in any way, or if the affected spellcaster receives an atonement spell, the intercession ends. Lucather’s allies and other creatures can attack the divine spellcaster without breaking the intercession. Greater Lore (Ex) Lucather can understand magic items, as with the identify spell (PH 243). Lore (Ex) As the bardic knowledge class feature (PH 28). True Lore (Ex) Once per day, Lucather can duplicate the effect of a legend lore (PH 246) or analyze dweomer (PH 197) spell.
Illus. by F. Vohwinkel
“Regardless of your emotional connection to your ‘deity,’ the imprisonment of the entity known as Pandorym is a breach of contract. Pandorym deserves release.” —Obligatum VII, misguided kolyarut
Obligatum VII emerged from a crèche-forge on Mechanus to fulfill a mission opposed by the most powerful servants of deities. It is the seventh in a line of kolyarut inevitables bearing the same name and mission. Obligatum VII understands its opponents and has methods of countering their tactics. It is determined to be the last of its series.
even as rumors of the crystalline prison’s discovery spur its efforts.
USING OBLIGATUM VII Obligatum VII treats as a distraction anyone who attempts to interact with it in a capacity that neither aids nor hinders its mission. Single-minded in ways no mortal can comprehend, the kolyarut exists to fulfill its mission. It does not tolerate distractions for more than a few minutes. The PCs gradually learn the identity and purpose of Obligatum VII, but the best time for them to confront it is within the chamber of the crystalline prison (see encounter 6–3, page 94) as the kolyarut is about to fulfill its purpose. Obligatum VII ignores all interference, even damage to itself, unless it is in imminent danger of destruction. Because its adamantine sword ignores the crystalline prison’s hardness, Obligatum VII can create a crystal sliver (releasing a mind shard of Pandorym) after only a few blows. Depending on the level of your campaign, you can have the PCs arrive just as the kolyarut begins its attack on the crystal or sometime after it has started. In the latter case, a mind shard has already appeared.
DESCRIPTION Obligatum VII looks like any other kolyarut, a humanshaped being of gleaming metal in ornate mail. However, its weapons, armor, and other equipment are obviously superior in craftsmanship and materials to those of ordinary kolyaruts.
Roughly 900 years ago, the fi rst Obligatum kolyarut became aware of the verbal agreement struck—and subsequently broken— thousands of years earlier with a powerful creaObligatum VII CR 20 ture not of this reality. hp 156 (21 HD); fast healing Innately dedicated to 5; DR 10/chaotic the principles of law, Kolyarut hexbladeCW 3/occult it paid no heed to the CW slayer 5 danger of the being’s release. LN Medium construct (extraThe inevitable set forth to enObligatum VII will fulfill planar, lawful) its purpose at all costs force the contract struck by a now-dead Init +6; Senses auravision 60 ft., darkcivilization. It had only one goal: to revision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +13, Spot +13 lease the indescribable thing known as Pandorym. It knew Languages Common only that this entity was imprisoned within the ruins of the AC 33, touch 12, flat-footed 32 lost kingdom. Immune construct immunities (MM 307) It failed. So did five successors also assigned to rectifyResist fire 20 ing the breach. Obligatum VII is the latest to take on this SR 22 mission. Four of the inevitable’s predecessors fell to meddleFort +10, Ref +12, Will +18; +9 against spells and spell-like abilities; mettle some servants of deities—good, evil, and neutral. Fiends, celestials, and mortals alike stymied their supreme mission. Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) The other two failed through the actions of adventurers Melee +2 adamantine vorpal longsword +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d8+7 plus 1d6 against spellcasters or creatures with who knew nothing of Pandorym but came into conflict spell-like abilities) or with the kolyaruts for other reasons. Aware of these past Melee vampiric touch +22 touch or failures, Obligatum VII avoids drawing attention to itself,