Architecture Design Studio 3: Air Semester 1, 2013
1.0 CASE FOR INNOVATION 1.1 Architecture as Discourse
1.2 Computing in Architecture
1.3 Parametric modelling
1.4 Conclusion & Learning outcomes
ARCHITECTURE AS DISCOURSE WHAT is Architecture? Is it Art or sign? Why we should involved it instead of sculpting or painting for the Wyndham Gateway Project? The initial idea of architecture is a shelter, which is able to protect people in nature, such as rainstorm and wind. Further, alonging with the development of architecture, architecture was defined as a art, as Williams (2005: 107) claimed 'Architecture, because of its uniquc position in the public realm, is a uniquely compromised art, if it is an art at all'. Actually, my primal idea of architecture was similar with Williams, architecture was a imposing building, which like a bigger sculpture. However, architecture could not be identified as art simply in moder architecture, it is not only a shelter for people, but also affects the surrounding environment, such as urban planing, society, and culture. Hence, architecture should be alalysed as discourse as something in which all can participate (Williams 2005: 108). Furthermore, in my opinion, architecture is a translator, it can 'speak' both language of human and nature. It understands the requirements of architecture of people, and express them to nature environment. On the other hand, architecture represent nature to human in their familiar and understandable form. In addition, Schumacher stated that architecture as 'a system of communications that is constantly changing and renewing itsilf through collection of artefacts, knowledge and practices'. Architecture as a discourse is a new defination, it will promote some inspiring idea in Western Gateway project, and develop a potential new way of discourse. New type of architecture affects architect's ways of thinking, and develop new material and new method of expression.
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
1.1.1 Digital Architecture Experience
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
I took Virture Environment dring the first year in Melbourne University, It was the first time I experienceing Rhinocerous. At that time, I learn some basic function of Rhino. One thing I feeling interesting is Paneling tool function. Some superb surfaces were generated though it. Such as triming several similar patterns on the surface, but the scale was different. This was the first time I accessed 3D design software, and playing with 3D model made me feel exciting. Furthermore, in second year, In Visual Communication Class, I built some digital models for sculptures and a carpark by using Rhinocerous. During this course, Ieant that how to complete a project by using Photoshop, Autocad, and Rhino. Creating a initial model in Rhino first, then loading it in Autocad. In Autocad, some strange lines was organized, then adding color to 2D image by photoshop. Taking advantages of each software to develop project is the most efficent way for designing. Also, Revit was involved in Architecture Disign Studio Water course. Revit is a great software, becase it can creat plans when the 3D model be finished. It has the similar function as Autocad and Rhino. Furthermore, materials are able to testing in Revit, Architect could evaluate the perspective image after rending. The 'feeling' of material and structure will effect architects much more directly. Hence, I think revit will become the major software in digital design process in the future.
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
1.1.2 Precendent Project
Fig. 1. Perspe
ESCALE NUMÉRIQUE Mathieu Lehanneur Paris France 2012
ective view (Photo Feliep Ribon)
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
Fig. 2. People access computer (Photo Feliep Ribon)
Mathieu Lehanneur designed a series of Wi-Fi stations in Paris, where people can sit down to use their laptps or access local information via a large screen. The original purposes of Escale Numérique is similar as the meaning of its name, which could be translated as Digital Break. Native residents and visitors without mobile internet can connect on the move though underground fibre-optic network. As fig. 3 shown, concrete swivel chairs with attached tables for laptops sit underneath a foliage-covered shelter and a large digital billboard provides city information and news for those who do not have a laptop or smartphone with them. Its multiple functions attract me deeply, Paris is a famous modern city, large numbers of tourist arrived there annually. Escale Numérique not only serve local resident as a 3G station, but also consider the requirements of visitors.
Fig. 3. Concrete swivel chairs(Photo Feliep Ribon)
Meanwhile, Mathieu Lehanneur represented nature element in this station. He devised a protective shelter with a plant covered roof, like 'Agarden placed on a few tree trunks' and designed to be as attractive when viewed from the ground as from a balcony (Fig.1&2). Escale Numérique is a forerunner for a new range of urban architecture, it combines modern functions with nature performance in a modern city. It expresses the idea of architecture in new way, as all can participate, as discourse.
