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Variant: Greater Legacy Abilities for Fiendkiller’s Flail

Table 3–19: Fiendkiller’s flail

————— Personal Costs —————


Wielder Attack Reflex Save Hit Point

Level Penalty Penalty Loss Abilities

5th — — — Scourge of fiends 6th –1 — — Darkvision 1/day, sense fiends 7th — –1 2 — 8th — — 2 Large +1 cold iron outsider (evil) bane flail 9th — –2 — — 10th — — 2 Fiendvision 11th — — — Large +2 cold iron outsider (evil) bane flail 12th –2 — — Devil chills 13th — — — Devil’s fang 14th — — 2 — 15th — –3 — — 16th — — 2 Large +2 cold iron holy outsider (evil) bane flail WIELDER REQUIREMENTS

The wielders of Fiendkiller’s Flail are primarily barbarians, fighters, and rangers. Paladins are usually put off by the fiendish history of the weapon, as well as the alignment switch required by its lesser legacy ritual and its disturbing abilities to poison and cause disease.

Fiendkiller’s Flail Wielder Requirements

Base attack bonus +3 Sense Motive 2 ranks Speak Language (Abyssal) Weapon Focus (flail)


All the following are legacy item abilities of Fiendkiller’s Flail. Scourge of Fiends (Su): At 5th level and higher, while you wield Fiendkiller’s Flail, it is considered a cold iron and silver weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Darkvision (Sp): Beginning at 6th level, once per day on command, you can use darkvision as the spell. Caster level 5th.

Sense Fiends (Su): At 6th level and higher, you can detect any creature with the baatezu or tanar’ri subtype within 60 feet, as if using the detect evil spell. Caster level 5th.

Fiendvision (Su): When you attain 10th level, the darkvision granted by Fiendkiller’s Flail allows you to see in any sort of darkness, even that created by a deeper darkness spell. Devil Chills (Su): At 12th level and higher, Fiendkiller’s Flail infects any creature damaged by it with devil chills (see page 292 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). The disease has no incubation period and the initial Fortitude save DC is 14, or 13 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. Subsequent saves are DC 14.

Devil’s Fang (Su): Beginning at 13th level, once per day on command, you can cause the spiked ball to secrete deathblade poison (DC 20, 1d6 Con/2d6 Con).




Fiendkiller’s Flail doesn’t possess any greater legacy abilities. However, if a demon-hunting champion were to found a greater legacy, the weapon’s progression might continue along similar lines, looking something like the following.

————— Personal Costs —————

Wielder Attack Reflex Save Hit Point

Level Penalty Penalty Loss Abilities

17th — — — Large +3 cold iron holy outsider (evil) bane flail 18th –3 — — Banish fiends 1/day 19th — — — — 20th — –4 — Large +5 cold iron holy outsider (evil) bane flail

Banish Fiends (Sp): Beginning at 18th level, once per day when you issue the command “Fiends depart!” and gesture with Fiendkiller’s Flail, you force evil extraplanar creatures out of your home plane, as the banishment spell. The save DC is 20, or 17 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.

You are immune to the poison secreted by Fiendkiller’s


When Xuetari hid Fiendkiller’s Flail on the Material Plane, he entombed the weapon in a cave he dug at the top of a frozen mountain. Recently an ettin, determined to fi nd solitude from the world, climbed that same mountain. In doing so, the giant noticed an odd collection of boulders blocking what appeared to be a cave. The ettin not only found a new home but also unearthed a weapon perfectly sized for him—Fiendkiller’s Flail. The ettin has no idea of the weapon’s true potential. By climbing up and down the mountain on a regular basis, the giant has inadvertently made the face much easier to scale. In addition to the fl ail, the two-headed creature has amassed a small trove, including 800 gp, two tourmaline gems (80 gp each), a breastplate, a masterwork bastard sword, a masterwork short spear, and four vials of antitoxin.

Kardun and Mordek, Ettin: 65 hp (see page 106 of the Monster Manual). The ettin’s full melee attack with the fl ail is +13/+8 melee (2d6+7). It carries six javelins. Thrown boulders use the same attack bonus as javelins, have a range increment of 80 feet and deal 2d6+6 points of bludgeoning damage. Ettin Mountain Cave

Entrance This is the original cave opening dug out by Xuetari. The upper part of the slope is still quite steep (Climb DC 20), but the ettin’s repeated travels have made the lower slopes relatively easy to climb, with Climb DCs shown on the map. Boulders These boulders originally blocked off the cave entrance but now are piled in the entrance tunnel for the ettin to use against attackers. Lair The ettin makes its lair here. A fi lthy pile of rags, scraps, and unidentifi able offal forms its sleeping area. Hidden Passageway The ettin has fi lled in this smaller tunnel with boulders to discourage thieves. It leads to a small cave containing the ettin’s treasure. Pool This pool was formed from collected rainwater. The ettin keeps its treasure under the water.

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