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Stacked Psionatrices
or spell-like ability that affect you are decreased to their minimum possible values. For instance, if you are struck by an energy ray (EPH 103) augmented to deal 5d6 points of damage, you take only 5 points of damage. You are likewise shielded from beneficial effects.
If the power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability affects an area energy ball (EPH 100), for example its effect is minimized only for you. Other creatures in the area are affected normally.
Aura/Manifester Level: Faint psychometabolism. ML 5th.
Construction: Craft Universal Item, damp power, 5,400 gp, 432 XP, 6 days.
Weight: 1 lb.
Price: 10,800 gp.
Psionatrix of Air Control
As part of a psionatrix stack, this crystal disc grants you the use of control air (EPH 86). This disc has an affinity for the psychokinesis discipline.
Effect: When this disc in the stack is activated, you gain the benefit of control air as if manifested by a 3rd-level manifested
Aura/Manifester Level: Faint psychokinesis. ML 3rd.
Construction: Craft Universal Item, control air, 810 gp, 65 XP, 1 day.
A psionatrix is a multifaceted crystal worn as an amulet. One basic psionatrix exists for each of the six psionic disciplines. Each of the six basic psionatrices described on page 175 of Expanded Psionics Handbook grants a +1 enhancement bonus to save DCs of a particular discipline of power.
There is more to learn about psionatrices, though. Each one appears as a slender, disc-shaped crystal with a hole at the center. While most users of these psionic items run an amulet chain through the hole, the opening is primarily useful as a guide for stringing more than one psionatrix together. When two or more psionatrices are stacked in this fashion (either on the string of an amulet or with a rigid wire), the crystal discs adhere to each other, in effect creating a single psionic item with variable power output.
When you wear a stacked psionatrix, you can access its power by spending a standard action to rotate the discs in the stack to a new configuration. In effect, you can gain the benefits of several psionic items while only taking up one space on your body to wear all of them.
Up to six psionatrices can be stacked together to form a single stacked psionatrix. None of the six basic psionatrices described in Expanded Psionics Handbook can be stacked together. Instead, each of those serves as the foundation of its own stack.
Description: Each psionatrix described below appears as a clear crystal disc with no distinguishing marks. Any psionic creature or character who holds a disc can determine the psionic discipline to which the disc has affinity. When activated, this disc glows with the radiance of a candle.
Activation: Each psionatrix described below is inert until stacked with any one of the base psionatrices from Expanded Psionics Handbook; the base psionatrix doesn't have to match the aura discipline of a stacked psionatrix. As a standard action, the owner of a stacked psionatrix can rotate the discs to generate each special effect. The effect of each psionatrix in the stack can be generated once per day. Weight: 1/6 lb. (per disc in stack). Price: 1,620 gp. Psionatrix of Animal Affinity As part of a psionatrix stack, this crystal disc grants you the use of animal affinity (EPH 76). This disc has an affinity for the psychometabolism discipline. Effect: When this disc in the stack is activated, you gain the benefit of animal affinity as if manifested by a 3rd-level manifester. Aura/Manifester Level: Faint psychometabolism. ML 3rd. Construction: Craft Universal Item, animal affinity, 810 gp, 65 XP, 1 day. Weight: 1/6 lb. (per disc in stack). Price: 1,620 gp. Psionatrix of the Chameleon As part of a psionatrix stack, this crystal disc grants you the use of chameleon (EPH 82).
When several This disc has an affinity for the psychomepsionatrices are tabolism discipline. gathered, a “stacked Effect: When this disc in the stack is psionatrix” is formed activated, you gain the benefit of chameleon as if manifested by a 3rd-level manifester. Aura/Manifester Level: Faint psychometabolism. ML 3rd. Construction: Craft Universal Item, chameleon, 810 gp, 65 XP, 1 day. Weight: 1/6 lb. (per disc in stack). Price: 1,620 gp.
Psionatrix of Clairvoyant Sense As part of a psionatrix stack, this crystal disc grants you the use of clairvoyant sense (EPH 83). This disc has an affinity for the clairsentience discipline. Effect: When this disc in the stack is activated, you gain the benefit of clairvoyant sense as if manifested by a 3rd-level manifester.