intern report

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Internship Report



student name : student no. : dates of internship : internship company : workplace Supervisor : contact no. :

CHENG Tsz Yin 18011079D 26 Jun - 31 Aug Secret Tour HK Stephen Chung 9605 4738

Learning Goals

Internship is a vital part of process for the understanding of the industry, the learning goal is to get first hand experience on a particular position, in my case, is a copywriter. I have serval learning objectives in this internship, include the followings: To participate in the creative process, To give valuable opinions and suggestion to the creative team, To execute the creative, To produce execution that actually advertise in the market, Networking, To get to know the process and structure of the company. Before beginning the internship, I have to get a better understanding of the company, in order to know if the company suits me or not. I went across the company website and portfolio, asked opinion form senior grades for guidance, and most of all, make a CV and portfolio for submission. 2

The Company

Secret Tour HK(STHK) is a local advertising agency under The Bees Group. The Company is a brand experience agency focus on storytelling & experiencing advertising, that helps clients to tell brand stories that worth spreading by creating firsthand experience through different touch points. STHK is a relatively small company that contains around 20 employees, it has a flat structure where the hierarchy isn’t very significant that all the employee share the same level of voice. I am in the copy-base team which provides copywriting to the art department to produce deliverables. The major brands that I came across were, KFC, Dove, Bupa etc. which are in all industries and fields. The company is on its expansion with a positive foreseeable future.


Work Process

The normal procedure of a copywriter is to get the brief, process the creative and execute the idea. I normally get the brief form the server and the supervisor will assign job items for me to write. I, then, write the item and send back to the supervisor for him or her to revise. The work processes is smooth and handled in a pro manner. Copywriters are often in the beginning of the progress which mostly set the tone and manner of the creative. Of course, copywriters works closely with the art team and account services and follow through the whole process, in order to visualise the idea in a controlled manner. But after all, no matter what the creative team had produced, at the end is up to the client to decide. 4

The Internship

I am a copywriter, I was assigned various jobs from medical insurance to beauty brands. From sales boot campaign to interview story telling. It’s a very good practice for me to write different type of copy. I get along well with the coworkers and work seamlessly, the communication within us works perfectly. I worked closely on the Dove More Than One Beauty project, I mainly write on the girls story, brand interview, and some of the social post. Other thing, I work heavily on the KFC Broadcast Campaign, with numerous social post. As the main duty of my position is writing, I had to look up the dictionary to reassure every wordings is accurate and concise. I did a lot of online research to help me write on the copy. Knowledge and skills that acquired at school helps me a lot on the development of the writing, such as the way of thinking and the what the standard of a profession writer should be. 5


I had learnt the important of efficiency, time management is crucial when I get more and more work to handle. The end results is I work faster than I had ever been, which significantly enhance my competitiveness in the industry. I had now knew the work process and the duties of a copywriter. 6

Critical Appraisal

My performance were up to professional standard and I am very pleased about the result. I believe I had achieved my learning objective, but I still wish to do more networking and know more people in the industry. The good aspect is that I do actual had an understanding of the actual working environment, but the downside is I feel quite tired and didn’t pretty much enjoy my summer holiday much, but I guess that’s just normal in future days. The company can provide more support on guidance if available, I sometimes do more trying and interpret my own ideas. The school can keep and update on the student, maybe check in from time to time, but so far, it’s okay for me. The internship had made myself clear that copywriting is my career path in the future, I fully understand my strength and weakness, that help me develop and improve in the future. I will continue to work on this direction and improve my skill.





Dove Beauty Campaign

Dove is set to launch a campaign embracing different kinds of beauty, the following copy will be launch in the near future. There are various platform from this campaign from outdoor advertising to mobile webpage. Therefore, my copywriting will be on different platform. This campaign is a co-branding campaign, so beside Dove, there are twelve more brands to assort with, which makes the project much more complicated. The following is a social post for one of the brand:

Fashion Walk 【「美」是一個不斷蛻變的過程,隨著時間演變出多種不同的美。】 Fashion Walk 認同 Dove 所指,「美」不只一個標準。品牌一直以來亦有支持非 主流的服飾品牌,Dove 這次「美 不只一種」計劃與我們的理念不謀而合。我 們一直以引領潮流不斷向前,帶出不同的形態的美為目標,致力打破社會解 讀「美麗」的框架。這次與 Adele 合作,除了因為她堅持大膽創新,不隨波逐 流,非常貼合我們的品牌形象之外,Adele 於社交媒體上積極宣揚自信美,鼓 勵女性欣賞自己,接納不同的審美標準,很貼近這次「美 不只一種」計劃的 理念。隨著時代進步,我們認為社會對「美」的定義亦有著更高的包融性,接 納不同種類的「美」。因此 Fashion Walk 有幸能參與「美 不只一種」計劃,與 Dove共同創造「美」的新定義。


There are still restricted boundaries for beauty standards, the following copy is to ask question against the old system, a rebellion of beauty. The selected model are classify into four categories. Each and every model has their story, as well as their beauty.

