Sheldon Key Club | January | Volume 1 | Issue 3

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January | Volume 1 | Issue 3

The Official Newsletter of Sheldon Key Club Sheldon | Division 7 South | Region 16 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

CONTENTS 2. Contents 3. Editor’s Message 4. President’s Greeting

5. The Officers’ Corner 6-7. Recap of Events 8-9. Upcoming Events 10. Superlatives 11. New Committees 12-15. Featured Articles 16-17. Club New Year’s Resolutions

18-19. Contact Information Page 2

Editor’s Message Hello Wonderful Monsters! I hope you are all doing wonderfully! I am Jule Dao, your newly appointed Bulletin Editor for the 2015-2016 term, and I’m overjoyed to be able to serve Sheldon Key Club, even if it’s only for a few months! I have a specific goal that I wish to accomplish during my term as Bulletin Editor— to make YOU happy and to show the world just how incredible Sheldon Key Club is! With this goal in mind, I’ve already completed several tasks since I’ve been appointed such as: 

Encouraging members to write articles to submit to our Division News Editor, Sammi

Taking and requesting pictures at various club events to include in newsletters and submit to our Division News Editor as visuals

Working on our monthly newsletters!

While I’ve been working on all these tasks, I’ve forgotten about the most important task— to get to know you all! I really wish to familiarize myself with all you fabulous members so please come up to me if you ever see me at any of our meetings or events! I’d love to talk to you and get to know you. That’s all! I hope you enjoy this newsletter and that it is of some use to you! Make sure to attend any upcoming events! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns! Have a wonderful day! -In monstrous service and friendship, Jule Dao Sheldon High School Key Club Bulletin Editor (Issue co-edited by Theresa Nguyen)

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President’s Greeting Happy New Years Monsters! First off, I hope you all are enjoying Winter Break! Just a quick reminder that sadly, school starts on Tuesday, January 5th, 2016 at 10:30 PM - don't be late! Anyways, 2016 will be a year filled with many service and leadership opportunities that I hope you all take great advantage of. Speaking of leadership opportunities, elections for the 2016-2017 Key Club term are quickly approaching! The five available positions are President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Bulletin Editor - I highly encourage you to run for an executive officer position if you are interested because I believe you all have the potential to lead Sheldon Key Club to new heights. If you are interested in running, please let me know ASAP and attend the following Officer Training Conferences: 1/5/16, 1/12/16, and 1/19/16. Each candidate will be required to go through an interview as well as present a 3-5 minute speech to the club explaining why you are qualified for the certain position - please keep in mind NO CAMPAIGNING. Vote for the individual you believe is most qualified, not because he or she is your friend! Elections will be held on February 2nd and 9th so please save the date. Do you know what else is quickly approaching? DCON!!! Yep, that's right. District Convention 2016 is just around the corner and if you are interested in attending, you must let an officer know ASAP. There will be certain requirements that will need to be met in order to be able to attend. District Convention is certainly an event you do NOT want to miss - it is a 3 day convention filled with many educational and leadership workshops/seminars, recognition, spirit, tears‌. and so much more. Attend the future club meetings to learn more about DCON! Lastly, I'd like to personally thank each and every single one of you. Reflecting back on 2015, I am extremely honored I was given the opportunity to serve Sheldon Key Club as President and work along with the current board officers. You have all inspired me and impacted my life somehow and you all continue to do so. Many goals have been surpassed in 2015 and I am BEYOND excited to see what we accomplish in 2016. Continue to serve because you all are truly making a difference. S-U-P-E-R, super star that's what you are! In service and friendship, Leeza Xiong President

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Officers take on many responsibilities and tasks that require the help of other officers. The work may be very stressful at times, but it causes them to learn more about each other. (There are inside jokes related to some of these facts. I’d love to tell you all about them!)

