning from a left-hand turn, is actually quite difficult.
By Technical Editor Ron Henningsen and Editorial Director Jim Wilder Y
6 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom
Share Your Experience Common Chassis-Repair Tips & Tricks

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When replacing struts, save yourself some time and trouble by putting a magnetic bubble gauge on the rotor with a couple of lug nuts holding it in place before you remove the strut. After removing the old strut and installing the new one, shift the assembly until the bubble gauge is at the same reading as it was before. This will make life a lot easier when running it over to the alignment rack to set toe or possibly install an alignment cam, if you choose to do that.
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This is an upper control-arm adjustment for a latemodel Ford Mustang that you won’t find listed in most of the alignment equipment information or the electronic information retrieval systems found in most shops. It’s there but only if your information also contains submissions from aftermarket alignment-kit manufacturers. Just look for it a little bit harder you may find it. It will expand your horizons and enable you to do more professional work and possibly sell more parts to cure problems.
When you get a vehicle that is anything but a fourdoor, front-wheel-drive in your shop, such as a Camaro, Mustang or one of the Chrysler performance vehicles, your specs in your reference books will often tell you that things are not as alignable — but they are. Go on YouTube and type in the specific vehicle and look for any aftermarket kits that might be available to make the car fully alignable and provide the handling performance the customer really wants from it. Some of these YouTube selections are shown. Some of the specific information presented on YouTube and on the vendor’s website is shown.
Granted, this is an old-style adjustment sleeve on a parallelogram-type steering system, but the fact is that there are literally millions of these vehicles still out there. When you get a vehicle in for alignment, look at the ears on these adjusting sleeves’ clamps. They should be as shown — parallel to each other and not tightened down so excessively that they are touching each other. If they have been excessively bent, you have little choice but to tighten them down that much again. This creates a dilemma, as they should only be parallel as shown.

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Although not mentioned by most alignmentequipment manufacturers and not really taught very often, I personally always start up a vehicle and adjust toe with the engine running. This has become even more critical with electronic power-steering-assist vehicles. On some makes of electronic power-steeringassist vehicles, when started, you can actually feel the motor engaging a zero pre-loader initial-engagement tension. Although not required, it is very advisable to do this because if there is any influence because of the power-steering hydraulic system or electronic-assist motor you can easily pick it up on your alignment equipment when you start the vehicle.
8 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom
Continuing in the area of toe adjustment, a pipe wrench or locking pliers is actually the least desirable tool to use on a split steering sleeve like the one in the previous photo. A variety of tools are shown here. These tools work better because they, unlike locking pliers and pipe wrenches, don’t create pinch-clamping in the sleeve and allow it to rotate more easily when used.This tie-rod tool is being used. Look at the area where the tool, the second one from the left in the previous photo, is inserted into the split sleeve and how the rotating point load is distributed over a wide area, unlike a pipe wrench that would cause it to somewhat bind on the threads. Younger technicians usually don’t own these tools, as today everything is rack-and-pinion with a jam nut. A locking pliers can be used on the inner tie-rod end to rotate it, but many trucks that are out there and some older vehicles still require tools that work well to enable an accurate toe adjustment.
This type of steering system used on many pickups before they went to rack-and-pinion steering has an inner rack-and-pinion type tie-rod end attached to the end of the drive-link jam nut, holding it onto the outer tie-rod end and the other tie-rod end. You may find it advisable to always keep the outer tie-rod end at a right angle to the stud when adjusting. It is the exception rather than the rule, but some vehicles will, because of their geometry and parts alignment, cause a slight amount of toe change as the tie-rod end rocks forward and backward. On some Chevrolet trucks of previous years it was easy to get a tenth of a degree toe mis-adjustment per side, as the outer tie-rod end rotated when you turned the inner tie-rod end to affect toe. Always keep the housing at a right angle to the stud while you take your reading and make your adjustment and you’ll never have to worry about which ones have this problem and which ones don’t.

