Architecture Design Studio 3: Air Semester 1, 2013
Design Journal LIANG ZHIJIE Architecture Design Studio: AIR 2013
Tutor: Michael Wu & Zak Kljakovic
ARCHITECTURE AS DISCOURSE WHAT is Architecture? Is it Art or sign? Why we should involved it instead of sculpting or painting for the Wyndham Gateway Project? The initial idea of architecture is a shelter, which is able to protect people in nature, such as rainstorm and wind. Further, alonging with the development of architecture, architecture was defined as a art, as Williams (2005: 107) claimed 'Architecture, because of its uniquc position in the public realm, is a uniquely compromised art, if it is an art at all'. Actually, my primal idea of architecture was similar with Williams, architecture was a imposing building, which like a bigger sculpture. However, architecture could not be identified as art simply in moder architecture, it is not only a shelter for people, but also affects the surrounding environment, such as urban planing, society, and culture. Hence, architecture should be alalysed as discourse as something in which all can participate (Williams 2005: 108). Furthermore, in my opinion, architecture is a translator, it can 'speak' both language of human and nature. It understands the requirements of architecture of people, and express them to nature environment. On the other hand, architecture represent nature to human in their familiar and understandable form. In addition, Schumacher stated that architecture as 'a system of communications that is constantly changing and renewing itsilf through collection of artefacts, knowledge and practices'. Architecture as a discourse is a new defination, it will promote some inspiring idea in Western Gateway project, and develop a potential new way of discourse. New type of architecture affects architect's ways of thinking, and develop new material and new method of expression.
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
1.1.1 Digital Architecture Experience
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
I took Virture Environment dring the first year in Melbourne University, It was the first time I experienceing Rhinocerous. At that time, I learn some basic function of Rhino. One thing I feeling interesting is Paneling tool function. Some superb surfaces were generated though it. Such as triming several similar patterns on the surface, but the scale was different. This was the first time I accessed 3D design software, and playing with 3D model made me feel exciting. Furthermore, in second year, In Visual Communication Class, I built some digital models for sculptures and a carpark by using Rhinocerous. During this course, Ieant that how to complete a project by using Photoshop, Autocad, and Rhino. Creating a initial model in Rhino first, then loading it in Autocad. In Autocad, some strange lines was organized, then adding color to 2D image by photoshop. Taking advantages of each software to develop project is the most efficent way for designing. Also, Revit was involved in Architecture Disign Studio Water course. Revit is a great software, becase it can creat plans when the 3D model be finished. It has the similar function as Autocad and Rhino. Furthermore, materials are able to testing in Revit, Architect could evaluate the perspective image after rending. The 'feeling' of material and structure will effect architects much more directly. Hence, I think revit will become the major software in digital design process in the future.
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
1.1.2 Precendent Project NINGBO HISTORIC MUSEUM
Wang Shu, Amateur Architecture Studio Ningbo China 2008
Fig. 1. Perspective view (Photo Iwan Bean)
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
The Ningbo Museum is located on a massive unpopulated in Yingzhou, a district in the city of Ningbo with a 5000 years history that it was established last year. It was designed by Chinese architect Wang Shu, he concept of museum design is a combination of mountation, water and ocean, as the East China Sea has played an important role in the history of Ningbo. Feature of Jiangnan residences are involved into the museum design by decorations. It is made in two ways, some walls are decorated by million of tiles collected in native area. This sort of decoration itself was a commonway of building an economical house in old days in Ningbo when cements are not introduced. Other walsl are decorated with cement-covered bamboos, which were poured concrete inside. Ningbo Museum was the first museum build with large number of used material. Ningbo Historic Museum presents a idea of cyclic utilizaiton, this also an main design concept in the world. In Wang's museum, he represented nature elements though different material and arrangement, valleys, caves, and
Ningbo Historic Museum was an great example that representing local history and culture in Architecture, which has same design brief and intention with The Gateway Project in Wyndham. Hence, in future design, I will learn from Ningbo Historic Museum precedent, and consider with the unique design brief in Gateway project, then find out a new solution.
Fig. 2. Path in Museum
Fig. 3. Internal view and brick wall
lakes were involved. The first floor of the museum is building a mountain and also a boat shape. This design alludes the geographical feature in Ningbo as well as the importance of over-sea commerce in its history, thus making the museum a symbol of Ningbo History and Culture. As Wang's talking, 'When I designed this, I was thinking of mountains. I couldn't design something for the city, because there is no city here yet, so I wanted to do something that had life. Finally I decided to design a mountain. It's a part of Chinese tradition'.
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
1.1.3 Precendent Project
Fig. 4. Internal decoration of Teahouse
Frankfurt Germany Museum f端r Angewandte Kunst
Kengo Kuma develops the traditional teahouse architecture further, while at the same time venturing onto entirely unexplored territory with regard to his design. In search of flexible buildings - Kuma uses the term “weak architecture” - he has arrived at a truly ephemeral structure with this project. (Kengo 1995: 167). The teahouse does not rise up from the ground as a fixed wooden construction, but unfolds as an airborne form. When a ventilation system is activated, the teahouse swells into shape like a white high-tech textile blossom. In its interior, comprising a surface of approximately twenty square metres, are nine tatami mats, an electric stove for the water kettle, a tokonoma niche and a preparation room. Integrated LED technology allows the use of the teahouse at night; the interior can be heated by way of the membrane(Kengo 1995: 169). Teahouse as a setting for the time-honoured Janpanese tea ceremony, it was always constructed by wood structure. However, because of the location, wood structure cannot satisfy the secure requirement. This is the major issue of this project, in order to solve this problem, Kengo Kuma innovatived teahouse carries on the dialogue between the traditional and the modern in the context context of the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt, its abundant collections and the architecture by Richard Meier.
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
Fig. 5. Perspective view of Teahouse in night
Fig. 6. Installing Teahouse
In Teahouse project, Kengo Kuma bringed traditional Japanese tea culture to a Western Country with complete different culture. This is a great purposes, then in order to satisfiy this purpose, wood was replaced by membrane, although the internal decoration was smilar with ancient tea house. New technology encourages new form of traditional architecture.
