Architecture Design Studio 3: Air Semester 1, 2013
WEEK. 3 EASIER 'LIFE' IN PARAMETRIC DESIGN According to week 2 journal, designing is a process that architects analyse problems or constraints, and try various of different solution to address the goals, then evaluate each solution, finally communicate with all participants. Parametric design make this process easier starting from Solution step. Making model is the most direct method to work out solutions and evaluate solutions. Paramettric modelling is a powerful and exciting field. As Woodbury (2010: 23) claimed, conventional and parametric design tolls are 'easy' to create an initial model. In other words, the key advantages of parametric modelling is flexible. Due to the model is predicated on relationships between elements, the form could be modified without creating problems( Woodbury 2010: 24). For example, in grasshopper , it is easy to add parts, relating them to each other, then different outcome will be generated by dragging the slider. On the other hand, erasing conventional work will be easy too. In addition, because of the flexible feature, parametric modelling is able to produce much more iterations and possible design solution, since it can be done quickly and esaily. The ability to produce a great number of candidate solutions is highly beneficial during searching design solution. The other advantage of prarmetric modeling is deferral (Woodbury 2010: 43). Initial points and lines could be located temporarily, which is able to modify later. According to above, parametric design will make the Gateway project easier, perhaps I can try to incorporate parametric design into traditional rocess to searching better solution.
MODERN PRIMITIVES Aranda / Lasch 2010
Fig.1. Model (Source: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=zh-CN&biw=1920&bih=901 &tbm=isch&tbnid=VblYtT5ypbqXxM:&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/arand
The project is using modularity and study of installation of modularity to explore technological sophistiction with hand-crafted elegance. This is an example of how parametric generates modularity in different scale and size. According to Woodbury (2010), for parametric disigning, each part is autonomous that can be replaced or can be added without affacting the whole system. The innovation of architecture can be seen from parametric design, from combination of digital support and human imagination. Each modual can be modified easily by changing the relationships of parts. In Aranda/Lasch's projects, different scales make the feeling of project unique. I am interestiing in this point, and I will future develop in the Gateway Design Project.
Fig.2. People in model (Source: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=zh-CN&biw =1920&bih=901&tbm=isch&tbnid=VblYtT5ypbqXxM:&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr. com/photos/arandalasch/5553008289/&docid=e6cXnkbegUqqrM&itg=1&imgurl
EDGAR STREET TOWERS IwamotoScott Lower Manhattan America
Fig.3. Perspective view (Source: 100 Global Architectural Schemes)
The tower's design seeks to reinstate Edgar Street as an east-west public way, reconnecting Greenwich and Washington streets. The space of this passageway through the building twists upwards, pinching at the mid level to allow for larger floor plates, and culminating at a rooftop sky lobby and civic space. IwamotoScott' project is attractive, because IwamotoScott twistsed the form of building for larger floor plates, while it also provided an interesting shape. This Towers had the constraint of using floor area, twisting solves this problem as a solution. This is an significient example of parametric design, initial model was created easily though conventional design tools (Woodbury 2010: 23). And architect is able to test the degree of twisting with inital digital model, which is effective to find satisficing solutaion.
Woodbury, Robert. 2010. Elements of Parametric Design (London: Routledge), pp. 7-48.
Fig.4. Internal view (Source: http://www.google.com/ imgres?imgurl=http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2010/05/dzn_ IwamotoScott_31-ISAR-EST-AtriumAcross.jpg&imgrefurl=http:// www.dezeen.com/2010/05/09/edgar-street-towers-byiwamotoscott/&usg=__bf90avcx6i5QdlDregeuZnM0Pbs=& h=590&w=450&sz=58&hl=zh-CN&start=2&sig2=2e8fYc9A_ SxFyfYCrPEUNg&zoom=1&tbnid=6yw_rQFTepuuSM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=1 03&ei=_ClbUeTCIom0iQfj0IDICw&itbs=1&sa=X&ved=0CDAQrQMwAQ)
Fig.5. Exterior perspective view (Source: 100 Global Architectural Schemes)