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This is an alignment screen for a specific make and model of vehicle. Please note that alignment equipment today is “smarter” than it’s ever been. On this vehicle, the alignment readings are all in the “green” but the side to side camber spread should still be corrected. Note that this vehicle requires reset or service of the reset-stability-control system as part of the overall alignment.Anoften-missed area of service on many vehicles is that of the frame-mounting bushings for stabilizer bars. When they squeak or make other noises, they get serviced. Prior to them reaching that point no one really inspects them. Look at this bar. You can’t see it in the photo, but the bar is tight on the back side of the bushing but has a considerable gap on the front side. This is with the weight of the vehicle on the tires or the vehicle sitting at its normal operating height. There is an issue here, even though the bar and bushing are not severely worn. Whenever you have a toe situation in which toe is massively out of adjustment you must bring toe into the ballpark or close to being right before you do any other adjustment on the vehicle. Toe that is out as far as shown in this photo (in fact it doesn’t even have to be out this far) will fight any camber adjustment you are performing. If you change parts that affect toe or do any work that affects toe, get the initial toe into the ballpark before you proceed with your alignment. Otherwise, you’ll be like a cat chasing its tail. You’ll adjust toe and camber will change. You’ll adjust camber and toe will change. With toe in the green range to start with you will eliminate many problems and improve your work flow.
This is an older Asian car with a failed stabilizer-bar bushing. It’s actually a split bushing. You can see that the lower part is beginning to crawl or climb out of the holder. This allows a considerable amount of body movement before the stabilizer bar reacts, causing a lack of handling and control for the customer.
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This is a General Motors asymmetrical lower control arm. In every other situation, such as this, where one control-arm bushing is further away than the other control-arm bushing from the lower ball joint, you have an asymmetrical control-arm bushing. The rule is that the bushing that is further away is controlling caster. The one that is more directly in line controls camber.
The moral of the story? Check vehicles hanging and check them with the weight of the vehicle on the tires. This particular vehicle had a noise problem during hard cornering. If we had only inspected it while on a drive-on rack we might never have found this problem.
10 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom
Jim Wilder (james.r.wilder@att.net) is the former Editor of Undercar Digest - Aftermarket International. He has been an active member of the industry since 1981.
For this reason, if you have a situation where you have a vehicle handling issue under hard braking, you should check the bushing on the part of control arm that is further away from the ball joint. This is another point that has been missed or not talked about very much anymore. It used to be of primary concern as a test question when I went to tech school and alignment school. It’s not anymore. This is the old tried-and-true Chevrolet upper control arm with the “banana cams.” If you look at this control arm quickly while doing any type of vehicle work you may think that the parts are okay, but if you draw a line from the end of the bolt through the cam, through the bushing, through the control arm to the head of the bolt you can easily see that the control-arm assembly with the bushing has shifted upward considerably. In other words, the bolt is no longer in the center of the bushing and the center of the control arm. This is because of a failed bushing. Simply, this part needs to be replaced before any attempt at alignment is made.
A person who had a considerable amount of Chrysler experience came into the shop one day and said, “You’ve got the wrong spring on the left rear.” “What do you mean? They’re both the same.” His reply: “No, no. Chrysler uses a different spring on the one side of the rear because of the weight of the fuel and the gas tank that is carried predominantly by that spring.” We corrected the spring situation on the rear and guess what? The 1-inch height difference on the front was gone and we could align the vehicle and have it ride correctly. This tip alone, if you work on Dodge trucks and replace rear springs, may be worth the time it takes for you to read this article.
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We’ve always been taught to look at vehicles and inspect them with the weight of the vehicle on the tires. This particular suspension system has a lower controlarm bushing that has failed at the 5 and 11 o’clock position. Near the 1 o’clock position it’s literally torn almost all the way through. When the lower control arm or vehicle is raised as shown, the lower control arm is hanging. This problem shows up. When the weight of the vehicle is on a drive-on lift or an alignment rack this bushing does not indicate any problem whatsoever.
This lifted Dodge truck was a real “problem child” I worked on for some time. The vehicle had an aftermarket lift kit on it that had been installed before the customer bought the vehicle.
Ron Henningsen (ronald.henningsen@gmail.com) is the former Technical Editor of Undercar DigestAftermarket International magazine. He has been a professional brake and alignment trainer for more than four decades.

12 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom
Figure 3
Figure 4
Today’s Wheel Speed Sensors
By Taylor Wolff Wheel-speed sensors have changed over the years and so have diagnostic aids. While oscilloscopes are great diagnostic tools, it is no longer common to see technicians wheel them out to diagnose wheel-speed-sensor issues on newer vehicles. The most common type of wheel-speed sensor seen today are magneto resistive. These sensors are also referred to as active wheel-speed sensors because they require power to operate. The sensor works by detecting changes in magnetic field from the toothed ring, commonly on the wheel hub, with a semiconductor and a magnetic resistive element inside of the sensor. When the wheel is spinning it causes the multipole rotor ring to generate an alternating magnetic field, which in turn causes the sensor to switch its output on and off, creating a signal that is used by the antilock braking module.
I used a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado (Figure 3) to demonstrate a wheel-speed-sensor concern. I removed the rear sensor and contaminated it with metal shavings (Figure 4). This is not an uncommon issue to see in the field because of the environment of the sensor.

