Rohk exhibition final report

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前身 Predecessor

何謂香港字? What is Hong Kong Character? Hong Kong Character is a unique symbolic communication systems derived from the affection of the Hong Kong Language, Tradition, Culture, Social Environment and Foreign Language.

香港字是受著香港語言、傳統、文化、社會環境及 外語所薰陶下而洐生出的一種獨有的書寫符號 系統。

2010年廣州撐粵語行動 Guangzhou Television Cantonese controversy In July 2010, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Guangzhou Committee, in a written proposal to mayor of Guangzhou Wan Qingliang, suggested increasing Mandarin programming on Guangzhou Television’s main and news channels.The proposal sparked widespread controversy, met with fierce criticism in Cantonese-speaking cities including Guangzhou and Hong Kong and eventually triggered a protest in Guangzhou. In a formal response, Guangzhou TV rejected the proposal, citing “historic causes and present demands” as reasons for Mandarin-Cantonese bilingualism.

廣州撐粵語行動是中國廣東省廣州市的部分市 民(主要爲本地廣州人,同時亦有非本地人士參 加)於2010年中發起的一系列捍衛粵語廣州話的 行動。 事件引起粵港澳三地網民討論和當地媒體報導。

廢粵推普? Promote Putonghua at the Expense of Cantonese? Guangxi, the neighbour province, used to be a Cantonese-speaking area, especially in the capital Nanning. Since the promotion of Putonghua from the 1990s, the number of Cantonese speakers has been dropped to less than 30% according to an unofficial statistic years later, most of who are the elder generations.

自1990年代中以來,廣東鄰近的廣西壯族自治 區,尤其是省城南寧,在20世紀仍是粵語活躍地 區之一,後在市政府在推行普通話政策多年後進 行的非正式統計顯示,粵語人口已跌至不足三 成,且多數為長者。

There is also fear of Cantonese declining in Hong Kong. Stephen Matthews, an associate professor of linguistics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong commented that “It is difficult to calculate the timing but in the medium- to long run, Cantonese is an endangered language”. He added “It might survive for 50 years or so but after 50 years it may well be on its way out”.

粵語在香港也有下降的擔憂。香港中文大學語言 學副教授斯蒂芬·馬修斯評論說,“這是難以計算 的時間,但是從中期和長期來看,粵語是一種瀕 危語言”。他補充說:“它可能存活50年左右,但在 50年後它可能是在它的滅絕的道路上”。

以普通話教授中文科 Using Putonghua In Teaching Chinese Language Using Putonghua In Teaching Chinese Language, is the suggestion by the HKSAR Standing Committee on Language Education and Research. It propose Putonghua replace Cantonese as the main teaching language of Chinese subject. (Chinese Subject Teaching in Putonghua in 50/50 Ratio)

以普通話教授中文科,簡稱「普教中」,是香港特 別行政區政府及香港語文教育及常務委員會(語 常會)建議,將普通話取締廣東話作為中國語文 科的主要教學語言(中文科的課堂以普通話為授 課語言的比例逾50%)。

In January 2014, the Education Bureau suggested that Cantonese is not a Official language of Hong Kong but rather a Chinese Dialects.

教育局在2014年一月底一篇文章中,把廣東話定 位為「一種不是法定語言的中國方言」

粵語與文字的關係 Relationship Between Spoken & Written Chinese In report, most school implementing the “Putonghua Teaching Chinese” principle shows promising effectiveness. School runner Sun Fong Chung believes using Putonghua as the main study language can enhance students Chinese language ability.

看傳媒的報導,大部分學校推行「普教中」的理據, 是「普教中」具有教學成效。例如辦學人士孫方 中認為「普教中」 「可提高學生的中文語文水平」 〈普通話教中文 ( 160 校試行〉,2007)、 一位小學校 長 表示「普通話教學成效大」

According to a survey done by He Guo Shiang, the society has two parties of viewing. Supporters thinks “Putonghua Teaching Chinese” is more closer to written language, therefore should be beneficial for the enhancement of performance in their language ability, especially in written text.

