Marion Sambourne's Diary, 1913

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MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Notes in front of Diary: Put in drawer by window drawing room with Mabel 18 June 1913 3 Silver photo frames 2 Mugs 1 Porringer 1 cream jug 1 Empire piece square 1 Maltese tripod 1 Holy water cup 4 pieces of silver cigar, Grandmother’s pencil. Antoinette housewife (Tom Tayler) & Toula (illeg) 1 Crescent cigar lighter 1 Blondin horse shoe 1 Dolly ditto 1 Norwegian knife 1 Silver top’d flower vase 2 glass scent bottles 1 Lennie blue enamel 2 old china ash boats 1 Ebony elephant 2 Ivory paper cutter & weight 1 Napoleons cutter 1 Ivory stick handle 1 Jap pencil holder 2 wooden shoes Put these in drawer with Mabel Jenkins 18th June 1913. (Pages inserted) Emma Childs 7 o’c. Hot water to my room Sweep down stairs Dust same Steps 8 o’c. Breakfast Empty bath, bring hot water for toilet 8.30 Fire place drawing room & sweep carpet 9 o’c. Open beds & turn over mattresses Open windows top & bottom Empty all slops 9.45 Make beds with H. parlourmaid Wash stands & fill jugs Put boots in bedrooms cleaned 1 o’c Hot water to my room & spare room 4.30 Tea & be dressed by 4.30 except on Friday & Saturday & by 1.30 on Sunday. See all bedroom blinds down at Dusk & windows fastened. 6 o’c. Hot water to bedrooms, & put out evening dresses. See to sitting room fires in winter, sweeping hearths & tidy up room & dust over tables. Arange papers neatly.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 8 o’c. Assist wait at table. Directly coffee served go up to bedrooms. Hot water, my bath ready. Take away boots to clean if possible take these away before dinner. Supper. 10 o’c. Bed, always going to see if anything else wanted. Special days for rooms Monday Count washing. Mr Roy’s room thoroughly turned out. Furniture, brass, floor etc all polished & paint washed, rugs taken down to shake. Tuesday Drawing room with Parlourmaid, all polished & flowers re-arranged, glasses washed. Rods of stair carpets polished, 2 first flights & landings washed. Aquarium cleaned & 2 chests of drawers polished & clock outside drawing room door. Wednesday Maids room & spare room thoroughly done. Windows & sills cleaned & paint washed. Thursday My room thoroughly done, carpets brushed with tea leaves. Paint washed & windows sills, oil cloth polished, Brass etc etc. Friday Stairs thoroughly done, rods, landings, top of clock & book case etc etc Aquarium. Bannister rail polished & pictures wiped. Saturday Drawing room tea leaves for sweeping carpet. Brass polished. Furniture rubbed & parquet rubbed. Flowers again re-arranged & all silver in room cleaned.

Wednesday I January Very low in funds! Dull morg. To post & along new road but it rained so had to return. Mr Marriott left after luncheon. Gladys for walk with Roy. Maud & Roy together alone for walk before tea. Love to see them together. Nurse Duffett with Ann to Mr Savill’s party. Played Coon Can with Oliver. Most uncomfortable dinner, Lennie so jealous of Roy. Poker after dinner. Late as usual to bed. Thursday 2 January Sea fog. Very raw & cold. Roy left early rain. Mrs Booth, Christopher Warren, Michael, Rosalind all went to a party children’s fancy dress at Mrs Rakes given in Kevins of Cuckfield. Maud, Gladys & self all went. Vy charming party. Ann looked sweet & Linley v. nice as Robin Hood, & Chinaman. Saw Mrs Kerr & her 3 children, she looks v. ill, & Mrs & Mr Worsley etc. Late to bed. Roy paying books for me. Friday 3 January Dull. Maud & Gladys called on Duchess Hamilton out, & Mrs Stansfield. I had tea with Oliver & Linley. Darling came in later. Maud Gladys & whole Booth party, who dined here, to dance at Mrs Hornes. Christopher & Booths children also. Mr B. unable to come, not v. well. Lennie & self looked fans & china. Bed late.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Saturday 4 January Lennie Mrs H. Booth fished morg. with Duke of Hamilton. I walked with darling to Mill & met Nurse, Oliver & Gladys, back together. Mrs Latham called, saw her, looks younger than ever. Lennie fished alone afternoon caught 3 pike one weighing 22 lbs, 42 inches long the largest he has ever caught. Poor old people’s tea. Express train evg. Vy tired. Amias Bar came to stay. Sunday 5 January Dull & raining. Fair night but feel vy tired fr. late nights, evgs, so fatiguing. Had a good weep! Feel worn out. Had walk to Mill with Gladys who was most kind & dear little O, sat there some time. Met Mr Booth, Mrs B. & Rosalind on returning. Lennie & Maud to Cuckfield Church. L. fished afternoon. Mrs Booth & children to tea. I went to bed 8 o’c, bread & milk. Monday 6 January Had good night, but still head aching. Pouring with rain in morg, fine later. Muriel M. & Iris Lund called morg. Duke of H. called to see Lennie’s fish afternoon. Dear Linley & Anne’s entertainment for Oliver, magic lantern & games arr’d by Anne, dancing beautifully done. Maud, Lennie & Gladys dined at Mrs Denny’s. I too seedy to go. V. happy evg with boys. Tuesday 7 January Walked morg alone. Good night. Measles scare. Joyce Keen has it. So no one went to the Hornes party. Linley rode to see Ottie & back to lunch. Maud Anne & self afternoon to leave present Linsey Smiths & another call. Wednesday 8 January Gladys & Amias left morg. Miss Linsey Smith’s wedding. Gladys, Maud & self went. Vy pretty wedding & well arranged. Saw Mr Horne, Miss Lees, Maudesley etc there. Bride charmingly pretty, Cap’t Gordon Duff bridegroom. Ennuyeuse diner. Bed early. Thursday 9 January Lennie Maud & self dined at Nymans, Mr M’s birthday. Vy nice Loring girls there with Ottie. Morg wrote & walked. Afternoon Maud & self to tea with Mr Allan, charming house. Lennie v. lively at Nymans, the Gibbs there. Gladys & Amias left morg. Friday 10 January Sent off call paper B.A.Western Rly 4% 1914 £5 last call on one £10 allotted shr to be paid by Bank. X. Maud & self walked to Lady F. Fitzroy’s took flowers, saw Miss F. Maud & Ann to Duchess of Hamilton’s to tea, they enjoyed it v. much. Linley to lunch & tea Mrs Rale’s. Miss Bagg came to stay, sang & played beautifully before dinner. I had tea with Nurse & Oliver & played after. V.pleasant dinner, Lennie in good spirits. To bed after early. Saturday 11 January Wrote morg & walked with darling before lunch. No, it poured in torrents. But went in carriage with Maud, Linley & Anne to Mrs Keatings fancy dress children’s dance given at Hotel. Met Mr John Millais. Ret’d with Mrs Messel & Hylda in their car, left them & came on alone. Maud & chicks bring’g Peggy Rale to stay later. Mr & Mrs


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Tower & Mr S. Reed dined here. Linley & Peggy at separate table! Vy pleasant dinner, bed early. Sunday 12 January Lovely day. With Lennie, Linley & Peggy Rale to Haywards Heath. Territorial inspection, Ts, Veterans, Scouts & Church Brigade, over 200. Vy smart appearance. Mr & Mrs Cadogan & little sister came fr. London by motor to lunch & tea. He looks ill. Walked to Lake. Mr & Mrs Booth to dinner. Miss Bagg sang charmingly & played also, delightful to hear her. Bed 10 o’c. Monday 13 January Little Oliver’s birthday. Lovely morg, overslept myself. Dreaming about cricket match with ball size of a gentleman’s evg hat! Peggy Rale remaining until Tuesday. Lennie goes to London & does not return until Saty. Miss Bagg, Maud & self to lunch at Mr Marriott’s Lambert Cottage. Pretty little place & excellent luncheon. Mr & Mrs M. & Nurse came over morg to see Oliver. Miss B. sang charmingly evg. but gave way to weakness. Tuesday 14 January Miss Bagg, Maud & self lunch with Ottie. Charming house beautifully kept but poor welcome prefer meal at Mr Marriott’s. Returned home as soon as possible 4.20. Tea. Dear chicks danced. Oliver & Nurse to Nymans for lunch, & Linley. Anne alone here but rode over to Nymans & back. V.happy evg. Wednesday 15 January Mary wrote. Chicks all rude. Lunched at 1 o’c. 3 chicks to Duchess’s for games & tea. Maud & self for lovely walk with dogs. Tea 4 o’c, & then Maud went to fetch the children & was not home until 7 o’c. Very happy evg. Bed early. Thursday 16 January Reçu lettre de la maison. Premer Mars la C s’en aille. Je l’attendais depuis assez long temps. Lovely morg. Anne & Linley riding to Meet. Maud, Oliver & self & Nurse to Burstowe Meet at Mr Hermon’s, Duke there & 2 of his children riding. Anne & Linley followed by Beach. Delightful morg. I walked after lunch with Maud until tea. Quiet peaceful evg, bed early. Friday 17 January Morg. wrote & walked with Maud & dogs. Oliver’s party. Lorings, Ruth & chicks, Mr & Mrs Messel & Muriel & Hylda & Mrs Booth & 5 children. Danced & had games. Lennie came down, looks very well. Late to bed, 11 o’c. Garden pony ridden by Linley yesterday lame. Nurse dined with us. Pleasant evg. Saturday 18 January Lovely morg. Meet at (blank). Darling went with chicks & Robin Booth in motor. Vy warm & sunny. Lennie’s day off & fished all day. Nurse & I walked to enquire after Lady Frederick, saw Miss Fitzroy. Lady F. better & down to lunch. The H. Booths dined here. Darling & chicks to Duke’s for lecture on natural history, & tea. Quite nice evg, bed early.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Sunday 19 January To Church Balcombe with Maud, chicks, Nurse. Good sermon on abstinance. Poured all day after Maud & I remained for communion. Unable to go out. Finished packing. Maud to tea with Village Nurse. Sang hymns with chicks & darling, Nurse played. Dismantled tree after dinner. Pianola & bed 10.30. Monday 20 January Pouring & blowing hard. X. I return home from Balcombe by 1.18 train after 3 weeks & 2 days visit. Darling saw me off. Fees £1.1.0, cab 3/-, porters 1/-, omnibus 1/-. Total spent for almost month visiting £1.0.0. Found all well, unpacked with Beatrice, tea & dinner alone. Bed 9 o’c. Tuesday 21 January Awful day, cold & raw, rain. Went thro’ accounts. Put out dining room silver. Saw Knight about pipes & bathroom, by no means complete. Tea alone. Read & worked. Dear Roy came home to dress & dined out, looks v. pale & thin. Mad’lle came to dinner, games after. Darling came up with all household fr. Balcombe. Wednesday 22 January Fine, but v. cold. Felt feverish with heavy cold during night. Better after breakfast. Mad’lle coming to stay. Knight’s men coming to finish bathroom. Came, did not finish. Mad’lle J. et moi had lunch with Maud. Mad. remained with Linley who is in bed with cold. Maud here & Oliver & self to Vaudeville to see “Shock headed Peter” amusing, love being with the darlings & to tea after at Lancaster Gate. Mad’lle & self & Roy dined with us. Thursday 23 January My cold v. heavy & feel seedy, hot & cold. Went morg. to Water Board, & Barkers, ordered 6 face towels, 2 large bath towels & 6 dusters for Mabel H.M. 6 port glasses & water bottle & tumbler for spare room. Mad’lle to dear chicks. My darling & Hylda Sp. to tea. Darling’s cold also heavy. Beatrice out. Mad’lle & self cards evg. Bed 11 o’c. Roy in early & came to my room. Men here fr. Knights doing bath room & cistern top. Friday 24 January Paid Income & Land tax £11.2.6, Electric Light £6.7.11, Roy £13.3.3 & Winn for blinds £3.1.6. Total £44.6.11. Remaining in bed all day, cold heavy. Feel hot & cold & feverish at times. Men finishing bath room fr. Knights. X. My darling came to tea loaded with lovely flowers & dear little book Dearest used to talk of “Eyes & No Eyes”. She looks pale & thin & I feel v. anxious about her. Mad’lle & self played cards on my bed. Loving letter fr. Edgar fr. Luxor, Egypt. Saturday 25 January Lovely morg, feel better. Out shop’g. with Mad’lle morg. The dear chicks to tea. Oliver seems to have another cold. Played games & cards. Roy dined out. Still no hot water. Crossing sweeper 1/-, fruit 1/6, Taylors. Sunday 26 January To St George’s Church 1/-, on to see little Linley, in bed cold coming on. Saw Hylda & Nurse. Returned to lunch Staf. Ter. with Mad’lle & met Lennie, Darling & the 2


