Appendix–A Leonardo GenitGaloteraOne-pageBio
Appendix–E DesignPhasingTimeline
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Revision A,14July2005
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
The quick recovery of the travel industry after the COVID pandemic poses some exciting opportunities for tourism and real-estate investment more particularly in Asia-Pacific region. IATA forecasts of over +100% of passenger travels by 20251 in comparison to 2019, prepandemic period. Before the pandemic hit, IATA forecast predicted 8.27 billion Air Travelers in 2037. The global airline revenue forecast as of April 2022 is $501B ‘AcceleratedRecovery’2
Asia-Pacific is well-known as an all-year-round destination because of the tropical weather. In the context of Philippine economy and investment, the primary target market for this recovery period are US, OFWs (Filipino Overseas Foreign Workers), and other foreign nationalsfromdifferentcountries.
Condominium and hotel casino construction, most especially in Manila, the capital of the Philppines, is dominating the skyline of the Central Business District of National Central Region (NCR). Occupants of these condominium buildings are mostly Chinese and other foreign nationals. The current trend is that they will explore well-known tourist destinations such as Palawan, Boracay, Cebu, Bohol, Davao etc. Beachfronts, swimming pools, and mountainresortsarethemostcommonamenities.
Condominiums are simply a housing segment that support the gaming industry in the Philippines. The occupants who are above average middle-income earners are the people whotraveledinmanytouristdestinationsinthecountry.
This Project will provide a variety and unique amenities not to be found in the Philippines. The value proposition for this Project is to offer a unique, wide-variety of amenities to be explored and will demand a minimum of five days stay to fully explore the amenities and theiruniqueofferingssuchas:
Theseamenitieswillprovidemoreopportunitiesininvitingunsolicitedinvestorsfromabroad and from local entrepreneurs. Having a marina in the development, it will open more opportunities andexposureto foreign investors who are alreadyfinancially capable to invest. Thisoutsideinvestmentopportunitywillsurelyfurthermitigatetheriskprofiletotheoriginal investorandproponent.
The design of all facilities will be performed by Architect Leonardo Galotera and his design team with the intent to implement the international building code and practices to ensure the developmentisuncompromisinglyworld-class.
Tominimizetheriskfor theCapitalExpenditure,itis recommendedthat theexecution ofthe Project is by phases. Phase 1 expenditure is estimated at PHP 2.6B ($44.6M) excluding theprofessionalservices ofArchitectLeonardoGalotera.
Architect Leonardo G. Galotera (‘Architect’) started his career locally in 1982. Right after receiving his professional license in 1987 as registered architect, he ventured in overseas assignmentin1988workingforlocalengineering firmfortwoyears. Bylate1991,hejoined Bechtelcompany(www.bechtel.com)forthefirsttimeinKuwaitafterthefirstGulfWar.
While working under Oil & Gas industry from 1991 to 1988, he set his sight to shift in aviation industry. This was achieved when he joined the aviation project management team in Dubai international airport in 1988. Since then, he was part of Bechtel’s team under InfrastructureGlobalBusinessUnit.
Bechtel has been consistently on the top 5 contractors globally. See ENR 2021 Top 400 Contractors:ENR2021Top400Contractors1-100|EngineeringNews-Record).
For over twenty-four (24) straight years working for the company, seventeen (17) years of whichwerededicatedintheprojectmanagementofthefollowingairports:
International airports:
DubaiInternationalAirportTerminal1,UAE (http://www.bechtel.com/projects/dubai-international-airport/)
JorgeChavezInternationalAirport,Peru (JorgeChavezInternationalAirport)
HamadInternationalAirport,Qatar (http://www.bechtel.com/projects/hamad-international-airport/)
MuscatInternationalAirport,Oman (http://www.bechtel.com/projects/oman-airport-expansion-muscat/)
After leaving Bechtel in 2016, Leonardo embarked on an exciting career move as independent consultant by taking on outsourcing work for a local company from Dubai, UAE. This project is The Royal Atlantis Hotel Resort and Residences located in The Palm Jumeirah. It’sa48-storeyhigh-end hoteland residenceswhichisnowopentothe marketfor occupancy.
In 2020, he joined Arcadis Philippines Incorporated for the project management of the WestsideCityCasinoResortHotelbySunTrust.
The Royal Atlantis Hotel and Residences, Dubai, UAE. (The Royal Atlantis Residences)
Regardlessofbuildingtypeorindustry,Leonardoimplementedtheinternationalbuilding codeandrelevantindustrystandardsinairport,hotels,andoil&gasprojects(with ARAMCO)whichwasparamountinthesuccessfulexecutionofeachprojectwith
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Revision A,14July2005
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
uncompromisingdiligence,workethics,consistentstriveforqualityanddiscipline throughouthiscareer.
Withtheabovewealthof experiencegainedovertheyears,heisaseasonedprofessional withtheskillsinputtingtogethersuccessfulmega-projectsasenvisionedbythecustomers andincompliancewiththerelevantcodes andstandardsconsistentwiththeLocal GovernmentUnit’s(LGU)needsanddemandsasprovidedintheirsocialandeconomic planning.
During his tenure with Bechtel, he was well respected by all of his colleagues for his work ethicsandattitude,competence,andexcellentcommunicationskills.
Now he is bringing thiswealthofknowledge, experience, and expertiseto two key fronts: by providingarchitecturalservicesbothathomeandabroad.