根據何國祥等 (2002,頁 35–36)的調查,社會上同 時有著肯定和否定的意見。肯定者認為「普教中」 是使用一種口語和書面語相對接近的工具(普通 話) 來學習語文,應該有助於語文水平的整體提 高,特別是書面語的提高。

Examples given from the Teachers and School Principles who supports “Putonghua Teaching Chinese”, are mostly improvement in vocabulary or grammar. In others words, “Putonghua Teaching Chinese” can only formalise the use of wordings, but has no significant positive effect on other important factors in writing such as creativity, proposition & conception and structural composition.

贊成「普教中」的校長教師所引述的例子,大部分 屬於詞匯和語法方面的改進。 也就是說, 「普教中」 只能使學生遣詞造句更加規範,對於其他許多更 重要的寫作因素, 例如創意想像、命題立意、謀篇 布局,卻不見得有甚麼幫助。

Professor Tse, Shek Kam compared two groups of children in their reading ability. With one group born in and educated in Hong Kong using Cantonese as their mother tongue, while the other group born in Mainland, using Putonghua for their education before coming to Hong Kong for further education. The study suggested that the group that uses Cantonese are better than Putonghua users in reading abilities.

謝錫金(Tse, Lam, Loh, & Lam, 2007) 比較了兩 批小學生的閱讀能力,一批在本港出生和讀書,在 家裏慣常用粵語溝通;一批在中國大陸出生,接受 當地普通話教學一段時間後來港繼續讀書。研究 結果顯示前者的閱讀能力比後者為高。

Journal of Basic Education, Vol. 17 No. 2, 2008 © The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2008 基礎教育學報,第十七卷第二期, 二零零八年 © 香港中文大學 2008

創意與廣告 Creativity and Advertising In the design field, pun are often regards as a creative element. Designers uses pun to fill their art work with localised value. 在設計上,文字歧意經常成為創意的基石。 設計師利用語帶相關形式為設計成品注入本土 文化色彩。

宗旨與目標 Aim and Objective By this project, I wish to evoke Hong Kong People’s creativity and preform it by different methods.

我想藉此項目激發本土香港人的由語言文字所 產生的創意,並從各項形式的表達方式呈現出 來。

Understanding the unique linguistic system, culture and idiom for creative element.

了解香港獨有語言系統,文化和潮語等作 創作元素。

Visualising Hong Kong Culture in varies fields, such as language and wordings. Capturing slangs, street arts, calligraphy or other text base communication format, by that, trigger creative ideas.

利用語言、文字等不同領域影像化地呈現香港本 土文化。收集不同俚語、街頭藝術、書法、或其他 文字表達形式,從中誘發現創作意念。

目標受眾 Target Audience To the younger generation of Hong Kong, in order to inherit the local culture and spirt. For all who can understand and experience the story behind.

年輕一輩香港人,讓本土文化及精神得以延續。 所有有共鳴之士,能理解並領略箇中含意之人。

訪問 Interview 張濟仁 Cheung Chi Yan TVB Type Designer Cheung Chi Yan, move to Hong Kong from China in 1991. He joined TVB in 1993 and retired in recent years but started his own company and remain as a contract base partnership with TVB. 無綫電視字體設計師 張濟仁,91年從內地移居香港,93 年加入無綫電 視,早年已退休,當年也是從廣告得悉聘請字體 設計師而入行,現自組公司與無綫以合約形式延 續合作關係,每個月最多做過 120 個項目,已數 不清迄今設計過幾多字。

陳濬人 Adonian Chan Founder of Trilingua Adonian Chan. Type Designer, specialise in Calligraphy of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Have a collection of seven sets old Hong Kong Shop’s Signboard. 「叁語設計」創辦人 陳濬人.字體設計師,專門研究北魏書法 收藏 了七組香港老店的招牌

