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Halfling Outriders and Steadfast
Table 3–44: Steadfast
————— Personal Costs ————— Wielder Attack Reflex Save Hit Point Level Penalty Penalty Loss Abilities
5th — — — Enduring vigor 1/day 6th –1 — — Swimmer 7th — –1 2 Rooted 8th — — 2 Slow 9th — –2 — — 10th — — 2 Small +2 scimitar
Rooted (Su): Starting at 7th level, you gain a +4 bonus on ability checks to avoid being bull rushed or tripped.
Slow (Su): At 8th level and higher, once per day as a free action, you can subject a creature you successfully damage with Steadfast to a slow effect as the spell.
The save DC is 14, or 13 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. Caster level 7th. ADVENTURE SEED (EL 6)
After Lunari enjoyed a long run as a halfling outrider for her clan, she trained her replacement and passed her scimitar along. The blade has been handed down for generations, the former owner sharing the secrets of the weapon with each new protector. This continued until one outrider was swarmed by a roaming band of goblins and overwhelmed. The ignoble goblins fought over the scimitar until their leader Hapnug stepped in and took it for himself. Hapnug and his band keep to the outskirts of civilized lands, ambushing riders on the roads with a rope line that knocks people off their horses.
Hapnug CR 6
Male goblin fighter 2/rogue 3 NE Small humanoid (goblinoid) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Listen +6, Spot +6 Languages Common, Elven, Goblin AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 19; uncanny dodge hp 29 (5 HD) Resist evasion Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee Steadfast +9 (1d4+3/18–20 plus poison) or Ranged mwk javelin +9 (1d4+2 plus poison) Base Atk +4; Grp +2 Atk Options Ride-By Attack, sneak attack +2d6 Combat Gear 3 potions of cure light wounds, 3 vials of
Large scorpion venom (DC 14, 1d4 Con/1d4 Con) Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6 SQ enduring vigor, trapfinding, trap sense +1 Feats Iron Will, Least Legacy (Steadfast)B, Mounted
CombatB, Ride-By AttackB, Weapon Focus (scimitar) Skills Craft (trapmaking) +7, Diplomacy +0, Disable
Device +9, Hide +12, Listen +6, Move Silently +12,
Open Lock +11, Ride +13, Search +7, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6 Possessions combat gear plus masterwork studded leather, masterwork heavy wooden shield, Steadfast, 5 masterwork javelins, masterwork thieves’ tools Enduring Vigor (Su) 1/day can eliminate magical penalties (not damage) to one ability score or remove fatigued condition. Caster level 5th.
Worg: hp 30 (see page 256 of the Monster Manual). Goblin Warriors (3): hp 5 each (see page 133 of the
Monster Manual).
The halfling outrider prestige class (Complete Warrior, page 38) combines expert riding skill with the nimbleness inborn to halflings. This legacy item was originally the signature weapon of a famous outrider, and some of its abilities complement the special features of that class. At 5th level, a halfling outrider can leap from the saddle to attack an opponent as though charging, even after her mount has moved. Using the slow legacy ability in conjunction with this move allows the outrider to hinder a larger and tougher enemy, especially if it is followed up by remounting and making ride-by attacks (if she has the Ride-By Attack feat) or the full mounted attack available at 8th level. An outrider’s class bonus on Ride checks, along with the natural Dexterity bonus typical of halflings, makes a fast mount relatively easy to perform. Although they enjoy phenomenal combat ability while mounted, halfling outriders are vulnerable on the ground. Clever and strong opponents thus might make trip attempts to unseat an outrider. A high Ride bonus makes it harder to pull this off, but a halfling’s penalty for size works against her. The rooted legacy ability cancels out the size penalty, though, so the outrider is more likely to stay in the saddle.
Goblin Ambush
Rope Two goblins stretch this rope taut across the road at roughly chest height for a mounted human (it’s wrapped around tree trunks for extra stability). The rope has been rubbed with mud to make it diffi cult to notice. Dismounting Rope: CR 1; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Refl ex save avoids; multiple targets (fi rst mounted target in each of two adjacent 5-foot squares); Atk +15 melee touch (trip); Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 15. Goblins
Three goblin warriors are hidden in the undergrowth, ready to spring out and attack a dismounted rider.
Hapnug on Worg
Hapnug, mounted on his worg, leads the assault against an ambushed character. Tactical Notes
Hapnug didn’t get to be the gang’s leader by being stupid. He is far cleverer than the average goblin, and a master of devious tactics. The bandits were able to come up with the idea for an ambush, but it was Hapnug who thought of dismounting a rider to increase their advantage (and of camoufl aging the rope). Assuming the rider is knocked from the saddle, the ambush proceeds as follows. If the rider notices the trap or manages to stay mounted, the goblins fade back into the woods and decline to start a confrontation.
Round 1: Hapnug throws a javelin at the downed rider, then urges his mount forward while he draws Steadfast. The other goblins throw their javelins at the rider, unless the only clear shot is at the mount. The worg can’t charge through the undergrowth, but its fast land speed easily allows it to move into melee and attack. It attacks the downed rider unless the mount presents a threat, in which case it tries to bring down that creature.
Round 2 and Beyond: Once Hapnug is engaged, he maneuvers to get sneak attacks. His underlings assist by moving into melee and setting up fl anking situations. (If Hapnug goes before the other goblins, he delays until a fl ank has been set up.) If the worg is attacking the riderless mount, Hapnug dismounts to continue fi ghting the rider. One of the other goblins might assist the worg with fl anking attacks as well if the opportunity presents itself.