Life in Colour No.17 Nov 2009

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London’s Original No.1 Multicultural Listing Guide Over 250,000 Monthly Readers

Entertainment L i s t i n g s Issue 17 • November 2009






London Jazz Festival Highlights


The Underground DJ Competition


King of the Castle


The Black Tie Comedy Awards


Hyde Park Winter Wonderland


The Asian Wedding Exhibition 2009


The Sky Below – A Film by Sarah Singh


Sacred Made Real Exhibition


Black Beauty/WAHL Hair Awards


Zumba With Bianca


Counsellor Mike



Send your details to with Miss West Africa 09 in the subject line



A Word From The Editors HI I n t h i s i s s u e we’ve b l e s s e d yo u w i t h e ve r y t h i n g n i ce l i k e s u g a r a n d s p i ce i n o u r fo o d s e c t i o n , re g u l a r c l u b u p d ate s, m u l t i p l e e ve nt s a n d g a l l e r y l i s t i n g s a n d n u m e ro u s t h e at re s h ows yo u c a n g e t d ow n a n d s e e.


O u r exc l u s i ve i nte r v i e ws t h i s i s s u e i n c l u d e B r i x to n ra i s e d S o u t h Af r i c a n bo r n s i n g e r M PH O a n d X- Fa c to r f i n a l i s t t u r n e d ‘M a m a M at ro n ,’ B re n d a Ed wa rd s. Th e h o tte s t tra c k s re l e a s e d th i s mo nth a re by J ay Z f t Al i c i a K e ys, G r i m e a r t i s t B l a c k s a n d 1 3 ye a r o l d D i o n n e B ro o m f i e l d.




























Sian Anderson Cassah


Piuchi Fu Milly Lam

London’s Original No.1 Multicultural Listing Guide Over 250,000 Monthly Readers

Entertainment L i s t i n g s * T T V F t N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 9






London Jazz Festival Highlights


The Underground DJ Competition


Rachel Nartey Shiezel Wilson


King of the Castle


The Black Tie Comedy Awards


Hyde Park Winter Wonderland


The Asian Wedding Exhibition 2009


The Sky Below – A Film by Sarah Singh


Piuchi Fu Milly Lam


Cassah Robert Springer Shabbar Lakha

Published by

Life In Colour Ltd, A Seven Media Company


JB Rose Derek Morrison-Bowen

To advertise in the next issue contact: Life in Colour A Seven Media company 16 Skylines Village, Limeharbour E14 9TS T: 020 7005 0590, F: 020 7005 0970 Please e-mail all listings information to E: W:


As i f t h i s i s n’t e n o u g h we’ve k e p t yo u i n t h e m i x w i t h N ove m b e r ’s b e s t co m e d y s h ows ; be pre pa re d to l a u g h yo u r s o c k s o f f w i th KO J O a n d Co, w h i l s t mov i n g o n to o n e o f o u r l i s te d c l u b n i g ht s i n c l u d i n g D J Ya s mi n’s ‘ B a d I nte nti o n s’. Al te r n ati ve l y, i f yo u’re l o o k i n g fo r a q u i e t n i g ht i n we’ve g o t a l l t h e b e s t f i l m s ava i l a b l e a n d d o n’t fo rg e t to c h e c k o u t th e B o l l y wo o d s c re e n s e c ti o n . Th i s m o nt h’s e ve nt s a re p a c k e d w i t h exc i t i n g p l a ce s fo r yo u to g o s u c h a s M i s s B l a c k B r i ta i n 2 0 0 9 , B l a c k B e a u t y H a i r Awa rd s a n d i f yo u’re g e t t i n g m a r r i e d s o m e t i m e s o o n , t h e As i a n We d d i n g E x p o at Al ex a n d ra Pa l a ce. Zu m b a w i t h B i a n c a - t h e l ate s t f i t n e s s c ra ze w i l l g e t yo u m ov i n g a n d co u n s e l l o r M i k e f ro m Th e I n s t i t u te o f We l l b e i n g w i l l a n s we r yo u r qu e s ti o n s o n re l ati o n s h i ps.

Sacred Made Real Exhibition


Black Beauty/WAHL Hair Awards


Zumba With Bianca


Counsellor Mike


N o b o d y d o e s i t b e t te r t h a n u s h e re at L i fe I n Co l o u r, d o n’t h e s i t ate to g e t i n to u c h w i t h u s a n d l e t u s k n ow i f yo u h ave a n e ve nt, re s t a u ra nt, co m e d y s h ow, l i s ti n g o r co mme nt. M a k e s u re yo u pi c k u p yo u r D e ce m b e r co py to o s o yo u’re s u re n o t to m i s s o u t o n o u r fe s t i ve C h r i s tma s c h e e r ! H a ppy re a d i n g ! S i a n & Ca s s a h

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MUSIC Location: O2 Academy Brixton Info:


One to look out for!


The world’s most known and most talented human-beatbox/ vocal percussionist brings you a show at the Jazz Cafe. From his days of touring with the legendary ROOTS from Philadelphia, to his 10 years of constant touring with DJ JS-1, to his side groups with Mike Patton & Peeping Tom, Rahzel has managed to be one of the most sort-after performers and spends most of time on the road. Rahzel has grammy awards, and has been featured on huge albums not only with the Roots but with Sean Paul, Bjork, Everlast, and others. Cost: £16.50 Time: 7pm Location: Jazz Cafe, NW1 7PG Info:

Simphiwe Dana


Nov Jay Z Concert

Legendary rapper takes to Alexandra Palace for another sellout gig (if his recent Roundhouse gig is anything to go by!) Tickets are now available to see the US superstar perform at this intimate north London venue. Jay Z has recently featured on tracks with his partner and singing sensation Beyonce as well as Rihanna and Kanye West so expect bigger things from him in the nearby future... Time: 7pm Cost: £55.00 Location: Alexandra Palace Way, N22 7AY Info:


The best in jazz music presents to you: 1st Nov - LEE JOHN 2nd Nov - NOIS 4 featuring MONICA VASCONCELOS & INGRID 3rd-4th Nov - MISHKA ADAMS with the JOHN HOARE BAND 5th Nov - DIMITRI VASSILAKIS featuring JULIET KELLY 6th Nov - IMELDA MAY 7th Nov - CORMAC KENEVEY and the PHIL WARE TRIO 8th Nov - MINA AGOSSI Cost: £15-20 Time: 9pm Location: Pizza Express Jazz Club, London, W1 Info: +44 (0)207 439 8722


Nov Concert for CARE

Brixton Academy will be the venue for a charity bash, featuring superstars of British music and comedy. Concert for CARE will feature Gary Barlow, Rob Brydon, Jimmy Carr, Dara O’Briain, Damien Rice, David Walliams, Mercury Award Winner Speech Debelle and CARE International ambassador David Arnold - with more acts to be announced. Proceeds from the show will go to CARE international - one of the largest international relief and humanitarian organizations in the world. Time: 7.00pm Cost: £30

Hailed as South Africa’s number one jazz singer and internationally acclaimed for her modern African soul records, Simphiwe Dana showcases her unique blend of rich vocal harmony and jazz grooves. Accompanied by her 11-piece ensemble, she performs material from her two albums, Zandisile and The One Love Movement on Bantu Biko Street. Time: 7:30pm Cost: £17:50 Location: Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank, SE1 8XX Info:


Nov Nneka Show

Nneka Egbuna was born in a small town called Warri in Nigeria in 1981 and used to sing in her school’s and church choir in Nigeria. Musically her songs range from deep soulful ballads like her “Confession” tune to modern reinventions of the UK sound. Even though she sings more than raps, she claims Hip Hop as her primary musical roots and an important source of her inspiration. Book tickets to see her at University of London Union now. Cost: £12 Time: See info Location: University of London Union Info:


Nov Bollywood Masala

An afternoon of musical pleasure presented by the highly acclaimed Harrow based live band ‘Marina and Melody Express’. Sing a long to contemporary and classic songs including golden hits of Lata Mangeshhkar, Mukesh, Asha Bhonsle, and Mohd. Rafi. Cost: £5 (includes tea and light refreshments) Time: 2pm Location: Harrow Arts Centre, HA5 4EA Info: harrowartscentre@


Nov Urban Development Presents Ladies Unplugged 2009

Sisters are doin’ it for themselves once again at the Unplugged Session. Last year’s Ladies Special took the organic soul night to new heights, with stunning vocal turns from Hil St Soul, Tawiah, Vula, Rosie Wilson and Gemma Fox, and November 13th sees another first-rate female line-up take to the stage at Stratford Circus. This years features Ms Dynamite, Shola Ama, Yolanda Brown, Katy B and much more. Time: 7:30pm Cost: £8 in advance, £12 at the door Location: Stratford Circus, Info: www.urbandevelopment.


Nov Marva Whitney And Osaka Monaurail

James Brown’s original Funky Diva Marva Whitney (“It’s your thing”, “Unwind Yourself”) performs an exclusive London date with Japan’s finest deep funk combo Osaka Monaurial. Expect a Funk & Soul style show. The show features Jazz Cotech Dancers + DJ’s Adrian Gibson & DJ Perry Louis follows the show. Time: 7:30pm Cost: £20 Location: 100 Oxford Street, W1D 1LL Info:


Nov Sean Kingston In Concert

Phat Nights and Kiss Present: Sean Kingston In Concert at the Indigo O2 the Entertainment Live Music Venue at the O2! Sean Kingston’s “Tomorrow” the new Album is OUT NOW. Includes the Hit Singles “Fire Burning” and “Face Drop” UK Support acts on the night will be Gracious K preforming the Smash Hit Migrane Skant and many more new tracks and Special Guest DJ Swerve - (Kiss 100). Time: 6:30pm Cost: £20.75 Location: Indigo 02, London Info:

16 Nov

Beyonce Live

V.V Brown is a singer, a songwriter, a performer, multiinstrumentalist and a producer, debut single, Crying Blood will be released by Island Records on November 3rd so get your copy and then get down to this show to have a listen to her amazing band and amazing sound. Cost: £10 Time: see info. Location: University of London, WC1E 7HY Info:


Nov Skunk Anansie

Skunk Anansie are a worldwide multi-platinum selling English rock band whose members include Skin, Cass. Ace and Mark Richardson. They are often grouped as part of a Britrock movement, running alongside Britpop. The band in 2004, were named as one of the mostsuccessful UK chart acts between 1952-2003 by Guinness Book of British Hit Singles & Albums and now they’re giving you the performance of a lifetime at London’s very own Brixton Academy. Time: 6.00pm Cost: see info Location: O2 Academy Brixton Info:


Nov The Motown Sessions

The Jazz Cafe presents The Motown sessions: Thelma Houston. Thelma Houston is an American singer-songwriter and actress. She scored a number-one hit in 1977 with her cover version of the song “Don’t Leave Me This Way”, which won the 1978 Grammy Award for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance. Now she’s back to perform some of her tunes at north Londons Jazz Cafe. Time: 7pm Cost: £20 Location: Jazz Cafe, NW1 7PG Info:


R’n’B singing sensation, partner of Rapper Jay Z and former Destiny’s Child band member, Beyonce, takes to the 02 Arena this month to give her usual mind blowing performance. She will be performing tracks off of her latest album, “I Am Sacha Fierce,” support acts are to be confirmed. Time: 19:30 Cost: from £69.99 Location: Indigo 02, Greenwhich Info:


Nov V.V Brown

Transition Creative is made up of top creative industry specialists. The company continues to grow from strength to strength; from designing and producing simple business cards, sophisticated website designs, to high profile awareness campaigns, press and PR. 16 Skylines Village, Limeharbour, Docklands, London E14 9TS 020 7005 0590 020 7005 0970







Whitney Houston I Look To You Release date: 19th October


After taking a big break from the music industry singing legend Whitney Houston is back with an album! The album is very much alike the old Whitney sound just a lot more current and up to date. I don’t believe her singing ability has faltered. Ms Houston hits less high notes than usual but this appears to be less of a failure and more elegant and emotional. Two of the tracks to look out for are ‘I Look To You’ and Diana Warren’s ‘I Didn’t Know My Own Strength.’ Both bring out lesson that your instincts are not always the best guide in life. Overall this is a good comeback for her.

Blacks (O.G’z) Sick Individual Release date: 26th October Grime artist Blacks has grown musically since his first release “Blackout.” The growth of this mix tape is just what we’ve been seeing on Youtube or listening to on the radio but with more lyrics, better beats and a mastered flow! His free give away 1.5 from earlier this year made us all stand up and notice Blacks. Who you’d previously may only have noticed during sets with his fellow emcees “O.G’z.” The growth stems from the place where he grew up in tracks like “Where We Living” featuring Little Dee and Jendor (where we can even enjoy a bit of singing from Blacks) but most of all in my personal favorite “Floating” ft Maxwell D, you can just hear it just come from a love of music where he talks about hes experience in the Grime scene. This mixtape stands alone if only in how impressive it is. I played it from one to eighteen and I enjoyed every last minute of it.

Dionne Bromfield. Mama Said Release date: 2nd Nov 13 year old Dionne Bromfield has just released her first album “Introducing Dionne Bromfield,” with the help of her mentor and god mother Amy Winehouse. She has a lovely voice and does really well on the track Mama Said. This is a song you can bob your head to and listen to with ease and I personally think it will do well! For a 13 year old girl this is an amazing achievement so show some support and get a copy!








Jay Z Empire State of Mind Release date: 2nd Nov This is a ridiculously big tune. The beat, the vocals, the feature from Alicia Keys, everything! Whether you’re 6 or 60 you’ll listen to this and have a reaction. Jay Z’s flow has been mastered so brilliantly and Alicia Keys has perfected her voice to the point where this track could never had been anything other than a win. I personally have never really been a Jay Z fan, but listening to this makes me want to listen to the whole of his recently released album “The Blue Print 3”. If you haven’t got this single yet then I suggest you buy the whole album instead!

Amongst all the furore about Alesha Dixon becoming a judge on Strictly Come Dancing you might have forgotten that her day job actually involves her singing. To remind us of this fact, Alesha has a new song, To Love Again. It’s a ballad, quite nice without being spectacular. To Love Again is written by Sir Gary of Barlow, usually a sign that a ballad will be pretty epic stuff. ‘To Love Again’ was written and recorded in LA’s legendary Henson Studios and is a breathtaking piece of world-class pop, which shows Alesha in fine fettle, and is set to be one of the biggest records this year.

Taio Cruz No Other One Release date: 29th Nov Brit winner Taio has invested too much time into hard work to be accused of cruising along the charts. He has worked with the likes of Tinchy Stryder, Cheryl Cole and Sugababes - and still managed to squeeze in a new single all of his own. The song No Other One is the next single from his album Rokstarr and is a shimmering club track in the style of No1 track Break Your Heart which held the top spot for three weeks.


