Comprehensive Plan, Update
Upcoming Events & Public Input The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) is looking for the Lexington Community to provide their ideas, thoughts, and comments to inform LexingtonNext, Lexington’s first Comprehensive Plan Update since 2002/2003. What is LexingtonNext? LexingtonNext is a guiding document created by Lexington that will help shape Lexington’s Pathway Forward Please share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences at the events and social media campaigns outlined below
Social Media Input Options
August 16th—Ideas Wall Share your ideas about Lexington through electronic post notes on the ideas wall. September 1st—Survey & Mapping Provide your thoughts on a Lexington specific survey that will guide the drafting of LexingtonNext. Plus, tell the CPAC about specific ideas of Lexington (what features should be preserved, what needs improvement, what is missing) through a virtual map exercise! September 7th—Ideas Wall Share your ideas about what is missing and what needs improvements in Lexington September 13rd—Mapping Share your thoughts on Lexington’s commercial districts and corridors through an interactive mapping exercise
CLICK HERE to access & learn more
September 22nd—Survey Missed the September 21st Housing in Lexington event, or have additional comments, log in and answer the questions proposed at the event
Virtual Public Meetings
September 21st @ 7:00PM via Zoom—Housing in Lexington Participate in an interactive conversation to discuss the future of housing in Lexington (input from this forum will inform LexingtonNext Plan recommendations)
CLICK HERE to learn more
Please visit to learn more about LexingtonNext, participate, and have your voice heard, review drafts of documents and data, etc. Have questions, please email