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 chicks all looking so well & handsome. Mr Molesworth & Miss Rose Innes to tea, both remained on to dinner & left directly after. Roy dined with us, looks tired & pale. Monday 27 January Had carriage. Mad’lle & self to Knights about water pipes & to Evans about hat & to lunch at Maud’s. Linley in nursery. Oliver to bed again with cold, Dr says to remain there 2 days. Ethel Smart at Darling’s. Sat with Linley, had tea & walked home, Hylda with me, left her Argyll Rd. Roy returned to club on account of no hot water. Roy to his club to stay. Tuesday 28 January Knight coming 10 o’c about pipes. Came. All 3 blowers to be out for heating & all went smoothly after 10 inches water in bath at 105 degrees. Walked round Pond morg. Mad’lle out early until tea. Lady Bergne, Florence & Geoffrey, Miss Gill & Mad’lle here to tea. Quiet evg, cards. Wednesday 29 January Saw Harfield’s man about Empire book case drawing room. Mad’lle & I lunch at Maud’s. Dear O. still in bed. Horrid morg, fog. Walked across Gardens, vy bad fog. Darling M. v. seedy looks fagged out & complaind of rheumatism. Came back 4 o’c in carriage. Sp, Ada, Hylda & an Italian gentleman who motored Sp. & A. up to tea. Cards with Mad’lle evg. Thursday 30 January Harfield’s man coming 10 o’c to do book case drawing room, came & did it. Gerald Ryan & Hylda dining here 8 o’c. Mad’lle & self shop’g & walked to Darling’s, still seedy. She & Hylda walked part way back with us. Saw a G.F.S. cook E. Deane £26. Short characters. Letter fr. Roy, returns Saty. Friday 31 January Out morg with Mad’lle shops, walked all morning & at 3.30 Darling Maud fetched me & we called on Mrs Adlam & had tea with her, looks very ill but so bright & cheerful. To Lady Armstrong jnr, & to see Dora at 46 Pont Street, her chicks just arriving look v. well, 4 attendants with them. Saw Paul. Had tea again! her house. Darling left me as she had a dinner. Mad’lle & self v. cozy dinner & cards after. Saturday 1 February Roy returns after week at club. Out morg. shops with Mad’lle, Barkers etc & pd Taylor’s bill. Mad’lle off after lunch for lessons, returning to dine with me but leaves after. Enjoyed having her, so bright & amusing. Poured with rain at 1.30 & afternoon. Met Mrs E.T.Reed, Miss Innes, Mrs D.Clarke. Sunday 2 February Mr Parsons, Geoff Blair & Maud & Lennie & Roy dine here. Soup, fried soles, fillet of beef, beans, new potatoes, mushrooms, roast chicken, salad & vegts. Plum pudding & bouchées of kippered cods roe, coffee. To St George’s after doing flowers with Mabel & put out glass, silver etc. Vy cold. Vy pleasant evg & all went well.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Monday 3 February To enquire after dear little Anne, & remained lunch. Ethel S. there. Maudie v.lame with rheumatism. Dear Linley returned to school. Maud, Hylda & I saw him off at Victoria, vy brave. To tea at Maud’s & home in carriage. Mad’lle dined with me & Roy returned home to dress, dined out. Fighting recommenced Adrianople. Tuesday 4 February Took div. to Bank Robinson £7.1.6. Walked to Maud’s, dear Anne in bed, ear ache. Lunched alone. Lady Ryan and Hylda called & Florence Edensor & Midge came, only arrived today fr. country. Roy dines with me. Saw a cook fr. Lyons £26 but do not care for her & she objects to Sunday short evg. No loss. Wednesday 5 February To tea Lady Lucy’s. Out morg shops. Saw 3 cooks, £25 & £26. Had carriage & groom 3/6. Called Lady Boyle, Lady Lawson (saw her) Mrs Watney. Enquired Lady Romer, Lady Levy looks v. well, Mrs Kendal, Lady Cowan & Mrs Hardcastle there. Vy amusing at 6 o’c. 2 cooks came evg, did not see them. Mended photo frames. Beatrice out afternoon & evg. Thursday 6 February Nellie K. to tea. Saw 3 cooks morg, all £25 to £26, pas grande chose. Terrible (illeg)! Midge came rather late afternoon brought me eggs breads & cakes, awfully kind, so glad to see her & looking so well. F. Edensor came also, & Florrie Blair. Friday 7 February Out morg. walked round pond & to see chicks, ret’d for lunch. Had Maud’s carriage, called to enquire Rudolph Messel measles. Left cards Nora Lonegan & to enquire after George Dietz, gout, & to tea at Florrie Blair’s. Awful evg. & afternoon, raining hard & cold. My cold feels influenzery. Mad’lle dined with me, cards after. Saturday 8 February Dear Anne’s birthday, 11! Sent azalea & gave her 5/-. Out by 10 o’c shop’g alone Barkers. Met Mad’lle on return & walked over to Maud’s. Both Anne & Oliver in bed. Walked back. Mad’lle lunched with me & Roy kindly put new white flume(?) in my dining room lampshade. At 3 o’c had Maud’s carriage to Lancaster Gate. Lennie at door v. rude with Cap’t Gibbs & Hylda, sorry I went. Ottie, Miss Baggs & Gladys at Maud’s. Darling & self had tea in chicks’ room with G. & Ottie. I drove home 6 o’c to bed. Roy returned fr, Club & dressed here, I had bread and milk. Club mistake about Roy’s clothes. Sunday 9 February Lennie, Maud, Mr & Mrs Booth & Midge dine here, Ham unable to come at last minute. Darling called to take me to Church, alas too busy with flowers & wine for tonight. Peaceful day afternoon. My darling looked vy tired & sad at dinner, & after. Vy cheery evg, Mrs Booth sang charmingly. Midge in good form. Clear soup, soles, noisettes mutton, chicken, plum pudding, mince pies, kippered cods roe. They stayed till 11.30!!!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Monday 10 February Ap’t Dr Mitchell 12.30. Fine morg. Feel v. tired & hot. By motor bus, all well with teeth & gums. He only cleaned off tartar. I walked to Maud’s, lunched there, & rested & slept on Oliver’s bed! Anne still in bed & O. in nursery with with Mad’lle. Ethel S. & Hylda at Maud’s. Home by car. Dined alone, Roy did not return to dress. Maudie still looks to me seedy. Tuesday 11 February Out morg. Bank about fresh securities added to list. Walked to Calls & Home Ex for glass beads. Florrie & F. Blair, Mrs A. Gibbs & cousin Mr Mordaunt, Mrs Cadogan, my darling & Mrs Spofforth. Roy home to dress, only saw him for a moment, looks worried. He slept at club as fog too dense to get back. Alone evg. Read & worked. Wednesday 12 February Ottie lunching here 1.30. Dense fog, did not come. Alone. Darling lunching with Mrs Colefax & tea with Lady Ryan. X. Cleaned Dearest’s room. Mabel washed floor. Furniture lovely, only needs the easiest dusting. Letter fr. Marie Allenbach. Saw a likely cook £26, await results. Emma will come if I’m not suited. Thursday 13 February Letter fr. Marie, in London! Florence Blair comes to dine with me 7.30. Morg walked to Maud’s, out. On to Coburg Hotel, saw Midge, Dora, Tommy & Effie who walked on with me to 9 John St to Home where Evie is, out driving. Walked to Hyde Park corner & Motor Bus home. I lunched alone, too tired to go to tea Coburg. Had tea & stayed one hour at Cousin George’s. Very happy evg. with F.B. Played Coon Can after. Roy dressed here, dined out. Friday 14 February Cold on chest, remained in all day. Midge & Maud both asked me to lunch! Midge & H. return to Bedstone tomorrow. So sorry cannot go & see her today. Foggy & cold & dark. Saw Caroline about Sunday dinner & ordered over till Monday morg. Darling Maud came laden with flowers, F. Walford with her. Cold heavy on chest. Saturday 15 February Feel better. Vy good night. Am remaining in bed till lunch. Cold & damp, fog v. dark. Long letter fr. dear Edgar fr. Jerusalem! & fr. Emma, will come until suited with cook, great relief. In bed till 4 o’c & on sofa for tea. Marie Allenbach came & stayed some time, looks fatter in the face but paler. Has not settled anywhere since leaving me & is now copying music, fear a poor profession. Vy glad to see her. Bed 10 o’c Roy sleeping at his club. Sunday 16 February Mr & Mrs John Cadogan, Lennie & Maud & Roy dine here. Lovely morg, frost. Roy walked with me to Fitzgeorge Avenue & on to his club Queens. His lovely silver bowl for 2nd year’s billiards handicap came, put Maud’s lovely Azalea in it. No one called. Cold still vy bad & cough troublesome. Pleasant evening, Roy in good form. Monday 17 February Cold vy bad on chest & feel seedy. Saw another cook elderly Scotch but neat & clean looking. Seems anxious to come, saw her twice, £28. Out short time morg. Vy cold.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Sat morg room. My Darling spent afternoon with me, came with lovely flowers, so thankful to have her to myself. Chicks better. Mad’lle dined with me, very cheery & played Coon Can after. Roy did not return, slept out. Tuesday 18 February Hayfield’s man electrician came & put new bulb yesterday in place of broken one. Lovely morg. but bitterly cold. Had Maud’s carriage & went to School of Art Nedlework, chose a brass door stop for Lennie’s birthday tomorrow, 25/6, & fetched little bottle of polish fr. Coburg Midge left me there. Saw 2 elderly cooks, taking up reference of one. Roy slept out. Mr Coward, Mrs Keith, Miss Holland, Mrs Cadogan, Mrs Rooth & Norah Lonegan & Mr Molesworth to tea. Mad’lle comimg to dine. Number of things fr. my darling. Wednesday 19 February Marie here all day doing curtains with me. Lennie’s birthday, big party Maud’s. Cannot go, cold too bad. Roy went & actually dressed & slept at home!!! Thursday 20 February Marie here put in fresh sleeves on chiffon & finished curtains & helped with bead fringe dining room lamps, (illeg) 5/-. Out morg Mad’lle who is staying here. Darling to tea after seeing dear chicks off to Westgate with Nurse & Miss Blain. Mad. & self walked round pond after tea. Beatrice out. Mad. dined out, I alone. Roy slept out. Friday 21 February To Bank with Mad’lle re securities & taking up 5 £10 Cent. Argentine shrs £50. Long walk to Barclays Bank & to Darling’s to lunch, rested after & slept! Had tea with Maudie & back in car, 2/6. Mad. had to leave early for lessons. We finished bead fringes on lamps dining room, look v. nice. Saturday 22 February Mad’lle with v. bad cold. We went out morg. shops 10.30 & to Bank re Union Pacific allottment shrs. To Mr Douglas 30 St. Terrace. Saw him. Mad’lle left at at 3. Maud fetching me 4 o’c & we had tea at Lady Colville’s after. M. returned home as she goes to Opera & I walked back & called on Shakespears, found them all at tea. To Mrs Clarke & Mrs Lane’s, she looks v. ill. Florrie Blair came, saw her. Dined alone. Sunday 23 February Roy, Maud, Lennie, Mr Douglas & Dorothy Shakespear dine here, pleasant evg. Maud fetching me for Church 11 o’c. Lennie walked & looked thundery after, became better tempered on way home. Most unpleasant, won’t go again. Florence Blair & George Dietz called. He looks much better. Roy v. seedy, fear taking liquors affects his liver & late hours. Mr Douglas very amusing. Monday 24 February Harfields electrician doing fresh cords dining room, central lamp & drawing room tripod. To Oakwood Court, saw Mrs Milne, nouvelle en bas, all arranged. Col’s furniture being removed. Walked after to try to find poor crossing sweeper’s home St Anne’s Rd, wrong number! My darling with Ethel Smart busy with books etc & taking up references new maids. Walked back before tea to Mrs Adlam’s, flowers & motor 1/6. Dined alone. Roy & Mrs Adlam much better. Lunched with Maud.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Tuesday 25 February Out morg round Pond, feel v. tired. Mrs Fitten, Ottie, Nonie, Mary Millais, Darling & Mrs Kerr called & to tea. Roy out. Mabel broke off front tooth last night. Alone evg. Wednesday 26 February Out morg to Gardens, met Mr Adams, & to Mr Herbert dentist about Mabel’s tooth. Maud fetched me at 4 o’c & we went to Lancaster Gate where I had tea. Lennie came in 5 o’c, v. amiable. Had fan home. M. & Lennie to Fancy Dress Ball tonight. Roy home to dress, dining out. Man fr. Harfields doing (illeg) fire tiles. Mad’lle coming to dine. Cards after. Thursday 27 February Mabel to go 2 o’c to Mr Herbert. Went, & again 6 o’c. to have tooth replicated in plate. In bed all day. Roy’s account day, returning to dress, dines out. Friday 28 February Mrs Pohl called. Out morg shops. Sens un peu fauble et froid. Darling Maud to Bristol to see Nana & out evg, too much for her. Lennie vexed & vented it on Roy! Florence came to dine instead of Florrie who is laid up with chill. Quite nice evening. Coon Can after dinner. Roy home to dress, sat with him, & dined out. (Note inserted) Put into Bank 1st March 1913 Waihi £1.18.0, Bolivar 2.16.6, P & O 4.18.11. Total £9.13.5. Saturday 1 March Caroline James leaves 12.30. Mrs Milnes comes. L’autre fille s’en aille, ce que je m’attendais, com. elles etaient grandes amies. To Matinée Savoy with Florence, as Florrie still seedy. Spencer came morg. Enjoyed play “Twelfth Night” 5/-, motors 1/programme 6d. Roy home to dress, sat with him, dined with Mr Stern. Sunday 2 March Roy & I dine at Maud’s. To Church 1/-, sweeper 1/- Warden 6d. Ethel English called & the Spencers. Very pleasant evg. at Darling’s. Mrs Russell, Mr Smith, Effie James & Col Lyons. Roy went with me, beautiful dinner. Roy told me on return about his worry, & talked till past 1 o’c in my room. Monday 3 March Walked morg. Depressed vy, & unhappy about Roy. No goodness can come of an actress wife. Vy tired & feel sad & disheartened. Wish he w’d get engaged to a good girl in his own circle. Maudie came to lunch. Poor affair. We drove out together after & saw Mrs Wallace & Mabel. Happy ménage & lovely boys. Alone evg. Tuesday 4 March Carriage to Stores 11.30. Fetched Florrie Blair. Ordered new coffee grinder 3/3, 2 jugs for maids’ room, 2 new hearth brushes, new broom long for cook. Lunched alone. Maudie came, Lady Spielman & Mrs Marcus Stone to tea. Darling came laden with lovely flowers. Florrie dined with me. Pauvre créature en bas.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Wednesday 5 March Lady Ryan at home 4 - 6. Maudie luncheon party. Vy pleasant, Mrs Norton, Mrs Young, Spencer & Mrs Pollock. Beautiful house at Lady Ryan’s. Mrs B.Ray, Sir G’s sister there also Mrs Adams & Lady Roxburgh. Quiet evg alone. Thursday 6 March Marie here, arr. 12 o’c for day. Working on curtains. Sat with her. Out after lunch Barkers, bought (illeg) net for curtains. Spencer & Ada for dinner. Beatrice broke my beautiful decanter stopper, alas! Played Coon Can after dining. Both seem well tho’ gouty. Roy dined at Mrs Pohl’s. Friday 7 March I lunch Maud’s party. Vy pleasant. Fanny & May Nembhard, Effie C, Mrs Hunt & Mrs Norton & Mrs E. Pollock. Out after with Maud. Saturday 8 March Gareth & Mervyn Exeat. I arrived Maud’s where we are all staying for 2 nights, except Roy. 12.30 walked with them to see black swan’s nest where Gareth joined us. Mervyn arrived for lunch. Gareth out dinner & luncheon. Dined 6.30, Mervyn with us, he to play after with Gwen & Claud who are at Brown’s. L, M. & self to Opera, Rosencavalier, enjoyed it immensely. Sunday 9 March To St Mary Abbots. Gwen, Claud, two boys & self walked there & back. All to lunch here. Lennie took boys to Zoo. Gwen & others dined here large party & many callers afternoon. Vy delightful day. Claud came in after dinner as he went to St Paul’s. Roy dined here. Vy angry about last evg. as he dined alone Staf. Ter. Monday 10 March Mrs Warren, Mrs Breitmeyer & Mrs Young & Sp. & self at Maud’s. Maud’s luncheon party. Gareth left 7.30AM. Mervyn to matinée with Claud. I to Hippodrome to see La dame de mon cher fils. Helas! Stupid & coarse. Vexed to leave my darling so early. Back to tea Lancaster Gate. Spencer went with me Hippodrome & lunched & had tea with Maud. Alone evg. Roy home to dress. Tuesday 11 March Out morg. Only Mrs Warren called. My darling called tea. Busy evg. Marie here all day, both of us hard at work on curtains, 2/6 They cost more then new in end! Alone evg, Roy dressed at club. Dear Edgar & Sophy sail in RMSP “Arlamza” fr. Lisbon for Buenos Ayres. Wednesday 12 March Maud’s luncheon party. Lady Armstrong, Lady Boyle, Mrs Norman, Miss Darea Curzon. Vy delightful lunch party. After with Darling to call & only found Mr Peter Reed at home. Had tea with him & saw his lovely picture. Mad’lle called evg. Alone dinner, busy at needlework. Packed morg with Beatrice. Thursday 13 March Go to Mrs Evans by Granville D.V. Beatrice saw me off. My darling met me at Station, looks v. seedy. V. anxious about her. Roy goes to Club. La cuisinière pense