//靚,一定要後生? //你唔明,就代表我唔型? //完美,一定要配無瑕? //我嘅身體,點解要理你點睇?



Joyce Ip/34歲 Joyce在十年前已經有了剪短髮的想法, 而且並非一般的短,而是全剃光。 原以為身邊的另一半會支持她的意願, 怎想到換來的是一句, 「如果剃掉長髮,我們就分手吧。」 此時的Joyce很掙扎, 一方面渴求「做自己」, 另一方面不想失去深愛的另一半。 Joyce陷進了迷思, 難道愛情,只能流於表面? 到底對方是愛自己的外表, 還是她的本身。 在這愛情路上的分岔口, Joyce選擇了將自己壓抑, 活在世俗標準裏。 這樣一過,也就十年。 沒法忠於自己, 能得到真正的幸福嗎? 2019年1月1日, 她,終於立定了決心 把自己的長髮全剃了。


落髮的一刻, 她已經知道自己離開了主流的美麗。 然而這條路,絕非她獨個兒在走。 Joyce的許多朋友亦親臨現場, 見證這意義非凡的日子。 最終,Joyce還是失戀了。 有人對她失去了慾望, 有人對她不再追求。 縱使她受到了批評, 被嘲「男人婆」、「騎呢怪」。 但她卻得到了人生的自主權, 不必再活在世俗的標準內。 長髮是美的普世標準嗎? Joyce知道,美,不只一種。 只有短髮的她, 才能美得自在。 有人因為失戀而剪髮。 卻有人因剪髮而失戀...三次。 她叫Joyce,她剃掉了長髮, 選擇了屬於自己獨特的美麗。


Alison Kerr/14歲 Alison雀斑滿臉, 卻想成為Model。 這個懵懂的少女, 在就讀本地小學的3年期間, 因她滿臉雀斑, 被同學取笑臉上有「沙」。 不知是否因此而被冷落, 不願意跟她玩。 樣子「鬼鬼地」的Alison, 常被人誤會聽不懂廣東話。 偶爾走在街上, 也會有人當面討論她的雀斑。 她雖然亦會有所介意, 但她也坦然面對, 不會放在心上。 縱使她曾經懷疑自己的長相是否不夠漂亮, 擔心自己沒有成為Model的潛質, 但對於自己所愛的事業,卻沒有卻步。 從前的膽怯在於年輕, 然而年輕的可愛在於成長, 沒有從前的擔驚受怕, 哪來成熟的堅忍。


Model,字義上即模範。 是標準,是榜樣, 是跟隨的對象。 一個Beauty Model, 顧名思義就是美的模範。 所以說,做模特就要零瑕疵? Alison大膽的表示,不是! 她雀斑滿臉,卻毫不在乎, 因為只有這樣,才是真正的她。 這樣的她,才是特別。 Alison相信, 美,不只一種。 往後的廣告模特, 將會更多元, 像她一樣,更特別。


Nicole Tsang/26歲 Nicole一向熱愛跳舞, 並以此作為她的事業。 但萬萬沒想到, 她的身型原來會對她的事業帶來負面影響。 原來肥,會令人遇上職場玻璃天花。 在一次商場表演的遴選中, Nicole與一位朋友一同參加, 可是,職員直接告訴她, 舞蹈服裝不合身,沒能通過遴選。 這,大概是最荒誕的拒絕理由。 Nicole很氣憤, 肥,跳舞就不能好看的嗎?。 有時候,有人會問, 「教跳舞會這樣身型的嗎?」 「怎麼這麼隨便找這種人代課。」 種種的冷語,也曾令Nicole難受。 即使如此, 她卻從沒有質疑過自己的能力, 瘦人做到的,肥人也一樣可以做到。 Nicole的成名之路, 大概由出演知名藝人的MV開始。 她把特大碼的伴舞者 搬到主流媒體的聚光燈之中, 成功扭轉肥人不能的形象。 但始終,她的夢想仍然是 跳一場完整的紅館SHOW。


