Vile Feats Feat Apostate Chosen of Evil
Prerequisite Wis 15 Con 13, any other vile feat
Slave to Evil
Chosen of Evil
Master’s Will
Chosen of Evil or undead type, Evil Brand Base Will save +5, Int 15, Cha 15 Dark Speech Base Will save +7, Dark Speech —
Dark Speech Dark Whispers Filthy Outburst Evil Brand Abyss-Bound Soul Lichloved Evil’s Blessing Harvester of Souls Insane Defiance Murderous Intent Thrall to Demon Vile Ki Strike Vile Martial Strike Vile Natural Attack
Deformity Feats Willing Deformity Abominable Form
Use Dark Speech to inspire dread, aid in creating magic items, damage objects, or command swarms (Fiendish Codex I 85) Take 1 Con damage to inspire madness in nearby creatures Take 1d6 Con damage to deafen opponents and make them less resistant to evil spells and abilities +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against evil creatures (Fiendish Codex I 85) Evil Brand, Thrall to Demon +2 on saves against good spells Evil Brand +1 bonus on saves against mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease Cha 13 Add Cha bonus on saves for 5 rounds Base attack bonus +11 Coup de grace attack prevents target from being restored to life; gain 2 temporary hp/HD of slain creature Base Will save +5 Take 1 Wis damage to deflect mind-affecting spell or ability to new target Base attack bonus +9, Favored enemy you damage must make a Will save to avoid favored enemy (any one) being overcome with dread Chaotic evil alignment +1 luck bonus on attack roll, save, ability check, skill check, or level check while performing an evil act 1/day Cha 15, Improved Unarmed strike deals extra 1 vile damage Unarmed Strike Cha 15, Weapon Focus Specified weapon deals extra 1 vile damage Natural attack dealing Natural attack deals extra 1 vile damage 1d8 or more damage, base attack bonus +5 — Willing Deformity
Deformity (eyes)
Willing Deformity
Deformity (face) Deformity (gaunt) Deformity (madness)
Willing Deformity Willing Deformity Willing Deformity
Reflexive Psychosis Deformity (parasite)
Willing Deformity, Deformity (madness) Willing Deformity
Chosen of Evil, Evil Brand
Enemy of Good
Benefit Gain one-half level as bonus on saves against divine spells Take 1 Con damage to add bonus on one attack, saving throw, or check equal to number of vile feats Gain +2 to save DC for your spells and spell-like abilities when used against good creatures Gain aura of evil, minimize effects of evil spells cast on you; gain abilities that increase as master’s sign intensifies Call upon elder evil for random results
+3 bonus on Intimidate checks (Heroes of Horror 125) +2 bonus on Intimidate checks; creatures with fewer HD must make Will saves to avoid being shaken Use see invisibility 1/day for up to 1 minute; take –2 penalty on Search checks and Spot checks +2 bonus on Intimidate and Diplomacy checks against evil creatures +2 Dex, –2 Con; +2 bonus on Escape Artist and Intimidate checks Take –4 Wis penalty to gain immunity to mind-affecting spells and abilities; add 1/2 HD as bonus on one Will save Become confused to gain DR 5/— Negate disease, poison, and similar effects
score points exactly as normal damage does. However, vile damage does not heal naturally, and even healing magic is effective only within the area of a consecrate or hallow spell.
FEAT DESCRIPTIONS Each of the following feats is possessed by at least one of the elder evils described later in this book.
Abyss-Bound Soul [Vile] You have pledged your immortal soul to a particular demon lord in return for a gift that aids your evil works in life. Prerequisite: Evil Brand, Thrall to Demon.
Benefit: Your evil brand incorporates the personal symbol of your demon lord patron, who watches over you from the Abyss. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws made against spells that have the good descriptor. Additionally, a tiny portion of your patron’s power infuses your body, granting you an additional benefit. The exact benefit gained depends on who your patron is, as given below.
Abominable Form [Vile, Deformity] You revel in the ruination of your flesh, drawing power from your disturbing deformities. Prerequisite: Willing Deformity. Benefit: Living creatures with fewer Hit Dice than you that can see your undisguised form are afflicted by disgust.