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
1.1.3 Precendent Project
Fig. 4. Internal decoration of Teahouse
Frankfurt Germany Museum f端r Angewandte Kunst
Kengo Kuma develops the traditional teahouse architecture further, while at the same time venturing onto entirely unexplored territory with regard to his design. In search of flexible buildings - Kuma uses the term “weak architecture” - he has arrived at a truly ephemeral structure with this project. (Kengo 1995: 167). The teahouse does not rise up from the ground as a fixed wooden construction, but unfolds as an airborne form. When a ventilation system is activated, the teahouse swells into shape like a white high-tech textile blossom. In its interior, comprising a surface of approximately twenty square metres, are nine tatami mats, an electric stove for the water kettle, a tokonoma niche and a preparation room. Integrated LED technology allows the use of the teahouse at night; the interior can be heated by way of the membrane(Kengo 1995: 169). Teahouse as a setting for the time-honoured Janpanese tea ceremony, it was always constructed by wood structure. However, because of the location, wood structure cannot satisfy the secure requirement. This is the major issue of this project, in order to solve this problem, Kengo Kuma innovatived teahouse carries on the dialogue between the traditional and the modern in the context context of the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt, its abundant collections and the architecture by Richard Meier.
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
Fig. 5. Perspective view of Teahouse in night
Fig. 6. Installing Teahouse
In Teahouse project, Kengo Kuma bringed traditional Japanese tea culture to a Western Country with complete different culture. This is a great purposes, then in order to satisfiy this purpose, wood was replaced by membrane, although the internal decoration was smilar with ancient tea house. New technology encourages new form of traditional architecture. Fig. 7. Membrane material
1.1 Architecture as Discourse
REFERENCE Schumacher, Patrik. 2011. The Autopoiesis of Architecture: A New Framework fo Architecture (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 1-28 Williams, Richard. 2005. 'Architecture and Visual Culture', in Exploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concepts, Contexts, ed. by Matthew Rampley (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press), pp. 102-116 IMAGE: Fig.1. http://www.mathieulehanneur.fr/projet.php?projet=174# Fig.2. http://www.mathieulehanneur.fr/projet.php?projet=174# Fig.3. http://www.mathieulehanneur.fr/projet.php?projet=174# Fig.4. http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=zh-CN&sa=X&biw=1920&bih=901&tbm=isch&tbnid=92tSCwXGmqE7BM:&imgrefurl=ht tp://cubeme.com/blog/2008/03/03/inflatable-tea-house-by-kengo-kuma/&docid=AArDSZeziNjdKM&imgurl=http://cdn.cubeme. com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/inflatable-tea-house-kengo-kuma2.jpg&w=520&h=348&ei=S_xaUYeZGIbQlAXwvIH4Bg&z oom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:0,s:0,i:84&iact=rc&dur=122&page=1&tbnh=180&tbnw=272&start=0&ndsp=31&tx=148&ty=116 Fig.5. http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=zh-CN&sa=X&biw=1920&bih=901&tbm=isch&tbnid=_Sd-aqfYSz9uqM:&imgrefurl=http:// www.dipity.com/tickr/Flickr-kuma-kengo/&docid=lJ3xemjoPUIxTM&imgurl=http://static.flickr.com/2274/2095175072_f6d5f2c0e9. jpg&w=500&h=333&ei=S_xaUYeZGIbQlAXwvIH4Bg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:33,s:0,i:191&iact=rc&dur=298&page=2&tbnh=180&tbn w=266&start=31&ndsp=43&tx=219&ty=122 Fig.6.http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=zh-CN&sa=X&biw=1920&bih=901&tbm=isch&tbnid=_Sd-aqfYSz9uqM:&imgrefurl=http:// www.dipity.com/tickr/Flickr-kuma-kengo/&docid=lJ3xemjoPUIxTM&imgurl=http://static.flickr.com/2274/2095175072_f6d5f2c0e9. jpg&w=500&h=333&ei=S_xaUYeZGIbQlAXwvIH4Bg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:33,s:0,i:191&iact=rc&dur=298&page=2&tbnh=180&tbn w=266&start=31&ndsp=43&tx=219&ty=122 Fig.7.http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=zh-CN&sa=X&biw=1920&bih=901&tbm=isch&tbnid=_Sd-aqfYSz9uqM:&imgrefurl=http:// www.dipity.com/tickr/Flickr-kuma-kengo/&docid=lJ3xemjoPUIxTM&imgurl=http://static.flickr.com/2274/2095175072_f6d5f2c0e9. jpg&w=500&h=333&ei=S_xaUYeZGIbQlAXwvIH4Bg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:33,s:0,i:191&iact=rc&dur=298&page=2&tbnh=180&tbn w=266&start=31&ndsp=43&tx=219&ty=122
COMPUTING IN ARCHITECTURE WHAT is the benefits of using computers in the architectural design process? How CAD(Computer Aided Design) contribute to architectural design? According to Kalay(2004: 04), architecture designing is about the process and outcome of finding the satisficing solutions to a set of existing problems. Hence, the process of design is a process that architects attampt to interprete the context and problems in different ways. Computer as a tool, it has several numbers of benefits during architecture design process. Computers offer the ability to do analogue tasks such as drawing and modelling more accurately and quickly. Also, because of computer, designers are able to test whether ideas, for instance a shading or acoustic devices will actually work(Kalay 2004: 11). In addition, the most significant advantage of accessing computer is that computers generate designs and create architectures less bound by the constraints of our sometimes limited imaginations. Architects are able to take unprecedented forms bound, and directed by their most important and relevant contextual constraints only. Also, architects are not the only person who dominant the design process, there could be clients, ordinary users that who want particular functions or requirements. The other advantage of computing architecture is that it is more easier for others to participate in design process, such as clients and ordinary users (Kalay 2004: 13). For the Gateway Project, computational design method will be innovative. According to previous chapter, architecture is a translator, and innovative method develop a complete new way for expressing concepts.
