Welcome to our second quarter issue. Hope all is well. Several things to mention.
We are happy to report our first tradeshow was an unqualified success. AutoAmericas was held Feb. 24-25 in Miami at the Miami Airport Convention Center. About 30 exhibitors were in contact with more than 600 attendees from various countries, primarily in Latin America. Many took the time to attend Alegria at the offices of Latin Press Inc., which owns the show and AFTERMARKET INTERNATIONAL.
This was an important event for our brand. For many years we have had distribution of physical issues at many shows, but we had never put one on ourselves. So this was a first and definitely not the last.
Happy to announce we will again be having AutoAmericas next year. Same target audience of attendees, those from Latin America and South Florida. And the same location, the Miami Airport Convention Center. We have changed the dates to March 6-7, 2024. Feel free to contact me for more information.
One of our exhibitors this year was the Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association (APRA). Joe Kripli, APRA president made a well-attended and very effective presentation, which we are happy to include in this issue. Thank you, Joe and APRA for your participation.
While in Florida for AutoAmericas I drove to Merritt Island (near Cape Canaveral), home to Arnott Air Suspension. A long- time client whose media adorns our front and back covers, it was my first time there. Quite an impressive operation…all 20+ acres of it. And yes, Arnott was the name of the company founder. Quite the success story for sure.
Editorially we will now be covering the aftermarket for motorcycles, as our readers have asked us for information about this market, how to service, etc. We listened to you and responded. If you have specific subjects related to the motorcycle industry please let us know.
Readers of this issue can now find more information on our weekly enewsletter. This goes to our audience of 18,000, in more than 100 countries worldwide. It is deployed in both English and Spanish. Please look for it in your email inbox. Thanks again for your time and attention, and continued success in 2023.
It is a periodical publication owned by Latin Press, Inc.
Produced and distributed for Latin Press, Inc. by Latin Press Colombia and Latin Press USA
Max Jaramillo / Manuela Jaramillo
Duván Chaverra dchaverra@aftermarketinternational.com
EDITOR Federico Duarte fduarte@aftermarketinternational.com
PROJECT MANAGER Andrés Caballero acaballero@aftermarketinternational.com
PUBLISHER Brad Glazer bglazer@aftermar ketinternational.com
Sandra Camacho scamacho@aftermarketinternational.com
Fabio Giraldo fgiraldo@aftermarketinternational.com
Maria Eugenia Rave mrave@aftermarketinternational.com
PRODUCTION MANAGER Fabio Franco ffranco@aftermarketinternational.com
LAYOUT AND DESIGN Jhonnatan Martínez jmartinez@aftermarketinternational.com
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The ribbon cutting officially began the first issue of the AutoAméricas Show. The event held between March 24 and 25 at the Miami Airport Convention Center (MACC) brought together thirty brands and more than 600 professionals from the auto parts industry from Latin America, the Caribbean and South Florida.
But not only from this region. The meeting had an echo even in the Old Continent. Il Giornale dell'Aftermarket, an Italian magazine of reference for spare parts distributors and all companies that gravitate towards the aftermarket, recorded on its pages the expo and congress that took place in Miami.
Hence, even a European member of the Association of Automotive Parts Remanufacturers (APRA), one of the partners of the show, traveled from the United Kingdom to see firsthand the products, services and knowledge experienced on this side of the world. Along with him were numerous international visitors, who would later ask for the date of the second version of this show.
This is already marked on the 2024 calendar: March 7 and 8, at the same MACC in Miami. However, just like the cycles of international competitions, a series of previous events are expected to guide and strengthen the path to this great appointment.
These meetings that propose a series of exhibitions by companies from other industries complementary to the automotive industry such as painting, cleaning, ventilation, sound and video comprise AutoAméricas Days. The closest one is AutoRefinish Days, focused on car maintenance and refinishing, which will take place on July 6 in Mexico City, the location of the other meetings.
This will be followed by AutoCleanTec Days, scheduled for September 7. This seeks to offer benefits through the high-level knowledge of the participating companies to carry out new business in the cleaning sector in the automotive industry. On November 9, AutoHVAC Days will follow, aimed at adding value to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning market.
Finally, and as the last stop before AutoAméricas 2024, AutoSound Days will take place. January 25 of next year has been planned as a day to make consultative purchases and sales in the field of automotive sound and video.
Each one of these spaces is intended to strengthen the second issue of AutoAméricas, which is already setting the bar higher.
Federico Duarte EditorBetween March 24 and 25, the first version of the AutoAméricas Show was successfully held, an expo and congress for the auto parts industry in Latin America, the Caribbean and South Florida. The next appointment will be again in Miami between March 7 and 8, 2024.
The first issue of the AutoAméricas Show, held on March 24 and 25, 2023 at the MACC in Miami ended with a very satisfactory balance for all attendees: from exhibitors and speakers to the general public that is already preparing for the second version, which will
take place in the same place between March 7 and 8, 2024.
Those present connected with more than 30 brands, including manufacturers and distributors of aftermarket parts, to
do new business and expand their markets in Latin America, the Caribbean and South Florida.
In addition to the trade show, the Academic Congress was also held. This included a series of conferences on topics of interest: from support and promotion programs for exports in the United States, new business opportunities in the production and marketing of motorcycles, remanufacturing for the aftermarket, to strategies on how to start a business in chip-tuning and cloning of electronic modules, as well as female leadership in the industry.
The more than 600 attendees at the meeting witnessed a wide range of solutions between parts and consumables. This included compressors for automotive air conditioning, refrigerants, antifreeze, engine lubricants and additives, mechanical parts for suspension, brake pads, clutches, timing kits, among many others.