Currently, Leonardo is providing consultancy services for Yamuna International Airport Project Jewar Airport project under Tata / SMEC contract for the Noida International Airport.
RefertoAppendix–A LeonardoGenitGaloteraOne-pageBio.
Be the country premiere provider of design and construction support services for world-class projects.
We will harness and capitalize on our international experience coupled with the application oftechnologyby:
Integrateprocessimprovementsinallstagesofourworktoachievemaximum efficiencytodrivehighperformance
Architecturaldesignconsultancy:airportdesign,hotels,commercial,mixed-use buildings,waterfront,urbandevelopmentandmasterplanning.
Architecturaldesignreview:curtainwall,cladding,roofingsystem,door&hardware schedule,andarchitecturalfinishes
Front EndEngineeringDesigndevelopment
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Revision A,14July2005
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
technicalandbusinessconsultationwithcustomersontechnical, commercialand fundingofPublic-PrivatePartnership(PPP)projectsforairport, hotel&resortprojectdevelopment.
withbothpublicandprivatecustomersandstakeholdersinassessing viabilityofprojectsinairportandhospitalitysectors.
andcollatingoftechnical,schedule andcommercialRequestforProposal
alternativesolutionstoprojectsbydefiningandmitigatingriskstoCapital Expendituresandmaximizerevenues.
CADdetailsandshopdrawingsforglasscurtain wall,façadecladdingand roofing systems
Guimaras Island is located in Western Visayas Region VI. There are two gateways to Guimaras: NAIA T1 or NAIA T3 and Cebu Mactan International Airport. From Manila or Cebu, there are flights directly to Iloilo City. There are ferries that transport passengers between Iloilo City and Jordan wharf of Guimaras. For vehicles to cross the strait, there is a ‘roll-on,roll-off’bargethatcaterforthisneed.
Aportionof the
the first site survey and investigationinMorobuan,Guimaras.
Beginning in January 2020, Leonardo Galotera
Theprimaryfocusfor thisfirstsurvey
getasenseofthelandprofile,orientation,andthe generaltopography.
Thefollowupsitesurveywasinterruptedby COVIDrestrictionsimposedbythegovernment in early 2020. Not until two years later in February 2022, the second site survey was conducted. All photos for both surveys are found on the same folder in the shared link above.
The result of the site survey conducted presented the following design opportunities that is unique for this development. The land can be divided into six sectors that lend themselves for unique leisure development to the public, which is aligned with Guimaras Local
Government Unit’s (LGU) policies for the development of the island. Refer to Appendix –
Sector 1 (Western side)
Sector 2 (Mid-section)
Thekeyfeatureinthissectoristheconversionofthemangrove farmintoaMarina.
Sector 3 (Southeastern side)
Thissectorfollowsalongtheexistingmainaccessroadfromprovincialroadtothis area.
Sector 4 (Northwestern side)
Thissectoristhehighestelevationinthewholeproperty,roughly80meterabovesea level.
Commercialcentercompletewithentertainmentamenitiessuchascinemas,bowling alleys,shops&restaurants,finediningfacingthecityandfitnessandspacompletewith infinitypool.
Atthecliffsidefacingthecityandsunset,villascut-outfromtherockwillberandomly placed.
Attheendofthiscliff,thereisasectionwhereadditionalvillascanbebuiltwiththeir ownindividualboatdocking.
Sector 5 (Northern-most side)
Therearethreekeyfeaturesforthisarea:hotelcasinoresorthotel,cascadingresidences, andgolfdrivingrange.
Condominiumbuildingcomplexcompletewithpoolsandlandscapecourtyard,small shopsandrestaurants,kids’playground.
Sector 6 (Eastern side)
Inordertoprotecttheexistingwatershedwhichprovidesthewatersourcesinthewhole community,ForestGrovedevelopmentwillbeintroduced.
Thesewillbetropicalhut builtontopoftreesashotelaccommodation.
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GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
RefertoAppendix–DConceptualMasterPlan (showing4phasesofdevelopment).
In addition to the initial ideas for the development conceptualized by the Architect using his familiarity of the place (born and raised in Guimaras island), wealth of international experienceworkingoverseasforoverthreedecades,theArchitectconductedseveralresearch and studies on the type of development that will be best-suited to the existing geography cognizantofthepotentialofthedevelopmentbrings.
In addition to site survey conducted in 2020 and 2022, the Architect developed the space programmingaspartofthemasterplanning. Theconceptforthisplanning andprogramming wereguidedbythefollowingconcepts.
The coastline facing Iloilo City at northwest lends itself to variety of house design which is notcommoninthePhilippines.
Three primary design concepts were established at the outset of this research and study with thisdesignintentinmindasdetailedbelow.
Unique housing design and living style
Sailvillas-(signaturedesignbyLeonardoGaloterathatisnotcommonlyfoundinthe world)
ForestGrove(tropicalhutsontrees)–(attractionforbothlocalandinternational tourists,akintoresorthotelscommonlyfoundinAsia).
Attractiontobothlocalandinternationalclientele. Currently,thereisnomarinaaround thePanayIslandthatcanprovideasafehavenforyachtswithsupportingamenities suchasmarinahotels,restaurants,spa&wellness,sportsfacilities.
These three guiding principles aimed to achieve one primary goal: the unique design and development of the Project will attract travelers and tourists to spend a minimum of oneweek to fully enjoy the wholefacilities.Atthis writing,there are fewdevelopments inLuzon and Cebu of similar concepts but cannot match the size and unique design as conceptualized bytheArchitect. Thisistheunique,valuepropositionforthisProject.