1.2 Computing in Architecture
1.2.1 Precendent Project
THE LISTENING ROOM MAT Studio and Elastik Tokyo Japan
“The 20 foot shipping container was filled with CNCut layers of corrugated fiberboard and compressedpolyester foam panels, which cut out noise and vibration from the outside while the occupant listened to classical music. Fifteen speakers were oriented towards the visitor’s seat in order to create what the designers hoped would be a “spatial sensation that is in-between the notion of the concert hall and the I-pod headphone.” The idea of sound was transformed into a containerspace by MAT Studio and Elastik. ' Form follows function' was represented in parametric design in this project.
1.2 Computing in Architecture
Fig. 9. Explaination the structure of Room
Fig. 8. The listening Room
The design is specifically ruled by acoustic effect, using form and speakers to produce a personal audio experience. "The listening room integrates several other elements that make this piece attach itself to some key values specific to Tokyo urban culture. The sense of confinement to a small space. The idea of separateness in a multitude of others. The option of self chosen isolation. The ostensive layeredness of the urban fabric. The necessity to ccasionally flee
Fig. 10. Explaination the structure of Room
the chaos" The Listening room expresses how parametric design can improve complex spatial forms. The room itself is the structure and the material systems, it was constructed by fiberboard panels and commpressed polyester foam panels, layered together to achieve sound proofing, reflection and rigidity. There is new possibilities for the Gateway design, for not considering form, function, structure and ornament individually. It can be example for the Gateway Project to construct an innovative form based on a link with controllable sound or visual experience, while considering the interruption with each aspect and overall aesthetics.
1.2 Computing in Architecture
1.2.2 Precendent Project
According to Kalay(2004), computer offers variouse of new possibilities for approaching design, it allowed for technological advancement and complex geometrical exploration. Compare with traditional design method, computer can test the structure, material, spatial organization before constructing. As Kolarevic(2003: 7) claimed the information age is challenging not only how we design buildings, but also manufacture and construct them. The Guggenheim Museum was a significiant example that computer encourage architects expend the boundaries. The Guggenheim Museum was constructed in Bilbao by Frank Gehry in 1997. Its imposing performance not only caused the city become famous in the world, but also it was the icon of the digital information revolution questionless. This Museum connect human and nature, titanium sheeting exterior will reflect the sunshine, light is a nature feature, Frank Gehry represented it though the familar way which people are able to notice and understand.
1.2 Computing in Architecture
GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM Frank Gehry Bibao Spain 1997
'The information age is challenging not only how we design buildings, but also, manufacture and construct them' Kolarevic Branko
Fig. 11. Perspective view of The Guggenheim Museum
Fig. 12. Exterial wall reflexing sunshine
1.2 Computing in Architecture
REFERENCE Kalay, Yehuda E. 2004. Architecture's New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 5-25 Kolarevic, Branko. 2003 Architecture in the digital Age: Design and Manufacturing (NewYork; London: Spon Press, 2003), pp. 3-62 IMAGE: Fig.8. http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=zh-CN&biw=1920&bih=901&tbm=isch&tbnid=Za5iO_RHZUWXlM:&imgrefurl=http://www. elastik.net/index.php%3Fsubaction%3Dshowfull%26id%3D1226884200%26archive%3D&docid=kOVI4RkiRD-EGM&imgurl=http:// www.elastik.net/www/data/upimages/KT/KT_01.jpg&w=800&h=475&ei=IEJeUdeyJOyziQfKhIGIDQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:7,s:0,i:10 5&iact=rc&dur=727&page=1&tbnh=173&tbnw=291&start=0&ndsp=34&tx=37&ty=66 Fig.9. https://www.google.com/search?hl=zh-CN&tbm=isch&q=THE+LISTENING+ROOM+MAT+STUDIO&spell=1&sa=X&ei=IEJeU deyJOyziQfKhIGIDQ&ved=0CE8QBSgA&biw=1920&bih=901#imgrc=BczaJBAZuGd2lM%3A%3B0j-XAFMb7X76WM%3Bhttp%253 A%252F%252Fhomesthetics.net%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F02%252Fkt-listening-room-mat-studio-elastik3. jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.homesthetics.net%252Fktthe-listening-room-by-mat-studio-and-elastik%252F%3B594%3B267 Fig.10. https://www.google.com/search?hl=zh-CN&tbm=isch&q=THE+LISTENING+ROOM+MAT+STUDIO&spell=1&sa=X&ei=IEJe UdeyJOyziQfKhIGIDQ&ved=0CE8QBSgA&biw=1920&bih=901#imgrc=BczaJBAZuGd2lM%3A%3B0j-XAFMb7X76WM%3Bhttp%25 3A%252F%252Fhomesthetics.net%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F02%252Fkt-listening-room-mat-studio-elastik3. jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.homesthetics.net%252Fktthe-listening-room-by-mat-studio-and-elastik%252F%3B594%3B267 Fig.11. http://architecturalmoleskine.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/f-gehry-guggenheim-museum-bilbao.html Fig.12 http://architecturalmoleskine.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/f-gehry-guggenheim-museum-bilbao.html
