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penetrating the skull of the target and drawing out the brain, killing the target instantly.
Aura/Manifester Level: Strong psychometabolism. ML 18th.
Construction: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, creator must be an illithid, half-illithid, or someone with the illithid Heritage feat, 49,158 gp, 3,933 XP, 50 days.
Weight: 4 lb.
Price: 98,315 gp.
This bastard sword has psionic qualities as well as a permanent conduit to the Negative Energy Plane.
Description: A lifequencher is a +1 sundering bastard sword.
Its blade is blackened, and light within 1 foot of it seems to swirl along its surface and disappear.
Activation: The base quality of the weapon is always active. As a swift action, you can imbue the blade with the effect of the stygian weapon power (page 102) three times per day.
Effect: You can attack a foe's weapon as if you possessed the Improved Sunder feat. When stygian weapon is activated in conjunction with a successful strike, the foe gains 1d4 negative levels for 1 round in addition to taking damage normally. If the foe has at least as many negative levels as it has Hit Dice, it is stunned for 1 round instead. On the following round, the subject regains lost levels. Usually, negative levels have a chance of permanently draining the victim's levels (or killing creatures with Hit Dice equal to or less than the number of negative levels gained), but the negative levels from stygian weapon don't last long enough to do so.
Aura/Manifester Level: Moderate psychometabolism.
ML 9th.
Construction: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, stygian weapon, 7,400 gp, 592 XP, 8 days.
Price: 14.800 gp.
Quietus Stiletto
This wicked-looking kukri is used to send the undead to their final rest, disrupting the flow of negative energy that keeps them going.
Description: A quietus stiletto is a +1 keen kukri with a blade constructed entirely of jade. The ivory handle is inlaid with golden runes in the forgotten language of Talaire. In that lost tongue, the runes spell out "quietus stiletto," hinting at this sacred blade's purpose.
When drawn, the blade of this kukri shimmers slightly.
But when one or more undead are within 60 feet, a pale, blue-green light dances along its razor edge, and the blade emits a threatening hum that grows louder as the undead move closer to you.
Activation: The light and hum of the weapon are always active. An experienced wielder can gauge the proximity of undead by the volume of the blade's drone.
Effect: When a quietus stiletto scores a critical hit on undead creatures, it can sever their connection to the Negative
Energy Plane, cutting them off from that source of power and instantly destroying them. Intelligent undead receive a DC 20 Will save to resist the effect, but a quietus stiletto automatically severs the link of mindless undead, such as skeletons and zombies. This weapon does not deal extra damage to undead on a critical hit, but you still roll to confirm a critical hit to determine if the weapon's destructive power activates.
Aura/Manifester Level: Strong psychometabolism. ML 13th.
Construction: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, stygian disruption, 25,308 gp, 2,012 XP, 51 days.
Weight: 2 lb.
Price: 50,308 gp.
Soul in Iron
This greatsword has psionic qualities as well as a permanent conduit to the Positive Energy Plane, channeling the energy into a bright, sunlike aura that damages undead creatures.
Description: A soul in iron is a +2 collision undead bane greatsword. The weapon glows with a white, sunlike radiance. To a living creature, this aura of energy has a warm, comforting feeling. Undead creatures are uncomfortable even looking at the energy.
Activation: The base weapon qualities (collision and undead bane) are always active. As a standard action, upon command, you can sheathe the weapon in a brilliant white radiance that illuminates a 30-foot-radius area. This glow can be deactivated by another command, also as a standard action.
As a standard action, you can call on the effects of the stygian erasure power (page 101) once per day, removing up to four negative levels you possess.
Effect: When the weapon strikes any creature, its collision special ability (EPH 165) deals an additional 5 points of damage to the target. The greatsword's undead bane quality grants it a total enhancement bonus of +4 against undead, and the weapon deals an additional 2d6 points of damage to undead foes. When commanded, brilliant white light illuminates a 30-foot radius. When commanded, you gain the benefit of stygian erasure and remove up to four negative levels you possess (if any) once per day.
Aura/Manifester Level: Moderate psychometabolism.
ML 9th.
Construction: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, stygian erasure, 26,250 gp, 2,100 XP, 27 days.
Price: 52,500 gp.
A psicrown is a psionic headband that allows the wearer to access stored psionic powers according to his or her own psionic ability. Unlike other sorts of psionic items, the wearer can use his or her own manifester level if it's higher than the manifester level of the psicrown. For details on psicrowns, see page 169 of Expanded Psionics Handbook.
Gossamer Assailant
A gossamer assailant psicrown allows the wearer to trap, slow, or trip opponents.
Description: This psicrown is constructed from small jade crystals and ectoplasm, giving it an almost ethereal look. It appears as an intricately woven band that fits comfortably over the temples. The strands of ectoplasm glisten in the light, giving the psicrown a pearlescent appearance. The crystals that decorate the psicrown are clustered in front, vaguely reminiscent of the eyes on a large hunting spider.
Activation: You can activate the psicrown as a standard action and use any one of the psionic powers listed below.
Using a different power, or the same one in succession, requires another standard action.