 

Ms. President

Ms. Vice-President

Mr. Secretary




Loves to eat spam

Works at Tofu House

Has sick dance moves Wants to be like Michael Jordan

Ms. Bulletin Editor



Cries during almost every movie

KMC President

Zyruss 

Wants to be a princess

Ms. Treasurer

Mr. Member Recognition

Has an obsession with potatoes

Bad with ovens Not good with doors

Referred to as “Leeza 2.0” Not really good at anything

Ms. Publicity Chair

Mr. Tech Editor



 

Loves McDonald’s

Caretaker of the group

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Saves off-guard pictures of people Not good at doing backflips

RECAP OF Sheldon High Food Faire– December 2nd On December 2nd, Sheldon Key Club sold donuts at Sheldon High School’s Food Faire during first and second lunch. Original glazed and chocolate glazed donuts were sold for three tickets each ($1.50), which sold out within the first 20 minutes of each lunch! The club profited approximately $100 from the event which shall be used to help fund DCON. The event was considered to be a success and it is likely that we will sell at the next Food Faire as well!

Santa’s Gift of Service– December 5th On December 5th, Sac State CKI (Circle K International) hosted an event called Santa’s Gift of Service. There, Key Clubbers bonded with other Key Clubbers and CKI members while going through different rotations of acts of service and icebreakers. The acts of service performed at the event were hat and scarf making, candy sled making, and card and bookmark making. The event featured lots of socializing since there were many new people to meet! (Photo Credits: Orange Monster Photos)

Florin Key Club Holiday Awake-A-Thon– December 11th On December 11th, Sheldon Key Clubbers attended an Awake-A-Thon hosted by Florin Key Club. There, attendants from all over Region 16 brought items of entertainment to stay awake for 12 hours. The $30 admission that could’ve been paid through pledges/donations was used to raise funds for the Eliminate Project and the Kiiwanis Family House.

Jingle Bell Run– December 12th Right after Florin Key Club’s Awake-A-Thon was Sacramento’s 2015 Jingle Bell 5K Run/Walk for Arthritis. During the event, volunteers handed out medals to runners, managed rest stops, and tore down the event.

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F EVENTS December DCM+PGKC Caroling for Cans– December 18th After finals, Sheldon Key Clubbers attended D7S’s December DCM held at Jungkeit Park along with Pleasant Grove Key Club’s Caroling for Cans event afterwards. After the DCM, attendants went caroling in the rain around neighborhoods near Jungkeit Park. Over 150 cans and $59 was raised from the event which was donated to the Sacramento Food Bank! (Photo Credits: Orange Monster Photos)

Sacramento Santa Run– December 19th On December 19th, Sheldon Key Club volunteered at the Sacramento Santa Run 5K. Volunteers helped out by course monitoring, managing food and refreshment stands, cheering on runners, tearing down the event, and more. (Photo Credits: Mindy Phan)

Sacramento Yule Ball– December 19th On the same day of the Sacramento Santa Run was the Sacramento Yule Ball! Volunteers were required to dress in semiformal attire and helped by setting up the event, managing stations, and other tasks. (Photo Credits: Mindy Phan)

Winter Munchland Social– December 23rd On Christmas Eve Eve, Sheldon Key Club had our December Club Social planned by the newly appointed social committee. Held at Committee Member Will’s house, the event was 6 hours long and featured games, food, music, picture taking, and lots of socializing along with other activities.

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Upcoming January Sun






































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g Events Sacanime When: 

Friday, December 1st from 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM


Saturday, December 2nd from 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM


Sunday, December 3rd from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Where: Event- 1400 J St, Sacramento, CA 95814 Volunteer Sign-In– 1230 J St, Sacramento, CA 95814 More information can be found on the Sheldon Key Club Facebook group!

Franklin Key Club’s Downtown Ice Skating Frozen Fundraiser When: Monday, January 4th from 12:00 PM - 1:45 PM Where: 701 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

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Upcoming LCKC’s Mock New Year Bash When: Saturday, January 9th from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Where: Laguna Creek HS Multipurpose Room– 9050 Vicino Dr, Elk Grove, CA 95758

Division Leadership Training Conference When: Friday, January 15th at 4:30 PM Where: Elk Grove HS– 9800 Elk Grove Florin Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624 More information shall be released soon!

Conclave When: Saturday, January 16th Where: Kiwanis Family House– 2875 50th St, Sacramento, CA 95817 More information shall be released soon!

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g Events Division Judging Contest Submission Deadline When: Friday, January 22nd

More information shall be released soon!

