Applied Branding Joesph Knechtel
Mission Statement
The goal of Olio is to provide a place for people who share a passion for art, music, film, and skateboarding. We are focused on supporting athlete, artists and musicians – providing a means for creative individuals to come together and collectively express themselves. Olio products include skateboards, streetwear, clothing, footwear, accessories and outerwear incorporate a distinctive mixture of fashion and function combined with quality, comfort and athletic performance.
Promotion Plan Olio’s perpetually evolving website ( provides the most complete representation of the brand and its many diverse facets. List of Promotional Tools for Olio • Advertising • Print and Web advertising for events and magazines. • Events - gallery openings, skate demos, and art walks. • Magazines - Juxtapoz Magazine, Thrasher Magazine, Transworld Magazine, Blue Canvas Magazine, and Complex Magazine • Direct Email and mailing - Catalogs, Up Coming Events, New Artist, and Contests • Outdoor advertising, billboards and bus boards, • Broadcast advertising on radio streaming - Pandora, Rhapsody. • Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Google. • Marketing Collateral Produce and distribute materials such as: • brochures • newsletters • flyers • posters • web banners • stickers • wheat paste • Promotional Activities • Sponsorships for artist and skateboarders. • Special events for art walks and skate demos. • Trade Shows - Oilo product will be at a trade show attended by our target audience. Trade shows are typically one- or two- day events that allow businesses to set up exhibits or booths showcasing their products or capabilities. • Give-aways - baseball caps, skateboards, streetwear, clothing, footwear, accessories and outerwear. • Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. • Media Relations Campaign Olio will be putting up an online web show on vimeo and youtube. Here individuals can view and leave commentary on spotlighted videos. The content in most of Olio’s web videos will be featured artist painting talking about there work, or showing artist being creative. Olio’s videos will also show the process of getting the featured artist art work on to Olio products. The web videos will also showcase the talent of Olio’s sponsored athletes.
Logo Design
Style Board FONTS
Arial Black ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUvWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;’,./` ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>?
C= 20% M=25% Y=100% K=0%
C= 35% M=50% Y=88% K=15%
Minimal ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUvWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;’,./` ~!@#$^*()_+{}|:”<>?
C=0% M=0% Y=0% K=100%
C= 64% M=54% Y=53% K=26%
Stationary: 01
Stationary: 2
Store Front
Product Development
Handtag / Stickers
Merchandising Apparrel
Full Page Ad
Outdoor Advertising
Logo Design
pass it on
see more ar tist and ar t work at and remember to pass it on
OLIO skateboards are manufactured using 100% Canadian Hard Rock Maple. Also at you can purchase graphic T-shirts and hand made stickers. OLIO tries to help connect the world to the bands, artist and skaters that are on, because we are all connected through music, art and the freedom of expression.
Web Ad
Vehicle design
Logo Design
pass it on