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Revision A,14July2005
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
There are three (3) growth indicators that will sustain and make this Project a successful investment:
The big four real-estate conglomerate in the Philippines are unstoppable in respect to condominium and mixed-use development. Undoubtedly, the occupants of these condominiums will look for places to tour to find the needed work-life balance. There is now an acceptance in business sector that employees can work from home through online transaction. Thisflexibilityallowsthemtotakeamini-vacationwhileworking.
Southside of the Mall of Asia in Pasay City is the designated Entertainment City. This dedicated area is for hotel casino and gaming haven. Most high rollers are Chinese businessmen and that explains why the casino hotels hired Chinese from Mainland China. Thissegmentisoneofthehighestoccupantsof condominiumbuildingsinManila.
ThesuccessfulexecutionandcontributiontotheLGUisverypromising. Thereisevery reasonforthisProjecttobecomeatop-choiceandadestinationofandbyitself. The followingdatawilldemonstratetheuniquevaluepropositionoftheProject.
As noted in Section 4, Guimaras Island is easily accessible through Manila or Cebu international airports. From the Iloilo International Airport, it takes 30 minutes to arrive at theferry’sterminal. IttakesfifteenminutesfromIloiloporttoJordanwharf.
ManilaNAIAAirporttoIloiloInternationalAirport:55minutes. CebuMactanInternationalAirportto IloiloInternationalAirport:45minutes.
Duetoits isolation to major urbanenvironment, the crime rateis significantlylow. Thereare anumberofforeignerswhomarriedandestablishedthemselvesin GuimarasIslandtherewas nosinglereportofabduction,harassmentandkidnapping.
AlthoughthewesternVisayasisnotsparedfromthedevastatingeffectoftyphoons,but typicallythisregionisnotindirectpathoftyphoons.
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Revision A,14July2005
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
PanayandGuimarasIslandsareself-sufficientwithregardstofoodproductionincludingfish andothercommodities.
WiththedirectivefromtheDepartmentofTourismtorelaxtheCOVIDprotocols,thisisa positivestepinincreasingthenumberofforeigntourists.
“Asiaishometonineoftheworld’stenmostpopularflights,andwhileairtravelisbooming aroundtheworld,it’sexpectedtosoarexponentiallyintheregion. Thatbringsboth unprecedentedopportunitiesandchallengesandhowairlines,aircraftmanufacturers,and governmentstacklethemwillchangehowtheworldflies.3”
NowthattheCOVIDpandemicandtravelprotocolsstarttoeasingup,thenewoutlookfor airtravelis bouncingbackratherquickly.
“The International Air Transport Association (IATA) expects overall traveler numbers to reach4.0billionin2024(countingmulti-sectorconnectingtripsasonepassenger),exceeding pre-COVID-19levels(103%ofthe2019total).
Expectations for the shape of the near-term recovery have shifted slightly, reflecting the evolution of government-imposed travel restrictions in some markets. The overall picture presented in the latest update to IATA’s long-term forecast, however, is unchanged from whatwasexpectedinNovember,priortotheOmicronvariant.1”
Moreinterestingly,eventhoughtherecoveryisnotabruptaswasinitially anticipatedpriorto COVID pandemic,theforecast forAsiaregion isverypromising. Thetablebelowshowsthe PassengerNumbers–Shareof20191 basedonIATAforecast.
Passenger NumbersShare of 2019
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GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
Middle East 42% 81% 90% 98% 105%
South America 51% 88% 97% 103% 108%
Central America 72% 96% 102% 109% 115%
Caribbean 44% 72% 82% 92% 101%
Table 1–IATA’sforecast ofPassengerNumbersincomparisonto2019data
It is worth considering the economic outlook in the United States by way of comparison to otherdemographicswhowillbethepotentialbuyersandusersoftheProject.
US Retirees: can they afford to retire?
“According to the Middle series projection, between 2012 and 2060, the U.S. population is projectedtogrowfrom314millionin2012 to420 millionin 2060,anincreaseof34percent. Thenationwillalsobecomemoreraciallyandethnicallydiverse,withtheaggregateminority population projected to become the majority in 2043. The population is also expected to becomemucholder.By2030,morethan20percentofU.S.residentsareprojectedtobeaged 65andover,compared with13percentin2010and9.8percentin1970.4”
“Our two indicators of retirement adequacy, replacement rates and the percentage of individuals at risk of falling short of maintaining their pre-retirement standard of living duringretirement,aresimilartothosefoundintheliterature.”
Replacement rate thresholds (All demographic group) is x=0.65 that has an average of savingsrateof61%only.
In short,of314 millionretirees,whomwillhave65%replacement,canaffordtosaveoftheir pre-retirement income by 61% only. This translates to approximately: $144,112.50 savings for their entire adult working life. This is a meager outlook for any average American to retire and invest outside the United States. The increasing current inflation under the Biden administration is only exacerbated the outlook for Americans to go overseas for retirement haven.
The above data should not cause for discouragement if tourism is to be considered. Conversely, Americans were the highest accounted volumes of tourists that arrived in the PhilippinesinJune 20215. It shouldbe noted thatthis doesnottakeinto accounttheresiding ChinesewhowerealreadyworkingandresidinginthecountrybeforeCOVIDpandemic.
