“Pack your bags, we are traveling in Colombia.”
I want to thank all the students and teachers who helped this come true.
Norma Constanza Gonzรกlez Former Writing Leader
Yolanda Hernandez
My name is Yolanda Hernandez, I was born in Bogotรก. I am very responsible and a committed person. I study online at the Unad Virtual, because I also work all day long and for me it is not possible to leave extra time to go to the university to attend their schedule. We do many things together but only on weekends, because we have to work and study during the weekdays. On Saturdays, we have lunch at home and then we watch some t.v. on Sundays we wake up very early in the morning to have a delicious, typical Colombian breakfast, tamal con chocolate, caldo de Costilla y huevos pericos. After that, we go to a mass to the Catholic Church. Then, we go to the ciclovia to do some exercise and then, we have lunch in an important restaurant of our amazing city, Bogotรก, where we live.
Bogotรก is the capital city and the biggest city in Colombia, Bogotรก has a population of around 8million people. Bogotรก has many tourist places, just like monuments, museums, parks and shopping centers, indeed, this city is known as the city of the shopping malls. You see in the picture above, Bogotรก is a very big and beautiful city, with tall buildings and huge mountains that you can visit too.
What I like the most from Bogotá, is the variety of meals and typical plates, such as, “bandeja paisa” from Medellin,
“Ñame, pescao, patacon pisao and boyo e yuca” from La costa, “Mamona” from los Llanos Orientales, “Arepa y tamal Santandereanos” from Santander and “Ajiaco” from Bogotá, just like the one you can see in the picture, which is my favorite and which I am cooking for next Saturday. To find all that variety and delicious food, there are many famous restaurants we have all around the city. For example, Las Acacias, El Pórtico, and Casa Vieja (San Diego) located in the Candelaria town, among others.
Whenever you want to come to know better our wonderful city, you are welcome to this paradise. Certainly, when you come, you cannot forget to go to “Monserrate” the most famous and significant touristic place of Bogotá, and where you can also have a delicious hot chocolate with tamal and almojabana.
Internet references: https://www.google.com.co/search?newwindow=1&espv=210&es_sm=93&biw=1024&bih=462&tbm=isch&oq=platos+tipicos+colombia+&gs_l=img.3...5763.21018.0.21940.44. c.1.31.img..22.22.2124._uQT15h6yXE&q=platos%20tipicos%20colombia#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=iDWojQ8NbAgQM%3A%3Bj3avmdnt7FgUWM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F3.bp.blogspot.com%252FHkXq5mcEd14%252FTa8zEOeRWcI%252FAAAAAAAAABk%252FsAaTK1ab5tE%252Fs1600%252Fpizcaandina.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fperdidacc.blogspot.com%252 F2011%252F04%252Fplatos-tipicos-de- colombia.html%3B300%3B300. https://www.google.com.co/search?newwindow=1&espv=210&es_sm=93&biw=1024&bih=462&tbm=isch&oq=women+cartoon+&gs_l=img.3..0l8j0i10l2.4034.6539.0.7655.9.9.0 . mg..0.9.1260.J6yp0s9EzzM&q=women%20cartoon#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=SC_d9Mxjum7i1M%3A%3BqLIM73iGkiRP_M%3Bhttp%253 A%252F%252Fus.123rf.com%252F400wm%252F400%252F400%252Fgurza%252 Fgurza1111%252Fgurza111100129%252F11113087-cartoon-businesswoman.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.123rf.com%252Fphoto_11113087_cartoon-business-woman.html%3B726%3B1200 https://www.google.com.co/search?newwindow=1&espv=210&es_sm=93&biw=1024&bih=462&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=bogota&oq=bogota&gs_l=img.3..0l10.618978.622607.0.623 438. Ff4%252FBogota_June_2007_Matthew_Riche.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcommons.wikimedia. org%252Fwiki%252FFile%253ABogota_June_2007_Matthew_Riche.jpg% 3B1020%3B766 https://www.google.com.co/search?newwindow=1&espv=210&es_sm=93&biw=1024&bih=462&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=mapa+de+bogota&oq=mapa+de+bogota&gs_l=img.3..0l9j0 i5.56185.57612.0.58630. 757.4j4.8.0....0...1c.1.31.img..6.2.100.xPQBCuUuPMQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Zl7DSHE_yiofAM%3A%3BFCMXy9uMTkCXJM%3Bhttp %253A%252F%252Fwww.bogotamiciudad.com%252F_Images%252Fmapa.gif%3B http%253A%252F%252Fwww.bogotamiciudad.com%252FDirectorio%252FDetalles.aspx%253FBMC%253D134166%3B432%3B283
My name is Liliana Prada Cabarique. I am Colombian. I live in Barrancabermeja –Santander with my lovely husband his name is Fabian Gonzalo we got married few years ago and we are parents of two adorable kids. I am a psychology student at UNAD, I love my career and I enjoy it very much.
