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詹 凱 翔 / Tony > > >

我對基隆的印象說起來真的很少,即使之前在基隆 高中念了三年,比較有印象的就是高三那年會偷偷 騎車去廟口買午餐。真要說的話,就是廟口夜市、 下雨天、漁港,走北海岸去九份經過的地方。 My memories of Keelung is really limited, although I spent three years studying high school there. I used to sneak out of school and ride to Miaokou to grab lunch when I was a senior. If I must, I’d recall Keelung by Miaokou Night Market, rainy days, fishing harbours, and as the town I pass by on my way to Jiufen on northern coastal route.

去拍雨天街景那幾天,風雨超 ! 級 ! 大 ! 我撐著傘拍照,結束後全身都濕透了。 An unbelievable storm had hit on the few days I was there shooting streetscapes in rain. I had my camera in one hand, an umbrella in the other, and got soaking wet in the end.

會選這個主題也是因為基隆太常下雨, 旅人們來到著個地方也有很大的機率會遇到雨天, 我們或許會因為遇到下雨天而覺得這趟旅程很可惜, 但如果換一個角度想想,旅途中總會有很多意想不到的意外發生, 用不同的心境去欣賞雨天帶給我們的感覺, 其實可以發現不同的美, 我自己也沒想過可以在雨天拍出這麼美麗的畫面。

More often, Keelung welcomes travelers with rain, thus, my decision for the subject matter. Unexpected rain may wear us down, though, it may also carry surprises beyond our anticipations. If we allow ourselves to dance in the rain, we might begin to appreciate the short-lived beauty the raindrops reflect. I have never, too, imagined rain to be so captivating.

> 『 業餘攝影師 』 生活中處處都有等待著被我們發現的 美好事物 在這個步調很快的城市中 我們習慣追著時間跑 卻忽略這些習以為常的人事物 靜下心來仔細觀察 這是最簡單也是最困難的

詹 凱 翔 Tony

我只是把我眼中看到的美凍結成一張 照片 透過影像讓更多的旅人知道 這塊土地並非大家口中的鬼島 她的美等著每個人自己去發掘 >> Takes photos for interest. Life is packed with wonderful things yet to be discovered. However, they are usually blurred when we hurry our footsteps, racing with time. Something almost unattainable, though desirably ordinary, as we follow the rapid pace of city life –– is that we slow down and contribute our time to those simpler beauties. I wish to attract more ambitious spirits when they see what I see, that I’ve compressed into frames of images. I’d like them to know: Taiwan is far from miserable as we always whine about; hidden beauties await within this land, waiting for us to embark on another journey.

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