Gilet de migration

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INDEX _préamble _ Refugee’s trajectories. _Testimonies. _The life jacket market. _Industrial process. _Technical drawing.


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Mariana Fernandes, Diana Lobinho, Léo Raphaël.



The first problem that we had to deal with was choosing one of the seventeen goals to work with and figure out what could we dowith each one of them so that in the end we could chose one to work with. We ended up choosing the «Peace, justice and strong institutions» relating that goal with the situation of the refugees nowadays. War is making people leave their countries looking for a better life away from all the things that are happening there, from all the consequences that war provoques like destroyed homes and wrecking everything they’ve ever known, making the places they used to live unrecognizable and impossible to live in. If they want a chance to live and not being afraid all day because anything can happen at any time, they have to leave everything behind hoping that they can build a new home somewhere else. This all sounds very simple but the truth is that until they actually settle at some place there’s this journey they all have to go through that is not easy, and the possibility of everything going great is almost inexistent. This choice of taking your family to a all new country, and making them go through a dangerous journey isn’t a decision you take lightly, is the opposite of that. We all know the stories about the boats that cross the sea completely overloaded with people and with very bad conditions lacking some things that are very much essential for someone to survive.

This is when our product comes handy, in those travels along the sea. After doing some research we came to the conclusion that most of the people are able to afford or to somehow get a life vest, but dehydration and hunger are still issues that need to be solved. That’s why we thought about doing a life vest that solves all this problems for a considerable period of time, at least during the period of crossing the sea and the days after they arrive at dry land. Our product guarantees a certain comfort, even if the situation they’re in is the opposite, to the person who’s wearing the life vest because we try to assure that water and food, that are essential, don’t go missing. With this life vest we try to make their hard journey a little bit more bearable. This product still has its main objective, avoiding people drowning but innovates in a sense that gives people a kind of «survival kit» with tools that’ll allow for them to make a living for a while, not depending on others to survive. Our vest has four pockets with the things we find essential, like water, tools for them to get food, their identification documents, and a thermal blanket. With these things we expect to fulfil all the needs they might have during this hard time in their lives. This swimming vest is done in the same material as any other that already exists in the market, such as nylon and polyethylene foam, only adding those pockets that are prepared to carry the things we propose. Concluding, our final goal is to make sure that people that are going through this situation get to the place they’re going, healthy and safe.




Wallace, Tim. The flight of refugee’s all around the world. The New York Times. june, 20

Cette carte est une réponse à plusieurs carte de migrations publiées dans des médias internationaux. Celles-ci présentent en effet très souvent les flux migratoires sous la forme de traits reliant les pays d’origine aux pays d’asile, mais ne pondèrent souvent pas l’épaisseur de ces flux proportionnellement au nombre d’individus concernés. Conséquence : comme l’Europe est la destination de beaucoup de trajectoires, elle est saturée de traits, donnant l’impression que les migrants s’y rendent massivement. Or, si ces flux sont pondérés, compilés, on se rend compte que ces trajectoires vers l’Europe sont largement minoritaires : la majorité des réfugiés sont en effet généralement accueillis dans les pays limitrophes (Turquie ou Liban pour les Syriens, par ex.). Cette carte, si elle ne se veut pas aussi esthétisante que les cartes journalistiques traditionnelles, est un exercice de style qui veut montrer notre responsabilité de médiateurs face à ces données. Les visualiser, c’est rendre compte d’une réalité humaine – souvent tragique – à destination d’un public qui ne doit pas être trompé par une décision esthétique simplificatrice.

14,37 million refugees registered by UNHCR in 2014 with place of origin and asylum. The ekness of the edges is proportionnal to the number of displaced persons between two points (black is more than 100k)

Grandjean, Martin. 2014. Conflicts and dispacements.


Rankin, Bill. 2015. One World II





Des morts par milliers aux portes de l'Europe Nombre de morts (janvier 1993 - mars 2012)1 Union européenne

1 000 500 200 20

Pays candidats Mayotte (Fr.)