Alesha Dixon To Love Again Release date: 15th Nov



13 November Bobby Hucherson Quartet

Fumi Okiji & Stefano Kalonaris

Master vibraphonist Hutcherson carved an enviable reputation through the golden age of the legendary Blue Note label with jazz giants like Eric Dolphy, Jackie McLean and Freddie Hubbard. His hugely influential playing combines fluid, harmonically advanced solos and a soulful bebop style. Time: 7pm Venue: Ronnie Scott’s 47 Frith Street, Soho W1D 4HT Cost: £20 - £36 Info: 020 7439 0747

Ladies Unplugged


Singer Okiji possesses a voice as rich as molasses that takes in folk, jazz and blues, combining here with Stefano Kalonaris’ Afro-Cuban and Brazilian-influenced guitar. Time: 7pm Venue: William Morris Gallery Lloyd Park E17 4PP Cost: £8 Info: 020 8496 4390

Claude Deppa

Featuring Ms. Dynamite, Katy B, Yolanda Brown & Shola Ama. These three dynamic divas, and one saxophonist, gather for a night of girl-powered neo-soul grooves. Mercury Prize-winning rapper Ms Dynamite and singer Katy B bring the attitude, while MOBO Jazz Award-winner Brown and acclaimed soulstress Ama add their cool sounds to this acoustic mix. Time: 8pm Venue: Stratford Circus Theatre Square E15 1BX Cost: £8 - £12 Info: 0844 367 2625

14 November

A leading exponent of African jazz who has worked with such legends as Miriam Makeba, Tony Allen and Manu Dibango, genre-hopping trumpeter Deppa is at home playing jazz, funk, Afro-Cuban and even chamber jazz styles. Live, it’s that irresistible dance pulse that turns even his jazziest tune into a feast for the heart and the hips. Time: 9:00pm Venue: Greenwich West Community and Arts Centre 141 Greenwich High Road, SE10 8JA Cost: £5 and £3 concession Info: 020 8858 9497

Sonny Rollins

reaching remarkable heights of imagination and energy, with headlong bebop, achingly lyrical ballads, and infectiously funky calypsos, all receiving the irresistible Rollins treatment. Time: 7:30pm Venue: Barbican Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS Cost: TBC Info: 084 4848 4495

Way In To The Way Out

An introduction to Jazz presented by Jay Phelps& Michael Mwenso; two of the country’s hottest emerging jazz talents, Michael Mwenso and Jay Phelps, explore the history of the music from the perspective of a younger generation. From the early days of jazz in the deep south to the worldwide scene of today, Michael and Jay will take you on a journey through the years with infectious enthusiasm, and using live and recorded music to illustrate your way in to the way out! Time: 2:00pm Venue: Front Room / Southbank Centre Belvedere Road SE1 8XX Cost: Free Info: 0871 663 2500

Abram Wilson Quartet

The original saxophone colossus is back once again at the London Jazz Festival. Sonny Rollins is one of the true giants of jazz, ranking alongside Coleman Hawkins, Lester Young and John Coltrane as one of the all-time great tenor saxophonists. A Rollins concert is a whirlwind tour de force of improvisation,

New Orleans-born London-based trumpeter Wilson is a dynamic presence with his deep understanding of the blues roots of jazz combined with sparkling technique and an innately hip sense of melody. Here he combines his African-American heritage with powerful musical narratives to create his own pan-cultural mix of old-meets-new jazz. Time: 8:00pm Venue: The Albany Douglas Way SE8 4AG Cost: £10 adv./ £12 on the door Info: 020 8692 4446



15 November Naturally 7

Cost: FREE Info: 0871 663 2500

Arun Ghosh

Naturally 7 bring together gospel, doo-wop, beatboxing and soulful R&B, and call the results ‘vocal play’ - their astonishingly versatile voices provide not just the lyrics, melodies and harmonies, but every musical instrument in every spectacular performance. Time:7:30pm Venue: Theatre Royal Stratford East Gerry Raffles Square E15 1BN Cost: £17.50 and £12.50 concession Info: 0208 534 0310

Inspired by some of the world’s great singers featured in this year’s Festival, this day-long event offers the opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of the jazz voice. All proficient singers welcome Time: 10:30am Venue: Front Room / Southbank Centre Belvedere Road, SE1 8XX

Robert Glasper, Bilal & Stonephace

Hip hop-influenced pianist Glasper follows the likes of McCoy Tyner and Herbie Hancock as the Blue Note label’s latest piano star to push the classic trio format into uncharted territory. A loose-limbed and expressive soloist, Glasper incorporates fractured and insistent melodic loops in his heavily rhythmic style joined by regular collaborator and hip hop star Bilal. Time: 7:30pm Venue: Queen Elizabeth Hall / Southbank Centre Belvedere Road, SE1 8 XX Cost: £10 - £20 Info: 0871 663 2500

17 November Regina Carter

Always mesmerising live, Detroit-born violinist Carter’s spellbinding playing is a stylistic history lesson in her instrument’splace in music, as she effortlessly combines fiery improvisational fluency with classical, Latin and African influences. Time: 7:00pm Venue: Ronnie Scott’s 47 Frith Street, Soho W1D 4HT Cost: £20 - £36 Info: 020 7439 0747

Femi Temowo

Guitarist Temowo, best known for his dazzling displays with saxophonist Soweto Kinch, performs fast-fingered post-bop that embraces Afro-beat, classical themes and beyond. Time: 7:30pm Venue: 606 Club 90 Lots Rd, SW10 0QD Cost: £10 Info: 020 7352 5953

Omar Puente

Mesmerising Cuban electric violinist Puente mixes a boundless classical technique with Caribbean heart and soul and fiery jazz-informed improvisation. Here launching his debut album From There To Here. Time: 9:30pm Venue: Jazz Cafe 5 Parkway, NW1 7PG Cost: TBC Info: 087 0060 3777

Zem Audu

Astonishingly talented tenorist Audu has been making waves with his fast, fluid solos and robustly warm tone. Time: 10:30pm Venue: 606 Club 90 Lots Rd, SW10 0QD Cost: £10 Info: 020 7352 5953

Kiran Ahluwaila

The yearning of ghazal and the longing of fado combine in Kiran Ahluwalia’s mesmerising voice. Expect something very special from her first British concert with her band. Time: 7:45pm Venue: Purcell Room / Southbank Centre Belvedere Road, SE1 8XX Cost: £10 - £20 Info: 0871 663 2500


Voicelab Jazz Day

Join the charismatic clarinetist and composer Arun Ghosh and special guests for an afternoon of aural experimentation and sonic explorations. Featuring singer-songwriter Julia Biel, songstress Amira Kheir and new collaborations with Jenny Adejayan, Liran Donin and Rastko Rasic. Time: 3:30pm Venue: The Albany Douglas Way, SE8 4AG Cost: FREE Info: 020 8692 4446



19 November Juliet Kelly

Gilberto Gil

Honey-voiced jazz and soul singer Kelly performs a short set of artfully reworked soul and pop classics Time: 6:00pm Venue: Ray’s Jazz @ Foyles 113-119 Charing Cross Rd, WC2H 0EB Cost: FREE Info: 020 7440 3205

One of the driving forces of the Tropicalia musical revolution, singer/songwriter Gilberto Gil’s potent music reshaped Brazilian music with rock/reggae rhythms and politically charged lyrics set to exquisite melodies.


Michael Mwenso

The hippest hepcat in town, multiinstrumentalist and charismatic singer Mwenso brings exuberant energy and humour to everything he plays, from classic swing to soul and funk. He’s as dapper as he is dynamic. Time: 7:00pm Venue: The Forge 3-7 Delancey St, NW1 7NL Cost: £7 Info: 020 7838 7808

Here he’s joined by acclaimed cellist Jaques Morelenbaum and his son Bem Gil on guitar and percussion for a delicate acoustic project exploring his extensive catalogue of over 50 albums. With four decades of music to choose from, a natural charisma and magnetic stage presence, Gil remains a unique musical figure today. Time: 7:30pm Venue: Royal Festival Hall / Southbank Centre Belvedere Road, SE1 8XX Info: 0871 663 2500 Cost: £10 - £37.50

21 November Zoe Rahman

Mama Africa: Celebrating Miriam Makeba

Rahman’s sparklingly virtuosic piano playing draws equally on her profound sense of melody and her Bengali heritage to produce a highly personalised style that’s won her both critical and popular acclaim. Following her Mercury-nominated album Melting Pot with her mesmerising Indian-influenced Where Rivers Meet, she combines all her influences here in a solo concert. Time: 7:30pm Venue: Tara 356 Garratt Lane, SW18 4ES Cost: £12 Info: 020 8333 4457

Mama Africa brings together some of the finest vocal talent the continent has to offer to pay tribute to Makeba who died last year at the age of 76. Time: 7:30pm Venue: Barbican Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS Cost: £10 - £25 Info: 084 4848 4495

Esperanza Spalding

Expect more of the same from this 24-year-old who is making serious waves in the jazz world. Time: 7:00pm Venue: Ronnie Scott’s 47 Frith Street, Soho W1D 4HT Cost: £20 - £40 Info: 020 7439 0747


Bursting onto the UK jazz scene two years ago with the stunning eponymous debut album, this sparkling young band return to the fray with a new line up and an intricately wrought new album Out ‘n’ In. Led by superb saxophonist Nathaniel Facey and powered by inventive drummer Shaney Forbes, this is top-notch neo-bop. Time: 7:30pm Venue: The Forge 3-7 Delancey St NW1 7NL Cost: £12 and £10 concession Info: 020 7838 7808



22 November 606 Gospel Group

A special lunchtime constitutional blast of gospel-fuelled refreshment from this ten-piece choir. Time: 1:00pm Venue: 606 Club 90 Lots Rd, SW10 0QD Cost: £10 Info: 020 7352 5953

Bass guitar hero, composer, producer and ‘Superman of Soul’ Miller was Miles Davis’ right hand man for the last nine years of the trumpeter’s life. With a band featuring rising trumpeter

Mark Ayza Offering

Jazz from Catalunya continues with Marc Ayza; one of the most sought-after drummers in Spain, Ayza probes the interface between jazz and hip hop, with echoes of the dance beats of the favela and the barrio adding to the mix. Time: 4:00pm Venue: Barbican FreeStage Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS Cost: FREE 020 7638 8891


Making Money From Your Song

Do you know how many ways you can generate money from a song, or how much your song generates when it is played on the radio or how much you can earn when your song is performed live at a show? You will find the answers to these and many other questions at the ‘Making Money From Your Song’ Seminar. A seminar for songwriters, artists, musicians, label owners, managers, music industry students, organisations and individuals who want to have a clearer understanding or a quick refresher on how income is generated from the creation of a song.

DATE Tuesday 10th November 2009 (future dates to be confirmed, please check website for details) TIME: 7pm - 9.30pm VENUE: 29/33 Berners Street, London, W1T 3AB PRICE: £25 CONTACT DETAILS: Tel: 0845 275 7017 Email:


Marcus Miller Tutu Revisited – The music of Miles Davis featuring Christian Scott and Gary Husband’s Drive

star Christian Scott, he pays homage to Miles and their crowning achievement together, Tutu. A landmark album that blended cool funk, blues and cinematic themes, it’s a perfect summation of Miller’s iconic writing style and Miles’ parched, haunting trumpet sound. Mercurial drummer, keyboardist and composer Gary Husband leads his vigorous Drive quartet that delivers a white hot blast of propulsive contemporary jazz, full of molten grooves. Time: 7:30pm Venue: Barbican Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS Cost: £10 - £25 Info: 084 4848 4495


Coryenne Elliot 26 year old Coryenne Elliot. Named Speech Debelle by her grandmother talks music and winning a mercury award for her album Speech Therapy. Could you tell me a bit about yourself? My name is Speech Debelle, I’m a rapper from south London and my sound is acoustic Hip Hop.

Do you think that young people can relate to your music? Yeah I think so. I’m still young. I’m not old enough to not remember what it’s like for young people.

How did you become a rapper? I used to write poetry and then I heard hip hop and I got into it because it was a really good mix of words and rhythm.

When you’re rapping what’s your main thing? Is it to get your story out there or is it just cause you enjoy it? Now it’s because it’s my job but I guess before it was just because it felt good it’s more like a job that I want to do well so I have to keep striving to try and be the best at the job that I do. Within myself, not compared to anyone else, the best I can be.

Was there any one Hip Hop wise that you heard and thought you’d like to sound like? Yeah 2 Pac was a big influence. At the time Lil Kim was a big influence and Da Bratt. When you wrote your first lyrics what were they based around? Not much, when I was 13 I didn’t really have music to talk about, it was in school rapping to my friends and stuff, it was really just to impress my mates and stuff. When you’re writing your lyrics now, what are you thinking about? Myself, relationships, - standard day to day things. Not really friendship anymore cause I’ve grown out of that but relationships and current issues, now it’s about paying bills and stuff.

Have you won any awards before? I’ve won a Mercury, Cosmopolitan Woman Of The Year and some others. How does it feel winning awards at such a young age? It’s such a relief. It’s a great feeling to know that the thing I wanted to do was the right choice. If it wasn’t what would it be? If I had a choice I’d be a chef, my main meal would be a real mix between Caribbean and British food. I’m from the Caribbean. My favourite meal personally is probably Aki and Salt-fish, dumplin and stuff. Cooked by my gran, she does the best.

What advice would you give to young people who want to get involved in music? My advice to young people that want to do anything is to make sure its the thing you want to do the most cause it’s most likely to be the thing you excel at.

Okay who’s on your ipod at the moment who are you listening to? Erm I’m listening to some old stuff. I like old music like “Intro” and old school Hip Hop. Old school Tupac songs DMX; Stuff like that.

Who is your black history month idol? Er probably a woman called Nanny, in Jamaica she was once the leader of a group of people called the Maroons, who were actually the first set of people in Jamaica to be granted their freedom she was leader of the group, so yeah, Nanny.

Do you feel like you’re a role model to young people? I’m not sure yet, I don’t think I’ll call myself a role model yet I don’t think I’ve done anything to earn that title yet.

What’s your relationship like with America? I don’t know it’s the first time I’m going out there so I’m gonna find out. Do you travel a lot? I travel a lot now yeah, I go around Europe quite a bit. I like France and Poland but mainly France cause I go there the most. They love Hip Hop in France. I think outside the UK that’s the other country my music does well in.

What do you think you need to do to earn that title? I have no idea I’ll know when I get there though. So, what’s next for you? My single is out now I’m going on tour round Europe, New York and stuff so that’s my plan for the rest of the year! And after the tour? I’ll probably be in the studio making another album. I’m working with Ed White at the moment and I definitely want Rodney P on this next album.

Is is hard breaking down language barriers in other countries? Do you speak French? No, I don’t speak French and my lyrics are obviously all English but they know the words to the songs [laughs] It’s an amazing thing. If I say the words “in the ghetto” what does that me to you? It doesn’t really mean that much to me. Anymore. I don’t know. I think the older you get the more you realise this place [London] isn’t really bad at all. There’s some real, real dark places in the world but nothing in London even comes close to being a real Ghetto. If you did live in a real Ghetto in this day and age how would you try and change that environment? I think I would concentrate on music. I don’t think I’m in a position yet where I’ve really got myself off on my own two feet so it would be really difficult to help other people in other places when I’m still trying.



