When the Sky Falls - 3.5e

Page 21


When the Sky Falls

Old News In this kind of scenario, the PCs find a crater, either by accident or by intent, of a meteorite that struck years ago. However, a cult of sorts has grown up around the meteorite strike, and the cultists have built their temple in the bowl of the crater. Depending on the proclivities of the cult, the PCs may have a hand in aiding or attacking them during some conflict in which they become involved. A vicious cult may be kidnapping locals and sacrificing them on their meteoritic iron altar, hoping to call down more meteorite strikes on their enemies (and perhaps coming close to succeeding). A more benevolent cult may be attempting to prevent the lode of adamantine and thaumeteoritic iron (or even a Rune Sea at the heart of an engram ark) from falling into the hands of predatory monsters, dark elves, undead, or other evil individuals.

PCs as Prophets It’s possible that the PCs learn about the impending strike before anyone else. Perhaps one character has a terrible dream, featuring a vision of a fiery rock falling from the heavens, and the destruction and death Checklist that result from its Determine how to foreshadow the meteorite fall impact. Maybe the PCs Is the strike the campaign’s central discover a tablet foreevent or merely the effect of sometelling the fall in an old thing more critical? ruined wizard’s tower, Choose a method for revealing the meteorite’s fall to the PCs. describing in exacting Stage an adventure. detail what will occur (the mage used a combi Everyone learns the news at once. nation of mundane Decide which groups attempt to optics, mathematics, capitalize on the fear of the Afterfall. magical computation, and clairvoyance to calculate the date and location of the impact). The clarity of either the dream or description should leave no doubt that the event will come to pass.The news will almost certainly shock the PCs. An awesome responsibility descends upon the PCs, should they agree to take it on: Warn, or run? Why haven’t others had this dream? Is some shadowy entity or organization trying to keep people from learning about the impending meteorite strike? It might be up the PCs to ferret out this entity or group.

with strange, colored designs on their skin and possessing unusual powers. Eventually, they make their way to the crater and discover what has come to pass. Creatures and communities in the area that survived may be desperate for food and supplies after the fires and periodic acid rain ruin crops. The PCs may be hard pressed merely to make it to ground zero. On the other hand, the PCs’ first clue that something strange has fallen from the sky could be perturbations in the arcanosphere—see “Changes to the World,” page 26.

The Proclamation of Doom The local or national officials in an area have a big secret. Some leave office, others go on sabbatical. “In the know” high-profile celebrities are leaving the area, or are already gone. Rumors spread like wildfire: Something bad is coming. Secret plans of containment and evacuation are undertaken. The local guard triples its numbers with new conscripts. An omen appears in the sky—the fiery tail of a comet that daily grows larger, even to the naked eye. Underdog political factions rise to sudden prominence with unlikely speed. Anarchists walk the streets, inciting riots and disorder, using the undercurrent of fear as a catalyst. The unrest reaches its worst levels when the announcement finally goes out to all: A star is falling from the very heights of heaven, and will soon smash itself to death on the world—specifically in the local region, city, or nation. Total destruction is expected. PCs may decide to make for the farthest coast, or they may be asked to help clean out the caverns below the area to be used as underground shelters, so the population can weather the coming event (these caverns are infested with all manner of unpleasant life, including dark elves and other creatures common to the underworld). PCs may be asked to embark on a teleportation-enabled journey to the very edge of the speeding rock, safely contained within a sphere of force, in order to set vast thaumaturgic charges to deflect the meteor. The PCs might be asked to lead a group of refugees across land or sea, through underworld tunnels, or shadow world darknesses, defending their wards against all threats along the way. Or something completely different.

Changes to the Landscape Even the impact of a mere 30-foot-diameter meteorite can have long-lasting effects on the surrounding landscape and climate. Larger meteorites, or a rain of standard-sized meteorites, can have a far wider-ranging permanent effect.

Following Clues As this scenario unfolds, the PCs are investigating stories of change or disaster in a distant area. When magic fails (due to the blast of an EMP), or an area is destroyed, the PCs follow a trail of stories: refugees who speak of a “star touching the earth,” lost and rampaging molten elementals or ark guardians, burnt landscapes, and perhaps people appearing

Landforms When forests are razed by fire, rivers change their course, and holes are punched into the ground as if by a god’s fist, permanent changes to the surface of the land obviously result. Many changes are possible, any of which can lead to interesting adventures for the PCs. Some ideas:

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