“We have had a very pleasant experience. We hope that many people will continue to attend in the coming years and that they will be able to learn about the full variety of products that all these companies have for Latin America and the Caribbean," said Xavier Campodonico of GJ Parts & More.
On the other hand, José Orlando Giraldo, Purchasing Manager of TVA Automotive, expressed that "for us it was a phenomenal experience to be in the first issue of AutoAméricas Show, we are grateful to the organizing committee for the invitation, for the experience, and we hope that in the coming years will continue to grow and we will continue to accompany them".
The space to relax and share a few drinks and food with colleagues was given at Fiesta Alegría, in Little Havana. There, attendees enjoyed a Latin night with the singer Paola Fernández, food truck, drinks and dancing.
Regarding AutoAméricas' allies, Tom Jackson, former president of the Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association (APRA), expressed that “we had a lot of fun in this first issue of the Expo; we have met many people from different countries, as well as representatives of different industries that will surely open new paths for the association”.
The president of the Association of the Automotive Sector and its Parts (Asopartes), Carlos Andrés Pineda, who was one of the speakers of the academic program, agreed. Pineda highlighted that he was "very happy
to have participated in the first issue, to meet new companies and sectors associated with the automotive sector and to obtain very good contacts for the Association".
Likewise, Gustavo González, from The Parts Authority, highlighted the opening of 39 new accounts “that will surely give us a lot of business opportunities. With this we are more than satisfied and we know that next year will be better".
The Project Manager of AutoAméricas, Andrés Caballero, thanked all the attendees and exhibitors "for having joined us in this event with enthusiasm and confidence in the positive results."
Andrés highlighted that with "efficient teamwork we achieved an excellent first edition, with companies doing business with our win-win policy, which gives us the certainty of continuing successfully with this project."
Finally, Max Jaramillo, the CEO of Latin Press, the company in charge of organizing the event, stated that "with the knowledge of the industry and the coverage of Aftermarket International, we will take advantage of Miami as an international center for the automotive aftermarket to reach buyers in South Florida, the Caribbean and Latin America".
Energy is not created or destroyed, it is only transformed. The engine is the source of energy that allows the movement of a vehicle, and the transmission system is, as its name indicates, responsible for transmitting energy to the wheels. For this, multiple gears act, which in turn make up different types of transmission.
Transmitting and optimizing engine power according to the type of road has been the ultimate goal of these mechanisms, which have accompanied the evolution of transmissions: from toothed chains and sprockets adjusted to the engine and wheel, typical of transmission mechanisms from chain or belt of the first automobiles, to changes and differentials managed electronically.
According to ZF engineer Nelson Gutiérrez, development since the beginning of the 20th century has been intense and marked by the needs of the most demanding manufacturers of commercial vehicles: buses, trucks and machinery.
"Today there are dozens of models, sizes, and technologies present in the transportation industry, and for all of them there is a global structure of authorized services and spare parts," says Gutiérrez, who highlights a series of solutions that prevail in the global transmission market for high performance vehicles.
Different solutions stand out in the world market for transmissions for highperformance vehicles.
Transporting heavy loads safely, quickly and economically requires a powerful engine and at the same time a transmission with power and precision. Faced with this, the engineer Gutiérrez alludes to the ZF Ecosplit 4, which in his opinion has excellent performance on the highway, in cities and on difficult terrain.
“This transmission is manual, it has 16 gears, fully synchronized, it is suitable for all types of work, as it shows its strength; not only in tractor trucks, but also in off-road and off-road applications, also in special construction vehicles”, he comments.
According to him, the transmission is designed to be equipped with different PTOs (Power Take-Offs), to drive additional units such as hydraulic pumps applied to dump trucks, garbage trucks, tank trucks, fire equipment, special cranes, etc.
It also has a compact aluminum casing, which eliminates superfluous weight, increasing charging performance. The gears have helical toothing, which contributes to quiet operation.
To this is added the Servoshift pneumatic gear change assistance which, as indicated, allows the driver to select gears quickly and efficiently, without wasting energy.
“Optionally, this transmission can be requested with Intarder 3, which is another element in charge of increasing safety, since it safely relieves the load on the service brakes; therefore, it reduces the emissions of polluting particles, at all times, not only when traveling downhill”, adds Gutiérrez.
At a general glance, a series of tubes of different sizes that rotate and carry the force of the engine towards the tires stand out. There is one, however, that moves quickly below the others and that constitutes the main tube. That's the driveshaft.
This is connected to the clutch. This engages or disengages the rotation of the motor. From a synchronized and smooth movement, it transmits or interrupts the mechanical energy voluntarily, and thus controls the transmission from it to the wheels.
The gearbox regulates the speed changes in which the propeller rotates. This can be manual or automatic.
The bevel-differential group converts the movement generated by the clutch and the gearbox that reaches the transmission shaft into a transversal one and connects with the bearings. This piece is vital to prevent the car from skidding, since it keeps the sum of speeds of the drive wheels constant.
Finally, the bearings transmit this movement to the wheels.
As indicated by the CEO of Doctor Auto, Fernando García, failures in this system occur when the car accelerates. A clear sign that something is wrong are excessive vibrations, abnormal noises just below the driver's seat, as well as when changing gears, and the car starting without moving forward.
The most common repairs that García lists are tightening or adjusting joints, greasing components, and repairing or changing differential gears. However, he emphasizes that a diagnosis is necessary to assess all damage and its origin.
Another of the innovative solutions for truck and bus mobility in the global market that the engineer brings up is the ZF TraXon modular transmission. It equips, in his words, the "most advanced trucks and buses on the planet."
"TraXon is a modular and extendable transmission, it comes in 12 and 16 direct gears and Over Drive", he describes and highlights that it offers a wide variety of configurations with a single disc clutch, double clutch, a hybrid module, Intarder and PTO for use in dump trucks, tractor trucks, inter-municipal buses. Without PTO, includes mobile cranes, fire, construction and rail equipment.