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 qu’elle ne peut pas faire l’ouvrage. The dear chicks were at Westgate Sta. & had a few moments with them, they look well. Mrs E. lively. Friday 14 March To Westgate with Mrs Evans to lunch with dear chicks, Miss Blaine & Nurse. They met us at Sta. & walked back. They both look worlds better & have delightful rooms at “Longford”, Mr Hall’s. Had tea there after calling on Mrs Meyer with Mrs Evans, & they walked to Station with us & saw us off by Granville. Quiet evg, tired. Perfect gale blowing & Edgar & Sophy sailed yesterday for Buenos Ayres fr. Lisbon. Saturday 15 March Mrs P. Agnew at home 5 o’c, music. I lunch at Mrs Noott’s with Mrs Evans. Excellent lunch. Upton Lodge looks charming. To rest after & to tea at Mrs Tamplins. Vy lively lady full of go. Pretty room. Madeleines & brioches for tea, quite French. Quiet evg. Stormy wind all day. Sunday 16 March To St Peters, left 10 o’c. 3/-. Our dear Ground looks fairly nice. Vy blowy & damp, unable to remain long. After lunch rest, & to Lady Burnand’s after tea. She looks charming. V. full of her crèche. Sir Francis not out of his study. Monday 17 March Perfect hurricane & very cold. Tuesday 18 March Mrs E. & self dined at Lady Hunt’s. Coon Can after. Lovely day, out morg. & to Mrs Borradaile’s to see Miss Hicks’ presents at 4.30. Home to tea. Brioche & indigestion! Wednesday 19 March Awful morg, gale & cold. Worked all morg. After lunch called on Mrs Buckmaster & Mrs Hammond, both out, & had long walk alone. Mrs E. to tea at Mrs Hicks & to St Laurence. I met Rachel W. Still blowing hard. Awful news of Assassination of King George of Greece at Salonica. Thursday 20 March To St Peters 10 o’c to enquire after Overton, still ill. To my Dearest’s and Dear Parents’ graves, which look fairly nice. I have made a mistake in colours of hyacinths. They ought to have been purple mauve & white. To service. Ordered wreaths to be reflowered for both graves & to Eilie’s, saw her & Dickie & back to our dear ground & home by 1 o’c. To call alone Mrs Buck’s & Edie Sismay & to tea Mrs Hammonds. Coon Can evening. Met Bill W. Harbour. Friday 21 March Letters fr. Maud & Roy, & Beatrice & Marie. To v. long service St George’s with Mrs Evans & Lady Hunt. V. dreary service. Came out 1.10. Walked back, fine but strong wind. Worked in Mrs E’s little room all afternoon. Quiet peaceful evg. No cards. Fine day but v. windy, warmer.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Saturday 22 March Dull, cold & v. windy morg. Je sens que je pense trop à moi même, pas assez aux autres. Out morg. shop’g. & to enquire Saint Cloud Hotel, Major Hood Page, better. At 3.30 to St Laurence’ Church, lovely inside, ugly & neglected graveyard. To Lady Rose Weigall, met Dolly Barker there, prettier than ever, & to Mrs (blank) Irish lady to tea. Vy pleasant woman lives with her brother, & on to Mrs Irwin’s pretty flat, charming. She looks v. ill. 2/-. Sunday 23 March To St Peters 10 o’c. To our Dearest’s grave, all looking beautiful but flowers wrong colour. My wreathes on both dear Lin’s & our parents graves vy nice, daffodils & white tulips. To service & back to our Ground. Church beautifully decorated. Enquired Overton, better. To Lady B’s, saw Winnie. Took Lady B violets, found Jerry W. here stayed some time. After lunch to Mrs Berry’s to tea, nice daughter. Quiet evg. Monday 24 March Lovely day. Out morg met Winnie & Ethel & walked with them some way. Called & saw Lady Burnand, gave her 5/- for her crèche. Mrs Evans gave at home. Mrs Hammond, Lady Hunt, Mrs W. Hicks & friend & Mrs Tamplin came to tea. Mrs Evans & I dined at Lady Burnand’s. Mr Parsons & Winnie there, he seems vy kind man, pas distingué. Home early. Sir Francis not down. Tuesday 25 March To communion service at St Georges with Mrs Evans. To Connie Hicks’ wedding 2 o’c with Mrs E. & Lady Hunt. Tremendous crowd, all Ramsgate there. I returned home by 5.5 train, never saw such a crowd. Travelled with Mrs Martin Thomson’s married dau. All well at home. Lovely flowers & fruit fr. my darling, & dear Roy dined with me & left at 10 o’c. Looks tired. The Lewisohns arrived fr. Paris at Ritz Hotel tonight. Wednesday 26 March Roy dined with the Lewisohns & had a late night. Had Maud’s carriage. To Post & Mrs Lines re cook. Mrs Milman not strong enough for work, sorry. Saw one, Salvationist. To Bank, small balance, & lunched at Maud’s. Chicks v. well. Nurse going to Ireland with them until Miss Blaine & Linley go. Also with Maud to Owen Ramsden & Alwyn Carr about Sundial. Maud left me at home after. Saw lovely things there. Miss Innes & Mad’lle came & played Coon Can until 7.15. Dined alone. Mabel out. Thursday 27 March Walked to darling Maud’s. To Barkers. Saw Marie off to Windsor to see little Linley’s room at Eton. Called on Cousin George, vy well. Saw Mr Carr here about my Dearest’s sundial, so happy at last. Mrs Mayne called & I saw the Salvation Army cook. I wonder? Saw little boy in Park marvellously clever only 10 years old. Friday 28 March To lunch at Maud’s. Ethel Sharp there. Oliver complained sore throat, saw Doctor & must see surgeon. I remained until late & walked back just in time for dinner. Roy to Edna Lewisohn’s. Lennie v. upset fearing Maud cannot go with him tomorrow.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Saturday 29 March I lunched at Maud’s. Maud took Oliver to surgeon who removed lump at back of throat, cannot go until next week to Ireland. Darling v. upset as she went with Oliver & Nurse to Doctor’s. I did shop’g & went to see lady about cook Salvationist, fairly good references. Je ne sais pas si je fais bien en la (illeg). My darling with Lennie & Anne go to Ireland tonight. Miss Innes dined with me. Sunday 30 March Maud arrives in Ireland. Fairly fine. To St Georges & after to lunch with Nurse & Oliver at Lancaster Gate, they walked home with me & had tea with me & stayed till 6 o’c. Ruby Walker also came. Trust my Darling Maud reached her journey’s end well, fear a rough passage. Alone evg. Telegram Lennie got 11 lb salmon this evg!!! on arrival! Monday 31 March Awful fog, like night all morg. Letters fr. darling Maud written on train, & Tabbie fr. Cannes. Tuesday 1 April Beatrice Street leaves & Marie returns to me. Arrived morg. Went thro’ silver, glass etc, all v. correct. Still cannot find 3 towels newly marked. Little Oliver here all day, to lunch & tea, Nurse fetched him 6 o’c. Mad’lle & Miss Innes here also. Mr & Mrs Denny came to tea also. Wednesday 2 April I lunched with the chicks Lancaster Gate. Linley came home fr. school 10 o’c this morg, looks well & much grown. Had tea with them & carriage brought me back. Mad’lle dined with me, Coon Can evg. Little Mervyn arrived unexpectedly 11.30, he leaves for Germany 1.30. He had lunch here alone. Roy dined with American millionaire. Thursday 3 April Lunch with Mr & Mrs Denny 1 o’c Grand Hotel. Mabel Jenkinson gave notice. Out morg. shop’g on way to Grand Hotel. V. delightful time with the Dennys, gave me lovely flowers. Went & returned by tram 5d. The dear chicks came to tea, Linley & Oliver, Nurse & Mad’lle, who left after. The chicks & Nurse go to Ireland tonight, raining & blowing. I dined alone. Roy took the Pohls out. Friday 4 April To A.N. Stores morg. by motor, ordered jug & basin for pantry. Saw curtains drawing room. Roy to Cranbourne Court till Monday, looks v. seedy, shall be thankful when he gets a change. Lennie got 5 salmon in 4 days!!! Letter fr. darling this morg. To Mrs Adlams, called on Mrs Pohl, & tea with Lady Bergne. Flowers Mrs A. 1/-. Alone evg. Saturday 5 April Mad’lle here early. To Bank & walked across Gds. Called on Spencer, out. Mad’lle lunched & dined with me. After lunch by Motor to call on Dennys, had tea with them. Most kind & cheery. Called on Lady Beale, out. To S.K. Museum & home. Cards after dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Sunday 6 April To Guards Chapel with Mad’lle J. by train. Beautiful service & Band, weak Chaplain’s sermon too old for young soldiers. Walked & saw Effie in her flat 38 Wilton Place in bed. Mad’lle lunched & dined with me. Mr Adams & Miss Rose Innes to tea. Against my principles played Coon Can after dinner. Monday 7 April Out morg. shops. Called after lunch on Mrs Turner, Mrs Kerr, & spent afternoon at George Brooks. Roy dined with me. He returned fr. Edna Lewisohn’s this morg, seemed full of admiration for luxury & comfort of their household where money flows like water. So glad he seems to be doing better again on S.E. He left after dinner. Tuesday 8 April Windows cleaned 2/6. Mrs Milne cook âgée leaves & Amy Vale comes. Had carriage to A.N. Stores morg, bought cake & buns 1/1, potted tongue 5½d. Three pairs of curtains for drawing room £2.5.0, K. Kettle 3/3 & posted a dress to Emma 7d. Pd Mrs Milne £1.9.6 her book & one month’s wages. Wednesday 9 April At 11 o’c with Isabel Brooks to Debenhams to see silhouettes. Called Nembhards after. Nonie to lunch. Flowers fr. Balcombe. To tea at the Brooks. Roy out. Harfields man mended 1 sash dining room window. New K. kettle 3/3 fr. Stores. Thursday 10 April Roy entertained the Lewisohns. Miss Stancombe Wills at home 4 - 6. Lunch at Ruby Walkers, Prince of Wales Hotel, Kens. de Vere Gds. Wet morg. but did shop’g & walked to Ruby’s. Vy pleasant lunch, May & Fanny Nembhard there. May went with me to Miss S. Wills’ at home, taxi 2/6. Met Mrs S ? (née Barron) & Mrs H. Adams, v. smart both. Effie dined with me evg. Friday 11 April Dull morg. Did house books & remained in all day. Poured with rain & a sort of yellow fog. Roy out. Saturday 12 April Lunch at Fanny Nembhard’s 1 o’c. Shop’g, chicken 4/-, buckles 1/10, fruit Taylors. Flowers Balcombe. Most delicious lunch at Fanny’s. Curried egg soufflé, chicken & veg’ts perfect, Empress pudding also perfect & cheese soufflé, dates & fruit & excellent coffee. May & Mrs Garside Tipping left for matinée & Fanny & I after rest & read & tea went by tube to Notting Hill & taxied to tea at Brooks. Mr de Courcelles there. Mad’lle dined with me alone, Roy out. Sunday 13 April Ruby Walker to luncheon 1.30. I went to church St George’s 1/6. Ruby remained until 6 o’c. No one called. Had good talk over family relations. Roy dined with me, & Spencer & Hylda, remained till 11 o’c past. Roy depressed, vy annoying he cannot get away on 26th as Mr Pohl wishes to go then, so sorry for Roy, & Mr Pollock at the Lewisohns for 10 days.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Monday 14 April Out shop’g. To Bank about Cordoba re-construction. In all afternoon. Alone evg. Walked on curtains & read Salvation Army book. Tuesday 15 April Had Victoria & called on Mrs Cadogan 28 Compagne Gds Hampstead, & Mr & Mrs Conrad Cooke, both in. Bought cakes returning 1/4. Mrs Hugh Adams, Mrs Finlay & Mrs Caine called. Letters fr. my Darling, thankful she is so well & happy in Ireland. My 3 prs curtains new £2.5.0 fr. stores put up in drawing room. Wednesday 16 April Victoria if fine 3.30. Pouring but warmer, Called on Lady Strachie & Lady Head both in. Vy nice young married woman at former, & on Mrs Holland, Mrs H. Booth & Mrs Hohler, all out. Vy windy could scarcely keep rug in carriage or hat on my head! Marie out. Worked & read & wrote evg. Roy out. Shops morg. in spite of rain. Beach 5/-. Thursday 17 April Miss Holland at home 3 or 6 o’c. Mrs Cadogan to lunch 1.30 & tea, & Mrs Conrad Cooke to tea, & Mrs Spofforth & friend. Carriage morg. to Barkers & to Marshalls & Willetts about my boots. Met Mrs Tate returning. Got out & walked with her in Park. Ordered 3 ferns for dining room window & 1/- worth of daffodils. Salmon fr. Lennie, head end. Friday 18 April Lady Head at home, Westminster Palace Hotel. Carriage at 3.30. Called on Lady Armstrong, Holland & Lady Strachey at home & Lady Head. Quiet evg. Roy to Edna Lewisohn’s, home to see him off at 5.30. Out morg. shops. Saturday 19 April To Spencer’s to lunch after going to Whitehall Museum with him. Vy bad luncheon at Hotel London. Ada & Hylda there also. At 3.30 Ada & self in Victoria called on Mrs B. Pollock & Tweedie, Lady Macmillan at home & on to Mrs Adlam after leaving Ada at Campden Hill court. Mad’lle dined with me, cards. Sunday 20 April To St Pauls with Mad’lle J. Lovely morg. Most beautiful singing of boys voices but service far too long. Good sermon on Prodigal Son also too long. Saw St Martin’s Ludgate Church, vy curious & uncommon decoration but stuffy smell. Mad’lle lunched & dined with me. Mr Molesworth called late. Cards evg, greatly against my principles. Monday 21 April In all morg. writing & sorting bills. At 4 o’c called on Mrs Gale. Saw her, Mrs Dawes, Clarke, Lady Mead, had tea with her & Cousin George. Saw Mr de Courcelles. George in bed. Alone evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Tuesday 22 April Out morg. shops. Ordered flowers Larkes Lavatory window. Nellie K, Lady Armstrong, Mrs Macquoid, Gen Trench, Mrs Williams called & Mrs Turner & daughter. Alone evg. Wednesday 23 April Design for Dearest’s Sun Dial, am so thankful, it looks beautiful. Out shops. Vy hot. Mrs John Carlisle & Amy Herapath called. I called at Barkers morg re Dustbins. Gladys called. Sorted dresses. Alone evg. Roy out. Planted flowers Lavatory. Thursday 24 April Out morg, sat in Park, not by round pond or road. “Times”. Vy hot. Marie & self did a little tidying garden. Letters fr. Edgar & Sophy fr. B. Ayres. Wrote to Edgar. Carriage 3 o’c called Mrs Braunstein, had tea then on Breitmeyer, Seligmann, Hickman, Agnew, Lady H(illeg) to Evans. Alone evg. Roy came home early, 10.15 o’c PM! Friday 25 April Roy to Cranbourne Court. Olive Dickens wedding at Oratory, 2 o’c. Lady Bergne’s luncheon at Albermarle Club. Vy good luncheon, 8 courses. Carriage fetched me, reception Alexandra Hotel charmingly done, & Olive looked so pretty. Met many old friends & dear Miss Hogarth greatly changed. Bridegroom v. clever looking young man. Called after on Mr Carr’s about Dearest’s Sun Dial. Alone evg. Saturday 26 April Mrs Evans comes to stay 12 AM. To Albert Hall “Quo Vadis” show. Vy good carriage. Kept one hour waiting. Round Park & to dear Mervyn’s at Onslow Hotel Queens Gate, only arr’ fr. abroad last evg, both v. well. Quiet evg with Mrs E. Worked. Sunday 27 April Very wet, unable to go to Church. Read Roman History to Mrs Evans! Drawing room looking lovely with masses of red tulips fr. Balcombe. Ethel & Mervyn dine here 7.30. Pleasant evg. Monday 28 April King reviews Guards Hyde Pk. Carriage if fine. To Barkers morg. about cretonnes, got 4 yds, & to Bank placed the £100 on deposit making £150. Saw King & Queen. At 3 to School of Art Needlework, Mrs Lawrence, Lady Miller, Mrs Fitz Jackson, saw her, Lady Spielman, had tea there, & to Mrs Messel’s & home. Roy dressed at home, we walked from Lancaster Gate home, caught in rain. Quiet evg. Roy lost cards at Cranbourne Court. Tuesday 29 April Linley & his tutor came fr. Ireland. Alice Lady Armstrong at home 4.30. Mrs Evans & self to the A & N stores in Victoria. Mrs Keating, Mrs Shaw Mellor, Mrs P. Simpson, Mrs Watson, Mrs Wallace, Lady Macmillan & Effie Twiss called, & Miss Bagg. Mrs Evans to tea Sir John Tenniel. Did icing on cake evg. Fearful thunderstorm. Roy dined out. Had his key to portmantau mended.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Wednesday 30 April Madame Rejan’s concert 52 Portland Place 3.30. Mrs Welby at home Ritz Hotel 4.30. Dear Linley to luncheon, & Mr Keate. The dear boy looked so well. They left for Paddington Sta. 3 o’c, & went to poor concert by taxi, saving 2/3 taxi to Ritz. Vy charming at home, met many friends, Lady Dixon Hartland, Mr Stern, Miss Caillaud etc etc. Stayed till 7 o’c. Taxi home 1/6. Roy out. Quiet evg. Dear Linley’s last night at Eton. Thursday 1 May 2 Academy private view tickets fr. Fanny Fildes. Mr Carr coming to tea & long to hear about his visit to St Peters Thanet. Mr Ridge a little difficult over fees! Mervyn came also. Mrs Mackenzie & Ena to tea. Hunt about getting cakes, shops shut Earls Court. V. worried about Roy morg, went & sat with paper near round pond to ease my mind. Friday 2 May Went out morg to Bank, changed cheque £1.10.0. Mrs Evans off early to Private View Academy. I had carriage & went Academy 2.30, saw Pirrie, Carlisles, Dixson Hartland, Blanche Paul, Parsons, Millet etc etc. Roy met me 5.30. Hooks, Lady Alexander etc. Mrs Evans sat with me. Roy came home & dined, was more cheerful. Felt v. tired. Fildes much better. Saturday 3 May Lennie came over fr. Ireland last night with his 2 sisters on acc Mr Messel’s heart attack. Left by 4.30 for Paddington. I went by underground to see him off with Miss Blaine. Mrs Messel at station, Mr M. better. Saw Mr or Major Bobbie White station. Mrs Evans to Lady Romer’s to tea, & to Notting Hill morg. Out shop’g morg self. Roy came home to dress, dined out. Sunday 4 May To St George’s with Mrs Evans. Church 1/-, man 6d. Roy breakfasted in bed. Called to enquire after Sington & Mrs Turner, & went in. Mrs Evans & self to Melba & Kubintz(?) concert, & to call after on Mrs Fitten, Watson, M. Millais & Mrs Joachim, in, tea there. Henschel, Mrs du Maurier & Miss Schlesinger there. Roy dines at home. Taxi 1/-. Monday 5 May Morg worked & wrote. Carriage at 3 o’c. to Lady Boyle, Mrs Dickens, Mrs Hancock’s, Mrs Adlam’s, left salmon, to enquire Luke Fildes, & to French gallery, saw old friend of Mrs Evans, Mr Wallace, & saw lovely Dutch pictures. Left salmon for George Brooks & to Mrs Adam’s at home, dull, & to Miss Neaves. Roy out. Flowers for window boxes 2/6 man in street. Tuesday 6 May Out morning bought flowers 2/2. Mrs Hancock, Mrs Macey, Mrs E’s friend & (blank) called. Wretched afternoon & v. cold. Quiet evg. Roy out. Wednesday 7 May Mrs Evans left by 12 o’c train to Henley fr. Paddington. I went station with her & on to enquire after Mr Messel, saw Mrs M, better. Walked home in rain. At 3 o’c in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 carriage called Lady Ryan, Mrs C. Burnand, tea there & took Rosie Maguire to Victoria Sta. Called on Mrs Pitt, away, & to enquire Luke Fildes, better, operation yesterday. Marie & self put geraniums in my bedroom window. Alone evg. Wrote Edgar & Darling M. Thursday 8 May Dull cold wet morg. Wrote Tabbie & Midge re Whitsuntide, so sorry cannot go to either. Out after tea called on Mrs Abbott & stayed some time. Alone evg. 10 o’c Roy returned early & sat with me short time before going to bed. Friday 9 May Roy goes to Tabbie for Whitsuntide. Horrid morg. Worked till 12, mended drawing room curtains hat & gloves! Took Roy’s waistcoat to have buttons put on Barkers. Roy retn’d 5 o’c & took his bags etc to Waterloo. I went after to enquire Luke Fildes, saw Fanny & daughter, walked to Phillimore Gds with them. Luke better but 2 nurses! Called Mrs Pohl & Mrs Bramall. Saw him & little boy, & Mrs P. Simpson, in. Alone evg. Fine afternoon. Saturday 10 May Took Royal Borough Tax cheque £19.10.0 to Town Hall & left it. Shop’g. After lunch called to enquire Sir L. Fildes, Sington, Mrs Dickinson. Tea at George Brooks, called Mrs Walter Crane, out, & Mrs Pohl. Alone evg. Misses Larosene & Mrs Bramall called. Sunday 11 May Miss Abbott comes to dinner 7.30 & Mr Molesworth. Ethel Mervyn called, asked me to lunch at Hurlingham next Sunday. To church St Georges, 1/-. Quite pleasant evg, they left early. Salmon 9½ fr. Lennie. Monday 12 May Poured all day. Lady Flower came to tea, so glad to see her again, & so well. Her son Arthur & his wife a complete invalid are staying at Mrs Gales, No. 15. Gave her & Mrs Gale slice of salmon. Roy returned fr. Leweston but slept out, did not see him! Tuesday 13 May Lovely day. To Mervyn’s studio to see relief of Dearest, am delighted with it, a speaking likeness. Pd Buckles 3/6, no bill receipted given! Nellie K only called, had good talk & heard of her 2 nieces engagements. Roy out, dressed in town, at Club.