Fig. 7. Membrane material
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
Reference Schumacher, Patrik. 2011. The Autopoiesis of Architecture: A New Framework fo Architecture (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 1-28 Williams, Richard. 2005. 'Architecture and Visual Culture', in Exploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concepts, Contexts, ed. by Matthew Rampley (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press), pp. 102-116 IMAGE: Fig.1. http://www.iwan.com/photo_Wang_Shu_Ningbo_Historic_Museum.php?plaat=Wang-Shu-Ningbo-Museum-4278.jpg Fig.2. http://www.archdaily.com/14623/ningbo-historic-museum-wang-shu-architect/ Fig.3. http://www.archdaily.com/14623/ningbo-historic-museum-wang-shu-architect/ Fig.4. http://uedmagazine.net/UED_Strategic_con.aspx?one=1&two=9&pid=4386 Fig.5. http://uedmagazine.net/UED_Strategic_con.aspx?one=1&two=9&pid=4386 Fig.6. http://ffffound.com/image/1c913ccac7f24a612ff35c899bca9eb5803411fe?c=2099945 Fig.7. http://www.flickr.com/photos/21358385@N05/2095181086/in/photostream/
COMPUTING IN ARCHITECTURE WHAT is the benefits of using computers in the architectural design process? How CAD(Computer Aided Design) contribute to architectural design? According to Kalay(2004: 04), architecture designing is about the process and outcome of finding the satisficing solutions to a set of existing problems. Hence, the process of design is a process that architects attampt to interprete the context and problems in different ways. Computer as a tool, it has several numbers of benefits during architecture design process. Computers offer the ability to do analogue tasks such as drawing and modelling more accurately and quickly. Also, because of computer, designers are able to test whether ideas, for instance a shading or acoustic devices will actually work(Kalay 2004: 11). In addition, the most significant advantage of accessing computer is that computers generate designs and create architectures less bound by the constraints of our sometimes limited imaginations. Architects are able to take unprecedented forms bound, and directed by their most important and relevant contextual constraints only. Also, architects are not the only person who dominant the design process, there could be clients, ordinary users that who want particular functions or requirements. The other advantage of computing architecture is that it is more easier for others to participate in design process, such as clients and ordinary users (Kalay 2004: 13). For the Gateway Project, computational design method will be innovative. According to previous chapter, architecture is a translator, and innovative method develop a complete new way for expressing concepts.
1.2 Computing in Architecture
1.2.1 Precendent Project
Fig. 8. The listening Room
THE LISTENING ROOM MAT Studio and Elastik Tokyo Japan
Fig. 9. Explaination the structure of Room
“The 20 foot shipping container was filled with CNC- ut layers of corrugated fiberboard and compressed-polyester foam panels, which cut out noise and vibration from the outside while the occupant listened to classical music. Fifteen speakers were oriented towards the visitor’s seat in order to create what the designers hoped would be a “spatial sensation that is in-between the notion of the concert hall and the I-pod headphone.” The idea of sound was transformed into a container-space by MAT Studio and Elastik. ' Form follows function' was represented in parametric design in this project. The design is specifically ruled by acoustic effect, using form and speakers to produce a personal audio experience. "The listening room integrates several other elements that make this piece attach itself to some key values specific to Tokyo urban culture. The sense
1.2 Computing in Architecture
Fig. 10. Explaination the structure of Room
of confinement to a small space. The idea of separateness in a multitude of others. The option of self chosen isolation. The ostensive layeredness of the urban fabric. The necessity to ccasionally flee the chaos" The Listening room expresses how parametric design can improve complex spatial forms. The room itself is the structure and the material systems, it was constructed by fiberboard panels and commpressed polyester foam panels, layered together to achieve sound proofing, reflection and rigidity. There is new possibilities for the Gateway design, for not considering form, function, structure and ornament individually. It can be example for the Gateway Project to construct an innovative form based on a link with controllable sound or visual experience, while considering the interruption with each aspect and overall aesthetics.
1.2 Computing in Architecture
1.2.2 Precendent Project
According to Kalay(2004), computer offers variouse of new possibilities for approaching design, it allowed for technological advancement and complex geometrical exploration. Compare with traditional design method, computer can test the structure, material, spatial organization before constructing. As Kolarevic(2003: 7) claimed the information age is challenging not only how we design buildings, but also manufacture and construct them. The Guggenheim Museum was a significiant example that computer encourage architects expend the boundaries. The Guggenheim Museum was constructed in Bilbao by Frank Gehry in 1997. Its imposing performance not only caused the city become famous in the world, but also it was the icon of the digital information revolution questionless. This Museum connect human and nature, titanium sheeting exterior will reflect the sunshine, light is a nature feature, Frank Gehry represented it though the familar way which people are able to notice and understand.
1.2 Computing in Architecture
GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM Frank Gehry Bibao Spain 1997
'The information age is challenging not only how we design buildings, but also, manufacture and construct them' Kolarevic Branko
Fig. 11. Perspective view of The Guggenheim Museum
Fig. 12. Exterial wall reflexing sunshine
1.2 Computing in Architecture
Reference Kalay, Yehuda E. 2004. Architecture's New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 5-25 Kolarevic, Branko. 2003 Architecture in the digital Age: Design and Manufacturing (NewYork; London: Spon Press, 2003), pp. 3-62 IMAGE: Fig.8. http://www.elastik.net/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1226884200&archive= Fig.9. http://www.elastik.net/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1226884200&archive= Fig.10. http://www.elastik.net/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1226884200&archive= Fig.11. http://architecturalmoleskine.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/f-gehry-guggenheim-museum-bilbao.html Fig.12 http://architecturalmoleskine.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/f-gehry-guggenheim-museum-bilbao.html
PARAMETRIC MODELLING According to week 2 journal, designing is a process that architects analyse problems or constraints, and try various of different solution to address the goals, then evaluate each solution, finally communicate with all participants. Parametric design make this process easier starting from Solution step. Making model is the most direct method to work out solutions and evaluate solutions. Paramettric modelling is a powerful and exciting field. As Woodbury (2010: 23) claimed, conventional and parametric design tolls are 'easy' to create an initial model. In other words, the key advantages of parametric modelling is flexible. Due to the model is predicated on relationships between elements, the form could be modified without creating problems( Woodbury 2010: 24). For example, in grasshopper , it is easy to add parts, relating them to each other, then different outcome will be generated by dragging the slider. On the other hand, erasing conventional work will be easy too. In addition, because of the flexible feature, parametric modelling is able to produce much more iterations and possible design solution, since it can be done quickly and esaily. The ability to produce a great number of candidate solutions is highly beneficial during searching design solution. The other advantage of prarmetric modeling is deferral (Woodbury 2010: 43). Initial points and lines could be located temporarily, which is able to modify later. In terms of the Gateway project, parametric design will simplify the design process, outcome will be generated easier. Various of different expression are encouraged though parametric modeling system.
1.3 Parametric Modelling
1.3.1 Precendent Project NEW DANCE AND MUSIC CENTRE Zaha Hadid Hauge The Netherlands
Fig. 13. Interior view
Zaha Hadid's design could be classificated as parametric architecture significiently, she usually uses the eye-catching forms in her works. The New Dance and Music Centre in the Hague is an interesting example of parametric design. It was developed from an understanding of the unique urban dynamics of the site, resulting in subtle volumetric gestures that invite the public domain from the plaza at ground level into the heart of the building, reinforcing the public character of the combined institutions and culminating with a gracious curving roofline that neatly nests itself within the city skyline. And the most significiant representation of parametric design is its appearance. In sharp contrast with basic rectangular geometry, the design features a fluid force field of horizontal louvers that seemingly moves when graced by light and shadow. Creating a dynamic appearance by traditional drawing method is very difficult, however, this dynamic model could be generated in parametric design software, and architect could wook out several different outcomes.