January DCM + Monster Olympics When: Friday, January 22nd Where: Valley HS– 6300 Ehrhardt Ave, Sacramento, CA 95823

More information shall be released soon!

2016 Vietnamese Tet Festival When: Saturday & Sunday, January 23rd & 24th Shifts: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Where: Corner of Florin Rd. and Stockton Blvd.

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Superlatives Most Affectionate

Most Quiet

Most Artistic & Punniest

Tasfia B.

Vietmy T.

Marcia C.

Most Dedicated

Strongest Voice

Chinky but Caring

David M.

Emily T.

Ricky L.

Photo Credits: Orange Monster Photos & Facebook

Members with 30+ Service Hours

Will Tham

Elaine Phan

Matthew Vu

David Ma

Ben Vo

Hayeon Kim

Tasfia Bari

Son Nguyen

Michelle Nguyen Page 12

Cindy Luu

New Committees! The Social Committee is an extended board of Sheldon Key Club that focuses on closing the gap between officers and members as well as strengthening the bond of Key Club as a family.

Mary Mai

Will Tham

Tasfia Bari

Jack Saeyang

Virginia Manandeg

The Member Recognition Committee a part of the extended board of Sheldon Key Club whose main purpose is to recognize members for demonstrating the core values of Key Club. Their actions benefit the club by pushing the members to remain motivated and involved.

Zyruss Edjan

Elaine Phan

Tracy Ly Page 13


Applying/ Runni Justina Voong– Elected as Treasurer Running for executive office is a very nerve-wracking, but enlightening process. You need to be able to find the leader or desire to be a leader within yourself to do so. After you find this, you need to be able to take action and proceed with the process. The entire process may be long and a lot of information to take in, but it is worth it whether or not you get the position or not. There are lots of Key Club facts to learn, duties of the position you desire, and overall how to lead a group of people. The actual speech aspect of elections is probably the most nerve-wracking. You have 3-5 minutes to convince a group a people that you are best fit to lead the next term. Whether you get the position after this, you still have shown that you are able to take initiative and have already grown as a leader. Even if you’re not sure if you want to run for office, I would say go for it. You have nothing to lose, you can only grow. Being an executive officer is a roller coaster ride in itself. There are moments of frustration, stress, and you feel overwhelmed from time to time. On the other hand, seeing the accomplishments of the club, the faces of the members, and knowing that you are trying your very best to benefit the club you serve makes it all worth it. My experience as an executive officer has changed my outlook on life. As an officer, you need to be able to learn how to be flexible with just about anything. You need to be able to accept that some things don’t turn out the way you want, sometimes what you think is best isn’t actually the best, and be open to options from other officers. This can be applied and used to everyday life and has helped me grow as a person and as a leader. Being an executive officer does not make you a leader who watches other people do things, but a leader who engages and helps others to accomplish everything.

Will Tham– Applied for Position of Bulletin Editor There were many things I went through when I applied for the position of Bulletin Editor; It was an exciting, nerve-wracking, yet scary experience for me. A lot of tension was forced upon me during the process, but it strengthen my social skills and allowed me to step out of my comfort zone a little further. Before the interview, I was able to connect with the other applicants and had a some time to bond with them. After the interview had ended, I was calm because I realized that the application process as a whole was not as terrifying as I thought it would be and that I was overthinking the situation.

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ing for Positions Theresa Nguyen– Ran/ Applied for Multiple Positions Wow, it's that time of the year again-- Time for elections! Elections are nerve racking, but I have to admit that it is a happy moment for the club since we will be installing the new board pretty soon! They have a vision for the club. They have so much potential, but so do you. I'm just putting this out there. Some of y'all are going to cry. I cried. I cried the freshman and sophomore year where I ran and got nothing. I felt like I was no longer needed because they didn't put the check next to my name on the ballot. I wasn't good enough for them. I cried because I felt rejected and useless, but here I am now. I was wrong. You don't need to be on the executive board to inspire, motivate, and strive. I am good enough for myself. I found my own pursuit of happiness. I had the opportunity to serve in different ways. Instead of just moping around like a sack of dust, I got up back on my feet and said to myself, "Things happen for a reason because I'm meant for something else." Yes, you will get rejected sometimes, but don't worry because, like me, you will find something else. Throughout my key club career, I applied for about 10 things and did I get all of them? No. However, I had the honor of serving NOT once, BUT twice as the Division Spirit Coordinator and, honestly, I regret nothing. It gets me pumped and it's truly the one job that makes me happy. Say congratulations to the new board, don't be salty. They will one day help you get to where you are meant to be. You don't have to prove your "worthiness." Don't be scared of them. They aren't there to get at you. However, if you ever feel that way... I'm here to console you. BUT, then again, this letter seems like I'm saying that you won't get the position. NOT MY POINT! But there's always a possibility... Just don't be salty and move on the better things.

