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Campus PastorBi

By Becky Griggs and Kathleen Craig

LU Campus Pastor Rob Jackson wants to set a good examplefor his family and students

"I see my mostimportantrole as keepingmy relationship rightwiththe Lord," hesaid."Thatway, Iwillbe an encouragement to students in their walk with Jesus Christ."

Although Rob hasbeen involved with Libertyfor 11 years,he has onlybeenthe campuspastorfor threeyears. Beforecoming toLiberty, he was intheU.S. AirForce Academyfor almosttwoyears. Afterthat,he wenttoLife Action Ranch inBuchanan, Michigan, where he was a team directorand helped run a camping program. He met hiswife Tammy there, and they were married on May 23,1980.

He cameto Libertyas a studentwithnojob, but he felt God wanted him here. Because of his experiencein the service, hegot a job withcampus security workingmidnight shift.

Afterfinishinghis B.S. in pastoralstudies, he became the associate deanof men and then the associatedirector of LightMinistries. Later,VernonBrewercontactedRob andtoldhimthatDr. Falwellandhe wouldlikeRobtofill the office of campuspastor.

"Ididn't know the position was open and I never applied,but I hadbeenprayingfor a moreextensiveand positive ministrythatdealtmoredirectlywitha pastoral position. God definitelyanswered my prayers."

Rob received his master's degree in the divisionof religionon January28,1991 He graduatedSumma Cum Laude.

His goalascampus pastoris forevery student tobe ableto answerthis questionin a realisticway: "Wheredo Ifit in God'splanto evangelizethe world?" "If theycan't fit in, I don'tfeel likethey've gotten what they should have at LU,"Rob said. "Thebottom line ofLU and my office is to equippeopleto usegifts and talents God has giventhem to affectthe worldfor Jesus Christ, nomatter whattheir vocation."

Rob isvery pleased with the format of Wednesday nightservices,in whichhe has hadanactivepart."It has becomea participant-orientedservice,"he said. "Thereis a segment for prayer requests and a testimonytime, alongwithsomepreaching."

Thereare many programsat Libertythatimpress Rob. "I likethe excitementandvibranceofindividualrelationshipswith theLord,"he said. "I alsolike thevision Dr. Falwell has of usingintercollegiate sports as anoutreach toyouth in America. I have enjoyed being thesoccer team's chaplain, as well as workingwiththe tennis team and occasionallytravelingwith thewrestlingteam."

Rob spends some ofhisfreetime outdoors, hunting andfishing He also plays raquetball three times a week

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