On the other hand, he points out that it is "extremely silent", without exhaust noise, light aluminum casing, and does not require a hood to adapt to the engine. In addition, it has a program that prevents driver errors and, as he emphasizes, the damage caused by these errors is minimized.
"In some vehicles they come with the famous ZF Intarder 3, one of the most advanced speed retarders in the world," he asserts about this transmission which, in his opinion, will play a leading role in reducing emissions, since the reduction of use of the brakes (up to 90%) guarantees a very low emission of particulate matter produced by the service brake.
“This is a significant reduction in maintenance costs, saves fuel, and increases operating reliability,” he highlights.
Finally, the engineer Nelson Gutiérrez addresses a technology that succeeds a technology with more than ten years in the market, the EcoLife1 automatic transmission: the EcoLife 2 transmission.
This new version works with a six-speed gear distribution which, according to Gutiérrez, leads to more economical torque for the engine. In turn, it offers gear changes without interruption of tractive force. Added to this is a reinforced torque converter and a new torsional vibration damper that reaches up to 2,800 Nm of engine torque.
The engineer enhances the main retarder that allows high braking torque at low vehicle speeds. In turn, it is equipped with a reinforced dual cooling system with a larger retarder heat exchanger and an enlarged oil sump + 9 liters. In doing so, it helps prevent overheating of the gearbox in demanding operations, allowing extended retarder operation.
EcoLife 2 has the Retarder, which is a more efficient primary slowdown system at low speeds, characteristic of urban transport, thus offering a notable reduction in brake wear, consequently generating more savings in spare parts and maintenance, in addition to the reduction of polluting emissions.
EcoLife's intelligent automatic gear changing allows the transmission to adapt to the topographical characteristics of the routes traveled by the buses.
"In cities where there are steep slopes, performance is not a problem," says the engineer, who explains that when the vehicle is driving on a flat road, the system automatically selects the most economical and appropriate gear. If the terrain becomes steep, the software adapts the shift point selection to the appropriate gear.
"In practical terms in operation, this transmission offers smooth and powerful acceleration in stop-and-go urban traffic and works optimally when driving on extreme slopes," says engineer Gutiérrez.
According to him, it provides high braking power even at low vehicle speeds and contributes to longer brake life through wear-free braking. In addition, advanced software features help further improve driver comfort and fuel economy.
Transmission can be manual or automatic. Its purpose is the same: to transform the revolutions per minute of the engine into energy to generate movement of the wheels.
In the first, the driver changes the gear from the gear lever, whose mechanism according to experts is easier to repair. On the other hand, in the automatic transmission it is the gearbox that changes the gears by itself as the car advances. Likewise, the pieces that each one comprises are different.
The manual transmission has three sections: input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft. The first transmits the power of the engine to the intermediate shaft, which rotates at the same speed. Their axes are connected to the gear.
On the other hand, the output shaft gears have different sizes and rotate at different speeds, according to what the shaft determines, which remains static. To make the car move, the gear lever activates a sleeve that connects the gears to the output shaft. The clutch disc is coupled through the main shaft. The moment it is attached to the flywheel, movement occurs.
The automatic transmission does not use a clutch pedal for the movement of the parts. The automatic gearbox, which has a torque converter to regulate the movement, makes use of an oil that produces the necessary pressure for it.
In this way, the driver can keep his hands on the wheel, without the need to use the lever synchronized with the clutch. Thus, the function of starting and braking typical of driving in urban spaces is simpler and less tiring. However, it is less efficient with respect to fuel consumption, and therefore more expensive.
This type of transmission comprises a set of “planetary” gears: the sun gear and the ring gear, which provide the power inputs to the transmission. From this system, the transmission reaches different output speeds.
Let’s conclude the remanufacturing process of the Mini electric steering pump, discovering some secrets and tricks.
The mainboard and its components are the more delicate components of Mini’s pump.
In order to satisfy all the market requirements, Emmetec offers several solutions (image 1):
1. V-04025: including the light alloy base and the plate with brushes;
2. V-04025A: like the V-04025 but including the sealing o-ring;
3. V-04025B: like the V-04025 but including the sealing o-ring and the bearing,
4. V-04025C: just the light alloy base without the mainboard.
Into picture 2, appears the sole mainboard V-04029 without the light alloy base.
The substitution of the whole mainboard is the simpler and faster solution, so is especially suggested for beginners.
For more expertise, EMMETEC offers the loose components listed below.
The diode V-05501 (image 3) is a simple bipolar diode, and if burned out, does not allow the switching on of the CPU.
The diode W-05237 (image 4) is very delicate, so must be always substituted, even if still working.
The mosfet W-05018 (image 5), as per the diode W-05237, is subjected to wear, so even if working, must be always substituted.
The pump of the Mini is equipped with 5 different types of resistors (image 6).
Double check them always, and if any strange value (for instance an infinite resistance), do not hesitate to proceed with their substitution.
The condensers W-05137 (the biggest ones located on the mainboard – image 7), when damaged, impede the switching on of the mainboard.
The condensers W-05236 (the smallest ones located close to the plate with brushes – image 8), when damaged, cause a premature wasting of the brushes.
It is suggested to change the original one with the W-05194 of image 9.
The tension regulator is mandatory for the proper powering of the CPU.
If not working, the pump will not switch on.
If any issue, must be changed with W-05244 of image 10.
Emmetec offers all the connectors needed for the proper remanufacturing of the pump.
In picture 11, the model W-06503 and W-06541, suitable for Mini and many other applications.
In picture 12 the cases W-06045A and W-06045M in substitution of the original ones that very often get damaged.