My beautiful hometown is Barrancabermeja Santander. The city is located next to the Magdalena River and its weather is very hot, 38 grades in shadow but that is one of the charms of my city, that also helps the people to be really active, even if you are a foreigner you’ll love the warm of my city.
The most important historical event in my city is the petroleum discover, and because of that fact the city has grown a lot, we have the biggest petroleum refinery in the country and one of the most important in Latin America; it helps to the development of the city and the country too. Many people from different countries come to Barrancabermeja every day to work or to know our wonderful city.
In Barrancabermeja people can practice many sports. Everyday you can see early in the morning people running, jogging, or even swimming in the clubs, we have a Football stadium, a softball stadium too, we have Olympic swimming pools, there are BMX fields, and people also practice water sports for example: skateboarding and other healthy and funny outdoor activities.
I recommend you to come and know my city Barrancabermeja. It is a beautiful and magical place where you’ll find a lot of activities to spend a really good time with your family, there are restaurants, parks, pubs, and malls and museums to visit and enjoy as never before. Come to Barrancabermeja you will never regret it.
Hi, my name is Jorge Alonso Bedoya. I am 27 years old. I come from Cuidad Bolivar a municipality in Department of Antioquia. I live in Medellin with my wife now. I am working to Sofasa. I am student in business administration at the UNAD, group number 234 and I like to walk on the weekends.
Finish studying business administration at the UNAD. Improve the quality of life for my family and mine and Practice my profession.
Medellin founded in March 02 1616, calls with name “SAN LORENZO DE ABURRA
Francisco Herrera Campuzano, Has kept the tenacity of its ancestors and is also called “Capital of Flowers”, “La Bella Villa ““City of Eternal Spring “,” City of Congresses and Conventions.
City with enjoy the only subway system in Colombia. Is an important city in conferences and conventions of the textile industry.
PARQUE LLERAS is a most common meeting place in the town for night life where you can hang out with family and friends. Traveling to Medellin outskirts and visit nearby peoples, is only a way to get to know places and learn from different cultures. PIEDRA DEL PEテ前L in GUATAPE entices specially at area sport extreme such as canyoning and abseiling. Drive around the trunk of the coffee to the south west, is found the processing and preparation of coffee.
Over the Cauca River built 19th century, the close location to SANTAFE DE ANTIOQUIA.
Medellin is the capital of the department of Antioquia. My city is considered one of the tourist centers of the country and most innovative city, for its climate, is one of the favorite destinations, for Colombians and foreign. You should travel on holidays this year, to the wonderful city of Medellin, you must to go to all activities and enjoy, you have to wear comfortable clothes, as cap, glasses to protect against the sunny, think you should book a hotel before leaving town because it is full of people for being a tourist city. This is your next destination.
Medellin is the capital of the department of Antioquia. Is an important city in conferences and conventions of the textile industry. Is considered one of the tourist centers of the country and most innovative city, for its climate, is one of the favorite destinations, for Colombians and foreign. You should travel on holidays this year, to the wonderful city of Medellin, you must to go to all activities and enjoy, you have to wear comfortable clothes, as cap, glasses to protect against the sunny, think you should book a hotel before leaving town because it is full of people for being a tourist city. This is your next destination.
Medellin is the capital and the largest city of the Antioquia department in Colombia. Medellin is in the natural region known as the “Valle de Aburrá”. Its population is 2.636.101 people approximately.
tourist sites and its good weather makes it a holiday destination. It’s a city with a great sense of belonging and its people are very kind and friendly.
Medellin is becoming popular for its technological development. There is a variety of restaurants, for example: Doña Rosa is a typical food restaurant in the region, it has four branches in different places in the city: after the Glorieta José María Córdova Airport, San Nicolas Shopping Center - Rio Negro, Via Las Palmas Km 12 return # 10 – Envigado and Premium Plaza Shopping Center – Medellin. http://asadosdonarosa.com/
These service points have extensive opening hours from Monday to Sunday between 5:30 a.m. at 11:00 pm. This restaurant offers a variety of typical local dishes; here you can find everything from breakfast, different preparations of fish, grills and cravings the house. http://www.paquesalgas.com/2012/08/asados�dona�rosa.html
In the picture attached you can see a delicious typical dish of the region, beans are served with arepa and avocado, besides mashed tomato and onion which gives a delicious taste to this dish.
In Medellin you always can find friendly people that can help you when you come here you must visit “Pueblito Paisa” in this place also there are a variety of restaurants too. For all these reasons you must visit this city it would be a great experience that you can’t miss!