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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


“My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.” ― Ernest Hemingway


Beijing Tong Ren Tang Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine is a distributor engaged in both retail and wholesale of Chinese medicine. In order to promote its brand image, Beijing Tong Ren Tang launched a advertising campaign via varies channel. The key visual is loaded at the tram shelter panel in which are in front of their Central flagship store.

Beijing Tong Ren Tang prime for its natural ingredient and sophistication. Using microfilming to display the four values of Angong Niuhuang Wan : Natural, Traditional, sophisticated and professional. The miniture figure explores the world of Chinese Medicien, perceive Ingenuity.

Tong Ren Care Prevent Stroke Carnival Beijing Tong Ren Tang has hosted a prevent stroke fiesta at Hollywood Plaza, which includes activities like Chinese Medicine photo booth, stage performance and interactive games.

Paper Fortune Teller In the Tong Ren Prevention of stroke 2017 Fiesta, a photo booth was set up, and require a photo frame for display purposes. In addition to its own functions, the photo frame also incorporates the elements of interaction. By following the instruction of the Paper Fortune Teller Gaming Set, it turns to a Cerebrovascular Health Challenge, therefore enable all users to double up the fun.

Exhibition Identity Tree rings symbolise the historical value and the aesthetic value of Hong Kong. Clerical script(隸書) representing cross-hatched past and future. The image ground base reappears the night of Mong Kok. Negative film touch tells a true capture of the city is taking place.

Cul t u re is t h e c re a t ive e x pa ns ion in li mi t e d s p a c e


Records is a common formation in east-asian historical book. The main focus is in social policy and academic changes. Records of Hong Kong is about the culture of Hong Kong’s people, character and language. The aim of this project is to understand the unique linguistic system, culture and idiom for creative element and visualising Hong Kong Culture in varies fields, such as language and wordings. Capturing slangs, street arts, calligraphy or other text base communication format, by that, trigger creative ideas. For all who can understand and experience the story behind, and to the younger generation of Hong Kong, I wish to inspire you in order to inherit the culture and the spirt of Hong Kong.

CHENG Tsz Yin, Bear 子彥


In 1981, a Hong Kong teacher Lau Chui was having an opi Hong Kong literary world, and called it a “desert”. The wo This makes me think, is Hong Kong really a “Cultural Des For me, this statement is false.

By the exhibition “Records of Hong Kong”, I wish to prefo methods and channel, and evoke Hong Kong People’s crea name “Cultural Desert”.

香 港 文 化 博 物 館一 樓 專 題 展 覽 館 一 、二

Hong Kong Heritage Museum 1/F Thematic Galleries 1, 2


4 月2 0 日

20 A PR I L , 2 016 志 是 東 亞 紀 傳 體 史 書 中 經 常 出 現 的 一 個 部 分 ,與 本 紀 、列 傳 、表 不 同 ,重 點 是 擺 在 社 會 制 度 與 學 術 演 變 上 。 紀 傳 體 中 ,記 載 制 度 、風 俗 、經 濟 等 稱「 志 」。 香 港 志 講 述 香 港 人 .字 .語 文 化 。 香 港 志目的 是 要 了 解 香 港 獨 有 語 言 系 統 ,文化 和 潮 語 等 作 創 作 元 素 ,再 利 用 語 言 、文 字 等 不 同 領 域 影 像 化 地 呈 現 香 港 本 土 文 化 。收 集 不 同 俚 語 、街 頭 藝 術 、書 法 、或 其 他 文 字 表 達 形 式 ,從 中 誘 發 現 創 作 意 念 。 望 所 有 有 共 鳴 之 士 及 年 輕 一 輩 香 港 人 ,能 理 解 並 領 略 箇中 含 意 ,讓 本 土 文 化 及 精 神 得 以 延 續 。

2016年 to

5 月2 0 日

Exhibition Floor Plan

20 M AY , 2 016

Records is a common formation in east-asian historical book. The main focus is in social policy and academic changes. Records of Hong Kong is about the culture of Hong Kong’s people, character and language.


The aim of this project is to understand the unique linguistic system, culture and idiom for creative element and visualising Hong Kong Culture in varies fields, such as language and wordings. Capturing slangs, street arts, calligraphy or other text base communication format, by that, trigger creative ideas. For all who can understand and experience the story behind, and to the younger generation of Hong Kong, I wish to inspire you in order to inherit the culture and the spirt of Hong Kong.

