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The 1991 Celebration o
By Becky Griggs
As the leaves turn into beautiful shades of autumn, Liberty prepares to celebrate it'smost anticipated weekend ofthe year- Homecoming
It'sa time when students welcome theirparents into town This givesthem a chance toenjoybeing spoiledby eatingoutall weekend and watching tele-
The studentbody also welcomes back alumniand former students. Many friends are reunited, and familiar faces of dre past can be spotted atvarious activities throughout theweekend.
Thecampusis curiousas to whichseniorgirlwillbe thenextMiss Liberty.
Hundreds of fear-seeking visitors attend YouthQuest's annual Halloween production, Scaremare
An excitingconcertusually takes placeduringthe weekend.
Thebig Homecoming football game takes place on Saturday afternoon Thousands of spectators fill the footballstadium, sittingshoulder-to-shoulder, cheeringtheFlames to victory
These things aretraditions of Homecoming weekend. They add to the spiritand excitement. They produce lasting memories
During the Friday of Homecoming, chapel wa held for the 20 semi-finalists of the Miss l.iberh contest.After the girls were narrowed down to h© finalists, eachstudentvoted forthecontestantoftheii choice. The musical group "4-Him" made a pre concertperformance during thecontest, which wasa
Friday night, "4-Him" appeared in concertbeforea large, responsive crowd. The former members ol "Truth" praised the Lord as they dazzled audiences and sang their way into the hearts of studentsand guests
Scaremare was held forits finalweekend and was ahugesuccess. Over 1,000peopleweresavedthroughout the three weekends. Many parents and other visitors wereimpressed by the ministryofScaremare
The juniorclasssponsored a Homecoming bonfire on Friday night. A large crowd gathered fora pep rally and roasted marshmallows over the bonfire. The junior classplans tomake thisatradition
The LBC Chorale and Singershad areunion Saturday,inaddition tothe annual alumni reception
The Flames defeated Towson State 38-28, and Carole Anne Lindquist was crowned Miss Liberty 1991 at halftime. Dr.Guillermin,who had recently undergone surgery, made a surprise appearanceat thepresentation.
The LBC Chorale and Singers performed the last eventoftheweekend atThomas Road BaptistChurch. Over200joinedtogetherinsingingmany well-known songs ofthepast.
Homecoming 1991 was a huge success. Itwasa timeoffunand fellowshipwith friends and family. It was atimeofrecallingspecial memories. Itwasa time ofrekindled friendships. Most ofall, it was atime ot creating special memories that will never beforgotten
By Kim Davis
CaroleAnne Lindquistis a"girlnextdoor" type of person a prayer leader forthreesemesters. She hasalso workedasatutorandlabattendantintheacademic computing laband hasbeen a member of Kappa Mu Epsilon, the math honor club, for two years.
"Becoming Miss Liberty isan opportunity for God towork through me," she said. "My main goal is to show peoplethattheydon'thaveto have alotofmoney, fancyclothes, a perfect face orhair, orknow alot of people."
Thishonor cameasasurprisetoCaroleAnne. "I really couldn't believe it was happening to me," she said. "I wasprettyoverwhelmed - everything happenedsoquick. Iwas especiallyhappy for my parents becauseit was their first timeat Liberty."
Dorena McFarland, first runner-upto Miss Liberty 1990, was Carole Anne's ResidentAssistant (RA) duringherfirsttwo yearsatLU andhasbeen aninspiration to her."Sheis sucha godlywoman, evenin subtle ways,"CaroleAnne said "When I first found outthat I made the top20,1 called her, and shegaveme Proverbs16. I meditated on that the wholetime One of my prayers was just to let people seewho I am, notsomeonefake or glossedover."
Carole Anne, math major from Clifton, New Jersey, decided toattend LU inthefall of 1989, after visiting the school withafriend Since then, she has worked hard and isgraduating inthree years.
Until October, "MissLiberty" had onlybeenthe reminderofanironicfreshman-yearjokeforCarole Anne. "I was a typicalfreshman during my first yearhere," shesaid. "I was alwaysbusy goingto classor some kind of activity, so my roommate Janetstartedcallingme 'MissLiberty.' When Itold my dadaboutit,hemisunderstoodwhatI said and toldeveryoneback home that I was Miss Liberty. When IwenthomeforThanksgivingbreak,Ihadto explain the mixup to everyone., It was so embarassing Now when Igohome/1 havea fewof them say, 'Are youreally MissLibertythis time?'"
Although representing LU asMiss Libertyhas brought some adjustments toCarole Anne's life, her goalis toremain thesame "Idon't wantto conform now towhat people think Miss Liberty shouldlooklikeoractlike," shesaid. "Ijustwant to be myself."
After graduating inMay,Carole Anne would like to work on the missionfield. "I would like to go on ashort-term missionstrip," shesaid "This time away will helpme decide how to best use my degree. Itwill also give me the opportunity to experience missions and search forGod's will in this area."
Duringherfreshmanyearshebecameamember of Kenya Team Eight who was scheduled to do missions work in Africa during the 1991 spring semester.After the trip wascancelledin the fall of 1990,CaroleAnne's hopes ofreturningtoLU were slim.
It wasn't untiltheend ofthesemester that her grandfatherdecided to pay theremaining part of her school bill. "The Lord has really worked in eachsituationfor the best," CaroleAnnesaid.
Whileat LU the Lordhas givenher the opportunitytobeanRA inDorm 25-2."I'vereallyenjoyed getting toknow all thegirls,"Carole Anne said "Each one hasaspecial placein my heart."
Rooming withKari Foster, herroommateoftwo years, hasbeen an added blessing. "She'sbeena very specialperson inmy life while here at Liberty," Carole Annesaid."We bothknew since our freshmanyearthatwe wanted tobe RA's together, and that's what we prayed for."
Priorto becominganRA,CaroleAnneserved as
Her heart'sdesireis toservetheLord in whatevershedoes. "My main goalis to somedayraise a close, godly family," Carole Anne said "Not many people have that today, and Ifeelit is an importantBiblical principal.By doingthis, I hope tomake an impact on the people around me for Christ."
Shealso wantsto work withthe deaf. "There is sucha need for interpreters," she said."Not many people can communicatewiththe deafunless they takethetimetolearntheirlanguage. It's really a desire theLord hasgiven me."
Carole Anne is grateful for the opportunityshe has had to participate in theMiss Libertyprogram. "I am sohonored that the studentbody choseme, she said."Any oneofthe 20 girls would havebeen a good choice. It amazesme to see everythingthe Lordhasbroughtme throughandhow He'sworked inmy life."
Newt Gingrich, Republican Whip in the House of Representatives, spoketo 1,881graduatingseniorson May 10,1991.
Gingrich encouraged theclass to change America through driveand commitment.
"Attackilliteracy More will read andwrite," Gingrichsaid "America will becost effective, and we'll have betterhealth care programs. We'll also be ableto getridof welfare for thosewho donot needit andbe able togivewelfare tothosewho do...If you can do that, then we'll have a stunningly prosperousAmerica."
Gingrichchallengedthe graduates tobe truecitizensand told them to remember the uniqueopportunities intheir future.
"Livelife tothefullest. Fight for liberty,and take the risk of being great," he said "Create jobs,and work for a better market and a betterlifeby working to- together."