紅館,是眾舞蹈員夢寐以求的舞台, 然而,紅館之大, 卻容不下一位熱愛跳舞的舞蹈員。 在紅館表演的舞蹈員大多都窈窕非常, 要踏足這個舞台, 瘦,大概是行業的潛規則罷了。 可是,從何時起能力與身形掛勾? Nicole透過努力不懈的精神, 一次又一次的不斷嘗試, 最終,獲得了垂青。 她,踏上了紅館的舞台。 現時作為舞蹈導師的她, 用自己的親身經歷勉勵學生, 不需在意他人的目光去做熱愛的事。 在揮灑汗水的一刻, 定能找到美麗。 因為美,不只一種。 只要相信自己, 就能散發美麗氣息。 瘦,絕非美的普世標準。 所以Nicole她決心打破定理, 毅然踏上了紅館的舞台, 彰顯自己的美。


Merry Lamb Lamb/26歲 一隻本應簡單快樂的羔羊,離羣了。 源於小學時被同伴欺負,排斥。 Merry Lamb Lamb天生樣子異於常人, 不是有怎麼樣的疾病或缺憾, 而是單純的「怪」。 這樣的她自然成為了被奚落的對象, 沒有同學願意成為她的朋友, 只剩她獨個兒面對成長的壓力。 Merry Lamb Lamb的本名是Merry, 是她母親寄意她成為一個簡單快樂的小女孩。 Lamb Lamb則是中學時期 同學改給她的一個花名, 因她樣子看起來像隻羊, 白白的,眼瞇瞇的,很純良似的。 然而喜歡音樂的Merry Lamb Lamb, 在出道時卻想成為一個卡通人物的角色, 創作一些非現實的歌曲,帶快樂給大家。 Merry Lamb Lamb自然成為了她的藝名, 也成為了她命運的批示。 她總是像個超越現實的人物。 髮型上,Merry Lamb Lamb對於 她的超短平蔭非常堅持, 更是她的安全禁區,自信的武器。 她經常穿著色彩斑斕的衣服,對於她而言, 任何衣服或造型都是在塑造她這個角色。


儘管如此, 樂天豁達的Merry Lamb Lamb, 在網上也少不免因為她的樣子受盡批評, 「為何妳的樣子如此奇怪」; 「跟紙紮公仔很相似」。 卻這沒令她難受, 反而一笑了, 因為她喜歡自己, 相信自己就夠了。 總有人會不喜歡自己, 但總有更多人喜歡自己。 「只有一個標準不就太悶了吧!」 這快樂的羔羊雖然離羣了, 可羊羣又豈只有一羣? 美又豈只一種? Merry Lamb Lamb跨過了世俗的界限, 為自己美麗定義, 重新劃圈。


SJY/30歲 瓜子臉,大眼睛, 是普遍世俗對美的標準。 SJY卻不然, 面方,眼細。 這樣的她, 也曾因此而怯懦, 覺得自己不美。 SJY曾經試圖用不同髮型掩飾, 卻萌芽了個想法「這樣的我更不美」。 一向熱愛運動的SJY, 最近迷上了滑板。 在長板上滑動時的消遙, 她頓時發現, 一個女人最美的時刻, 是自己開心的時刻。 SJY相信美是一個整體, 不在乎某外貌特質, 美麗在於一個故事。 而美,不只一種, 不需遮掩, 怎樣的外貌都是自己的一部份, 繼續自信做自己所熱愛的事。



[Lululemon x Dove | Unite Brands • Redefine Beauty] The standard of beauty is often limited to appearance and body-shape. In Lululemon we believe for us to un-constraint boundaries, concentrate on the health and spiritual growth with oneself, will thereby unleashing the potential beauty in every women. With the collaboration with Dove, we aim to bring out our key belief of every women can unleash their potential beauty, that every “you” is equally beautiful. Go to (Hyperlink) now to create your own Real Beauty Photograph, redefining your beauty. For each photo shared, Dove will donate $1 to Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, to encourage the next generation to live their beauty with confidence. #MoreThanOneBeauty #WeDefine #RealBeauty

廣告世界,豈只一種美? Agnes B認為,美,不應只得一種。 Agnes B與Dove攜手打破美麗定義,成為十一個不同界別的品牌之一, 找來不同美態的女生,成為廣告女主角。 There is only one beauty standard in advertising? Lululemon believes, there ought to be more than one beauty. Lululemon collaborates with Dove, becoming one of the 11 brands in different sectors, gathers female each with distinctive beauty, to be the main cast of an advertising, together to break the beauty boundaries.