Pays voisins

Causes de décès





Suicide Paris


1. 16 250 morts sur l'ensemble de la période

Berlin Oder Neisse Vienne


Mort de faim ou de froid Incendie criminel, homicide, absence de soins Empoisonnement, champ de mine, accident, autre

Save Madrid




Lesbos Almeria

Détroit de Gibraltar Îles Canaries (Espagne)



Lampedusa Sfax

Melilla Rabat



Canal d'Otrante Détroit de Sicile


Mer Égée



Lanzarote Fuerteventura El-Ayoun





1 000 km





Golfe d'Aden

Source : UNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees. Documentation on 30-03-2012.

© Migreurop (2012) Atlas des migrants en Europe. Géographie critique des politiques migratoires, Paris, Armand Colin, 144 p. Carte réalisée par Nicolas Lambert


The number of migrants who died trying to reach the European union . Key for reading: the height of the mount is proportional to the number of migrants deaths in an area of 500km (since 1993) Nicolas Lambert, 2014

The number of migrants who died in the mediterranean Sea while trying to reach the European Union. Key for reading: The deeper the whirlpool, the higher the number of migranrts that died in the area ( since 1993) Nicolas Lambert, 2014





CARINE MAYINGA From Angola to Melilla’s border, Marocco


The floor of the zodiac is made by plywood, and the wood broke in the front of the boat, but behind I was standing with Meilleur, the body of Sephora and the others. Step by step people were falling in the hole. In the water. They were dying like this. Somebody has a phone with the marine of marocco in touch. They were calling us every ten minutes asking where we are. One time I took the phone : «_I don’t know, we are in the Mediterrannée. _Is there pregnant woman? _Yes there is. _Is there children? _Yes there is. _How old would they be? _Between four months to 10 years. _Don’t give up, don’t give up...» Honestly they began to call us at 10, they found us at 18.

Les Messagers, documentaire d›Hélène Crouzillat et Laetitia Tura


MABOLA N. From Cameroun to Melilla’s border, Marocco


It is a fight, It is a war. You know we first cross the Sahara, by foot, we enter to Morocco we walk to reach Ceuta or Melilla. We do a thousand of miles during weeks and weeks. We live in the rain and the sun. If you arrive at Melilla one day it means that you won.

Les Messagers, documentaire d›Hélène Crouzillat et Laetitia Tura


MOHAMED. From Egypt to Sweeden


«Our lives are too difficult here.” But escape proved difficult, too. The vessel Mahmoud boarded was fired upon at sea before it left Egyptian waters. The boy spent five traumatic days in a detention centre before he was able to see his family again. To learn. “No one sends their son out into the world alone unless they live in real fear,”


SHOOKRULLAH A. From Afghanistan to Switzerland


‘’We tried to reach the sea several times the next month. On the third try we were put in jail for over a week. On the fourth try, we managed! We were so happy! But there was a huge problem awaiting us. We did not have any food and water and the trip from Greece to Italy took three days and two nights. We drank sea water to survive. Then, in the middle of the sea the boat’s GPS broke down. We were sad and worried but an Iraqi boy who knew how to navigate a boat became captain and steered the boat to Sorano in Italy.’’


THE LIFE JACKET MARKET «It is probably the last thing you hang before you die.»


AI WEI WEI. Berlin. 2016.




In Basmane, Turquie, the main ferryman city , there is a floorishing business... 20e for a life Jacket.






Survival Jacket with the basic needs to survive. 1:10













Survival Jacket with the basic needs to survive. 1:3


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Survival Jacket with the basic needs to survive. 1:6


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Survival Jacket with the basic needs to survive. 1:6



LIFE JACKET WITH THE BASIC NEEDS TO SURVIVE This project is related to a campaign developed by ONU that set seventeen different sustainable development goals for the year 2030 as a way to improve the world we all live in. So it was given to us the opportunity to chose one of those goals and develop a sustainable solution that would for a fact make the world a better place, and somehow improve the quality of life on earth. After we talked about all the products we could make for almost every single goal, we decided to stick with one that comes as a solution to improve the way that refugees cross the sea and their life as soon as they reach dry land. We developed a product that we believe that would have an impact on these people´s life helping them settle in a new place with good conditions.

Mariana Fernandes, Diana Lobinho, Léo Raphaël.

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