Wednesday 14 May Mrs Vale out for wedding, Sal. Army. Mrs Ledgers to tea 4 o’c. Charming flat over Barkers, & to Lady Milman after in same building. Found her & a barrister having prawns for tea! & left cards on Lady Joseph Lawrence, away, & walked on to Ruby Walker & sat with her. Roy dined at home! Marie managed dinner v. nicely, salmon, chicken, asparagus, rhubarb & cream cheese. V. pleasant evg. Roy quiet, seems more cheerful. Out morg shop’g.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Thursday 15 May Mrs Bergne at home 4.30. Lady Flower’s at home. Went to both, charming flat Falkland House Marloes Road Mrs Bergne. Met excentric Admiral (Eva B’s friend) & more excentric dau. there. Went over & saw Mrs Flower a complete invalid at Mrs Gales. Took taxi fr. Mrs B’s to Lady Flower’s 1/-. Called on Mervyn, out, & walked home, tired. Quiet evg. alone, Roy out. Another salmon fr. Lennie 5½ lbs. Friday 16 May Toula comes to stay fr Midges. Miss Haynes at home 4.30, 83 Ashley Gds. Lady Hartland 4.30. Out morg. shop’g. Bought flowers 1/3. Large box came fr. Balcombe flowers & Toula brought me some fr. Bedstone. Miss Oliver called, looks as young as ever. Delightful to see Toula looking so well. Vy happy evg together. Saw Benions re Roy’s room, to cost £5.5.0. Roy left with Mr Stern for Worthing. Saturday 17 May Toula & self sat in Gardens after shopping, lovely hot day. At 4.30 after early tea to enquire after Sir L. Fildes, saw large family party at home. Fildes better & moved into another room. To call Cowards, tea at Laura Stone’s, & cards to Mrs Campbell Praed & F.Edinsor, & Mrs B. Holmes v. pretty flat. Quiet evg. Sunday 18 May Ethel asked me to lunch & Hurlingham after. Toula & self to tea Hurlingham. We went to St George’s, had good sermon. 1/6. Hurlingham 1/2. Very delightful afternoon. Miss Oliver there too. Met Mabel Wallace & her mother. Very wet but sunny. Marie out morg & after 6 o’c. Monday 19 May Concert & address 19 Carlyle Square Chelsea. Excellent programme smart audience, & vy artistic house. Tea & coffee beautifully served. Met Mrs Anthony Gibbs, Mrs Reubens, & Trixie Miller & Mrs Coles there. Good address fr. a Miss Carbutt, niece of Sir Edward. Went by motor. Walked back. Tuesday 20 May To Mervyn’s studio morg by motor. Likeness of Dearest excellent. Mrs Ledger, Mrs Pohl called. Benions man started painting Roy’s room white. They made no noise & no mess in house, vy quiet. Letter fr. dear Roy. Wednesday 21 May Matinee Criterion “Eliza comes to stay”. Invitation Gen Kent for luncheon & (illeg) “Princess Ida”. Cannot go to either of them. 10/- places. Out morg shop’g. Carriage took & fetched me theatre, enjoyed it immensely, vy amusing. Letter fr. Darling M. Thursday 22 May Toula & self lunch 1.30 at General Kent’s, Glenthorne, The Downs, Wimbledon, 1.30. Having carriage. Mrs Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s at home, hope to go. Drove taxi to club, wrong one, my mistake. Dangerous driver of motor bus, complained policeman. Man seemed sorry so overlooked it & went on in same bus!!! To see skull at Natural History Museum, not impressed. Mabel out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Friday 23 May Concert Kings Hall Covent Garden 3 o’c. “Pygmalion & Galatea” pres. by Ellen Terry & dau. The Mervyns dine with us. Very interesting performance elite amateurs. Mr Davson sat in front of us. Did fowers on return. Great heat. Pleasant evg. They left early. Saturday 24 May Lovely salmon fr. Will Oakes, 6½ lbs. Out morg, sat in Gardens. Carriage after tea to Lady Hood’s, tea there, & Mrs Finlay also in. Round Park, great crowd 8,000 children marched before Lord Roberts, Empire Day. Sunday 25 May 10 lb salmon fr. Lennie. Toula & self to St Georges, 1/-. Hospital Sunday. Toula & self to Langham Hotel to tea with Mrs Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Molesworth & Miss Falconer (cousin) there. A little disappointed in Ella W.W. but was kind tho’ not very gracious. To Mrs Kendall’s after, delightful. Wrote after dinner. Miss Innes called. Marie out for evg. Monday 26 May Men finished Roy’s room at 5.30 PM. Had carriage at11.30. Left salmon at Mrs Adlam’s, Mad’lle J’s, G. Brooks, F. Kerr, Mrs Keith & Beach. To Marshall & Snelgrove after, met Mrs Wheen. X. Fire Barkers Repository. Lady Dewar called. After tea called to enquire Luke Fildes, little better. Met Miss Agnew, pleasant. To artist studios Mr Marchette, & to Mrs Joplng Rowe. V. hot indeed. Gladys lunched here. Tuesday 27 May Concert at Grosvenor House 3 o’c. Seaman Mission. La perfide s’en va, elle ne sait pas ce qu’elle veut. Mrs Rawlinson’s Garden Party, 4 - 4.30. Lunch with George Brooks 1 o’c. Toula fetched me in carriage 2.30. Lovely pictures & Gainsborough’s Blue Boy at Grosvenor House, excellent concert, Queen Amelie of Portugal there. Missed Lady Cowan, Mrs Pitts, F.Edensor & Mrs Pollock. Met William Donat at the Brooks, another cousin with charming manners about 60. Mad’lle Jacquemot dined here, Coon Can after. Wednesday 28 May Tula & self to Christie’s to see MacCulloch pictures, English. Lovely Millais, 3 Leaders, Fildes. 2 beautiful Abbeys etc, so glad I went. Saw Rosalinde & her husband, she looks much older but charming as ever. Dear Roy came for a short time at 4 o’c returns to Worthing today, looks so well & brown. Toula & self at 4.20 to Hurlingham until six o’c. Watched Polo & heard band. Thursday 29 May Not so fine a little cooler. Toula out early. In all morg had carriage & called with Toula on Ethel M, Lady Pirrie, Tabbie at Savoy, & tea at Nonie Messel’s, young German fr. Hamburg there. Awful storm at night. Marie came into my room at 2 o’c, never remember worse storm, & a fire somewhere, engines going.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Friday 30 May Marie Toula Mabel & self all busy morg. in Roy’s room, Marie hung pictures. All worked hard. Room repays us & looks very nice. Roy sent for his clothes to Club, so he is not in the country!. Most kind letter fr. Midge H. generously offering to pay fare to Contrexéville. Letter fr. darling. Saturday 31 May Darling Maud & chicks & Lennie return fr. Ireland after 2 months absence. Toula & self to Barkers shop’g, got cornflowers for Maud & Lennie, took them to Lancaster Gate to arrange them in bed & dressing room. Had good rest after lunch, tea. Toula off alone & self to call on Lady Kennedy, Mrs Williams & Lady Meade, very pleasant time with each, & saw Mrs Spofforth’s 10 baby birds, 5 in each nesting. Morg room evg. Sunday 1 June Lady Spielmann’s lunch, cannot go. Toula & self walked over to see darling Maud who arrived last night from Ireland. They all look well, Maud a little tired. We walked back to luncheon here. Maud & Lennie to Eton, little Linley not v. well. Tabbie & Miss Rose Innes & Mrs Fred Kerr & pretty Joyce called. Roy dined with us. Monday 2 June Mr & Mrs Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Mr O.Seaman, Mr Victor Horsley, Lennie & Maud to dinner. Out morg. shops wit Toula. Did flowers & put covers on drawing room chairs. Had help evg 2/6. Darling came to tea & brought some lovely flowers. Very pleasant evg, quite enjoyed it & like Mr Wilcox. Roy slept at home, seems pleased with his room. A Mr Harman came & monopolised Mrs Wilcox after dinner. They stayed late. Tuesday 3 June Mrs Hancock’s at home 4 o’c, 125 Queens Gate. Mrs Abbott’s luncheon 1.30, unable to go. Mr Justice & Lady Barclay came to tea. Dear Toula left after lunch 2.45. Mrs Bryan came about my dresses. Wednesday 4 June Derby Day. Memorable. Darling to Eton. Out morg. shop’g. Took Waihi div £1.8.6 to Bank. Paid books very heavy, can’t see where. With wages £(blank). With Mrs Fred Kerr to Ranelagh, delightful in Victoria, lovely afternoon. Saw motor Polo, (illeg), saw splendid other Polo, excellent band & an aeroplane! Met Messels, Mr looks better, Mrs H. Adams v. cheery & Olga Hannan etc. Alone evg. Thursday 5 June Lady Cowen 4.30. Mrs Jacombe Hood 4 - 7 & Tabbie? Never heard fr. her. Out morg by motor bus to Marshall & Snelgrove & ordered new dress £9 ready made. Had carriage ¼ to 4 & went to Lady Cowen’s, met Mrs Adams, sis (illeg) & daughter, Lady Boyle etc. Drove Lady Boyle to Connaught Place & went to Mrs Messel’s sale of work, & on with Darling to the Hoods, vy delightful, & she drove me back. Friday 6 June Lunch with Darling Maud 1.15. Miss Agnew to tea 4.30 & Mrs Heathorne. Tabs fetched me fr. Maud’s 3 o’c. Saw nothing of my darling as Mrs Warren & her mother


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 there, both rather (illeg) ladies, so gushing. To Earls Court Ex. with Tabs. Saw Red X Hospital there. V. interesting. She left me here 4.30, ladies remained late. Marie & self mended chair pantry. Saturday 7 June Shop’g morg. My darling to Balcombe. Lady Flower to tea. The dear chicks came for an address 4.30. Mistake about Miss Innes address, so glad to see them, only wish they c’d remain. Called (illeg) Poppie Sington in her charming room. Looks ill. Called Mrs Tuer & Beardsmore & Bradbury. Saw Mrs Caldicott & Miss Wertheimer. Quiet evg alone. Sunday 8 June Mr Wirgman to dinner 7.30. Mervyn & Miss Abbott. Dull morg, showery. In all day, & wrote & paid cheques. Mary Nicol & Molly & Molesworth called. Mary wonderfully well, not a day older, & Molly Farquhar quite out. Vy pleasant evg, all left early. Roy at Cranbourne Court. Maud at Balcombe. Monday 9 June Mrs Hensman 4.30, 26 Colherne Court. Did not go. Roy slept here. To Bank morg. about £50 of Dearest’s re-invested. Nails screws webbing etc. Sent black merino dress & widows toque & veil to Mrs Overton. Miss Abbott came to make mayonnaise with me, great success. Darling came & after tea we went to see Mr Carr about Dearest’s monument, & to Mervyn’s after to see his relief of Dearest. Tuesday 10 June Lady Johnson Ferguson 4.30 - 6.30. Out morg. Mrs Pollock & dau. & my darling came, had her all to myself. Alone evg. Roy did not return to dress. No hot water bath room, incredible after great expense on new pipes etc etc. Wednesday 11 June Lady Macmillan 4.30. Lunch at Maud’s 1.30. After fetched little Linley & took him to Anderson Critchett’s. Saw Lady C. & Dora. Linley’s eyes much better. Back to Lancster Gate for tea & saw Linley off by 5.5 for Eton, dear boy looks well. On to Mrs Young’s at home, met Hylda M. & Mrs Gibson, home in taxi. Roy dined with me. Marie out. Mistake about his telephone. Thursday 12 June Ap’t 12 o’c dress fitting Marshall’s. Mrs Boughton 4.30. Pittmans band. Mrs Jacombe Hood 4 - 7. Mrs Fred Kerr’s at home. Mrs Spofforth 4.30. Mrs C.B.Thorneycroft 112 Gloucester Place Portman Sqre 4.30. Cab to Marshalls 2/-. Dress all wrong. To Maud’s for luncheon, rested after. With her at ¼ to 4 to Mrs Cadogan’s, Pollock, Tweedie, Thorneycroft, Boughton, Fred Kerr & Spofforth. Vy amusing. Met many friends. Friday 13 June Asked Miss Agnew to tea. Came last Friday. Maud & self lunch at Hilda Gibbs 1.30. To be fitted again Marshalls. Charming house & luncheon at Hilda’s, everything perfect. Muriel & other ladies & Hon Mrs Portman there. To tea at Mrs Lewis Argyle Rd after. Darling left me here 6.30. Roy dined with me. Went to Lancaster Gate by bus.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Saturday 14 June Dear chicks come 3 o’c. If fine to Zoo. Mrs Hensman at home, cannot go. Out morg. shops. Had carriage 3 o’c. took dear chicks & Marie to Zoo. Vy happy afternoon in spite of crowd. They rode biggest Elephant with Marie & we had tea outside facing garden near squirrel run. Vy tired evening. Dear Roy to Cranbourne Court. Sunday 15 June Mrs Hancock 4 - 7. Mrs Hensman & Mrs Gibson to dinner. Put off Mrs H. Midge & Hamilton dine here. Mrs Gibson, Spencer & Fred Kerr to dinner. V, pleasant evg but did not have the talk with H & M I wanted. Out morg met Ena Mackenzie, her mother ill, so v. sorry. Party left late 11.30! Met Mr Pohl with his 2 daus. Monday 16 June Mrs Francis Wheen’s at home 4 - 6.30. Darling Maud comes to spend the day. Lunched here & we went at 4 o’c to the Wheens lively party. Nicol family in force. Darling left Lancaster Gate, carriage drove me home. Alone evg. Roy at Cranbourne Court. Tuesday 17 June Ascot. Darling comes for morg. & to lunch. Major Welman also. We got thro’ many letters & ticketed them. Darling’s hand swollen fr. bite. She remained until 5 o’c. Very happy day & Major W. delightful & much impressed with Maud. Dined with Spencers 106 Queens Gate. Will O. there. Marie took & fetched me, 1/6. V. pleasant evg. Gerald Ryan there also. Wednesday 18 June Lady Johnson Ferguson 4.30 - 6.30. Miss Holland 4 - 6.30. Lady Macmillan. I lunch with May Burnand 1.30. Mrs Walker 4.30. Mrs Finlay 4 o’c. Delightful luncheon at May Burnand’s in spite of tragedy her parlour maid taken suddenly ill & operated on 4 o’c! Mrs Heilbut & Sington, Lady Burnand etc 10. Carriage fetched me 3 o’c drove Mrs S to Russels & fetched Maud fr. Sylvinia’s, saw Mr Stone. To Lady J.F’s, Lady Strachie’s & Mrs Wallace. Thursday 19 June Mrs Jacomb Hood 4 - 7. Mrs Hugh Davidson at home 4 - 7, 12 Queensbury Place. Busy all morg. putting away things drawing room with Mabel. Maudie to tea so glad to have her. Marie out evg. (Inserted: Letter from hotel at Contrexeville confirming booking.) Friday 20 June Mrs Corrie. Out shop’g. Maudie to tea. Saturday 21 June Busy all day needlework, mending. Marie helping. Maud & L. to Balcombe. Heard sad news of Mrs Corrie’s fall in lift. Sunday 22 June Midge came to tea. Marie & self packed all day. Darling at Balcombe. Dear Roy at Cranbourne Court.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Monday 23 June News of Mrs Corrie’s death. Board wages start for the maids. Chicks came morg & walked with me to Cooks about insuring luggage. Dear Roy lunched with me & came home to dress & dined out. Maudie came after her luncheon party & restrung my pearls cleverly. Finished packing. Roy sleeps at home. Tuesday 24 June Mrs Pitts at home. Leave Stafford Terrace 10 o’c for Victoria Sta. Midge took cabin. Midge & I go by train, sleep night Buffet Hotel Paris, Station du Nord. Most comfortable journey. Had same rooms at Hotel as with Edgar. Porters 2/- Eng, Calais 2 frcs, Paris porter paid in bill, & dined in dull restaurant v. bad 6 frc dinner. Bed early. Wednesday 25 June Leave Paris D.V. by 11.10 o’c. train for Contrexéville. Pd out bill 50 frcs 75 fees, 5.50 om, 6.50. vy bad coffee. Sta. d’Est porter 1.50. V. comfortable journey some sun! Not warm. Arrived Contrexéville 5.30. Porter 50 cents hauling luggage up. Hotel omnibus pd porters Contrexéville. Disap. our rooms 4th floor bare but lovely view over countryside, good dinner. Hotel high up, seemed empty. German lady told us of doctor but decided to go to Dr Grand, rec’d by Midge’s doctor. Midge’s water bottle uncorked and water all over her mattress. To bed 9.30 PM. Lovely clear night but cool. Thursday 26 June Lady Johnson Ferguson’s lunch party 1.3. Mrs Worsley 4 - 7. Contrexéville. Good night, up 8 o’c ordered coffee which never came at 9 o’c, went without it. View lovely fr. our windows. Went for walk before première déjuener 10.30 AM. For walk again after excellent lunch & rested until 2 o’c, dressed & went to Dr Grand, v. pleasant elderly man. Coffee & rolls 4 o’c Paillards, & excellent dinner 8 o’c. Walked to Source & sat in colonnade. Took our cups of water 9 o’c. (Paper inserted) 10 shrs B.A.West 4% Ex 1912. 2 ditto 1913 4%. 226 B.A.Western 4% debs. 2 shrs B.A.W. 4% 1913. 2 shrs B.A.W. 4% 1915. Friday 27 June Good night. Woke 6.15 AM. Started water drinking at 7 o’c, 3 half tumblers every 20 minutes. Water quite different to Vittel, much harder & contains iron. Seems more difficult to digest. To Colonnade after dinner to drink ½ glass of water. Cool, only vy ordinaire people about. Midge long way the handsomest & smartest woman here. V. good cuisine, amused our head waiter takes titbits fr. service & eats behind screen. Saturday 28 June Post cards 1.25. My share tea 1.50. Out morg. Midge only fair night, someone overhead banged about until late, woke me 3 times. Paper fr. Toula of Mrs Corrie’s accident & death. To our Dr Grand at 2 o’c. Kept us each a long time talking. Had café au lait at 3.20. 1.50 each. Excellent with petits pains, felt better for it. Sat out, walked to Catholic church. Good dinner. Read after interesting paper “L’Illustration” on animals.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Sunday 29 June Dull & cold & rain early. Fine later. Glad of warm dresses. Tea 1.50. Midge had bad night & great pain down her legs. Déjeuner at 10.15. Sat out after read French book. I to little English Church. Vy feeble service c’d not understand clergyman he muddled so. Lady in congregation played harmonium. 50 cents, 15 only in church. Rested after & wrote. Coffee 1.50. Monday 30 July Coffee 3.50 at Établissment, v. bad. Blue tracing paper. Midge had good night, took cashet. Vy cold in morg. Breakfast 10.30. Rested & worked till 2 o’c. Midge to take water early. After lunch talked to Belgian lady Mrs Bruce. Much pleasanter when she speaks French. Good many new arrivals Hotel. Rested till 2 o’c. To hear band (v. poor) 3 o’c. & had v. bad coffee at Établissment in stuffy Glass House facing Casino & gardens. Walked & after dinner to Gardens, lovely evg. but no band. Tuesday 1 July Mrs Merton 1 o’c at home. Lovely morg. but cool. Midge fair night. She had bath & was v. tired after. After lunch & rest went by 2.34 train to Vittel pd fares 75 cents each. Walked to Palace Hotel, saw manager & had tea at Pavilion, 3.50. Vy pretty scene excellent band & many people much livelier than here. Little Church in Palace Hotel front garden removed & Établissment Hotel built over it. Band evening at Hotel. Bought little shoes 2 frcs. Wednesday 2 July Very cold but brighter. Midge Bath. After lunch sat out & rested fr. 12.30 to 1.45. Midge to doctor 2 o’c alone. Café au lait at Paillards. Midge paid 3 frcs. Talked to Madame Bruce there. Walked after to Catholic church & round by road. Band after dinner in Hotel. Midge & self walked to Source sat out until 9 o’c. Took water there & back to Hotel & bed. Thursday 3 July Dora Critchett’s wedding, St Pauls Knightsbridge 2.15 to Mr Upjohn. Dull morg. I slept badly. Midge up to drink water 8 o’c. Little warmer. Had tea (café au lait) early at Paillards.We each paid our share of 1.50 each. I bought 4 jet buttons 80 centimes & 2 sheets of paper for tracing 30 cents. Total 3.40, & stamps 1 franc. Midge & self settled up our account. (Paper inserted) Thurs 3rd July: Café 1.50. Buttons 60. Paper 30. Stamps 1.0. total 3.30. 4th July: fare Martigny 1.20, café there 1.50. Anne’s scissors 1.25, stamps 1.0. total 4.95. 5th July: café 1.50. stamps 1.0. total 2.50. Friday 4 July Poor Major Meiklejohn died 5 AM. Slept better, Midge not till late. Bright morg, dull later, cold. Midge had bath early. At 2 o’c & by 2.40 to Martigny les Bains. Very few people there. V. dull afternoon but we thoroughly enjoyed our day. Had café au lait at Hotel des Bains on terrace, v. cold but fairly good. Café 3 frcs, 1.50 each. Our 2nd class return tickets 1.20. Each bought wee scissors for dear Anne, 1.25, & stamps 1 frc. Total 4.95. Saturday 5 July Warmer. Up 9 o’c, out 10 o’c. Met Midge returning fr. her bath. Midge heard fr. H. that his filly by Roi Hérode & Ethelfrida sold at Newmarket July sale of yearlings,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 fetched 750 gns & is delighted. Much finer today, some sun. Wrote Darling M. & Tabbie, 50 cents. Sat in Gardens, café at Paillards in garden, walked after. Saw old woman with goat on the country hill with dogs, talked to her. Sat out after dinner, talked to Belgian lady after. Letter fr. darling, poor Major Meiklejohn died yesterday. Sunday 6 July Pouring wet all day long. Midge took water in her room. Both of us derangées un peu dedans! Salmon last night. We went to Church 1 frc. Rested after & had café in Midge’s room, pas très bon. Hopeless day for fête in Park. In all day. Letter fr. Marie telling me of Maurey Meiklejohn’s death on Friday morg. Monday 7 July Midge bad night. Poured & blowing morg. To Doctor’s at 2 o’c, my 3rd & Midge’s 4th visit. Had café at Paillards, occupied the Prince de Lignes chair 1.50. Cammomile 35 cents, 10 cents stamps, total 1.5. Still great quantity of uric acid. Am to get up & take water morg, to walk it off. Coffee after lunch & water at 4 o’c, ½ a glass & one at night. Midge lost Ham’s letter. No letters. Tuesday 8 July Very wet. Got up at 8 o’c but not out. Very cold. Got out between showers. Midge had a bath. Both uncomfortable. Took water 4 o’c at Source. No tea. Wednesday 9 July Finer but v. cold, rain on & off. Got up & went down to take water with Midge 8 o’c. Walked an hour & sat out until déjeuner. Went after our rest to Vittel, delightful time there. To Golf club house & saw old soldier waiter. Had our café au lait at Pavilion, enjoyed it thoroughly. Wrote after dinner. 70 cents fare, tea 1.70, 5 cabinet room. Letter fr. darling Maud, Oliver not well & I feel v. anxious. Thursday 10 July Very wet. Down at 8. Took water at Source. Changed our cheques at Societé General. Mine £5. Midges £8. Stamps 1 frc. Girl at Ege water source 3 cents. No café. Midge had bath. I walked & strolled about. Pleasant day in spite of rain. Bathed eyes at Source. Friday 11 July Finer & some sun but cold. Paid our bills, mine 120.50, Midges 177.85. Good lunch. Up & out 8 o’c. La Contesse de Bruce gave me her card with née Princesse de Cröy on it. Seems to like being with us. Stamps 1 frc, Lavatory woman 50 cents. Saturday 12 July Dance at Hotel. Spoke to Mrs Birch friend of Midge’s & enquired after poor boy Sutherland better, ill fr. stone. Sat out, walked. Lovely day, air so fresh & dry. Read French book. Letters fr. Roy & Maud. Comtesse de Bruce & Princesse Zibah Hassan & companion with us evg to watch dance. Interesting talk with lady companion v. clever woman. Wild dancing by young Marks party, S. African. Sunday 13 July Lovely day. Out later morg. 8.10. Tired fr. last evg, up later. To Church. Mr (blank) chaplain much nicer on aquaintance, quite good sermon, said good bye to him, he