01 Nov

Nov Halloween Ghost Bus Tour


If there’s something strange in your neighbourhood, who ya gonna call? GHOST BUS TOURS! Join them this Halloween for the ultimate ghostly experience aboard the ‘orrible omnibus for a ride around the dark side of London. The Ghost Bus Tours’ is London’s first ‘Fright Bus’ service. Onboard actors and technical trickery combine to create the scariest tour in town. After the tour will be a venue for canapes (included) & drinks. Location: Tantric Club Time: 7pm Cost: £33:99 Info:

DJ Yasmin presents “Bad Intentions” a 100% free rave in Camden. Yasmin has supported artist’s such as America’s N.E.R.D and EVE whilst on tour in the UK as well as spinning some tracks for other high profile UK artists. On the night you can expect to also hear Mr Thing and Magdi Fernandes after DJ Yasmin spins some of the hottest R & B, Bashment and Hip Hop. This is going to be an ongoing event so if you miss the launch on the 1st you can quite easily attend any other sunday up until christmas. Location: 3 Greenland Place, Camden, NW1 0AP Time: 8pm - 1am Cost: Free Info:

Mon / Sun


06 Nov

Zoo Bar

The Underground DJ Competition

JP Patterson, Boxfresh, and Always Fridays present to you another Chokablock rave after it’s last fantastic night which featured artists O.G’z, Tempz and DJ JJ, this time for an Underground DJ Competition. There will be five DJ’s battling against each other on the decks to win the chance to DJ at the next Chokablock! Rinse FM’s Elijah (, DJ Marcus Nasty and blogger Hyperfrank (hyperfrank.blogspot. com) will be there on the night to judge the event and offer some musical entertainment. Not one too be missed. You can bring who you like, wear what you like (no joggers) and rave all night! If you miss this one contact clubchockablock@ for information on the next one! Location: Egg Nightclub, Kings Cross, N7 9AP Time: 10pm - 5am Cost: Free before 11 (£8 after) Info:


Nov Oceana

The residents supply the best of funky, R&B, drum’n’bass, dance, garage and old school. If you like music and having a nice time then this will be the place for you. Oceana (formerly known as Destiny) has been around for years and continues to impress with resident DJ’s, special events and a wide network of loyal ravers. Get involved and become a local raver at the Watford located club! Location: 127 The Parade, High Street, Watford, WD17 1NA Time: 7:30pm - 3am Cost: £10 Info: 0845 293 2874

17 18

Nov Midweek Madness at Escape Soho

Warm Up To The Weekend at Escape Soho aims to inject the weekend party spirit from Thursday night by offering cut price drinks and special offers. Midwek Madness at Escape Soho includes Resident DJ Stevie B spins a mix of pop, electro, funk, house and R&B. A lovely venue, classy, not too pricey and a nice vibe. What more could you ask for? Location: 10a Brewer Street, London, W1F 0SU Time: See info Cost: Free Info: 0872 148 3537

The Zoo Bar in Leicester Square is one of London’s best late night party venues. This club and bar, divided over two floors, offers the best in commercial and mainstream dance. The Zoo Bar also has promoters on Monday and Wednesday who play RnB. If you don’t like the sound of one room you can easily just slip into the other and continue having a great night! Location: 13-17 Bear Street, Leicester Square, WC2H 7AS Time: 10pm onwards Cost: £3 - £8 Info:


Mon / Weds

Wicked Wednesdays at Sound. Sound is known for being the place to go if you’re aged 18 and upwards. If you’re ever lost for something to do you can be sure to find something in this Leicester Square based night club. If you don’t like the sound of the residents in one room playing R&B and hip hop, along with the nice vibe and bar staff walking around offering alcohol shots then I don’t know what you will like! Location: 1 Leicester Square, WC2H 7NA Time: See info Cost: £10 Info: 0870 863 1010

Tiger Tiger in the West End has recently been refurbished and looks fantastic. Open until 3am the bar offers five bar environments, 2 dance floors and the opportunity to eat, drink and dance under one roof until 3am. Tiger Tiger has now become a lounge bar making the venue a stylish place to hold a party. The music policy is Pop, Chart and Contemporary Dance. Location: 29 The Haymarket, London, SW1Y 4SP Time: 11pm - 3am Cost:£3 after 11pm Info: 0872 148 4367

Nov Sound

Tiger Tiger


Nov Hoodoo Voodoo... Jungle Boogie

Established building services for over 40 years


Be transported to the exotic Hoodoo Voodoo Jungle! where billowing jungle mists surround you while you shake to Exotic beats & shrieks! Watch as The Witch Doctor drags on stage the wild native women of the jungle to perform for the Voodoo Gods with their wild & beastly Burlesque! Taunt the captured cannibal girls forced to dance in our giant bamboo cages! Later in evening you will have your chance to become a native of the Voodoo jungle where the most aptly attired will become ruler on our skeletal throne! And to celebrate, dance under the witch doctors limbo stick! Jerk, wobble & vibrate as two cavegirls & a gorilla play primitive R’n’R, garage punk, rockabilly, stone age novelties, bird calls & big cat roars! Location: 44 Pollard Road, Bethnal Green, E2 6NB Time: 9pm - 2am Cost: Free Info:

264 Nether Street, Finchley, London N3 1HT Tel: 020 8349 4305, Mob: 07958 390 351


Nov Southern Hospitality

Newly refurbished Plan B has re opened and is offering you the best of events right at your fingertips. One of the November nights include Trill London. From G - Funk to Crunk, In one room Trill will be playing only the best in Southern and West Coast rap. The evening will also feature the photography of Peter Bestie, hosting by Genesis Elijay, with Rob Breezy, Dj Fuckee and CWD. In the second room will be Shortee Blitz, DJ 279, DJ MK and Spin Doctor. Location: Plan B, Brixton, SW9 7AY Time: 10pm - 3am Info:



Thursdays at the Vendome club is created every week for members, guests and friends to enjoy a party with a difference. Join the Vendome party for drinks with your friends, clients and colleagues and party till the early morning. Enjoy the sounds of their favourite DJ’s Iron (Virgin Records) and Milan based DJ/ Model Sara Montrose mixing a

mash up of Electro, House, RnB, Old Skool & Soulful House. If you like a bit of class the revolving DJ booth stroke bar will be right up your street. This is a very classy and famous club night so come dress to impress with cash in your pocket to pop champagne and have a great night! Location: 85 Piccadilly, Mayfair. W1J 7NB Time: 11pm onwards Cost: £20 Info: 0207 495 2959


From X-Factor to Broadway... After coming forth place in 2005’s X-Factor Life In Colour catch up with amazing singer Brenda Edward’s to talk about her journey to stage stardom... When did you start singing? I’ve actually been singing gospel since church days. When I was 7/8 years old. My grandmother was the mother of the local church where I lived in Luton. I stopped going when I was about 18 but I loved it. How did you get from singing gospel in church to X-Factor? I was singing in church till I was 18, then I was doing Karaoke and singing at my local pub but I had a full time job as an accounts manager at Price Drop, then about four/five years ago in my 30’s I entered the X-Factor and then started singing professionally. Did you think you were going to get as far as forth place in 2005’s X-Factor? No I didn’t, I didn’t enter, I was literally just in the right place at the right time. My husband and I went away to Belfast and we stayed at the Hilton hotel, which turned out to be where they were holding the X-Factor open auditions. My husband entered me and then I had several auditions. They asked me to come back then I got put through to boot camp and then to the judge’s houses. I went to Sharon’s house in LA and then I got through to the live shows. How did you move on from X-Factor to theatre? When I did my first live show at X-Factor I did a song called “Son Of A Preacher Man” and the stylist had giving me a black velvet suit which had a really “Chicago” look about it. The producers from the theatre production Chicago got in touch with Sharon Osbourne and said that they wanted me to audition for the role of Matron Mama Morton. Obviously I was still in the show and I lasted for 10/11 weeks so I couldn’t audition. The producers waited a year for me altogether. I auditioned then, like everybody else, and I got the part. After Chicago I went to do a role called Pearl Pasta. I originated the role from a

musical called Carmen Jones. That was a lot of fun. It was at the Royal Festival Hall during their summer period for about five/six weeks, then Chicago asked me to come back to them for their 10th anniversary which had all of the stars from the past ten years in it. It was a really big night. Wow, so after that step onto theatre how did you hang onto it? I stayed on for Chicago’s Christmas period until this year February (2009) where I was auditioned for the role of Killer Queen in the We Will Rock You (The Queen) Musical. I was doing rehearsals for We Will Rock You in the daytime then Chicago in the evenings it overlapped for about three weeks which was tiring but in the music, theatre and entertainment industry if you don’t work you don’t get paid. You’ve got to keep going. So what are you up to now? I’ve been doing We Will Rock You since this march and it finishes next year march. It’s just been a whirlwind from one thing to another. I haven’t stopped in the past 4/5 years. The best part is seeing the public reaction and seeing that I’m entertaining people and seeing that they’re getting joy out of watching me perform. It’s gotta be worthwhile and you’ve gotta enjoy what you do otherwise there’s no point in doing it. Especially on stage if you don’t enjoy it, it will show and if you give a performance, especially a very bad performance then you’ve not only let yourself down but you’ve let down the thousands of people who’ve come to see you on stage. Looking back at the Leona Lewis’ and the Alexandra Burkes are you glad you didn’t win the X-Factor series? Well, in my own way I’d like to say that I did win because there are so many people who entered the competition that you don’t hear about and they’re not still working. I’m fortunate enough that I’ve found a niche in the theatre industry

that’s keeping me going. Aside from that I put a band together a couple of years ago so I also tour with them doing my own material, I’ve got a nine piece band that I also do gigs with as well. Is there a theatre production you’ve seen and thought, “I want to be in that?” I’m actually in one that I thought was amazing; The Queen Musical. There are no productions that are out there at the moment but if they were doing Dream Girls I’d like to go for that. The thing is; there’s not many roles in the west end that would suit me and suit my personality, you can’t just do something for the sake of doing it in the west end, it has to be the right role. Mama Morten was right for me, she’s a big strong woman, Carmen Jones the same thing, Queen is exactly the right thing and then some, and you have to cast yourself for the roles. You have to be realistic in what you’re going for. It has to be believable to the audience, they have to believe that I am that character otherwise it’d just be silly, but it’s all good experience really. Who have you co-starred with? Well, I’ve sang with Brian May, and Kevin Kennedy (Robbie Wiliams’ right hand man), Sharon Osbourne, Jonathan Wilkes, I’m playing with Queens son in the We Will Rock You musical. So yeah, just a few [laughs] What’s next for you? Other than the Gospel Choir in December; We Will Rock You goes on till next year february so right now I’m not thinking about ‘next’ I’m just living for now and having a great time. Hopefully when this finishes I’ll be able to spend some more time with my family, go back into the studio, write some more songs with the band and do some more gigs to get a song out there myself.

ASIAN EVENTS 29 Oct - 07 Nov

Asian Art in London


Asian Art in London is an event which involves London’s leading Asian art dealers from Kensington Church Street, Mayfair and St James’s, joining together for a series of selling exhibitions during the week of Asian Art in London. A sample of the magnificent selection of Asian antiques from: India, Islam, China, Japan, the Himalayas and Korea spanning some 5000 years of culture - including ceramics, furniture, glass, jade, jewellery, manuscripts, metalwork, paintings, screens, stone carvings and textiles Info:



Nov Bombay Dreams

Beat of the city, for the glamor people, music policy: Bollywood, R’n’B, Club, Classic and Mainstream. Appetizers will be provided throughout the event. Guest-list available for celebrations. No Sportswear, caps or trainers! Location: Bombay Dreams, Wembley Central Time: 10pm - late Cost: £10 Info:


Nov GALA Party

Avina’s work involves hair and make-up for weddings, parties, photographic makeovers, television, stage as well as other media events. She is known for her innovative ideas, exceptional quality and friendly professional service. Services offered include a 90-minute consultation consisting of skin analysis, makeup application, hair design with accessories and colour selection. Avina is continually educating herself on the latest looks, new products and trends – ensuring that her services are at the top of the league. Tel: 07961 436 449 Email: Web:

This year the party incorporates The Asian Art Awards, presented by violinist Vanessa-Mae. Guests can enjoy a private view of the British Museum’s recently opened Sir Percival David Collection of Chinese Ceramics in the new Sir Joseph Hotung Centre for Ceramic Studies. Plus, there’s chance for party guests to win a stay for two people at the five-star St Regis hotel in Beijing. All ticket holders are entered into a prize draw, which takes place on the evening. Location: Asian Art In London, Mayfair, W1S 4NE Time: 7pm Cost: £50 Info:

Workshop Beyond Bamboo

As part of the exhibition presented by Katie Jones there will be a short talk and demonstration by Japanese

bamboo artist Shouchiku Tanabe introduced by Rupert Faulkner, senior curator, Japan Asian Department, Victoria and Albert Museum. Location: Gallery 27, Cork Street, Mayfair, London W1 Time: 2pm-5pm Cost: Free Info:


Nov Asian Hindu & Sikh Party

This event is for 20s to mid 30s Hindu and Sikh professionals, the upper age limit is 36. When you have booked you will be able to view the guest list one day before the event day, so you will be able to contact other guests then. The evening will start with a fun ice breaker with prizes of champagne and drinks which will get you chatting to people straight away. Location: Slug and Lettuce, Westminster, SW1P 1RH Time: 07:30 PM Cost: £14:99 Info:


Nov Seminar

The Materials and Techniques of Indian Painting – A Closer Look at the Art of The Indian Miniature. Participants will have the chance to see original paintings from the V&A collection and find out more about the materials from which they were made, as well as learning how Conservators look at paintings and the information they glean. Location: Sackler Centre, Victoria and Albert Museum Time: 2pm–4.30pm Cost: £25 Info: +44 (0)20 7942 2211 /


Nov Ashiq and Mugham Music of Azerbaijan The art of Ashiq is an ancient bardic tradition that belongs mostly to the old Turkic world (from Turkey to North-West China). An Ashiq is a poet, composer, singer, musical performer and occasionally dancer who beats on the strings of the saz and improvises serenades and ballads. The musical and poetic heritage of Azerbaijani Ashiqs dates back

ASIAN EVENTS to the 14th Century and was created, preserved and is still passed on in oral form. Location: Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank, Time: 7:45 Cost: £12 Info:


Nov Akram Khan

16 28

Nov Svapnagata

Meaning ‘dreaming’ in Sanskrit, Svapnagata is a unique twoweek festival of Indian music and dance curated by two multi award-winning artists – dancer

This evening juxtaposes the two great Indian classical dance forms of the North and the South. Aditi Mangaldas is an acclaimed kathak dancer celebrated for her dramatic interpretation of the classical vocabulary. She will present two extracts from full-length works – a classical solo and a contemporary trio. Priyadarshini Govind is an acclaimed bharatanatyam dancer from Chennai known for her vigorous yet expressive dance. Location: Roseberry Avenue, EC1R Time: See info Cost: £10 - £32 Info:


Nov U Shrinivas

Former child prodigy U Shrinivas (who is also known as Mandolin U) is a musician in the Carnatic musical tradition of southern India. A virtuoso performer, he plays a tiny electric mandolin – adapted to make possible the ‘slides’ between notes necessary for Indian music – and has stunned and delighted both the classical Indian music community and Western guitarists including George Harrison. For this performance he is accompanied by his brother U Rajesh on mandolin and a ghatam and mridhangham artist. Location: Sadlers Wells, Rosebery Avenue, EC1R Time: See info Cost: £25 Info:


Nov The Asian Wedding Exhibition 2009


Nov Aditi Mangaldas

From the moment you enter the show, you will be treated to the stunning displays designed by companies with innovative ideas to inspire you with design and style - to create a stylish wedding. Whether you’re looking to cherry pick suppliers to add the finishing touches to your wedding, or you are starting fresh - you will meet all the designers and suppliers on the same day, all under one roof to find every exquisite detail to make your wedding day unique. Location: Alexandra Place Way, N22 7AY Time: 11am - 7pm Cost: See info Info:

22 Nov

The World Of Apu - Satyajit Ray - Apu Trilogy

Rich Mix is delighted to present a selection of films by Bengali director Satyajit Ray. Initially inspired by the neo-realist tradition, Ray’s cinema has influenced both Scorsese and Kurosawa and displays a rare blend of intellect and emotion. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the best of Ray: a director whose films celebrate the human race - its struggles, conflicts, joys and sorrows. Location: Rich Mix, E1 6LA Time: 2pm Cost: See info Info:


Nov The Asian Dinner Club Hosts Networking Drinks

The spacious, dimly lit industrial space is a bar and club. Drinks reception is between 7.30pm and 8.15pm so please arrive early. Limited tickets available.