Bupa Mental Health Campaign The Bupa Mental Health Campaign turns stressed to desserts. This project involves social post and in-store copy line. 26


//壓力好大,好想抒發? Stressed to Desserts,Bupa減壓甜品店將你嘅壓力變成健康甜品。 即上Bupa減壓甜品店網頁,放低你嘅壓力,換返份免費甜品啦! 即上

Promote Cafe (Oct 7) 如果有個地方,可以解決所有煩惱…… 內心嘅困惑不安、糾結,能夠因為食一次甜品,隨之而去。 Bupa首間PoP-Up實體減壓甜品店,佇立喺大廈林立嘅中環, 畀受盡壓力嘅你,一個抖氣位。 嚟到Bupa PoP-Up減壓甜品店, 仲可以親身裝飾DIY蛋糕,將煩惱全部食晒落肚。 咁所有有過嘅壓力,就全部轉化做食得開心嘅甜品啦! 詳情如下: 日期: 2019年10月11-13 時間: 10月11日 5pm - 8pm 10月12-13日 12pm-6pm 地點: 中環威靈頓街33號 UG/F Interval Coffee Bar 仲唔即刻Book定時間,體驗一下Bupa減壓甜品店Stressed to Desserts嘅威力!


Opening Ceremony Recap (Oct 10) Bupa PoP-Up實體減壓甜品店開幕啦,壓力正式轉化做甜品! 10月10日開幕禮,我哋請到森美大哥嚟到分享減壓tips。 平時注重精神健康嘅森美,講解咗好多佢點樣減壓嘅方法, 好多仲可以喺日常生活都應用到添。 嚟到Bupa PoP-Up減壓甜品店,可以親身裝飾DIY蛋糕, 只要將壓力來源寫上代表壓力嘅曲奇,用搥仔揼揼揼,揼碎晒啲壓力; 再灑上蛋糕上面,咁減壓甜品就完成啦! 食完個甜品,放低壓力,換個好心情! 詳情如下: 日期: 2019年10月11-13日 時間: 10月11日 5pm - 8pm 10月12-13日 12pm-6pm 地點: 中環威靈頓街33號 UG/F Interval Coffee Bar 好想體驗Bupa減壓甜品店Stressed to Desserts嘅威力? 即刻嚟中環嘅PoP-Up Store啦!


Round Up (Oct 14) Bupa減壓甜品店完滿結束。 大家放低壓力,換返個好心情之後, 一齊睇下今次活動嘅花絮啦。 Pop-Up店開幕禮,有冇將森美分享嘅tips抄低呢? 將壓力源寫上甜品,將佢揼揼揼,揼碎晒,又係咪好療癒呢? 甜品自帶一種令人開心嘅魔力,食完之後,開心都返埋嚟呀! Bupa70年來專注醫療保險,更加關心埋你嘅精神健康,嚟緊仲有好多活動等緊 你! 記得密切留意呢個Facebook Page,同埋一路Keep住好心情喇!


店內文案: #1 你有因玫瑰的刺不惜它的美嗎? 好的故事總得摻和一些悲傷。 #2 若感覺周遭使你窒息, 別忘了種子在泥土才能滋長。 #3 你說你在這世界,無立足之地。 朋友啊,你屬於天空。 #4 在每個分岔路口, 可以轉左、轉右或直走。 但沒有向後走。 #5 鋼鐵也耐不住鏽蝕, 偶爾脆弱有何不可。 Call to Action: #1 把甜品留影,它的歸處是在你的instagram。 #2 拍下你的甜品,映進他人的眼簾。 #3 這甜品等待著分享,網絡是你的傳送門。 #4 命中注定就是這甜品注定要分享至你的社交平台。 #5 這甜品好比網戀,應相約見於網路。


Bupa Bi-Monthly Feed

The Bupa bi-monthly feed is a social media post about health problems and suggestion. Most of them require professional medical knowledge, with require anonymous amount of research and findings. The challenge is to turn such informative post into an interesting feed.

