Architecture Design Studio 3: Air Semester 1, 2013
COMPUTERS MAKES DESIGN MOR DIRECTLY AND CREATIVELY Architecture is a solution. According to Kalay(2004: 04), [architecture designing is about the process and outcome of finding the satisficing solutions to a set of existing problems]. Hence, the process of design is a process that architects attampt to interprete the context and problems in different ways. In order to compensate design errors, architects adopted a disign process though taking advantage of the obvious benefits of design vs. craftsmanship. This process consists four interwined phases: Problem analysis, Solution synthesis, Evaluation, and Communication(Kalay 2004: 09). Computer as a tool, it has several numbers of benefits during architecture design process. Computers offer the ability to do analogue tasks such as drawing and modelling more accurately and quickly. Also, because of computer, designers are able to test whether ideas, for instance a shading or acoustic devices will actually work(Kalay 2004: 11). In addition, the most significant advantage of accessing computer is that computers generate designs and create architectures less bound by the constraints of our sometimes limited imaginations. Architects are able to take unprecedented forms bound, and directed by their most important and relevant contextual constraints only. I think for modern architecture the first and most important method to work out the satisficing soulutions will be involving computer. For example, architect wants to reorganize space for a apartment. In solution synthesis step, he will be able to find varieties of solutions by using Revit. Then during the evaluation and communication process, the perspective view will contribute to present each solution directly. Also, by a mistake or using a wrong input in grasshopper the outcome may be completely different but inspirational that opens another way that the designer decide to follow. In addition, the overall structure and the components are largely the same, because the particulars of a solution may vary due to specific needs. This is defined as Case-Based Design, in Case-Based Design, Protoypes are the most common formalism used to capture and apply architectural cases(Kalay 2004: 22). The prototype can be instantiated though parameterized design, architect applies it to the particular circumstances of the present problem by copying its general features while modifying its less important ones(Kalay 2004: 22).
TRANSFORM SILOS Pieter Bannenberg. Walter van Dijk. Kamiel Klaasse Zeeburgereiland Netherland
Fig.1. Internal perspective view of Silos (Source: 100 Gloval Architectural Schemes)
Three silos remain in Zeeburgereiland, in this case the silos will be dedicated to Climbing, Sports and Culture. The existing structures will be extended to the maximum height to benefit from the views and to creat monumental substance in the projected urban condition. I like the final solution of this project, architect use the advantages of a
silo, find Climbing space as the satisficing solutions. Louis Sullivan claimed 'Form follow function'. However, in this project, the form effect the function. Although this project is in process of bidding, but perspective views contributed to the evaluation process, human behavior, aesthetics, and the overall feeling of a building will be criticized.
Fig.2. External perspective view of Silos (Source: 100 Gloval Architectural Schemes)
Fig.3. Perspective view of lighting room (Source: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://static.dezeen.com/ uploads/2008/12/kt-the-listening-room-by-mat-and-elastik-kt_01_dez.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dezeen.com/2008/12/02/ kt-the-listening-room-by-mat-studio-and-elastik/&usg=__dSIA8_aDCNYWqR3P0IkKHUGZxLQ=&h=450&w=450&sz=40&hl=zhCN&start=1&sig2=TcfigSD7UxS-l6GDLexXhA&zoom=1&tbnid=q5TqFeVVmpU_QM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=127&ei=XO1aUbygEILAlQX0k4 C4DA&itbs=1&sa=X&ved=0CDAQrQMwAA)
THE LIGHTING ROOM MAT Studio and Elastik Tokyo, Japan
The idea of sound was transformed into a containerspace by MAT Studio and Elastik. ' Form follows function' was represented in parametric design in this project. The design is specifically ruled by acoustic effect, using form and speakers to produce a personal audio experience. �The listening room integrates several other elements that make this piece attach itself to some key values specific to Tokyo urban culture. The sense of confinement to a small space. The idea of separateness in a multitude of others. The option of self chosen isolation. The ostensive layeredness of the urban fabric. The necessity to occasionally flee the chaos.�
Fig.4. Lighting room configuration (Source: 100 Gloval Architectural Schemes)
The lighting room shows how parametric design can contribute to complex sparial forms. Although the room is small, but itself is the structure and the material system. Fiberboard panels and compressed polyester foam panels was used to construct this room, they were layered together to achieve sound proofing, reflection and rigidity.
Kalay, Yehuda E. 2004. Architecture's New Media Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 5-25