The Asian Dinner Club is aimed at Single, Asian Professionals who want to meet like-minded Asians. Location: Carbon Bar, Cumberland Hotel, W1C 1LZ Time: 7:30pm Cost: see info Info:

Bengali Muslim Speed Date

Daters should arrive at 6.30pm for registration, after which you can buy drinks at the bar and mingle with other guests. The speed dating starts at 7.15pm prompt and each date lasts approximately 3 minutes. Once your 3 minutes are up our staff assist you to move onto your next date. The event then ends at around 9.00pm. Guests are welcome to stay on at the bar after the event finishes for drinks or to stay talking to that someone special. Location: 23 Russia Row, London, EC2V 7PG Time: 7:00pm for registration, dating starts 7.45pm prompt Cost: See info Info:


Nov Kings Of Kings

The biggest promoters in Bhangra meets with the largest licensed venue in London to bring you a massive event. Live on stage: JAZZY B, MALKIT SINGH, SUKHSHINDER SHINDA, JASSI SIDHU, ANGREZ ALI, H DHAMI, ADH, BALWINDER SAFRI, JK, RANA SAHOTA. Location: SE One Nightclub Time: 21.00pm - 04.00am Cost: £15.00 (£25.00 - VIP) Info:


Akram Khan is one of the most exciting choreographer/dancers of his generation, internationally acclaimed for his cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary work. For this new solo piece, Khan collaborates with Gauri Sharma Tripathi and Pratap Pawar. Inspired by the Mahabharata story of Queen Ghandari, who blindfolds herself for life to follow her blind husband, Gnosis explores the notion of inner knowledge and clouded vision, of ‘seeing darkness yet being blind to light’. The production features a band of live musicians. Location: Sadler’s Wells, Rosevery Avenue, EC1R Time: See info Cost: £10 - £32 Info:

and choreographer Akram Khan and composer Nitin Sawhney. With a wide range of events taking place in the main house and the Lilian Baylis Studio, the festival offers a dazzling array of performances from some of the finest Indian musicians, dancers and choreographers, presenting classical work in a contemporary context. Sadlers Wells Theatre, EC1R Cost: £10 - £35 Time: See info Info:



Singer MPHO tells all about her experience at the Brit school, why she loves Brixton and what possessed her to write a song about ‘screw faced girls.’ Mpho is fast becoming the new name on everybody’s lips for her controversial lyrics, unique singing voice and love for her home-town Brixton. Mpho’s reputation for wowing audiences with her acoustic sets had everyone who understands real music buying her single Box N Locks, in which she talks about feeling boxed into one genre of music. Mpho, who is signed to Columbia Records, is set for big things in 2010, Life In Colour grabs an exclusive interview with the Noisette’s supporting artist before she rushes off to her own show... Can you tell me a bit about your upbringing, where did you grow up? I grew up in south London, Brixton/ Stockwell area. Brixton was the first place I came too when I was four, I came here from South Africa. What was it like growing up in Brixton? [Laughs] I love Brixton; I was thinking this as I was walking around there today. I really do love it. It’s one of those places though that I think ‘you love it if you know it, if you know the community and you understand what it’s about. I can see why people look at it and turn their noses up but, you know, it has it’s pro’s and con’s - like anywhere, but I think the culture and the combination of culture that exists there makes sense to me and it feels like home... to me. [Laughs] Now there’s a lot of crime going on in Brixton - Not only in Brixton, don’t make it sound like we’re proper ghetto [laughs] Brixton as an example... was there a lot of crime around the time when you were growing up there? I’m fed up of Brixton getting a bad name. A lot of things are good about Brixton, people need to come there and not be shook. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I like the fact that in Brixton I can find a Jamaican food shop on one corner, a Ghanaian food shop next to it and a deli cafe with tea and cupcakes right next to that. And I can get all three of those things in one. You don’t really get that in very many places where you have a combination of different cultures that coincide. I think that’s a special thing. Especially being the kind of person that I am. I can tap into all of the different sides of myself. Like in Clapham you definitely don’t get that kind of combination and it can make you feel kind of uncomfortable. In Brixton no matter what cultural background you have you can feel comfortable.

You went to the Brit school. Is it the amazing experience that everyone makes it out to be? It can be. If you want it to be. It depends who you are. It’s got its challenges. It’s got a lot of great facilities, modern resources and most of the people who taught there were still active in the industry in some way or another, which makes a difference from being taught by musicians who don’t do music anymore. They have a different approach to it. However there are lots of people there who thought that they were from “Fame” and would do the splits in the corridor and sing the opening of High School Musical whenever they got the chance. It can be slightly annoying and precocious, that kind of “I’m going to be famous” attitude and for me at the time I was kind of like “rah, who are you people?” [Laughs] but since then I’ve learnt that they are the people you have to relate to in this industry. Do you think Brit school helped you in terms of becoming an artist now? I still have two very good friends I went to Brits with one is currently my manager, I think its more about learning to be driven for yourself in that kind of environment because you don’t achieve much if your not, you’re quite free to do what you want, you can doss in the common room or outside and everyone sings and makes up music; but are you getting the grades at the end of the month? You could be talented and not be driven to do anything and that’s quiet an important lesson to learn. Did going there inspire any of your song lyrics? No, I wasn’t really writing, I was writing at the time but I don’t feel like I developed my song writing there, that’s something that happened after I left. When I was there the course’s were very different to the way they are now, I did performing arts in general so I learnt to do prosthetics make up stage lighting and other things, so in some way its given me more of an

insight into the entertainment industry because there are things I know I can do on my own, like make up for a shoot, I can get a sense of what’s going on onstage at a production as opposed to saying I’m a singer and I just shut my mouth and only open it when there’s a microphone in front of me. It given me a little bit more of an in depth insight more than actually developing my talent. I think that’s something you have to do yourself, especially in a competitive environment you have to want to develop yourself. So you wrote: “Box ‘n Locks” right, that’s a really deep song obviously really passionate what happened there what was your thought process behind that? You know what? I didn’t actually consciously write “Box ‘n Locks,” It just came out, it just happened it wasn’t ‘I have to write this song about this issue,’ but it was something that I felt needed to be said. I had subconsciously gotten fed up feeling like I’d been bunched in with all the same people, expected to do all the same things, look the same way, behave the same way and talk about all the same things. I didn’t want to do that and I think that realization came out in the song and then inspired me to carry on in that way of doing what I wanted to do. When people were trying to make you conform to that whole ‘being in a group of musically urban people’ were you conforming or were you being rebellious? I think I was conforming to a degree but I never really fitted in at the Brits and it never felt comfortable so try as I might it still wasn’t making sense to me. Do you think it’s kind of like you’re rebelling now by making the type of sound you’re making, or is this sound the sound you’ve always wanted to make? I think this sound is the sound I’ve always wanted to make and I was struggling

to find it because there weren’t people around to work with to encourage me to support the fact it was possible. You’ve got a song where you talk about ‘screw faced gals,’ how did that come about? I’m just fed up. I can’t stand them screwfaced girls it does my head in. I can be that girl too, I can leave my house and give everyone a dirty look if I want to, but I’ve found out it’s better to not be like that. I’m happier when I’m not thinking about anger and aggression and I got fed up to an extent of walking through Brixton, through Hackney, through wherever and seeing other women just looking vex all the time and looking at each other like they’re vexed with each other and I’m like “what’s that about” like why? When I make the effort to leave my house and say “I’m going to smile today, I’m gong to be happy today, I’m not going to be vexed today,” it makes a difference to your whole day and other woman should learn from that, it’s not even just women but that’s what I experience. I just think it’s much nicer when you smile. Why do you feel you have to make an effort to smile, why doesn’t it come naturally? Because life can be hard sometimes, it can, but you know what but as corny as it might sound when you put a smile on your face and walk out the door you see things that when your just vex you don’t notice, those things make you happier they allow you to see the brighter side of things and for life to not feel as hard as it is. Do you think a song as harsh as that is going to turn those ‘screw faced girls’ away from you and maybe make them not want to buy your music - truth hurts sometimes? I don’t think the girls I’m referring to even buy records [laughs] I’m not writing it so they’ll buy my records, I’m writing it so they’ll think about their lives because I can be that girl, I know I can be in McDonalds and get vex and end up in a fight and I don’t want to be and I’m sure they don’t want to be either in the heart of it, so that’s why I wrote it because I’m not just talking about them I’m talking about it in a personal experience none of them girls could come to me that why in the pre chorus I let them know ‘I’m not afraid of you, step to me we could do this, but why not just chill instead?’ Who would you say is similar to you musically? To be very honest there’s not really anyone I see. I see artist have the same creative vision with regards to not necessarily making the music that everyone expects. I’d like to hear what they’re really talking about and talking about it in a way that’s not so convoluted; that people cant hear I’m actually

making a point, this is the black and white, this is what I’m saying. I think its quiet a difficult thing to do because you’re putting yourself out there in a way you’re making statements that people might go ‘okay, we don’t really want to hear that’ or ‘we don’t want to hear it being said like that can’t you be more subtle about it cant you be revolutionary about it and to me it’s more about getting people to ask questions of themselves and of their environment and of their lives than just going ‘you gotta do this,’ its more about that I don’t know if I’m being ignorant or just being in my own bubble but I don’t feel there are very many especially woman who do that. And I even question how many men are out there and there aren’t many men who can say the things that I say because a lot of its from a woman prospective How important do you think it is to bring you culture into your music? I don’t think I have to bring it back into my music as much as I think it is there, whether its obvious to other people of not I don’t think most people will listen to my music and assume I’m from Africa but I know I am and I know my perspective is effected by that, I don’t feel the need to make a point about it until I want to make a point about it and then I will. I feel like it’s important to just be and encompass everything that you are. So what are you up to now in terms of music? You’re doing your shows and touring with the Noisettes what else are you doing? I’m actually starting to write again I stopped writing for a while a n d g o t into the

whole ‘live’ thing, there’s lots of things on the card for me at the moment, musically right now I’m starting to write again and listen to a lot of music. Who do you listen to? Prince, always Andre 3000, Marina and the Diamonds What would you say your genre of music is? I don’t know where to start because I know all the elements that inspired it so I’m like ‘it’s not that, it’s also not this’ etc. I let people listen to the music and decide for themselves. Where can we find you?,, also “MPHO” on youtube.


THEATRE Show of The Month 12

Nov Maybe Father

22 Oct - 07 Nov


What Fatima Did

Fatima Merchant is feisty and strong-willed. At 17, she drinks, smokes and parties. On the eve of her 18th birthday, without word or warning or explanation, she adopts the hijab. Suddenly, to her friends and family she is no longer the Fatima they thought they knew. What Fatima Did... is a funny and provocative exploration of attitudes to identity, freedom and multiculturalism in contemporary London. Location: Hampstead Theatre, Eton Avenue, Swiss Cottage, NW3 3EU Time: see info Cost: £15-25 Info:

27 Oct - 21 Nov

06-07 Nov

On 22 July 2005 Jean Charles de Menezes was shot dead by the Metropolitan Police at Stockwell tube station. It was a defining moment in London’s history yet too many questions are left unanswered. Award-winning writer and director Paul Unwin (co-creator of Casualty and Holby City) and Sarah Beck’s play is a shocking, electrifying, insight into what really happened before, during and in the years following Jean Charles de Menezes’ death. Weaving together new and personal testimony from Jean’s family and friends, senior police officers, ‘Justice4Jean’ campaigners, lawyers and eye-witnesses, THIS MUCH IS TRUE brings the tragedy to the stage and reveals much that has never been said publicly before. Location: Theatre503, 503 Battersea Park Road, SW11 3BW Times: Tues-Sat 7.45pm (7pm on 31 Oct), Sundays 5pm Cost: £13 / £8 concessions Info:

Blue Mountain Theatre celebrates its 20th year in production with this beguiling foray into the complexities of conjugal living. When misguided misogynist Winston (Oliver Samuels) tries to ‘trade in’ Patsy, his Common-Law wife of 15 years for a younger model all hell breaks loose! Patsy spirals into emotional meltdown until her fearless best friend, Shelly (Terri Salmon) springs to her defence - with a vengeance! Oliver must learn the hard way that no man can have his cake and eat it and is forced to make the toughest choice of his life his money or his wife! The rights in particular of those women who have not yet said ‘I do’ are championed in this thoughtprovoking and witty Jamaican

This Much Is True

Common Law

Part of the Flipping the Script series. Talawa’s series of play readings showcasing the best in Black British writing returns. Flipping the Script is your chance to hear a few of the thousands of different voices that make up the Black British experience. Three evenings. Five playreadings. These are some of the best untold stories of Black Britain. Location: Waterloo Time: 7pm Cost: £6-£8 Info: / 020 7922 2922

comedy of errors. It examines the pitfalls of the ‘CommonLaw’ relationship and its rights and wrongs in what is still very much a ‘grey area’ of the legal system. The logic is elementary: Common-Law partners have rights and the mantra must be: “It’s 50/50 down the line Half of what’s yours is also mine!” Boasting a stellar cast of the Caribbean’s best loved performers, including Oliver Samuels, Terri Salmon, Violet Meikle, Allison Mason and Rohan Cross, this charismatic tale will delight and unite audiences of all ages as it reminds us that: Women are like Tea Bags - We never know our true strength ‘til we find ourselves in hot water!’ Time: 8pm Cost: £ 20 Location: Hackney Empire Info: 020 8285 1874 or sharon@bluemountaintheatre.