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Revision A,14July2005
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
–Departmentof Tourism dataofArrivingPassengersinJune 2021
proliferation of hotel casinos in the Philippines opened a new opportunity for influx of Chinese workers who are investing mostly in the Capital region Metro Manila. The surrounding condominium units in front of the Mall of Asia catered mostly for this new demographic. Unsurprisingly, one will find many Chinese touring the country’s vast resorts andamenities.
fully appreciate the enormous population growth between China, India, and the United States,seetheinfographicbelow7
Needless to say, the highest number of buyers and users for this development will be from China. This report didn’t cover the population of Koreans whose population and migration tothePhilippinesisalsosignificant.
The OFW market segment, although there are over 40 countries where OFWs are to be found, but the realistic assumption based on experience the partitioning is limited to the following countries only: Japan, Australia, Norway, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands, Other European Countries, Canada, and Other Countries in North and South America.
There are over 300,000 OFWs around the world. Although the COVID pandemic created havoc in the cash inflow of the US dollar remittances to the Philippines between 2020 and 2021, the remittances have gone up to a record-breaking $34 billion in 2021. This accounts for 8.9 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) according to the Bangko SentralngPilipinas(BSP)6 .
OFWs are one of the active players in local tourism in addition to foreigners. Most of these workersareundersingle-statuscontract andhavetwo-weekorfour-weekentitledleaveevery year. To make up for the lost time for being away from the family, they are making up for these lost time by taking a vacation in various places in the country with their families. Sometimestheytaggedalongtheirin-laws.
No doubt this generation of populace regardless of race, creed, religion and color, everyone is occupying cyberspace footprint via social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Viber, Tiktok to make their presence known. Be it for family communication, across the globe,or simply displayingthe current activities in terms oftravel, food, andother activitiestogain‘likes’andattractionsintheworldwideweb.
Definitely, the geography especially the new trend amenities, places to see and explore are the top subject for broadcasting their new discovery to show off to friends and families aroundtheworld.
To such, the project amenities and building types are perfectly suited to satisfy ‘braggingrights’with‘me-first’discoveryofexoticplacesandfunctions.
RefertoFigure4belowforpossiblecompetitionwithinRegionVIgeographicalarea. Guimaras
Although there are many beach and mountain resorts in the Guimaras Island, however, these are not well-organized and are of the same scale in term of land area. Their amenities are very limiting due to their location and size. Therefore, in terms of size and amenities, these existingresortsareofnoconsequencetotheProject. Foracompletelistofexistingresortsin Guimaras,refertotheendsectionoftheBrochure.
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Revision A,14July2005
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
The only hotel beach resort in Guimaras that may be construed as a competition was the Andana hotel beach resort. Its operation was discontinued when the COVID pandemic hit. Butthatisnottheprimaryreasonforitsclosure.
Itwasconstructedadjacenttoanexistingbeachresortbeingoperatedbylocalprivate ownershowbeitsmallanddisorganizedbutthese neighboringresortsarecheaper optionsandhavemorebeachfront.
There are three (3) well-known destination in this region that may be construed as competition:
This is a four-hour ride by land coming from Iloilo City. There is also a direct flight from ManilaNAIAairporttoCaticlanAirport,Aklan.
This is a new development at the heart of Cebu City. This is an ongoing project. The only attraction for this development is the mountain view and the arrangement is simply row of houseswithprivateswimmingpooloverlookingthecityofCebu. The onlyadvantageof this developmentistheproximitytoservicessuchasschools,hospitals,churchesandothers.
The primary goal of the business is to sell the properties. There are no other amenities in the isdevelopmentanditisaone-offrevenue. Thisistypicaltobuild&sellbusinessmodel.
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Revision A,14July2005
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
Itisnot justthesheersizeof300+hectaresthatcommandsomerespectandattention.It’sthe wide range ofamenities that will match similar development foundin HongKong, Malaysia, AustraliaandneighboringAsiancountries.
The Architect takes pride in master planning and designing the Project that can match any internationaldevelopment.
Marinaandhotelfacilitieswilldefinitelyinviteyachtownersorchartered-voyagefrom HK,Australia,Malaysia,otherregionsinthePhilippines.
Whilst the property’s acquisition and negotiation is in progress, the feasibility study can be startedthesoonest. Theprimaryobjectivesforthefeasibilitystudyare:
ExaminetherequirementsoftheLocalGovernmentUnit(LGU)forsecuringvarious permitsforthelanduseandconstructionoftheprojectwithintheframeworkofthe LGU.
Theprimaryobjectivesoftheframeworkasdetailedonthebrochurepages4and5. SeeAppendix–C(https://issuu.com/lggalotera/docs/00-guimaras_hotelmarina_resort)
The feasibility provides advantages and most especially mitigating any unforeseen factors that might be a regulatory concern that could hinder the Project. It is recommended that the feasibilitystudycoversatleastthree(3)keyobjectives:
Regulatoryandstatutory requirementsinalignmentwiththeLGUcomprehensiveland useandeconomic framework.
The research also includes collecting best design practices while achieving compliance to environmental statutes for all building types especially in hotel design planning and marina. The Architect’s involvement with Westside City Casino Hotel is an added wealth of informationandmostimportantlylessonslearnedcanbepassedontheProject.
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
It is estimated that the three phases of design development will be completed in eleven (11) months. At the ninth (9th) month, the bidding for procurement can proceed for the construction.