Fig. 14. Music performance stage
Fig. 15. Lighting in th night
This unique characteristic creats a playful language on the facade, articulating public circulation, the foyers and the sculpted inner atrium, whilst at the same time allows visual connections out to the square as well as internal links between the various spaces of the project. In this project, Zaha Hadid used parametric tool to represent the wind feature in external wall, and contribute to the circulation of building. Back to our Gateway Project, nature is Australian icon, original views are kept carefully. Hence, representing nature in our project should be a superb idea.
1.3 Parametric Modelling
Fig. 16. Perspective view
Fig. 17. Perspective view
1.3 Parametric Modelling
1.3.2 Precendent Project
Fig. 18. Perspective view
The proposal for Daegu Gosan Public Library is challenging the conventional understanding of the spatial and social experience of a public library as a series of discrete reading rooms with defined thresholds and cluttered stacks. The architecture embody the spirit of a revisited library typologyopen-source exchange, and the idea of collective knowledge are facilitated by
Flowing architecture and its integration into the existing urban tissue of the city. It is a hybrid environment that merges information resources with active communal spaces. Architect developed the geometry of the building though the computational technique 'dynamic mesh relaxation'. It relaxes planar mesh networks to find a continuously minimal surface.
The main support point is the central core, along with internal and perimeter interconnections. The castin-place high performance concrete would be cast on CNC-milled EPS foam formwork, coated with polyurethane. Parametic tool contributed to develop the overall form of building, which could contribued to achieve the design brief in Gateway Project
Fig. 19. Perspective view 2
1.3 Parametric Modelling
Fig. 20. Plan 1
Fig. 21. Plan 2
Fig. 22. Physical Model
Fig. 23. Internal View
Fig. 24. Elevations
1.4 Parametric Modelling
Reference Woodbury, Robert. 2010. Elements of Parametric Design (London: Routledge), pp. 7-48. IMAGE: Fig.13. http://www.zaha-hadid.com/architecture/new-dance-and-music-centre-2/ Fig.14. http://www.zaha-hadid.com/architecture/new-dance-and-music-centre-2/ Fig.15. http://www.zaha-hadid.com/architecture/new-dance-and-music-centre-2/ Fig.16. http://www.zaha-hadid.com/architecture/new-dance-and-music-centre-2/ Fig.17. http://www.zaha-hadid.com/architecture/new-dance-and-music-centre-2/ Fig.18. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/daegu-gosan-library-proposal-sda/ Fig.19. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/daegu-gosan-library-proposal-sda/ Fig.20. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/daegu-gosan-library-proposal-sda/ Fig.21. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/daegu-gosan-library-proposal-sda/ Fig.22. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/daegu-gosan-library-proposal-sda/ Fig.23. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/daegu-gosan-library-proposal-sda/ Fig.24. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/daegu-gosan-library-proposal-sda/
1.3 Conclusion & Learning Outcomes
Conclusion In information era, Architecture is defined as a discourse, it is the translator between huaman and nature environment. Computers not only offer the benefit on architecture drawing, but also it encourages more opportunity for architecture desing, which push the boundary forward. For my design approach of The Gateway project, according to the example of New Dance and Music Centre, I deided to represent the native environment on Warribe, and I will creat the initial model though paramatric software. It is significant to design in this way, due to it is a tunnel, a dynamic form should be considered, and like venacular architecture, I prefer to make my design become unique. Also, nature always is the icon of a please, hence I choose to represent idea form it. It is difficult to make dynamic form without paramatic software. Therefore, alonging with the learing of Grasshopper, more interesting outcome will be generated.
LEARNING OUTCOMES After finishing the learning for first four weeks, I understand the important of paramatric desig, which I think that is just creat some amazing shape, but useless in real architecture. For my past project, I think paramatric design could encourage more outcome, and more interesting form will be generated, such as dynamic form.
WEEK. 4-8
EOI II is process of exploration aiming to find the optimal design outcomes, especially for later considerations for the final Gateway Project. Personal and group interest will be affected by different design approach. Furthermore, this process is based on accessing Rhino and Grasshopper as tools to discover parametric design, as the continued section of Case study of innovation, the discourse will be included as well. Personally, for future study of modularity, I will focus on the effect of project, and how it influence the components, overall structure system, and form. As a group, the design intention will be provided a shocked/surprising driving experience for drivers by creating significant contrast with surrounding environment. Hence the peculiar driving experience will make Wyndham City as a strong memory point for people.
2.1 Design Focus
2.1 Design Focus
In part A, I discussed architecture as a discourse, it is the translator between human and nature. Also, the potential and advantages of parametric design were demonstrated. In Part B, I will narrowed my focus down into a more specific topic. According to Wyndham Gateway Project brief, high speed movement and the surrounding flat topography were first two points that attached me. A reasonable dynamic form was considered, which could provide flexible geometry. Furthermore, digital models could be generated in computer, but it does not mean that it could also be constructed in sites. Hence, the construction feature becomes my next concern, and my group chose Sectioning as the approach during Part B.
In order to explore my discourse topic in the future, which is architecture is a translator between human and nature, in the case I would try to represent the nature concept though geometry form. According to Iwamoto (2009: 11), 'with computer modeling, deriving sections is no longer a necessarily twodimensional drawing exercise. In fact, it is no longer an exercise in projection at all but a process of taking cuts through a formed three-dimensional object'. In other words, rather than construct the surface itself, sectioning uses a series of profiles, the edges of which follow lines of surface geometry. In conclusion, our group chose sectioning as our approach, because it is easy to construct, and it is able to present complex geometry.
Fig. 25. Internal view 1
Fig. 26. Internal view 2
2.1 Design Focus
Webb Bridge
Denton Corker Marshall & Robert Owen Melbourne Australia 2005
Fig. 27. Persepective view
Webb Bridge was a competition-winning design for a new pedestrian/cyvle bridge over the yarra river, which is part of a public art project. Architect re-use of the remaining sections of the Webb Dock Rail Bridge to link the Docklands on the north-side to the new residential developments on the south-side. The gradation of pattern was intended to create a life, a moment in time. A unified sculptural form was generated by the existing remant Webb Dock Rail Bridge and its new connection to the south bank. As an object, the Webb Bridge appears
as a delineated structure, a sensuous volume, light and linear. Space is seen as atmospheric, dynamic and transitional. According to this example, the potential of light effect and dynamic form aroused us that considered the tunnel structure for Gateway project, because the visual area in site is quite open, tunnel could contribute to attract drivers. Also, though design the structure, like in Webb Bridge, the motion effect could be achieved by shadow.
2.1 Design Focus
2.1 Precedent Project
Banq Restaurant is a renovation project inside historic South End bank. Office dA used a single gesture to address pragmatic concerns and create an identity for the new restaurants. Before renovation there were inheriting structural and mechanical systems that were likely to compromise the interior. Architects considered a more interesting intervention instead of simply to paint the ceiling.