鐡 從簡




車箱 岩嘴形 哈哈鏡 匾

文化就是在有限空間中擴展的創作活動 C ul t ur e i s t h e c r ea t i v e expa nsi on i n l i m i t ed spa c e


香 港 志 講 述 香 港 人 .字 .語 文 化 。 香 港 志目的 是 要 了 解 香 港 獨 有 語 言 系 統 ,文 化 和 潮 語 等 作 創 作 元素,從中誘發現創作意念。 Records of Hong Kong is about the culture of Hong Kong’s people, character and language. The aim of this project is to understand the unique linguistic system, culture and idiom for creative element and visualising Hong Kong Culture in varies fields to trigger creative ideas.


Exhibition Identity

inion about the desolated situation in ord “Cultural Desert” came by it. ert” as Lau had said?

The aim of this project is to understand the unique linguistic system, culture and idiom for creative element and visualising Hong Kong Culture in varies fields, such as language and wordings. Capturing slangs, street arts, calligraphy or other text base communication format, by that, triggering creative ideas.

The Records of Hong Kong(RoHK) uses three tree rings as the logo symbol, mingling with Chinese ink painting formation, to symbolise the historical value and the aesthetic value of Hong Kong.

orm Hong Kong Culture by different ativity in order to detach from the

For all who can understand and experience the story behind, and to the younger generation of Hong Kong, I wish to inspire you in order to inherit the culture and the spirit of Hong Kong.

Chinese word type symbol uses Clerical script due to its high legibility and similarity shared with modern regular script (kaishu), representing cross-hatched past and future. The image ground base reappears the night of Mong Kok, glittering neon shines through every streets and corners. With the negative film touch, it almost tells a true capture of the city is taking place right here and right now.



夏 西惠 多姨 士對 撞住 正汪 熱啊 咖姐 啡; 。 香港特色用語你又識幾個?


4 月2 0 日

2 0 A P R I L , 2 016


2016年 to

5 月2 0 日

2 0 M AY , 2 016

香港文化博物館一樓 專 題 展 覽 館 一 、二 Hong Kong Heritage Museum 1/F Thematic Galleries 1, 2

The most distinguish feature of Hong Kong language is that it is flexible, it doesn’t need to follow the restriction of wordings. For example, slangs and jargons in Hong Kong Style restaurant can really shown the beauty of it. 奇字

A set of postcards was made to show different slangs and puns we use in Hong Kong on a daily bases. By sending the post card out, it not just sent a message but the whole Hong Kong sprite to other countries or culture. It made people all around the globe had the first sip of the wonderful Hong Kong Culture.



The Records of Hong Kong Appreciation Guide shows some of the featured exhibit and the information of the exhibition. The guide is the main deliverables of the whole project.

Hong Kong Heritage Museum 1/F Thematic Galleries 1, 2

Records is a common formation in east-asian historical book. The main focus is in social policy and academic changes. The exhibition guide clearly demonstrate the design and the identity concept through the exhibition, by reading it, you can relate to all of the work featured, it is as good as going there personally.

Leaflet and a deck of card are made as the promotional material for the Records of Hong Kong Exhibition. It feature artwork in the exhibition, letting people to have a peek of the exhibit.

Nat Geo Awards 2013

Best Documentary and Best Cinematography

Team Members Eli Tsui Tree Fong Anthony Sam

Celab Cheung Calvin Cheng


In Hong Kong, everyone owns a smart phone, turns on air-con during summer. When the night falls, Hong Kong is lit everywhere. It can be seen that in life, whether it’s work or entertainment, it consumes a lot of electricity. When we are enjoying electricity, who are to contribute that given us a stable supply of electricity? It turns out that the electric towers that we see on the mountain every day must be regularly inspected and repaired by a group of transmission overhead cable maintenance personnel to enable Hong Kong having a stable power transmission network. Although we never know their names, they have taken the mission of this high-risk work for us. Hong Kong has the reputation of the Pearl of the Orient, and to a certain extent, are relying on these unsung heroes!

Hannover Up-and-coming Film Festival K.A.R.L.



WoW Production Team

Cinematography Asgard

Calvin Cheng

Tree Fong

Voice of K.A.R.L. Calvin Cheng


In a certain time and space, the memory of everyone in the world will be backed up in the central cloud system - KARL, just like a private diary. When a person passed away, the relatives of the deceased will authorize the funeral agency to edit the memory of the dead into a short film for the use of mourning at the funeral. Therefore, emerges an industry, the life editor. The 25-year-old Chi is the most famous life editor in the city. He started working at the age of 15. He worked closely with KARL and has created more than 3,000 short films. However, as the splicing technique of Chi has becoming more mature, his lost his emotion on life. One day, an earthquake of magnitude 8 occurred in Tokyo, and at the same time, Chi received a mysterious commission...


