Roshardt Nick JabroniSnowboards

Page 1

Jabroni Snowboards

1. Our Mission Page 04

2. Logo Design Page 06

3. Stationary Page 10

4. Store and Headquarters Page 14

5. Snowboard Construction Page 18

6. Merchandise Page 24

7. Promotion Plan Page 38


O ur Mis s ion We, Jabroni Snowboards, are a rider driven company who believes in one t h i n g a n d t h a t ’s creating ahigh quality original products for our riders. At Jabroni Snowboards we do our best to help preserve this planet by using renewable resources for our snowboards and apperal. We won’t just sit back, we will pursue this journey called Jabroni Boards. Will you join our journey?

Our Story


P ro motion P la n “Join the Journey� 1. Magazine Ads a. Transworld Snowboarding b. Snowboarder Mag 2. Cradle for Cradle a. For every snowboard bought we will plant two trees to replace it 3. Use reusable /sustainable materials for our snowboards a. Boards made with re-purposed materials b. Bamboo 4. Advertising around the ski resort a. Gondolas b. Team Vehicle c. Apparel

Promotion Plan


Logo Design





Myriad Pro Pantone P108-16c

Pantone P17-8c

A a Bb Cc D d Ee Ff Gg H h I i Jj K k Ll M m N n O o Pp Q q R r Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww X x Yy Z z

Alte Haas Grotesk

Aa B b Cc D d Ee F f Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll M m Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss T t Uu Vv Ww Xx Y y Z z

American Captain

A a Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh I i Jj Kk L l Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss T t Uu V v W w X x Y y Zz

Style Guide


Stat i o na ry





Store and Headquarters

Head Quarters 16



Snowboard Construction

Bam b o o F arm Ba mb o o S o u rc e ry


a b ro n i S n o w b o ard s p ar tner s wit h B amboo S o u rc e ry who a re l o c a ted i n Sebast opol C a l i f o r n i a . T he Bamb o o So urc e r y is a sigh t t o se e b ut t he q ua l i ty o f thei r Bamboo is t h e real re a s o n w e a re p ar tner s.










Merchandise 26

Merchandise 27

Merchandise 28

Merchandise 29

Merchandise 30

About our Merchandise: Our shirts and jackets are similar to our boards in the sense that they are m a d e f ro m re u s a b l e p ro d u c t s . We u s e recycled plastics and nylons in most of the fabrics and you can even find some bamboo in the Apparel.

Merchandise 31



Keep you hands warm in style with our Jabroni Mittens.

Merchandise 32


The original Jabroni Snowboard made with a bamboo core.

Merchandise 33


Keep the snow out of your eyes with our Goggles made with UV protection.

Merchandise 34


Keep your head extra warm under your beanie or helmet.

Merchandise 35

Snowboard Bag:

For when you are traveling and need one bag for all your snowboard needs.

Merchandise 36


Don’t be stupid protect your brain!

Merchandise 37


Promotion Plan

Promotion Plan 40

Promotion Plan 41

Promotion Plan 42

Promotion Plan 43

Promotion Plan 44

Promotion Plan 45



Join the Journey

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