甘特圖 Gantt Chart

設計宣言 Design Statement The visual of the design should be impactful, can grab instant attention The content should evoke unique Hong Kong culture. 設計應當能受即時注目,有視覺上的衝擊。內容 應能喚起獨特的香港文化。

Visual Exploration

展覽形象 Exhibition Identity Tree rings symbolise the historical value and the aesthetic value of Hong Kong. Clerical script(隸書) representing cross-hatched past and future. The image ground base reappears the night of Mong Kok. Negative film touch tells a true capture of the city is taking place. 香港文化博物館一樓 專題展覽館一、二

Hong Kong Heritage Museum 1/F Thematic Galleries 1, 2

顏色 Colour Red : Representing People The spirit of under the lion rock, enduring and persistence Grey : Representing Wordings Ink, the colour with most covering power Gold : Representing Language Cantonese is golden


4 月2 0 日

20 A PR I L , 2 016 志 是 東 亞 紀 傳 體 史 書 中 經 常 出 現 的 一 個 部 分 ,與 本 紀 、列 傳 、表 不 同 ,重 點 是 擺 在 社 會 制 度 與 學 術 演 變 上 。 紀 傳 體 中 ,記 載 制 度 、風 俗 、經 濟 等 稱「 志 」。 香 港 志 講 述 香 港 人 .字 .語 文 化 。 香 港 志目的 是 要 了 解 香 港 獨 有 語 言 系 統 ,文 化 和 潮 語 等 作 創 作 元 素 ,再 利 用 語 言 、文 字 等 不 同 領 域 影 像 化 地 呈 現 香 港 本 土 文 化 。收 集 不 同 俚 語 、街 頭 藝 術 、書 法 、或 其 他 文 字 表 達 形 式 ,從 中 誘 發 現 創 作 意 念 。 望 所 有 有 共 鳴 之 士 及 年 輕 一 輩 香 港 人 ,能 理 解 並 領 略 箇中 含 意 ,讓 本 土 文 化 及 精 神 得 以 延 續 。

2016年 to

5 月2 0 日

20 M AY , 2 016

Records is a common formation in east-asian historical book. The main focus is in social policy and academic changes. Records of Hong Kong is about the culture of Hong Kong’s people, character and language. The aim of this project is to understand the unique linguistic system, culture and idiom for creative element and visualising Hong Kong Culture in varies fields, such as language and wordings. Capturing slangs, street arts, calligraphy or other text base communication format, by that, trigger creative ideas. For all who can understand and experience the story behind, and to the younger generation of Hong Kong, I wish to inspire you in order to inherit the culture and the spirt of Hong Kong.

展覽 Exhibition

Content Exhibition Floor Plan








Words HK


Speak HK


Exhibition Photo


目錄 展覽平面圖














Foreword In 1981, a Hong Kong teacher Lau Chui was having an opinion about the desolated situation in Hong Kong literary world, and called it a “desert”. The word “Cultural Desert” came by it. This makes me think, is Hong Kong really a “Cultural Desert” as Lau had said? For me, this statement is false. By the exhibition “Records of Hong Kong”, I wish to preform Hong Kong Culture by different methods and channel, and evoke Hong Kong People’s creativity in order to detach from the name “Cultural Desert”.

前言 1981年,一名香港教師劉隨向魯迅談及香港在文 壇上的荒涼現狀,埋怨環境太差, 稱之為「 沙漠 之區」。 文化沙漠一詞就是由此而來。 這令我思索,香港是否正是劉隨所述的文化 沙漠呢? 以我而言,此論述是錯誤的。 為此,我想藉香港志展覧把香港文化從各項形式 的表達方式呈現出來,並藉此激發本土香港人的 創意。脫離「文化沙漠」這陰影。

Preface Records is a common formation in east-asian historical book. The main focus is in social policy and academic changes. Records of Hong Kong is about the culture of Hong Kong’s people, character and language. The aim of this project is to understand the unique linguistic system, culture and idiom for creative element and visualising Hong Kong Culture in varies fields, such as language and wordings. Capturing slangs, street arts, calligraphy or other text base communication format, by that, trigger creative ideas. For all who can understand and experience the story behind, and to the younger generation of Hong Kong, I wish to inspire you in order to inherit the culture and the spirt of Hong Kong.