BridgeAvenir is the bridge that shapes the future, is the bridge that from the future. Avenir means “future” in French, BridgeAvenir holds the spirit of visionary, it is the spike of innovation. BridgeAvenir takes inspiration from the majestic Lamborghini Aventador, which silhouetted against the backdrop of a crafted line car spoiler. The aerodynamic design stimulates the actual reduction of wind force. The geometric shapes form the streamline with delicacy, it is futuristic yet pragmatic. We are present at the very beginning of the 21st century, with the future unknown, architectural marvellous can be preformed at the very moment. Each peek outside the 21 windows sees a great possibility, and with the bridge being a linkage between the present and the near future. BridgeAvenir uses Black as the main colour, stripped with glowing mustard yellow light box as highlight. The black colour depicts its power, prestige,

integrity and elegance while yellow stances for its intelligent and light of the future. As sustainability is the global trend in numerous of field, including design and architecture, BridgeAvenir would not hesitate to be a part of it. With the genius of Solar Roadways, BridgeAvenir is the perfect place to include Eco-friendly technology. Solar panels become the surface of the road, it elevates to be more than a bridge, it is a spark from the future, the beginning of it. London has been the place for ultimate innovation, design is highly value in this city, contribute to some of the most brilliant ideas rise from the ground. We are all familiar with the song “London Bridge is Falling Down”, however, the London Bridge itself does not holds it value. For BridgeAvenir as a renovation of the existing London Bridge, it will quickly become an iconic bridge above River Thames along side the Tower Bridge, mingling the old with the new.

Framework The Design of BridgeAvenir

The Bridge That Shapes The Future The Bridge That From The Future The crafted line stimulates a car spoiler that directs wind.

Original Draft

The aerodynamic design reduce wind force and lower vibration or pressure causes by wind.

BridgeAvenir takes inspiration from the Lamborghini Aventador. Geometric shapes form the streamline with delicacy, it is futuristic yet pragmatic.


End View(Front) Elevation

End View


21 small windows represents the 21st century, where lies infinite possibility. The ongoing light shines through the future to where we are heading.

End View(Back) Elevation

BridgeAvenir uses Black as the main colour, stripped with glowing mustard yellow light box as highlight. The black colour depicts its power, prestige, integrity and elegance while yellow stances for its intelligent and light of the future.



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Technology Solar Roadways

The Energy that Never Dies The Lightening of the future

Solar Roadways technology combines a transparent driving surface with underlying solar cells, electronics and sensors to act as a solar array with programmable capability. Solar Roadways Inc is working to develop and commercially produce road panels which are made from recycled materials and incorporate photovoltaic cells.

Source : Solar Roadways Inc.

Source : Solar Roadways Inc.

Basics of BridgeAve The Spark of the Future

4.73sec (35kph) Strengthen Glass Surface

Source : Solar Roadways Inc. Varies Colours of LED Light


Solar panels

Battery Cell and Electronic Component

Source : Solar Roadways Inc.

Extension of the Br

Multi-bridges Can Be Linke Up I

Source : Solar Roadways Inc.

Clean Energy Self Sustain

BridgeAvenir is intelligent, it improvise with the traffic condition. It can be programmed with different setting, speed limit, traffic lane, colour etc.

Each solar roadway generates power by its own. Stored solar energy is uses to power the bridge lighting in low light condition.

Lane could be shut down when accident occurs




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King W




Why Here?


London is the capital of England, and the place for innovation. London Bridge is famous for its song but not the bridge itself. The aim is to renew the bridge to make it become a new landmark along side the Tower Bridge.



River Borough Market

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To o




If Necessary



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Drinking is a social issue lasted for decade, with different kind of form. The worst of all is Drink Driving. It not only endanger the person who drink but passersby as well. My insiration is Karma, what will drink driving leads you to. “If you Drink Drive, you Die.� I combine the resting place of a car and a person, and created this poster. It not only shows the coffin and the parking space, but as well as the alcohol drink by using the signature of a beer, the foam on top. It displayed 3 aspect with 2 element delivering 1 message, do not ,ever, drink and drive.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


“My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.” ― Ernest Hemingway

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