The professional services of the Architect are limited to the design development leading to the procurement and awarding of the Project to a Contractor. The construction management andsupervisionserviceswillbeaddressedseparatelyinthefuture.
For the Phase-1 development, the estimated construction is estimated at PHP 2,584,000,000.00. This estimate can be finalized after the feasibility is completed at which time the schematic design can be completed including the construction costs associated for thePhase-1development.
The estimated professional fee for the design scope for Phase-1 which covers the Feasibility Study,SchematicDesign,andDetailedDesignis PHP157,266,000.00.
TotalfundingforPhase1excludingtheConstructionManagementandSupervision: PHP2,741,266,103.60($46,565,885.77).
property isnot acquired yet.
of existing
the acquisition of the proposed
toTando or next to the existing Jordanwharf.
to execute the full development
at once.
Phase-1 first
In order to manage the risk to Capital Expenditure, it is recommended to executethePhase-1first. Doingso,itwillprovidethefollowingadvantages:
TheconstructionoftheSantorini,Mountain-viewvillasdoesnotrequire specializedequipmentormanpower.
Themajoraspectofthisphaseistheroadnetwork,esplanade embankmentandtheconstructionofthelighthouse.
Phase–1developmentwillbeanintroductoryattractiontoallusersand investorsforthecompletedevelopment.
Santorini as hotel resort of distinct destination.
Mountain-view villas
This initialdevelopment will generate excitementamongbuyersandinvestors. This can be used as a marketing tool to invite potential investors to invest in theremainderofthedevelopment. Thiswillprovidetwopositiveoutcomes:
Theinitialdevelopmentwillprovideattractiontopotentialinvestorsand buyersandotherstakeholders.
Note1: IATA-AirPassengerNumberstoRecoverin2024
AirTravelProjected toDouble Over Next20Years(nationalgeographic.com)
Note:4 final-draft-paper-revised-4-5-2011.pdf(census.gov)
ArrivingTouristsby CountryofOriginJun2021.pdf
OFWremittanceshitrecord-breaking$34Bin2021– BSP|TheManila Times
PopulationbyAgeandSexforChina,India,andUnitedStates:2020 andProjected2060 (census.gov)
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GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
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GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
Under BechtelAviation group, I worked as an architectural technical specialist for 24 years with primary focus on design, project and construction management of international airports and Oil & Gas sectors, while successfully delivering high-end finishes in compliance with codes and industry standards in collaboration with client’s representatives, design consultants, suppliers, and contractors. As an independent consultant, I provided business and development strategy, planning and technical advisory role. In private practice capacity, I performed master planninng for a 340-hectare hotel casino resort and exclusive residential development. Currently involved withArcadis Philippines for the Westside City Casino Resort Hotel.
Responsible for overseeing the design, project and construction management of passenger terminal building complex including the dedicated terminal for the Emirof Qatar. Key activities include:
■ Overseeing all civil and architectural works to ensure compliance with the design, codes and industry standards.
■ Collaborated with client’s management and design team to ensure design works are coordinated and released for procurement.
external works for the Westside
Under EPC condition, responsible for subcontract management of passenger terminal building envelope forMuscat InternationalAirport. Key activities include:
■ Design review and coordination with owner’s engineer, material review and procurement, schedule and planning monitoring in coordination with other trades to ensure site occupancy and sequence of works are meeting the cost & schedule program milestones.
■ Instrumental in winning the technical bid for Muscat InternationalAirport, Oman by conducting a technical presentation to Oman transportation ministry and design consultants.
Providing technical support to Bechtel business development team for airport project management strategies and proposal submission to customers. Key activities include:
■ Market and data research for projects and government statutes on PPP process and procedures.
■ Preparation and submission of both technical and commercial proposal to customers including preparation of presentation.
■ Feasibility and master planning for international seaport (in progress) with a total build up area of 1,944 hectares and a 350-hectare hotel casino resort and residences.
■ Responsible for the offsite production of shop drawings for glass curtain wall, façade, balustrades and sliding doors for The RoyalAtlantis Hotel and
Resort in Dubai, UAE.
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GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
Single 52,44945,855Married 47,22942,228-
Widowed 4,4433,827Divorced/Separated 549326Common-Law/Live-in 2,559622Unknown/Not Stated 1,01971-
years old and over)
Male 5,2574,2563,725
Female 5,9884,7354,017
Total blindness 477-
Partial blindness 11177-
Low vision 261,786Total deafness 1268Partial deafness 3216-
Hard of hearing 567Oral defect 15170-
Loss of one or both arms/hands 355Loss of one or both legs/feet 1127Quadriplegic 11--
Mentally retarded 13199Mentally ill 22103Multiple impairment 2-Muteness -77-
Deafness/Muteness ---
Others -464-
Highesteducationalattainment (Household population by 5 years old and over)
No grade completed 5,8556,6314,426
Pre-school 2,7204,874938 Elementary 59,34055,45955,680
1st-4th Grade 27,74425,94128,144 5th-7th Grade 31,59629,51827,536
High school 34,74228,79622,968 Undergraduate 20,28614,81413,622 Graduate 14,45613,9829,346
Post-secondary 7,2045,1543,007
Undergraduate 3,6361,207484 Graduate 3,5683,9472,523
College undergraduate 9,3203,7283,737
Academic degree holder 2,8944,3433,165
Post-baccalaureate 65485Not stated 2,9751,314265
Area (hectares)
(metric tons)
Corn Area (hectares)
(metric tons)
(metric tons)
Area (hectares)
(metric tons)
Area (hectares)
(metric tons)
Guimaras is a province in the Philippines situated in the Western Visayas region occupying the western section of the Visayas. Its capital is the Municipality of Jordan.