Nov A Christmas Carol

A truly delightful Dickensian festive treat awaits you and your family this Christmas at the Arts Theatre in London! Gareth Hale stars as Scrooge in Susie McKenna and Steve Edis’ magical new musical A Christmas Carol. With a cast

of extraordinary performers, fabulous puppets and a sumptuous sprinkling of festive charm, you’ll have never seen an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic like this before! Step back in time into a Victorian Christmas, as The Arts Theatre is transformed into a Dickensian winter wonderland, with a ravishing foyer bedecked with a glittering Christmas display. All the family can enjoy festive delights, from toffee apples and candy canes, to warm minced pies and spicy mulled wine. This is no ordinary night at the theatre, so Humbug be blowed come and enjoy the fun! Location: Arts Theatre, London, WC2H 7JB Cost: £32:50 Time: 7:30pm Info:

14 15

Nov 50 years of Butoh

1959-2009 2009 marks the 50th anniversary of Butoh and the continuing influence of this Japanese art form on the development of world contemporary performance. Founder Tatsumi Hijikata’s first performance took place in 1959, and since that time Butoh has taken root in all continents of the world. These workshops and activities celebrate and extend this



P r o d u c t i o n

Christmas Theatre Celebration

Starring X Factor’s 2006 finalist Dionne Mitchell This festive season will be greeted by Tell Tarra’s first full length production of King of the Castle by JB Rose. This brilliant new Christmas comedy was initially showcased at one of Tell Tarra’s hugely successful networking events which have showcased new writing by talented script writers in venues through out London. Directed by the highly respected Angela Michaels with a cast of actors who are no strangers to TV and stage King of the Castle is undoubtedly an event not to be missed this holiday period. Throughout the five years since this innovative theatre company has been in existence, Tell Tarra has gained a league of loyal audiences, ‘this is due to the high standard and quality of work we produce,’ explains an excited Angela Michaels who is also one of the co founders of the organisation alongside writer, JB Rose.

Angela Michaels talks enthusiastically about the rehearsal process explaining how they are finding it hard to get through rehearsals because of how funny the piece is and how well the cast get on. ‘We are so pleased to have Geoff Aymer who recently starred in BBC’s Eastenders and the hugely successful West End hit Big Life and Dionne Mitchell who was an X Factor finalist in 2006. The cast is strong and this is a great time for our company to be producing our first production.’ JB Rose wanted to emphasise that Tell Tarra pride themselves in offering a fun, interactive experience for audiences. ‘Each night at every venue there will be prizes and free give-aways for all courtesy of our sponsors, so don’t miss out’ King of the Castle by JB Rose will be touring throughout December opening at the Hackney Empire on the 3rd December, then going onto The Albany in Deptford from the 10th December and finally opening at Rich Mix on the 17th December 2009.

This production is made possible with support from Half Moon Theatre.

3 , 4 & 5th Dec 2009 Hackney Empire 10 , 11th &12th Dec 2009 The Albany in Deptford 17th, 18th & 19th Dec 2009 Rich Mix in Bethnal Green th


It’s nearly Christmas, the presents are wrapped and the family prepares to celebrate. Newly retired Cornelius, the head of the family reveals his Christmas surprise. What was meant to be an intimate family occasion quickly spirals into farce, as for the first time ever Precious, his wife stands up for herself. With plenty of laughs and a few home truths, we’re taken on a right rollicking ride in this black comedy that dares to delve into family secrets. Precious refuses to back down, the family takes sides and the battle of the sexes begins! A fun-filled family show suitable for the whole family with a lively chatback with cast and director after each show. With an exciting cast of talented actors who are no strangers to TV and stage, King of the Castle stars Dionne Mitchell (X Factor finalist 2006), Geoff Aymer (BBC Eastenders), Chizzy Akudolu (CBBC’s Jinx, Cbeebies Gigglebiz), Ashley J (Acting Up, originally performed at Hackney Empire) and Marcia Mantack. TOUR DATES Hackney Empire 291 Mare Street London E8 Box Office: 0208 985 2424

Dates: 3rd, 4th & 5th Dec 2009 Tickets: Full: £12.50 Concess: £10.50 Community Access Network: £10 & Friends of the Hackney Empire: £9.50 Doors: 7pm Show: 7.30pm


During their busy rehearsal schedule JB Rose had a moment to chat with Life in Colour about the play King of the Castle. ‘I have always been interested in the older Caribbean communities that originally came to this country during the Windrush era; their lives, their opinions and experiences are very rarely documented. I wanted to explore how our parents and grandparents who are still living in this country feel about English life. Being a child of these elders I also wanted to explore how their off-spring faired as British born Blacks’.

By JB Rose, directed by Angela Michaels rd

The Albany Douglas Way Deptford SE8 4UG Box Office: 020 8692 4446

Dates: 10th, 11th &12th Dec 2009 Tickets: £9 / £ 6 concession Doors: 7pm Show: 8.00pm

Rich Mix in Bethnal Green 34-47 Bethnal Green Road London E1 6LA Box Office: 020 7613 7490

Date: 17th, 18th & 19th Dec 2009 Tickets: £12 / £10 concession Doors: 7pm Show: 7.30pm

THEATRE influence by sharing the work of both Japanese and European artists working in this form. The aim is to broaden awareness and understanding of Japan’s performing arts heritage and will foster new artistic and research relationships, forging links to generate future collaboration and exchange between Japanese and UK artists and students of performance. Location: The Courtyard, 40 Pitfield Street, N1 6EU Time: 12pm - 5pm Cost: £75-85 Info:

21 Nov


Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

A powerful Southern family gathers at a birthday celebration for patriarch Big Daddy who is unaware he is dying. In a scramble to secure their part of his estate, family members hide the truth about his diagnosis from him and Big Mama. Tensions mount between alcoholic former football hero Brick and his beautiful but sexually frustrated

wife Maggie ‘the Cat’. As their troubled relationship comes to a stormy and steamy climax, a shockwave of secrets is finally revealed. Richard Blackwood, Derek Griffiths and Nina Sosanya will join the previously announced Sanaa Lathan, Adrian Lester, Phylicia Rashad and James Earl Jones in Debbie Allen’s sell-out Broadway production of Tennessee Williams’ Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. Produced by Stephen Byrd and Alia Jones for Front Row Productions. Location: Novello Theatre, London, WC2B 4LD Time: See info Cost: £33.70 - £55.60 Info:

24 Nov - 19 Dec

A Real Humane Person Who Cares And All That

Set in Central Asia this is the story of three British writers who disappear after attending a local execution which had sent ripples through the entire ex-pat community. Adam Brace’s nasty little play about savagery and

24 25

Nov Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui & Shantala Shivalingappa.

A double-bill featuring a new work-in-progress duet from Flemish-Moroccan choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and kuchipudi dancer Shantala Shivalingappa, which focuses on sharing and reinventing tales of male and female energy and interactions. Gregory Maqoma & Shanell Winlock: Southern Comfort. Also featuring is Gregory Maqoma and Shanell Winlock’s Southern Comfort, specially restaged for Svapnagata in collaboration with musicians from India and the UK. Location: Sadlers Wells, Rosebery Avenue, EC1R Time: See info Cost: £12 Info:

how we need it. Described as “shocking, poignant and fiercely powerful” by the Metro. Directed by Jamie Harper Location: Arcola Theatre, 27 Arcola St, E8 2DJ Time: 8:15pm Cost: £14 Info:

25 Nov - 15 Dec

Not Black and White. Detaining Justice Justice is locked in a cold dark cell, his asylum application pending.

His sister Grace would like to help, but has been told to leave it in God’s hands. Government Prosecutor Mark Cole has an infallible reputation for successful prosecutions however he has had a change of heart – and job. His first case is for the defence of Justice – but, in his new role, is Cole the man to help? The cloud of recession looms, unemployment rises, and the fight to remain is tougher than ever. Bola Agbaje’s debut play GONE TOO FAR was performed at the Royal Court in 2007, and won an Olivier Award for Outstanding Achievement and Most Promising Playwright nomination at the Evening Standard Awards 2008. Her other plays include IF THINGS WERE DIFFERENT and IN TIME. Most recently she wrote ANYTHING YOU CAN DO for Soho Theatre. Location: The Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn Road, NW6 7JR Time: 7pm Cost: £10-20 Info:

26 - 28 Nov

Akram Khan and Nitin Sawhney

The Svapnagata India Festival culminates in a new collaborative production by Akram Khan and Nitin Sawhney. Confluence fuses Sawhney’s music with Khan’s unique blend of classical kathak and contemporary technique. It takes the form of a conversation between two friends and artistic collaborators, looking back on personal experiences, respective influences and a productive creative partnership. Exploring


Nov Nation

A parallel world, 1860. Two teenagers thrown together by a tsunami that has destroyed Mau’s village and left Daphne shipwrecked on his South Pacific island, thousands of miles from home. One wears next to nothing, the other a long white dress; neither speaks the other’s language; somehow they must learn to survive. As starving refugees gather, Daphne delivers a baby, milks a pig, brews beer and does battle with a mutineer. Mau fights cannibal Raiders, discovers the world is round and questions the reality of his tribe’s fiercely patriarchal gods. Together they come of age, overseen by a foul-mouthed parrot, as they discard old doctrine to forge a new Nation. Location: National Theatre, South Bank, SE1 9PX Time: 7:30pm Cost: £10 - £42 Info: 020 7452 3000

how the independent stories of these two kindred spirits converged, Confluence offers the opportunity to not only re-visit their collaborative work together (Kaash, zero degrees and bahok) but also to understand the psychological, emotional and spiritual processes involved in their work. Confluence will also include a new piece of choreography by Akram Khan to a specially created composition by Nitin Sawhney. Time: See info Cost: £10 - £25 Location: Sadlers Wells, Rosebery Avenue, EC1R Info:

FAITH 15-21 Nov

01 November

London Community Gospel Choir LCGC will be performing at the Andez Wedding Show performing to the visiting brides along with our function band GroovZone and string quartet. Location: Andaz Liverpool Street, 40 Liverpool Street, London, EC2M 7QN Time: 11am – 4pm Cost: TBC Info:

12 Nov

World Congress of Faths Multi faith discussion titled Greed or Need? What have we learned from the financial crash? This event is chaired by Rabbi Jackie Tabick, Chair of the World Congress of Faiths Location: Southwark Cathedral, Chapter House, Montague Close, London, SE1 Time: 7pm Cost: TBC Info: 020 7367 6734

08 Nov

KICC Winning Women Conference 2009 The annual Winning Women Conference really is a must for thousands of women in London and beyond to attend. The four-day event is now the second biggest conference on KICC’s corporate calendar and features acclaimed international speakers who are renowned for their capabilities to offer practical advice and solutions to the myriad of personal, social and economic challenges facing women today. Location: The Troxy 490 Commercial Road, London E1 0HX Time: 6.30pm – 9.30pm Cost: £35 Info: 020 8525 0000 or

Inter Faith Prayers For Peace The World Congress of Faiths and South London Inter Faith Group are joining together for a Remembrance Sunday event in Southwark Cathedral this year. Please be seated in silence by 4.15pm. During the hour from 4.30pm prayers, readings and reflections will be offered by invited representatives of the faith traditions. Location: Southwark Cathedral, Chapter House, Montague Close, London, SE1 Time: 4pm Cost: Free Info: 020 7367 6734

18 Nov

More Tea Vicar/Imam/ Rabbi? This event is open to young people and they will have the opportunity to discuss their own faiths and to talk to the facilitators on each table about their faith and beliefs. Location: Southwark College Waterloo Centre Time: 12pm-3pm Cost: TBC Info: ElenaB@southwark. or 020 7815 1482.

19 Nov

Caribbean Hindu Temple

29 Nov Delirious?

Location: HMV Hammersmith Apollo, Queen Caroline Street, London, W6 9QH Time: 6:00pm Info: 08448 444 748

A kind invitation to visit from the President, Mr Motie Sukhlal and SLIFG Committee Member, Mr Ganesh Lall Location: Caribbean Hindu and Cultural Society, 16 Ostade Road SW2 2BB Time: 12pm – 2pm Cost: Free Info: secretary@ or 020 8678 8977


05 Nov

The Inter Faith Week is being facilitated by the Inter Faith Network for the UK and the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) The aims of Inter Faith Week are: •to strengthen good inter faith relations at all levels •to increase awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the UK, in particular celebrating and building on the contribution which their members make to their neighbourhoods and wider society •to increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious belief In London, many of these events and activities will be organised in individual boroughs. For more information on interfaith week contact enquiries@


Event of The Month

Beyonce Concert Beyonce’s ‘I am.’ tour promises to showcase the best of this music and film superstar’s hits, an amazing performance from her exceptional all-female band and a newly-introduced and very intriguing high-tech state-of-the-art concert environment. Time: 6:30 pm Cost: £49.50 Venue: O2 Arena, Peninsula Square, SE10 0PE Info: 0844 856 0202

short films from the UK, Africa, the Caribbean, the US, Canada and Europe. The event will open with the European Premier of Chris Rock’s much anticipated Good Hair and close with the much anticipated Shorts Awards. Filmmakers featured as part of the festival programme include Menelik Shabazz, Frances Anne Solomon, Tunde Kulani, Djibril Diop Mambety. For the first time, bfm, in association with the Legacy Media Institute will offer a US based scholarship to a UK filmmaker Info: 0208 531 9199 or www.


07 Nov

Broad Palette

04 Nov Nneka

Mobo award winning Nneka’s has been described as having a “splash of Bob Marley in the recipe, a measure of Nina Simone and a lick of Erykah

Badu.” Now here in London we get to hear Nneka herself. Holding it all together is the emotional focus of her beautiful voice, located in a place somewhere between yearning and rage. Her amazing smash “Heartbeat” caused a massive

BETTER LOOKS BARBERS & HAIRDRESSING SALON For all Caribbean-AmericanAfro-European-Hair Cu t s, D e s i g n s a n d S t y l e

stir in the music scene both before and after Chase & Status remixed it. Look out for that track around - it’s a big one! Location: London ULU Info: 0844 8472 465

05 Nov / 03 Dec Rum Punch

Partners In Rhyme presents “Rum Punch,” the invigorating blend of poerty/spoken word, rap, song and comedy. Go and refresh your taste buds with our intoxicating, bi monthly ‘punch’ competition and their evening of featured artists and the open mic segment. This is an all around entertainer not to be missed! The event will also happen on the 4th feb 2010 so if you want more information on that contact pirevent@yahoo. Time: 7pm - 10pm Cost: £4 Location: 168 High Holborn. Wc1V 7AA Info:

06 – 10 Nov

BFM International Film Festival BFM IFF 2009 will feature narratives, documentaries and

138 Hoxton Street Market, London N1 6SH Tel.02075026503 /07958628574

Live beats and pieces downstairs at Rudys Revenge. Serving up an eclectic mix of Jazz, Funk, Soul. Latin, Hip Hop, Minimal Techno, Dubstep and Jazz. There is something for everyone at this rave and it’s right in the middle of Central London making it easy for you to get to. There will also be a drinks promotion on the night. “Buy one get one free on shots untill 11pm” so get there early to ensure you do not miss out! Tell your friends and family and don’t forget your ID, this ones an adult one! Time: 8pm - 3am Cost: Free Location: Rudys Revenge, 168 High Holborn, WC1V 7AA Info: toosexy4radio.blogspot. com

13-15 Nov

BBC Good Food Show

The BBC Good Food Show 2009 in London promises the biggest celebration of food under one roof at London Olympia this November. At this annual food

EVENTS over looking the River Thames. Time: 7:00pm Cost: £24.00-£95.00 Location: Mermaid Theatre, Puddle Dock, Blackfriars London, EC4V 3DB Info: 07917297996 or bookings@missblackbritain.

