PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS Each of the following malefic properties is possessed by at least one of the elder evils described later in this book.
Anathematic Secrecy
Divine Enervation
Dark Visiting
Divine Scourge
Discord and Woe
An elder evil that has this property can punish deities’ servants with a powerful surge of profane energy. Benefit: Once per day,as a swift action, the elder evil can unleash a deadly pulse throughout the area of this malefic property. All divine spellcasters and extraplanar creatures within the area become sickened for 1d4 hours. In addition, each affected creature must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 elder evil’s Hit Dice + elder evil’s Con or Cha modifier, whichever is higher) or take 1 point of vile damage per Hit Die of the elder evil.
Illus. by M. Coimbra
An elder evil that has this property projects terrifying nightmares into the dreams of the gods’ servants. Benefit: Each living divine spellcaster who sleeps within the area of this malefic property must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 elder evil’s HD + elder evil’s Cha modifier) or be plagued with maddening dreams. Upon awakening, the caster takes 1d4+1 points of Wisdom damage and is fatigued for the remainder of the day. In addition, the caster does not benefit from the rest required to regain spells or spell slots, psionic power points, and the like. An affected spellcaster whose Wisdom is reduced to half normal or lower by this effect is affected as if by an insanity spell (PH 244) while within the area of this malefic property. This ability is always active.
An elder evil that has this property can destroy the link between a deity and its mortal followers. Benefit: All divine spellcasters lose the ability to regain spells so long as they remain within the area of this malefic property. This interdiction does not interfere with spellcasting. This ability is always active.
This malefic property shrouds an elder evil from discovery by divination spells of a divine origin. Benefit: Any divine spell of the divination school automatically fails when used to ascertain information about an elder evil. Divination spells that are also arcane function normally if they are cast by a nondivine spellcaster. This ability is always active.
An affected creature is entitled to a new Will save each round to break free from the rage. If it succeeds, its alignment reverts to normal, but the creature might suffer other consequences of the frenzy, such as violating a code of conduct.
Impervious to the Divine
Ancient evil infests the world
An elder evil that has this property cannot be affected by divine magic of any kind, regardless of the source. Benefit: The elder evil is immune to all divine spells, whether from a spellcaster or a magic item. It is also immune to spell-like and supernatural abilities of extraplanar creatures and deities. This ability is always active.
and daunts the holy The presence of an elder evil that has this property incites violence and suffering. Benefit: Each round as a standard action, an elder evil can force a single living creature it can see that is within the True Death area of this malefic property to make a Will save (DC 10 + The presence of an elder evil that has this property weakens 1/2 elder evil’s HD + elder evil’s Cha modifier). On a failure, the souls of living creatures so that they are lost on death. the creature’s alignment changes to match that of the elder Benefit: Any creature that dies within the area of this evil, and the target immediately enters a killing rage. This malefic property is forever dead. Its soul has not passed to frenzy functions as a barbarian’s rage ability, except that the Outer Planes but has died with the body; the creature the affected creature must attack the closest creature each cannot be raised by any means. In addition, all spells and round it remains enraged. The raging creature takes 1 point spell-like effects that have the death descriptor are cast at +4 of vile damage each round until it is killed or it manages to caster level. end the effect. This ability is always active.