WEEK. 4-8
EOI II is process of exploration aiming to find the optimal design outcomes, especially for later considerations for the final Gateway Project. Personal and group interest will be affected by different design approach. Furthermore, this process is based on accessing Rhino and Grasshopper as tools to discover parametric design, as the continued section of Case study of innovation, the discourse will be included as well. Personally, for future study of modularity, I will focus on the effect of project, and how it influence the components, overall structure system, and form. As a group, the design intention will be provided a shocked/surprising driving experience for drivers by creating significant contrast with surrounding environment. Hence the peculiar driving experience will make Wyndham City as a strong memory point for people.
2.1 Design Focus
2.1 Precedent Project
Banq Restaurant is a renovation project inside historic South End bank. Office dA used a single gesture to address pragmatic concerns and create an identity for the new restaurants. Before renovation there were inheriting structural and mechanical systems that were likely to compromise the interior. Architects considered a more interesting intervention instead of simply to paint the ceiling.
Banq Resturant Office dA Inc Boston America February 2008
They used 168 plywood ribs hang across the length of the restaurant's ceiling running from the front to the back of the room. Each piece is unique, they form a trunk like structure that almost appears to support the canopy above. Architecture solve the problem‘How to control everything overhead to take advantage of the height and give the most flexibility to the ground’ benefitiing from the flexible feature. Due to sectioning architecture were composed by arranging the order of several pieces material, they could be ranked in various ways, such as horizontal and vertical. In this example, 168 pieces plywood were settled in horizontal direction, which as same as the arrangement of inheriting structural
Fig. 22 Benq Resturant internal perspective
and mechanical systems, As a result, ‘Trunk’ structure hides them successfully, while creating a simple and soft surface visually. The more methods of arrangement and transformation of pieces, the more various shapes and forms be innovated. Meanwhile, in Banq Restaurant, point lights are concealed in the space between two component pieces, architect used the depth of structure to hide the lights, which people only can noticed it in vertical direction, this causes a light effect as the star in the night. After analyzing Banq Restaurant, we find out the characteristics of Sectioning structure system. Sectioning is a very diversification and flexible structure system, it contains some parameters or variables normally, for example the direction of arranging components could be horizontal, vertical, or slant. Accountings to this feature, we find the design potential of sectioning approach. We may create a dark space by day though controlling the amount of entering light, which contrasts with surround environment in site. In sectioning structure system, there are several methods to achieve this aim: increasing the depth of components, making the direction of components to against the orientation of sunshine, and decreasing the space between two components. In addition, according to Banq Restaurant, dynamic shape contributed to create a similar space as cave, this inspire us to consider a dynamic form in Gateway project. The topography of Gateway Project is quite flat and widen, which causes a wide visual field, static and harmonious environment. If the wide grass is treated as a two dimension plane, a three dimension dynamic and narrower space will cause a significant contrast. According to above, these unique features of sectioning arouses s various of possible of Gateway project.
2.1 Design Focus
Fig. 23 Benq Resturant Structure
Fig. 24 Benq Resturant Light
Fig. 25 Benq Resturant horizontal perspective
Fig. 26 Benq Resturant internal perspective 2
2.2 Case Study 1.0
2.2.1 Definition This group offset a curve in certain distance and numbers, in order to cover whole brep object, the range of curves should larger than brep object
This definition will be quite useful when you have a complex geometric object, though increasing the numbers of offset curve, more detailed shape will be generated.
They create a intersection object between the extrude surface(from the curve) and the Brep
Extrude the offset curves to intersect with brep in Z direction, the height must be larger than brep
Create the intersection object for a Brep and plan/surface, this step control the numbers of sectioning pieces on plan
It generates a number of equally space, perpendicular frames along a curve, which intersect the surface.
Compare with previous definition, this method base on a plan/surface, the final sectioning pattern is following the slope and tendency of geometric plan/surface. Both of them are intersect with numbers of plan, however this definition more likely to deal with a plan/surface instead of a brep object.
Decompose the brep and split the surface, after that components could be deleted in bake model
Extrude the intersection curve on the plan/surface by certain vector
It is a vector with xyz value, which give the direction to curve extrude
Divide Surface by 100 points, and select points base on image/bitmap
Generating a bounding box to select the boundary, which is modified by the selection of box corner, then create a line between two points
2.2 Case Study 1.0
This group move the divided points on surface in Z direction that is modified though image/ bitmap. Then create a surface from grid of points, and intersect surface with the box frame to get curves
Modify surface points in Z direction, A*B: Changing the range A+B: Changing the height
Compare with previous two definitions, this method is much more complex, it involved the 'Image Sample (Image)' to arrange surface points, varied of forms could be generated though changing the picture. Although this definition also base on a plane/surface, which is similar with second one, but it is used to modify a flat surface, and making dynamic three dimension pattern. As previous discuss, the ground around Gateway Project could be assumed as a two dimension surface, this method will be most useful.