For more information regarding the components or how to fit them, and especially if interested in a detailed training, contact www. emmetec.com or www.jadausa.com, his distributor for the Americas.
* Technical consultant for Emmetec & Orpav panziericarlos@gmail.com
Remanufacturing is the ultimate form of recycling. By extending product life two or more times, remanufacturing keeps products out of landfills longer.
Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association (APRA) is a non-profit organization that supports the automotive and heavy duty remanufacturing industry.
It was started in 1941 out of necessity due to World War II (see additional note 1). During that time the automotive factories were turned into the war machine and were producing Tanks, Aircraft, and Jeeps. You couldn’t find a spare part for your car, so you had to rebuild what was broken. This led to many start up companies repairing automotive parts such as starters and alternators, as well as brake calipers.
Soon after the war there was a starter and alternator shop in every medium to large town. Some were in the back of the warehouse of automotive parts supply stores.
Fast forward to today and many of the small shops have closed as people have retired and larger remanufacturers have taken over the market place through “box” stores such as Autozone or Advance Auto. Remanufacturing has always been environmentally friendly and “green”, but today it is recognized as a crucial component to the Circular Economy.
Remanufacturing is the ultimate form of recycling. By extending product life two or more times, remanufacturing keeps products out of landfills longer than other recycling methods. Isn't it time we took responsibility for the parts we use on our Earth?
Remanufactured parts are very different from "recycled" or "used" parts, which are reused without any work being done to them.
Remanufacturing is the process used to restore a component or part to "good as new" condition (to meet or exceed original equipment performance standards) through disassembly, cleaning, reassembly, and testing to ensure a product of the highest quality level.
Among its environmental benefits, is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions between 36% and 53%, according to a recent study.
Remanufactured products are "good as new" and "result in less waste (than recycled products)," according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
In addition, it aims at the conservation of raw materials. It keeps products out of the waste stream for longer and therefore reduces the impact on landfills.
Added to this is the reduction in air pollution, since the products are kept out of the recasting process for longer; another benefit of extending the life of the product.
The Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association (APRA) was founded in 1941 out of a shortage of auto and truck parts during World War II, which helped the growth of the remanufacturing industry.
Today APRA is made up of more than 1,000 companies around the world. It is the only association that represents the global remanufacturing industry. Likewise, it is a founding member of the Remanufacturers Alliance Association. Furthermore, it supports the work of the Remanufacturing Center at the University of Bayreuth in Germany, as well as the National Remanufacturing
Center at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York.
In total, more than 50 automotive and light, medium and heavy truck components are regularly remanufactured. These include anti-lock braking systems, air conditioning compressors, alternators, brake master cylinders, brake shoes, calipers, carburetors, clutches, and crankshafts.
Added to this are constant speed drive shafts, electronic control modules, engines and engine parts, fuel injection, power steering motors, power window motors, rack and pinion steering, transmissions, water pumps, motors windshield wipers and more.
Finally, by ordering remanufactured parts, our individual choices can protect our resources and our quality of life.
In terms of energy conservation benefits, more than 85% of the energy originally used to make a product is saved the first time.
Likewise, it saves the energy needed to extract and transport raw materials. It should be noted that the annual global energy savings attributed to remanufacturing is equivalent to the electricity generated by five nuclear power plants or 233 oil tankers.
In short, remanufactured parts save resources and energy and create new jobs. Additionally, consumers benefit from lower prices and the availability of hard-to-find parts. Product life is extended and an exceptional return on investment is produced.
Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association was invited to participate in the new AutoAmericas Show.
As with any new show there is always hesitation and speculation. Will people come? Will companies exhibit?
We signed a promotional agreement with the AutoAmericas group because we felt this was something Latin Press could pull off. We knew they had the contacts, and we knew they know the market, but still, you’re always wondering in the back of your head if it will work.
I was able to convince one of our largest members, Rebuilders Automotive Supply, to attend the show with me and support our booth. It was also beneficial that Tom Jackson from Rebuilders Automotive Supply spoke Spanish.
As I arrived to set up our booth, I wasn’t expecting to see other booths with show cars in their booth. I was pleasantly surprised.
The opening day of the show got even better as when I arrived at the venue, there was a line to the door of people registering for the show. Luckily, I had preregistered because I would have been late getting into the show.
As the show opened there were quite a few people in attendance, but I still thought the crowd would thin out shortly and people wouldn’t spend the time there. I was wrong with that thought, people were there the whole
day, and many attended the technical presentations which were in the same hall area.
I was amazed the people who traveled from many countries such as Colombia, Belize, Panama, Guatemala, and Jamaica. In fact, I was very surprised when one of our European members from the UK showed up. I asked him what he was doing there, and he simply stated he had heard about it in the advertising and already had a trip planned for the USA and decided to come and check it out.
He too was pleasantly surprised by the foot traffic at the event. That evening we had a wonderful event at the Latin Press headquarters with live music and great food. The hospitality was most enjoyed by all attendees.
Overall, a good first show that is sure to grow over the years as word of mouth spreads about it. I look forward to attending the show next year and see the new people I met this year. Cudos to the AutoAmericas and Latin Press staff who worked and assembled the show.
He was then commercial director of the start-up Caroobi, a workshop platform. Since 2020, Grosse Kleimann has been senior vice president responsible for the Automotive & New Mobility business unit of Siemens Advanta Consulting, which provides consulting services to companies in the sector on topics such as digital transformation, sustainability and electrification, as well as development of technical applications and software solutions.
"I am passionate about the aftermarket," said Philipp Grosse Kleimann.
International. Philipp Grosse Kleimann (52) will be the new Head of the Aftermarket business unit and a member of Mahle's Management Board as of August 1, 2023. In this role, he will report directly to the CEO.
