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鄭 瑞 川 / Red > > > >

- 在這次計畫出發前,你對基隆的印象是什麼呢? 以前的印象就是很常下雨,說到景點的話,就是小時候來過廟口夜市, 那時候懵懵懂懂,吃著名字都不太會念的鼎邊銼。 基隆的路都小小條的,車站附近塞滿各種交通工具,也是一個擁擠的城市。

- What was your impression of Keelung before you set out for this project? That it is usually in rain. I had been to the Keelung Miaokou Night Market when I was a kid, munching dishes I couldn’t say right ... something like ‘Ding Bian Cuo’. Roads in Keelung are mostly narrow, rendering a crowded township; areas around the main station is always packed with cars, motorcycles, buses and all sorts.

在基隆,搭公車就可以到大部分的景點,去的那天是平日,去的地方大 多是當地的居民,讓我覺得比較能融入當地人的生活。這裡的人生活很 單純,不像我原本想的那樣。坐在路邊補破掉的漁網、把魚籠拉上岸檢 視今天的收穫,或是坐在船上望著大海放空休息,這裡的人大概就是這 樣為了生活打拼。 You could get to almost everywhere in Keelung by bus. On one weekday, I tagged on and merged with a bus full of locals. People live a simple life in Keelung, to my surprise: they patch ripped fishing nets on roadside; they pull up fish cages to check their catch for the day; they perch on boat decks, gazing into infinite sea...That’s what a day in Keelung pretty much sums up to.

雖然到處都看的到海,早上也去了正濱漁港,但對於漁民的生活還 是挺陌生的。我覺得做任何事情都得先了解背景才更能夠抓住重點, 要拍出好的照片也是這樣子。所以來到了崁仔頂魚市,

I dropped by the Zhengbin Fishing Harbour that morning, though, just being by the sea doesn’t bring you much closer to fishers’ lives. Same with taking ‘good’ photos, I believe great background understanding is the key to capturing souls of everything.... So I brought myself to the Kanzaiding Fish Market

我覺得和漁民的距離拉近了一點,多數人已熟睡的半夜,這裡才正要熱鬧起 來。但說熱鬧,也只是我這個「遊客」的想法。 對他們來說是工作,也是人生的一部分,攤販忙著引導貨車進來、下貨整理 然後上攤叫賣,拿著相機對著他們拍照的我對他們來說可能也早見怪不怪。 The backdrop to fishermen’s start of day. In midnight, while most parts of the town were in deep dreams, the market was coming to life: fishmongers were busy instructing vans in and out, unloading the yields and prepping for the auction –– they seemed to be used to work their way around tourists, like me, aiming cameras at them. I sensed the ‘gap’ when I was getting too excited over their daily routine, just mere slices of their lives.

身為台灣人的我之前不曉得這個地方,對這個產業也並不了解,所以大半夜的 有一群人在這邊打拼,對我來說很特別。透過島嶼再發現,我有個機會能讓更 多人看到基隆這個地方,更深入瞭解基隆人的生活,更了解這塊土地上發生的 事情。 I, as a Taiwanese, had never known this place nor the industry. The moonlit scenes of striving workers have opened my eyes to a wider horizon. Thanks to ‘an_island’, I had the opportunity to delve deeper into this land, experience local Keelung, ultimately bring Keelung closer to a larger audience.

> 『 業餘攝影師 』 我是一個步調很慢的人,拿著 相機的時候拍的照片很少,覺 得等待是攝影時很重要的元 素。 在想要拿起相機之前,總是會 先用眼睛看,好像戴著耳機一 樣隔絕其他聲音 因為其實攝影對我來說就是生 活。很用心得感受那個當下之 後才會按下快門

鄭 瑞 川 Red

在那個當下,世界好像屏息了 一下,像是我給了這個瞬間一 個讚,下一秒,又回到了他們 的日常。 > Takes photos for interest. I take my time, even with cameras in hand. Waiting is crucial. I observe before I grab my cameras; mute distractions like wearing headphones. Photography to me is extracting life; I think you’d really have to sink in the moment before you close the shutter. In that instant, the world would freeze - and I will give my ‘like’ - then it’ll regain momentum and life goes on."

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