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Skoumbourdis EnjoysOpportunities
By Ruth Gutierrez
Many westernersknow thecity of Nazareth, Israel, as the place where Jesus Christ grew up,but to Dr. Evangelos Skoumbourdis,it is home.
Hiseducationalbackground in Israel hasbeenvery beneficialto him. "Bythe timeyou graduatefrom high school,youwould havebeenexposed to a minimum of threelanguages and fouryears ofmath,physics, and chemistry,"hesaid.
Education in Israel isalso free until the age of18. "Education is aprivilege,"Skoumbourdis said. "You don'tbuy an education, you earn it."
At the age of 19, Skoumbourdis'parentsmoved to Greece. He decided, however, to make a different move and pursuehis career. "It was anopportunityto come totheUnited States,"hesaid.
In 1980 Skoumbourdisbecame aU.S. citizenbecause ofhisagreement with the Constitution "The U.S is great for those who love it and want to serve it and become a citizen,"hesaid
Although freedom is important tothose coming to America,Skoumbourdissaidthatthe U.S offersmuch more. "Thereare peoplewho cometo the UnitedStates and want an opportunity,"hesaid.
Skoumbourdis hasbeenbusy since his arrival in the U.S He acquiredascholarshipwhiledoinghis undergraduateworkatTennesseePolytechnicInstitute. During his third and fourth year, he became a part-time instructor teaching physics labs. He attained two bachelor's degrees, in physics and math He also received a master'sdegree in mathematics.
Aftermovingto Oklahoma,Skoumbourdisacquired a master'sdegree inphysicsand a doctorateinmathematicalphysicsatOklahoma State University
Skoumbourdis has noticed many differences betweenhis nativecountryandhis new home. Acquiring a teaching position inIsraelis very competitive compared to the United States, where citiesand counties aretryingtorecruit more teachers. When applyingto auniversity,examinationsare givenbythe StateBoard ofEducation.
Family valuesarealsodifferent. "Athome we have a stablesocietyand family stability,"hesaid.
Family ties and activities are basics in Israel. Skoumbourdis alsodescribed Israel as beinga "multicultural"country, richintourism, tradeand transportation
Skoumbourdis is an associate professor of mathematicsand also teachesphysics He isnow in his sixth yearof teachingat Liberty.He dedicates his timeto his students and isglad when they learn and ask ques- tions. "Teachers become so involved at times in research, thatthey forgetthey areteachers,"hesaid.
Hisgoal isto helphis studentsbecome the best they can possibly be in whatever field they choose to go into."I wantto educateotherssothattheycanbecome successfuland promote Christ,"hesaid.
ForSkoumbourdis, learningis alifelongprocess. "I learnsomething new every day," he said. "I go to my colleaguesand interactand askquestions."
During his sparetime, Skoumbourdis likes to drive his Chevy up into the mountains or play Bach and Schubert classicson his piano
Skoumbourdis lovestheLord and givesHim all the gloryfor his accomplishments. Although he hasbeen able to achieve many goals throughout his life, the most importantthingto him hasbeen his relationship totheLord "My greatestaccomplishment is being a Christian," hesaid. "Livefor today, and trust God for every day."