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 leaves this week. We had tea Paillards 1.50. Church 1 frc, 2.50 total. Out after dinner to drink water, 2 funny men at Source! Bed early. Midge gave Countess one of my sleeping drafts. Monday 14 July Lovely day. Long letter fr. Maud saying Eton won by (blank) at Eton & Harrow Match. Maud lunching with Roy Saty. Letter fr. Marie enclosing letter fr. Ella W. Wilcox. Poor young Sutherland sitting out with Mrs Birch, he looks very ill. Countess de Bruce had good night after Midge’s powder. Bathed eyes at Source. Sat with the 2 Princesses their last night. & exchanged cards. Tuesday 15 July Vy tired. Out 8.10. Walked along country road & gathered flowers. Had café au lait & walked to B. forest, butterflies & wild campanulas. Very tired bed early. Countesse de Bruce & Princess Zibah Hassan left early, saw them at the door to say good bye. 1.50 coffee. Wednesday 16 July 3 weeks today at Contrexèville. Dull & cold. I did not get up till 8 o’c. Out & took one glass only at Source. Midge v. seedy all day her eyes blinding her. To see Doctor. Kept us an awful time in a stuffy room. Had short walk. Thunderstorm. I wrote to Edgar & Maud. Thursday 17 July Both of us up late. Drank water in our room. Walked an hour before déjeuner. Changed gold £2 = 50 frc 20. Bought sweets 1.50, compass 1.25, aeroplane 2.45, collar 9 frcs, cup 2.25. Spoke to young Sutherland, better. Saw Mrs Birch in new dress & hat. Spoke to habitué of 9 years here named Joseph. Wrote to Nurse Duffett & Fanny Fildes. Midge 4.25 Cup 2.25 Aeroplane 2.45 Collar 9.0 17.45 Friday 18 July Warmer, dull. Packed. Hotel bill 169.85, Doctor 60.0. Packed with Clarke. Drew cheques for £4.0.0, Doctor 2.10.0. Pd 30 cents morg cards, 17c stamps, 1.50 Br, 75 Bread. Total £9.12.0. Midge pd waiter 10 fr & second boy 5 frs after dinner. Saturday 19 July Left Contrexéville early by 10.30 train, go straight thro to Charing X. Dull & rain later. Took our luncheon basket, no trouble whatever & v. sorry to have finished a vy happy 3 weeks with Midge, not a single contretemps & so restful & peaceful. Have enjoyed it immensely. Had cabin on steamer which Midge pd for, & reserved seats to Charing X. The whole trip cost me only £30. Have pd my ticket. Marie met me at Charing X 11 o’c PM.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Sunday 20 July Home. Lovely morg. Flowers fr. darling Maud who is at Balcombe, & Roy there also. Dear little Linley has measles at Eton & Lennie is seedy & unable to go to city. Rested in bed until 4 o‘c, down at 5, wrote & looked papers morg. room. Mr Molesworth came & stayed dinner. Had to fall back on maids resources, had only ordered just enough but we managed nicely & he drank ½ a decanter full of whisky. Feel so sorry he is in such low water financially but it is his chronic condition. Monday 21 July Lovely morg, good night. Packed with Marie & put things in order. House looks nice, & two maids get on well together. Linley going on well but is having measles sharply. Roy dined with me, looks vy well. Wish so much he could give up “Rag Time” it seems so senseless & frivolous not worthy of his brains. Tuesday 22 July Finished packing with Marie & left with her in Taxi at 2.30 for Waterloo, not taking her with me. Taxi 3.8, fare 2nd 1.2.6, porter 1.0, book 6, g.gages 1.6. Vy grieved about little Bremall boy, v. dangerously ill. Comfortable journey. Found Court & Station cab at Sta! Tabby looks pale, she with Louise H, Mr & Mrs Neville & son just ret’d fr. a Garden party. Housemaid unpacked & no trouble. Wednesday 23 July Felt tired after 2nd journey altho’ v. comfortable one. Tabby v. feverish in bed. D. came & she is to remain in bed. Looks v. feverish & pain, a chill today & no wonder, a glacial wind came as we were having tea after hot sun. Great fête in grounds for Red X Members all came in uniform & Dorset Regt band. Tables under trees for tea. Vy pretty sight the uniforms looked so nice, about 100 came. Jack, Helen Kerr & Mrs ? came to luncheon. Tabs to bed 6 o’c. Thursday 24 July Lovely day Leweston. Tabby had good night & seems much better, still in bed. Dr came 9.30, wishes her to remain in bed to get rid of rash which is still vy thick on her leg & arm. Dressed by 10 o’c & can manage so far splendidly without maid. Housemaid manages v. nicely all I want & v. attentive. After lunch clock golf with Nevills Alice H. & Edward. Rested ½ hr & in car with Nevills to call (illeg). Col & Mrs Maclean to dinner, v. handsome woman. I to bed 10 o’c. Tabby asleep. Friday 25 July Lovely morg. Strange pain in my right side, fancy chill or fatigue. Sat out in Terrace Garden working for an hour. Tabby’s rash increasing but she is less feverish, saw doctor, says caused by rheumatic poisoning, came twice today & brought his (illeg). The Nevills & Louise to a Garden party. I remained with Tabby, after tea walked to Lodge & got v. hot & yet cold wind. Tried hot bottle & had one at night to ease pain. Saturday 26 July Hamilton returns fr, his yacht Joyeuse tonight late. Tabs nurse came. Lovely morg. My side better . Tabby about same. Louise H. is sleeping in her room. The Nevills came at 11 o’c this morning. Large garden party here today over 70 came. Mrs Maclean most kind, introduced me to everyone as they came in, a splendid hostess in herself. Tea in dining room served by Mrs Keats & head housemaid & all beautifully


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 managed. Major Dugdale & his wife, he much stouter. Knew v. few people, the Gordons v. elated about their son’s engagement to a girl 5 years his sen’r with 12,000 a year. Sunday 27 July Fine. Waited about ready for church, Hamilton not down so read service to myself in Church adjoining house. Vy quiet & peaceful. Tabby better, is to get up tomorrow for short time. Little walk with H. & Louise round grounds, rested after luncheon. Cut off dead roses & walked with L to Lodge. Ham sang after dinner, promised to learn his accompanments tomorrow. Wrote to Maudie, Major Welman, Mr Molesworth enclosing B. Partridges letter. Monday 28 July Mervyn returned fr. Eton 6 o’c. Evie’s two chicks came at 2 o’c, both much grown. Sent cheque £99 to Glyn Mills Currie for 9. £10 shrs allotted in new 1914 issue of B.A. Gt Southern Rly 4% at par. (1913 issue). H. sang evg & played bridge. H. & L. beat M. & self. Tabs on sofa today, better. Tuesday 29 July Glorious day. Tabs in drawing room. Wrote Edgar, Maud & Toula. Long letter from Edgar fr. Arizona Grand Canyon. Walked to Lodge before dinner. V. pleasant evg. Bridge. Mervyn & self lost to Ham & Gareth. Wednesday 30 July Lovely day. Hamilton & the 3 boys to play golf after lunch at Yeovil. Worked & read. V. lively evg. music & singing. Young Francis Hill plays & sings well. H. always charming to hear & listen to. Bridge after when we went to bed. Tabbie down after dinner. Thursday 31 July Dull but pleasant. H. & boys to Yeovil for golf, practising all morg here. Wrote to Eddie F, Florence Howlden. Stamps 1/6. Sent flowers to little Bramall. Music & Bridge evg. Friday 1 August Ham, Tabs & boys to Cowes 11 o’c. Lovely day. Wrote to Marie, Dora Foley & Maud. Louise & Mervyn to Alexanders on cycles for tennis & tea 3 o’c. Chicks in pony cart. Bridge evg. Played with children after tea with Gweneth on lawn. Saturday 2 August Lovely day. Wrote Will Oakes, Roy & Mrs Adlam. Letter fr. Maud & Roy about Goodwood. Also about my wreath for Dearest’s Grave fr. Barkers & Lockes keep for Eilie to place for me. Maud also sent one which arrived this morg with mine at St Peters. Called in Motor with Louise on Mrs Fugard, new clergyman Long Burton, strange little people. Bridge evening. Sunday 3 August To Church with Mervyn & Gweneth. V. pretty little old Church, looks well cared for & Hamilton’s pew & chapel like a room with chairs & bluebooks & cushions, vy nice


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 indeed. No sermon. “The Sky Pilot” read well & with feeling. Louise to Long Burton. Wrote Maud & Mabel Jenkinson re September. Monday 4 August Dull morg, fine later. Letter fr. Tabs fr. Cowes, vy much better, & fr. Jessie also well & Major Welman. Wrote Tabby & Emma. Flower show, unable to go, no conveyance, Mervyn & Louise in tiny cart. Had tea on Terrace & gardened after with Gweneth. Court fell off his cycle & put his shoulder out. Westbury got 16 prizes. Tuesday 5 August My Darling’s birthday. Lovely day. Sat out morg. Vy bitten by flies. To Mrs Macleans at 4 for tennis & tea, Mervyn on cycle, Louise & self in little cart. Met Mrs Macgregor & 2 daughters, pretty & amusing women, Irish. Miss Mostyn, Miss Saville & Mrs Peacock. The Macleans v. kind, she took me over house, a charming old Tudor & Queen Anne building with lovely carved oak staircases. Roy staying at Club ret’d today fr. Edna’s after Goodwood. Wednesday 6 August. Must pack. Letters fr. Dora & Roy who is staying at Club. Tabby & H, Ld Francis Hill & Gareth ret’d fr. Cowes at 7.30. Dora & Tommy arrived at 5 o’c. Had tea & went round grounds. Vy pleasant evg. Thursday 7 August I returned home by 1.44. Went round garden with Tabby. Dora playing tennis with Gweneth & Tommy. Louise saw me off. Number of children fr Camden Town returning fr. Lyme Regis where they were a fortnight, gave them chocolate. Roy dined with me 8 o’c, sleeping at club. Friday 8 August To Bank, left £90 Bankers receipt of B.A. Gt Southern, also had £10 shrs 4% 1914, 1913 issue. Left home 10.30 to Stores by train, lunched there 1/9, & on by motor to Barrett for Darling’s present which unable to get at stores, gardening scissors & knife in case for hanging at side, silver mounted. Interesting talk with secretary of Stores Aux’lly. To Marshalls ordered gloves & jabot. Tea at F. Nembhards & om. home dead tired 6 o’c. Bed early. Took soldiers little Brammell. Saturday 9 August Marie saw me off at Victoria by 12 o’c train for Balcombe. Roy to Felixtowe. Pd. books & board wages to 17th inst & cheque to Marie for small bills. My darling & dear chicks met me Balcombe Sta, all thankful to see looking well. Mr Cadogan, Gerald & Hilda, Gladys, Ethel Bagg, Mr Davson staying here. Dear Linley much grown. Roulette evg & v. late 11.30. Not in bed until 1 o’c. Vy tired. Sunday 10 August Bad night. Rested & felt better. Muriel & Miss Sawbridge (rather jumpy) to luncheon. Large party after for tennis. Mr & Mrs M. (she looks v. nervy) the dear Hansen Walkers, & Stanfields. Lovely afternoon. Watched tennis & consumed by midges. Hylda & Gerald seem v. happy. To bed before gentlemen out of dining room. So thankful my Darling looks well.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Monday 11 August Lovely day slept fairly well & awoke with headache. Sat out morg. with my Darling. Miss Warren brought lovely cushion she had worked. Cricket match. Linley not playing. To Lake with Gerald & Hylda. Charming music after lunch & dinner, Ethel Bagg & Gerald. We all went to cricket, not interesting. ½ past 11 o’c bed. So sorry Mrs Talbot ill. Tuesday 12 August Bad night again & horrid headache, so odd having been so well, sure late nights. Dull morg. Fear Roger Talbot has mumps! Wrote morg to Toula Midge & stores sending deposit cheque £3.0. Gerald & Hylda to Nymans after luncheon to fish on Lake, got 3 large trout which threw back. Walked round garden with Darling & chicks & to see Mitchell’s exhibit for show tomorrow in Grounds. L. talked v. excitedly all thro’ dinner in nervy manner. Wednesday 13 August Bad night tho’ came to bed before L. & G. out fr. dining room. Uncomfortable dinner L. talked so loud & quickly. Flower Show in Grounds. Letter fr. dear Roy still at club, writes in good spirits. Rained hard so unable to go round Exhibits until 6 o’c. Cleared up about 5.30. Great many came, Loders, Reeds, Mrs F.Kerr, Messels, Lees etc. Michell’s Ex. beautiful. Maud brought flowers fr fruit field Exhibition. She had to give away prizes. Uncomfortable dinner. L. played after, & I came to bed 10 o’c v. tired. My darling looked so pretty & well. Thursday 14 August Lovely morg, slept better. To Mrs Outram to enquire. Saw Mrs O. snr & Mrs Hermann. Mr O. & wife at Windemere fear no better. Had v. pleasant talk. Wrote stores for tonic, do not feel well here. Mad’lle came for chicks. Ordered “Standard” for morgs, miss my papers. Walked station with Maud & Gladys. Much pleasanter dinner. Cap. Marshall came for one night, Ethel’s cousin. Friday 15 August Dull morg. Sept better but do not feel well. All off for picnic, fear drive too much, remain at home. Small motor broke down returning, delay 2½ hrs en route. Bill Weigal, Mr Marriott & Mrs Gibson arrived. Mr Byron & Miss Fitzroy to see & show former house. Pleasant evg, to bed with rest at 11.30! after roulette. The Oxleys & pretty daughter here. Saturday 16 August Tennis afternoon at the Oxleys. V. nice afternoon met Conway Fisher Rowes & Gilmours. Walked back with Mrs Gibson. To bed early. Sunday 17 August Lovely day. To church morg with Darling & Linley & Oliver & Valentine Hohler. Maudie & I remained to communion. The Massey Dawsons & Messels with Dr M to see tennis & tea. Pleasant evg. Bed 10.30. Monday 18 August Lovely morg. Walked with Mrs Gibson nearly to Forest Farm morg. Maud, Bill, Gladys & Ethel to enquire Lady Frederick & Mrs Talbot. Sent off little bag to Tabby