Figure 6
Next, I used the General Motors factory scan tool, GDS2, to view the sensor data. I compared the input of the left-rear sensor (the bugged sensor) to the right-rear sensor. As shown in the graphs, where the right wheel-speed sensor is functioning normally, (Figure 9) the left sensor signal shows little fluctuation and mostly gives no signal at all. (Figure 10) This illustrates that diagnosing most modern wheelspeed-sensor concerns can be as simple as a visual component and wiring check coupled with the use of the factory scan-tool equipment.
They are prone to collecting brake dust and metal shavings as wheel bearings wear. The metal shavings interfere with the magnetic field that interrupts the sensors ability to accurately detect it. The truck responded immediately with several warning messages and indicators on the dashboard display (figures 5, 6, 7 & 8)
Figure 7 Figure 8
Figura 9
Figura 10 Taylor Wolff (taylor.wolff@siu.edu) graduated Magna Cum Laude from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in the USA with a Bachelor’s Degree in Automotive Technology where she participated in numerous research projects. She is now a test engineer for Cummins Inc. Her hobby and passion lies with off-road vehicles, which ties in with her favorite area of interest, vehicle suspension systems.
Figure 5
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Two terms that technicians frequently see regarding a transfer layer of brake-pad material onto a rotor are “abrasive” and “adherent.” The true definition of these two terms, as they are applied, is that an abrasive brake material for pads does not establish a transfer layer. Abrasive brake material also will cause a higher rate of wear of the rotor and the brake pads. Adherent brake material is designed to establish or create a transfer layer of brake-pad material onto the rotor. When the brakes are applied with this transfer layer established, the friction between the pads and the rotor is created by similar material on both surfaces (the pads and the rotor).
14 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom
Rotor Transfer Layer and Transfer-Layer Problems
Looking in various aftermarket manufacturers’ brake catalogs you will find generalized descriptions of what the various types of friction are but really no statements that the friction is abrasive, adherent or a blend of the two. In other words, when installing aftermarket friction material, you may normally only know from the catalog that the friction is described as ceramic, semi-met or NAO. In addition, there is no way of learning what was on the vehicle from the factory.
Ceramic Brake Pads & Excessive Transfer-Layer Buildup. Ceramic pads became popular many years ago as a way to eliminate the brake-dusting issue with vehicle wheels and also because they were reportedly quieter.
By Ron Henningsen and Jim Wilder
Some Statements You Will Find About Friction and Transfer Material
Some aftermarket manufacturers report that abrasive friction material is undesirable. It has been stated that brake-life expectancy of the front brakes can be as low as 10,000 to 20,000 miles on Original Equipment (OE) brakes that use abrasive friction. Also, it would be logical that a greater amount of brake dust would be created when using abrasive friction than when using adherent friction.Italso has been stated that some friction in reality is a blend of adherent and abrasive materials. This is, perhaps, reality for brake applications on everyday general-use family vehicles. For performance vehicles capable of excessively high speeds it can be an entirely differentGenerally,story.the brake-friction category of semi-metallic or metallic brake-friction material is listed as abrasive friction. Most NAO (Non-Asbestos Organic) pads also fall into the abrasive-friction category. The true abrasivefriction group of disc-brake pads does not establish a transfer layer, creates a higher rate of rotor and pad wear and may have a shorter service life than adherent friction. You may on occasion see some reference to the type of brakes used on high-performance vehicles but generally there is little if any information available as to whether a vehicle has adherent or abrasive friction.
Figure 1 Figure 2

Figures 4, 5 and 6 show what could be considered a normal transfer layer.
According to some definitions, bedding in brake pads is done to establish the
Figure 3 Figure 4
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Bedding in Brake Pads
While both of these statements are true, an unexpected consequence came with the use of ceramic pads on many different vehicles. Ceramic pads do build up a transfer layer, which in many cases can become excessive in its thickness. Now it must be understood that on everyday light vehicles and trucks, there is less airflow across on the inside surface the brake rotor than on the outside. For this reason, a thicker transfer-layer buildup takes place on the inside of the rotor than on the outside. Figures 1 & 2 show the inside of rotors. Figure 3 shows the outside of a rotor. Note the large difference in the amount of transfer layer between the outside and inside surfaces of the rotor. In areas of the world where corrosion is likely, mostly due to snow and ice and the substances used to melt them, rust forms at the outer edge of the rotor’s braking surface and works toward the center of the rotor. This rust has a jacking effect, lifting the transfer layer off the surface of the rotor. In many instances, flaking such as that shown in Figures 1 & 2, along with noise and pedal movement during brake application would be present. This problem happens both with OE and aftermarket rotors. The solution has been to install a different set of ceramic pads with an updated brakematerial formulation and new rotors. One very inaccurate myth that is widely circulated says that the metal on the inside of the rotor is often defective or of an incorrect formulation. A little commonsense thinking will quickly dispel this myth, as the entire braking surface of the rotor is cast when poured and therefore it’s impossible to have different metals on the inside and outside braking surfaces. What’s a Normal Transfer Layer? Some aftermarket companies state that a normal transfer layer will appear as a black stripe or band along the friction surface of the rotor. In the real world, this banding is usually more evident on the outside of the rotor than on the inside.