【開學啦!父母「保」習班】 開學啦!補呢個打底,補呢個夠雞精,補呢個aim奪星!咦?補呢個「補」 險?哦,原來係保險!有咁多種保險,係咪全部都要補呢?小朋友喺唔同成長 階段都有唔同嘅需要,仲猶豫緊?Bupa有啲建議畀到大家參考! 小學:保柏童康健。童康健由出世15日開始,己經可以接受投保。多一份健康 保障,咁父母就可以更專心照顧小朋友嘅健康成長啦! 初中:保柏康健網。過左比較活躍嘅階段,有啲小朋友可能會比較為食容易蛀 牙;有啲又懶做運動容易肥。康健網每年都會附送免費牙科及身體檢查,幫父 母及早知道仔女嘅健康需要! 高中:保柏互通保額。高中之後,父母都開始對子女放心,但仍然都想畀子女 一份保障。家庭成員互通保障額高達每年港幣100萬,咁就全家都有共同保障 啦! 大學:保柏卓康健。仔大女大,子女自己嘅健康由子女自己照顧。卓康健可以 畀子女擁有屬於佢哋自己嘅保險,配合佢哋嘅需要,靈活自主。 子女去到唔同階段有唔同「保」嘅需要。無論去到邊個階段,作為父母當然希 望子女健康成長,有個醫療保障。Bupa關心家庭健康,想知多啲?上 https://了解吓啦! ▶保柏童康健 – ▶保柏康健網 – ▶保柏互通保額 – ▶保柏卓康健 –為你一家嘅健康買個保障喇! *保柏康健網、保柏智安保、保柏住院現金、保柏公務員醫療保障計劃除外。 計劃須受條款及細則約束。有關詳情,請參閱。 **服務須受條款及細則約束。 32

【八月Bupa今期流行醫啲!今期流行⋯腸胃!】 隆重登場!胃蘭! 陰聲細氣原來唔係因為怕醜,係肚痛呀! 日日食食食,怕嘅未必係肥,而係對腸胃嘅負擔。 有啲人腸胃成日唔舒服,或者成日覺得頂住頂住, 可能係腸胃問題嘅症狀。 所以,「今期Bupa流行醫啲」請到胃蘭,同大家拆解腸胃問題,令大家有個舒 暢嘅夏天!

【BUPA今期流行:胃,究竟有幾大?一招幫你控制磅數!】 -- 以下健康資訊,由Bupa集團嘅醫生為你核實。-身邊總有位朋友,每逢開餐就會變身焚化爐,胃口有如無底深淵,唔使5分 鐘,全枱嘢食俾佢掃清光!但其實,人嘅胃口,係咪真係無限大呢? 原來,一般成年人嘅胃容量有一個夸脫(大約1.1公升),大概一個菠蘿咁大,一 個鐘頭內最盡可食到 5 片芝士蛋糕,或者飲到3杯珍珠奶茶。 咁點解有啲人食極都肚餓呢?因為當食物入咗個胃,神經信息需要20分鐘先可 以傳送到大腦,所以飽肚或者胃餓嘅感覺,係滯後㗎。所以,想增磅就要食快 啲喇,相反,想減肥就要食慢啲喇。 食嘢同投保一樣,要揀最啱自己胃口同身體狀態嘅!Bupa提供各種保險,迎合 唔同人嘅需要,入嚟即睇邊份保險最啱你!LINK 33

【BUPA今期流行:唔使忍,喊多啲!】 -- 以下健康資訊,由Bupa集團嘅醫生為你核實。-一個人喊,有好多原因,可能係因為家庭,朋友,甚至社會。 但喊,唔係懦弱嘅表現。喊,可以係為咗身體健康㗎! 原來喊係可以激發副交感神經、釋放安多酚,紓緩情緒,仲可以幫助到身體休 息同消化,減輕身心痛楚! 一個人唔開心嘅時候, 可以搵屋企人或者朋友傾訴, 或者搵專業人士傾下啦。 身邊嘅人可以係好強勁嘅精神支柱,而Bupa就係好強勁嘅醫保後盾 。 關注精神健康,買份Bupa自願醫保啦!唔只包未知已存在疾病,日間門診手術 及先進診斷掃描都包到㗎!健康有保障,自然夠心安!即睇自願醫保計劃詳 情: *計劃受條款及細則約束,詳情請致電2517 5195查詢。 source:


【BUPA今期流行:強迫症係點㗎呢?】 -- 以下健康資訊,由Bupa集團嘅醫生為你核實。-喇叭音量一定要係 5 嘅倍數?餐具一定要排得正? 咦!咁樣係咪就有強迫症呢?現實中嘅強迫症又係點樣㗎呢? 睇下有咩強迫症嘅例子啦: 1. 數數目:擔心瞓教前唔數到 200 就會有壞事發生 2. 侵入思考:擔心自己會對身邊嘅人造出傷害從而避開他人 3. 不軌衝動:幻想會用某器具去刺傷害他人,所以扔哂所有嗰樣器具 4. 對稱:擔心如果唔將所有嘢放得絕對對稱就會有壞事發生 5. 宗教性恐懼:擔心所做嘅事會褻瀆神明或有罪,令自己不停地去禱告 強迫症在於恐懼而唔喺行為本身,患者經常活喺不安之中,係唔講得笑㗎。 如果有啲咩疑慮記得搵相關專業人士咨詢意見喇! 冇個保障周身都唔聚財,仲唔買返份Bupa醫保,保障健康! 關注精神健康,有Bupa自願醫保啦!唔只包未知已存在疾病,日間門診手術 及先進診斷掃描都包到㗎!健康有保障,自然夠心安!即睇自願醫保計劃詳 情: *計劃受條款及細則約束,詳情請致電2517 5195查詢。 source:


【熱氣生痱滋,點算?留言「飛走痱滋」即送養生糖水食譜。】 -- 以下健康資訊,由Bupa集團嘅醫生為你核實。-熱氣生痱滋,就係人都知。咁兩者究竟有咩關係呢? 中醫講究五行,如果脾胃過於火盛,就有可能會令你生痱滋㗎! 就算真係生痱滋都唔使驚嘅。 根據唔同嘅體質,飲唔同嘅糖水,可以幫你加速痱滋痊癒! 留言:飛走痱滋! 即送你養生糖水,趕走熱氣。 想知道自己係邊種體質?最好問番專業嘅中醫啦! Bupa悅康健提供中醫康復治療, 為助您病後調理,賠償癌症治療、中風或冠心病手術後180天內, 中醫診治同針灸治療等費用,立即了解多啲啦: 36


One Degree Launch

Other than copywriting, in the internship, I had also follow some of the shooting, and creative brain storm. One degree is one of the brand that I had produce creative for the creative team. The brief is a social stun to promote pet insurance, I had produce two ideas for them.





KFC Mooncake

KFC Mooncake campaign is the very first job I’m on board, however, as the project is on going, I didn’t have much influence on it, nut I still manage to contribute some. The important part is to know the process of the production.







KFC Sales Boost

KFC started the sales campaign with the main theme of canton pop music. The target is to mix the product with the lyrics and try to evoke emotional attachment with the public. The sales itself draws a lot of exposure and interaction.




AUG 4 【 KFC 熱播優惠第三彈:化雞】 ♬ 如何回到當時 情迷葡撻辣雞的那時♬ 咁好聽嘅旋律言猶在耳?之唔係 KFC 每日送上三款熱播優惠,早午晚三餐輪流 播送,令大家更加興奮!開心星期日,為大家送上第三首派台歌「化雞」。葡 撻溶化喺口嘅質感,同巴辣香雞翼香脆外皮嘅觸感,點會唔令你朝思暮想、意 亂情迷呢? KFC 將呢份感覺,以最抵食嘅優惠價帶畀各位!早餐仲有蕃茄濃湯 扭扭粉配滑蛋鬆餅醒神優惠,即刻去 KFC 試吓啦! 享受完呢個雞味無窮嘅週未,約定你聽日繼續收聽「 KFC 熱播優惠」!

AUG 6 【KFC 熱播優惠第五彈:富雞山下 】 ♬誰都只得那雙手 炸雞炸翼能任你擁有♬ 真係聽到都百般滋味在心頭。 KFC 每日送上三款熱播優惠,早午晚三餐輪流播 送,勾起最深層嘅感受!感性星期二,為大家送上第五首派台歌「富雞山下」 。濃濃嘅蕃茄湯,每一滴都係經過熊熊烈火所提煉嘅精華。再望住舊炸雞,冇 辦法望得透,究竟呢舊雞點解可以咁好食。KFC將呢份有層次嘅味道,以最抵 食嘅優惠價帶畀各位,又點忍得住唔即刻去 KFC 試吓! 「 KFC 熱播優惠」每日熱播,約定你聽日同樣時間再會,掰掰!


AUG 16 【 KFC 熱播優惠第八浪:蘑菇成熟時】 ♬或者,要到你將愛釀成蘑菇,時機先至熟透♬ KFC 每日送上三款熱播優惠返嚟喇!早午晚三餐輪流播送,簡直係大豐收!今 個星期五,帶畀大家第八首派台歌「蘑菇成熟時」。好大陣蘑菇香味,傳入我 的鼻,仲要打孖上,左右鼻窿都逢緣呀!朝早嘆完個家鄉雞扒包,夜晚就有12 件巴辣香雞翼,夾住兩個More Good飯做午餐,正! KFC 以最抵食嘅優惠價, 帶畀各位醇厚嘅美味,仲唔即刻嚟食! 聽日繼續有「 KFC 熱播優惠」,同樣時間再見!