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 for her birthday 7/6. Sent Roy £20 for his birthday. 1/- stamps & post cards. Major Talbot dined here charming man. He & Bill talked after dinner, rest played roulette, won 3d. Tuesday 19 August Dear Roy’s birthday, sent him £20 & box of flowers. Sat out morg. Read “Standard” & gardened a little with Darling. Maud & Ethel Bagg to see wonderful Robinson garden after lunch. Mad/lle here & music mistress. Played clock golf. Mrs Gibson won by 1 point. Ethel Bagg sang after dinner charmingly. Played roulette. Had good talk over Ramsgate etc with Bill. Wednesday 20 August Ethel Bagg leaves today, shall miss her delightful music & singing. Maud, Bill W, Gladys & self to tea Nymans & Mrs Gibson. Garden looking lovely. Mr Marriott away for day, ret’n 12 night. Mr (blank) Linley’s tutor arrived. Linley to Lester Rudds for tennis. Late evg. Thursday 21 August To lunch Mrs Gibson. Maud & self to Mrs Clarke’s lovely pictures, Tenniers, (illeg) Gainsborough, Titians, Jan Steen etc. Most beautiful, & china, silver & miniatures etc. Tea on lawn on return. Clock golf with Mrs G & Oliver. Quiet evg. Friday 22 August Bad night & headache. Wrote Florence Howlden, Eilie Gladstone, Mrs Evans. Letters fr. Tabby & Toula who is in Scotland. Bill Weigall left 1.18 for Ramsgate by Hastings. Mr Cadogan came. Walked with Gladys, Mr Gibson & Maud, unable to get thro’ fields, bull there lame, cows & bull look seedy! To bed after dinner. Saturday 23 August Wet morg. fine later. Mr Allen came to stay, Cadogan, Marriott & Mr Keele here. Mrs Gibson, Gladys, self & Valentine Hohler. Tennis afternoon. Mr Oakley & several others to tennis. Roulette evg. Lennie (Bank) lost. Late evg. Sunday 24 August To Church with Maud & chicks, quite good sermon. Rained going & returning, fine after. Tennis afternoon. Messels, Lorings, Cap’n Reed, Mr Campbell Mr & Mrs A (blank) came. Pleasant talk on many subjects with Mr Allen at dinner. Pianola & another late night. Monday 25 August Wrote to Edgar. Letter fr. Midge wants me to go to her for their shoot 16 Sep. Lovely day. Maud, Gladys, Mr Marriott, Oliver, Anne & Valentine for picnic, & leave Valentine at the Hohlers. Mrs Gibson & self walked to enquire after Mrs Booth at the Mill, saw the children, radiant at idea of new brother! Mr Keele & Linley for cycle ride after lunch. Mrs Gibson & self alone. Sat up evg. late. Tuesday 26 August Lovely day. Poker after dinner. Sat up late. Tired morg. Mad’lle here. Mr Gordon & children to tea.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Wednesday 27 August Lovely day. Maud, Mr Marriott, Linley & self after lunch to Mrs Colefax, Thro’ lovely forest & heather land, Ashdown Forest, & Linley made 16 runs at the cricket at Mrs Colefax. Mrs Talbot there, tête montée. Went over Mrs Colefax’s new house being renovated. Lovely position but costly! To bed early. Thursday 28 August Maud, Mrs Gibson & self to Mrs Saville’s to tea. Vy delightful talk with Mrs Saville, we all enjoyed our visit there. Masses of flies going & returning. Vy tired evg, sat up & watched poker. Friday 29 August Heavy thunder morg. Mrs Gibson left for Harold’s where Mr & Mrs Messel are also. Practised songs & wrote. Feel vy tired & headachey. Mad’lle here. Linley’s Badmington fr. stores came, his birthday Sunday. Walked to Lake with Darling who looks v.pale, weather so close & stuffy. Mr Russell came. Poker evg. Sat up. Mr Marriott away all day, ret’d late. Saturday 30 August Awful headache morg, slept badly. Lennie, Gladys, Mr Russell, Mr Keele & Linley to Brighton for bathe. Vy hot & heavy. Dear Roy coming, came by 4.30, played tennis. Looks v. well & seems cheerful. Mrs J. Fitzgerald came during dinner. Très ennuyeuse dîner. Poker after. Bed 11.30. Sunday 31 August Vy wet. To Church with Darling & chicks. Poured. Rest out. Sent off Waihi div £1.18.0 & P. & O. div £4.18.11 to Bank. Roy, Mr Russell, Mr M. & Gladys for walk. Lennie & Mr Keele to Lake. Poker after dinner. Bed 12 0’c. So glad to see Roy so well, wish Darling looked the same. Monday 1 September Roy left with Lennie. Mr Russell left at 4 o’c. Lorings & Mr & Mrs Messel came for Linley’s party. Chicks dine with us. They did not, wiser being tired after their party & games. To bed very early before men out of dining room. Tuesday 2 September To post, 1/- stamps & book £5.12 3 to Mrs Vale. Roy slept at home last night but goes to club again today. Gladys Maud & self in small car to Col Dudley Sampson’s. Very enjoyable such good host & hostess. A girl sang charmingly who came with Mrs Beauchamp, vy pretty smart old lady, Dr Beauchmp’s mother. Met friend of Con’s, American, also Lady Leigh Pemberton. Quieter event & more peaceful. Lennie had been to Ottie’s. Wednesday 3 September Chicks down for dinner 7.30. Fancy dress, danced after. Maud, chicks, Gladys, Mr Marriott, Mr Keele & self to tea on Lake. Lovely day & evg. Very happy evg. with chicks. Linley Tweedledee, Anne Robin Hood, looks sweet, Oliver black slave, Mr Marriott executioner, Mr Keele Lady (illeg), Lennie Indian chief & Maudie (blank).


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Thursday 4 September Cap’t & Mrs Reed dined here, played poker after. Walked to Mill with Gladys & Linley. Mrs Booth coming down 12th September before baby month old. Osborn laid up at his cottage. Friday 5 September Pouring wet. Maud off at 9.30 AM with Mr Marriott for London. Lennie & Maud go to stay with the Whatmans for week end near Ipswich. Letter fr. Roy, he has sent Linley a racket case & bag for his birthday. Wrote & read morg. Mad’lle here, after a drive in small motor with chicks. Mushrooms. Vy pleasant evg in smoking room. Saturday 6 September Very wet early. To call with Gladys & chicks to enquire Mrs Talbot, & after to Lord Frederick’s, saw him & Miss Fitzroy. Lady F. too feeble to see us. Dear Mervyn arrived. Met him Station, looks well, came fr. Torbay today. Ethel to Brighton for her croquet. Letter fr. Darling. Delightful evg, bed early. Sunday 7 September To church with 3 chicks. Walked with Mervyn before lunch. After Mervyn, Gladys & chicks to chalk pit near Talbots. I rested deck chair & read, tea on balcony after. V. pleasant evg, bed rather late. Chicks found digging subterranean passage under house, both Anne & Oliver got burnt fr. lamps! & found out. Cycle lamps. Monday 8 September Fine warm. Letter fr. darling, walk with Mervyn. Lennie & Maud return fr. Mrs Whatman’s. M enjoyed it immensely but looks tired. Disastrous last years investments Cuban Ports 5% cents £200. Fear shall lose all. Lennie played pianola evg. Tuesday 9 September Mrs Hohler & Miss Taylor came to stay. We all went for picnic to Parham Woods, lovely morg. Back to tea. Played roulette won 6d. Sent cheque to Mrs Vale £1.1.7. Drove with darling in motor. Dull party picnic. Mrs Hohler so rude to Maud I thought. V. bad manners, her lady friend not distinguished, smokes. Wednesday 10 September Boy Scout fête. 23 to tea on lawn, games after. Mervyn to London to see dentist. Miss Ropley came about my sleeves. Fine day, colder evg. Roulette evg. Thursday 11 September Lovely morg. Mrs Hohler & Miss Taylor left 10.30. Mervyn working on dearest’s relief. Wrote Sir Desmond O’Callaghan condolence, Fanny Barker, Mrs Evans & Clara Begheim. Piano evg. Friday 12 September Mr & Mrs Bram Stoker (Noel) came. Maud, Mervyn, Gladys & self to tea with Mrs Sington at Nymans, her nice grandchild aged 16 Barbara Elliott there. Mad’lle here for day. To bed after dinner v. tied. Walked with Gladys to Mill. Mrs Booth & Baby arrived, saw it, nice little thing, the rest delighted with it. Sat a little with Mr Booth.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Saturday 13 September Sat on lawn morg with Mrs Stoker, Gladys & Maud. Rest fishing, result 5. After lunch men to lake. Mr Stoker Lennie & Gladys bathed in lake. Mrs Sington & Barbara came 3 o’c. B. rode with the children. Linley v. pleased with new cousin. They left 6 o’c. Mrs Stoker & self walked to Lake. Roulette, watched Gladys’ system, good. Did not play self. Ethel Mervyn came, has cold. Sunday 14 September To Church with Darling & the 3 chicks. Maud, Mr & Mrs Stoker, Lennie & Ethel Mervyn for long drive after lunch in Motor. Mervyn, Oliver & self to tea on lawn. Gladys took Linley & Anne for walk. Mr Keele on cycle. Pleasant evg. Monday 15 September Colder. Wrote morg. After lunch with Maud to tea at Miss Douglas Pennant. Charming house, 3 sisters live together. To Ld Frederick Fitzroy’s after. Maud saw Lady F, little better. I had hunting talk with Miss Fitzroy. To Major Talbot’s, Maud saw Mrs Talbot, little better. Dear Oliver not well in bed. To bed early very tired. Wrote Marie & Ruth Parker. Tuesday 16 September Fine morg. To post letters Edgar, Noott & Evans, & box of flowers to Roy. Darling stung by wasp wedding finger. Oliver up & looks better. Mad’lle here for day. Wednesday 17 September Ethel, Maud & Mr Draper to Brighton after lunch, back for tea. Gladys to Brighton for day to her parents. Thursday 18 September Mervyn’s birthday. Lovely day, saw wonderful things of sand thro Mr Allen’s microscope. Marvels. Picnic day. Mervyn, Ethel, Oliver, Maud & self to Chichester lunched at Dolphin Hotel. Met Mrs & Miss Fair! Went over cathedral, beautiful, & Lady Chapel v. large & beautiful windows, v. light, indifferent glass, cloisters v. fine, cathedral built 1123, much destroyed & rebuilt. Henry VIII Chapel, & statue of Charles I before getting to cathedral. After we went to Selsey Bill, “Long Acres” the Heron Allen’s pretty bungalow. Met her niece there who knows Lionel Herapath, quartered at Halifax, & Archie Hamilton, amusing as usual, seems fond of Roy. To bed on return. V. tired. Bread & milk. Friday 19 September Lovely day. Morg had walk with Ethel Mervyn, new road. Slept well after coming to bed before dinner. After lunch Ethel, Mr Keele, Mervyn & Gladys played tennis. Ethel won both sides!!! Maud & self called on Cohens, beautifully situated house, in, & had tea with Mrs Oxley. Mr & Mrs Mickelham came, she is lovely & so unspoilt. V. pleasant dinner, sat next Mr Draper & Maud he & I had good talk. His portrait of Anne v. good. Poker after dinner. V. late to bed, playing high. Saturday 20 September Mr & Mrs Mickleham came last night. We went over to Nymans to see garden. Mrs M, Maud, Ethel & self. Met Lennie, Gladys & Mr M. there, walked. Men fished after


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 lunch. Walked with Darling Maud. Church decorations. Gramophone & poker. I to bed at 10 o’c. Sunday 21 September To Church with Maud, Mrs M, Oliver, Mervyn & Ethel. Harvest Sunday. Miss Fitzroy walked back with us. Mr Booth came after lunch & Mrs Sington fr Nymans bringing the little Micklehams. Nice children, had tea here. Men fished. Mr Draper finished Anne’s portrait. Pleasant evg. Mr Mickleham played charmingly & Lennie sang 3 songs. Walked to Lake with Gladys. Monday 22 September Miss Oliver to lunchon & the Booths & Mrs Sington to tea. Vy tired packing with Mrs Parsons for going, am obliged to arrange with her about evg dresses etc. Lennie v. kind & nice, gave me a v. pretty old Sheffield plate urn for afternoon tea, birthday. Remained up late. Mr Mickleham returned with Lennie. Gramophone evening. Arm swollen & aches. Feel v. tired. Tuesday 23 September Leave Balcombe by 1.18. Mrs Mickleham left by 10.30 train, her husband early with Lennie. Darling saw me off at Station. Fees £1.4.6. Mrs P. 5/-, Housemaid 5/-, butler 5/-, Arthur 2/6, Beach 4/-, dear Linley 2/6, porter 6d, porter 7d, Vic com 1/3, cab 3/3. Short 4/6 can’t make out where. Everything looking beautifully kept at home. Marie has done wonders cleaned dining room ceiling! & lamp. Started the 2 grandfather clocks, made door & put on hinges dust bin etc etc. Roy out dined alone, bed early. Arm v. swollen. Wednesday 24 September Saw Dr Lynes at 7 o’c PM. Says am run down & my arm must be massaged, giving me tonic & Sanatogen. Glorious day. Good night, woke early. Miss my darling & chicks. Roy came into my room for 3 seconds, dined out. Feel so tired. I went to Bank about securities, ordered sponge, tooth & nail brush Barkers. Arm v. swollen seeing a doctor about it. To Dr Mitchell 3.30 in taxi 2/-, there ½ an hour. 2 teeth stop’d in his new house. Called to enquire Mr Reed, ill but better. Stamps 1/-. Home by bus 2d, telegram 6d. Thursday 25 September Packed morg. Good night. Remained at home all day. Roy dined with me, grouse fr. stores 4/3. We had nice little evg together & to bed early. Mrs Fred Kerr came with Joyce & brought me a lovely bag of fresh mushrooms Joyce had brought fr. the country gathered this morg. Roy actually ate some at dinner. Friday 26 September D.V. Go by Granville to Ramsgate to Mrs Evans. Glorious weather continues. Saw Roy morg, off to city early, account dy. He ate some mushrooms for breakfast!!! So glad, & grapes. Marie to station with me taxi, & lost my lovely cushion alas! & put my sponge in box wet. My blanket had to be dried at Mrs E’s! Saw Mr Wallop & Togo at Victoria. Gt crowd Victoria (schools) full 1st c. carriage, tiresome talkative Jewess! Vy kind letter fr. Mrs Noott awaiting me, & from my darling Maud. Found Mrs E v. well & all so dear & homey & kind welcome. V. happy evg. Worked & talked & rested my poor swollen arm.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Saturday 27 September Glorious morg. & fine sea, lovely to look at fr. my bed. Wish my children were here & grand chicks. Simply perfect, air delicious. Sat & worked with Mrs Evans in her dear little room till 12 o’c & then for walk & shop’g in town after rest ¼ to 3. Mrs Copeland fetched us in her lovely Napier motor for Pavilion where we saw show Wild Animals, & caterpillars turn into chrysalis wonderful. Mary B. to dinner. V. happy evg. 1/- ticket. Letter fr. my darling. (illeg illeg). Sunday 28 September Lovely day. To St Peters. My Dearest’s grave & our dear parents’ grave looking very nice but not quite as I should like. Vy happy to be there again. Excellent sermon on Church digressions & St Michael & All Angels by stranger. Tram 8d, church 1/-. To Lady Hunt’s to tea. Mr & Mrs MacGildowney & Mrs & Miss (blank) there. Interesting talk on Norway with Miss McG. Mary Burnand dined with us. Total 1/8. Monday 29 September Lovely day. To St Peters, gardened there one hour, v. happy. Saw Locke’s about ground. Shall be glad when Dial is up. Not kept well enough. Tram 8d, stamps 1/-. Mr Pugin came to tea. V. interesting on fruit trees, bought 2 doz for Maud & Lennie & sent them off 2/-, total 3/8. Work for Bazaar. Met Mrs Hammond about massaging my arm, all nurses seem away, usual thing. Dear letters fr. my dear children, Oliver, Anne, Sp, Mervyn, Toula & others as well. Tuesday 30 September Another heavenly day. Letters fr. Mervyn, & Mrs Noott & Nurse Dufferin & darling Maud & lovely carnations for my room. Out morg. shop’g. Stamps 2d, mineral water 1/6. To tea Mrs Hammond, Mrs Whitehead there. To hospital about masseuse, could not hear of one. Over Mr Pugin’s garden morg, quantities of lovely figs & apples. Bought paper & postcards 6d. Total 2/2. Wednesday 1 October Only out short time morg. Worked. Glorious day. Lovely carnations fr. darling, arranged them. Lady Burnand came after luncheon, looks v. well. Winnie has a little girl, all going splendidly. In fly to Mrs Trewin’s to tea. Her pretty flat looked charming lovely old Irish silver urn & coffee & tea set. Met there Mrs Bothel, Lady Hunt & Miss MacGildowney, walked home together. Quiet peaceful evg read & worked & walked round lawn. Thursday 2 October Another glorious morg to be thankful for. Out morg after work shop’g & to other cliff. Rested & joined Mrs Evans & Lady Hunt at Y.M.C.A. Opened by Miss Stancombe Wells. Sat out whilst they had tea in front, horrid place. I had tea on my return. Lady H, Mrs E. & self to St Laurence service. Harvest. Long tiresome sermon. Home ¼ to 9. Walked home. Arm little les swollen. Church 1/-. Bazaar 6d. Friday 3 October V. fine early dull later. Up 7 o’c, did my hair washed & 200 strokes massage. Arm better. Lovely day later. Walked part way to Lady Rose W, sat a while with her morg. & walked back, & then sat with Lady Burnand & saw Sir Francis, wonderfully well.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Mrs Noott, Murray Smith & niece, Col & Mrs Prideaux came & Jacky Hunt to tea. We walked round parade after. Saturday 4 October Worked & wrote. Mrs Hammond called. Walked to meet Mrs Evans & missed her. After lunch rested & after early tea to Granville to call on Mrs Upton & Mrs Barker, found mutual friends of Mrs Evans. Tram 2/-. Stamps 1/-. Walked along new drive & sea front, great improvement. Sunday 5 October Lovely morg. To St Peters 10.15. Church 1/8. Was ½ an hour at my Dearest’s Grave. It all looked so beautiful & a large white rose out. I took off some dead blooms fr. our 2 graves. Splendid sermon from Mr Ridge, & was put into the K.Digby pew!!! V. odd. Wrote & rested after lunch. Miss McGildowney called. Called on Lady Burnand after tea. Rained so remained at home. Very quiet evg. Wrote Edgar, Midge, Darling & Roy & Mrs Vale. Monday 6 October Fine. Worked morg. Out 12 o’c with Mrs Evans & sat on sands, lovely. After lunch rest worked & wrote Sir Francis Burnand re books. Mrs Upton & Mrs Barker fr. Granville, Lady Hunt & Mrs Hammond to tea. For little walk after. Wrote Darling & Roy & Mrs Noott. Bed early. Tuesday 7 October Pouring wet morg. Impossible to go out, but peaceful & happy working in Mrs Evans dear little room. Wrote after rest & then worked again & after tea (Mrs L Coulin & dau. came to tea) went for walk & shop’g. Lovely evg, banks of beautiful clouds. Quiet peaceful evg, finished a good deal of work, arm going on slowly. Stamps 1/-. Wednesday 8 October Paid Blunts 3d for postcards. Stormy tho’ gleams of sunshine morg. Dear letter from my Darling re her weekend Stewarts, Bill W. & F.Walford. Fear my darling a little tired, a sad vein running thro’ her letter. I wish she would rest & live a quieter life with her dear children. In all morg. Out after tea, shop’g. To Bank. Quiet evg & to “(illeg)” Salvation Army, 2/6. Stamps 6d, tram 2d. Thursday 9 October. Oil! Glorious morg, in on account results. Mrs E. out morg. After lunch Mr Llewelyn called. He knew Roy as he was at Mr Child’s with him. He is a widower & lives at 7 Rocque Cres. Mrs Whitehead & Miss Seaton came to tea. Mrs E. & I then walked to enquire after Mrs Irwin, found Mrs Murray Smith there & walked back together. Lady Hunt to dinner. Friday 10 October Letters fr. my two dear children. Busy morg. Mrs E made an entire writing board, I a very pretty one. To lunch with Mr Llewellyn who had cocktails served before luncheon, just tasted mine only & even that gave me indigestion for rest of day! Pernicious habit!!! Excellent lunch & charming house & furniture & china & prints. Went over house all beautifully kept, he most kind. After called on Mrs Montefiore,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 out, but met her & Lady Spielman on her drive, & to tea at Mrs Murray Smith. Vy pleasant day & quiet evg writing. V. tired. Saturday 11 October Had tiresome & ridiculous dreams, woke often & slept late. Sea v. rough but sunny, cooler. Letter fr. darling Maud. To tea Mrs Player. Dolly Barker & Babies came. Pouring wet day. Quiet evg. Very pleasant time at Mrs Players. He paints well. Quiet evg. Sunday 12 October To St Laurence church, lovely. Met Mrs Keckwich, wife of man we used to meet at Tressady, & then Mr Llewellyn with 2 ladies, one met us years ago up at Fittleworth, knows Effie. Packed after lunch. Mrs (blank) to tea stayed late. Mrs Evans to evg service. I rested on sofa & wrote. Bed earlier. Fees 8/-, cab 3/6 to Upton Monday. Monday 13 October To Mrs Nootts, Upton Lodge St Peters 4 o’c, in fly 3/6, fees 8/-, Mrs Evans for writing board 12/-, stamps 1/-. Mr Llewellyn & the 2 ladies came morg & bought a great number of things. Mrs Ellison asked me to call on her 23 Roland Gds. Mrs Evans came in fly to Market Place with me, so ended a v. happy visit sans aucune ennui. Found Mrs Noott waiting me & tea. V. pleasant evg together. Tuesday 14 October Lovely day. Round garden which looks very nice. Slept well. Arm still swollen. Letters fr. darling, Midge, Edgar fr. ship on way to Aukland New Zealand, Ada Sp. & Manager Bank re Cordoba Rly. Walked with Mrs Noott to Broadstairs, long walk, enjoyed it. After lunch 2.30 in her comfortable motor to Canterbury into 4 old shops. She bought lace, glass & a cabinet. Dinner 7 o’c. Bed early. V. nice day. Letter fr Marie with books. Wednesday 15 October Went for walk morg to my dearest’s Grave, lovely day. After lunch & rest to tea with Major Griffiths at Sandwich, so well remember their house lying back fr. road left hand side close to Sandwich. Has great possibilities house. We went to 4 old curiosity shops at Margate first. Played poker patience evg. Thursday 16 October Lovely day. Wrote morg. Sent 2/5!!! div fr. Chersonese to Bank. Wrote Edgar, Roy etc. Long letters fr. my two dear children & Edgar & two cards on his voyage to Aukland, New Zealand. After lunch & rest walked with Mrs Noott to call Mrs Brown & Mrs Prideaux, both out. To my beloved grave & back to tea. Read evg & Mr & Miss Gullet came in to say how Mrs Gullet had borne journey. Friday 17 October Lovely day. Walked across fields to St Peters & had such a happy morg there, gardened for 1½ hours taking away every dead leaf & dead bloom. Margarites still full of flowers & a good many geraniums. V. hot. Mr Ridge came to see me at 2.30, had such a nice talk with him. I met Mrs Ridge this morg & walked home with her. Their son at Hawtrys & is pleased with the school. Mrs Evans, Col & Mrs Grant, Mrs