The province has a land area of 604.57 square kilometers or 233.43 square miles. Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was 174,613. This represented 2.32% of the total population of the Western Visayas region, 0.90% of the overall population of the Visayas island group, or 0.17% of the entire population of the Philippines. Based on these figures, the population density is computed at 289 inhabitants per square kilometer or 748 inhabitants per square mile.
Guimaras is bordered, clockwise from the North, by Iloilo Strait, Guimaras Strait, and Panay Gulf.
Guimaras has 5 municipalities. The total number of barangays in the province is 98.
According to the Bureau of Local Government Finance, the annual regular revenue of Guimaras for the fiscal year of 2016 was ₱533,368,998.33.
Population by age group
According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Guimaras is 5 to 9, with 17,454 individuals. Conversely, the age group with the lowest population is 75 to 79, with 2,272 individuals.
Combining age groups together, those aged 14 and below, consisting of the the young dependent population which include infants/babies, children and young adolescents/teenagers, make up an aggregate of 29.33% (51,222). Those aged 15 up to 64, roughly, the economically active population and actual or potential members of the work force, constitute a total of 64.08% (111,898). Finally, old dependent population consisting of the senior citizens, those aged 65 and over, total 6.58% (11,493) in all.
The computed Age Dependency Ratios mean that among the population of Guimaras, there are 46 youth dependents to every 100 of the working age population; there are 10 aged/senior citizens to every 100 of the working population; and overall, there are 56 dependents (young and old age) to every 100 of the working population.
The median age of 26 indicates that half of the entire population of Guimaras are aged less than 26 and the other half are over the age of 26.
Age group Population (2015)
group Percentage
Under 1 3,055 1.75%
1 to 4 14,339 8.21%
to 9 17,454 10.00%
to 14 16,374 9.38%
to 19 16,489 9.44%
to 24 16,022 9.18%
to 29 14,719 8.43%
to 34 13,054 7.48%
to 39 11,415 6.54%
to 44 10,141 5.81%
to 49 9,133 5.23%
to 54 8,231 4.71%
to 59 7,123 4.08%
to 64 5,571 3.19%
to 69 4,075 2.33%
to 74 2,850 1.63%
to 79 2,272 1.30%
and over 2,296 1.31%
174,613 100.00%
Age Dependency
Age: 26.21
The population of Guimaras grew from 57,560 in 1960 to 174,613 in 2015, an increase of 117,053 people. The latest census figures in 2015 denote a positive growth rate of 1.33%, or an increase of 11,670 people, from the previous population of 162,943 in 2010.
Census date Population Growth rate
1903 Mar 2 21,467
1918 Dec 31 27,170 1.50%
1939 Jan 1 38,547 1.76%
1948 Oct 1 40,697 0.56%
1960 Feb 15 57,560 3.10%
1970 May 6 73,014 2.35%
1975 May 1 84,515 2.98%
1980 May 1 92,382 1.80%
1990 May 1 117,990 2.48%
1995 Sep 1 126,470 1.31%
2000 May 1 141,450 2.43%
2007 Aug 1 151,238 0.93%
2010 May 1 162,943 2.75%
2015 Aug 1 174,613 1.33%
As of December 2016, the National Roads in Guimaras as classified by the Department of Public Works and Highways are:
Secondary Roads
Central Road (San Miguel Constancia Cabano Igcawayan)
Guimaras Circumferential Road
Rizal Jordan Wharf Road
Population (2015): 174,613, ranked 74 out of 81
area (2007): 233.43 square kilometers, ranked 77 out of 81
density (2015): 289 inhabitants
square kilometer, ranked 25 out of 81
population growth rate (2010 to 2015): 1.33%, ranked 40 out of 81
1. Unless otherwise specified, population count (excluding percentages) and land area figures are derived from the Philippine Statistics Authority.
Maps utilize OpenStreetMap data available under the Open Data Commons Open Database License.
Data on annual regular income is from the Bureau of Local Government Finance, Department of Finance
4. Data on National Roads is from the Department of Public Works and Highways.
Source: https://www.philatlas.com/visayas/r06/guimaras.html
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GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
Under Bechtel Aviation group, I worked as an architectural technical specialist for 24 years with primary focus on design, project and construction management of international airports, while successfully delivering high-end finishes in compli ance with codes and industry standards in collaboration with client’s representatives, design consultants, suppliers, and contractors.
As an independent consultant, I provided business and development strategy, planning and technical advisory role. In private practice capacity, I performed master planning for a 340-hectare hotel casino resort and exclusive residential de velopment. Currently involved with Arcadis Philippines for the Westside City Casino Resort Hotel.
Project Management
Responsible for overseeing the design, project and construction management of passenger terminal building complex including the dedicated terminal for the Emir of Qatar. Key activities include:
■ Overseeing all civil and architectural works to ensure compliance with the design, codes and industry standards.
■ Collaborated with client’s management and design team to ensure design works are coor dinated and released for procurement.
■ Managing a team for the building envelope and external works for the Westside City Casi no Resort Hotel under Arcadis Philippines.