"Philipp Grosse Kleimann has many years of management experience in the automotive and mobility sector, a deep understanding of the service and workshop business and an entrepreneurial mindset," said Arnd Franz, Chairman of the Board of Management and CEO of Mahle.
Grosse Kleimann succeeds Olaf Henning (55), who had successfully led the business unit since 2014 and left the Group at the end of April at his own request to take on new professional challenges.
"I am very pleased to have been able to secure the services of Philipp Grosse Kleimann for the Mahle Group. In his new role at Mahle, he will continue to develop new data-
driven aftermarket business models and play a key role in shaping our Group's ongoing transformation," said CEO Arnd Franz.
Philipp Grosse Kleimann, born in Stuttgart, has a degree in business administration. He began his career in 1996 at the Daimler Group, where he became responsible for the global spare parts and workshops business. In 2008 he was appointed Director of Business Development as a member of the Board of Directors of the British sports car manufacturer Aston Martin Lagonda.
In 2010, Grosse Kleimann was appointed partner of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, where he later became a senior partner providing advice to international clients at the Global Automotive Competence Center. Prior to joining Siemens' Advanta business unit, Grosse Kleimann developed and monetized innovative mobility concepts as a member of the board of directors of Ergo Mobility Solutions.
"It will be my goal and my task to actively pursue the transformation of Mahle Aftermarket into a digital, sustainable and highly competitive organization. I am looking forward to taking on these challenges together with the Mahle team and continuing the successful work of my predecessor Olaf Henning."
CEO Arnd Franz praised Olaf Henning's dedication to Mahle: "On behalf of the entire Board of Management and the aftermarket team, I would like to thank Olaf Henning for his excellent work at the head of the aftermarket business unit."
"In the context of the transformation of our industry, it has positioned this very important business unit for our group in a future-oriented manner and has also achieved outstanding results in difficult phases such as the Covid pandemic. Olaf Henning has our best wishes both for his future career plans and for his private life."
United States. As of April 1, 2023, Andrea Zanellotti officially assumed the role of CEO and President of Muncie Power Products.
Zanellotti becomes the sixth CEO the company has had in its 87-year history. As now, he will continue to serve as CEO of RR USA, another member of the Interpump Group.
RR USA officially joined Interpump Group in 2019. Muncie Power has been a member of Interpump Group since 1999.
Zanellotti began his career at RR USA in 1992 and has served as CEO since 2019. RR USA supplies North America with a wide variety of mechanical, hydraulic and electrical components for many industries. It is a subsidiary of Reggiana Riduttori, a company based in Italy.
Andrea Zanellotti brings with him more than 30 years of experience in the power transmission industry and plans to continue Muncie Power's legacy as a leading manufacturer of power takeoffs and fluid power components in North America and beyond.
"The success of any company is based on the efforts of its employees, and I am excited to continue building on the foundation and culture that Mr. Ray Chambers has created over the years," said Andrea.
"I am grateful for this new opportunity with my new colleagues and look forward to the journey and challenges ahead," he said.
United States. SSpeedway Motors, a manufacturer, retailer and distributor of high-quality automotive parts and racing products, promoted Josh Durham as Chief Financial Officer and Jeremy Orlowski as Chief Purchasing Officer.
Josh Durham joined the Speedway Properties team in 2021 and brings more than 23 years of finance experience to his new role as Chief Financial Officer of Speedway Motors.
Prior to joining the Speedway Motors team, he served as vice president/controller at Nebraska Book Company and senior financial analyst at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He graduated from McDaniel College, where he earned his bachelor's degree in economics and business administration.
"Josh brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our team. He's an incredible leader, and we can't wait to see what his tenure brings," said Betsy Grindlay, vice president of people, purchasing and marketing operations.
"We are also delighted to promote Jeremy Orlowski to the position of Director of Purchasing. He will work directly with Josh and liaise with many departments as we continue to modernise our buying process."
Jeremy Orlowski joined the Speedway Motors team in 2007. He has held various roles within the company as he has progressively grown in his career from outbound inventory to a variety of positions on the web team and now as Director of Purchasing. He graduated from Bellevue University, where he earned his bachelor's degree in marketing management.
United States. TBC Corporation has appointed Sam Kato as the company's new President and Chief Executive Officer.
Kato, who served as TBC's managing director for the past two years, replaces Laurent Bourrut, who is retiring after completing his assignment of positioning the company for strategic growth amid the evolving tire industry. Bourrut will remain an executive advisor to Kato and TBC.
TBC Board Member Scott Clark said, "We are grateful for Laurent's leadership and vision during his tenure at TBC. We wish him well in his retirement and believe that the foundation he laid for the company is, in fact, a launching pad for the future of TBC."
"Sam Kato has been helping to lead TBC during this period and we look forward to
working with him to achieve our strategic goals."
Kato is a veteran of the global automotive business for more than 30 years. He served as a director of the board of directors of TBC Corp. from 2015 to 2018, when he led the transportation businesses of Sumitomo Corporation of Americas.
Kato was a key part of Sumitomo's leadership team that formed a 50/50 strategic joint venture with Michelin North America Inc. in 2018 to create today's TBC Corp.
As TBC's first Managing Director, Kato held responsibility for legal and compliance, human resources, IT, digital, corporate strategy and communication.
His appointment by TBC's Board of Directors as President and Chief Executive Officer follows a strategic plan developed in
the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina.
Rivera most recently worked for Fitesa fabric products in upstate South Carolina and spent the last 10 years in finance and accounting roles.
collaboration with Bourrut.
Kato said: "I will always be grateful for the time I spent working alongside Laurent. We wish him happiness in his well-deserved retirement."