Brake judder is caused by the friction material under pressure contacting a rotor as the vehicle is driven. If a rotor has an uneven, imbalanced or contaminated transfer layer, the pads will have a varying amount of friction or stopping force as the rotor passes under them. This may lead to what is known as brake judder. Brakepedal pulsation is usually caused by a thickness-variation problem of the rotor not by a transfer layer. While it is true that the transfer layer may vary slightly in thickness the amount of variation would be so microscopic that it would not cause a pedal-pulsation problem. It’s the difference in the friction quality of one part or section of the rotor compared to other parts that cause the brakejudder issue. For this reason, it’s very important that the detailed instructions, if they are supplied by the brakepad manufacturer, be followed to establish the initial transfer layer on a rotor.
Sometimes it’s common for shops to “pad-slap” vehicles. This refers to replacing worn-out front pads with a new set and returning the vehicle to service without doing much of anything else. This can lead to a variety of brake problems, especially in the area of a lack of stopping power, brake-pedal feel or a front-to-rear brake-balance issue. By anyone’s commonsense theory of brakes, if you have brake pads that are of the adherent type or a blended type, you must start off with a “clean or machined rotor” in order to establish the correct transfer layer and coefficient of friction. Pad-slapping a vehicle without any concern for the type of pads previously used and the transfer layer that may be on a rotor could lead to a variety of problems, some of which can create a degree of liability. Obviously, the correct solution would be to turn the old rotors or replace the old rotors with new ones, which will enable you to establish the correct transfer layer and brake pad-to-rotor interaction.
Maintaining Friction Balance & Establishing Front-to-Rear Brake Balance
16 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom
Brake Judder Is Not Rotor Pulsation
Many years ago, it was common for vehicles that were not driven a great deal or were usually driven slowly around town to have squeaky brakes (think little old lady driving to the local store). The solution was to take the Figure 6Figure 5
transfer layer from the pads to the rotor. According to other definitions of the same term, it means to perform a post-cure of the brake friction material. Still others think that by bedding in or seating in the brake pads, you cause a smoothing or change in the roughness average of the brake pads. Just understand and put the term into context with the way the expression “bedding in brake pads” is used. If it’s used in support of establishing a transfer layer, it means just that, establishing the transfer layer. When used in another context it could mean something different. Some aftermarket manufacturers or parts suppliers give specific instructions on bedding in or seating in new pads, while others offer instructions only pertaining to specific formulation groups. In other words, they may instruct you to follow the same beddingin braking sequence of a certain number of stops followed by a cool-down period for a very small vehicle or a midto large-sized SUV, provided both are using the same brake formulation.

• At slow to moderate speeds, a transfer layer is being used.
The following photos show what might appear at first glance to be a transfer layer on a rotor. Remember, a transfer layer is a molecular bonding of the friction material to the rotor, which then acts on the pads as they contact the rotor.
• At very high speeds, a transfer layer may be laid down excessively with buildup. By understanding these three generalized areas about a transfer layer you can easily understand that when a vehicle is only driven at very slow speeds, the transfer layer will not be maintained and the brakes may squeak. This also explains the phenomenon of why certain vehicles using certain types of pads will have a pedal shake, severe brake judder or other problems after making a very high-speed stop. The classic example is a vehicle with ceramic pads that develops a pedal shake even under light braking. What Is NOT a Transfer Layer on a Brake Rotor
Figura 7 Figura 8
Figure 8 shows what a rotor looks like after heat buildup or an overheating condition of the rotor. While there may be some material transfer because of the rotor or brake pad running excessively hot, this in itself is not what we consider a transfer layer. This article can be used as an excellent training and diagnostic reference for technicians wanting to advance their skills in performing a professional brake job. As a manager or owner of a shop, we suggest you share this information with your technicians.
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• At moderate to mid-range to high speeds, a transfer layer is being established.
Ron Henningsen (ronald.henningsen@ gmail.com) is the former Technical Editor of Undercar Digest - Aftermarket International magazine. He has been a professional brake and alignment trainer for more than four decades.
vehicle out for an aggressive “stopping experience,” allow for a cooldown period and then return the vehicle to the customer. During a brake-engineering design and testing class, presented by an engineer from one of the “Big Three” automakers, it was stated that the following could be thought of as a general rule for the establishment and maintenance of a transfer layer on a rotor.
Jim Wilder (james.r.wilder@att.net) is the former Editor of Undercar Digest - Aftermarket International magazine. He has been an active member of the industry since 1981.
In Figure 7 the rusty-looking rotor is a rear rotor on a truck that uses semi-metallic brake pads. This rust is the residue on the surface of the rotor that remains after the vehicle is driven. It was then parked and more rust occurred because of high humidity. After two or three quick stops this rotor would be shiny and clean without any evidence of the rust.

