Architecture Design Studio 3: Air Semester 1, 2013
Me Hi, I am Liang. I am an internation student from Xiamen China. I came to Melbourne for four years. My major is Architecture, Recently I am doing the second last year of my bechor degree. I like basktball, my favourate team and player are Los Angle Lakers and Kobe Bryant.
DIGITAL ARCHITECTURE EXPERICENCE I took Virture Environment dring the first year in Melbourne University, It was the first time I experienceing Rhinocerous. Furthermore, in second year, In Visual Communication Class, I built some digital models for sculptures and a carpark by using Rhinocerous.
Fig.1. Rhino project (Source: Visual communication work, LIANG ZHIJIE )
Boathouse was another project for Architecture Design Studio: Water. In this project, I accessed Revit creating the digital model. Because of Revit, I got some vivid perspective images.
Fig.2. Boathouse project (Source: Architecture design studio water work, LIANG ZHIJIE )
WEEK. 1 ARCHITECTURE IS A SOLUTION In 20th century, as the new interactive design, designers access computer in every steps of architectural process commonly, from the initial concept development to final construction. As a result, designers have more great opportunities, they can visualize the imagination, and vary the outcome favrication process by controlling relevant data. There are several growing advantages for computer-aided design. Meanwhile, it challenges the traditional design process, which is more emphasising on the relationship between physical context and design, the space and structure etc. Somebody may argue that parametric design will replace the traditional routine permanently. However, in my opinion, I think architecture is a solution. Both traditional designing method and paramatric designing method should be involved in future designing. Architecture is a solution, during disign process, several constraints or problems were involved. Architect will analyse these problem firstly, and find the most suitable solution to satisfing each constraints. For example, in order to present culture of Beijing, Kengo Kuma choosed bamboo as the major material for the cabin project beside the great wall. However, bamboo cannot bear the load. As a result, Kengo Kuma decided pouring concrete into bamboo, hence the structure become stable, when the inital design idea is presented though bamboo. In addition, for the Gateway Project, constraint in Werribee will cause varities of design problems, such as local traffic condition. However, we are in the dighital information design period, several different soulution will be generated though parameterized design.
Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium was introducted in this week reading, which possibly is the most important investigations into the tectonics of topological roof typologies. Furthermore, one of important features during architecture design is economic, it causes a serious effect in other features, For instance, if the period of construction could be shortened, lower costing may be achieved (Lynn 1998: 10). In gymnasium projects, it announces an emerging blob aesthetic that inventively reponds to shifts in the economics and construction techniques of the contemporary building industry (Lynn 1998: 10), it articulate an approach to standardization and repetition that combines a generic system of construction with slight variations in every member. Through both manual construction and industrial fabrication, the economies of what is often referred to as 'custom assembly-line production' is exploited.
Fig.3. Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium (Source: http:// architecture.dezain.us/?p=1291)
TEAHOUSE KENGO KUMA Frankfurt Germany Museum f端r Angewandte Kunst
Fig.4. interior of teahouse (Source: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=zh-CN&sa=X&biw=1920&bih=901&tbm=isch&tbnid=92tSCwXG mqE7BM:&imgrefurl=http://cubeme.com/blog/2008/03/03/inflatable-tea-house-by-kengo-kuma/&docid=AArDSZeziNjdKM&imgurl=ht tp://cdn.cubeme.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/inflatable-tea-house-kengo-kuma2.jpg&w=520&h=348&ei=S_xaUYeZGIbQ lAXwvIH4Bg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:0,s:0,i:84&iact=rc&dur=122&page=1&tbnh=180&tbnw=272&start=0&ndsp=31&tx=148&ty=116)
Kengo Kuma develops the traditional teahouse architecture further, while at the same time venturing onto entirely unexplored territory with regard to his design. In search of flexible buildings - Kuma uses the term “weak architecture” - he has arrived at a truly ephemeral structure with this project. (Kengo 1995: 167). The teahouse does not rise up from the ground as a fixed wooden construction, but unfolds as an airborne form. When a ventilation system is activated, the teahouse swells into shape like a white hightech textile blossom. In its interior, comprising a surface of approximately twenty square metres, are nine tatami mats, an electric stove for the water kettle, a tokonoma niche and a preparation room. Integrated LED technology allows the use of the teahouse at night; the interior can be heated by way of the membrane(Kengo 1995: 169). Teahouse as a setting for the time-honoured Janpanese tea ceremony, it was always constructed by wood structure. However, because of the location, wood structure cannot satisfy the secure requirement. This is the major issue of this project, in order to solve this problem, Kengo Kuma innovatived teahouse carries on the dialogue between the traditional and the modern in the context context of the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt, its abundant collections and the architecture by Richard Meier. According to above, Architecture could be defined as a solution.
Lynn, Greg. 1998. 'Why Tectonics is Square and Topology is Groovy', in Folds, Bodies & Blobs: Collected Essays, ed. by Greg Lynn (Bruxelles: La Lettre Volee), pp. 169-182 Kengo Kuma. 1995. Nature Architecture (China: shandong people)
Fig.5. Teahouse installing (Source: http://www.google. com/imgres?hl=zh-CN&sa=X&biw=1920&bih=901&t bm=isch&tbnid=_Sd-aqfYSz9uqM:&imgrefurl=http:// www.dipity.com/tickr/Flickr-kuma-kengo/& docid=lJ3xemjoPUIxTM&imgurl=http://static. flickr.com/2274/2095175072_f6d5f2c0e9. jpg&w=500&h=333&ei=S_xaUYeZGIbQlAXwvIH4Bg&zoo m=1&ved=1t:3588,r:33,s:0,i:191&iact=rc&dur=298&pag e=2&tbnh=180&tbnw=266&start=31&ndsp=43&tx=219& ty=122)