Banq Resturant Office dA Inc Boston America February 2008
They used 168 plywood ribs hang across the length of the restaurant's ceiling running from the front to the back of the room. Each piece is unique, they form a trunk like structure that almost appears to support the canopy above. Architecture solve the problem‘How to control everything overhead to take advantage of the height and give the most flexibility to the ground’ benefitiing from the flexible feature. Due to sectioning architecture were composed by arranging the order of several pieces material, they could be ranked in various ways, such as horizontal and vertical. In this example, 168 pieces plywood were settled in horizontal direction, which as same as the arrangement of inheriting structural
Fig. 28 Benq Resturant internal perspective
and mechanical systems, As a result, ‘Trunk’ structure hides them successfully, while creating a simple and soft surface visually. The more methods of arrangement and transformation of pieces, the more various shapes and forms be innovated. Meanwhile, in Banq Restaurant, point lights are concealed in the space between two component pieces, architect used the depth of structure to hide the lights, which people only can noticed it in vertical direction, this causes a light effect as the star in the night. After analyzing Banq Restaurant, we find out the characteristics of Sectioning structure system. Sectioning is a very diversification and flexible structure system, it contains some parameters or variables normally, for example the direction of arranging components could be horizontal, vertical, or slant. Accountings to this feature, we find the design potential of sectioning approach. We may create a dark space by day though controlling the amount of entering light, which contrasts with surround environment in site. In sectioning structure system, there are several methods to achieve this aim: increasing the depth of components, making the direction of components to against the orientation of sunshine, and decreasing the space between two components. In addition, according to Banq Restaurant, dynamic shape contributed to create a similar space as cave, this inspire us to consider a dynamic form in Gateway project. The topography of Gateway Project is quite flat and widen, which causes a wide visual field, static and harmonious environment. If the wide grass is treated as a two dimension plane, a three dimension dynamic and narrower space will cause a significant contrast. According to above, these unique features of sectioning arouses s various of possible of Gateway project.
2.1 Design Focus
Fig. 29 Benq Resturant Structure
Fig. 30 Benq Resturant Light
Fig. 31 Benq Resturant horizontal perspective
Fig. 32 Benq Resturant internal perspective 2
2.2 Case Study 1.0
2.2.1 Definition This group offset a curve in certain distance and numbers, in order to cover whole brep object, the range of curves should larger than brep object
This definition will be quite useful when you have a complex geometric object, though increasing the numbers of offset curve, more detailed shape will be generated.
They create a intersection object between the extrude surface(from the curve) and the Brep
Extrude the offset curves to intersect with brep in Z direction, the height must be larger than brep
Create the intersection object for a Brep and plan/surface, this step control the numbers of sectioning pieces on plan
It generates a number of equally space, perpendicular frames along a curve, which intersect the surface.
Compare with previous definition, this method base on a plan/surface, the final sectioning pattern is following the slope and tendency of geometric plan/surface. Both of them are intersect with numbers of plan, however this definition more likely to deal with a plan/surface instead of a brep object.
Decompose the brep and split the surface, after that components could be deleted in bake model
Extrude the intersection curve on the plan/surface by certain vector
It is a vector with xyz value, which give the direction to curve extrude
Divide Surface by 100 points, and select points base on image/bitmap
Generating a bounding box to select the boundary, which is modified by the selection of box corner, then create a line between two points
2.2 Case Study 1.0
This group move the divided points on surface in Z direction that is modified though image/ bitmap. Then create a surface from grid of points, and intersect surface with the box frame to get curves
Modify surface points in Z direction, A*B: Changing the range A+B: Changing the height
Compare with previous two definitions, this method is much more complex, it involved the 'Image Sample (Image)' to arrange surface points, varied of forms could be generated though changing the picture. Although this definition also base on a plane/surface, which is similar with second one, but it is used to modify a flat surface, and making dynamic three dimension pattern. As previous discuss, the ground around Gateway Project could be assumed as a two dimension surface, this method will be most useful.
Porjecting the curve on XY plane, and loft them to get a surface
2.2 Case Study 1.0
2.2.2 Matrix
Attampt: Creating nonuniform sectioning pattern
- slider number
Attampt: Representing geometric shap
+ Increasing Z value
Attampt: Testing different geometric surface
+ changing line direction
Attampt: Creating sectioning pattern on curvy surface
+ Increasing Z value
+ Random distribute
- Decreasing density
2.2 Case Study 1.0
+ Roate
+ Changing curve to circle
+ changing x direction vvalue
+ Increasing Z value
- spliting surface
+ changing line to curve
+ changing curve to circle
+ Increasing slider number
+ changing -F to F
+ changing curve to circle
+ Modifing direction by changing XYZ value
2.2 Case Study 1.0
2.2.2 Matrix
Attampt: Discover different arrangement of sectioning pattern
Future Development
Matrix Result: Our group engaged Banq Restaurant to generate a predefined explicit design space for case study 1.0. Experimentation with solely the definition provided on the LMS. In order to extend our design in case study 1.0, we combined two definition, and test different geometric objects as basic surface. The highlighted outcome A indicates the flexibility of flowing pattern, it create a random sectioning structure with motion. Outcome B represent the shape of basic geometric surface in regular way, which is simple and direct. Compare with B, outcome C has more complex structure, which is varied and interesting, although the both of them base on same geometric object. The last outcome D used different base object with B&C, it has large free space in the center with simple surface.
2.2 Case Study 1.0
Speculate: Due to our four highlighted outcome both have dynamic form with strong visual impact, they could be used for composing a sculpture. Because of the complex structure, they could create some interesting effects with light, such as the variation shadow. Obviously, it is better to contribute to the dynamic performance, and three dimension surface. For future design, these outcome will be starting points, when our group consider the design effect and overall form. However, due to these matrix were generated though modifying definition, they did not involved the design brief of Gateway project, hence it is necessary to develop them in later design during critical process.
2.3 Case Study 2.0
2.3.1 Precedent
The Absolute Towers
Burka Architects & MAD Studio Mississauga Ontario 2012
Fig. 33 The Absolute Towers perspective view 1
2.3 Case Study 2.0
Furthermore, due to architect separate each floor as an ellipse surface, in horizontal direction, The Absolute Towers could be treated as a sectioning structure. After Case study 1.0, we understand the definition of sectioning approach, and learn several basic methods to generating it. In Case study 2.0, a parametric model will be created though Rhino/Grasshopper, Architects changing the conventional and after analyzing the outcome, new straight vertical boundary to a twisting curve, they twists the building 209 degrees design potential of Gateway Project may be inspired. from the base to the top. Compare with straight line, curve is more smooth and soft, and the curving space has less dead angle. Also, people could access to native views in different direction in building. The Absolute Toers was designed by MAD studio, the design intention is that creating a blurry free space instead of dead angle in traditional tall building for people, they can arrange their own space individually. MAD studio desire to create a natural life style instead of a skyscrape.