18 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom [NEW PRODUCTS ]INNOVATIONS FROM AFTERMARKET MANUFACTURERS
These shock absorbers provide the optimal combination of: Firm and stable handling for driving on desert and fire roads; compliance with plush while driving off-road on a washboard; strong ramp effect for additional protection against the bottom in large depressions and washes and maximum articulation and traction for rock climbing. Additionally, the 2.5 RESERVOIR model features adjustable spring preload (only on coilover models) for your specific driving style and terrain conditions.Theexternal reservoir provides additional volume and oil displacement for smoother damping and to prevent damping from fading. They come in an overlay or remote tank version, depending on your vehicle model, year, and application.
Distribution kits with water pump
"As a leading aftermarket supplier, we are proud of TRW's reputation for high-quality parts, and we look forward to introducing more original equipment-quality chassis components in the second half of 2022 and beyond," said Mark Cali, Director of Independent Aftermarket, USC at ZF Aftermarket."Byexpanding TRW's chassis portfolio, we ensure that more vehicle owners and technicians can source the highest quality parts for their vehicles. And we plan to continue to introduce more new chassis components, along with brake and steering parts, in the future."
The pump market is evolving towards the sale of all components to be replaced during repair. That's why Dolz distribution kits include the timing belt, water pump, as well as the rollers and screws needed for assembly. However, there is also the possibility of acquiring the kits without a pump. All components of the distribution kit, including the water pump, are of vital importance for the proper functioning of the engine and cooling circuit of any vehicle. With an extensive range of more than 230 references, specifically more than 120 references of distribution kits with water pump and more than 110 of distribution kits without pump, these cover more than 90% of vehicle sales in the European market. Each kit contains everything you need for assembly: pump with gasket when necessary, timing belt, bearings and screws.
ZF Aftermarket launches more than 200 TRW chassis parts
ZF Aftermarket announced that it is actively expanding its TRW chassis product portfolio in 2022, adding more than 200 new products in the first half of the year. The new 203 SKU chassis include control arms, ball joint stabilizers, steering systems and related products.Theycover a wide range of passenger cars and SUVs, including the popular Audi, Cadillac, Dodge, Ford, Honda, Hyundai and other models, expanding TRW's product offerings as the market's leading supplier of chassis accessories. The new offerings make TRW chassis parts available for more than 126.2 million additional vehicles in operation in the U.S. and Canada. Continuing its steady expansion across all product categories, TRW has introduced a total of 320 new chassis, brakes, steering and other parts to the U.S. and Canada in 2022, expanding coverage to approximately 136 million additional vehicles overall.
Shock absorbers Elka Suspension

Multipackage Ignition Coil Kits
It has heat resistance, finishes, treatments, balanced. Additionally, it takes into account the criteria included in Klaxcar's Quality Control and which are constantly audited.Therange offered has been designed to meet all requirements (solid, ventilated discs, with or without bearings, ABS ring, etc.).
aftermarketinternational.com Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 I 19 [NEW PRODUCTS ]INNOVATIONS FROM AFTERMARKET MANUFACTURERS
The wide range of LED taillights features a European style that infuse energy and confidence into any trip at an affordable price. You also have different color finish options available to match your vehicle perfectly, which complement the modern and avant-garde appearance, bringing improved luminosity to the rear of your vehicle.
The quality of the materials is essential to ensure optimal braking. That is why Klaxcar chooses them according to strict rules, according to regulations and implements an examination to offer its customers an Original Equipment quality product.
Standard Motor Products These kits include a complete set of heavyduty ignition coils that give technicians exactly what they need for a full coil service. Many of the Blue Streak ignition coils are now available in these multiple packages, with coverage for more than 23 million repair opportunities. Blue Streak heavy-duty coils are designed with upgrades and upgrades that continue to elevate Blue Streak products above the competition. Variable valve timing solenoid kits were also added to the Blue Streak line for 2017-06 General Motors vehicles equipped with the 2.4L engine and 20101999 Lexus and Toyota vehicles with 3.0L and 3.3L 6-cylinder engines. Each kit includes two premium Blue Streak solenoids along with the necessary hardware for a complete VVT solenoid repair solution.
tailLEDlights Winjetinc
Wireless remote control Ac- Hydraulic The buried elevator is fully automated and easily operated with a wireless remote control.Thewireless remote control allows the operator to move freely around the vehicle for quick and easy inspection of elevation points. It allows the operator to adjust and/ or raise each column individually to ensure that everything is correctly positioned.
The elevator is then operated using the control panel that allows the operator a full view of the vehicle while lifting it. The panel display provides information on elevator operation, column positions, and safety and maintenance updates. Maximum stability wheel stud AutoGP It has minimal mass, Additionalstability.maximumand has the design of the BBS FI-R wheel that wheelsdifferentprovidesqualities.Monoblocstreetareavailable in various sizes from 16" to 22" depending on the design. They are made of aluminium in premium A356.2 alloy ingots. In addition, all 3SDM wheels pass rigorous impact, radial fatigue and corner fatigue tests before going into production.
Among its main features stand out the sequential with LED light bar, has the complete set includes the left and right sides, has a SAE / DOT compliance and is made of high quality ABS plastic of OEM grade.