Porjecting the curve on XY plane, and loft them to get a surface
2.2 Case Study 1.0
2.2.2 Matrix
Attampt: Creating nonuniform sectioning pattern
- slider number
Attampt: Representing geometric shap
+ Increasing Z value
Attampt: Testing different geometric surface
+ changing line direction
Attampt: Creating sectioning pattern on curvy surface
+ Increasing Z value
+ Random distribute
- Decreasing density
2.2 Case Study 1.0
+ Roate
+ Changing curve to circle
+ changing x direction vvalue
+ Increasing Z value
- spliting surface
+ changing line to curve
+ changing curve to circle
+ Increasing slider number
+ changing -F to F
+ changing curve to circle
+ Modifing direction by changing XYZ value
2.2 Case Study 1.0
2.2.2 Matrix
Attampt: Discover different arrangement of sectioning pattern
Future Development
Matrix Result: Our group engaged Banq Restaurant to generate a predefined explicit design space for case study 1.0. Experimentation with solely the definition provided on the LMS. In order to extend our design in case study 1.0, we combined two definition, and test different geometric objects as basic surface. The highlighted outcome A indicates the flexibility of flowing pattern, it create a random sectioning structure with motion. Outcome B represent the shape of basic geometric surface in regular way, which is simple and direct. Compare with B, outcome C has more complex structure, which is varied and interesting, although the both of them base on same geometric object. The last outcome D used different base object with B&C, it has large free space in the center with simple surface.
2.2 Case Study 1.0
Speculate: Due to our four highlighted outcome both have dynamic form with strong visual impact, they could be used for composing a sculpture. Because of the complex structure, they could create some interesting effects with light, such as the variation shadow. Obviously, it is better to contribute to the dynamic performance, and three dimension surface. For future design, these outcome will be starting points, when our group consider the design effect and overall form. However, due to these matrix were generated though modifying definition, they did not involved the design brief of Gateway project, hence it is necessary to develop them in later design during critical process.
2.3 Case Study 2.0
2.3.1 Precedent
The Absolute Towers
Burka Architects & MAD Studio Mississauga Ontario 2012
Fig. 27 The Absolute Towers perspective view 1
2.3 Case Study 2.0
Furthermore, due to architect separate each floor as an ellipse surface, in horizontal direction, The Absolute Towers could be treated as a sectioning structure. After Case study 1.0, we understand the definition of sectioning approach, and learn several basic methods to generating it. In Case study 2.0, a parametric model will be created though Rhino/Grasshopper, Architects changing the conventional and after analyzing the outcome, new straight vertical boundary to a twisting curve, they twists the building 209 degrees design potential of Gateway Project may be inspired. from the base to the top. Compare with straight line, curve is more smooth and soft, and the curving space has less dead angle. Also, people could access to native views in different direction in building. The Absolute Toers was designed by MAD studio, the design intention is that creating a blurry free space instead of dead angle in traditional tall building for people, they can arrange their own space individually. MAD studio desire to create a natural life style instead of a skyscrape.
According to above, the design inten has been successful achieved in the Absolute
Fig. 28 The Absolute Towers perspective view 2
2.2 Case Study 2.0
2.3.2 Parametric Process
STEP 1 Using the first definition to create a surface of cylinder as the basic surface, and a curve (line) to create a number of equally space, perpendicular frames along a curve. The frames will have intersection events for the brep that we set before, and then extrude them with xyz will get the sectioning outcome. But it is just a straight structure, not a twist surface that we want to achieve. STEP 2 Then we were thinking to rotate this geometric that we created, in order to try to get the twist outcome, however, it only rotates with the axis as a whole group, which means we can only change it orientation, but not the surface shape. So we we’ve got an unsuccessful result with this test. STEP 3 We were keeping thinking the methods that can get what we want to achieve. From the outcomes that we have made, we’ve found that the sectioning structure is made from some single sheet frames, so we’ve tried to think another way to create a sectioning structure, which is move a curve with a series of numbers, and then create planar surfaces from the collection of edge curves.
2.2 Case Study 2.0
STEP 4 By learnt from the videos from LMS and research the knowledge of grasshopper, we’ve known two tools that might help us to get the goal, which are the Ellipse (create an ellipse defined by based plan and two radii) and “Cull Index” (remove indexed elements from a list), and combine what we’ve done before, and use the graph mapper (controlled by another series order) to control the twist degree of the frame. We finally get a similar outcome with the Monroe building. STEP 5 As we can see the outcome above, it made by curves, however, sectioning pattern is not curve, is should be a solid with a curve, which means a sheet frame. So we need to create plane with the every single curve, by using a “planar Srf” order.