Jule Dao– Appointed as Bulletin Editor Over a month ago, I applied for the appointed position of Bulletin Editor. It was a terrifying experience and a horrible decision to me at the time. However, it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The experience provided me with knowledge that you can only obtain through situations like it. The entire process was hard for me, considering how detail-oriented and impatient I am. I spent hours on my application and days prepping for my interview. The process took a lot of time and effort that I could have spent on school work or other activities, but nothing else would’ve been as meaningful and beneficial. The workload did not lessen after I was appointed. I still had to devote hours of my time and effort each day but I was happy to do so if the club would benefit from it. You may think that the whole thing is a lot of work. It is. You have to make the club your TOP priority. At times, you’ll have to put your duties as an officer ahead of your friends and family. But if you truly put your whole heart into it, you’ll do just fine.

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Applying/ Runni Venh Vong– Elected as Secretary So you want to be an officer but do not know what to expect. Well, being an executive officer can be very stressful when you try to juggle your Key Club life with academics. Sometimes you question if you should have ever taken on the position or if you would make it through the year just fine. Although these thoughts may get you down you must stay strong as you have a group of supportive and caring people there to guide you through the year. Those people will start out as strangers to you, but as time goes on they will become your best friends. Sometimes they will annoy you and tease you but that is because that is what families do. Throughout the year you will be busy attending all the constant stream of events that seem to never end and you will get in trouble by your parents because you never stay home and study, but you still decide to go because Key Club is life. As an officer you must be willing to sacrifice things like your freedom, family time, and a lot of sleep but in the end everything is worth it as you near the end of the year and look back at all the amazing things you have accomplished. Now that you have made up your mind on running for executive office you are not really sure what to do or anticipate. Running for office may seem scary but is actually not. Yes there will be people staring at you for a whole 3-5 minute but once you get up there everything will go by without you even realizing it. The KEY is just to stay calm and drink lots of water before your speech. Taking deep breaths also help as it lowers your heart rate. Besides, being an officer will require you to present on a weekly basis, so for you to be able to show that you are a good presenter will show members that you are ready to BEE a leader. Also, do not forget to review your Key Club facts and go over caucus questions as you will be quizzed and asked questions after your speech. To conclude, just stay calm and do not over think the speech because it is an experience you do not want to forget! If you have any questions for me please feel free to contact me anytime.

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ing for Positions Zyruss Edjan– Appointed as Member Recognition Hi! My name is Zyruss Edjan, and I’m currently serving Sheldon Key Club as their Member Rec. Chair. Applying for this position and going through the interview, although not very stressful for me since it was a last minute decision, was filled with a lot self doubt. However, the experience was very worth it. Applying for the position wasn’t at all stressful for me because I knew that all I had to do was fill it out sincerely and wholeheartedly. Doing this will allow the officers to see what I bring to the table and know me a little better. The interview, on the other hand, was a little more difficult. As someone that isn't good in public speaking and gets nervous in interviews, the interview made me jittery and unable to do as well as I could’ve. This in mind, most of the trouble that I got during my application process was after the interview. This was because I had started doubting myself. Questions like “Did I answer the question correctly; could I have answered it differently?” or “Was I smiling? Was I being creepy? Did they like me?” started to fill my head. At the same time, ideas like “I'm not even fit to be an officer” and “I wouldn't even be able to juggle it with my classes” clouded my brain. This gave me the most stress, but in the end it was stress that was necessary because it prepared me for the worst and got me excited for the best. In the end, I ended up with the position (obviously), and I couldn't be happier. Through being an officer I have learned so much such as: leadership, inclusiveness, caring, character building, organization, and time management which have helped me grow as a person and leader. It also led me to meet many people who are now some of my closest friends both the officers and the members, from different grades, and from different schools. If I was given a chance to run again, I would do it in a heartbeat because it was the best decision of my life. I would highly suggest all members reading this to run/apply for a position because you too will not regret it, and it will ultimately be the best decision of your life. I can't wait to serve for the rest of my term and whatever it brings to me, I know that it’ll help me in the long run.