"I know he will be proud of all that TBC will accomplish, as we execute our vision and evolve and transform the company to realize our purpose: to keep our associates, partners and customers moving forward on the road ahead. Laurent and I believe that this company can be a leader in all the segments it serves."
the market. We do not sell onesize-fits-all products or programs. Our account management efforts extend significantly beyond traditional product-focused sales," Hertzog said.
United States DMA Industries is pleased to announce that Jaime Rivera has joined its team as Strategic Sales Account Manager.
In his new role, Rivera will be responsible for accounts in warehouse distributor markets in the U.S. and Canada, and with export and direct shipping customers over the Internet.
Rivera completed her MBA with a specialized focus on marketing from
"Jaime is a welcome addition to DMA's growing strategic account sales management team. His strong financial and analytical background will be very beneficial in helping our strategic clients develop appropriate growth strategies for our products, programs, information and services," said Senior Vice President of Channel Sales Gary Hertzog.
"The role of our strategic account sales manager is to become a collaborative account partner and understand the uniqueness of your business and your approach to
"We incorporate a holistic business approach in which the latest analytical, financial and market data-driven models are used to collaboratively design individualized product programs and services that ultimately deliver desired outcomes based on individualized customer needs," he added.
"It's our personalized approach that sets us apart from the competition. Clearly, this role brings a lot of complexity and therefore requires a unique and specific skill set that each of our strategic account managers must possess."
Canada. Battery company PowerCo SE and Volkswagen aim to build their largest gigafactory to date in Ontario, Canada.
According to the German multinational, it will have an annual production capacity of up to 90 GWh in the final phase of expansion. The planned investment is €4.8 billion by 2030 and has the potential to create up to 3,000 highly skilled jobs at the factory.
Thomas Schmall, member of the Volkswagen Group Technology Board, commented that North America plays a key role in the global battery strategy. The region will become PowerCo SE's second pillar alongside Europe, with battery cells manufactured in North America.
"Gigafactory St. Thomas opens the door to a key market for electric mobility and battery cell production. Our goal is to make PowerCo a global player in the battery business and pave the way for clean and sustainable mobility. Gigafactory St. Thomas is an important milestone in our roadmap."
Gigafactory St. Thomas is the company's first overseas gigafactory for cell manufacturing and will equip the BEVs of the Group's brands
in the North American region with state-of-the-art unified cells, an entirely new cell technology designed for volume production.
The inauguration is planned for 2024 and production is anticipated to begin in 2027.
The decision to expand PowerCo SE's cell production network to Canada is further evidence of the Volkswagen Group's ambitious growth strategy in North America.
This includes the introduction of the broadest portfolio of allelectric vehicles in the United States and Canada by 2030, the expansion of Electrify America's coast-to-coast charging network in these two countries, as well as the announcement of the iconic Scout brand to deliver its first all-electric vehicles in 2026.
the Mobility of the FUTURE event with Hannover Messe, the first time that this summit is held in Latin America. The participation of various electromobility companies is expected in the forum.
Samuel García Sepúlveda undertook on Monday a tour through South Korea and Taiwan with the purpose of seeking new investments for Nuevo León.
Mexico. According to Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia, Korean automaker Kia will install a new electric vehicle production plant in this state.
Through a video published on Twitter in the early hours of Monday, May 15, the regional president said that Nueva León will become the "next world hub of electromobility."
The Hyundai Motors company will
join Tesla in producing electric vehicles in the state.
"There are going to be many opportunities to transform ourselves to electromobility and all these new sciences that generate wealth in a sustainable way," the governor emphasized.
Finally, García also announced that on June 6 and 7 in Mexico will be held
This trip comes after the Mexican government confirmed in February that Tesla will install its next Gigafactory in Santa Catarina, in the northern state, which will be the first plant in Latin America and the largest in the world.
According to the president, the plant could start the first production of electric cars in Mexico next year, after receiving the final permits for its construction.
United States. Hyundai Group has announced plans to create a battery production joint venture for electric vehicles (EVs) in the US with partner SK On.
The Group's subsidiaries, Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Corporation and Hyundai Mobis, have approved the plan on their respective boards of directors. In November 2022, the Group signed a memorandum of understanding with SK On to ensure the supply of EV batteries in North America.
The total investment amount of the joint venture is expected to be approximately $5 billion, with a 50% stake for the Group and 50% for SK On.
Through the joint venture, both parties plan to establish an EV battery cell plant in Bartow County, Georgia, near the Group's U.S. production facilities, including Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama, Kia Georgia and Hyundai Motor Group Metaplant America.
The new plant is expected to start manufacturing battery cells in the second half of 2025, with an annual production capacity of 35 GWh, enough to support the production of 300,000 EV.
Hyundai Mobis will manufacture batteries with cells from the plant and supply them to the Group's U.S. factories for the production of Hyundai, Kia and Genesis EV models.
The joint venture further accelerates the Group's electrification efforts and reinforces its position as the EV leader in the US market with a stable supply of batteries to support the production of highly competitive EV models.
SK On has been a strategic partner for the Group and both have worked together on the production of world-renowned EV models, such as Hyundai IONIQ 5, Kia EV6 and the Genesis GV60.
International Mitsubishi Electric announced that it has decided to drastically restructure its automotive equipment business in accordance with a resolution adopted at the company's recent executive officer meeting.
The restructuring is designed to streamline business decision-making and accelerate the transformation of the company's automotive equipment business in the face of rapid changes in this industry, including the shift to connected, autonomous, shared and service, and electric (CASE).
Under the plan, Mitsubishi Electric now aims to spin off its automotive equipment business to improve operational efficiency and restructure the business portfolio for greater profitability.
Last year, Mitsubishi Electric introduced a new business area structure to strengthen the company's business portfolio by reorganizing it into business areas that have the delegated authority needed to act quickly and efficiently.
