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Ability Menu F (Lesser
See Invisibility (Su): While you are holding, wearing, or wielding the item, you can see invisible creatures or objects, as if continually affected by the see invisibility spell.
Skill Enhancement +10 (Su): The item grants you a +10 competence bonus on one skill check. Choose the specific skill when assigning this ability to the item. You can select this option multiple times. Each time you do so, it applies to a different skill. Spell Storing, Minor (Su): You can store up to three levels of spells in the item, as though it were a ring of minor spell storing.
Summon Monster V (Sp): Once per day when you issue the command word and gesture with the item, you can use summon monster V as the spell. Weapon Enhancement (Su): The effective enhancement bonus of a weapon increases, as shown in the table below. This ability can be placed only on a weapon, and can be selected multiple times. Instead of increasing the enhancement bonus, you can choose any combination of enhancement bonuses and special abilities whose total market price is equivalent to the effective bonus increase. For example, if the effective enhancement bonus increases by 2, you could increase the weapon’s enhancement bonus by 1 and give it the flaming ability, or leave its enhancement bonus unchanged and give it a special ability whose market price is equivalent to a +2 bonus, such as holy.
Effective Enhancement Bonus
Current Increase
+1 or less 2 +2, +3, or +4 1
If you continue to enhance a legacy item by performing a lesser legacy ritual, you can choose a Menu F ability at the cost of three Menu D slots. You cannot “trade in” existing Menu D abilities for an ability from this menu. A skipped slot means that no legacy ability is available at that character level. For example, if you assigned a Menu D ability at 11th level, you could assign a Menu F ability at 14th level, gaining no new legacy abilities at 12th and 13th level. You still pay personal costs for a given level, even if you gain no new legacy abilities. You can choose one ability from any lower menu in place of one from Menu F. Menu F abilities have a caster level of 13th.
A legacy item can bring death to all who oppose it
Armor or Shield Enhancement (Su): The effective enhancement bonus of a suit of armor or a shield increases, as shown in the table below. This ability can be placed only on a suit of armor or a shield, and can be selected multiple times. You cannot increase the armor or shield’s actual enhancement bonus beyond +5. Instead of increasing the enhancement bonus, you can choose any combination of enhancement bonuses and special abilities whose total market price is equivalent to the effective bonus increase.
Effective Enhancement Bonus
Current Increase
+1 or less 4 +2 or +3 3 +4, +5, or +6 2 +7, +8, or +9 1
Blur (Su): While you are holding, wearing, or wielding the item, your actual location is difficult to pin down, granting you concealment (20% miss chance) as the blur spell.
Circle of Death (Sp): Once per day, when you issue the command word and make a circular gesture with the item, you cause it to kill living creatures within 40 feet, as the circle of death spell. The save DC
Illus. by F. Hooper
is 19, or 16 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.
Constant Companion, Lesser (Su): While you are holding, wearing, or wielding the item, you can use a swift action to summon an allied creature. When assigning this ability to the item, choose one of the creatures from the 3rd-level list of the Summon Monster or Summon Nature’s Ally table on pages 287 and 288 of the Monster Manual. Only that creature can be summoned using this ability. The allied creature attacks your foes and serves you to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. It remains with you unless dismissed (a standard action) or killed. If the creature is slain, it can be summoned again after 24 hours, fully healed. You can never have more than one lesser companion at any one time.
Contingency (Su): Once per day, you can place a spell on yourself that triggers automatically on a trigger condition you specify, as though using the contingency spell. Create Undead (Su): Once per day, when you issue the command word and touch the item to a corpse, you can transform that corpse into a ghoul or ghast, as with the create undead spell. Cure Critical Wounds (Sp): Three times per day, you can use cure critical wounds as the spell by touching the item to the creature to be healed (including yourself) and speaking a command word. This ability can instead deal damage to undead creatures. The save DC is 16, or 14 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.
Enervation (Sp): Two times per day, when you issue the command word and gesture with the item, you cause it to emit a black beam of negative energy that bestows 1d4 negative levels on a subject, as the enervation spell.
Evasion (Su): While you are holding, wearing, or wielding the item, you can avoid damage from certain attacks with a successful Reflex save as if you had the evasion class feature (see page 41 of the Player’s Handbook).
Fireball, Maximized (Sp): Once per day on command, you can create a maximized fireball as the spell enhanced by the Maximize Spell metamagic feat. The save DC is 14, or 13 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.
Forceful Hand (Sp): Once per day, when you issue the command word and gesture with the item, you can create a Large magic hand that pushes creatures away from you, as the Bigby’s forceful hand spell.
Hold Monster (Sp): Once per day on command, you can use hold monster as the spell. The save DC is 17, or 15 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.
Lightning Bolt, Maximized (Sp): Once per day on command, you can create a maximized lightning bolt as the spell enhanced by the Maximize Spell metamagic feat. The save DC is 14, or 13 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.
Metamagic, Greater (Su): You can apply the effect of one metamagic feat to up to three spells per day that you cast of up to 9th level. This can be any metamagic feat that normally adjusts a spell’s slot by one level (such as Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, or Silent Spell); choose the specific feat when assigning this ability to the item. Using this legacy ability does not change the spell slot of the altered spell. A spontaneous spellcaster (such as a sorcerer) must still take a full-round action when using this ability, just as if using a metamagic feat he possessed. You cannot use this ability if you cannot already cast spells.
Metapsionic, Greater (Su): You can apply the effect of one metapsionic feat to up to three psionic powers per day that you manifest of up to 9th level. This can be any one of Delay Power, Enlarge Power, Extend Power, or Split Psionic Ray (see Chapter 3: Skills and Feats in the Expanded Psionics Handbook). Choose the specific feat when assigning this ability to the item. Using this legacy ability does not change the power point cost of the altered power. You cannot use this ability if you cannot already manifest psionic powers.
Poison Immunity (Su): While you are holding, wearing, or wielding the item, you are immune to poison.
True Seeing (Sp): Once per day, when you issue the command word and gesture with the item, you can see all things as they really are, as if under the effect of the true seeing spell.
Wall of Fire (Sp): Two times per day, when you issue the command word and gesture with the item, you cause it to conjure a curtain of shimmering violet fire, as the wall of fire spell. Weapon Enhancement (Su): The effective enhancement bonus of a weapon increases, as shown in the table below. This ability can be placed only on