Other promotions Mark Steinel was promoted to director of truck and trailer sales at PresidentAftermarketPhillipsOES.Rob Myers said: "They are more than deserving of their promotions. We are proud of their work and continue to rely on them to meet customer requirements, drive sales and grow the business."
Phillips theDirectorAnnouncesIndustriesSeniorofSalesforAmericas
Automotive Parts Group's sales increased 8.5% to $35 billion. An overall 8.4% increase in like-for-like sales and a 4.5% contribution from acquisitions boosted car sales. "Our second quarter results were driven by exceptional execution from our teammates along with the continued focus on our strategic investments, which generated strong sales and margin expansion in both segments," said GPC President Will Stengel. "In addition, we were pleased to further strengthen our balance sheet and generate strong cash flow," he added. "Strength in the automotive industry was broad across our global operations. Similarly, continued strength in the industry led to its fifth consecutive quarter of double-digit sales comparisons." Sales during the first six months of 2021 were $10.9 billion, up 17.8% from $9.2 billion in the same period in 2021.
Automotive Parts Group sales increased by 8.5% Phillips Industries, a andcommercialsystemsadvancedcomponentsofmanufacturerelectricalandairbrakeforthetrucktrailerindustry, promoted two people to key director positions within the sales organization. John Nugent is one of them. The new senior director of aftermarket sales for the U.S., Mexico, Central and South America joined in 2006 as sales manager for the Eastern regional aftermarket. He went on to be sales manager of the domestic aftermarket in 2017 and then director of aftermarket sales in 2018. Prior to his promotion, Nugent was director of exports/key accounts in the U.S., Mexico, Central and South America since 2020. He will now be in charge of the aftermarket team covering this broad region in his role as Senior Director of Sales.
20 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom [INDUSTRY NEWS ]
Genuine Parts Company (GPC) announced record second-quarter sales of $5600 million, up 17.1% from $4800 million in the second quarter of 2021.According to the company, like-for-like store sales increased by 11.5% and acquisitions contributed 8.8% to the second quarter sales growth. Diluted earnings per share soared 92.6% to $2.62. "GPC achieved another record quarter, consisting of double-digit sales and earnings increases and a steady cadence of continued growth," said GPC CEO Paul Donahue. "We are benefiting from the resilience of our automotive and industrial businesses and the strategic mix of our operations. We want to thank our 53,000 talented GPC teammates for their exceptional work and commitment to excellence."

Recognized for his business development skills, Timmons managed all content creation, social media platforms, email strategies, promotions, and coordinated representative agency sales efforts.Rooted in the aftermarket accessories expertise for trucks, Timmons also previously worked for Truck Hero Inc., now with the RealTruck brand, as vice president of Jeep and off-road. There he implemented new sales strategies and highly effective product development to grow key accounts.
EGR CEO Simon McLellan said: "Mike's proven track record in brand development, innate understanding of customer and market opportunities, research-based business development and creative sales processes make him the ideal choice for EGR North America." "While EGR has an estimated accessories position with OEMs, our Aftermarket division has the potential to grow. Mike specializes in recognizing the potential of companies and building a brand that can capture market share. We are excited to have him at the helm of our aftermarket division," he said. Timmons said: "EGR is on the cusp of incredible growth. The products are some of the best designed and manufactured I've ever seen on the market." "I'm excited to have the full reign of the brand, market and generate sales for EGR," he added.
Dorman Announces More Than 230 New Chassis Parts Professionals at Dorman Products Inc., dedicated to the supply of automotive spare parts, launched more than 230 new premium engineering products in the first half of 2022. These are in turn based on more than 600 new products launched throughout 2021.
From control arms and bushings to stabilizer bars, straps and ball joints, chassis parts include premium features such as sealed bearings, high-performance lubricants, corrosion-resistant finishes and new hardware.Dorman employs strict quality control at every step of the manufacturing process to ensure that each new product meets the highest possible standards of performance and quality.
EGR USA, dedicated to the design and manufacture of automotive accessories, including fenders, hood guards, body side moldings, truck cab spoilers, window visors, sports bars and more, selected Michael Timmons as the new vice president of Sales and Marketing for the Aftermarket division. Timmons, who has excelled in the auto and truck aftermarket, was hired in June and will work remotely from his home in Washougal, Washington. As former executive vice president of AXC Inc., he was a key member of the leadership team responsible for creating a new brand and building customer loyalty for fenders and truck accessories. In addition, from his position at AXC, he developed pricing policies and structures for all sales channels, and strengthened customer service.
New chassis parts launched in the first six months of 2022 make up two dozen different part types, including direct replacements and updated components for drivers demanding better performance.
Michael Timmons, New Vice President of Aftermarket Sales at EGR USA
Notable additions released so far this year include an OE FIX tilt/alignment wheel for 2007-2020 Ford Transit trucks that allows technicians to adjust the tilt while it remains installed on the vehicle (BJ87355PR).Thisimproved design restores proper vehicle handling, saves time when alignments are needed, and reduces future service costs and the frequency of tire replacements. There is also a tow arm for more than 800,000 Honda Odyssey vehicles from 2011 to 2017 (part number CA59943PR). In addition, six aftermarket-exclusive stabilizer bar support kits stand out that fit more than 20 million vehicles across North America and include all the hardware needed for complete repairs. Added to this are 10 enhanced ball joint kits, drag links, stabilizer bar ends and stabilizer bar links that represent more than 15 million repair opportunities for the most popular domestic vehicles on the road, with hardened ball joint asparagus and superior corrosion resistance.Inturn,there is new coverage for hybrid and electric vehicles, including new control arm and ball joint assemblies for a quarter of a million Tesla S and X models, and a variety of control arms, drag arms and side arms for hundreds of thousands of Toyota and Lexus hybrid vehicles. These new additions continue Dorman's expansion of unique steering and suspension solutions; from front suspension kits for the F-150 and more than 50 other high-VIO platforms, including all common wear elements, to thousands of individual component replacements.
22 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom [INDUSTRY