According to above, the design inten has been successful achieved in the Absolute
Fig. 34 The Absolute Towers perspective view 2
2.2 Case Study 2.0
2.3.2 Parametric Process
STEP 1 Using the first definition to create a surface of cylinder as the basic surface, and a curve (line) to create a number of equally space, perpendicular frames along a curve. The frames will have intersection events for the brep that we set before, and then extrude them with xyz will get the sectioning outcome. But it is just a straight structure, not a twist surface that we want to achieve. STEP 2 Then we were thinking to rotate this geometric that we created, in order to try to get the twist outcome, however, it only rotates with the axis as a whole group, which means we can only change it orientation, but not the surface shape. So we we’ve got an unsuccessful result with this test. STEP 3 We were keeping thinking the methods that can get what we want to achieve. From the outcomes that we have made, we’ve found that the sectioning structure is made from some single sheet frames, so we’ve tried to think another way to create a sectioning structure, which is move a curve with a series of numbers, and then create planar surfaces from the collection of edge curves.
2.2 Case Study 2.0
STEP 4 By learnt from the videos from LMS and research the knowledge of grasshopper, we’ve known two tools that might help us to get the goal, which are the Ellipse (create an ellipse defined by based plan and two radii) and “Cull Index” (remove indexed elements from a list), and combine what we’ve done before, and use the graph mapper (controlled by another series order) to control the twist degree of the frame. We finally get a similar outcome with the Monroe building. STEP 5 As we can see the outcome above, it made by curves, however, sectioning pattern is not curve, is should be a solid with a curve, which means a sheet frame. So we need to create plane with the every single curve, by using a “planar Srf” order.
2.3.3 Analizing Outcome The final outcome has similar shape as the original Absolute Towers, however, it still lack lots of components, and three significant differences will be demonstrated. Firstly we did not make the twisting angel be accurate 209 degrees, and the digital model is not generated in scale. Secondly, the original building has many compontants in horizontal surface,such as windows, while the grasshopper model only be represented as a simple ellipse surface. Thirdly, the original building has a curtain wall in the top of building, which is disappear in digital model. For the future development, the curve feature may be considered in later design, because it is benefit to generate a harmonic and nature space. Furthermore, curve could break the static balance, and reforms object in dynamic form. This will also be useful especially when we try to create a significant contrast in a static space.
2.4 Technique: Development
2.4 Technique: Development
2.4 Technique: Development
2.4 Technique: Development
In this stage, we make two physical models for testing the light effects. They are generated in different materials, plywood and cardboard. Because of the different thickness of them, the shadow in plywood model is more thick and darkness than cardboard. This result reflects the depth variable of sectionging
2.5 Technique: Prototypes
approach. As a result, we consider to create diversified light effect though modifying the depth of components. Also in order to observe the changing of shadow during by day, we imitate the movement of sun. As a result, we find it is difficult for driver to
notice the light effect during 4pm to 6pm. According to this, we may think about that change the direction of components arrangement.
2.6 Technique Proposal & 2.7 Algorithmic Sketches
2.6 Technique Proposal & 2.7 Algorithmic Sketches
A gateway is like a gate to somewhere,the role is just like a door to a house. Wyndham is a boom town, and this meansit needs to attract more people’s vision to pay close attention to it. So thatthe proposal to design the gateway for Wyndham is to allow more people get knowabout Wyndham. Consider about that, the aim of our design proposal is try tocreate a sculpture or a landmark building, which can reflect to Wyndham, sinceWyndham has already developed and still keep developing, it has changed, from acounty to become a modern city, it need to has something that can represent it,in other word, it need a landmark, just like Sydney has the Opera House andMelbourne has the federation square. They all can represent their city, andthis is what Wyndham need, also what this project asks for.
Our group want to createa landmark architecture or a sculpture. Consider about process of thedevelopment of Wyndham, we want the create something that can represent the development of Wyndham. We use the change from irregular to regular torepresent the city developing of Wyndham from a country to a modern city. So we tried to use the process of the change of an irregular geometrical form to a regularform. We also want to use a shelter as our basic form which can cover one of the high way roads, because we believe that if people can across the shelter they will get the most direct experience about the gateway (if our design can play the role successfully). Alsothe sectioning frame can also take some interesting effect such as light,shadow etc.
2.6 Technique Proposal & 2.7 Algorithmic Sketches
2.8 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Feedback The design intention is the biggest problem, our group did not decided a certain objective with gateway project design brief. This makes our outcome lake of the spirit, and no particular effect could be generated without clear design intention.
We did not make a good use of the sectioning characteristic, we cut model in same direction and distence between space, this causes the shadow become uninteresting, which is the most obvious effect. Also, it makes our outcome less attractive.
Our group back to very early stage to rethink our design intention. After our discuss, we decided the intention of Gateway project is Providing a surprise/unforgettable driving experience for drivers, and make them have specific memory for Wyndham. We also find some method to achieve this intention. A strong contrast will be generated, it could present in different dimension surface(3D & 2D), different brightness. Our group will develop this intention in later three weeks, and find out the best solution though parametric tools.
I create a new digitial model in grasshopper. In this model, I change the direction of components, they facing different direction. This makes the model more interesting, and have stonger light effect.
2.8 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
the idea'From Irregular to Regular' did not relate with Wyndham closely, it could describe any developing cities, such as Hongkong, Tokyo, or Melbourne. More Wyndham thing should be innoved to making ths project become native and unique.
The Gateway Project aim to create a icon, a thing for Wyndham people to identify themselves. However, the concept 'Cave' is not suitable for the project, because people would not pride living in cave, also 'Cave' is not the stage in transition. and we should develop our digitial model, using grasshopper to do more transformation instead of two simple shapes.
We start to connect the local environment, we use the flat grass ground around Gateway Project as a reference substance, and creating a three dimension object in there. The nature in Wyndham is unique, hence if we make a contrast with it, the effect should be unique.
Our group decided to relate the nature with project in another way, and do more research about the Wyndham City to find out some special features of Wyndham City. For Grasshopper, I develop a new model
2.8 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Reference Iwamoto, Lisa. 2009. Digital fabrictions: architectural and material techniques (New York: Princeton Architectural Press). IMAGE: Fig.25. http://iamwaywen.wordpress.com/2011/06/05/web-bridge-melbourne-docklands-by-denton-corker-marshall/ Fig.26. http://www.flickr.com/photos/timmythesuk/495887421/sizes/o/in/photostream/ Fig.27. http://www.coshage.com/australia-webb-bridge-hd-wallpapers.html Fig.28. http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig.29. http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig.30. http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig.31. http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig.32. http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig.33. http://www.e-architect.co.uk/canada/absolute_towers_mississauga.htm Fig.34. http://www.e-architect.co.uk/canada/absolute_towers_mississauga.htm
2.8 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
"If there were a prerequisite for the future successful digital creative, it would be the passion for discovery." John Maeda
WEEK. 9-12
PROJECT PROPOSAL In this part, our group will analyze the feedback from mid-semester presentation, then review the Gateway Project documents. After this, we are going to make our design concept/intension. Also, the physical structure with a resolved tectonic system is another quite important part that our group should consider. Different with digital model, the real project should be able to be fabricated and installed in the site. Being able to fabricate is the most significant advantages of digital architecture, it solves the gap between design and construction.