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Raven & sis. in law to tea. V. pleasant. Saw Mrs Evans at 6 o’c into tram. Poker patience in evg. My Darling leaves today for Bruxelles. Saturday 18 October Lovely day. Letter fr. darling Maud written on boat on way to Ostende, her address Hotel de Flandre, Bruges, Belgium. Colonel & Miss & Amber Griffiths to lunch & tea. Sat in summer house for coffee, lovely. Walked with Amber alone after round grounds & to Miss Austen’s (florist) saw 7 kittens v. expensive 10/- & 5/- each. They all left in motor at 5.45. Played poker evening, Mrs Noott far better than I am. Glorious day & sunset & moonlight. Sunday 19 October To St Peters Church with Mrs Noott, beautiful hymns but Mr Ridge ill & service taken by strangers, so v. sorry. Met their governess who told me he w’d have to go away for 3 months rest, stomatic trouble. My beloved’s grave & our dear parents’ grave looking beautiful, amply repaid for my 1½ hrs gardening. Both Mrs Noott & self had electric massage for hair by man Herring fr. London. V. painful at first!!! Quiet evg. Monday 20 October Our Wedding Day, 1874. 2 letters & 2 postcards fr. my Darling fr. Bruges, Belgium. Wrote all morg. At 3 o’c to Sandwich in motor to see Col Griffiths, his wife had operation in London this morg, curating. Satisfactory telegram fr. her doctor early. To Mrs Montefiore’s at home after, saw Mrs Hammond, Mrs Evans & most Ramsgate friends. Walked in our mackintoshes on return. I got into violent perspiration & had hot bath before dinner, felt better after but fear slight temperature, can’t imagine why. Tuesday 21 October V. wet morg. Woke feeling v. hot several times in night, slept badly & hot morg, odd. Pouring with rain. Think must have taken chill after getting in violent perspiration in yesterdays walk. Better later. Wednesday 22 October Took teaspoonful oil early & to St Peters, all beautiful there, amply rewarded for previous gardening! Only one basket of dead leaves & blooms. Called to enquire after Vicar. Mrs Noott met her in Broadstairs & heard he was at Mrs Grant’s facing sea Broadstairs, a nursing home. We went to Canterbury, saw 3 curiosity shops. Mr Macbeth came after tea & explained “Tishes” to us & about donation to Mr Ridge. Poker patience. Thursday 23 October Fine morg. Feel rheumatism over back & legs!!! Very uncomfortable to move, either chill or gardening. Very wet afternoon, did not go out. Winnie Griffiths going on well. Darling Maud very happy at Bruges, they must be at Bruxelles today, dear letter fr. her today & fr. Roy. Chicks return to Lancaster Gate Tuesday next. Friday 24 October Walked to Broadstairs sat facing sea. Lovely warm morg & brilliant sun, saw 2 women & one man bathing! Met Col & Mrs Prideaux & the Gullicks. So grateful for Mrs Noott’s kindness sending Mrs G. in motor to London, nursing home Hampstead.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 To St Margarets Bay at 3 o’c most lovely drive & beautiful Bay. Took little Amber with us fr. Sandwich. Had tea at Stoner, the Griffith’s place. Very foggy returning, had to drive slowly, sea fog. Poker patience evg, still behind Mrs Noott. No letter fr. Maud. Saturday 25 October Glorious morg. Mr W. Noott & Geoffrey & Mr Fraser come today for week end. At 2 o’c went to Canterbury calling at Stoner on way, fetched 2 of Mrs Noott’s cabinets & I bought Skittleball jug £3.0.0 & poison spoon £2.0.0 at Mrs Wheelers, rather much! Found gentlemen arrived in small motor. Had tea. Vy pleasant evg, talked. Sunday 26 October Very warm & muggy. I went alone to St Peters. V. good sermon on concentration of thoughts. Prayers for Mr Ridge. To my Dearest’s Grave both looking beautiful. Letters from darling Maud & dear little Anne. Wet afternoon, read “The Open Window” by Temple Murston, v. good. V. pleasant day, amusing talk after tea with the 3 men & Mrs Noott. Monday 27 October Mr Fraser & Geoffrey left early. Willie Noott by 5o’c train. Lovely morg. Wet afternoon but went for lovely drive at 3 o’c along coast & back for tea, thro’ Westgate, Kingsgate, Birchington & thro’ Minster home. Poker patience evg. Bed early. Tuesday 28 October Return home by 10 o’c train. Fees etc 18/7. Lunched at home & unpacked with Marie. Mrs Vale very unwell with influenza. Felt very seedy myself evening, hot & feverish. To bed early after writing letters. Rec. letters fr my two dear chicks, Roy at Newmarket for a week, Maud at Bruxelles. Flowers fr my darling. Wednesday 29 October In bed all day. Dr Lynes came to see me morg, slight attck of flu. Says I must have massage every day for a time, bother. Marie reads to me “A travers trois siecles.” Mrs Vale better. Post card fr. darling. Thursday 30 October Lovely morg. Had good night. Slight temp morg. Masseuse came at 10.30, seems more energetic woman & did my arm well. It looked smaller after. In bed all day. Bengers milk pudding & stewed apple only. Friday 3 October Good night but feel a wreck. In bed all day. Masseuse came 10.30. Wrote & read. Letter fr. darling Maud & post card, returns tomorrow. They have enjoyed their holiday immensely in Belgium. Saturday 1 November Very good night feel much better altogether. Masseuse 10.30. Doctor Lynes came morg. Maud & Lennie return home. Felt side again seems in left kidney like reheumatism pain. Am to remain in bed. Roy returned fr. Newmarket 4.30 & stayed a


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 little while, dines at Ritz with Lewisohns & sleeps at club. Fear he lost good deal of money at Newmarket. Ethel M. called, did not see her. Sunday 2 November Mishap with water bottle over bed. Lovely day. Masseuse came morg. My darling came at 11 o’c, so glad to see her, looks well but shockingly thin, wish she could have a little rest. They leave tonight for Scotland, trust she will not be overtired. Dear Roy came in morg for half hour. Looks well, returns tomorrow or Tuesday to sleep. Monday 3 November Out for ½ hour morg. Feel v. shakey. Masseuse 3. Darling Maud in Scotland, Gala House Galashiel N.B, with Cokaynes. To Mrs Lines about housemaid. Tuesday 4 November Out ½ hour morg. feel v. weak. Marie & self cleaned Fildes picture morg room after luncheon, great success. Ada Sp. called. Roy dined with me. Very pleased to have him, wish he looked stronger & could have a holiday. Massuese 4. Met Mrs Spofforth full of woes. Wednesday 5 November To Mrs Lines about housemaid. Feel better in spite of bad night. Masseuse 5. Leslie Jones came one week of 7 days £1.1.0. Pd. Arm still painful but slightly smaller. Letter fr. darling, seems very happy. Out morg bought nails & 2 hooks 1/-. Glycerine Barkers. To Tabby’s by motor bus 3.0’c, dear Mervyn came to see me at 2.30, met me again at Tabs, Claridges. Ham going on splendidly. Gorgeous rooms. Tabs looks tired. Lawrence there also looks worried about Evie. M. saw me in motor & went to Sloane St with me. Marie out. Saw 4 maids. Thursday 6 November To see lady about maid, would not see me. Friday 7 November Out morg to Bank ordered the 200 to be put in Brazil Traction 96½ each. Shop’d. To Fine Arts Gallery, Louis Bowmer(sic, Lewis Baumer)’s private view. Saw him & wife v. pretty woman & pretty little girl. Vy good show. Cab to see chicks & cab home 2/6. Roy dined with me. Saturday 8 November Went after character of housemaid Lucy F(illeg) £18. Not v. good reference but Lady (illeg illeg). Afternoon to Mrs Adlam, remained to tea. Called Mrs Pohl & Mrs Kerr. Mrs Vale out. 1. Masseuse came 8.45. Met L. Bradbury. Sunday 9 November To Church 1/-. Chicks to lunch, Oliver & Anne. Linley came to see me (home on exeat). Oliver & Anne stayed to tea. Roy dined with me 8 o’c. Mr Paxton called, looks younger again! Roy showed me how to play poker patience his way, more scientific.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Monday 10 November Man fr Knight’s about pipe Roy’s room. Out 11 o’c to Barkers, ordered paper to be stamped. To Storeys ordered green cloth. Leather for Marie for windows. To Evans bought blk velvet hat £1.8.8. To Fanny Nembhard, saw her & May, & to Claridges saw Tabbie looking v. well, H. going on splendidly. Home 2.20! Lunch & rest. Nonie Messel came, saw her, told me Trixie Miller v.v. ill, terrible, pity Mrs du M with my whole heart. Gladys C. came to tea. 2. Masseuse. Roy out. Tuesday 11 November Out 11 o’c. Glasses 6/6. Window man Coates here, did windows & helped Marie with curtains & brass 4/2. To Bank re Brazil Traction, saw Manager, seems v. friendly. To Harrods re spectacles. Called to enquire for Mary Parker at Hylda Gibbs, out, saw Nurse Francis. Mary P. better but Nigel seedy. Seem to have v. little linen, so afraid laundry. Letter fr. darling, seems v. happy in Scotland at Cokaynes. Roy dined out. Wednesday 12 November Toula comes to stay. New H.maid comes, Lucy F(illeg) £18. Out morg shop’g. To Bank saw Mr Bull. Back early arranged about rooms with Marie. Florence W called when I was out. Toula arrived 2.50 looks tired. Vy delighted to have her. Masseuse came 3rd. Bed 1.30. Thursday 13 November To Mrs Keens about tickets. Busy writing morg. Marie & Lucy busy all day drawing room. Poker patience evg. Toula looks vy tired. Friday 14 November Out morg with Toula. Wet, fine after. Called & saw F. Edensor. Stamps 1/6, post cards 6d. Worked read & wrote afternoon, rested an hour. Put out silver with Marie. 4 Masseuse after dinner. Drawing room ready, looks v. nice. Saturday 15 November Darling Maud leaves Scotland with Lennie by night mail for home. Toula & self out morg shops, grapes 1/-, & to Harrods. Walked part way home. Dear chicks to tea. Florence Walford & Maud Paxton came. 5. Masseuse came ¼ to 9 o’c. Sunday 16 November To darling Maud to lunch, they arrived 7.30 & M. & I went to Church 11 o’c. F.W. there. Toula & I walked over. Maud looks much better. Mervyn called & returned with me after tea in motor. Roy dined at home. Lucy out afternoon & evg, Mrs Vale morg & part afternoon. Monday 17 November Toula & self walked to Maud’s & went with her to Christies to see FitzHenry’s collection fine pictures, silver, carved wood, china, glass etc. Toula out after lunch. I remained at home. Masseuse evg 6. Roy out. Tuesday 18 November Out morg hard work shop’g silk for shade & furniture 13/10. Took braid 7d, nails 1d, flowers 8d. Mrs Mayne, Nellie K, F. Edensor, Lady Bergne, Mrs Nooth, darling


