Sheldon Key Club | March | Volume 1 | Issue 4

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March | Volume 1 | Issue 4

The Official Newsletter of Sheldon Key Club Sheldon | Division 7 South | Region 16 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

CONTENTS 3. Editor’s Message 4. President’s Greeting

5. The Officers’ Corner 6. Wordsearch: D7S Clubs 7. Recap of Events 8-9. Upcoming Events 10-11. Spotlight on Service: March of Dimes 12-13. Contact Information

EDITOR’S MESSAGE Hey Monsters! I hope you all had a fantastic month and enjoyed your Valentine’s Day, whether you enjoyed it alone or with loved ones! I apologize for not creating a newsletter issue for February. I felt as though there was not enough information or upcoming events to compose a newsletter for that month. However, I’m back now (for 2 more newsletter issues)!!! Even though the end of the term is still pretty far away, I’d like to thank you guys for giving me the opportunity to serve you all and for providing me with an incredible experience! I hope to see you all at Key Club meetings next term! Be sure to stay active within the club and division! Thanks for reading! -In monstrous service and friendship, Jule Dao Sheldon High School Key Club Bulletin Editor

Key Club fun fact

Currently, Key Club is represented in 37 nations with Japan being the most recently added!

President’s Greeting Greetings monsters! These past few months have been packed and busy with elections being held and District Convention 2016 quickly approaching along with finals! I hope you all aren't stressing so much and ace your finals. If you haven't heard, Sheldon High School Key Club has hosted our club elections during the first two weeks of February. Each candidate that ran for office did a great job and we are all proud of you for taking the initiative to run! I am proud to announce that Justina Voong will be leading Sheldon Key Club as President for the 2016-2017 Key Club term along with Venh Vong as Vice President, Cindy Luu as Secretary and Jenny Chen as Treasurer. I am certain that Sheldon Key Club is in good hands and I am so excited to see what's in store for the upcoming term! Sadly, there is only a month and a half until the end of this term. However, we have accumulated a total of 2,637 service hours this term and we are SO close to our annual goal of 3,000 service hours as a club! I am so proud of all the time and contribution you have all put in to better our community. Let's all continue to work hard and reach our goal! With the end of the term quickly approaching, I have a goal for YOU. If you haven't attended a DCM (Division Council Meeting) yet, then try your best to attend the next one! If you haven't been to a service event yet, go to one! If you haven't had the chance to get to know the officers, let us know and we'd be glad to get to know you (we don't bite)! This month's issue of the newsletter will provide you with updates and new information that I hope you will all find beneficial. Thank you to Bulletin Editor Jule Dao for working so hard on it!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to ask! Thank you all so much for everything you do, you are the reason why we, officers, continue to serve. In service and friendship, Leeza Xiong Sheldon High School Key Club President 2015-2016

THE OFFICERS’ CORNER officer appreciation

“Venh is there a lot.” “My favorite is Venh because he plays Naruto with me.”

“I appreciate all the officers because they inspire me to be like them.”

“All the board members are my favorite!(Besides Thomas because he’s not cool). They all work really hard to make key club fun and the best (:”

“Justina’s my favorite because she deals with numbers for us.”

“My favorite is Theresa because she’s kind and helpful.”

“Mindy’s great because she does all the behind-thescenes stuff.”

“To all you officers - thank you for making such a happy environment to be in, Key club has definitely become a home away from home. Even though I always ask questions so late at night, you guys still answer them anyways as if you all didn’t have your own busy schedules to tend to. Thank you for your hard work and for making my first year in Key Club such a great experience!”

“I liked Thomas’s turkey costume.”

“Zyruss is my favorite because he interacts with us and he’s able to get along with us.”

“She puts in a lot of hard work and dedication for our key club and I really appreciate it <33”

p m w b d w x t a s e l e v o r g t n a s a e l p q i z x y a f o e g f w i s e a u e i d w n s k b o f m x i o v g n i v l l a t i v v z n i d h e l

e b t h p f j n c n f u f e r o x i b l y o e e b s k a o s e n m u s o c i l r t t m k l e y l r o x a h s h q f t t t u r u g o u y n h j l n d c f l w n d m p u d e u u u k w a r a e e f l y o a a z p p s y s j h v m m l h d w r i a r v a i n n y

y w x l b y u v o b e t j g f p z n f e v i u u h y m p n o c t h h s i v s q a o m y s i t b t g a f d l l w p c z d y j g b o s w j h u z b n d a l u y x a m n r t z n b z b c a f h u d r w m o l y s n r k a r x v i b m c m s n l p l g m v y o m i h u o r a d r v q m g k j a q o d k u k b k p y s u p k a a v r y n s a b x q h o y i z j z v w v p











Club Elections On Tuesday, February 2nd, Sheldon Key Club held elections for club Bulletin Editor, Secretary, and Treasurer. A week later on the 9th of February, elections for Vice President and President was held. Here are the results!