AUG 17 【 KFC 熱播優惠第九浪:葡撻歌】 ♬葡撻 將肚餓幻作詩與歌♬ KFC 繼續為大家每日送上三款熱播優惠!早午晚三餐輪流播送,送畀大家!今 個星期六,帶畀大家第九首派台歌,KFC AllStar嘅「葡撻歌」。愈係同葡撻種 下感情,愈係忘記唔到食落去絲絲嘅蛋香味。仲有點解,早餐個扭扭粉會咁 惹味?係蕃茄濃湯,係落左蕃茄濃湯。再加上香腸同鬆餅伴碟,咁就最醒神 啦!夜晚照樣精彩,有50蚊12件巴辣香雞翼陪大家夜夜笙歌。咁多最抵食嘅 優惠,KFC都盡情帶畀各位,即刻嚟食啦! 聽日同樣時間繼續收聽「 KFC 熱播優惠」,約定大家!


AUG 18 【 KFC 熱播優惠第十浪:下一站雞翼】 ♬再下個車站,吃雞翼,當然最好♬ KFC繼續透過大氣電波發送每日三款熱播優惠!早午晚三餐輪流熱播,為大家 注入動力!今個星期日,帶畀大家第十首派台歌「下一站雞翼」。咩話?食雞 可以食出真感情?呢12隻巴辣香雞翼好食到令人感動呀!晏晝個蘑菇飯已經夠 令人著迷,再諗返起早餐個蕃茄濃湯扭扭粉,冇辦法唔令人陶醉。KFC將呢份 親厚感情,以最抵食嘅優惠價帶畀各位,唔使諗即刻嚟食啦! 「 KFC 熱播優惠」聽日繼續為大家放送!

AUG 19 【 KFC 熱播優惠第十一浪:8蚊無恙】 ♬我現時8蚊可食飯 肚餓時大家可浪漫♬ KFC用每日三款熱播優惠繼續支持大家!早午晚三餐輪流熱播,陪大家走過每 段過路!今個星期一,帶畀大家第十一首派台歌「8蚊無恙」。想食個超抵早 餐,無論係鬆餅定薯餅都只係8蚊咋!晏晝口㾗想搵嘢咬下,連格格脆薯都只係 8蚊,簡直係天大嘅福音!夜晚仲有50蚊6件雞,真係諗起都舐舐脷呀!KFC以 最抵食嘅優惠價帶畀大家,仲等?即刻嚟食啦! 「 KFC 熱播優惠」聽日同樣時間放送!


AUG 25 【 KFC 熱播優惠第十七浪:葡撻燈】 ♬明明廿蚊 轉眼變成葡撻♬ KFC每日三款熱播優惠嚟到頒獎環節,早午晚三餐輪流頒發,睇下得獎名單先 啦!今個星期日優惠大獎,恭喜KFC第十七首派台歌「葡撻燈」。前奏蕃茄濃 湯嘅音韻,配上扭扭粉嘅柔情;同中段葡撻有力而剛勁嘅動感節奏,配合得天 衣無縫。尾奏嘅巴辣香雞翼不乏餘韻,個個都享受得津津有味呀!KFC最抵食 嘅優惠大賞,得獎嘅又點只派台歌,仲有大家呀!唔好諗啦,即刻嚟領賞啦! 「 KFC 熱播優惠」聽日同樣時間,繼續頒獎!

AUG 27 【 KFC 熱播優惠第十九浪:芝雞可再】 ♬可不可 想不想 再次見面 再吃些芝士脆雞♬ 又到KFC每日三款熱播優惠頒獎環節,早午晚三餐輪流頒發,今日又有邊個得 獎呢?今個星期二優惠大獎,得獎者係KFC第十九首派台歌「芝雞可再」,恭 喜晒!一重唔夠,兩重唔只,要到三重嘅三重芝士脆雞,呢份有層次嘅親厚質 感,食完就感受到「百般芝味在舌頭」。早餐有8蚊蕃茄濃湯扭扭粉做開引, 夜晚就有50蚊6件雞作結,同樣扣人心弦。想得到KFC最抵食嘅優惠大賞?快 啲嚟KFC領賞啦! 「 KFC 熱播優惠」頒獎典禮,聽日繼續頒獎!


