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PoggemillerRespectsLBTS Faculty
By Genie Poggemiller
Dwight Poggemiller, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary studentbody president, is agood exampleof theLiberty system ofeducation.
Dwight graduated from LU with a 4.0 GPA and decided toenter LBTS tofurtherhiseducation forthe purposeof Christianministry.He prayed aboutwhere hewasto attendgraduateschooland feltGod'sleading in his lifeto attendLBTS Thiswas cemented by the job he was offered atLiberty Broadcasting Network He found theschoolto begood economically,it was closetohome,and he was impressed by thecaliber of the faculty. Dwighthas greatrespectfor the professors intheseminary.
"The real strength of LBTS isitsfaculty,"he said. "There is notoneprofessorwhom I studiedunderthat did not challenge me, through their knowledge and walk withGod, tostrive for excellenceinministry and my own personalrelationship with Jesus Christ."
Dwightbecame activeinseminary leadership when he was elected president of the seminary graduate studentbody Itwas his duty to representtheneeds of the studentsand theschoolto thefacultyandadministration. In this,he helped to keep tuition increases down and introduced new agreements between studentsand faculty.
Other duties included planning fun activities, as a diversion from the seminary mental and physical workload,and the planning of seminary chapel programs. Dwight thanks God, his family,and LU for helpingshapehis life'sgoalintowhatitistoday-to live forGod'sglory
Dwight's future plans include pursuing a post in short-term missions after his graduation from seminary perhaps somewhere inEastern Europe,South Americaor "wherever God wills." He laterplansto go on to furtherstudy to preparehim to teachand preach God's Word
He feelsthe seminaryhas beena greathelpin preparing him forfuture ministry. The curriculum offers to studentsa chanceto reallygrow and studyGod's Word to, inturn, ministertoothers. Dwight found hishomileticsclassoneof the mosthelpfulcoursesofall because it instructs future pastors in the correct manner in which toimpress upon others the vast importance of theGospel and theChristianlife.He alsoemphasized how usefulhis Hebrew and Greekclasseshavealready become instudying for ministry.
Missions and church planting were also high on Dwight'slistof seminarybenefits. "I'm really pleased withthe strongemphasison churchplanting," hesaid, "buttherealsoneedsto be more emphasis onpractical ministry experience inlocal churches."
Dwight would like to seepracticumsrequired for all graduating seminary students, because he feelsseminary trainingis incompletewithoutpractical hands-on a great opportunity to gain experience by ministering inareachurches.
Dwight believes this trainingis necessary for future pastors to meet the needs and challenges of the next generation. He emphasized how greatthewealth of opportunity for worldwide missionsis,as we now see the easternbloc opening up and religiousoppression defeated. "When we see the vast challenges of missions,"hesaid,"thosewillingto ministerin thisway are comparativelyfew."
Worldwide missionsis an issue that everyChristian shouldaddress, and prayto God to send more workers for the harvest. "Atthesame timewe mustbe meeting the needs ofour own nation and neighbors," Dwight added,"suchas familybreakdowns,degeneratingmoral standards, substanceabuse, and challengesofdealing with AIDS inaChrist-likemanner."
"Christiansneed tolook forways toget the Gospel out as quicklyandeffectivelyas possible,"heexplained.