序言 志是東亞紀傳體史書中經常出現的一個部分,與本 紀、列傳、表不同,重點是擺在社會制度與學術演變 上。紀傳體中,記載制度、風俗、經濟等稱「志」。 香港志講述香港人.字.語文化。 香港志目的是要了解香港獨有語言系統,文化和潮 語等作創作元素,再利用語言、文字等不同領域影 像化地呈現香港本土文化。然後,收集不同俚語、街 頭藝術、書法、或其他文字表達形式,從中誘發創作 意念。 望所有有共鳴之士及年輕一輩香港人,能理解並領 略箇中 含意,讓本土文化及精神得以延續。

展覽平面圖 Exhibition Floor Plan 港.人 港.字 港.語

Hongese Words HK Speak HK

文化就是在有限空間中擴展的創作活動 Culture is the creative expansion in limited space

Hongese Faces of different Hongese, shown that WE are Hongese not because of the colour of our skin, not because of our nationality, but because of we commit to be a part of Hong Kong. We honour Hong Kong culture, we honour the identity of Hong Kong.

港.人 香港人的面孔,展示我們作為香港人不因為我們的 膚色或國藉,而是因為我們承認自己是香港的一個 部分。我們以香港文化為榮,以香港人的身份為榮。

終站 Destination Everyone knows minibus plate, but how is the design principle within it? The colour usage in minibus plates are paramount, normally uses white as the background, blue letter as the final destination and red with pass by stations, other background colour is express line. Hong Kongers have lots of aims, but what we should have first encounter? Minibus plates echo the mind of Hongese, feels stronger.

小巴字牌人人皆知,但箇中設計原理又有誰知 呢?原來小巴字牌顏色選用是極其重要的,一般 以白色作牌底,藍色字樣是終點站,而紅色是途 經站,而其他顏色牌底是龍頭線,直達目的地。 香港人目標無數,但必先經歷哪些階段呢? 利用小巴字牌細訴港人心境,更有香港情懷。



從簡 Make it simple In Hong Kong, we live no further from clothing, dining, living and moving. Each image of a particular object has bury under our subconscious, is presenting completely abstractly it in the simplest way enough to evoke our memories?

在香港生活不離衣、食 、住 、行四方面。每一樣身 邊的物品形象早以烙印在心中而不自知,以最簡 化的完全抽象方式又是否能夠喚起心中所想呢?

港撐 Lift Red, white & blue are consider as one of the 紅白藍被視為香港文化代表之一,緣由是紅白藍 representative of Hong Kong culture, its root traces 帆布。此帆布在50年代作為保護大廈外牆阻擋風 back to the 50s when the canvas are used as the 雨的作用。直至80年代,才大量製成帆布袋,被廣 protective cover for buildings exterior. Until in the 80s, 泛使用。紅白藍以耐用見稱,加上上有遮風擋雨 red, white & blue canvas were made as canvas bags, for 的作用,所以被人比喩為香港人精神,堅毅不屈, a large number of usage. Red, white & blue are renown 奮力自強。在大家坐在同一條船底下,大家齊心 for its endurance, plus the functionality of weather 「撐」起香港! resistance, it became equal as Hong Kong people’s persistent and endurance. We are aboard at the same boat, we together lift up Hong Kong.

Words HK Hong Kong Character is a unique symbolic communication systems derived from the affection of the Hong Kong Language, Tradition, Culture, Social Environment and Foreign Language.

港.字 香港字是受著香港語言、傳統、文化、社會環境及外 語所薰陶下而衍生出的一種獨有的書寫符號系統。

看字 Look Word Hong Kong special calligraphy surrounded us, we see it everyday but never actually sees it. Now we see it.