Under EPC condition, responsible for subcontract management of passenger terminal building envelope for Muscat International Airport. Key activities include:
■ Design review and coordination with owner’s engineer, material review and procurement, schedule and planning monitoring in coordination with other trades to ensure site occupan cy and sequence of works are meeting the cost & schedule program milestones.
■ Instrumental in winning the technical bid for Muscat International Airport, Oman by con ducting a technical presentation to Oman transportation ministry and design consultants.
Commissioned to perform three functions in multi-disciplinary/sector framework: asset brief development, architect & master planner and project manger to oversee the supply-chain and execution of the project.
■ Market and data research as part of capital expenditure development.
■ Develop project execution and program for multi-disciplinary work breakdown for vari ous subject mater experts to commission for the project.
■ Conceptual design of various sectors for front-end design development.
■ Feasibility and master planning for international seaport (in progress) with a total build up area of 1,944 hectares and a 340-hectare hotel casino resort and residences.
■ Responsible for the offsite production of shop drawings for glass curtain wall, façade, balustrades and sliding doors for The Royal Atlantis Hotel and Residences Resort in Dubai, UAE.
attain its four objectives,
major land use policy areas:
of San
density residential
and eastern
of the island)
The CLUP is the plan for the management of local territories. Planning as management of local territories is a function of the LGU pursuant to its status as a political unit. Hence, the body principally responsible for the CLUP is no less than the highest policy-making body, the legislative council or Sanggunian. This is the reason why the adoption of the CLUP and its enactment into a zoning ordinance are planning fuhnctions exercised ex clusively by the Sanggunian (RA-7160, Section 20c, 447, 458, 468). This devolved function is being exercised by the Sang gunian on behalf of the national State which is directed by the Constitution to “...regulate the ownership, acquisition, use and disposition of property...” (Art. XIII, Sec.1). State regulation of land use also implies that there must be vertically integrated physical framework plans from the national down to the mu nicipal level. The CLUP therefore must be consistent with its higher counterparts, the PCLUP, the RPFP and the NFPP, at the provincial, regional and national levels respectively.
of Vocational training and employment of local residents
Eco tourism
low density residential areas
The CDP is the plan with which the LGU promotes the general welfare of its inhabitants in its capacity as a corporate body. The responsibility for the CDP is given to the LDC (RA-7160, Sec. 106 and 109). It must cover all the development sectors to be comprehensive. The CDP consolidates the programs and projects necessary to carry out the objectives of the different development sectors. Some of these programs and projects are incorporated in the local development investment program (LDIP) and are implemented through the annual budget. Other programs may be picked up by the national government and still others by the private sector for implementation.
The Regional Physical Framework Plan (RPFP) relates to a higher level plan, the National Framework for Physical Planning (NPFP). The process of preparation of the PCLUP considers the higher level plans, thus, goals, objectives and principles set at the national and regional levels are integrated into the PCLUP. The preferred strategy that served as the basis in pre paring the land use plan component embodies the preferred role that Guimaras will play in order to contribute to national and regional goals and objectives. While the PCLUP is also ind icative in nature like the RPFP, it factors in more details in specifying land uses for the production, protection, settle ments and infrastructure components as a means of detailing the RPFP at the provincial level. The PCLUP is resource-orient ed wherein the allocation of land takes into account the inter play of the population’s needs and requirements vis-à-vis the preservation, conservation and sustainable utilization of natu ral resources. This is achieved through horizontal and vertical integration of the PCLUP and the Comprehensive Land Use Plans of the component municipalities.
The Project meets the demand of the LGU policies by provid ing roads, potentially power supply, water supply, and sewage treatment within the development.
The Project will include Smart City concept in all aspects of the development which will encourage latest telecommuncations and infrastructure in attracting both local and international tourists.
Part of the program is the resettelment of the existing resi dents and to provide vocational and educational facilities to enhance both literacy and skills to service the need of the facilties.
To maintain the ecosystem of the area and to preserve the watershed, ‘Forest Grove’ is introduced to both preserve and enhance the delicate balance of nature and man.
>Western side allocated for high-end low densi ty residential area to attract high-income groups >Jordan is Primary Growth Center >Proximity to Jordan wharf and San Miguel CBD
>Power Supply has reached full capacity
>Water Supply exploration is being pursued
>Non-existent Sewerage System
>Lacking Telecommunications services and infra structure
>Tourism average annual growth of 53% in 12 years
>Local and Foreigner tourists ratio: 96% vs 4% respectively. Revenue: 187M vs 18M >Out of 21 beach/island resorts, only Andana may be considered world-class (however, this resort closed down and did not recover since COVID-19 pandemic due to lack of amenities).
The province is situated in the Panay Gulf, be tween the islands of Panay and Negros.
To the northwest is the province of Iloilo and to the southeast is Negros Occidental.
The province consists primarily of Guimaras Is land, and also includes Inampulugan, Guiwan on, Panobolon, Natunga, Nadulao, and many surrounding islets.
Population: 187,842 (2020 census). Density: 310 inhabitants per square kilometer.
>Morobuan is identified as Forest/Wildlife Re serves
>Mandatory 20M coastal easement
The province is famous for producing one of the sweetest mangoes in the world, thus earn ing the nickname “Mango Capital of the Philip pines” from local and foreign tourists.
Guimaras mangoes are reportedly served at the White House and Buckingham Palace.