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Hayeon Kim wishes to not procrastinate, get better grades, and to grow more. Stephanie Ilaga wishes to get straight A’s and to stop procrastinating. Tracy Ly wishes to not procrastinate, be more open-minded, and to think before acting. Virginia Manandeg wishes to get fitter, remain motivated, be more active in school and create a stronger bond with her family and friends. Michelle Yang wishes to eat less junk, lose weight, talk to people more, meet new people, and be nicer. Quynh-Anh Dam wishes to work out, start running in the morning, wake up earlier, sleep more, and smile more. Quoc Viet Dam wishes to achieve more service hours in Key Club, get better grades, and have another fun year. Ricky Le wishes to meet all expectations given to him and to do whatever makes him happy.

Jalen Gautam wishes to take up a new hobby and to stick to it. Ben Vo wishes to get so buff that all the girls will want to be his girlfriend. Marcia Cagandahan wishes to be happier. Cindy Luu wishes to achieve straight A’s, be more involved in Key Club, and to concentrate on school more. Kayla Her wishes to lose weight, stay in touch with people, save money, spend extra time with her family and friends, and be healthier.

Monse Mendoza wishes to be a more active and confident person. Judy Nguyen wishes to get good grades, get a job, and be more confident. Yen Nguyen wishes to eat healthier, get ready to join the soccer team, not procrastinate as often, and to not stress out over things too much. Sean Nguyen wishes to be a better person, be more active/social, and try new things. David Ma wishes to be a better version of himself. Jack Saeyang wishes to bulk up, do well in school, and help his community.

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Carrie Chen wishes to travel to Taiwan after graduation, get a part time job, get a drivers license, overcome laziness, and get a cat or dog. Kylie Sam wishes to survive freshman year, become a better musician, overcome her shyness, be more comfortable with herself, and learn how to dance.

Philip Phan wishes to be more social outside his home, be more active in the community, put a budget on his spending (unless within reason), regain his passion for Basketball, exercise more, and to have better handwriting. Orlando Carpio wishes to make new lifelong friends, make the best memories out of anything, enjoy the little things in life, and to be better than the old him. Nicole Hoang wishes to achieve good grades in school, be more active in Key Club related activities for the remainder of the year, be more helpful to others, and to be a more positive person. Emily Tran wishes to stay on the track of vegetarianism while trying to cut out more dairy, be more fit, and be better at managing her time so she can be more active in Key Club. Elaine Pham wishes to become more organized physically and mentally. Will Tham wishes to be better than last year, stop bad habits, and to appreciate people more. Zyruss Edjan wishes to stop procrastinating, start studying, and to grow at least 2 inches. Ryan Nguyen wishes to get a girlfriend. Theresa Nguyen wishes to improve upon her public speaking and to obtain a lifetime supply of Senorita bread.

Mary Mai wishes to complete 100 hours of service and to be genuinely happy. Amy Tran wishes to achieve a 4.0 GPA or above and to go to Paris for the summer. Charissa Pham wishes to win games at Legends, not double as much, block once, be nicer, get straight A’s, and to get a six pack. Angelica Lopez wishes to not procrastinate, improve her flexibility, try to be more social, stop being shy, and to overcome her fear of speaking in front of an audience. Michelle Nguyen wishes to lose weight, stop procrastinating, and to eat less junk food. Darren Sze wishes to stay healthy, get straight A’s, and procrastinate less.

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Contact Us Club President Leeza Xiong Email:

Club Vice-President Mindy Phan Email:

Club Secretary Venh Vong Email:

Club Treasurer Justina Voong Email:

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Publicity Chair Theresa Nguyen Email:

Tech Editor Thomas Le Email:

Bulletin Editor Jule Dao Email:

Member Recognition Zyruss Edjan Email:

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