LDB ReCall | Your All-round package

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LDB ReCall

“Make everything as simple as possible.”

Your all-round package

Dealing with a touchy topic like a recall, your customers will be affected most of all


Our approach to prepare a perfect customer experience - even in a difficult situa7on



There are three main ways to understand your customers be3er: 1.  Put yourself in their shoes and look at your business from their point of view. 2.  Collect and analyze data to shed light on their buying behavior. 3.  Simply ask them what they think. Listening: Every customer has a story to tell, if you’re willing to listen. The voice of the customer is the most important tool – use it! Understanding your customers and improving your services must be a priority throughout your business. Everyone from the front desk to the delivery staff should focus on exceeding customer expectaLons! Managing: Listening and understanding your customer will not help you, if you do not put the informaLon where it needs to be!

Support for your ReCall ac7vi7es When dealing with a touchy topic like a recall, you want to ensure that your customers will be least affected. You want to keep your loyal customers loyal and by taking a pro-acLve approach you will succeed at this. We at the LDB have created a soluLon that is specifically designed for this purpose. By idenLfying your customer’s needs and addressing them properly, you can minimize the inconveniences they may have with the recall. LDB ReCall offers individual modules and is focused on your customer’s needs. These modules can be booked individually, as a unified package and/or adapted to your specific market.






ReCall Hotline CoordinaLon

You concentrate on your strengths – We will take care of the rest.

LDB ReCall Hotline What can it entail: •  Hotline for customer quesLons (for dealers and/or customer care centers) •  Call overflow to channel call-back wishes •  Transfer directly to contact person •  Customer contact through Email and/or internet contact forms •  Create and coordinate appointments

Your advantages at a glance: •  Most quesLons can be taken care of instantly •  Considerable reducLon of waiLng Lmes •  Dealers can focus on the issues of the recall •  Reports on a regular basis

Receive customer calls and if necessary deescalate

Structure ques7ons and appointment requests

Create appointments

LDB ReCall Hotline: Example of an Interview Flow Every conversaLon is adapted individually to the customer and based on the specific situaLon. Scenario 1 Mr Garre3 has received a le3er regarding a callback from his car manufacturer. He feels some uncertainty and suspects that his car may not be safe to drive. He wants to arrange an appointment as soon as possible to solve the issue.

LDB Specialist| ReCall Hotline

Mr Garre3

Welcome to Company XYZ, Team Emissions Hotline, my name is (First name, Last name). How can I help you? (1)

I can assure you that there is no reason to be concerned. Your vehicle has no funcLonal or security interferences – it is technically secure and in running condiLon. (2)

Of course, I understand this. Did you receive a le3er, wherein it is stated that your car can be modified now? (3)

Hello, Simon Garre3. I received a le3er from company XYZ on the emissions issue. My car model ABC is affected by the issue. Is my car even fit to drive?

When can I arrange an appointment? I want to take care of this issue as soon as possible.

No, only that my car model ABC is affected. Then there is no need for acLon at this moment, Mr Garre3. Company XYZ will successively release the technical soluLons to solve the irregulariLes with the emissions values on your vehicle in the following weeks. Regarding the exact steps and the Lming of the modificaLons brand XYZ – in coordinaLon with the Federal Office of Motor Vehicles – will inform you in Lme within the following weeks by mail. (3)

(1) Gree(ng (2) Consulta(on and de-escala(on (3) Iden(fica(on of le:er/no(fica(on status

Customer Sa7sfac7on during the Recall - Understand your customer’s needs and iden7fy poten7al for improvement ReacLon of your clients – whether it be posiLve ore negaLve – can be measured and used as an immediate indicator to understand what you are doing properly and idenLfy areas to be improved. Whether you are looking into a named-based survey or an anonymous one, LDB has experienced personnel that can assist you through the process.

Market Research

Customer LoyalizaLon

Mystery Calls

+ Data resourcing

Data collec7on by means of a survey

Analysis of the results

“[SaLsfacLon] is the philosopher’s stone, that turns all it touches into gold.” Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Contact at LDB Marina Fanelli +49 30 390 45 796 mfanelli@ldb.de About LDB LDB is a family-owned business specialized in Customer Experience Management. We are trusted by leading brands for over 40 years. With more than 470 internaLonal employees in three countries we provide services throughout the world. Follow us:

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