9 minute read
Hammer of Witches
Illus. by D. Martin

This bulky warhammer has a head embossed with golden emblems of the sun and holy symbols of
Pelor, while the oaken haft is engraved with intricate runes of warding against arcane magic. Divine power seems to radiate from the weapon, which glows and pulses with a soft, golden light when wielded. In the presence of an active arcane spell or a magic item created through arcane means, this pulse steadies and brightens into a constant glow of brilliant yellow.
Nonlegacy Game
Statistics: +1 warhammer; Cost 2,312 gp. The potent warding sigils inscribed on the haft grant you a +1 bonus on all saves against arcane magic. HISTORY
The church of Pelor harbors its share of zealots willing to distort the sun god’s teachings to further their own ends, much like any other faith. One of the most notable rogue groups worshiping Pelor is the Holy Circle of the Light of Faith, more commonly known as the Circle of the Light or simply the Light. This cult recruits exclusively from among the clergy of Pelor, seeking clerics who distrust or fear arcane magic and offering questionable scriptural proof that wizards and their ilk are blasphemers against Pelor’s will. The Light remains a secretive group. Pelor’s conventional church seeks to root out and destroy the cult as heretics, but the Light nevertheless remains undeterred in what it sees as its sacred mission. (DC 15) The Holy Circle of the Light of Faith was the brainchild of an adventuring cleric named Malleus. During his long career with the Heroes of Lannan, Malleus came to the conclusion that arcane magic was the source of all harmful, wicked spells, while divine magic was the font of all good and helpful spells. With this revelation fixed firmly in his heart, he murdered his companion, the sorcerer Arthal, and left the group, announcing he had been charged with a divine mission to eliminate all “heathen” spellcasters. Reliable reports tell of Malleus continuing to draw upon his deity’s divine power to cast spells and turn undead, despite the fact that he seemed to have committed several violations against the code of the church. (DC 18; Rite of the Zealot) The Light’s first conflict with the mainstream church of Pelor came less than a year after Malleus founded the group. With the aid of hired mercenaries and summoned creatures from the Outer Planes, the Light raided a temple to Boccob. Once the high priest of Pelor’s cathedral in the same city got word of what had happened, he gathered the church’s clerics, paladins, and other faithful to crush the renegades of the Circle of the Light. The battle was fierce. Though the mainstream church managed to rescue most of Boccob’s faithful, Malleus led several of his cultists in a daring escape. The Light went underground after the disastrous battle. Malleus’s personal weapon, the so-called Hammer of Witches, became a symbol of the cult. Members of the Light had the hammer’s likeness either engraved on the reverse side of their holy symbols or tattooed on an inconspicuous part of their bodies. (DC 25; Rite of Hidden Light) Over the years, the Holy Circle of the Light of Faith became more adept at hiding itself and its actions. The church of Pelor still doesn’t know exactly how many arcane spellcasters the Light has put to the flame, but they suspect the number is at least fifty. The cult’s secretive nature is further aided by the fact that it has several sleeper agents within the hierarchy of the mainstream church
All those of impure heart fear the of Pelor, covertly passing word to cleansing power of Hammer of Witches active members of the Light. In this manner, the Light has remained secret and safe for twenty-five years. The one exception was a brief power struggle five years ago, when Malleus died and left no clear successor. Ultimately, the near-mythical Hammer of Witches decided the
Table 3–26: Hammer of Witches
————— Personal Costs ————— Wielder Attack Hit Point Spell Slot Level Penalty Loss Loss Abilities
5th — — — Magefinder at will 6th –1 2 1st — 7th — 2 — — 8th — — 2nd Spellbreaker 1/day 9th — 2 — — 10th — — 3rd +2 warhammer 11th — — — Spellbreaker 2/day 12th — — 4th — 13th — 2 — Witchmantle 14th — 2 5th +3 warhammer 15th — — — — 16th — — 6th Antimagic field 1/day 17th — — — +4 warhammer, wizard bane 18th — — 7th Countermagic 19th — 2 — — 20th — — 8th Greater spell immunity 1/day
outcome of the struggle. During a heated argument between the Light’s two most powerful members, the warhammer appeared in midair, blazing with golden radiance, and swung around to point directly at Chief
Inquisitor Jastar. The chief inquisitor received the
Hammer of Witches as his own personal weapon and took control of the Light. Jastar disappeared recently, taking the warhammer with him. (DC 31; Master of the Light) LEGACY RITUALS

Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of Hammer of Witches.
Rite of the Zealot: You are required to slay an arcane spellcaster with a caster level of at least 3rd. The spellcaster’s exact nature is up to you, but the slaying must be spontaneous and unplanned—it cannot be premeditated. This procedure is an act of faith, however twisted and debased, not an exercise in assassination. Afterward, you must spend a full 24 hours in praise and worship of Pelor. Cost: 3,500 gp. Feat Granted: Least Legacy (Hammer of Witches).
Rite of Hidden Light: You must locate a cell of the Holy Circle of the Light of Faith and petition the cult for membership. The Light requires various tests of ability, works of faith, and acts of penance to prove your loyalty. Cost: 11,500 gp. Feat Granted: Lesser Legacy (Hammer of Witches).
Master of the Light: Only the leader of the Holy Circle of the Light of Faith can call upon the greatest abilities of Hammer of Witches. Thus, you have to wrest control of the cult away from its current leader, using whatever means you deem necessary. Once in control of the Light, you must spend a full 24 hours in meditation with Hammer of Witches. Cost: 39,000 gp.
Feat Granted: Greater Legacy (Hammer of Witches). WIELDER REQUIREMENTS
Clerics are the most likely to find Hammer of Witches useful, although paladins who can find a way to reconcile the legacy rituals with their code of conduct might also find the weapon a powerful tool against evil mages. Paladins can gain access to the weapon’s legacy abilities up through 13th level, but they are typically incapable of paying the personal costs (specifically, the spell slot loss) required for the more powerful abilities and rarely complete the Rite of Hidden Light ritual.
Hammer of Witches Wielder Requirements
Ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks Cannot have levels in an arcane spellcasting class
All the following are legacy item abilities of Hammer of Witches.
Magefinder (Sp): Although Hammer of Witches glows brightly in the presence of arcane magic, this automatic detection lacks precision and discernment. At 5th level and higher, at will on command, you can use detect magic as the spell. Caster level 5th.
Spellbreaker (Su): Starting at 8th level, once per day upon making a successful attack roll with Hammer of Witches against an opponent or object, you can use the targeted form of dispel magic on that foe or item.

Caster level 10th. Beginning at 11th level, you can use this feature two times per day.
Witchmantle (Su): At 13th level, you gain spell resistance against arcane spells equal to 5 + your character level.
Antimagic Field (Sp): Beginning at 16th level, once per day on command, you can use antimagic fi eld as the spell. Caster level 11th.
Countermagic (Su): At 18th level and higher, once per day as an immediate action, you can attempt to counterspell an arcane spell cast within your sight as if using a greater dispel magic spell. You must be aware of the spell’s caster, and you cannot use this ability if fl at-footed. Caster level 15th.
Greater Spell Immunity (Sp): Starting at 20th level, once per day on command, you can use greater spell immunity as the spell. Caster level 20th. ADVENTURE SEED (EL 6)
While passing through a small village’s town square, the heroes come across a man dressed as a cleric of Pelor, carrying a large warhammer and sermonizing about the evils of witchcraft. Three women are tied to stakes in the square, around which are piled stacks of kindling and fi rewood. An acolyte stands close by, holding a torch at the ready. When the women see the party, they beg for aid, loudly proclaiming their innocence. If the PCs question the priest, they learn that his only charge against the women is the practice of arcane magic. Brother Turnik’s acolyte, a 1st-level commoner named Buris (3 hp), has little stomach for this work. If the PCs seem a more credible threat than Turnik, he drops the torch and fl ees.
3rd—magic vestment, searing lightD , summon monster III 2nd—bull’s strength, calm emotions (DC 15), heat metalD (DC 15), spiritual weapon 1st—divine favor, endure elements, enlarge personD (DC 14), sanctuary (DC 14), shield of faith 0—detect magic (3), light, virtue D: Domain spell. Domains: Strength, Sun. Abilities Str 10, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12 Feats Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency (warhammer), Scribe Scroll Skills Concentration +9, Knowledge (history) +10,
Knowledge (the planes) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Spellcraft +10 Possessions combat gear plus +1 chainmail, heavy steel shield, Hammer of Witches, small parchment with holy text, 95 gp
Village Square
Stakes Each of the three “witches” is tied to a stake with a knot that requires a DC 10 Use Rope check to undo. If freed, the three women dash off in random directions, trying to get away. If the fi res are lit, the women begin to suffocate due to smoke inhalation (see page 304 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). They die of suffocation before the fi re grows large enough to burn them.
Brother Turnik CR 6
Male human cleric 5 of Pelor N Medium humanoid Init –1; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 hp 31 (5 HD) Resist +1 on saves against arcane magic Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +7 Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Melee Hammer of Witches +4 melee (1d8+1/×3) Base Atk +3; Grp +3 Special Actions feat of strength 1/day (free action, +5
Str for 1 round), greater turning 1/day (successful turn check destroys undead), turn undead 4/day (+3, 2d6+6, 5th), spontaneous casting (cure spells) Combat Gear divine scroll of detect undead (CL 5th), scroll of cure serious wounds and doom Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 5th):