Chapter Six Afterfall Magic Items
Staff of the Nightwalker. This slender wooden staff is as thin as a switch, but reaches 6 feet in height. The shaft is covered with tiny faces carved into the wood, so thick that there is not one inch of uncarved wood. Every face has its eyes closed, and some have their mouths open as if screaming. A staff of the nightwalker is a +2 icy burst quarterstaff (only one end is +2; the other end is masterwork). The wielder can use the following spells: • Nightsnare† (1 charge) • Nightcrypt† (1 charge) • Deathmare† (2 charges) • Nightseed† (4 charges) Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, nightsnare, nightcrypt, deathmare, nightseed; Market Price: 66,500 gp
Wondrous Items Bag of Night Terrors. This small sack appears normal and empty. However, anyone reaching into the bag feels a small, cold pebble. If the pebble is removed and tossed toward a target, it manifests as if it were a spell being targeted on that creature at caster level 10th. For each pebble removed from the bag, roll d% and consult the following table. d% 01–30 31–60 61–75 76–90 91–100
Spell Nightmare’s stricture† Plasmaball (as fireball, but substitute plasma) Plasma bolt† Nightsnare† Minor meteorite†
Spells produced are always random, and only one spell duration may persist at one time. The bag can release up to 10 spells each week. Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, nightmare’s stricture, nightsnare, fireball, plasma bolt, minor meteorite, Astromancy; Market Price: 21,000 gp; Weight — Engram Wallet. This stiff piece of leather can be rolled up into a slender package and stored in a space small enough to accommodate a simple scroll. However, an engram wallet contains something far more precious than most spells—it can hold one engram from the Rune Sea. When found, an engram wallet contains a randomly determined engram. Someone who already wears an engram can use a standard action to switch between the engram she wears and the engram in the wallet. An engram wallet cannot be used to apply more than a single engram (unless some special quality of the bearer allows her to wear more than one engram). If the bearer does not already possess an engram, she can gain the engram in an engram wallet as a standard action. An empty engram wallet
remains receptive to receiving another engram from a bearer who wishes to store an engram off-skin for a time, or another engram from the Rune Sea can be added during a standard engram-seeking dive. You gain an engram in the engram wallet in addition to any engram you gain or exchange on your skin. Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, lend engram†; Market Price: 3,000 gp Nightstrider Mask. A nightstrider mask appears to be a mask dyed with dull colors depicting the face of some monstrous beast. On animate creatures, including constructs and undead, nightstrider masks have no effect. If a nightstrider mask is somehow affixed to an inanimate object, such as a table, a desk, a statue, or a cart, that object animates and Checklist comes under the ver Evaluate which of these items bal control of whoevmight prove useful to new and/or er fixed the mask (as established NPCs. if the object were Create opportunities for the PCs to find one of these weapons, or to permanently charmed encounter an NPC wielding one. and very well dis(Don’t put a starfall sword in the hands of someone the PCs are likeposed toward the ly to defeat if they are too low in charmer). Wherever level to gain the item as treasure.) the mask is affixed Specifically place a few of these on an object becomes items in the stores of large city or metropolis magic shops for PCs to the “head” of the discover when on a shopping trip. mask-animated creature; it is not an “animated object” as described in the MM. Instead, a mask affixed on an object confers all the abilities, powers, mobility, and mindset of the creature the mask depicts. There is no difference between the statistics of a maskanimated object and those of the creature it mimics, even if there is a difference in size between the original and the mimic (the object grows or shrinks to an approximate size of the creature the mask depicts). However, an unusual attack routine the creature possesses may or may not be available to the mask-animated object, depending on its shape and form. For instance, if the creature has a wing buffet attack, that attack would only be available to an object that has a physical feature resembling wings (such as the hinged doors of a cabinet or a chest). A mask-animated object takes damage and can be healed as if it were a living creature of the type depicted by the