As an important first step in CASE-related businesses,
including electrification and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), which have promising market potential and will require very high levels of investment, Mitsubishi Electric seeks to collaborate with excellent partners that offer technological synergies.
Strategically focusing on these fields and leveraging Mitsubishi Electric's cutting-edge technologies is expected to put the automotive equipment business on a stronger growth trajectory.
Second, in fields where Mitsubishi Electric has competitive advantages, such as electric power steering system products, strategies will focus on reducing costs and improving efficiency, reviewing commercial terms with customers.
Colombia. On April 13, the Association of the Automotive Sector and its Parts (Asopartes) held the International Congress of the Automotive Industry and its Parts at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Bogotá.
Between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., the Congress brought together manufacturers, importers and marketers of the automotive sector, as well as professionals, companies and entities that occupy the entire chain of production, distribution and consumption of the sector.
This year's edition focused on four thematic axes: electromobility, road safety, ecommerce and trends. Electromobility stood out as a central theme, as its adoption has not stopped growing in the world and faces challenges such as charging infrastructure and supply chain transformation.
For the executive president of Asopartes, Carlos Andrés Pineda Osorio, this Congress has become the obligatory scenario for the actors of the automotive market of vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and other means of transport "to update and anticipate the present and future realities of the sector in Colombia".
At the same time, he invited to join the Expopartes fair, also promoted by the Association. This represents, according to Pineda, a perfect opportunity to connect with the main manufacturers and suppliers of auto parts from 20 different countries around the world.
"At the event, they will be able to learn first-hand about the latest trends and technologies in the automotive industry and establish contacts with other professionals in the sector," said Carlos Andrés about the event scheduled to take place between June 21 and 23 in Corferias, Bogotá.
Mexico. Between July 12 and 14, the 25th version of INA PAACE Automechanika Mexico City, Latin America's international fair for the automotive spare parts industry, original equipment manufacturing and services, will take place.
This international exhibition presents itself as the perfect platform to experience the latest products and innovations of the industry in person.
Registration for this international exhibition is now open. As reported by the organizers of the meeting, there will be discovered future trends, "you will examine new innovations and explore the latest technologies that are transforming the industry."
In this edition, the CEDVA Group returns to INA PAACE Automechanika Mexico. This specialized institution is willing to offer attendees three full days of hands-on, free automotive training during the event.
It will bring together leading retail CEOs, financial experts and tech giants for more than 170 sessions covering the most important topics in retail.
On the other hand, demonstrations of the largest products will be carried out by exhibitors: from VR technology to repair of electric vehicles, training in scanning tools, among others.
"We are bringing together more than 400 of the main current suppliers of the aftermarket to show the latest parts, tools, equipment and services available in the market," say the organizers of this representative meeting.
Brazil. Between April 25 and 29, more than 1,500 brands from the auto parts repair and replacement market (450 international exhibitors from 12 countries) met in Sao Paulo, within the framework of Automec.
During the five days of the fair, more than 90,000 unique visitors (20% more than the last edition) learned about the latest developments in the sector. In addition, they had several parallel activities and experiences in the Arena Automec Experience, with various demonstrations of products, services, talks and workshops to improve their technical knowledge.
The 2023 edition marked the resumption, since 2019, of the main scenario of novelties and business opportunities in the market for the replacement and repair of light, heavy and commercial vehicles. The fair was supported by the main entities of the sector, such as Sindipeças, Sindirepa, Sincopeças and Andap/Sicap.
Automec was organized by RX, one of the largest companies in the world in the production of large events.
"Our mission and global expertise is to connect exhibitors and visitors in search of networking opportunities and consolidation of new business, offering new experiences that add value and excitement to participants. Our estimate for this year is to generate business in the order of R$ 25,000 million," said Luiz Bellini, Director of Portfolio at RX.
Since before the event, the manager of Automec, Eduardo Marchetti, had already anticipated that, in addition to the novelties of the exhibiting brands, visitors would have a complete program of attractions, experiences, professional updating and emotions during the five days of it.
In an area of 2,000 m2, the Automec Experience arena was composed
of model workshops, a professional training space and a content arena. This had a varied program of product demonstrations and aftersales and repair services. Its programming included presentations by companies, entities, experts and influencers of the sector.
Likewise, Automec promoted constant business rounds between exhibiting companies and buyers to strengthen the relationship and accelerate the negotiation process between them.
Nearly 60% of Automec visitors were industry professionals with positions of responsibility for closing deals and looking for new suppliers of parts and systems, repair and maintenance, services and technology, accessories and customization, electronics and systems. Self-employed and amateur mechanics, in search of market trends, were also part of the specialized public.
In the Batistinha Experience area, visitors could, for example, monitor and answer questions related to the assembly of motors in the laboratory with precision equipment. To these were added concerns about polishing paint on special cars, steering alignment, tire mounting for customization, wheel balancing, use of scanner for electronic diagnostics, quick body repair, installation of aesthetic accessories on the exterior of the vehicle, welding (exhaust system and custom brackets), paint booth for complete vehicles or small paint booth for parts, in addition to other experiences and services of the market.
Another attraction within the Automec Experience was the Senai/ IQA arena, where visitors found themed environments to witness daily demonstrations of hands-on activities in an electrified vehicle with a focus on safety procedures; automotive aesthetics; semiautonomous driving system (ADAS System) with emphasis on sensor/ radar calibration procedures.
The arena also featured an auditorium with a program of lectures on the aforementioned topics.
For more than five years, Prince Chopra has been in charge of importing both spices and spare parts from his native India to activate both the gastronomic and aftermarket industries from his facility in Medellín, Colombia.
In 2020, while companies around the world were being held back by regulations stemming from the emerging pandemic, Prince Chopra decided to start business. Five years ago he had moved from his native Gurgaon, 30 kilometers from New Delhi, the capital of India, to Medellín, the capital of Antioquia (Colombia) and the motorcycle market.