AUG 30 【 KFC 熱播優惠第二十二浪:說雞包】 ♬說一句雞扒包 心裡邊 更牽掛♬ KFC每日三款熱播優惠頒獎典禮,早午晚三餐輪流繼續頒發。今個星期五優惠 大獎,恭喜第二十二首派台歌「說雞包」成為今屆嘅得獎者!醬燒雞扒包成為 大贏家,冇計啦,惹味嘅醬汁加上嫩滑嘅雞肉,成功令好多fans迷上!。早餐 醬燒雞扒包買一送一,邊有得同你鬥吖。午餐10蚊2件經典葡撻加上夜晚50蚊 有成12隻巴辣香雞翼一齊助興,畀啲掌聲鼓勵!想一齊嚟歎KFC最抵食優惠大 賞,嗱嗱臨嚟KFC領賞啦! 聽日照樣有「 KFC 熱播優惠」同大家一齊頒獎!

AUG 31 【 KFC 熱播優惠第二十三浪:新地箏】 ♬新地會旋轉 飄往藍藍天♬ KFC每日三款熱播優惠頒獎環節嚟到尾聲,早午晚三餐輪流繼續有獎頒。今個 星期六優惠大獎,到第二十三首派台歌「新地箏」榮獲呢個殊榮!今次到牛乳 新地筒包攬大獎,成為我地晏晝嘅主角!蕃茄濃湯扭扭粉做配香腸鬆餅早餐! 夜晚50蚊有12件巴辣香雞翼,咁就至滿足啦。KFC最抵食優惠誠邀各位,一齊 嚟KFC領賞啦! 「 KFC 熱播優惠」約定你聽日再同大家見面!





Critical Reflection Report

The internship starts at late June where I just went back from a foreign country, so basically I hadn’t prepare myself mentally enough to be onboard. The first day is weird, I didn’t knew the collages too well and hadn’t assigned me any jobs yet, I was there sitting down not knowing what to do. Good thing, seniors are all friendly and welcome the intern to be in this company. We had a welcoming lunch in the first day, and had a quick brief on all the on going brief, so we can have a broad knowledge of what’s going on. So from now on, I starts getting along with one and other and have real jobs to do. At first, I wasn’t on any significant role with the KFC job, just some minor shooting to follow. Letting people have faith in you isn’t easy, but needing patient and have to be active. I asked my supervisor if there are any things that I can help develop, asking for opportunities. Finally, the hard works paid off, at later stage, I handle a project that half of deliverables were developed under my hand, that I had made a significant impact on a project. The above experience log had stated, I wrote ten feed for a twenty something sales boots campaign. My seniors have much confidence in me to publish my work which indicate my work is up to professional standard, I am much pleased and delighted to see my work on publish. But of course, things wasn’t easy, this project takes about a month, and it require the company to produce one feed at a day. The campaign is a counter measure against competitor, so when we got the brief, we didn’t have much time to think about much, but have to get hands on right away, that’s when speed and efficiency came in handy. When you have to produce the post copy on the day immediately, there is really no margin of time, but have to push myself that I really had to get it done right away. Thanks to this project, I now can write a post in a very quick pace.


The second project I would like to mention about is the Dove beauty campaign, it was a wonderful experience for me to witness how the production goes, but still, my job is copy writing. The campaign itself contains twelve model for twelve brands, each and every model I too have to interview to have a better understanding on her background story for me to write. At a certain point, I feel like I became a journalist, which feels something different, I didn’t know a copywriter need to do this too, so its new to me, and something new is always exciting.

Later on, that came the interesting part, I was told by my supervisor that I can write the very first girl’s story to pass on to the client, the tone and manner of the other eleven story will be following the standard of the first post, which means I had to decide the way of writing. I was both excited and nervous at the same time, but also feel I am an important member in this company that I am a proper employee which has some sort of purpose rather than just some intern existing in the company. I put my heart on writing the first story and pass on to the client. But of course, life is life, things aren’t always easy, my first draft was a short story with some craftsmanship and catch, but the client are not really looking for that, they want an interview like script, with more length and details. So, I listen back again of the recording and expand the story much more win immense detail. This time, the client approved, and my wordings is set to be the standard for this item.


I would say it is a good overall experience, but when the client wasn’t sure what they want and keep commenting, it really takes time and patient to carefully explain what is best for them in a professional way of seeing. When it came to compromising, it really takes skill, luckily this project provides a great platform for me to assort with different people and stakeholders, very similar to the project in class, so it is a valuable experience for me. For conclusion, I believed I had made my name for myself, that I have proven myself valuable for the company, of course there are always things to improve, for me is to ask more for advise from seniors. At the moment, I still mostly work on my own, but the catch is writing is often an one man job, serval people can hardly write a same thing as people think in different ways, wordings and style will easily clash with each other and disturb the flow, but maybe next time, I will ask more advise. Also, I think I need to read more, writing is an ever going journey, I have to keep on improving myself, otherwise I will be caught in the undertow and be left behind by the industry.






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