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
3.1 Design Concept
“Wyndham City is seeking responses from design professionals for the design and documentation of an exciting, eye catching installation at Wyndham’s Western Gateway....and encourage and challenge you to develop a proposal that inspires and enriches the municipality. Wyndham now wishes to establish another innovative and prominent indicator to provide a focus to the Western Interchange entry to the City. It will have longevity in its appeal, encouraging ongoing interest in the Western Interchange by encouraging further reflection about the installation beyond a first glance.”
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
Eye-Catching Iconic Feature Inspiring and Innovative Scale Location Engaging Form Experience Material Installation Colour Maintenance Longevity Daytime/Nighttime View
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
Fig. 35 Adaptive Mutations Architecture
Fig. 37 Urban Lounge / Patrick Vogel
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
From part B exercise and more research, our group develop a technique that representing a continue and dynamic geometry movement by 2D panel. We modify the shape of each single panel, and located them in certain distance. According to Gateway Project brief, the site is the high speed movement of traffic along the Princes Freeway and the large and imposing service centre and signage. Hence, when drivers cross our design in high speed(100KM/H), each single static components will become motorial, they will experience the dynamic movement, such as flipbook. Also, drivers could control the rate of movement by modifying their speed, this make people be involved in, rather than watching only. For client from Wyndham, this experience will make them proud, and used it to identify themselves. For future development, the distance between each components should be considered deliberately, because it will influence the drivers' experience directly. Also the structure should not be complex, otherwise it is too fast for drivers to understand and response. Furthermore, the construction will be another problem, due to it is located in Highway, in order to reduce the influence for local traffic, the construction period should be short. Fabricating each panel in factory, then installing in site may be
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
Fig. 38 Car ownership in Wyndham
Fig. 39 Language spoken in Wyndham
Fig. 40 Religions in Wyndham
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
Fig. 41 Map of Wyndham City
AGRICULTURE Fig. 42 Wyndham City 2
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
3.1 Design Concept
Brand Landmark
According to feedback from last presentation, the idea 'from irregular to regular', which represent the development of Wyndham City is more like an effect. We lacked an central design intention/concept, hence this made our design have less logic. According to this, our group decided our design intention firstly, we aim to create an interesting driving experience to give drivers a deep memory point. Hence it will become the brand/landmark of Wyndham, such as Sydney Opera House for Sydney.
Contrast 1
In order to create interesting driving experience, our group decide to generate an contrast effect. Due to the topography around the site is very flat, hence we made a dynamic surface with motional curve to contrast with it. Also, driver's visual field is quite open, hence we used tunnel to limite their visual field. Then we generated a contrast between wide and narrow visual field. Furthermore, brightness could be controled though modifing the space between two component panels, and the direction of cutting. As a result, a contrast of brightness was generated.
Critical Thinking
Contrast 2
In the first design, the contrast effect is weak and unattractive. Any geometry could be putted on the site, and it will create an contrast. Also, due to there is no electricity services there, it is difficult to create an bright space inside the tunnel during night, hence the contrast between bright and dark could not be achieved. In addition, the most significant advantage of sectioning is its form instead of lighting effect. Due to sectioning is a self support system, complex geometric could be generated by adding or subtract from each component panel. According to this, our group will focus on the contrast in form, which is the most direct and obvious technique of expression under high speed condition. In the second design, according to research, Wyndham is a developing city, in other words, it is an organized city. It benefit from self support sectioning object, as the driver move forward, the structure start to assemble, before they exit, the structure is assemled in a geometric form, the shadow and light effect become obvious and static, as long as the finishing of changing, they arrived an organized city Wyndham.
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
Prototype test
Critical Thinking
Contrast 3
In second design, drivers experience the 'grow up' of structure, which is interesting and obviously. However, our group's key concept is contrast, which means that there are some different between at least two objects. For this design, although there still have contrast between the finishing structure and processing one, but it still is one object just in different stage. For this reason, the outcome is unattractive, and the contrast effect is not obvious.
Although the second design outcome is weak, but we kept the 'installation' as a start point, and generated the idea 'decomposition and re-composition'. 'Decomposition' means decompose an object to its simple component parts, then in re-composition stage, these parts composes in different ways to create a contrast object with original one. Compare with previous idea, the contrast between the decompose object and re-compose one is much more obvious and interseting. We decided to used the idea 'decomposition and recomposition' as our final effect.
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
Prototype test
This is the most successful prototype test, we decompose the diamond to single triangle pieces. Then re-compose them in different order with previous one. The contrast effect is obvious, the initial diamond has positive space and a few sharp angles that makes people feel 'hard', while there is a negative space and less sharp angles in the outcome, which caused people have a 'soft' feeling. There are vast varity outcom could be generated under this method, actually, it shows the potential of creating contrast.
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
3.1.1Final Design After prototype test, we found out the potential of decomposing geometry, vast diverse outcomes are able to generated though changing the assorted methods. In addition, we apply this technique to our final design, we create a rectangle surface as our female model, which has night control points. If we only pull up the central control point, it will transfer to a triangular body with a sharp angle, which caused people feel hard. Also triangular body is the component of diamond, which has several surfaces, and it can reflect light from different angle. According to previous research of Wyndham, Wyndham is ethical diversity city,
it has 26 different religions, and there 51 kinds of languages are spoken there. Hence, we decided to represent the ethical diversity of Wyndham by diamond, which has similar characteristic. In addition, compare with first test, if we pull up four control point instead of one, the surface will transfer to a cambered surface, which let people feel 'soft'. According to above, the female model is the rectangle surface, triangular body and cambered surface are generated as two contrast outcomes. We also did physical prototype test of it, diamond was split into several single triangular surface, and they compose to a trapezoid, then re-compose to a curve surface. This test also achieve the contrast between 'hard feeling' and 'soft feeling'.
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
This overall shape was developed in the end of part B exercise, which is a dynamic motorial form. Due to our design present a process starting from decomposition to Re-composition, which is a continuous transformation, hence dynamic form will Exit ioion pos m be most suitable for it. The first characteristic of the o Re-c verlap O dle id n form is different height of two parts, become we want M osito omp Dec perate e to break the symmetry, which is the most significant S e anc Entr sition characteristic of static space. The dynamic space po com erlap Ov usually is asymmetric, it may create specific emotions for people, such as active, exciting, interesting, motorial, enthusiastic, aggressive and conflicting(Matthew, 2007:40). Secondly, the surface is curve instead of straight line, drivers will notice that the panel is 'flowing', when they cross the tunnel, this is another interesting experience. Thirdly, except the middle part, there is two overlap sections of the model, the overlap section emblems 'composition', while the separate in the middle emblems 'decomposition'.
Female Modle
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
3.1.2 Workflow Diagram
Box Morph Custom geomery
Cut Sectioning
Unroll Surface
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
In the first step, we used box morph order to transfer the surface, three different geometry was morphed. Due to we seperate the surface in 6 parts, so we repeat the order six times.
During Second step, we used the defination in LMS to cut the digital model in single component. Finally, we got the final sectioning model.
In final step, because of sectioning is our techniques of expression, it is convenient for us to unroll the model. We need not to used any complex order, just rotate each pattern to horizontal direction.