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Maud, Mrs Keith, Mrs Brammell called. Toula out after lunch, in to tea. Busy all morg with my shade! Wednesday 19 November To be at Tabbie’s 12 o’c. Postponed as she goes to Brighton for day. Toula & self walked to Maud’s for lunch. After busy morg dining room lamp shade! After lunch to leave “S(illeg)” for Hamilton Claridges, & to Agnews’s gallery. Saw lovely Miss Linley & brother, Gainsborough. Home to tea. Marie out. Roy dined at home. Roy saw H.F. Claridges. Thursday 20 November Out morg shop’g for lamp shade! Toula doing it for me. To Tabs Claridges 4.30, tea here first. Toula & self went in om. v. comfortably, saw Hamilton looks v. well & (illeg) but thinner. Tabs v well. Mary Nicol & Fanny Nembhard called. 7 Masseuse came. X. Roy out. Friday 21 November Vy busy with lamp shade Toula. X. Marie & self to Bank & brought back a great many silver things from Black box sent there seven years ago after my first illness. X. In taxi 1/-. Found all very correct & left about half at Bank. Silver all cleaned & looked beautiful. Roy dined at home, vy depressed. To tea with Mervyn in carriage, rained hard. Saturday 22 November V. busy shop’g morg with Toula. Fine. Flowers etc. Hylda & Ada Sp. called. 8 Masseuse evg. X. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Sunday 23 November Maud, Lennie, Mr & Mrs Kean & Sir Edward Boyle, Roy, Toula & self for dinner 8 o’c. In all day. Very delightful evg. Lennie & Sir E. vy congenial. Maud looking better. Monday 24 November In all morg. By om. to Piccadilly, Tango Tea Queen’s Theatre with Florence Edensor. Amusing. Spencer & Ada there. Had carriage returning with Florence to Maud’s where Toula was, we ret’d home in carriage. Masseuse 9. Roy dined H. Messels. Tuesday 25 November V. fine morg, out to Mrs Neville’s about my evening dress, 12½ gns, black chiffon velours & lace bodice. Walked nearly all way. At homes Mrs Louis Bowmer (sic, Lewis Baumer), Mrs Hamilton Johnson & dau, Mrs Binns Smith, Mrs G Reid, Miss Rose Innes, Mr Molesworth. Midge sent us brace pheasants, had one for dinner. Roy dined at home. Toula gave me some lovely lilies. Drawing room looks smart. Wednesday 26 November Out early together. To Marshalls & Selfridges. Left my little silver salt cellar to be fitted with glass at Soane & Smiths Oxford St. Met darling Oliver with Miss Blaine. 10. Masseuse 10.15. Roy dined with Maud.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Thursday 27 November To stores by underground with Toula. 4 o’c to Mrs Geilgud’s, carriage. Toula out separately. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evening. I went on after Mrs Geilgud to Maud’s. Saw Mrs Bruce, Hayward Booth, Hohler etc, & Mervyn there. Carriage brought me home. Toula & self alone. Friday 28 November Roy to Edna Lewisohn’s. Toula & self lunch at Maud’s. Masseuse came. After lunch rest & at 4 o’c to Evie on acct my stupid mistake about Tabs & Bazaar, & to Katie Geilgud, saw various friends. Marie took Roy’s things to Station & saw him there. Saturday 29 November Out early, met Dr O, & to Barkers shop’g. Cakes etc. Mrs Spofforth called morg. vy annoyed about many things, feel so sorry for her. Dear chicks came at 3, played in garden & cards after. I called on George Brooks, better, & Mrs Keen still in bed. Sat an hour with her. Lovely day, v. warm for end Nov. Lovely roses fr. Balcombe grown out of doors. Sunday 30 November Lunch with the Spencers 106 Queens Gate. Dine with Darling Maud. Vy pleasant evg. Mr Maxwell Lyfe v. interesting & talkative. Mr Woodruffe dull & tiresome. Had carriage both ways. Monday 1 December Worked all morg (hard) at screen, green silk. After rest to Maud’s to help with Bazaar but found all done. Had tea at Maud’s, sent me back in motor. Roy dined here, had H’s pheasant. Nurse came but did not have massage, pd her for 10 visits £1.10.0, owe for one. Tuesday 2 December Maudie’s Bazaar. To Empress rooms morg, helped with stall. Vy amusing. Maud & Evie there & Toula all morg. The loveliest stall of all by far. Bought spec case 4/6, bracelet fr little Anne 1/-, 2 little figures fr. Oliver 1/- & little ash tray for Roy 2/-. Toula’s 2 friends came to tea. Only Mary Nicol called & we went together to Bazaar. Roy dined here. Wednesday 3 December Brace of pheasants fr. Lawrence Fisher Rowe. Mrs Neville 3.30. Dine at Grand Hotel with Mr & Mrs Denny 7.45. Maudie’s Bazaar. Went morg. Maud did very well, had £17 odd, Evie £6 odd. Delightful evg at Grand. Mrs Walker & another sis. of Mr Denny’s v. handsome, also Mr & Mrs (blank) Loring v. pretty woman. Wonderful dinner. Marie fetched me, her evg out, taxi 5/- & cab fr. dressmaker 1/6 four wheeler! Thursday 4 December Masseuse 5 o’c. Spencer & Ada dined here, much better dinner & pleasant evg. Morg shop’g. Toula slaving at my little screen & would not fit in after all. Dear Roy to Mr Gould’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Friday 5 December To Army Navy Stores morg. £1.10.5 by cheque, rest by deposit. Expected Mrs Denny & her husband, did not come. F. Edensor asked us, sorry as we might have gone. Sir E. Boyle came to tea. Cake! Saturday 6 December To shops morg early. To lunch with Darling, looks v. seedy & overtired. Got flowers on return, roses 1/6. Dined with Ethel & Mervyn at Onslow Hotel, played bridge after. Cab 2/4, om 6d morg. X. Had to put off Masseuse. X. Kenyon mistake or did not deliver message. Sunday 7 December Col Welby & Miss Innes called. Lennie, Maud, Arthur Linley & Mr & Mrs Pohl dine here. To see George Brooks at 4 o’c. Looks v. ill but bright & interested in everything. Col Welby & Miss Innes called, missed both. Masseuse morg. Monday 8 December Tea at Nonie’s. Went with Toula to Sloane St bought few things & to Watteaus, ordered bodice £4.4.0 to be fitted Thurs 10.30. Met Mr E.T.Reed in omnibus going, fatter. To tea Nonie’s. V. nice American lady there, Mde Garcea. Met Mrs M. Called Maud’s & came back in her motor. Masseuse. Tuesday 9 December To Mrs Nevills, fitting 11.30. Walked part way, fitted, walked part way back. Lovely roses fr. Toula & Darling. Roy looks v. tired. He returned yesterday fr. Eastnor Castle, Mr Gould’s. Brought me 4 pheasants! Wednesday 10 December Toula goes to Germany. Lunched with Maud & to Concert Beckstein Hall, splendid music, Brahms & Handel. Gervase Elwes sang. Tea after at Maud’s. Home in motor. Thursday 11 December Will Oakes dines here & F. Edensor. Lady Lockyer 3.30. Masseuse morg. To be fitted Watteau 12.30. V. tired. Mr Oakes went to sleep after dinner! & yawned!!! A dull evening but for Roy being here. Friday 12 December Mrs Evans comes. Mrs Walker lunches here. Lady Hunt & Mrs Evans theatre evg. Vy pleasant luncheon. Maudie to Balcombe for day. Amusing little piece “My Lady Molly” by Sidney Jones, amateurish, some v. good. Marie out evg. Saturday 13 December Apt. Mrs Neville 12 o’c. Masseuse 10 o’c. Not time enough to rest. Had to take taxi 1/6 & then had to wait at Mrs Neville’s ages. Walked home. Dear Chicks unable to come, colds. Maud & Lennie to Sir G. Ryan’s for week end. Roy dined at home, looked tired. Hylda Sp. to tea. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Sunday 14 December Masseuse. Arm ached after up, tho’ rested an hour. Mrs Evans to church. Roy may dine at home. Lucy out afternoon & evening. Concert Albert Hall. Mervyn & Miss Rose Innes came after tea. Roy away. Monday 15 December Out all morg. to be fitted with bodice Watteau. Ordered Oliver’s lawn mower & Mitchell ball Harrods. Maudie ret’d fr. the Ryans & came in to see us at tea, looks well but v. busy. Little Anne in bed with cold. Wrote & worked evg. Roy out. Dr Lynes came evg, must go on with massage. Tuesday 16 December To Bank re insurances, they declare all pd. Pictures Johnson’s for Maud. Sorted out 2 of Dearest’s drawings for Darling. Nellie K, F. Edensor, Sylvinia Rose Innes & Miss Turner to tea. Headache. Masseuse 8.30. Roy dined at home. Wednesday 17 December To Bank with N.S.A. paper signed by Roy & self. Roy dined out. Left 2 of Dearest’s drawings at Johnsons to be framed for Darling. Mrs Evans & I lunched at Maudie’s. Spinks there. Had motor back. Mrs Evans to tea at Lady Romer’s & Lady Scott’s. Marie out. Thursday 18 December Masseuse morg. 10 o’c. In all day tying up presents, putting away covers drawing room & silver ditto. Mrs Cadogan called, did not see her. Mrs Evans to see Sir John Tenniel. Mrs Vale out. Friday 19 December Masseuse evg 9 o’c. Did not come. Interviewed L.G.Liverpool Insurance clerk. Out morg to enquire Mrs Jackson. Saw her & son. Put up more presents. To Bank changed £5. Tore up paper about Grand Trunk Rly. Darling & little Linley came to tea, L much grown. Roy to Cranbourne Court. Marie took his things to Station. Lucy out evg. Put away silver with Marie. Saturday 20 December Mrs Evans left by 11 o’c. Packed & put away drawing room things. Marie & self v. busy all day. Masseuse evg. Dear Roy came home for few seconds afternoon, full of ghost story, vy wonderful. He is staying at Cranbourne Court till Monday. (Cutting inserted: “The Clergyman and the Ghost”). Sunday 21 December Masseuse , 26, 9 not paid for, at 10 o’c. Packed. Roy at Edna’s. Mervyn came in afternoon. Owe Miss Leslie Jones for 11 visits £1.13.0. Monday 22 December Came to Leweston with Marie by 3.30. Marie to meet Roy early fr. Edna’s. Roy met us Waterloo, wish he looked better. Lovely bag from Mrs Pohl. Roy sleeping at his club. All well Leweston. Ham, Tabs, Shakespears, boys & Louise.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Tuesday 23 December Evie comes today with chicks. Pouring. Slept badly but v. happy & comfortable. In all day. Wrote & worked. Very delightful evg. Miss Lawes came & they all danced the tango in dining room. Vy graceful dance. Letter fr. darling Maud. Wednesday 24 December Glorious day. To Sherborne morg. Bought cakes with Louise & Miss Lawes. Over Abbey. Danced afternoon after tea & evg. Simon & George to tea, v. handsome boys. Tree for the house children only. Thursday 25 December Very happy Xmas Day. Ham, Louise, Eve, Gweneth & Mr Shakespear to Church 11 o/c. Boys to com. early & Tabby at 7 to hers. Mr Clark K(illeg), Mr Digby with Gwen & Freddy to diner. Mr Essex Digby staying here, 16 in all. Enjoyed day v. much. H. & Tabs gave me very pretty black velvet bag & Eve 2 pretty china boats. Friday 26 December Dull morg. Walked with Louise & Tabby to Lodge gates. H. & boys shooting. They all danced after dinner, & before. Lovely silver Almanack fr. dear Roy, far too expensive. Saturday 27 December Lovely day. H. & Tabby busy seeing to cutting down of trees for new walk, a great improvement, close to house. Wrote to darling Maud. No letter or news of Roy. Golf after lunch H. & Louise. Boys hunting. Sunday 28 December Lovely morning. Ribs still painful. To church with Hamilton, Gareth, Mervyn, Mr Shakespear, Evie & Gweneth. 1/-. In all afternoon. Frost & colder. Bright. Boys sang after dinner, & Hamilton. Monday 29 December Gareth left for Bedstone where he is shooting with Hamilton. The Shakespears left by 11.30 train all 3, Dorothy not remaining for dances as usually does. Had walk with Louise H. V. companionable. Called to enquire after Briscoe. Played Bridge with H, Mervyn & Louise after dinner. H & self won. Bed 11 o’c. Marie packed. Snow & colder. Tuesday 30 December Return by 11.30 from Leweston after delightful visit. Came up with Eve & her two children. Great crowd. Children & little dog no trouble whatever. Saw Hamilton & Mervyn off at at 10 in motor for Portsmouth. Roy dressed at home at 6 o’c, dining with Lewisohns & theatre after. Readjusted my boxes with Marie who packed Roy’s things, sleeping at club. Wednesday 31 December Go to Balcombe by 4.30 train. Glorious morning. Paid house books, wages & board wages & 3 weeks washing £12.2.4. Very cold. Found Darling & chicks fairly well, Maud & Oliver with colds. Harolds, Mr Keele, Miss Esme Baggs party. Went to bed at 11 o’c.



Private account January 1913. Balance £40. 4. 2 Cent Argentine 1.17.8 B.A.Gt Southern Rly 7.10. 8 B.A.Pacific 10.11. 1 B.A.Western 4. 5. 2 Rio Trams 7. 1. 3 Japanese 4% 1.17. 8 Japanese 4½ % 4. 4. 9 Sons of Gualia 4. 8 Eng. Ass’n American N.R. 4.15. 1 New York Cent 1. 4. 3 Messel sale of allotted div 4.12. 6 Cordoba Cent 18.10 Mexican Lt & Power 9.12. 3 January total £ 57.15. 9 February B.A.Pacific Chinese Chersonese Robinson Gd Gt Northern U.S.A Gt Eastern Rly City B.A. Trams Hull & Barnsley Furness Glasgow & S.W.Rly

March 1913 Cuban 5% Chinese 4 ½ Midland Rly P & O. SS Co Bolivar Rly Waihi Gold Japanese 5% Sons of Gualia March April 1913 Cordoba Cent Nat. Brazil Lloyd Union Pacific New York Cent Barker B.A.Gt Southern B.A.Western

13.2 2. 7. 1 4. 9 7. 1. 3 3. 7. 5 3.10. 7 9. 5 9.18. 4 1. 8. 3 2. 9. 5 £ 30.19. 8

12. 2. 2 2. 2. 4 11.10. 1 4.18.11 2.16. 6 1.18. 0 2. 7. 1 4. 8 £ 37.19. 9

18.10 2. 7. 1 4.15. 1 1. 4. 3 1. 9 31.18.10 3.15. 4



21. 2. 1 £ 66. 3. 3

May B.A. Pacific New York Telephone Gt Northern Rly USA B.A.Trams

June Waiki Gold Nat Rail Mexico Sons of Gualia Int. Deposit

13. 2 8. 9. 6 3. 7. 7 9. 5 £ 12. 9. 8

1.18. 0 4. 6. 8 4. 8 18. 0 June £ 7. 7. 4

July Cent Argentine 1.17. 8 B.A.Western 4. 5. 2 B.A.Pacific 10.11. 1 B.A.Gt Southrn 7.10. 8 Rio Trams 4.14. 2 City B.A.Bonds 7. 1. 3 Japan 4% 1.17. 8 Eng(illeg) bond 4.15. 1 Japan 4½ % 4. 4. 9 New York Cent 1. 4. 3 Mexican Lt & Power 9.12. 9 July £ 57.14. 6 Aug Chinese Rly 5% B.A.Pacific Gt Northern Rly USA Robinson Gold Gt Eastern Rly City B.A. Trams Midland Rly Hall & Barnsley Furness Glasgow & South West

Sept Cuban 5% Chinese 4½ % P & O. Waihi Gold Bolivia Rly

2. 7. 1 13. 2 3. 7. 6 5.15. 0 14. 1 9. 5 7.12. 6 4.13. 1 18.10 2.16. 4 £ 30.14.11

12. 2. 2 2. 2. 4 4.18.11 1.18. 0 2.16. 6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Japan 5% Int div Sep Oct Cordoba Cent Comps Lloyd Brazil Barker Sons of Gualia Union Pacific New York Central Chensonese Arg. Southern Land B.A. Western Rly B.A. Gt Southern Cent Argentine

2. 7. 1 1.15. 0 £ 27.10. 0

1.17. 8 2. 7. 1 8 4. 8 4.15. 1 1. 4. 3 2. 5 5. 0.10 4.14. 2 40. 1. 4 27. 1. 8 £ 87. 9.10

November New York Telephone 8. 9. 6 B.A.Pacific Rly 12. 0. 0 Gt Northern Rly USA 3. 7. 8 City of B. Ayres Trams 9. 5 Coupe Motor Cab 8. 3.10 £ 32.10. 5 Dec 1913 Waihi Gold Sons of Gualia Deposit interest

1.18. 0 4. 8 1.15. 2 £ 3.17.10

Trust 1913 January Arg. Great Western Cent Uraguay Local Loans Autofogasta Jany

18.16. 8 23.10.10 5. 5 6.11.10 £ 49. 4. 9

February Gt Western Brazil Peebles Feby

28. 5. 0 23. 6. 1 £ 51.11. 1

March April Cordoba Cent British North Alantic

9. 8. 4 21. 3. 9


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 Local Loans Illinois Cent April

5. 5 19. 5. 6 £ 40. 3. 0

June Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley June

23.10.10 21.13. 2 £ 45. 4. 0

July Argentine Gt W Antofagasta Cent Uraguay Local Loans July

18.16. 8 6. 1.10 23.10.10 5. 5 £ 49. 4. 9

August Gt Western Brazil Peebles Aug

28. 5. 0 23. 6. 1 £ 51.11. 1

Oct Brit North Atlantic Cordoba Cent Local Loans Oct

21. 3. 9 18.16. 8 5. 5 £ 40. 5.10


Nov Dec Canadian Pacific Rly Lehigh Valey Dec

23.10.10 21.12. 2 £ 45. 4. 0

Illinois Central (Oct)

19. 6. 0

Reconstruction of Cordoba Rly: instead of paying March £18.16. 8, I received £12.10.1 in Jany 1913.

Received during 1912 Trust January 49. 5. 3 February 51.11. 1 March 18.16. 8 April 40. 8. 9 May …..

Private 49. 8. 7 37.10. 3 30. 1. 9 57.17. 1 12.19. 7


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1913 June 45. 3.11 July 49. 4. 9 August 51.11. 1 September 18.16. 8 October 40.14. 8 November ….. December 45. 4. 0 £ 410.16.10

11. 5. 1 50.17. 7 24.18. 3 31.13. 1 71.13. 6 34.11. 2 11. 3. 2 £ 412.18. 3

Dearest’s Jan 67.19. 5 Feb 12. 0. 1 March 19.12.9 April 18.12.11 May 8. 9. 6 June 15. 2. 7 July 67.19. 5 Aug 12.13. 1 Sep 24. 9.11 Oct 8. 2. 2 Nov 8. 9. 6 Dec 7. 4. 8 £ 270.10. 0

Total 166.13. 3 101. 1. 5 68.11. 2 116.18. 9 21. 9. 1 71.11. 7 168. 1. 9 89. 2. 5 74.19. 8 120. 9. 4 33. 0.10 63.11.10 £ 1095.11. 1

Received during 1913 Trust January 49. 4. 9 February 57.11. 1 March ….. April 40. 3. 0 May ….. June 45. 4. 0 July 49. 4. 9 August 51.11. 1 Sept ….. Oct 40. 5.10 Nov ….. Dec 45. 4. 0 £ 372. 8. 6

January Feby March April May June July August Sept

Dearest’s 65.12. 2 12. 0. 1 24. 8. 9 18.12.11 8. 9. 6 23. 6. 3 65. 8. 0 12. 0. 1 25. 3. 6

Private 57.15. 9 30.19. 8 37.19. 9 66. 3. 3 12.19. 8 7. 7. 4 57.14. 6 30.14. 1 27.10. 0 87. 9.10 32.10. 5 4.19. 9 £ 454. 4.10 Total 172.12. 8 94.10.10 62. 8. 6 124.19. 2 21. 9. 2 75.17. 7 172. 7. 3 94. 5. 3 52.13. 6



17. 9. 4 8. 9. 6 7. 4. 5 £ 288. 4. 6

145. 5. 0 40.19.11 56.18. 0 £ 1114. 6.10

Invested 1912 January 1912. Bought thro’ Bank £100 B.A.Pacific Ord. Pd. £101.18. 8. March. Paid £20 on 2 £10 shrs allotted in B.A.Western 1915. April 10th £50 on £250 allotted B.A.Pacific 5% debs issued at 105. th March 30 £30 on application for above allot’t making up to date £75 pd. April 1st £35 B.A. see Executors pass book. th July 11 £22 being call of £2 per shr on 11 allotted shs B.A.Gt Southern. Re-invested only July £100 Bolivar 6% at 104, with com. £105.6.6 thro’ Bank. Bought July re-invested fr. Dearest’s estate £200 in Cuban 5% Parts at £102. Total £202.11.0 Sep 30. Final call of £2 per shr on 4% Ex. Shrs 1911 B.A.Gt Southern Rly on 11 shrs £22 pd by Bank (making £110 in all for 11 £10 shrs.) Nov. Bank sh’s have pd £10 B.A.Western allotted 4% Ex. 1912. Not marked. ? Nov 5. Bought 10 shrs Union & Pacific Co. Rly at 175½ with com. £303.5.6 by Roy’s advice thro’ Byng Foley & Co, 4 Token House Buildings. 1913 Re-invested June 5th £50 pd. off fr.5% Chinese Loan in 5 shrs London & Liverpool Bank of Commerce thro’ Messel. Paid for same £55.3.6, Dearest’s money. Took up 9 allotted £10 shrs 4% 1914 in B.A.Gt Southern Rly (1913 issue) pd. in full 28th of July, Monday, from deposit account £90. Left Banker’s receipt of B.A.Gt Southern allotted shrs as above at L.C.& Westminster Bank on Friday 8th August 1913, fully pd. Bought in Roy’s & my name £200 Brazil Traction Light & Power 6% thro’ Bank 7th Nov 1913 at 96½ per share. Total £194.8.6. Invested 1913 £ s d July. Buenos Ayres Gt S. 90. 0. 0 Nov. Bought Traction 194. 8. 6 Total £ 284. 8. 6

1912 Invested Jan B.A.Pacific Ord 100. 0. 0 March 2 allotted shs B.A.Western 1915 20. 0. 0 April 5% B.A.Pacific 100. 0. 0 Union Pacific 100 at 175½ 353. 0. 0 £ 573. 0. 0 Some of this only re-invested fr. pd off bonds.


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