香港街道充斥這些藝術字體,平常我們視而不 見。現在我們「看」到了。

繁親見 Traditional Caring Contradictory between Traditional and Simplified Chinese has been continuing, no exact right or wrong in it, the catch is to be reasonable. In simplified Chinese, the word seeing has partially remove from the word relative, relative seldom meet each other. In traditional Chinese, the excluded part was kept, making relationship closer. With the different view of traditional and simplified Chinese, we see a different “relative”, which is closer, one word is enough.

繁簡字之議不斷,沒必然對錯,其意只在講不講 理。簡體字當中,親字剔走了見,成了「亲」,親人 遠別他鄉不甚相見,再親也缺了點。繁體字(正體 字)保留了見字旁, 把關係拉近點。 以簡體字見畫, 「亲不見」,以繁體字見畫,不見「不」字,只有「 親」。誰親誰不親,一字明瞭。

奇字 Word Bizarre Contradictory between Traditional and Simplified Chinese are more than that, how come a heartless monster will become saint? A wise saint brings peace; canonising a heartless beast will never be appropriate. And why would you categories a pig as a dog? Nobody knows. Honourable to be patriotic, while my country is so strong, nothing but contrary the bond with Beijing is describe as fear, bizarre.


繁簡字之議豈止於此,無心之怪何以成聖? 明君當道,天下太平;將不得人心之怪物封聖, 於理不及。 豬更可笑,明明是豬何以歸為犬類?不解。 愛國之心是極高情操,我國大國掘起,成就非凡, 偏偏心繫北京之卻以惊字相許,當中原因耐人 尋味。





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Speak HK The most distinguish feature of Hong Kong language is that it is flexible, it doesn’t need to follow the restriction of wordings. For example, slangs and jargons can really shown the beauty of it.

港.語 香港語言最大的特色在於靈活多變,且不需遵循文 字的規限。例如術語等形式都能彰顯其獨特之處。

啱嘴型 FITLIP How to say Cantonese? No matter your race or nationality, of course you need learning Cantonese when you came down here. FITLIP Challenge tests your Canton Speaking ability, gotta give it a try!

廣東話點講?無論你是哪個國藉,怎 樣的種族,來到香港當然要學習本地 語言廣東話。啱嘴型挑戰你說廣東 話的能力,總要嘗試吧!

Instant record is provided in the exhibition for visitors to record their Cantonese speaking, carry through the spirit of learning together. Every participant is also the exhibit itself, in a cultural diverse city like Hong Kong, culture are pieces of everyone, our Cantonese in Hong Kong is no difference.

現場有即時錄像可供參觀者拍下錄像,播 放與其他參觀者,實行人人齊學廣東話。 每位參觀者也可是展品,在香港這文化 匯聚的大城市,文化是由每個人所組成, 香港的廣東話亦同樣。

喃喃細語 Little Words There are many unique wordings in Hong Kong, if we visualise it in a literally way, how would it be?

香港特色用語眾多,若以字面白描當中意思又 有怎麼樣的衝擊呢?

搵鬼學數學 Foreign Math Open up the Almanac, turn to the page “Chinese English Phrase”, Hong Kong people used to use Chinese syllable to spell English syllables in order to learn english. Chinese is good at maths, simple multiplier need lessons to teach in foreign countries. In Hong Kong, people learns quickly with the “Multiplication Song”, amaze foreigners. If we need to teach the “Multiplication Song”, we need to translate it into English and make Chinese syllables to teach foreigners.