2.3.3 Analizing Outcome The final outcome has similar shape as the original Absolute Towers, however, it still lack lots of components, and three significant differences will be demonstrated. Firstly we did not make the twisting angel be accurate 209 degrees, and the digital model is not generated in scale. Secondly, the original building has many compontants in horizontal surface,such as windows, while the grasshopper model only be represented as a simple ellipse surface. Thirdly, the original building has a curtain wall in the top of building, which is disappear in digital model. For the future development, the curve feature may be considered in later design, because it is benefit to generate a harmonic and nature space. Furthermore, curve could break the static balance, and reforms object in dynamic form. This will also be useful especially when we try to create a significant contrast in a static space.
2.4 Technique: Development
2.4 Technique: Development
2.4 Technique: Development
2.4 Technique: Development
In this stage, we make two physical models for testing the light effects. They are generated in different materials, plywood and cardboard. Because of the different thickness of them, the shadow in plywood model is more thick and darkness than cardboard. This result reflects the depth variable of sectionging
2.5 Technique: Prototypes
approach. As a result, we consider to create diversified light effect though modifying the depth of components. Also in order to observe the changing of shadow during by day, we imitate the movement of sun. As a result, we find it is difficult for driver to
notice the light effect during 4pm to 6pm. According to this, we may think about that change the direction of components arrangement.
2.6 Technique Proposal & 2.7 Algorithmic Sketches
2.6 Technique Proposal & 2.7 Algorithmic Sketches
A gateway is like a gate to somewhere,the role is just like a door to a house. Wyndham is a boom town, and this meansit needs to attract more people’s vision to pay close attention to it. So thatthe proposal to design the gateway for Wyndham is to allow more people get knowabout Wyndham. Consider about that, the aim of our design proposal is try tocreate a sculpture or a landmark building, which can reflect to Wyndham, sinceWyndham has already developed and still keep developing, it has changed, from acounty to become a modern city, it need to has something that can represent it,in other word, it need a landmark, just like Sydney has the Opera House andMelbourne has the federation square. They all can represent their city, andthis is what Wyndham need, also what this project asks for.
Our group want to createa landmark architecture or a sculpture. Consider about process of thedevelopment of Wyndham, we want the create something that can represent thechange of Wyndham. We want use the change from irregular to regular torepresent the change of Wyndham from a country to a modern city. So we tried touse the process of the change of an irregular geometrical form to a regularform. We also want to use a shelter formas our main form which can cover one of the high way roads, because we believethat if people can across the shelter they will get the most directexperience about the gateway (if our design can play the role successfully). Alsothe sectioning frame can also take some interesting effect such as light,shadow etc.
2.6 Technique Proposal & 2.7 Algorithmic Sketches
2.8 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Feedback The design intention is the biggest problem, our group did not decided a certain objective with gateway project design brief. This makes our outcome lake of the spirit, and no particular effect could be generated without clear design intention.
We did not make a good use of the sectioning characteristic, we cut model in same direction and distence between space, this causes the shadow become uninteresting, which is the most obvious effect. Also, it makes our outcome less attractive.
Our group back to very early stage to rethink our design intention. After our discuss, we decided the intention of Gateway project is Providing a surprise/unforgettable driving experience for drivers, and make them have specific memory for Wyndham. We also find some method to achieve this intention. A strong contrast will be generated, it could present in different dimension surface(3D & 2D), different brightness. Our group will develop this intention in later three weeks, and find out the best solution though parametric tools.
I create a new digitial model in grasshopper. In this model, I change the direction of components, they facing different direction. This makes the model more interesting, and have stonger light effect.
2.8 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
the idea'From Irregular to Regular' did not relate with Wyndham closely, it could describe any developing cities, such as Hongkong, Tokyo, or Melbourne. More Wyndham thing should be innoved to making ths project become native and unique.
The Gateway Project aim to create a icon, a thing for Wyndham people to identify themselves. However, the concept 'Cave' is not suitable for the project, because people would not pride living in cave, also 'Cave' is not the stage in transition. and we should develop our digitial model, using grasshopper to do more transformation instead of two simple shapes.
We start to connect the local environment, we use the flat grass ground around Gateway Project as a reference substance, and creating a three dimension object in there. The nature in Wyndham is unique, hence if we make a contrast with it, the effect should be unique.
Our group decided to relate the nature with project in another way, and do more research about the Wyndham City to find out some special features of Wyndham City. For Grasshopper, I develop a new model
Reference Fig 22 http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig 23 http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig 24 http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig 25 http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig 26 http://www.yatzer.com/BANQ-restaurant-by-Office-dA Fig 27 http://www.e-architect.co.uk/canada/absolute_towers_mississauga.htm Fig 28 http://www.e-architect.co.uk/canada/absolute_towers_mississauga.htm