Lubrication Specialties Inc., a specialist in hard-to-handle lubrication areas, announced the promotion of Julie Blankenship to the position of LSI Chemical Business Development Manager. Julie Blankenship will coordinate all marketing and sales activities for Lubrication Specialties Inc. Chemical for the current 12 distributors in nine countries, including Central America and Europe. The position serves as primary support for international distributors authorized to sell LSI Chemical brand additives and Hot Shot's Secret products overseas. Blankenship will be in charge of developing new strategies to increase distribution globally. She will also manage LSI Chemical's program of conference and trade show events and coordinate all educational and promotional materials. Blankenship has over 30 years of experience with non-profit organizations, corporations, trade associations and public policy.Prior to being promoted, she served as LSI's operations manager for the research and development department since December 2020. She holds a master's degree in Public Policy and Management from Ohio State University, with a focus on strategic budgeting and financial management. Previous positions include director of Energy Policy and Sustainability, as well as manager of Clean Energy Development and Sustainability for American Municipal Power (Columbus, Ohio). She was also manager of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs for Cinergy Corp in Cincinnati, Ohio. "Julie is the kind of person who, regardless of the position you give her, will stand out. She has a sharp mind, is very organized and efficient, and knows how to do things," said Brett Tennar, president of "WithLSI. their extensive experience in the energy sector, we feel very fortunate to have someone with policy experience to lead this department. We look forward to their contribution to the brand and promotion of LSI chemical additives in the important oil and gas industry," Tennar added.
One in three units affected by the shortage in North America was Mexican, reaching about 151,600 units.
LSI Promotes Julie Blankenship to Chemical Business Development Manager
The INA estimates that the total number of vehicles produced in North America in the first nine months of the year totals 10.8 million vehicles, so that the units affected by semiconductors represented only 4% of total production in the region.
In 2007, Mexico accounted for 30% of U.S. auto parts imports, while China accounted for 10%. THE INA's target for the end of 2022 is 39% for Mexico, while China will decrease its percentage to 9.5%. Nine out of ten of the country's exports will be destined for the United States this year. By 2022, the INA forecasts that the five most exported products in the country's auto parts sector will be harnesses, wires and cables ($4.168 billion); die-cut parts and body accessories ($2.424 billion); seats and parts thereof ($2.423 billion); gearboxes and parts thereof ($1.863 billion); and brake mechanisms ($1.514 billion).
INA estimates 71% semiconductor recovery in North America
aftermarketinternational.com Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 I 23
Likewise, the INA estimates that North America produces around 379,000 million dollars of auto parts in the region, of which 102,800 million dollars will correspond to Mexico. It also projects that this country will occupy an increasingly leading role as a supplier to the United States in the auto parts sector.
The National Auto Parts Industry of Mexico (INA) announced at a press conference that, compared to the results from January to July 2021, the impact of chip shortages globally in the same period of 2022 has decreased by 59%, representing two million vehicles in the world. In that period, Japan and Korea were the most affected nations. Together, both stopped producing more than 476,000 vehicles, while the second region was North America. The 447,500 units affected in the countries of the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC) presented a 71% recovery. This compared to the same period in 2021, when 1.5 million units were affected.