3.1 Gateway Project: Design Concept
The design was located between Site A and Site B, the length is 100m, the estimated length of time driver experiencing it is about 5-7 seconds. Because of high speed movement, we believed the process of geometry changing will be obvious. The contrast between 'hard' feeling and 'soft' feeling should be stronger for drivers, because the design is behind the road. Also, we chose aluminum as our material, because it is light weight material, which could decrease the total load significantly. Also, aluminum has specific material luster under sunshine and car light in night, this could attract drivers. In addition, because of the limitation of budget, aluminum become the most suitable material. However, before the test of real material, we cannot find more advantages of aluminum for our project, hence the future material test will be necessary.
3.2 Gateway Project: Tectonic Elements
3.2 Tectonic Elements
Initally, we decided to use plywood as the material, which represent the idea of nature. However, we find it lack of resistance to corrosion, hence we change our mater to aluminum. In addition, we used the curve beam to reduce the joints in the structure. Sectioning is a self suuporting structure, footing system become important for long cantilever.
3.3 Gateway Project: Final Model
3.3.1 Fabrication Process
Due to our group chose sectioning, it is convenient to fabricate the model, sectioning approach reduce the gap between design and construction. Firstly, we unroll each component in Rhino, due to we chose plywood as the material, we only could use laser cutter to cut them. During assembling process, we spent much time to located each pieces, because we
3.3 Gateway Project: Final Model
did not number them before. In addition, the scale of model is 1:50, we cannot show the footing system detail, hence we excavated a hole in the ground, and inserted components in, finally using glue to fix them. Although we made a mistake in fabrication process, but the model still be constructed quickly. We benefit for the specific structure of sectioning.
3.3 Gateway Project: Final Model
3.3.2 Physical Model
3.3 Gateway Project: Final Model
3.3 Gateway Project: Final Model
3.3.3 Montage
3.3 Gateway Project: Final Model
3.4 Algorithmic Sketches & other outcomes
3.4.1 Algorithmic Sketches
3.4 Algorithmic Sketches & other outcomes
3.4.2 Other outcomes
3.5 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
3.5.1 Feedback from final presentation Guest Voice
" Is there a reason you did not presume a surface like this? Did you ever consider looking at a surface rather than sectioning?"
Critical Reflection
Fig. 43 Hongkong Urban Street Furniture
The reason why guest ask these question is that the final outcome will be stronger before we using sectioning technique. This expose an serious issue in our designing process, we should not throw the idea of sectioning away during design stage, which just be used to cut final digital model. Sectioning is not only a method of expression or construction, it has its unique advantages and characteristic, which should be noticed before designing process, and always be remembered during whole process. For our final design, we did not image the performance of final outcome in sectioning, and the technique 'Morph' is much more suitable for patterning system or tessellation. According to above, in order to solve this problem, we research sectioning approach before we start developing our final outcome. Fortunately, though analyzing large numbers of sectioning projects by other architectures, we found out that sectioning technique is usually used to describe complex and fancy geometry such as New Parametric Urban Street Furniture For Hong Kong.
Fig.44 Tu Delft School
Fig. 45 Tu Delf School 2
Due to each component pieces is independent, hence we will modify each pieces individually instead of whole structure futurely, we believe this will generate more potential, and exploit the advantages of sectioning to the full. Also, sectioning is able to foster productive architectural relationships, which is explained in the TU Delft School of Architecture project. In this case, the language of productive topographical surface is exploited for creating circulation, shading users, creating usable surface, storing objects, and seating. The resulting dense, carved space envelopes all the users of the building. This case inspired us that sectioning is not only a way of expression, but also it could have specific function, and we may used this as a new aspect for future development.
Guest Voice
Critical Reflection
3.5 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
" What stop this design to be in the highway in Tokyo?, why it speak to Wyndham? You should defence your design though regulare research, that part is slightly lacking".
" I think you need deeper and wider footing, otherwise it will tip over, if not you need reinforcement to tie the thing down onto the ground, just like building a tower, you need a deep and wide foundation"
Actually, our group struggle this problem during whole design period, we cannot find a particular thing from Wyndham after researching. Wyndham is a ethical diversity city, it is hard to find out an brand or icon of Wyndham from its history and culture. Also, we believe that lacking an particular thing to
The maximal length of cantilever depend on other components in the system, such as material, types of junction and joist, and the foundation system. There is usually a computational formula for it. For example, if a joist is a 2x10, it is the 10" part referring to. Stated and true measurements (also called "dressed
identify people in Wyndham is the reason and objective of Gateway Project. However, we think that it is necessary to do more research about Wyndham City, making our design 'born' in Wyndham is one of our objective. Also, the logicality of our design is still weak, a good design should with strong logical design idea, which could
dimension") of dimensional lumber are not the same. In this example, the true depth of a 10" joist is 9.25". Then multiply joist depth by 4. In addition, 9.25 x 4 = 37. Hence the resulting number is a rule of thumb for how far the cantilever could be. According to above, it is necessery to invite an structural engineer, he will solve the problem of structure problem.
could contribute to defense outcome. In addition, the persuasive argument usually be found during abundant research. Not only Air studio, but also in our future design, we should generate design concept with logical theory, and make design be distinct and native under researching.
3.5 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Guest Voice
Critical Reflection
" Your guys need to take more ownership about this, your design process. You need to really become engage, and get exciting about what you doing, go beyond the precedent, use that to inform the design process. I think there is a bit struggle during the process, which is usually a good thing in design. But I think you guys need to almost push for a new direction about four weeks ago"
Personally, I think this feedback is the most useful and valuable one, although it did not point out particular problem of our design, but it exposes the serious issue for my method of design, which I think it is most worthy learning outcome from air studio. During this semester, although I spent much time on this subject, but I still lack lots of working. The first reason is I always changing ideas after discussing with others. For any design, intention and concept are the core, which should not be changed without serious wrong judgment. After the core concept or intention was selected, every steps of design process should contribute to achieve it, in other words, designers always work in one direction. Due to our group did not decided our design intention and concept, we always working in several direction, which like 'donkey walk'. We think every final outcomes are interesting, but we did not notice that the design intentions behind them are all different. Secondly, we did not criticize outcomes in time. We usually found out that the physical presentation could not present the conceptual idea, when we spent couple weeks on it. Timely critical thinking will ensure designer working under high efficiency, although the outcome is interesting, if it cannot describe conceptual idea, it could not be used. At this time, designers should analyze the outcome, work out the reason why it could not achieve concept idea, then solve this problem later. Thirdly, the way I developed design is wrong. If the outcome was regarded as weak design that making no sense, I usually throw it away, and start to find new innovation. Actually, design is a step by step process, every outcome should contribute to generate final design, the suitable way dealing with temporary outcomes is that analyzing them with core conceptual idea, and keep the useful part of them, and modify the lacking one though critical thinking. According to above, in future design, I will always focus on one design intention, and developed it though critical think and encouraging construction of rigorous and persuasive arguments.