PARAMETRIC MODELLING According to week 2 journal, designing is a process that architects analyse problems or constraints, and try various of different solution to address the goals, then evaluate each solution, finally communicate with all participants. Parametric design make this process easier starting from Solution step. Making model is the most direct method to work out solutions and evaluate solutions. Paramettric modelling is a powerful and exciting field. As Woodbury (2010: 23) claimed, conventional and parametric design tolls are 'easy' to create an initial model. In other words, the key advantages of parametric modelling is flexible. Due to the model is predicated on relationships between elements, the form could be modified without creating problems( Woodbury 2010: 24). For example, in grasshopper , it is easy to add parts, relating them to each other, then different outcome will be generated by dragging the slider. On the other hand, erasing conventional work will be easy too. In addition, because of the flexible feature, parametric modelling is able to produce much more iterations and possible design solution, since it can be done quickly and esaily. The ability to produce a great number of candidate solutions is highly beneficial during searching design solution. The other advantage of prarmetric modeling is deferral (Woodbury 2010: 43). Initial points and lines could be located temporarily, which is able to modify later. In terms of the Gateway project, parametric design will simplify the design process, outcome will be generated easier. Various of different expression are encouraged though parametric modeling system.
1.3 Parametric Modelling
1.3.1 Precendent Project NEW DANCE AND MUSIC CENTRE Zaha Hadid Hauge The Netherlands
Zaha Hadid's design could be classificated as parametric architecture significiently, he usually uses the eye-catching forms in his works. The New Dance and Music Centre in the Hague is an interesting example of parametric design. It was developed from an understanding of the unique urban dynamics of the site, resulting in subtle volumetric gestures that invite the public domain from the plaza at ground level into the heart of the building, reinforcing the public character of the combined institutions and culminating with a gracious curving roofline that neatly nests itself within the city skyline. And the most significiant representation of parametric design is its appearance. In sharp contrast with basic rectangular geometry, the design features a fluid force field of horizontal louvers that seemingly moves when graced by light and shadow. Creating a dynamic appearance by traditional drawing method is very difficult, however, this dynamic model could be generated in parametric design software, and architect could wook out several different outcomes. This unique characteristic creats a playful language on the facade, articulating public circulation, the foyers and the sculpted inner atrium, whilst at the same time allows visual connections out to the square as well as internal links between the various spaces of the project. In this project, Zaha Hadid used parametric tool to represent the wind feature in external wall, and contribute to the circulation of building. Back to our Gateway Project, nature is Australian icon, original views are kept carefully. Hence, representing nature in our project should be a superb idea.
1.3 Parametric Modelling
1.4 Conclusion & Learning outcomes
REFERENCE Woodbury, Robert. 2010. Elements of Parametric Design (London: Routledge), pp. 7-48. IMAGE: http://www.zaha-hadid.com/architecture/new-dance-and-music-centre-2/
1.3 Parametric Modelling
Conclusion In information era, Architecture is defined as a discourse, it is the translator between huaman and nature environment. Computers not only offer the benefit on architecture drawing, but also it encourages more opportunity for architecture desing, which push the boundary forward. For my design approach of The Gateway project, according to the example of New Dance and Music Centre, I deided to represent the native environment on Warribe, and I will creat the initial model though paramatric software. It is significant to design in this way, due to it is a tunnel, a dynamic form should be considered, and like venacular architecture, I prefer to make my design become unique. Also, nature always is the icon of a please, hence I choose to represent idea form it. It is difficult to make dynamic form without paramatic software. Therefore, alonging with the learing of Grasshopper, more interesting outcome will be generated.
LEARNING OUTCOMES After finishing the learning for first four weeks, I understand the important of paramatric desig, which I think that is just creat some amazing shape, but useless in real architecture. For my past project, I think paramatric design could encourage more outcome, and more interesting form will be generated, such as dynamic form.