翻開通勝,揭到一頁「華英通語」,以前港人以 粵音拼出英語音節,學習英文。眾所周知,華人 數學成積出色,簡單乘數在外國要授課幾堂才 能教曉。而在香港,大家以九因歌背頌乘數表速 成, 國外人士噴噴稱奇。要教導洋人英語乘數表 就要翻譯成英語,以粵音拼出。

展覧倩影 Exhibition Photo

展覧立體模擬圖 3D Exhibition Model

白樣 Dummy 設計成品白樣一覧。

實際展覽佈局 Actual Exhibit Placement Floorplan

展位 Exhibition Booth 當日展位一覧。

CHENG Tsz Yin, Bear 鄭子彥



In 1981, a Hong Kong teacher Lau Chui was having an opinion about the desolated situation in Hong Kong literary world, and called it a “desert”. The word “Cultural Desert” came by it. This makes me think, is Hong Kong really a “Cultural Desert” as Lau had said? For me, this statement is false.

The aim of this project is to creative element and visuali wordings. Capturing slangs by that, triggering creative

By the exhibition “Records of Hong Kong”, I wish to preform Hong Kong Culture by different methods and channel, and evoke Hong Kong People’s creativity in order to detach from the name “Cultural Desert”.

For all who can understand Hong Kong, I wish to inspi

Exhibition Floor Plan 港撐



鐡櫈 記錄攝影 從簡


奇字 雞蛋仔地圖

夢遊號 喃喃細語 車箱 岩嘴形

哈哈鏡 牌匾

文化就是在有限空間中擴展的創作活動 Culture is the creative expansion in limited space



Hong Kong Heritage Museum 1/F Thematic Galleries 1, 2

香港志講述香港人.字.語文化。 香港志目的是要了解香港獨有語言系統,文化和潮語等作創作元素,從中誘發現創作意念。 Records of Hong Kong is about the culture of Hong Kong’s people, character and language. The aim of this project is to understand the unique linguistic system, culture and idiom for creative element and visualising Hong Kong Culture in varies fields to trigger creative ideas.


Exhibition Identity

o understand the unique linguistic system, culture and idiom for ising Hong Kong Culture in varies fields, such as language and s, street arts, calligraphy or other text base communication format, ideas.

The Records of Hong Kong(RoHK) uses three tree rings as the logo symbol, mingling with Chinese ink painting formation, to symbolise the historical value and the aesthetic value of Hong Kong.

d and experience the story behind, and to the younger generation of re you in order to inherit the culture and the spirit of Hong Kong.

Chinese word type symbol uses Clerical script due to its high legibility and similarity shared with modern regular script (kaishu), representing cross-hatched past and future. The image ground base reappears the night of Mong Kok, glittering neon shines through every streets and corners. With the negative film touch, it almost tells a true capture of the city is taking place right here and right now.


夏惠姨對住汪啊姐; 西多士撞正熱咖啡。 香港特色用語你又識幾個?


4 月2 0 日

2 0 A P R I L , 2 016

2016年 to

5 月2 0 日

2 0 M AY , 2 016

香港文化博物館一樓 專題展覽館一、二 Hong Kong Heritage Museum 1/F Thematic Galleries 1, 2

The most distinguish feature of Hong Kong language is that it is flexible, it doesn’t need to follow the restriction of wordings. For example, slangs and jargons in Hong Kong Style restaurant can really shown the beauty of it. A set of postcards was made to show different slangs and puns we use in Hong Kong on a daily bases. By sending the post card out, it not just sent a message but the whole Hong Kong sprite to other countries or culture. It made people all around the globe had the first sip of the wonderful Hong Kong Culture.

The Records of Hong Kong Appreciation Guide shows some of the featured exhibit and the information of the exhibition. The guide is the main deliverables of the whole project. Records is a common formation in east-asian historical book. The main focus is in social policy and academic changes. The exhibition guide clearly demonstrate the design and the identity concept through the exhibition, by reading it, you can relate to all of the work featured, it is as good as going there personally.

Leaflet and a deck of card are made as the promotional material for the Records of Hong Kong Exhibition. It feature artwork in the exhibition, letting people to have a peek of the exhibit.

文化就是在有限空間中擴展的創作活動 Culture is the creative expansion in limited space

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