The island is accessible from Iloilo City (15 minutes) and Negros (an hour) via catama ran boats. Also, a roll-on/roll-off ferry travels around five times a day to transport heavy cargos including vehicles and heavy equip ment.
The mountain profile at the southwestern part of the land is facing due west and across the Iloilo Strait which is the most ide al design for Santorini-type development.
This location is very strategic and attrac tive from the vantage point from the city and the sea. It surely entices sailors and city-dwellers to explore this facility.
Any sailors would like to venture the place will be drawn to this scenic view.
Panay island as a whole doesn’t have a berthing station. As part of the attraction for both local and international tourists, having a marina is definitely a welcome de velopment to further enhance the activities and revenue streams.
Typically, sailing professionals and the like always look for new places to explore while having the peace of mind that they can find a safe and fully-serviced marina complete with food, hotel, and sport facilities.
To fully take advantage of the scenic view at the opposite side of Santorini, high-end private villas facing the mountains due east of the facility is proposed.
Various villa configurations can be provid ed while the design and architecture lend themselves to the local material and weath er conditions by having natural stones and wide open spaces opening up to the out doors. Individual pools can be part of the configuration.
Given the land profile at this location of the Site, houses cut-out from the cliff is the per fect solution for this site condition.
This configuration offers two vital advan tages: the living spaces facing southwest and the houses are not exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, with adequately de signed ventilation system for airflow, the houses will be cooler compared to houses exposed to sunlight. Another advantage is direct access to the bottom part of the cliff.
One of the special features of the land is the various elevation and configuration along the coastline.
At the north end of the cliff, there is flat section where special villas can be built where direct access to the sea is possible with its own boat docking.
For this profile, the design of private villas’ roofing can simulate the shape of sails - an inviting view both day and night.
To meet one of the land development poli cies and enhancing the ecological balance, Forest Grove provides a respite to mod ern-life by bringing people back to nature and explore the natural environ of a forest with fresh water, natural swimming pool free from chemicals.
Key objectives of this section is to protect the existing watershed and enhance the ecosystem balance by planting more trees.
Another inviting location for both the res idents of ‘Sail’ villas and houses on cliffs is the commercial center with top/over the edge swimming pool facing the city and southwest.
This area is also accessible to condomini ums residents and to sailors at the marina. This is a perfect place to begin an perfect dining as the users watch the sunset across the horizon.
The overall theme for the whole facility is sea, boat/yacht, wind.
For outdoor dining for exclusive hotel ex perience is to arrange sets of dining areas outdoor as if the guests are on the yacht.
At the foot of Santorini, a mechanized wave for surfing provides additional water activi ties at the beachfront.
This type of facility will be the very first in the region. The typical water sports in Iloilo and Guimaras are banana boat ride, slides, and jetskis.
This mechanized wave for surfing will defi nitely will be an additional invitation and reason for local tourists to come.
Starting in early 60s, paraw regatta or sailboat racing was one of the key events during summertime in Guimaras and Iloilo.
The Site lends itself perfectly for kite surf ing activities due to its strategic location where prevailing summer wind (January to May) is coming from northeast.
This type of sports activities will attract both local and international professional kite surfers to explore the facilities.
The nearest resort that has this sporting event is in Boracay island, another tourist destination at the north ernmost part of Panay island.
Introducing this sporting events will enhance both the exposure of the facility to both local and international enthusiasts and professionals alike.
Poblacion, Nueva Valencia
Sitio Cabaling, Espinosa, Jordan
Poblacion, Nueva Valencia
Ravina, Sibunag
Inampulugan Island, Sibunag
Igcawayan, San Lorenzo
Pina-Daragan, Buenavista
Sitio Talisay, Poblacion, Nueva Valencia
Dolores, Nueva Valencia
San Roque, Nueva Valencia
Tando, Nueva Valencia
Tamborong, San Lorenzo
Tando, Nueva Valencia
Sebaste, Sibunag
Tastasan, Buenavista
Poblacion, Nueva Valencia
Canhawan, Nueva Valencia
Ravina Norte, Sibunag
San Enrique
Poblacion, Nueva Valencia
The growing trend in the island is ei ther the landowers developed their own property as beach resort outlets or foreign buyers offered to buy and de veloped the property. The latter is more prevalent, however there is no develop ment of this magnitude in terms of land area and varied amenities.
This Project will be one of its rare kind when executed for three major reasons:
1-The facilities catered to retirees or in vestors who look for more versatile and high-end property.
2-The location lends itself to all ameni ties as demonstrated in this document. 3-Architect Leonardo Galotera has done megaprojects most notably international airports in which international norms and standards being used and will be em ployed in this project in order to deliver a topnotch quality designs and con struction products and methodology.
Copyright disclaimer:
RA 9266, Section 33. Ownership of Plans, Specifications and other Contract Documents. Drawings and specifications andother contract documents duly signed, stamped or sealed, as instruments of service, are the intellectual property and docu-ments of the architect, whether the object for which they are made is executed or not. It shall be unlawful for any person toduplicate or to make copies of said documents for use in the repitition of and for other projects or buildings, whether exe-cuted partly or in whole, without the written consent of architect or author of said documents.
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GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan
Thematerialinthisplanisprivateinformationandisnottobecopiedortransmitted. Thismaterialconstitutesintellectualproperty pursuanttoRA8293 andnottobedisclosedtoanyparty withoutexpressedandwrittenconsentfromtheowner.
GuimarasHotelResort&ResidencesDevelopment BusinessPlan