Secretary-Elect : Cindy Luu

| Treasurer-Elect: Jenny Chen

Vice President-Elect: Venh Vong | President-Elect: Justina Voong Congrats to our new elects!

Valentine Run On February 13th, Sheldon Key Clubbers volunteered at the Valentine Run which took place at the Country Club Plaza Mall. Volunteers woke up early in the morning to perform tasks such as setting up the event, helping with registration and food/water booths, and teading down the event.

Undy Run/Walk On the 27th of February, Sheldon Key Clubbers volunteered at the Undy Run/ Walk at William Land Park. There, volunteers helped with registration, set-up and course-monitoring among other tasks.

Getty Owl Run On the day after the Undy Run/Walk, Sheldon Key Club volunteered at the Getty Owl Run held at Crocker Park. The event was held to help fight and raise awareness for Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

March Sun







































Spring Break!!!

March in March | 8:30 AM– 12:00 PM On the 12th of March, the March in March will be held at the Kiwanis Family House, sponsored by Circle K International. The event will start off with a free pancake breakfast for all participants between 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM. Afterwards, attendees will be taking in the Join Hands Around the House portion of the event. Following that will be the March Laps Around the House and the Kiwanis Family House Festival at the end. There will be a $15 minimum pledge.

Division 7 South Fundraiser | 11:00 AM – 12:00 AM On the same day as the March in March, D7S will be having a fundraiser at Tea Culture and Wingstop in the Belair Plaza. Both shops have different opening hours. Tea Culture will open at 12PM and Wingstop will open at 11AM. Both shops will be closing at 12AM.

MTKC Pageant & Talent Show | 5:00 PM– 8:00 PM On the same day as the March in March and Division Fundraiser will be Monterey Trail Key Club’s Pageant and Talent Show. It’s begins at 5:00 PM and will last until 8:00 PM. The event will feature food for sale, a talent show filled with talented performers, a pageant show, and more! Admission will be $7 and the event will take place at Edward Harris Middle School’s MP Room.

Peace-Love-Run On Saturday, March 26th, Sheldon Key Club will be volunteering at the Peace-Love-Run. There, volunteers will be performing different tasks such as monitoring the course, water station, and food station among other tasks.

What Are They? The March of Dimes Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 1938 that strives to prevent birth defects and infant mortality. Their system of committees to award research grants led to the development of the polio vaccine in 1952.

Why Are They Important? In 2003, the March of Dimes Foundation launched a Prematurity Campaign in 2003 to tackle these issues and with their help, the rate of premature birth in the US has declined by 9.6%. Their help has also resulted in the following:

- 4 million babies benefited from March of Dimes research, vaccines, education, and breakthroughs . - $25 million was invested in research to defeat premature birth and birth defects. - 2.1 million moms, dad, and health professionals received community services and education to improve babies’ health. - 15.700 babies received lifesaving surfactant therapy, developed by March of Dimes researchers.

The above information was obtained from

How Can I Help? Be Educated! -Go on their website to learn about their cause and what they’re doing to help defeat this cause!


Be Involved! 

Become a part of Team Youth, a program that provides students from elementary through college opportunities to make a difference!

Be a Donator! - Support moms and babies all around the world by donating to the organization! Your support will go towards research for ending premature birth.

What’s Their Website Link?

m the March of Dimes Foundation website.

Approximately 15 million babies are born too soon worldwide each year. Out of these 15 million, 1.1 million will die from complications.

Contact Us! Club President Leeza Xiong Email:

Club Vice-President Mindy Phan Email:

Club Secretary Venh Vong Email:

Club Treasurer Justina Voong Email:

Publicity Chair Theresa Nguyen Email:

Tech Editor Thomas Le Email:

Bulletin Editor Jule Dao Email:

Member Recognition Zyruss Edjan Email:

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