14 Nov

“Hot Wuk - the weekly bashment carnival” at Big Chill House in King’s Cross every Thursday. The Resident DJ ‘The Heatwave’ will be spinning you some of the hottest tracks but as if that’s not enough The Heatwave has secured special guest Oneman (Rinse FM) who will be doing a Ragga Garage special alongside Irish Mash (Hot Milk - Manchester’s top Dancehall selector) Time: 8pm - 1am Cost: see info Location: Big Chill House 257-259 Pentonville Road, London N1 9NL. Info:

Miss Black Britain 2009

Join the stunning Nia Long as host, beautiful contestants, celebrity judges and guests for a evening of sophistication, entertainment and glamour. Dress code is Gorgeous & Glamorous - This is a black tie event. The After Show Party will take place at the Mermaid Theatre’s self contained club ‘the Blackfriars’ with stunning views

26 Nov Hot Wuk

27-28 Nov Ric Ahmed

Riz MC (aka actor Riz Ahmed) makes sonically innovative and lyrically sharp music. This is an experience, a party, and a show - action takes place on multiple levels on all four sides of a standing audience and includes video, moving surround sound, costumes, props, audience participation, and lots of bass! Riz MC has topped underground music charts and held a residency at the Southbank Centre, been banned from as well as championed on national radio, supported Mos Def, Dizzee Rascal, and Massive Attack, and played prominent slots at Glastonbury, BBC Electric Proms, and US tours. (image by Flickr user Pavlunka) Time: See info Cost: £12 Location: Sadlers Wells, Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R Info:

29 Nov

Black Beauty/WAHL Hair Awards

The Black Beauty/Wahl Hair Awards ceremony is an evening of glamour, entertainment and excitement and is the ideal place to entertain your friends and clients. The night begins with a cocktail reception, followed by a three course dinner, comedy, a short hair show, the Awards ceremony and dancing. Time: 6:30pm Cost: £ 90 Location: Hilton London Metropole, 225 Edgeware Road, W2 1JU Info: 0207 498 1795


festival you can taste your way around finest London restaurants, see fantastic demonstrations and source the finest produce at the Producers’ Village. Time: TBC Cost: TBC Venue: Olympia, Hammersmith and Fulham, London, W14 8UX Info: 020 7385 1200




Sacred Made Real Exhibition The Sacred Made Real Exhibition in London is a fantastic opportunity to see examples of ultra-real religious art from the Spanish 17th Century. During this ‘counter reformation’ period, artists created sculptures and paintings in such intricate detail that they used glass eyes and ivory teeth to add to the realism. Art like this brings important religious figures back to life in a way that makes the religion seem more apparent and relevant, thus strengthening people’s beliefs. The Sacred Made Real Exhibition in London truly is a rare opportunity because the display pieces are hardly ever taken outside of the Iberian Peninsula. The National Gallery London will host 16 polychrome (painted) sculptures and many intricate pictures from a range of artists, including Diego Velazquez and Francisco de Zurbaran. One of the highlights is the 1673 sculpture, ‘Christ as the Man of Sorrows’ by Pedro de Mena. Location: The National Gallery Trafalgar Square London, WC2N 5DN Time: 10am - 6pm, until 9pm on Fridays Cost: £8 Adults, Under 12’s free £4 concessions Info: 0844 2091778

Nov Beyond Words

Five incredible South African poets tour the UK together for the first time. Brought together by South African Poet Laureate and renowned exile campaigner Keorapetse Kgositsile, the show premieres specially commissioned new work. This is a blistering introduction to the new South Africa and to the power of live poetry in performance. Location: Southbank Centre, Purcell Room, Belvedere Road, London SE1 Time: 7.45pm Cost: £10 Info: 0871 663 2500

06 12

Nov Art Afro View

Art Afro is introducing an exciting new exhibition of contemporary African artworks, presenting a number of young gifted artists who depict their own afro centric styles through a range of mediums. The week long event brings together a diverse mix of works from artists whose styles are very evocative, yet contemporary. This forthcoming show sheds light on an ever more emerging pool of creative talent within present-day African Art. The pieces reflect the realities and unique perspectives of their environment. The compositions on display use a selection of vibrant colours that represent rich traditions, humour and a blending of African and European influences. This exhibition will appeal to anyone interested in viewing or collecting contemporary artworks with unique outlooks, so whatever your motives, come and enjoy a visual treat. Location: Red Gate Gallery, 209a Coldharbour Lane, London Time: 2.30 pm - 6.30 pm Cost: Free Info:

02 07

Nov Bhopal – 25 years

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Bhopal industrial disaster as a result of which 30,000 people have died and over 120,000 remain chronically ill. This exhibit marks the 25th anniversary of the disaster, comprising the work of four leading photographers: Raghu Rai, David Graham, Alastair Thain, and Micha Patault Location: Rich Mix, 35 - 47 Bethnal Green Road, London, E1 6LA Time: 10am Cost: Free


Nov Dazzling & Spirited: Indian Court Paintings

Indian Court Paintings 1400-1900 AD Curated by Prahlad Bubbar. An exhibition dedicated to the great Rajput and Mughal miniature painting traditions of India Location: Asia House, 63 New Cavendish Street, London, W1G 7LP Time: 10:00am Cost: Free Info: 020 7307 5454



KOJO (Known for his famous show KOJO’s Comedy Fun House on MTV) Presents to you “Number One For Comedy” at Jongleurs comedy house. Comedian KOJO will be giving us the best of a night this 6th November at Jongleurs. this should be a sellout show. KOJO usually brings his audience into the mix of things and gets them involved in the comedy so make sure you’re not shy and you look the part so there’s nothing he can say to turn YOU into the laugh of the show! Location: 11 East Yard, Chalk Farm Road, NW1 8AB Time: 7pm – 10:30pm Cost: £17, £18 Info:

Intl Comedy from Upfront

Country” (The Guardian) are back at Rich Mix with two extremely strong and exciting bills of cutting edge international comedy. Kicking off on Sat 7 November is going to be a hot one, featuring the Rich Mix debut of ‘comedy’s don’ Curtis Walker, who will one day be recognised as one of UK urban comedy’s greats. The Brixton heavyweight brings gravitas, TV credits and laughs galore to a bill that includes New Yorker Lewis Schaffer, loud, Jewish and lost in London. Location: Rich Mix, 35 - 47 Bethnal Green Road, London, E1 6LA Time:8pm Cost: £10-£18 Info:

Tantric Club is back at the infamous Jongleurs Comedy Club, where we invite you to eat, drink, laugh & party! On arrival you’ll be served canapes and have 1 hour to mingle, prior to being seated in the VIP section. During the show, you will be seated with members in a similar age group whilst being entertained by leading comedians. After the show, you’ll have the chance to let your hair down at the party and mingle providing you stay on! And in case you’re wondering, you can attend this event alone! Location: Jongleurs Comedy Club, 38 Middle Yard, NW1 8AB Time: 7:00pm Cost: £28.99 Info:

Curtis Walker

Comedy & Club Night: Introducing not one but many comedians on the 13th November including Danny Buckler, Barry Castagnola, Mitch Benn and Curtis Walker. This omedy night includes all of the top names from the national circuit. Ticket includes free entry to Club Risa - dancing till 1am so not only will you have the laugh of your life but you’ll have the clubbing session of you’re life after too. All for £12 - I’d say that’s something to laugh about already! Location: Jongleurs Comedy Club, Watford Time: 8:00pm - 1sm Cost: £12 Info: / 0844 844 0044

09 21

Nov Reginald D Hunter Live

One of the most engaging, brutally honest and provocative stand-up comics working in the UK, Reginald D Hunter comes to Soho for an exclusive London run of his brand new show. Originally from the Deep South of the USA, Reginald is one of the few performers to have been nominated for the Perrier Award in three consecutive years Location: Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street,London W1 Time: See info Cost: £10 -£17:50 Info:


Nov Bill Bellamy

The Indigo 02 announces The Black Tie Comedy Awards this 29th November. The annual UK Urban Comedy Awards Celebration, with special USA comedy star BILL BELLAMY. Hosted by MTV Base comedian star Kojo & Sabrina Washington. Tickets are now on sale. This is not one you’ll want to miss out on. With Kojo and Bill on board you’re bound to be left laughing out of your black tie. - get it? Get your tickets now before they sell out cause this is going to be a big one. Location: Indigo at the 02, SE10 ODX Time: 6.00pm Cost: £22.50, £25 Info: / 0844 844 0002

15 Nov

Boe The Comedian

“Did I say that out loud” Boe The Comedian Presents Did I Say That Out Loud, the followup to his hugely successful show, Mark My Words, and his second show of 2009. The cheeky North-Londoner will deliver his imaginative critique of popular culture and the world at large; ‘Did I Say That Out Loud?’ is an intelligent mix of stand up and off-the-wall character comedy drawn from every corner of this surreal comics mind. Boe’s last show saw him entertain with stand-up comedy and a host of dysfunctional characters, including an African dictator, an addict and a renegade employee; now that they have wedged the door open, who knows who or what will be allowed through on November 15th. Location: Shaw theatre Cost: £12.50 and £15.00 Info: 0751 593 1074 /


Nov Comedy and Curry

Three great acts. Inder Manocha Prince Abdi and Shazia Mirza Legendary comedienne Shazia Mirza will compere the evening, getting everyone in the right mood, telling you when to take a break for a drink and when to return to your seats and generally making sure you

enjoy yourselves. Prince Abdi is a young and up and coming talent on the comedy scene and shares the first half with her. The peerless Inder Manocha headlines the evening. He is so talented and so funny, I dare you not to enjoy yourself. Free parking and for an extra £5 you can avail yourself of the Guru Restaurant’s historic £5 Curry Deal Meal but be sure to book your table in advance as this is bound to be popular Location: Watermans Theatre, 40 High Street , Brentford,Middlesex, TW8 0DS Time: 7.45pm Cost: £8.00


Dec Hardeep Singh Kohli

The much-loved TV celebrity and comedian, Hardeep Singh Kohli presents his first ever London stand-up gig. Hardeep’s warm yet cheeky sense of humour has won the hearts of many viewers, over the course of his TV and radio career. Here he takes to the stage with a show packed with stories and anecdotes from his life - bound to raise a smile and chuckle from the audience! Hardeep is a regular guest on BBC 1’s Question Time, This Week with Andrew Neil and was a former Newsnight Review presenter. Location: Nether Street, Tally Ho Corner, North Finchley, London N12 0GA Cost: £16/ £14 concessions Info: 020 8369 5454


07 Nov


Nov Tantric Club’s - Comedy and Party Night


From War to Windrush


From War to Windrush exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in London promises to be an emotional and personal experience where black men and womens personal stories will be told in a light of the world wars. There will also be lots of public events organized in addition to this London exhibition. Lectures and interactive talks will give you an opportunity to learn more about topics reflected in from War to Windrush exhibition and share your ideas with others. Location: Imperial War Museum Lambeth Road, London SE1 6HZ Cost: Free Time: 10am - 6pm Info: 020 7416 5320


Nov Asian Art In London

Join the participants of Asian Art in London, directors and curators of Asian art from museums worldwide, academic specialists, visitors and collectors

to celebrate this year’s event Location: The Joseph E. Hotung Gallery Room 33, the British Museum at the North entrance in Montague Place. Cost: £50 per person Time: 7pm-9.30pm Info: 020 7499 2215


Nov Hyde Park Winter Wonderland

Christmas is just around the corner again and from mid-November to early January a part of Hyde Park close to Hyde Park Corner is turned into a Winter Wonderland for the benefit of London’s younger visitors. Location: Hyde Park, Knightsbridge, Westminster, London, W2 2UH Cost: Free entry Time: 10am - 10pm Info: 0871 231 0824



X’PO-ZURE is a Performance School that invites everyone to participate in fun, productive, street dance sessions using current dance styles and a variety of the up-to-date music genres. X’PO-ZURE has successfully developed street dance into an organised structure, that influences young people to constructively develop their talents and abilities within a friendly atmosphere. Location: Sport Action Zone Lillian Baylis Old School, Kennington, SE11 6PX Cost: Free Time: 11:30 – 5pm Info: uk or 07899 882557


10 Nov

Janett Plummer introduces Lifemarks

Multi-slam winner for performed poetry and recipient of the Gwendolyn Brooks Award for her written work, Janett Plummer’s Lifemarks explores the journey from girl to woman. Location: Lewisham library 199-201 Lewisham High Street,, London SE13 6LG Cost: Free Time: 8pm-9.30pm Info: 020 8314 9800


Nov Fireworks Displays

Why put yourself and your family in danger by putting on your own fireworks when there are so many exciting displays all around London, here are a few suggestions for a great and safe night out! Southwark Park, Southwark, 7pm, FREE Streatham Common, Lambeth, 7.30pm, FREE Clapham Common, Lambeth, 7.30pm, FREE Crystal Palace Park, Bromley, 7pm, £5 and £3 Kids Info: Check with your local borough


Nov African Dance Class

Dundunkini is an African and Caribbean Dance and Drumming Forum for dancers and musicians who are interested in the myriad forms of traditional African and Caribbean Dance and music. Location: Islington Arts Factory 2 Parkhurst Road London, N7 OSF Cost: £7 Time: TBC Info: or 07949 761 589

Nov London Leisure College Open Evening

Tutors will be available to talk you through your options for entering a career in the Leisure industry with Greenwich Leisure Limited. You can also find out more about their Sports Talent Schemes with Charlton Athletic Football Club and Blackheath Rugby Club. Location: London Leisure College 2 Archery Road London SE9 1HA Cost: Free Time: 6.30pm to 8pm Info: 020 8921 3434

25 Nov

Mini Moles Babies Group

Learn, play and explore together every Wednesday during termtime. This session is for babies aged 6 months-walking and their carers and includes stories, rhyme time and an opportunity to meet others in a relaxed setting. Location: Museum of London 150 London Wall London,

EC2Y 5HN Cost: TBC Time: 10:30 - 11:30 Info: 020 7001 9844

26 27

Nov Business Start-Up 2009

Business Start Up at London Olympia features a wide range of exhibitors and exciting speakers who will help you to start or expand a business. With over 200 exhibitors and 140 speakers, London Business Startup exhibition should not be missed. Location: Olympia Hammersmith Road, London W14 8UX Cost: free (registration needed) Time: 10:00 – 17:00 Info: 020 7385 1200


Nov Blackheath Sings Gospel

Performance with the London Community Gospel Choir in the fabulous Great Hall at Blackheath Halls Location: Blackheath Halls Cost: TBC Info: 020 8318 9758 or 020 8463 0100


Nov Alcazaba – Cross Culture Music Experience

Combined influences of Islamic, Arabic, Spanish and Indian musical traditions. Location: Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA Cost: Advance tickets Family £24, Adults £10, Concessions £8, Children £3 Info:


Nov Make Your Own Natural Skin Care Products

Something to try!