"It's more important than ever that the international aftermarket sector can finally come together again this year; not only due to the transformation of the industry, but also to the ongoing pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, climate change, problems in the supply chain, the shortage of semiconductors and lack of qualified personnel," says in an official statement the organization of the fair that will take place between September 13 and 17.
More than 2,600 exhibitors, 85% of whom come from outside Germany, will present their latest products and services at the next edition of Automechanika Frankfurt.
The Frankfurt trade fair will serve as an international showcase for new automotive aftermarket technologies and concepts for the mobility of tomorrow. The 'Innovation4Mobility' showcase will feature presentations by specialists on the latest topics and trends, including new propulsion technologies, electromobility, connectivity, sustainability and the increasing digitalisation that is affecting all facets of the aftermarket. Other areas of emphasis include training and networking.
"This offers further proof that Automechanika remains the industry's leading international platform for the entire automotive aftermarket. There is simply no other event like this," said Olaf Mußhof, noting that this year's exhibitors include companies from Germany, Italy and Turkey.
And the digitalization trend has not been interrupted, with equipment, tools and components digitized and con nected to the computer systems of the workshops. For ward-thinking topics, such as new mobility and alternative driving systems, are also highlighted in the presentations
Sustainabilityreceived. is another topic that is causing a sensation in the industry: after evaluating the submissions, Expert Advi sor Dr. Gerhard Angerer selected five innovations as final ists for the Green Award.
The 133 presentations from 99 exhibitors cover an impres sive range of applications, ranging from paint care products produced from renewable resources and rescue systems for battery-burned vehicles to highly complex laser scanners capable of measuring entire vehicles in a matter of minutes.
"It has been great to see the response from exhibitors, now that they finally have the opportunity to showcase their latest products and services to an international industry audience," said Automechanika Frankfurt Director Olaf Mußhoff, who looks forward to welcoming more than 2600 exhibitors from 70 countries here in Frankfurt.
Mobility of the Future Workshop 4.0 Not only will trade visitors be able to find innovative solutions for these fields at the trade show, but they will also have the opportunity to learn more about them in presentations and panel discussions.
Innovative solutions
The Future Mobility Workshop 4.0 offers some fascinating insights and presents the technologies, processes and business models of tomorrow. Companies and visitors from the automotive sector will find valuable practical ideas and concepts on how they can make their day-to-day business operations more efficient and ensure their business models are prepared for future requirements.
24 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom [TRADE SHOWS ]

From Germany and Turkey, to Brazil with more than 40 companies, there are more than 450 exhibitors from various countries. Among them will be companies from Chile, Romania, Ecuador, the United States, India, Lithuania and Thailand, among others.
Over the years, Automechanika Buenos Aires has attracted 4,186 exhibitors and 309,966 visitors from various"Automechanikacountries.
Automechanika Buenos Aires begins to fuel
is the ideal scenario to win new markets, generate new commercial opportunities, transmit numerous knowledge and experiences, so necessary in a world in constant transformation," said the Project Manager of Automechanika Buenos Aires, Fabián Natalini.
"After the pandemic, we had a good virtual experience with #AutomechanikaBAConecta, which gave us the possibility to continue connecting the industry and reach many more people. In this edition we will be able to meet again face to face with colleagues, clients and generate new business, "said Natalini in relation to the last face-to-face meeting in 2018.
From the organization they assure that the event will comply with the protocol and recommendations established by the local and national authorities in the face of the health emergency provided by COVID-19 to guarantee the health and hygiene of exhibitors, visitors and all staff.
The eleventh edition of the leading international exhibition in Argentina of services for the automotive industry will be held between October 11-14.
aftermarketinternational.com Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 I 25 [TRADE SHOWS ]AUTOMOTIVE AFTERMARKET PLACES TO BE
Automechanika Buenos Aires has already confirmed the international pavilions to be installed in La Rural Predio Ferial (Argentina). Some 25,000 visitors are expected to pass through them, of which around 85% hold a hierarchical position and 88% influence purchasing decisions.
Outside the business rounds, those who tour the exhibition will be able to participate in seminars offered by the Association of Argentine Component Factories (AFAC). These will be attended by national and international officials, who will discuss different topics concerning the future of the industry.

"All done for convenience and to reduce costs," GlazerAutoAméricassaid.
26 I Aftermarket International Vol. 21 No 2 2022 aftermarketinternationalcom [TRADE SHOWS ]AUTOMOTIVE AFTERMARKET PLACES TO AutoaméricasBE Show is scheduled for March 2023
"We decided that the most prudent course of action was to postpone the inaugural event in Miami until such time as travel made the most sense for international guests," the director added when announcing autoAmericas Show programming for Friday, March 24 and Saturday, March 25, 2023.
"The good news? We took advantage of that delay to work with owner Brad Glazer on the acquisition of AFTERMARKET INTERNATIONAL and consolidate our marketing reach both internationally and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. We are now reaching 20,000 international readers in the aftermarket business every week. We are confident that 2023 will be a very propitious year," Jaramillo said.
The inaugural event will be held at the Miami Airport Convention Center, a venue conducive to the travel of exhibitors and attendees alike, with the possibility of staying on the hotel premises.
For his part, Brad Glazer, still Publisher of AFTERMARKET INTERNATIONAL and co-director of AutoAmericas, indicated that "we will be targeting buyers from Latin America, travel enthusiasts again. And what better place to visit than Miami?
The last weekend of March next year will be the opportunity for buyers and sellers from Latin America to meet and learn about the new trends and products of the automotive industry."Since the announcement of Autoamericas in 2021, we have faced several waves of COVID-19 infections," said Max Jaramillo, director of Latin Press, the publishing house of AFTERMARKET INTERNATIONAL.
Show has a total exhibition area of 4,518 square meters, in which buyers and sellers meet to understand the changes that influence the improvement of their There,business.business is done face-to-face, "the most persuasive way for sales and to build lasting relationships between new customers and suppliers," as the event's website states. The target audience includes wholesalers and distributors, repair, service and installation workshops, vehicle dealers, manufacturers and converters, as well as retailers.