City grid
This part of the city between two magnificent physical border , the airport and the Tage, is a collage of different urban composition method, decades and political heritage. A collage of different cities distants by the time, the mind and the uses. The urbanization of the North East of Lisboa has been directed by a serie of masterplans following the «Chartes d’Athènes» zoning urban plan.
North East Lisbon Matrix
Nevertheless, a serie of gap between the masterpieces has devellopped by their own. An industrial self directed area gets in charge of the needs of the surrounding residential planning. In the middle of the 20th century it provided work and economical ressource. Nowadays the abandonned industrie, as a built infrastructures, a memory ressource, and a social patrimony reveales a potentiel for the town of the next decades, to propose a solution to the densification of our cities and the arrival of nomad populations.
Collage City, Colin Rowe, 1978
The Olivais industrial area follows the main transport infrastructure. The industries are plugged in the edges of the directed plans. The industrial center between post modern métabolist plan and Pink modern Housing of Olivais Sul, a wild path over an underground aqueduc, dense dwellings programmation and the local stadium became a manufactury in the shadow of the planned city.
Morphologic collage
We can define the area at diffferent scales, the industrial zone itself composed by industry, itself composed by fragments, defined by another components. It reveales the Fabric as a micro-urbanism at the scale of a neighborhoud unity that we had to suggest, and explains the complementarity of the programation.
Faculdade de Arquitetura U.Lisboa
Semestre 9
Orientador Cientifico - Nuno Mateus
Macro scale, micro scale, mega scale
Escala 1 : 10000
Programation of the industrial neighbour
© Datas:
Património Industrial - Arquitectura Industrial Moderna (1925-1965) Localização: Avenida Infante D. Henrique nº331- 33, Avenida de Pádua nº7 – 7B Freguesia / Concelho / Distrito: Santa Maria dos Olivais / Lisboa / Lisboa Função: Indústria Têxtil – lanifícios: edifícios industriais-administrativo-sociais Época: Projecto entre 1947-52 e construção em 1958 Arquivio: Obras n° 927 Autores: Arqº Cottinelli Telmo (ante - projecto) e Arqº António Veloso Camelo Engº: João Barata Gagliardini Classificação: Sem Protecção
An industrie compartiment
⌨ The Fabrica Barros is a 25 000 square meters urban masterpiece. Defined by the rationnal uses of the 60's workers conditions it can be interpreted as a clear defined perimeter enclosing a neighbourhood unit.
Compartiment composite
Memoria descritiva
(arquivio municipal de Lisboa, obra n°927)
1_ Corpo Principal, Parallelo a Avenida Marginal, A° No Piso tereo 1. Escritorios 2. Armazen gerais 3. Armazen de materias Primas 4. Vestiarios, balnearios B° No 1° Piso 1. Habitacao do garda 2. Salas de Espera, gerencia e direcçao
2_ Corpo Fabril perpendicular ao primero E uma sala de 96.00 m*21.00 m con cobertura "shed sem apoios"
3_ Pavilhao para refeitorio do pessoal Previsto 150 operarios
Plan, 1: 1600, redrawn from original document, arquivio municipal de Lisboa, obra n°927
4_ Garage para viaturas auto 5_ Edificio para oficiais gerais 6_ Coberto para serracao de madeiras
☈ This system inspired a new programation : 1_ Dwellings inside the main sheds open space 2_ Habitation tour raising from the hole of stocking wood, standing front of the 30 meters chemney. 3_ Events void
Faculdade de Arquitetura U.Lisboa
Semestre 9
Orientador Cientifico - Nuno Mateus
4_ Offices
Escala 1 : 1000
Porosity in the industrial perimeter
Inside/ Outside
⌛ The existing roof will be renovated for security and therming reasons, but the dwellings will involve the void between the massive concrete walls. The project is a furniture housing project. The form of the apartements mainly follows the existing roof integrity. In some other point it follows his own variations of level defined by the programation and the housing typologies.
Saint ExupĂŠry, Antoine, Le petit prince, 1943, New York
Access trough the patrimony
The contradiction, the benefit of the relation between a container and his content becomes the main purpose of this part of the project. Then it reveales a space enclosed by the two elements: in the middle of an exterior and an interior. The shed structure gets over 30, 25 and 21 meters every 7 meters. It covers an expressive gap only defined by the functions on the ground level. It has been a industrial Cathedral of 6 meters abandonned on his emptiness.
The fonctionnal infrastructures were established in serving corridors between the main sheds. This corridors are lower than the shed and enjoys an overhead light. This corridors of 3 meters have the potential of an interior street leading to the entrance of the housing units. Duplicating this system of corridors inside the Cathedral offers a winter garden, extend the entrance sequence and gives transversal views between the two levels. Limitless covering
Verticality in t
Potential sections of the existing
Faculdade de Arquitetura U.Lisboa
Semestre 9
Orientador Cientifico - Nuno Mateus
Escala 1 : 200
Faculdade de Arquitetura U.Lisboa
Semestre 9
Orientador Cientifico - Nuno Mateus
Facade, Chemney and Tour
♜ The housing tower is over all an Urban signal. A monolith raising strait from the existing hole. Facing the evacuation chemney it becomes the foreground of the Avenida Marginal facade. The composition superimpose the rigorous facade, the romantic chemney and a contemporary concrete erection. Its central position in the public space permits the articulation of different outspaces. The forest, the underground playground, and the released square.
꜊꜋꜌ The building is thin, 11 meters on 16 meters, the richness of the units will be inside the section taking goods of the hight of the structure. The implantation of the tower articulates three different public spaces, a vegetal colonisation of the industrie up north a mineral open square in the east part of the enclosure, and an underground public pool.
Hiding, showing up
The central circulation is the structural core of the tower and the housing units seem plugged on this verteber. The roof offers a view of the industrial patrimony through green houses. The different typologies suggest a variety of inhabitants, an assemblage of simplex and duplex in section. The facade is inspired by the rythm and the proportion of the elevation of the industrie. The windows on the east side refer directly to the industrial patrimony.
Plans and sections organigramms
Faculdade de Arquitetura U.Lisboa
Semestre 9
Orientador Cientifico - Nuno Mateus
The facade as a mirror of the patrimony
Escala 1 : 200
Hamilton, Alex. 2008. The Daily Telegraph
Krier, Robert. 1978. Espace urbain
Faculdade de Arquitetura U.Lisboa
Semestre 9
Orientador Cientifico - Nuno Mateus