By then, Chopra had a career spanning more than a decade in the automotive industry. He started at Lumax Industries Limited, India's most experienced automotive lighting company, in charge of QCDD section for OE Honda customers. He would later become an engineer in the Quality Promotion area of Motherson Sumi Systems Limited.
He would later serve as a Technical Service Executive for Honda Motorcycle & Scooters India. He would go on to become Head of Service and Parts at Maruti Suzuki India Limited. After that, he would become part of Toyota Kirloskar Motor's Marketing and Aftermarket Dealer Operations Department.
In April 2012, he would join the team of TVS Motor Company, the third largest manufacturer of two-wheelers in India, and the second largest exporter with a presence in more than 60 countries. The company would decide to open an office in Medellín to supply the Latin American market. Thus, he would assume as head of the Service and Parts area of South America.
Under this role, Chopra would travel every month from India to Medellín. There he would experience a much more pleasant and bearable climate, in contrast to the extreme temperatures that hit several cities in the Asian country.
This last month of May, the so-called City of Eternal Spring suffered an unusual heat stroke that has led to records of 27° to 30°. However, Chopra recalls that on these same days, with the arrival of the usual summer, in New Delhi there are variations that exceed 50°, while in winter it can drop to - 2nd.
This was one of the facts that attracted him to the ‘paisa’ capital. Hence, in November 2015 he decided to settle down completely with his wife, Deepa Juneja, and his son Harshul, who is 12 years old today.
Since he was child, Prince used to migrate permanently. His father's transfers as a member of the Army to different military bases in India led him to move every two or three years to different regions of the country which, as he himself indicates, represent different countries in themselves. Hence, at the time of crossing the ocean and settling in a new continent, it was not so complex for him to settle.
One of the first barriers he faced was language. When he arrived, he only spoke Hindi and English, but with the help of Google translate and self-taught, he naturally learned Spanish.
However, one of the most problematic aspects for Prince as his wife was finding a good place for Indian food, as well as the typical seasonings for Indian dishes. Hence, in September 2016 they opened the first of two "authentic Indian food" restaurants, as the slogan of the name of both says.
One of them is Zaaika, located in the El Poblado neighborhood. At the entrance appears the image of a human figure dressed in Arab clothing and necklaces, as well as an elephant's head, a symbol of protection and abundance in India.
The ingredients that make up each of the dishes come from there: from the biryani, a rice dish made with a mixture of spices, as well as basmati rice, lamb/vegetables and yogurt, to the matar paneer, a creamy pea curry that constitutes one of the most popular foods in India, as well as the lentils of the dal makhani, typical of the Punjab region, in the north of the country.
In this area, the tandur is well used, a cylindrical oven that cooks food from charcoal. This is brought directly from there, just like the cooks, who are selected after a test and interviews before leaving for Medellín.
“I always explain to them that they are going to love this city because it has very good people and great weather,” Prince says of the instructions to the staff, who become part of his family. His blood family, however, remains in New Delhi, where he used to travel every year, either in July or December according to his son's vacation period, before the arrival of the pandemic.
Since then he has not returned. Only this month of June, he plans to come back to the land where his parents live, as well as the headquarters of his other two ventures outside the gastronomic sector: JSS Motos, importer of spare parts from India started in August 2018, and Laxmi Motos, dealer emerged during Covid-19.
“I saw the opportunity in 2020 that the market was going to grow, and the data speaks for itself: in 2021 there was the best growth in history in this segment,” Chopra asserts.
According to the TradeMap firm, in 2021 world imports of auto parts reached 828,510 million dollars, which represented a growth of 18% compared to 2020 (reaching US$643,924 million). In this way, a growing trend was recovered, after two years of decline between 2019 and 2020.
However, the particular segment that Chopra refers to is motorcycles, and the growth that he underscores is what has happened in Latin America. According to MotorCycles Data, between 2012 and 2022 the motorcycle industry in this region increased over the decade from US$3.7 million to US$5.4 million “with various markets growing from nothing to the top of the world rankings.”
It is a similar reality to that of India, where the two-wheeler segment dominates the automobile industry, particularly due to the demand of the Indian middle class. There, the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India brings together more than 850 manufacturers and contributes more than 85% of the turnover of the automotive component industry in the organized sector.
According to the India Brand Equity Foundation, the demand for cars has also led to the rise of more original equipment and component manufacturers.
This organization indicates that the automotive component industry accounted for 2.3% of India's GDP and provided direct employment
to 1.5 million people. By 2026, it forecasts that the auto components sector will contribute 5% to 7% of GDP in India, now considered the most populous country in the world.
"As a result, India developed expertise in cars and car components, which helped boost international demand for Indian cars and car components," says this agency of the Indian Department of Commerce.
Prince has managed to merge the realities of both countries as a common recipe both for the operation of his businesses and his own daily life in Medellín. On a normal day, he gets up at 8:00 a.m. and performs a prayer, something typical of Hinduism, but also of the Catholic custom that permeates most of the Colombian population.
Although there is a temple for this cult in the center of the city, he prefers to do it from home. From there, in turn, he manages the different businesses, for which it has its respective managers. At the end of the day, he occasionally goes to eat at his own restaurant.
As a good Indian, his favorite sport is cricket, but he has been caught by the Latino passion for soccer, so much so that he follows every game of the Colombian National Team as one more fan.
Weekends are reserved for his family. They ultimately represent his destiny, beyond his travels through the different countries of the region: from Peru and Ecuador to Guatemala and Mexico, although he tries to explore a little more of the Southern Cone.
There he seeks to expand his business and irradiate a little more of the Indian culture in this continent that, at the time of its discovery, was recognized as the Indies.