To Zumba with Bianca call 078 18 415 975 or

01 Nov

FS04 Freeze

Quality snowboarding and skiing from the world’s best practitioners plus a brilliant music bill make up the very popular FSO4 Freeze at London’s Battersea Power Station. Wintersport fanatics can witness jumps on the 32m snow jump. Time: 12pm - 10:30pm Cost: £35 a day adults, (£15 child ticket) Location: Battersea Power Station Info:

04 Nov

Skate Bitch

Skate Bitch is London’s selfconfessed ‘anti-fashion high roller night’, which curiously seems to attract fashion victims. Don your wackiest clothes and roll to old school funk and hip hop, deep soul, dirty disco, ska and punk at Vauxhall’s Renaissance Rooms. First aiders are on call for the amateurs and masseuses will take away your pain. There are two skate rooms, but when it all gets too much, take a rest from rolling and hang out at any of the three bars or chill on the comfy sofas. Time: 7pm - 12am Cost: £7 before 7:30, £10

after. Location: Renaissance Rooms, Vaxuhall, SW8 1SD Info: skatebitchlondon

07 Nov - 21 Nov

Investec Challenge Series

England play their Autumn International matches, the Investec Challenge Series, a great chance to see top-class international rugby. Watch the home side pit themselves against the best of the southern hemisphere teams at the home of rugby, Twickenham. The 2009 Investec Challenge Series opens on 7 November with England taking on Australia. Last year the Wallabies stunned England, beating them 28-14. Time: 2:30pm Cost: From £45 Location: Twickenham Stadium, TW1 1DZ Info:

28 Nov - 10 Jan

Tower of London Ice Rink

Nearly 950 years after William the Conqueror laid the foundations, the Tower of London hosts a seasonal ice rink in the dry moat beneath the Outer Curtain Wall. Warm up with mulled wine and a mince pie at Café Ice. With the creation of the outdoor ice rink,

visitors can experience a taste of these historic events. Time: 10am Daily - 10pm Cost: £10 - 12 (family £30-23) Location: Tower of London, EC3N 4AB Info:


Nov Clinical effects of acupuncture and its neurological mechanisms

Medic and complementary practitioner George Lewith is Professor of Health Research and Head of Complementary Research at the University of Southampton, Lewith has been one of the most potent forces to get alternative therapies fairly, and authoritatively, researched. He has backed scientific papers on complementary approaches, which have appeared in bastions of traditional medicine such as the British Medical Journal. Arguably doing more than anyone to get the potential of complementary therapies recognised by doctors and policymakers. Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm Cost: Free Location: The Keyworth Centre, London South Bank University Info: 020 7815 7076

Saracens V South Africa

Saracens to face South Africa at Wembley! Guinness Premiership league leaders Saracens will play Tri-Nations and World Champions South Africa at Wembley Stadium on Tuesday, November 17. “This is sure to be another fantastic occasion,” said Saracens chairman Nigel Wray. “The Springboks are indisputably the No.1 team in the world at the moment, and it will be tremendous honour and a privilege for us to welcome them at Wembley.” Time: 7:45pm Cost: £20 Location: Wembley Stadium, London, Info:

22 - 29 Nov

Barclays ATP World Tour Finals

The Barclays ATP World Tour Finals brings together the best male tennis players of the season for a final showdown at London’s O2 Arena. The likes of Roger Federer and Andy Murray slug it out for US$5 million in prize money. The eight players (and pairs) are divided into two groups of four, and play roundrobin matches against the others in their group. The top two from each group contest the semi-finals, with the winners meeting in the final to determine the champion. Time: 12:30pm & 7pm Cost: £20-50 Location: 02 Arena, Greenwich, SE10 0DX Info: / 020 8463 2000


Zumba is a spicy, hot, hip swivelling workout where African, Caribbean and Latin dance moves are combined with aerobics/fitness.After more than 12 years of aerobics, step aerobics and street dance, Zumba instructor Bianca from London has found a new, great and fun way for people to get fit, lose weight and tone up your body without losing the excitement and motivation to workout. Better still, you don’t even realise you are exercising!

The aim of the course is to provide an easy, step-by-step guide to making your own skin care products from raw materials for both personal and therapeutic application. The course covers the equipment, raw materials and knowledge required to make your own macerated oils, tinctures and skin-care products as well as how to adapt them to individual preferences. Time: See info Cost: See info Location: Hackney City Farm, London. Info: / 01296 714 184


HEALTH & WELLBEING Dear Counsellor Mike I am a married woman in my thirties and have three brothers and a sister. Eight years ago my father passed away suddenly and it was a very devastating time for all of us. For the past year my mother who is in her fifties has been dating a man whom I dislike with a passion and so do my siblings. Whenever I visit my mother, her new man is always there and we often end up arguing. My siblings and I have told my mother how we feel, yet she continues to have a relationship with him and often takes his side in an argument. I refuse to allow him into my life and I resent the fact he lives in my father’s house. I love my mother dearly, but I feel my relationship with her is reaching an all time low because of him. How can I make my mother see how wrong this man is for her (and our family) and get her to end this relationship? Samantha, Streatham

Dear Counsellor Mike I am a 24 year old university student who has recently started a relationship with a lecturer who is fourteen years older than I am. He’s a wonderful guy who I really like; we share the same values and beliefs and have a great time together. As we are getting mores serious I have begun to introduce him to my close friends, these friends seems to like him and are always telling me how good a couple they think we make. However, as the relationship has begun to progress I’ve started to worry what will happen once our families find out about my relationship and the 20 years age gap. I really like this guy and don’t want people’s opinions about us to affect our relationship, but he is close to his family and I believe that if they asked him to end the relationship that he would. Karen, Brixton

Dear Samantha As much as you may not want to hear this, but it’s not your place to say who is right or wrong for your mother. She is a grown woman who can make her own choices, and although you may not like all of them, you still have no rights to tell her she is wrong. Making your mother end her relationship with this man could possibly affect your relationship with her even more, especially if she is forced to make such a decision. You should try to be civil towards this man and make an effort to show your mother that although you are not entirely happy, you respect her decision. This may improve your relationship with your mother as she may be more understanding to your feelings and may be able to work through the issues with you. Mike

Dear Karen It sounds as if you do value people’s opinion quite a lot. When in a relationship the only person’s opinion you should worry about is yours and your partner. If you honestly like this guy, then you owe it to yourself to make it work, despite what others may or may not think. You say he is close to his family, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that he will do anything they tell him to. If he likes you as much as you like him, than he will stand up for your relationship. Despite the age gap, once his family gets to know you as a person, they may really like who you are, and their concerns over your ages may disappear once they see how happy the two of you are together. Give your relationship a chance and don’t worry what others say because all that’s important is that you are both happy. Mike

If you are in a relationship and have a question for Counsellor Mike to answer, email: To see all our Private Therapies and Personal Development Programmes - visit: or call 0700 2222 700 for more information.

Mike Kelly is the CEO and Founder of the Institute of Wellbeing, which promotes total well-being and healthy living through a range of lifestyle & personal development programmes, Private Therapies, Multimedia and Creative Arts - for all people at all stages of life.




Nov Blessed Is the Match


Blessed Is the Match is a mother-daughter love story. It is a film set against the backdrop of the Holocaust - a subject that is no stranger to the documentary world. But it is a film unlike any other, not only because of the incredible story of Hannah Senesh, but also because of the experience of Hannah’s mother Catherine, whose raw and revelatory memoirs compliment the youthful writings of her daughter and provide the film with its emotional core. Location: The Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn Road, NW6 7JR Time: 8pm Cost: £15-20 Info:


Nov Waiting for Happiness

17-year-old Abdallah has been away from his hometown of Nouadhibou on the West African coast for so long he has forgotten the local dialect. He is visiting his mother before heading off to Europe, but there is very little he can say or do in the state of transit in which he finds himself. Cast: Khatra Ould Abder Kader, Maata Ould Mohamed Abeid Location: Rich Mix, E1 6LA Time: 4pm Cost: £6 Info: migrationfilms.htm


Nov The Sky Below – A Film by Sarah Singh

This is a contemporary exploration of the creation of Pakistan and the 1947 Partition of the Indian Subcontinent, weaving together 5000 years of culture, while investigating the lingering after-effects of this six-decade old political divide, most tragically witnessed by Kashmir. With her life in the hands of strangers and sometimes gunmen, Singh travelled from the desert of Kutch to the snowy mountains of Kashmir; and from the seaside city of Karachi to the spare but volatile terrain of the Khyber Pass. See info for furthur details. Info:

SCREEN Singleholic Sarah Looking for Love in London The rain turns into a downpour. It always does when I’m wearing a skirt. A silver car tears past booming 50 Cent so loud it vibrates as the rain hits the hood. I scamper to the casual café at the end of my road. It’s Portuguese and always full of Brixton’s Portuguese community. I run past the boarded-up house next door, which has heaps of old furniture abandoned outside. Looking up, I think I see someone move in one of the windows. I shake my head, wiping the rain water from my eyes. Silly me. No one’s lived there for ages. Abandoned by the council years ago, the house has a real tree growing through the roof.


Nov Team Qatar


Nov 2 Daughters - Satyajit Ray Season

Ray’s rarely-seen film is a humane look at love and loss. In the first episode, Ratan, an only child, looks after bourgeois Nandalal, who in return, teaches Ratan to read and write. But when Nandalal leaves, Ratan’s heart is broken. In the second episode, a spoiled college student takes a pretty tomboy, Pugie, as his wife. But Pugie’s rebellious manner proves disastrous… Rich Mix is delighted to present a selection of films by Bengali director Satyajit Ray. Initially inspired by the neo-realist tradition, Ray’s cinema has influenced both Scorsese and Kurosawa and displays a rare blend of intellect and emotion. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the best of Ray: a director whose films celebrate the human race - its struggles, conflicts, joys and sorrows. Location: Rich Mix, E1 6LA Time: 2pm Info:


As part of its ambitious commitment to education, the Qatar Government hired a team of recent Oxford grads to coach the country’s first national high school debate team. Led by the witty Brit Alex, their very first competitive debate is at the World Schools Debating Championship in Washington, DC. Location: Rich Mix, E1 6LA Time: 7.30pm Cost: £8 Info:

By the time I reach the café, I resemble a drowned gremlin. My shoes and coat are soaked through, and I can barely see for all the water pouring into my eyes. If I could see, I might have noticed the new step by the entrance on the inside. Instead, I push open the glass door with a huff. In doing so, my foot hits the step, and away I go, flying with pure and perfect humiliation. Fortunately the floor breaks my fall and I finish up on my knees and elbows, with my bag’s contents spread out before me. And I thought it couldn’t get any worse. You see, a woman with a boyfriend would never find herself in this kind of predicament. Firstly, a woman who is not stupid enough to wake up at thirty without a man would never be so daft as to lock her keys inside her own flat. Secondly, even if by some strange twist of fate she managed to do so, she would only have to call Prince Charming to come and rescue her. I have no Prince Charming. I’ll never be rescued. And now I’m flat on my face, soaked to the bone, with all the world looking and taking pity on me. ‘My goodness. Are you OK?’ I feel a man’s hand gently grab hold of my arm attempting to help me up. I can’t see him; my hair is in my face, and I’m so wet and flustered and so very, very embarrassed. ‘Yes, yes, I’m fine…just fine.’ I push his arm away. ‘I’m OK, really, I’m OK,’ I snap. What I really want to say is, ‘No, I’m not OK! Do I look OK? I’ve just made an utter fool of myself and I’m so wet that I can’t stop trembling. And you know what else? I turned thirty fucking years old five days ago and things have been going downhill ever since. I’m never going to get married and my poor mother will never have the chance to have grandchildren. I will be the biggest disappointment of her life and I will die a failure. He lets go of my arm and moves towards my bag. ‘Well, let me help you with this then.’ He begins returning things to my bag. I in turn fumble around trying to help him by gathering the bits closer to me. In the disarray, I flinch at my torn tights, and then I see his face. It’s a smooth and rather nice-looking face. He has blond floppy hair and piercing blue eyes. A prettier less rugged version of Brad Pitt with Hugh Grant’s lost and confused look in Four Weddings. Scrumptious. Dammit. Why do I look like such a mess? This guy is CUTE. I might have caught his attention if I didn’t look like I’d just flushed my head down the toilet. My old grey suit jacket hugs my shoulders awkwardly and I try to straighten it by pulling it down over my worn red striped skirt. I scramble around on the floor. I look up and notice something in the man’s hand. ‘Lawd ’ave mercy’ is what my mother would have said. This perfect stranger is holding my Always ultra-thin maxi-pad. Thank God I’m too cold for the heat in my cheeks to show. Even a tampon would have been better… At least that would have shown style. You know, sophistication. Jesus Christ, SARAH, what Goddess of the Night wears maxi-pads? Why didn’t I pack a slim little tampon in some fancy box that snaps shut? Maxi-pads are a sure sign that their owner wears grey limp grandmothertype knickers. Maxi-pads are a key sign that their owner is as single as the Pope. The fact that I have maxi-pads says it all. Rule Number THREE: Gotta ditch all unsexy maxi-pad paraphernalia and all unsexy underwear. The stranger makes no mention of the embarrassing item in his palm and returns it to my bag. When he finishes rescuing my bag, he makes another attempt to help me stand. Having calmed down, this time I let him. And when our eyes meet, I have to lean a little harder on his arm. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry…uh…Oh, really. You’re too kind.’ I gulp, twisting my hair around my left ear. ‘Thank you so much…um… I mean…really. No, really. Thank you. I’m just so silly really. So silly. Thank you. I mean thank you for your help…’ Shut up, Sarah. Just shut up, you prat. You’re laughable. Try to smile. Come on, you can do this. Think ‘ATTRACTIVE’. Think ‘GODDESS’. Come on, stand up straight. Think ‘NAKED’. I try my damnedest to look sexy and the stranger tilts his head. ‘The pleasure was mine,’ he says, winking and strides out into the rain. BUT WAIT. I want to shout it out, but my vocal cords won’t work. WAIT! I’m single, you know. We could go to the cinema sometime, and I could throw my bag down and you could save it all over again. We might be SOULMATES! But he can’t hear the shouting in my head. He continues walking to the High Street in his long black overcoat and black boots, holding a newspaper over his head. Failure #68. I’m such a disaster. No wonder I’m single. No point in crying over spilt milk is what my father would say. Yeah, maybe he’s right. And I still have to get into my flat. I sit down at a rickety table in the corner with matching wobbly chairs, take out my old Nokia phone and ring Jacquie. She says she’ll be with me in a sec. After popping to the loo to dry off a bit, I order a hot chocolate and sit sipping, while playing over the scene with the blond stranger in my mind. Will I ever see him again? Singleholic, the novel is available in bookshops and from



250 ft deep lies the secret of Blue. Treasure hunters come in droves, lured by tales of a fabled treasure. But none but one has ever returned from the deadly depths of the Pacific Ocean; leaving behind a bloody trail and even more intriguing rumours.