Guest Voice
Critical Reflection
3.5 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
" For me all these(Diamond Prototype) is wide more interesting than this(Final Design). May be the diamond Prototype has been presumed, and you use sectioning as your technique to explain this geometry, or the development of it. I think it will far more successful".
After final presentation, our group decide to go back prototype stage, and recriticize the diamond prototype, firstly we try to create the progress in rhino, however it will be quite unexciting, if we only transfer the expression of diamond prototype from solid to sectioning, it is not an hidebound work instead of an innovation. For this reason, we reviewed the purpose of prototype again, and made a new conclusion of it. The diamond prototype demonstrated that although each component is same, but if they were recomposed without the memory of male model, they will be assemble as different geometry. In other words, we should not focus on particular object, it will close our mind. Air is a digital studio, we decided to expose new expression in grasshopper.
3.5 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Critical Reflection
After several test, we found the divide order could contribute to our concept. Dvide command could put numbers of control point in a curve, then using polyline command connect each control point. We notic that if we increase the numbers of control point, the curve become similar with arc, in contrst, the pattern become rigid when we reducing the numbers of control point. According this, we expose a new idea, we could assume the basic compontent of arc is short straight line, they will compose as an arch because they 'had a memory of arch', hence they will set in particular angle.
However, if the single straight line did not 'remember' the arch, probable some of them will compose as a long straight line, acute angle, or a obtuse angle. As shown in above diagram, I did not divide the arch in equal distance, hence several different pattern were generated, which have contrast with a smooth arch. This is a process of decomposition and re-composition, the arch decompose to single straight line, and single straing line recompose to different shape. During semester, our group did some prototype test, however, they cannot express our effect quite well, due to we cannot entry the model, experience the interior changing. In the future design, our group decide to used flipbook to describe the effect. We draw every single sections in paper, then turn the page quickly. This should be an effective way to show our effect hopely.
3.5 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
According to previous experience, we determine to modify single sections, while we usually generated a surface first, and cut it as sectioning form before. This will ensure the physical presentation has less distinction with conceptual idea. In the future development, we will compose these short line though hand drawing, then find out several interesting shapes, then generated a changing process between them. These pattern only express in 2D, they also could be roate in rhino or grasshopper, hence more interesting outcome will be generate. Because of lacking of time, we cannot achieve our new design plan timely, however we believe that this will much more successful, because we try to develop our idea in grasshopper, which also inspired us. We will keep expose the potential of computation design, also the Gateway Project.
3.5 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
3.5.2 Learning outcome from week 1 to 12
Before air studio, although I heard and seen vast number of parametric design examples, but I have never be so familiar with parametric design and modeling before. I still use hand drawing with a set of fine lines and a handy sketchbook of course. The first time I experienced parametrical design was in Virtual Environment studio, it is difficult and stressful for me, due to I was totally new to architecture this major, and all the computer modeling skill, I noticed that I need to practice parametric design, after I become familiar with modeling software. Air studio was the second time that I was forced to design under in a unique way. I found it was real hard to get used to it. Due to lacking of parametric design experience, the gap between conceptual idea and physical presentation is huge. Also, it is the first time that I design a sculpture or art works instead of living space. However, because of different design project, I learn how to formulate briefs better in this semester, which I believe that it is important. New types of structures and usages, and new construction methods, were usually be called by contemporary social conditions urgently. Design innovation becomes the most obvious competitive advantage. Furthermore, computation brings significant new capabilities into designing and allows radical redefinition of typical design challenges, air studio provides an opportunity to experience brief-making as an integral part of designing. In architecture world, parametric design still is an universal tendency during these years, before I start doing master degree or getting a job, preparing myself hopefully is necessary. Although I always struggled in this semester, I definitely learnt a lot on the way of becoming a qualified architectural designer. Firstly, I learnt how to make a strong and logical design intention/conceptual idea though researching, and the several effective method for developing design, when I analyze outcomes, such as critical thinking. Secondly is the remarkable improvement in parametric technique (Rhino and Grasshopper). This improvement allows me to express my conceptual idea much more directly and clearly. Thirdly, my photographic skill also has been enhanced though this semester. Air Studio could be counted as the hardest and busiest design studio, which I never experienced before. They reason may be generating design outcomes while learning software simultaneously. In addition, my previous wrong way of design will be the other important reason, however I am glad that I learn the more suitable method already. Both lectures and readings are quite useful and interesting.
3.5 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Actually, I never ask that what is architecture before, although I chose architecture as my major in university. Hence I really enjoyed in the first three weeks, unfortunately it is my first time did research topic, the process is hard. I found the most difficult part is deciding the idea, because our group had lots of interesting thinking. I am very grateful to my tutors: Zak and Michael, who given our group so many helpful advices and guidance, when we were struggling. Especially, the idea "Decomposition and Re-composition', I love it so much. Furthermore, this is the first time to work in a group. Each person has a specific interest, for instance, we try to design individually, and integrate them together later. However, due to each group can only have one direction, this method is useless, and we start to learn the way of working in group. I believe this is also important, because no matter working or studying in the future, we usually cooperate with other people instead of individual working, hence the way how to play the role in group well become important. Air studio is such a great teamwork experience that could be beneficial for years. Time management is another value skill that I learn after this semester. I always try to do a perfect job, however I found that compare with designing perfect, finishing a great design in a limited time is much more difficult. I often argued with my group members about changing our design. Also, in the past, I used to meditate design in my mind, I would not start making physical presentation without finishing thinking completely. This is the reason way our final design had great contrast between conceptual idea and physical model. Design is step by step process, there is no actual final outcome before the due day. The most interesting thing I found from parametric design is the unexpected outcomes, the process of finding out a wanted form with experiencing 'accidents' is great. Grasshopper provides a flexible toolset that is supported by a vibrant community. It is exposes the mathematical, geometrical and computational concepts that are directly applicable to many other programs. As a flexible platform, grasshopper helps me to recover larger potential in future design. The studio brought me not only current benefits, but also the attitude towards future. As an advanced design method, parametric can be applied on diversity aspects beside only complex form. It contribute to deal with environmental and visual issue, which also benefits habitats as a medium between nature and human.
Reference Iwamoto, Lisa. 2009. Digital fabrictions: architectural and material techniques (New York: Princeton Architectural Press). Matthew, Frederick. 101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL (Cambridge: The MIT Press). IMAGE: Fig.35. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/adaptive-mutations-architecture/#more-20875 Fig.36. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/adaptive-mutati Fig.37. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/urban-lounge-patrick-vogel/#more-16071 Fig.38. http://profile.id.com.au/wyndham/car-ownership Fig.39. http://profile.id.com.au/wyndham/language Fig.40. http://profile.id.com.au/wyndham/religion Fig.41. http://www.experiencewyndham.com.au/ Fig.42. http://www.experiencewyndham.com.au/ Fig.43. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/new-parametric-urban-street-furniture-for-hong-kong/#more-12971 Fig.44. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/tu-delft-school-of-architecture-sid-wichienkuer/#more-5156 Fig.45. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/tu-delft-school-of-architecture-sid-wichienkuer/#more-5156