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The Scarab of Aradros in Eberron
Table 3–37: Scarab of Aradros
——————— Personal Costs ———————
Wielder Save Skill Check Caster Level Spell Slot
Level Penalty Penalty Penalty Loss Abilities
5th — — — — Arcane health 6th –1 — — 1st Winged range (3rd) 7th — — –1 — Scarab of resistance +2 8th — –1 — 2nd Carapaced nerves 9th — — — — — 10th — — — 3rd Scarab of resistance +3 11th — — — — Survive any extreme 12th — — — 4th Winged range (6th) 13th — — –2 — Scarab of resistance +4 14th — — — 5th — 15th — –2 — — Scarab shell 16th — — — 6th Scarab of resistance +5 LEGACY ITEM ABILITIES
All the following are legacy item abilities of the Scarab of Aradros.
Arcane Health (Su): Starting at 5th level, you gain 10 temporary hit points (similar to those granted by a false life spell) each day at sunrise. These hit points remain until expended or 24 hours pass.
Winged Range (Su): At 6th level and higher, you can cast up to three arcane spells per day of up to 3rd level that are extended as though using the Extend Spell metamagic feat. Using this legacy ability does not change the level of the spell slot of the altered spell. A spontaneous spellcaster (such as a sorcerer) must still take a full-round action when using this ability, just as if using a metamagic feat he possessed. At 12th level, you can extend three arcane spells per day that are 6th level or lower.
Carapaced Nerves (Su): As the Scarab of Aradros builds a connection with you, it aids your ability to focus your mind. At 8th level, you gain a +5 bonus on
Concentration checks.
Survive Any Extreme (Su): Starting at 11th level, at will as an immediate action, you can grant yourself resistance 30 to one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). This effect lasts for 1 minute. Caster level 10th.
Scarab Shell (Su): At 15th level and higher, as long as you have one arcane spell remaining (either a prepared spell not yet cast or a spell slot not yet used), you benefit from the effects of a shield spell. Caster level 10th. ADVENTURE SEED (EL 8)
While exploring a subterranean area near the edge of the sea, the adventurers stumble into a cavity filled with copper coins and ruined art objects. These are the remnants of a pirate hoard that has been looted of most valuables. Four vampire spawn use the chamber to house their grave-dirt receptacles.
Among the heaps of coins and trash can be found the Scarab of Aradros.
Vampire Spawn (4): hp 29 each (see page 253 of the Monster Manual). THE SCARAB OF ARADROS IN EBERRON
The ancient elven kingdom of Aradros bears striking similarities to Aerenal, the island home of Eberron’s elves and seat of the Undying Court. Indeed, thousands of years in the past, the elves of Aerenal conquered their island after overcoming the slave lords of Xen’drik and fleeing that terrible continent. They established an outpost on Khorvaire during the days of the Empire of Dhakaan but became distrusted by that nation’s hobgoblin emperor. Eventually war broke out between the two kingdoms, and the elves retreated to Aerenal until the Last War presented an opportunity to reestablish a foothold. To customize this legacy item to Eberron, simply make Prince Dalwin an agent of Aerenal. While exploring the intervening islands and the inland reaches of Khorvaire, he was exposed and confronted by Dhakaan’s forces. Now the Scarab of Aradros rests in a hidden cave along Valenar’s southern coast. The Undying Court wishes to recover the item and has sent exploring parties of xenophobic elves to locate it. For an out-of-the-ordinary adventure idea, have Dalwin’s last stand take place in the final battle at Taer Sadaen. The Scarab of Aradros might have been swept out of time along with the ruins of that ancient fortress.