Not only is the treasure inaccessible; it’s guarded night and day by deadly sharks. Aarav, Sagar and Sam – three men with differing motives find themselves diving deep into these murky depths - to hunt for the treasure. For wealthy Aarav, it’s about the intoxicating high of more money and more risk. For honest Sagar, it’s only about saving his girlfriend Mona and his brother. For dare devil Sam, it’s simply a matter of life and death – his own.


26th July 2005 rang an ominous bell for most but amidst all the chaos and the tragedy, it reunited two star crossed exlovers. Two people meet after a hiatus of six years now occupy different worlds and what starts off as a seemingly innocuous encounter on the same flight back to Mumbai ends up as a roller-coaster ride through some of the darkest hours of Mumbai as they see the city get swamped with disaster and loss and are forced to stick together in this time of crisis. The story shifts perspective between the past and the present; a glorious but crazy past of two starkly different people falling in love - the differences at first being exciting. Gradually with time, they journey through the emotional pitfalls attached, the constant bickering, the frantic and

27 Nov

De Dana Dan

Nitin (Akshay Kumar) and Ram (Suneil Shetty) are only lucky in love otherwise, their lives are a big zero and so is their bank balance! But now their rich girlfriends - Anjali (Katrina Kaif ) and Manpreet (Sameera Reddy) have given them an ultimatum - earn enough money so that we can elope or forget us forever... Broke and desperate, Nitin and Ram need

As emotions run high and motives run deep, the dark side of human nature lays bared. And hundreds of feet underwater, Aarav, Sagar and Sam grapple, initially with sharks, and then with the demons of greed, betrayal and above all, their own pricking conscious… Genre: Action, Thriller Director: Anthony D’Souza Genre: Action, Cast: Akshay Kumar, Sanjay Dutt, Zayed Khan, Suniel Shetty, Lara Dutta, Kylie Minogue, Rahul Dev, Kabir Bedi

urgent making up, and irreconcilable differences that give way to a final break up and then we see those very people struggling their way through a stormy night in Mumbai that threatens to take over the city, their fears and insecurities lying bare as their guard drops. As emotions run high, the two learn more about each other on that night possibly than they knew in all those years of being together - tough situations call on some important revelations and they realize how transient and unpredictable life is and they need to make the most of the time that has been given to them together. Genre: Romance Director: Kunal Deshmukh Cast: Emraan Hashmi, Ali Taha, Soha Ali Khan

to make big money and fast. They hit upon an audacious plan - to kidnap Moolchandji - the spoilt dog of rich lady Archana (Archana Puran Singh). But Moolchandji runs away, and the police think it’s Nitin who’s been kidnapped. As the guys try to get their hands on the ransom money, they encounter assorted characters like a Chinese Don, a hired assassin, an ACB officer, a club dancer, an ambassador, a young frustrated wife, a letch, a drunken waiter and a dead body nobody wants...what happens next is De Dana Dan... full of so many twists and turns that you’ll turn giddy with laughter! Genre: Comedy Director: Priyadarshan Cast: Akshay Kumar, Sunil Shetty, Paresh Rawal, Katrina Kaif

FOOD Benares

Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7629 8886 Address: 12 Berkeley Square London, W1J

Restaurant of the month


Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7439 1330 Soho, London, W1D 7HA

Crowne Plaza London

Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7834 6655 Address: Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E

Forest Tandoori

Cuisine: Indian Address: 102 Wood Street, Walthamstow, E17 3HX

Windies Cove Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 8305 2500 Address: 135-137 Trafalgar Road, London, SE10 9TX

Cuisine: Caribbean Restaurant Address: 110 St John’s Hill, Battersea, London, SW11 1SJ

Bamboula Caribbean Restaurant


Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 7582 4222 Address: 152 Newington Butts, Kennington, London SE11 4RN

Jerk City

Cuisine: Caribbean Address: 12 Acre Lane, Brixton London, SW2 5SG

Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 7287 2878 Address: 189 Wardour St, London, W1F 8ZD

Brown Eagle Restaurant

Mango Room

Cuisine: Caribbean Address: 2 White Hart Terrace London, N17 8HN, United Kingdom

Caribbean Scene

Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 7511 8123 Address: 17 Western Gateway, London, E16

Chef Colin Brown

Cuisine: Jamican Sea Food Address: 2 Yabsley StreetPoplar, E14 9RG, UK


Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 7833 3332 Address: 70 Exmouth Market, Clerkenwell, London, EC1R 4QP

Cummin Up Caribbean Resturant

(Lewisham High St) Cuisine: Caribbean Address: 389 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 6NZ

Cuisine: Caribbean Address:10-12 Kentish Town Rd, London, NW1 8NH

Majestic Restaurant

Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 7274 6676 330A Coldharbour Lane, London SW9

Papine Jerk

Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7580 3615 Address: 79-81 Mortimer Street, London, W1W 7SJ

Reggae Jerk Centre Restaurant

Cuisine: Carribean Address: 264 Brixton Road, Camberwell, London, SW9 6AQ

The Lane

Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 7377 1797 Address: 12 Osborn Street, London, E1 6TE

The Waterfall Caribbean Cuisine: Caribbean Address: 2 Colman House, High Street Penge,Greater London SE20 7EX

Troy Bar & Restaurant

Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 7739 6695 Address: 10 Hoxton Street, Shoreditch, London, N1 6NG

Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 7924 2288 Address: 8 Lavender Road, London, SW11 2UG


Planet Caribbean

Anglo Asian Restaurant

Cuisine: Caribbean Tel: 020 7924 2288 Address: 8 Lavender Road, London, SW11 2UG

Presidential Suya Restaurant

Cuisine: Caribbean 020 7708 4491 162-164 Old Kent Road, London, SE1 5TY

Cuisine: Caribbean 216 Middle Lane, London, N8 7LA


Cuisine: Indian Address: 343 Kentish Town Road, NW5 2TJ

Masala Zone Restaurant Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7287 9966 Address: 9 Marshall St. London, W1F

Monsoon Indian Restaurant Cuisine: Indian 24 York Rise, NW5 1ST


Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7821 1899 Address: 41 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AF

Sheraz Bangla Lounge Cuisine: Indian 13 Brick Lane, E1 6PU

Sitar Indian Restaurant

Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7836 3730 Address: 149 Stand, London Wc2

The Cinnamon Club

Cuisine : Indian Address: 60-62 Stoke Newington Church St London, N16 0NB

Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7222 2555 Address: 30 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BU

Amaya Restaurant Grill & Bar

Veraswamy Restaurant

Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7823 1166 Address: Halkin Arcade, Motcomb Street, London, SW1X 8JT

Cuisine: Indian Tel: 020 7734 1401 Address: 99-101 Regents St, London, W1B


Ace Fusion Restaurant

Gaylord Indian Restaurant

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Black Heroes of Our Time



is an exciting informative, publication highlighting the achievements of people of African descent. Published by Seven Media this unique Glossy A4 historical book promotes the achievements of people of colour particularly focusing on trail blazers and noted people who are the first in their field to have made recognisable achievements within government, the arts, business, industry and community sectors.

Black Heroes of Our Time


Baroness Valerie Amos

One of Britain’s First Black Female Recorders

B: 1954 - Georgetown, Guyana Baroness Valerie Amos was created a life peer in 1997. She is a British Labour Party politician and life peer, formerly serving as Leader of the House of Lords and Lord President of the Council. When she was appointed Secretary of State for International Development on 12 May 2003, following the resignation of Clare Short, she became the first black woman to sit in the Cabinet of the United Kingdom. A distinctive element of Baroness Amos’ political career is that she has never actually been elected to any public office as every office held has been

B: 1957

an unelected appointment. Following positions in Equal Opportunities, Training and Management Services in local government in the London boroughs of Lambeth, Camden and Hackney, she became Chief Executive of the Equal Opportunities Commission 1989–94. After resigning from the cabinet, Baroness Amos took up a directorship with Travant Capital, a Nigerian private equity fund launched in 2007 and is involved with the 2012 Olympic Committee.

Barrister Constance Briscoe was one of six children born to two Jamaicans who settled in the UK in the 1950s. Briscoe studied Law at the University of Newcastle, financing her studies through various weekend and holiday jobs including working at a hospice with the terminally ill. After completing her MA at the University of Warwick she was called to the Bar in 1983, and became a Recorder, a part time

judge in 1996 - one of the first black women to sit as a judge in the UK. Briscoe’s legal practice focuses on criminal law and fraud, principally defending. She is also known for her books ‘Ugly’ and ‘Beyond Ugly’ in which she recounts tales of abuse as a child and she often talks about her experiences publicly.

Baroness Scotland

The First Black Female Attorney General

Dame Linda Dobbs

B: 1955 - Commonwealth of Dominica In 1999, Scotland was appointed Parliamentary UnderSecretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. She was responsible for introducing the Bill to ratify the International Criminal Court in the United Kingdom. She also set up a panel of British-based lawyers who provided pro bono services to UK nationals imprisoned overseas. In 2001 she became Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor’s Department, and was made a member of the Privy Council. Scotland was a contender for a

The First Black Judge Appointed To the High Courts of Justice

cabinet position at a time when Tony Blair is reported to have considered appointing her Leader of the House of Lords. In 2003, Lady Scotland of Asthal, as she is also known, was made Minister of State for the Criminal Justice system and Law Reform at the Home Office. On 28 June 2007, Baroness Scotland was appointed Attorney General by the new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. She is the first woman to hold the office since its foundation in 1315.

B: 1951 Dobbs’ mother was from Sierra Leone, and her father was an English lawyer who became a High Court judge in Sierra Leone. She studied Linguistic and Regional Studies (Russian and Law) at the University of Surrey, graduating with a BSc in 1976. She received an LLM from the London School of Economics, and a PhD for research on criminology and penology in the Soviet Union. Dame Linda Penelope Dobbs was the first non-white person to be assigned as judge of the High Court of justice of England and Wales. She was appointed a High Court Judge in September

Bernard Grant MP

One of Britain’s First Black MPs

B: 1944 - Georgetown, Guyana

2004. She received a DBE, and was assigned Queen Bench Division, the Administrative Court, and the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal. At the time of the appointment, Dobbs said: “It is a great honour to have been invited by the Lord Chancellor to become a High Court Judge… I am confident, nevertheless, that I am the first of many to come”. She has subsequently been appointed as Chairman of the Magisterial Committee of the Judicial Studies Board.

D: 2000

Bernard Grant was one of many West Indians who took up the British government’s invitation to the colonies to move to the UK for blue-collar employment in 1963. He was for a period a member of the Socialist Labour League. He quickly became a trade union official, and moved into politics, becoming a Labour councilor in the London Borough of Haringey in 1978. As council leader during the Broadwater Farm riot of 1985, in which a policeman, PC Blakelock, was killed, he was thrown into the public eye, when he was widely quoted as saying “The police got

a bloody good hiding”. Grant claimed had been taken out of context, but offered an apology to the family of PC Blakelock. The controversy did not prevent him from becoming MP for Tottenham in the 1987 election, one of only three black MPs at the time. As an MP he backed demands for black sections in the Labour and was recognised as a staunch voice against Police racism. In September 2007 in Tottenham, London, Haringey Council opened the Bernie Grant Arts Centre in his name.

Dawn Butler MP The first Black Female Minister in the House of Commons

B: 1969- London, UK

Colin Powell

First African-American Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

B: 1937 - New York City, California, USA Colin Luther Powell, KCB, MSC, is an American statesman and retired as a four-star general in the United States Army. He was well known for his tremendous popularity among the American people. He was the first African American appointed to the position of 65th United States Secretary of State, serving under President George W. Bush. During his time within the military, Powell also served as National Security Advisor, as Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Army Forces Command and as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, holding the latter position during the Gulf War. He was the first, and so far the only, African American to serve on the Joint Chiefs

of Staff. Colin Powell announced his resignation as Secretary of State on Monday, November 15, 2004. The following day, George W. Bush nominated National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice as Powell’s successor. In 2007, Powell donated the maximum amount to John McCain’s campaign with his name listed as a possible running mate in 2008 for Republican nominee McCain’s presidential election bid however, on October 19, 2008, Powell declared his backing of Barack Obama during a Meet the Press interview, citing “his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign’ additionally referring to Obama as a “transformational figure.”

Dawn Petula Butler is a British Labour politician, Member of Parliament for Brent South and an Assistant Chief Whip for Gordon Brown’s government. She worked as a GMB Union Officer, including time as a national race and equality officer. She was also an advisor to former London Mayor Ken Livingstone on employment and social issues. She is the first Black female minister in the House of Commons. She was born in London into a large family of Jamaican immigrant parentage with a sister and four brothers. She has said, “It is important to me that government is reflective of our diverse community and ordinary hard working individuals are given the opportunity to have their voices heard.” Interest in youth services has continued as one of her main interests in Parliament. On 24 October 2006 she was appointed Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Affairs, and she is an Honorary Vice President of the British Youth Council. After Gordon Brown became Prime Minister, on 27 June 2007, Butler was made one of the Labour Party’s six Vice Chairs, with particular responsibility for Youth issues. on

She was appointed to the Select Committee on the Modernisation of the House of Commons shortly after her election, and has also served on standing committees (notably on the Violent Crime Reduction Bill 2006). In November 2007 she was appointed to the Children & Families Select Committee. Earlier (in November 2005), she had been promoted to Parliamentary Private Secretary to the health minister Jane Kennedy, but decided to stand down from this post in early 2006. On 6 November 2007, Butler was chosen to second the Queen’s Speech. Her voting record shows she has largely been loyal to the government. She was promoted to Assistant Whip on 12 September 2008.

A Seven

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2009 - 201

is a fantastic educational tool for teachers in schools, colleges, youth workers and other educationalist with pages and pages of facts and figures detailing the lives and achievements of Black people that have often gone undocumented.

Black Heroes of Our Time

is particularly accessible to young people as it celebrates not only the African American achievers like Martin Luther King and Alice Walker but also home grown talent like Bill Morris and Kwame Kwei-Armah highlighting rappers, entrepreneurs and community activists. The whole family as well as educationalist will find this important publication invaluable during Black History Month and throughout the year and as an inspiration to all especially young people. For added value we have available a seperate teachers resource crammed pack with exercises and activities to help you get the best out of Black


Constance Briscoe

The First Black Female Cabinet Minister and Joint First Black Woman Peer

Heroes of Our Time.

Black Heroes of Our Time - The book - £25

is already fast becoming an essential addition to all the family.

Black Heroes of Our Time -The book and Teachers Resource Pack- £95 is a ‘must have’ feature in all teachers’ and educationalists toolkit.

To Order Now or for more information about Black Heroes of our Time contact: Tel: Seven Media 0207 005 0590

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